HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-01, Page 661 am S��Ci��C ON THE ROAD. @A� lb , lune to see my gal urle!hl- �Biliousness O.i SCROFULA, uh, luno de wry, a Uratic! Le , to ul a out, do stars ulu't bNt;4t.. • Uh, lour de way, my deurie! Is caused by torpid livor, winch prevents dlgey Ilia boss o' mine Is pow'ful slow tion and permits food to ferment and putrify in "Since childhood, 1 have been afflicted with scrofulous boils and sores, which caused me terrible suffering. Physicians wero unable to help me, and I only grew worse under their care. Pat At length, 1 began to Who AYER'S r Sarsaparilla, a n d "very soon grew bet- ter. After using half a dozen bottles I was completely cured, so that i have not had a boil or pimple on au;'part of my body for the last twelve years. I can cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa- parilla as the very best blood -purifier in existence." - G. T. REINIIART, Myersville, Texas. AERPS THE ONLY WORLD'$ FAIR aar��pmpg lla flees Cherry Pectoral cures Coughs and Colds The Huron News -Record 1.26 a Year -$1.00 in Advance WEDNESDAY, SEPTF,DIBER 1st, 1897. A SUBTLE THIEF. n but when 1 does gut to you' do' Yo' klas'II pay we buck, oil, mo', Dough lone de way, my dearle. De night Is skeery-lair an, still - Oh, lune de way, my dearle: 'Cept fu' dat mou'uful whlppo' will - On, lune de way, my dearle: I De way so long w•if dis slow pace, 1 'T'ud seem to we lak sayln' grace Ef you was on a nearer place, / I'll' luuv tie way, my dearle. I'' I hyeah de hootln' of de own- A Olt, Will, de way, my dearle! I wish dat watchdog wouldn't howl - Oh, lone de way, my dearle! 1" An' evutit'lug, bete right au' lef', Seems y1ut'ly lak blit put Itse'l In shape to skeer me ha'f to def - Fu' lone de way, my dearle. I whistles so's I won't be feared -- Oh, lone de way, my dearle! But anyhow I's kinder skeered- Uh, lone de way, my dearle! De say been lookiu' mighty glum, But you ken melt lilt lighten some Ef you'll jes say you's glad I come, Dough Ione de way, my dearle. -PAUL I.AWRENC'E DUNS►Id. KrDNEY TROUBLE'S STEAL ON ONE` IN- SIDIOUSLY -A SLI0fIT COLD -THEN CONOESTION-THEA INFLAMMATION -- THEN Ti-iL DEADLY MALADY BRIGHT'S DISEASE SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE IS A ICIDKEY RPECIFIC ---IT RELIEVES IN SIX HOURS AND LURES -\EVER FAILS. Mr. James McBrine, of Jamestown, Ont., says : "I believe South Arneri- can Kidney Cure. saved Iny life. l was so severely afflicted that any friends had to attend me daily to take the urine from Inc. Mr. A. Williamson, Customs Officer, Kincardine, Ont., writes: "I can high- ly recommend this specifle as the great- est of boons to suffering humanity for all affections of the bladder and kid- neys. -Sold by Watts & Co, It is stated that the Duke and Dutch - ess of York have accepted Sir Wilfrid Laurier's invitation to visit Canada next spring. POPULAR HOTEL MAN. "I was troubled with pini les on my face and head which caused me much arnnoyance. After trying rnany reme- dies without benefit 1 was advised,.to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. The first bottle helped the and I took four bottles. I am now completely cared." JAMES REILLEY, Pr•opriet0r• Chapman House, Sarnia, Ont. HOOD'S PILLS act easily and prompt- ly on the liver and bowels Cure sick headache. It is understood that the Dominion (lovernment has decided to extend the preferential tariff to the Argentine ]te public, Austria-Hungary, Bolivia, Col- umbia, Deninark, Persia, Russia., Sweden, Tunis, Venezuela and Switz- erland. There's no question about it. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier. This is proven by its wonderful cures of blood diseases, GET THE BEST, The public are too intelligent to pur- (•base tL worthless article second time, Fyn the contrary they want the best 1 Physicians are virtually unanimous in saying Scott's Emulsion is the bebt form of Cod Liver Oil. 011 ! THE MISERY. MRS GALBRAITH OF SHELBURNE, ONT., WAS A GREAT SUFFERER FROM INDI. GESTION, THE BANE OF SO MANY LIVES -SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE RELEASED ITS HOLD -IT IIELIrvE9 IN -ONE DAY. "I was for It long tinte a great Suffer- er from indigestion. I experienced itll the, misery and annoyance so corn. mon to this diluent. I tried rnany remedies and spent it great deal on doctors' bills without receiving any permanent benefit. I was strongly recommended to try South American Nervine. I procured and used it, after using only two bottles I ant pleased to testify that I an, fully restore(] to livalth, and I have never had the slightest indication of it return of the trouble. I recommend it most hear- tily." -Sold by Watts &Co. For Over Fifty Years Mas. R rNSLOW'S 800TIIING SYRUP has been used by millions of mousers for their c•hildroo while teething. if (INtnrbed at night and broken of your rest, by a sick child Hufrering and crying with pain of li-Iting Teeth send fit once and Flet a hot Lle of ", Irs. Winslow's Hoot ic- ing Syrup' for Children Teething. it will re- lieve the poor little sutrerer Irnmedbately. De. liend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about It. it cures Marrhma, regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the (4ums,rednceslnflammation,4tnd ivestoneancl "nor gByY to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's soothing Syrup" for children teething is plod• sant to the uteto and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Prim twenty-five writm a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world." Be sure and ask for "MRs. W INar-OW'a SOOTIUNG 9YRITP. Dan McGillicuddy and M. C. Camer- on conspired .to oast the Goderich postmaster, and they are now quar- reling like hungry wolves over the un- fair division co the spoils. -Hamilton Spectator. Ask your g rncar for Por Table and Dairy, Purest and Bast • QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. A Budgetof Useful Information De- veloped by Questioning. Ducks and Drakes. -Jones and Brown. To make ducks and drakes with one's money or property of others is an ak- Iii6on to a game played by boys, wh(9 take oyster shells or flat stunes and throw thein horizontally along the sur- face of a piece of wetter in such •1 man- ner that the missiles skim along the sur- fuce, tcouchiiig it many times and again emerging. The first time the stone emerges it is it "duck," the second a "drake," and so on, according to tlw old doggerel: A duck and a drake, And a halfpenny cake, And a penny to pay the baker. The meaning in the case or money is that the spendthrift metaphorically uses coins as the buys use stoup to make ducks and drakes. As applied to pro- perty of another which one has in his keeping it means that by ba,ug carefe,w in the handling of it he lets it pass from hint as the boys do the stones when playing the game described. Population and Religion. -Subscriber. The population of the world is estimated at 1,487,900,000; that of England at 27,500,004); Ireland, 760,000; Germany, 52,246,000, France ' ,280,02U, Ital J0, - :, A1,000, Austrian-iiuugary, 44,44 ,(2)11, hussia 124,000,(W, United States 74, 500,000. The authorities differ so witdely as to the number of Clatholkc$ and Pro- testants in each o1 these countries that this department is unable to determine which is the most reliable. It you will visit the reference -room -it •iny Public Library you can there consult MnIlutll's Statistics and The World's Almanac, which will give you figures on relighmi, such as they are, for all the countries named and more, too, A Cubic Foot of Water.-E.B. Oue cubie foot of fresh water writatius 6.`'321 imperial gallons. Quern Victoria's soli.-F.M.: Queen Victoria of England never had a sou whose name of seven letters conlmeuced with "L" and ended with "N," She had a son flamed I,eripold born in IK)4, creat- ed Duke of Albany in lt%l, married 'Princess Helen of Waldeck in I4M anti died in 1584. -This is probably the cue that you refer to in your communica. tion. I St- Gothard Tunuel.-ISLA. The length of the St. Gothard tunnel is nine laud a quarter miles and its width twenty -ane and a half feet. Slaves Liberatesi.-X.Y.7.. Abraham Lincoln by his curancipation procKinn- tion set free about 4,000,000 slaves in the United States. Wreck of the Atlantic: -Sally: The steamer Atlantic of the Whit* Star Company struck on Meagher Rock, west of Sambro, while steaming for Halifax, Four hundred and fort persons, in. forty-two eluding Captain Williams, the untster, were saved and 560 were lost. Many who were in the rigging perished through cold and want. ]'hat occurred on ttsi 1st of April, 1573. The Tuilleries,--t.)i. A. The 'Tuileries, Paris, France, was burned by the Cora- munists during the riots of 1871. Around the Horn. -Reader: The -tail• ing distance from San Prancisco, Cad., to New York, around the horn is about 14,500 miles. Chicago, Queen and Guttersnipe. "Chicago! Chicago! Queen and gutter- snipe of cities, cynosure and cesspool (A the world! Not if I had a hundred toll gues, every one shouting a different language, in a different key, could I plc ustice to her brilliant eboas. The conal autlful and the most squalid, girdec with a twofold zone of parks ane slums, where the keen air from Inke a,ni prairie is ever in the nostrils and tht stench of foul smoke is never out of the throat: the great port a thousand mile: from the sect; the grt�at mart whirl gathers up with one hand the corn anf cattle of the west and deals out wits the other the merchandise of the oast widely and geucrously planned tht streets of twenty miles, where it is na safe to walk -Lt night; where womet ride straddlewise and millionaires dint at midday on the Sabbath; the cho.iei seat of public spirit and municipal boodle of cutthroat commerce and munifictin patronage of art; the most Americas' o American cities, and yet the most mon grel; the second American city of th( globe, the fifth German city, the this( wc(Iksh, the second Polish, the firs and only veritable Babel of the ag'e; al of which twenty-five years ago Ilex Friday was a heap of smoking ashes Where in all the tivorld can words bl found for this miracle of paradox an( incongruity?" "As to the buildings, they are broads find no massive than the full build ings of. New York; older also and dingier they do not, appear, like then', simpl] boxes of windows. Who would Hum— that mere lumps of iron and bricks an( mortar could be sublime? Yet thew' :sr, sublime and almost awful. You hav, awakened, like Gulliver, in a land o giants -a land where the very house. are instinct with almost ferocious Pnprg; and force."—(i. W. Steevens, in London Moil. Truthful Jirmny. "I saw your mother going to th neighbor's as I crossed Ule stre(It. NVhzi will she be home?" asked the ]ad; caller. "She said she'd be bnek jest's soon it you lett," answered truthful Jimnly.- Detroit Free Press. Tommter's AmblUesit. "Pm going to be a mfnister," sai Tommie, forcibly. "Why, Tommie, dear?" asked hi father. "So's I can talk in church;" said Ton) rule.-Harper's Round Table. A Two-ISe.ttlCer. "Bagger, the prodessional bo ebal Player has married an heirem." "Ahl (,food ca.tchl"-Phifade4ki INolrft American. t e WANTEDSolicitors fm "Canada, An En- 40 _ -�— ed weekly. klyt of the sser ro," iu IStationary, Five RoyalQuurGn Volmne".No deliverlggC'omndasion paid weekly. A canvussor repm•ts his first week making over seventy dollars pro. fit. �v.t��1���►0�0..��� THE LlNbCU'r'1' COMPANY, the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, _ - ___•- HoodS Nero Street Cli to . lnsomrna, nervousness, agd, n nn if not relieved, bilious fever Pills0000��000000 or blood poisoning. Hood's We aro wide en for the hot weath- Pills stimulate the stomach, e o P rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con- ev season and are after your patronage. ettpatlon, etc. les cents. Sold by all druggists. ICE CREAM, ('OUL DRINKS, Tho only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla FRUITS, C/ONI+hU'rIO1VERY, CIGARS and TOBACCO. Stanley. EVERYTHING IKEASON, Our parlor in cheery and comfortable. COUNCIL. -Council ruet on Monday Lunches int all houi-H. Aug. '23rd at 10 o'clock a. in. All the the members present. Minutes of CHAS. WITTS, Huron St,, Clinton. previous meeting were read and adopt- if ed. The following accounts were paid: -Jones Bros,, Cedar, $128 10; +.NTEU-Faruturs' Suns or other Indus triow tiorson-, of fair education to J. McKee, repairs on grader, $1.65; whom $60n mouth would bean hulucc- freight on cedar, $31.50; NLws RE- .telln, I could engage a few ladles at their own coitD, printing, $38.25; J. T. Cairns, 11', H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Out. cover for Council table, $3,10; T. _ Beownett, unloading and delivering �t �t collar, $20.25. Tho following ratoa M Mat Event ent were levied by bylaw in the colluctors roll. County rate 1 7/10 mills, town of rife Jubilee Year. ship rate 1 mill, gen6ral school rate 1 1j10 mills. The following ate the O`® School section rates for this year: - S. S. IAro. 1. 1 4/5 mills; No. 3, Ct•1LIti1ADA'S 1 5 m s; 4, ' mi"; ra 5-- 1 Era Exposition 1 3/5 mills; No. G, 3 3;10 mills; No. 7, 1 mill; No. 10, 1 3/10 mills; -AND- No. 1, ni.0 ,liltsi No. pa 11/3 nti116; INDUSTHIRL FRIR No. 1, union, 3 hills; separate school, 4� mills: No. 0, union, 1 7/10 mills. The clerk was instructed to draft is by TORONTO. law fixing his fees under theditches and watercourses Act fit. 10c. per. hundred August 30th to Sept, 11th. words and 10c. per mile for delivering e e notices. Thus. Wiley was again al) pointed collector. Council meets Grand Attractions, New Features. again on Monday, Sept, 270h, at one Special Jubilee Novelties. o'cluck•I., w•—J, T. LAIR\S, Clerk, The Latest Inventions in the -�•- Industrial and Amusement Field. ALWAYS FIRE., improvements and Aci•vancement „Yrs, sit, you will find one of those in all Departments• things, all ready for instant use, on every fluorin thN house. The firen)an would answer a call right on the j'ilutp, sit', of com•se. We know that, but Excelling All Previous Years. with our own hose we alight, prevent It l N'r1ttE5 CLOSE AC'C+. 7th. fire front gaining Roadway, or even put it out before they could a rrivo. Any- Cheap Excursions on all Lines Of how we. think it prudent to have this arrangement, even if the law did'n(. re- Travel. quire -it," For prize iW.,', entt•}• forms, progrsuunies, and all particulars, address - So said the manager of a. big London ,1. J. wrrnnuw, IL .1. HILL,hotel to the writer not lung alto. He President. Manager, was obviously right, There are two Toronto. sides to that (Iuesticn in the eyes of any sensible person. An ounce of pre- vention is worth it pound 6f cure. WeAGENTS i'n'n,jnsL starling the best thing all agree to that, yet how m:Lny of its to I, money usaking yon have seen habitually shape the principle into for many it day. Your name and address will bring the golden information. practice? Not many, 1 ani afraid. It. P. GLASGOW, Toronto, out. "I always •keep it bottle of Mother - Seigel's Syrup in the house," says a woman iu a recent ]otter'," and if any Farm For Sale - of toy farnily ail anything it few (lose.,,- sets osessets its fight." Yes she (Ices note, but Lot. number 19, von. 1(i, Ooderich 'township, there was a tittle when she did not, and containing 80 acres, more or less, the propo•ty of the late Ann Barr. will be ofTered for sale by for a good and sufficient reason : she public action at the centrneretal Ilotel, erin- had not hFard of it. After she heard ton, err Sattn•day, gept. aur, at2o'clock p. of it, and found out. its value, yen m. Terme-10 per cent of the purchase mone,v c'otlld never catch her without, it. The clown on the day of sale, and the balance in :iu days (hereafter, without intercHt.. Further big apple of wisdoun grows Only on the tents and particulars made known at the sale tree of experience. a• upon sty 'icatiml to the undersigned. I). A. FORREST1:ft. "Up to the early part of the ye:Lr 144:1 , she says, "I had always eD o ed ld8, Se t, Ist.tOr of the esutte of(deet.ased. y Y .I Y Aug. 4, Ib, Sept, tat, h6 3t nod health, and had no occasion fit• doctors of niedivines. At that thn(' --- -- - --- - - i hegan to suffer front an illness which, FOR SALE. after it little tine, seet)ed to involve my .viols system. 114y appetite at first, Bi.A('R'S}IOTFI,. Di'NC:ANNO\. Proper - was fitful and "affable, and I hurl no Pty, Furniture, and License. In good repair. Doing good business, Possession at once. proper desire orrelish for my meals. ,pply to MRS, SARAH BLAC K, Dungannon. After eahri Lyr I had great pain at the MR -4 t, chest and (lUlness at the stonuac•ht its - though what I had taken lay there as it might lie in a dish, without w'arinth�' c fits for • ueen Vie- nr.nfo. WAN�f FTS -rola, Her IQteign-and Diansond Jubilee." Overflowing with latest "I .vas also lrltich troubled with It autl richest victure,. Contains the endorsed biography of Her Ma.losty, with authentic Rift Hickening .wind or gas that came up tory of her remarkable: reign. said full account into my throat, sulnetimes in such- ofthenisu,sondJubilee. Only book. Tre volume that I could hardly draw my menttona demand. lronlanza for •agents. Co I`reath. Thon I would have frequent paid. uent sston50porcent. C'reditgiven. Freight1 paid. Ui•Th•rr E•Itr:r. Duty said. Write quick aa ttacks of sick headache, with a pros- for ntat tt.nd territory. I'Iii•: W MINION sure upon the head as of a heavy COMPANY, Dept. 7, X)f, Dearborn St., Chicago, weight. I resorted to every paeans I - could hear of for relief, but the disease appeared to he too deeply seated for WANTED any inedicites known to the or to inp Men and Women'cho can work )turd talking friend E, so ti at, I goL to be store Mud and writiagsis houi:sdaih.rovsiscbaysit week, more of a cuntirnled invalid as time and will be eo l v with Ien doilt•s 'vookly. went oil. Address, NF.1V IDEAS CO.. Me(lie:11 Iluiidiug, Toronto, "Not to weary yon with the numer- Out. ous detstils of my illness I will simply -- - 4ro'd I at my vtrength je ,o weak i fail, ALMA COLLEGE and i et•entna1ly bec•alue r•o weak as to make gutting about. the house t difk- cult and exhausting matter. It was For Young Women. riot until f had been in this condition nearly five years thatakialdProvidence A residential school. )laced ill our wii the means of recov- Collegiate and Pre- f Y Pre- paratory Studies. pry, In December, IF,40, 1 hapllwned to a ■s Music, Fine Art, ICad in 1L IIeWHINIpPr 1111 Ill'tiCIe 116bUlit Elocution Business. Mother 5cigel's (Curative Syrnp and Moral andlEsthetic what it had done in it case, very lllllch Advantages. toola y aped with Victoria like my own. University, College stands in an eight acre park. Low "Inasmuch as 1 had no hope of help rates, For illustrated catalogue and partieulars,address: frornitnyother source, 1 felt moved to Rev. R. Warner, M. A., Principal, St. Thomas, Ont. try the Syrup and sec whether there wasany truth in the claims made on its hphalf. I proc•nred a bottle front WANTED. Mr. W. L. Clarke, CherAist, The Pave- l�AN'VAS.-El"s "Queen Vietorin: Ifer moot, Forest dill, and found wonder- Y Life,und Rvignh ,",t.i•lapenr.'dthc tlriti-h fill relief after 1 had taken that one ttt...JJJ Empire. Patrstordinarytesiiiuonialsfroni bottle. Confident that i had come the great men; send to], copy five. Marquis upon the right, medicine at last, 1ot, of Lorne says, "TI1e best popular Life of the g Queen 1 hu.ve seen. II.er 111tjesO• sends it kind perhaps, two bottles urore in all, when ict.terof it) 'eviration, selling ty thousands; all the haul symptoirls left tne, and i was gives est, husinstic Halisfaction. Calivassers soon Its well and strong as ever. Since making $15 to $40 weekly. IlrospecluH free to sagents. I' I1< Ilit,tn.e:v-(;AttItM'SoN Co., titer I a.hrrt(/S kfop a holds ars the hortxe, and iANIITrtG,Toronto, ont., il' any of )ny,family ail avylhintl a R:(r dovry _ - -- - - 808 rax right. (Signed) Mrs. S. C. Bowall, 43, Stanstead Road, Forest Ili]], Lon- To Improvers of Stock - don, January Ist, 1895," The undcrslgnprl bus on ids promises, lith No huildinq wnttld evet he destroyed concession, ooderieh Township, by fire if the first spark we -•e exon- A Thoroughbred Jermy Hull. Ternis: $1 sg'wished the moment wntchful eyes awl $2. lclotted upon it. Be ready,' and have A Thoroughbred Che-ttor White Boar, regis• the means of prevention where you {trued. Perms: -$1, with the privilege ofreturn- can lay hands right on them. Thas Ig A thoronghbrod 'I'u.mWort h Maar, registered, the way to save tithe,money, and Terms: --$1, with privilege of returning. trouble. As with files, so with dis- This Is it rare chance to improve your Stock eases. They spring from small begin- 1'. C. EDMoxDs, nings; and its the beginning is almost t)(i5-t.f. Owner. always in the stomach (indigest.ion and dyspepsia), a few doses of Mother - " -- -- - - Seigel s Syrup, taken trots, will do for Mogillop Directory 1br 1897. you what it does for Mrs. Bowall, and for many other wise and thoughtful inhn Morrison, Roove. Winthrop P. O. wornen. Win, Archibald, Deputy Reeve, i,eadburw P. U, - ---- - Daniel Manley, Councillor, 11oechwood it. 0. ins. C. Morrison, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0. Mayor Colquhoun of Hamilton lib- Wm. McGavin,Councillor Leadbury P. o. crated it carrier pigeon last Monday Jail. C.)ytorrison, Clerk, Winthrop 15, O. which conveyed congratulations to Wilt Evans, Assessor, Beechwood P. O. Lord Lister after he has declared n David M. Ross, Treasurer, Winthrop 11. O en . P Charles Dodds, Collector, 9enforth P. 0. the Toronto Victorian Exposition. Richard Pollard, sanitary inspector,Leadbury, Office suppliesq Job Printing, e The News -Record. Calls special attention to our Stationery and Office Supplies and Job Printing Defart- ment. We are unsurpassed.... By any town or city in file Goods we handle or the prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the quality of both is always guaranteed. A perusal of this announcement lnay Slloo,est 50171et111l1g you Inlay 1J8 In need of. And in such case we solicit your patronage, feelil9 confident that our efforts to please will meet with the approval or our patrons. Letter Heads Circulars In this line we have a very flue stock of writing papers suitable for Werxcd m sal the different hinds every class of business represented of ..otic we turn out, and ltarti in this locality, also for ".ivate Ilse. hilly in this, and keep in stock plain and fitncspapers .suitable for Note Heads all requireltents, This IISChIl size is kopt in stock, Programs the qualities being in several grades. of entertainments and meetings Memo. Heads promptly turned out, from the plain and neat to the utast elegant. These fill an inipot tart place in (1nni- tnor(iad cnrrespnnlen(o. Set -what Cards and Tickets we have got. Bill Heads These cover a large range of work, front a bread and milk ticket to If the "pay-as-you-go" 1)1atrl .vas a neat. calling card, from an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty for account paper would not be I busiucas card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. su great; but there are sante rnnn who get So lintily dunl)ers that Memoriam Folders they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, in this line TEL NEw•R-REc•OBD and at present our stxk is corn- can supply every design, u:llity plele in this line. Good paper and and price on the market. neat ruling. Posters Statements - Cour stock is large. They come Our facilities for turning otlt*is cheaper than bill heads, and are class of work are evidenced by the the proper thing to send after it fact that we always do good work delinquent utcr a uxmth. They 'round- and give superior satisfaction in nil respects. are sure .to fetch hon sonletime. Dodgers Envelopes are greatly in demand. Our factii- Wesnake it specialty of Envelopes, ties are superior for this class of Soil know It wet d he hard to work and the very reasonable get along withnllt PIIVE'Ifnpp9, and prices keep out- presseslibusy. to keep up with he denlittd for them wt- keep 4 huge stock oil Safe Bills hand. Pial Printed we are offering some grle:tt snaps. Use We, make a specialty of them. line in particular is going off fast- promptness being our airn in this 50 for 5c. respect. A notice of sale will ap-„ Printing Commerical pear in THE NEWS-REE'ORD#e0 ;if eft+I,'ge when bills for sane are . A vast autount of .work under this secured here. head to enumerate would more All Kinds of Work than take up the entire space oc- cupied by this adv t, but, w; do it in the typographical printing line all at THEN .v - E S RF.e'Oit D. Can be dulls inthis establishment Invitations in an expeditious and artistic to an "At r -In't'o" tit "`'`wire- require eonsicierabl(" firsts in sense•- in, and Our rices will be p tine sntttotimps, but we rnike it 'an ter by keeping found ver reason - easy rnat in stock the. very latest and hest saulples to able. he had. Call and see. If you want M ourning Papers and Envelopes For couespoudence we can give you up -to -(late goods. W (Liao carry full lines of Pens, Pencils, Scribblers, Tablets, Erasers, Inks, Writing Paper, C., &C. s M In thanking our many patrons for the very liberal support accorded us in the past, a continuation of the same liberal support is solicited. :'�•�'�^�-��.1.1t. •vim►• Tide N6WjLjL8Mfl800fd7 CLINIVON.