HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-01, Page 4EMERSON'S Bicycle and Music House -.---AN 1) Cleveand Cycle Livery, Clinton i) ud Goderich. G. F. EmeYson. Are You a Presbyterian ? ��0�0•�0�0�0�0� 11' so, you will want one of the New Presbyterian Book of Praise just issiied and to he introduced fit once in Clinton and other places. The Pocket Edition is a small but neat- book eatbook ranging in price from 8c to 1.00. Bold Type Edition 30c. to $2.50. Large Type Edition 60c, to $2.25. Music Edition 90c. to $2.50. Bible and Book of Praise combined 60c. to $1.75. We shall keep A full stock of these books its also the Hymnal used by other Churches.• A splendidILI ck of Bibles always on stile. aesu e.1 Wf w � CLINTON. �tely ��uc�tt�alaellts.• Cttps-T. Jackvon, Sr. Hings-J. B. Rtimbtall. Poultry -Walter Coats. New hats -A. J. Morrish. Ge►11s---Ogle Couper (; Co. Clothing -A. J. Holloway. Whitney coming. -Sept, 11. Dress goods--iindgeus Bros. A few items --Allen & Wilson. Furniture vale. -H. C. Barlett. NWare right -.J. Biddlecoinlw. Economy -The \V, D. Fail- Co. Libra Tian wa ilted--J. Houston. Poultry fur sale -Lorne C. Tod' I. Vows s' list court --Nixon St1r•dy. Servant wanted -Mrs. W. Foster. Dress gutds-W. H. Beesley c& Co. T17e. 111�rcn News-Recora 81.25a 1redr—Ba.001a Advance �Vt•:l1rESD:tl", SN:r''1•LJmsit 1st, 1807. CL'IfltL_VI' TOPICS. The Goderich post office caretaker's •ble clog had to go too. Mr. Tau'tt s own friends deurand his oxpuls}on frnnl the Cabinet. The Grits have introduced the spoils system into the militia service. The other fellow's mune is '•De►anis" now. The breeze off Uoderich roIlLimxes Warm and sultry according to political probs. If, I.he New Erik is fair it will publish Mr. NIeGillicnddy*s reply to Mr. Cam. cron. The searchlight of truth reveals the fact. that Mr. M. C. Cameron has been an office•st-eker• for many years. The way of t he dishonest politician is hard, and Mr. Cameron is just flow finding it out. We rise; to explain that the mem- ber for Nest, Huron does not yet own THE rr:orr.r.. +lend the whole town of Goderich. Not by It long way. The "Innrc•h of the Cameron men" is now to office. The next order will he till• inarc•h of the Cameron inen out of office. TP)e Montreal Witness, like some ,other so-called religious papers we know of, gives truth and religion the go-by when politics are at stake. It may he all right for French Mr. Tarte to publicly desecrate the Lord's day in French Quebec, but it is all wllong to countenance such in Ontario. Nis visit to Kincardine Is an instance. M, C. Cameron objects to more than rine McGillicuddv "feeding at the public crib." The one he does not object to is in the pay of the Ontario Government.. so that the contention falls very flat. It is net definitely stated whether or ' dead deck. He also charges the editor ' with having inspired the proceedingsMiff THS GRIT GUILLUTINI nut the new caretatkr.r of Goderich pest office is a relative of the lnewbE:r, I-_..- hitt we are assured theappointee is it toll -fledged uleu,bee of Sir Itich,tl•d's �j {, Still Working in Goderich, i holders, but ak iritis het for the partici. I h h. Eve health. Hvery nook I Itefornlers and l-'uuservatives Were POStO11lCe Caretaker Elliott Sum- Much ple,tsed to meet ex-puslulastel' system is reached by the blood, and on Calopl,ell in ('lintel, last Saturday, marily Dismissed. (AVIlt•1'al regret, irre"peetfve of politics. pends. Good blood means strung nerves, NN its expressed. 111 the Lreatuleut he has good digestion, robust health. Impure received froul )If-. Cameron and his lie wits at I•'aithi'ul and 1'aiustak heucbnlell• ,flys Servant. 3Ic(illlicuddy to Utuner0u : ."In the - c)pintou of honest uteu and accovdi Laub Friday Mr•. Louis laliutt receiv• to the I)ecalo cal., lin' who steals cne I i, ed tho following 111 Lieu of disinksnl from the Public' `•Vorks Depatt•Lment at Sheep is a thief, and so is lie wilt) steals Ottawa:-_- a flock. 1 apply the analogy to.) '0111. rtieulatt citse in appointing John •I nn0 foryou that your 1 directed , inm r s ,.ilocal buildtnp pa Unit." les caretaker of the public will not be royuirod after the 31st August Sit- lltaekenzie Rowell 1). Mowat bucausu he because he luta, mertuade his sun shoritr ins:aut. Toil will11,ltiase hand over the keys ul the building to Mr. C .orge Bisset, who hat Mayor Holities lie aid his wit y says ) P Y been appointed hl yo'Ir place and also gh•u him oil the Government (:al' ( i a1111be1•latll d. a list of artit+les lit out, possession belonging til the vovorninunt." All right. Now coahme to advocate It will be remembered thl.ttt Mr. EA. the abolishing of it. If it Wasik crime liott was one of the selected victims for for tho Conservatives to ride in it at the the G cit partisan axe at the mock trial expense of the country, iti is equally a in Goderich b istwinter. And It will idsc crime for the Reformers. be remembered that the Government discovered th}1t. there was no evidence McGillicuddy gives Cameron It 0I) which to prosecute and dropped the chance to test his strength on the charges. Goderich post office deal and challenges As Sir Richard Carl Wright has said, ilihim to resign turd appeal to the peupic. h "wolves hunt in packs," and illi,. El - El - liott's position mist go to some party CameronA tea shrewd Apolitician t0 accept. He would be beaten if he and one in the pack of hungry Wolves did. wolves must be rewarded for partisan Your brother Tom." services. It was not necessary to Mr. Hawkins fit' the Listowel Stant,- prove uuyVt.hi11g-fur the fact is 110- thing cot he proven and the dainti- ard, whp was customs collector there, is able proceedings of the Laurier party the latest victim of the Laurier party. show this -four days warning was suf- He Ilas been guillotined and it Grit ip- ficient to ruthlessly kick out of office p(Mited in his place. The partisan' machine is working overtime through- one of the most respected and honest of Goderich alung $RE�S­ out the coutary, and all the innocents hive got to go. peculiarly 'adapted CV18 Fur the position and gave tile hest sat- ' isfatetion to those in authority, itswell Mr. Ta rte's visit, to this section as to the general public. He is a ,,,,- Marred by his official inspection of chanic who thoroughly understands dile Kincardine harboroiltt Sunday. Our heating atpparatns and made immy re- pairs Without It cent of cost to the esteemed town contemporary, the New country. His wife and daughter ;it- hl,t, has been sit ellwralFsped with the ways liad the while Inliiding as clean "big 1'e•coption" tendered the Minister alld tit -at its it Ill•w pill Gild have reeely- that it Inas neglecLed to record this ed the conrnendatiufl of all tight Lhink- fact. ing people. The appointtuent of Lieut. Pelletier, a sou of the Speaker of the Senate, to the full command of the Militia in the district of Quebec, is another grit out- rage. He is not qualified and hits haven appointed over wavy (if his seniors. God help the country if the Canadian Militia is to be made the dumping ground for political partisans. On another page we give Air. Me Gillfc•uday's reply to Mr. Catneren, Whose letter appeared last week. AIr. McGillicuddy has the best of the argu- ment. He strikes back in It manly, clear and forcible manner, and proves beyond it doubt that Mr. Cameron has played a donhle part in the whole dis- grace(ul proceedinbPs and that lie as unworthy the confidence of the honest Reforillers of NVest,,uron. Talking of A]. C. Cameron and his greed for public otflees the Kincardine Review truthfully says he was on the wrong; side of politics for eighteen years and hence he cannot torture the stern necessity into It seeming virtue. In all those eighteen years he could not appoint fl, relative to public office e ven if he would. His chance cattle only fourteen months sago and lit, has done fairly well in the interests of his family since that time. He has given them exactly one hundred per cent. of all the desirable and obtainable offices. That is not, it had record Yuay meaias and particularly when it, is considered that he hard to go opt of his way,60 make the necessary vacancy. A Consmon Error. :1 curious h•pographical error nnade I.he Kingston NVhig city this: The Conservative papers are aveary- ing the popple with their sing -song -Tarte must go." Of course the Whig meant Grit. papers More Grit Crookedness. Hon. F. W. Barden, minister of uhlitia, hats appointed Dr. F. 1V. Bor- den principal medical officer—surgeon lient,vlant-colonel —of the camp in military district 7. Tlalk about the nepotisul of appointing sons-in-law, sons, nep}aews, sisters, cousins and antis co office—here's a than who oins ap- 1 [ t. himself Co a lucrative eitfice with extraordinary privileges. Sur- geon Borden will prepare a report and 1 -end it to Minister of Militia Borden, and the minister will undoubt- edly +approve of the surgeon's report., and cheerfully pay hint for his valn- able services, The strongest goverti- ment Cannda ever slaty is capable of luor•e kinds of crookedness than any government any country ever slew. The Nepotism Abustr!. Mail and 1?nlpire. The list is growing. Sir Richard Cartwright started it by nppointin his son to at position in the Aicmnted'olice. Then Sec•retau•y of Statl,IScott seem ed a place for his brother tis land argent At Battlefnrd. Afterwards Air. Hifton's uncle got off with it contract without tender. Snbsequent.ly a boom arias started in favour of a Governorship for fiir. Sif- ton's father. Mr. A], C. Cameron next appeared on the surface #Anel claimed it postmaster ship for his son-in-law. This was after Mr. Hnrdy had se- cured the judgeship for his brother, tali Mr. Ross the registrarship for his brother-in-law, and Mr. Dryden the registrarship for his brother, and Mr. Gibson, of Huron, the ragistrnrahip for bis brother. But Mr. Pelletier, the Speaker of the Senate, has eclipsed everything to this line. His son, a lieutenant., is crented a ieutenant-colonel provisionally, so that he can take the position as dis- Lrict officer commanding in Quebec aver the. heads of all the qualified offi- cers in that part of the country, j I No Matter who hatched the plot to secure Mr. Elliott's unwarranted dis- missal, the real culprit, is Mr. ;1I. C. Cameron. It was his duty to say "No" to the pack of wolves who were ,xfLer the position, but his ruling is that. "Lo the victors belong the spoils," and lie is faithfully carrying it out. The political chain of bondage is fast being weaved around the neck of the Reform party through- out the Dominion, and Mv. Cameron is welding the links, at an al- arming rate. Let the "good work" E on told the death knell of the Laurier party will be sounded ere lung. Then every one of these Grit ap- pointees •must be .replaced by Conser- vatives. Kincatrdlnc Reviews. Ali,. ,14,hn Charlton, Al. P., has been sat un by his fellow-Itimberineu. They have rather it hard seat. You can have no idea, how indefen- sible that Goderich Pint Office job is unless you have read M. C. Canivion's defence of it. Our esteemed contemporary in des. cribing Ali.. Ta rte's Sunday sail fruul Goderich to Kincnrctnle says them. was Pial, big blow oil the lake." Dees he refer to Air. Tarte? Those who did not see the lieu. AL•. Tarte oil Sunday did not miss ney• thing, Ard, so far as 1ve can leal'tl, Lhose who did sae hint (lid not miss anything either. All 0f which goes to show that iNlr. Carte is it much misre- presented nian. Fentherin!, the Family Nests, Balt Reporter. As to Minister of the Interim• Sifton, it cannot he denied that he ,tits feath- ered his own utast beautifully, and that the faluily has nothing to complain of as regards the milk received from the public crow. Naturally the Conser- vative paper is nowadays suspicious of the Reform Minister and legislator, with Afoavat's nepotism a matter of history; Hrotll s brot.he' a Judge; Dry(lE!p's brother . ItegisLrar ; Tin re's sons the beneficiaries of It campaign fund, and At. C. Uarneron's son -in -lava, Postulaster of Goderich. The relative of the. Liberal statesrmtn is in huge luck these clays, and it remains to be seen whether the Sifton family will suffer by reason of the. lion. Clifford's neglect of their interests while We fruits of power are being distributed. A Distingnished Disturbance. Toronto Sentinel. That mutability of hurnan affections was never more strikingly illustrated than it has been in the case Alt•. M. ('. Cameron, M. P. for Nest Huron, and Mr. Daniel McGillicuddy, of the ("oder rich Signal. A few short months ago Cameron was at "hero" in Dan's eyes, all(] ])all was a pure -minded paatrint in Cam- eron's estimation. But their love has changed to hate, and now Cameron describes Daniel as it disgruntled oflive- se•lker, while Daniel likens his old friend to a putrid pickerel. Alas 1 that. brothers should tonne to this, and all over it postmastership in a pro- vineial town. The sight is painful - to Cameron lit, least. He seems to ha ve the long end of the swag, but he has the short end of the argument. If ever it devoted friend deserved it re. war(1 for faithful service, Daniel A1c- Gillieuddy deserved that po,4inalster- ship -that is, if the dismissal of the former hoshnastercould byany- stretch of Imaginration he justified. matt has fought the hat.tles of Cameron and Litt- eraltsm in West Huron for well on to a quarter of n vent nly, and never bad any more tangible evidence of appre- ciation from his party than kind words which never die and never satis- tles "the devil" on 1—my—day. All the long weary year's when Mc(Iillicuddy was writing panegyrics on Cameron and Liberalism and paying the printer to set the copy, .John OAK, the new postmaster, wns riot. within public view at all. His only claim to Liberali favor rested upon the fact that he had pot, married and that he had the good fortune to marry a Cameron, of uron. Mr. Cameron's only reply to the scathing criticism of Daniel is to call �I him -a disgruntled office -seeker and a I dead deck. He also charges the editor ' with having inspired the proceedingsMiff W against the postuntster• with the ex- iWctation that he would get the place, The row , a pretty nue for• the be. essential i a l to i holders, but ak iritis het for the partici. I h h. Eve health. Hvery nook I pants and the cud is not yet. and corner of the ®�� — system is reached by the blood, and on MC. Calnet'alll I6 CI111d111. ltsqualitytheconditionof everyorgando- pends. Good blood means strung nerves, Kinauldtuu Iteview• good digestion, robust health. Impure Al. C. (Innnerett Al. 1'. is a charming- blood means scrofilia, d,ysl+epaia,rheuma- ly candid mnu. To exemplify his call- 1 dor let its quote two extracts front his I tism,catarrhor otherdisenses. Thesurest lettertoMr•.AlcGillieuddyiutheCillit"ll way to have good blood to to take Hood's ' New Ertl" of last. week: Baytohave This medicine u , purities, vf- "I did donounce the "I did not denounce talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends late sh• L. Tilley bw Sir It. J. t•artmight the elements of health and strength to cause he had a score of because be had two relatives In the publitt seas serving the iouu- every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates service. 1 did iu sail Uy. ttlid notassail Sir a good appetite, given refreshing sleep Sit- lltaekenzie Rowell 1). Mowat bucausu he because he luta, mertuade his sun shoritr and cures that tired feelin Remember, g lualf It score feeding at of Toronto, or thei the public crib. I did Hun. John Dryden attack the hate Janes bucausu be made hits Dixon beicauso he ap- brother Itegistrar of H'Otf d puiuted hinwelf and 1Altatt•lo, fill the Hou. t WO.ti"IIs to hicrative A. S. thinly because tam -0 pltwes." he soeured a Judge- ship for his brother, nordo I attain. you because Yue sururud Sarsaparilla a Itierttlive Office for Your brother Tom." Is the beat — to fact the One True Blood Purpler. The Inert lie did denounce are or were Tories; the ,nen he did not de -sure Liver Ills; easy to hoods Pills uuunce are Grits. Thh offence in both take, easy to operate. silo. cases is the same. Yes, rdr. Cameron is a candid man. And iL's no lie either. 11, C. Cameron's Nepotism. Mail and umpire. Afv. M. C. Cameron replies viciously to the nepotism at tack of the Goderich Signal, . one of his declarations being that Mr. McGillicuddy wanted for himself the postmastership which Mr. Caulcron grave to his son-in-law. But this, if true, dues not wipe out (lie ncputisul. It is further atfiri ned by Mr. Caul - el -un that his opposition to nepotism was limited, of "ltd.. its the Ontal it) Government may perfer. He opposed nepotism by Tories, but, its ho points out, he has never titter - ell it wort, against nepotism by the Liberals. "1 did lint," he says, "deuonncc Sir "It. J. Cartwright because he had "I Ivo sons serving the country. "I dill not 'assail Sir O. Alownt he. I'vaLllm" he rrtnde his son sherritl' of To. "run Lo, fir the lion. John Dryden he- "catllse he made his brothel registrar "of Ontario, or the Hon. A. S. Hardy. "because he secured it judgeship for "hi' brother." This uAnkes the case. worse. Any 1111111 who will say that Ile op- poses in offence only when perpetrat- ed by an opponent, And excuses iL when perpetrated by it friend, prac- tically declares that he is not to be trusted. The Ontario Electiotls• WNITNEY Coming to Clinton. J. 1'. Whitney, At. P.P., the Leader 0f Onhtl•io's Loyal Opposition, will ad• dress the Hlectors of West, South and East Huron •--SIN THEA -- -Town Hall, Clinton y =ON= THURSDAY, SEPT. 9. The Ca lldidates fol• the three Huron uron Ridings, lVajor Jos. Becic. Henry Etlber anti 11. Moolicy, will also deliver atddresses on the (its - Lions of the day. it is expected Mr. Whitney will he accompanied by W. J. ST. JOHN, Al. P. P., fJEUT.-COL. MATHESON, At. 1'. P., A. MiSUAMPBELL, M. P. P., THOS. MAGWOOD, M. P. P., and others, who will talk to the' ittople on matters of great importance to their future welfare. I+'.very Elector -Reform and Conse- vative-is invited to he present. This will be Aft.. Whitney's first ap- pearance in West. Huron, and the Con- servatives of this histritie County desire to hawk TIIE, PN'OPIjIr, become acquainted with their Leader and hear what he has to say. CHAIR TAKEN AT 8 O'CLOCK P.M. Heats will he reserved for tilt, Ladies. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. In• orrnx:a m•• coJIMITTFR. There died at the family residence, Francis street, Winghttm, sifter it ling - ?ring illness, Emma, beloved wife of Mr. Arthur Brisbois, G. W. N. Tele- ;raph line man, in the forty-first year of her age. Deceased had been a resi- lent of Wingham for some seven or fighty ears, rand was very much re- spected by all with whom she was acquainted. She leaves behind a hug - hand and fxamlly of three girls and two boys to mourn her loss. Should Clave Been Ranged. Shortis, the Valleyfield murderer, deserved hanging if ever murderer did. And yet, by some hocus-pocus, his sentence was commuted to unpr•is- onment for life. And now as story comes from Montreal to the effect that Lady Aberdeen has determined that the murderer shall be released. We ,sincerely hope that this is not true. Time was in Canada when a story of that sort, told of the wife of a Gover- ner General, would be se„ down fin• mediately as at falsehood. But, un- rottunattely, that is not now the case. It is to be hoped that Sir Oliver Mow - al. will have backbone enough to do his duty. — -` Ilalnflton Spees. The Grit., of Iiurou eouuty atre nonw in a position to know aa•llat manner of bad men their leaders ore. McGillicuddy's reply to Cameron was so red hot that it caused the dis- placement of soutc of the type with Which it was printed. Dan McGillicuddy occupies three columns of his paper, the Goderich Signal, this week, with a reply to M. C. Cameron's scorching letter. Dan Intakes out a good case against' A1. V., ,and shows cleatly what manner of "lien the Grits choose for their }eaxders. Dan's letter will be found in fu(1 on page 7 of this paper. It 'is good r ead- ing for both Tory and Grit. Brer Donly has again earned the commendation of this great family journal, and again he gets it, no Iuat- U'r if oto• apphause gives him another taniptit"' fit. .Justice is justice, Speaking of AI. C. Cameron's notions on the subject of neputisnl, Brer Don- ly says : How Mr. ('aineon Pall delounee Tilley and refuse to denounce Cartwright, assail liowell amt refuse to amail Nlowat, attack Dickson tend refuse to attack Dryden we leave to his own conscience re. justif>. This journtal i. un- able to du so. That',, right, Brer Donly-they're •111 in tile saltie. boat. But. why did you leave Trickster Hnrdy out of the list, The Goderich iwputist mentioned him, too. t'ounty currency. Dr. Rollins of Exeter left last week for ]rebuacl where he will try rind dis- pose of stock of the Sylvan oil Colll- pa fly. Mr. and Mrs. E. Morris and son, Joseph, vi -ho h ave been spending sev- eral Mouths visiting friends around Dunlop, have returned to Austin, Main., where 3Ir. Morris will again run hits threshing machine. Another pioneer, in the person of Mr. John %Valkor, of the. Alill Hoed, Tnekersmith, has departed this lift. Ile passed peacefully awity At the t•esi- dense 0f his nerc:e, Mrs. IlLlward PaNA0, where he has usually made his home for the past few yea ls, on Nfon- day. He had reached the good age of ill years, lie was the eldest brother of the lath Messrs. George and David Walker, and was the last sni•vivirig Invil,htr of that family. Trace Jackson, the fellow who was recently sentenced at London to there months in pT ori for stealing at bicycle trona SeafolTt.h, is at had one. On Thursday afternoon of last week he managed to break atwity froul a squad of pt isoners that were being takers to the i,t ison yard for exercise. After au exc•1 .'ng chase, he was captured in a bedroom in It private House where he had gone to seek refuge. V Tanglefoot, Wilson Fly Pads, Insect Powder, Insect Powder Guns. 00000000 Combe's Iron Blood Pills ... . Are in great demand all Life year round. They are a dir•eel food for the blood, the use of these pills will change the pale and sallow complexion into the ruddy glow of health. Price25t: per box or 5 boxes for $1 Jas. He Combe, Chemistatnd Druggist. WE ARE ®-- �I!RmHT At the verge of a period of activity. If you want pr ouf of this carne to Biddle- combe's and see what we have AT THE�- Beginning Of the Fail Season. Our Stock of Jewellery, Spectaa- Iles, etc., and prices will suit you. -`,* Our Silverware vl` The prices on these are Away Down. Repairing of all kinds guaranteed to give. satisfaction. Estate am ]Biddleca;<nbe„ Dr.. Holmes of Goderich has been elected it director of tine Ontario Board of health. Dr. Lutz of Exeter left last Tuesdnv on it trip to Chicago, Ihduth, St. Pauf' Alinn. anti other points. Logan R Co., private blinkers Willi offices in Senforth and Glenboro, have assigned to John Weil', formerly •a 11,eulb(2-r' of the firm. The present patr•t- nel:s tu•(I Robert Logan and John Forbes. The assets and liabili ties are not yet known. In 1893 the. firm gave its surplus in file Gletlboro, hank at $1.2,101 over liabilities of $20,lll0. The surplus in the ))lank here is estimated 'it $10)(Y) over liabilities of $1:3.000 title to depositors, while the bank of Alon- trctl1 at S•ttfur Cc .L ('116 111 tu for $18,- - 1, 000, e ' The hr, M has 1 vest t n e5tmen ts in the tioi th \fest and Manitoba, but they have not been very successfIII in recent Years and they still hold a large num- her of accounts there. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of creed. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known -sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases-io degrees stronger -sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. i, or No. z, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company, Windsor Ontario. 31dr-Sold it) Clinton unci everywhere in t'am,d;+ by all responsible tfruggi,ts, "Nothing - Like - Leather,." Good Shoes. Moro than llaif the � battle is ill selling (Yood goods, ones that will wear slid give sati'sfletion. Every clay we have People telling us that our (roods wear and after all this is the test of a good business. Our business increases every month and there must be some reason for it. If you want the best come to lis and we can satisfy you. JACKSON & JACKSON, Noted Shoe Dealers, CLINTON. 0