HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-01, Page 310 4 Incorporated by Act of Parliameut 1856. CAPITAL, 82, 000, 000 REST, $1,400,000 Bead Office. MONTREAL. WM. MOLSON, MACPHERSON, President, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes jl4seounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold. IN•IRRaeT ALLOWRD ON DUP041TR SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on sows of $1 and up. P'gRl!/lERE3_ Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or mor. endorsers. No mortgage re- quired as security, H. C. BREWER, Manager, December, 1895. CLINTON. G* D. eTaggart (BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BA NKI VC BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Notes Di802imted, - - Drafts Issued, Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, Junesth, 1891 658y DR. W. GcUNN, R. C. P. sit(] L. It, C. S., Edinburgh. Oflice- Ontario street Clinton. Night, rails of bunt door of rysideuce on Bwttwbury street, opposite Presbyter- ian church. DR. TURNBULL. ,1. L. Turnbull, Al. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D, ; M„ Victoria Univ. M. C. P. k: S. Ont, ; f Clow• of the obstetrical society, of Edinburgh. Lata if London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Ofllec:- Dr. Dowsley's staud, Ratten',ury dt. Night calls ansarered at Otnoe. - - --JDR. SHAiiV. t alike-(Intario street, opposite P:nglish hn%Oh, formerly u.:cupio:l by Dr. :t pplcLuii. ,'D Jas. �: Freeborn, P1 L. K. C Q. 0. P., I., M. C. P. & S. 0., &c., &c. Graduate of King's & Queen's College of Physicians, Dahlia, freland, Liooutiate of the General Medical Council, Great Rritmin. Member of College of rhysicie.a and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly resi- dento the Rotunda Hospital (Lyiog-in and Gyuts- -ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and children. Oftleu and resideuce,Rattenbury St., next door ttroutario St. Methodist parsonage, 829-1y N. W. WOODS, L. R. C. P. L; L. Al. 1'. CL 11. L; L. 'NI. Rotunda, l4blin ; Al. R, C. S., England ; hl. C. Y. and S., Offitaria Consultations and residence at. the Queen's Hotel, Bayfield. 969-y B ce S r _e _ on fist. Dr. ru u g on OFFICE—Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N. B.-NVill visit Blyth every 'fonday, and Dayfleld every- Thursday afternoon during the summer. — — — Dr. Agnew, DENTIST. Office hours 9 to 5 0000060• At Zurich the second Thurs- day of each month, — J. SCOTT, Barrister, cfrc., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan, -_ E • CAMPION, Q • C , BARRISTER, - - • SOLICITOR., NOTARY, c -c., Caodericllt, - Oltlt, OMeo-OverDsvis' Drug Store. Money to loan. M.0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Godex-iellt, - - - Out. Office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Btu. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. 17OTARY PUBLIC, 4c., OFFicF, BEAvcR BLOCic. - CLINTON. Pi` 817-tf - "�ptxl'll to �Catrtl. JOHN RIDOUT. Cuvt'F:i,\N( t.:R, ('oA1vn;HniNleB., x'rc. Fire Insura.n'e. (teal I'stiate. Money to lend. Office ---HURON ST1LEET, CLINTON. Cantelan Bros GENE RAI, GROCERS & PROVIS ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glasse Chinmoare ALBERT ST., CLINTON. ONT. Highest Cash •Price for Rutter and Eggs - W an ted. \Ion and women who can work hard talking and writing six hours daily, for Pix days a week, and will be content, with ten dollars weekly, Address, NFW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont. me e e companied With severe pains IH the J. P. SIJEPPARD, W. 1t, P. CANTELON. JR. See. 'THUS. BEACOM, D. 61. orrlcaas. temples and Sickness at the stOrn- .. _ __•, George Watt, President Harlock P. O.; James ach. I tried a good anally remedies `" --- - Bnoadfoot, Vice -Pres., Seaft.rth P. O,; W. J. Shan, iC pilfR, nun, Socy. 'Prams., beafurth P. 0.; Michael Mutdio recommended for [aspeotur of losses, Sestorth P. O. IyLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A, F. &, A. M. meets this complaint; but C ever • Friday, on or after the moon. Visit DIRNCTOas, y y, it was slot until I be - jug brethren cordlulh•uivitad James Broadfoot, Seuforth; Michael Mardis, see. A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M, THOS. BUMBALL, Site. forth; Geroge Dale, Seutorth; George Watt, llarloek gan taki.ig Thomas E. flays,Seafortb; Alex 0a,diner,LeadburyAe .E is Clinton, Dec. 6, 1895. 'Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; 30:u McLtun, Hippcn. �Gy 1166.•.. 4`D -- - - AMITs. K. O T. M. Thomas Noilans, Harloek; Robert McMillan, Sea—Pills that I received forth and James Cumminge,Egmoudville• `- all)'t11111g Mie perm lr Hearne Tent No. 00, Knights of the Maccabees Of Pardee desirous to effect Insurance or trues- '"�� 1� h''' the World. $1,000,$%0U0 and $8,000 Policies. Mem- ed sonar hiatuses will f promptly attend- Ilerlt benefit. A sin- the over 100,000. Assessmuut prinoiple-hha ed ss ca 0tileL regi, to any of the above officers rid- gle box of these pills did the work never exceeded 12 usaessmunts in a year. Cbeapeat ,irossed totheirreapecttvnpustoffloee, mud safest fn existeoee. Meets iu Orange Hull, cru• I t'Ur we, and I am now a Well man."e. ton, first and third Friday of every month. C. I -I. HUTCIIINGS, Last Auburn, Me. NOTICE. For the rapid cure of Constipa. COOK'S FLOUR tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nau. Thor, being some misunderstanding with re. Sea, and all disorders of Stomach, & FEED STORE g,any to wreckage, fat (t be distinctly and 1+food Liver, and Bowels, take that if y person takce poesessiop of • ,, kind of wreckage and fulls to. report to me f shall at ri.Liintoll, once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning [shall give., CAPT. WDI. BABB. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Receiver of Wrecl;s, ({oderich, Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. Small Quantities. — AYER'S OIL CAKE, LLIN SLLD MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal forone Bushel Oats I D. COOK, CLINTON. 762-tf PRODUCE EXCHANGE HiLL & JOffNER, C'urnei Store, Albert HL, Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, eta_ Teits tL specialty. 3eadquarterA for all kinds of Field and Garden Secds, \Vc carry the largest Stock and the largest variety 4 Seeds. '\ll (,nods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash. "'c pity Cash for Eggs. Any kind of ggrain taken in exchange for Goods, same as Cash. HILL &a, JOYNER.A CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bongit out the above busineas, we intend o conduct it o11 the cath principle, hnd will supply inr eustmuers a ill, the bvit meats at the lowest pay rip prices. F RD 8c MURPHY,, LIVE HUGS WANTED, TDD, Highest Markel: Price Paid. D. CANT.HLON, Clinton. 1798-tf. J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector. Office on Isaac street next New Fra office. Itosidenee, Albert. St., Clinton. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col, :ege, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calls promptly Answered. Residence-Ratteubury Street, West, Clinton Out. Geo. Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machine{ rebuilt and repaired, TO THE FARMERS. Study vour own interest and go where youcan get Reliable @ Harness, I manufacture none but the B$sT OF STOCK. Beware of she s that„ell thea a i r nave pot to live Call and get prateices. Orders by mail promply attended to .T4C>.71N 113-U 3L. HARNESS EMPORIUM,-BT.VTII, ONT GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class flair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clintor ,I. EMERTON, Proprietor. WATTS & CO. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. PUMPS! _PUMPS Tf yon want a firRt•cinsr, well-mnd(i pump, one th will give you satisfaction, send your order tot nnderRigned. ne will dig and clean welig and do it the closest prices. He also handles a tirst-ela FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERCTUSON OppoRit Queen'aliotel - High Street Clinton 809-tf FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS U &N NY BAKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA, J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADINC UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Op,)osite Town Hall, . Clinton, Ont Catharme Poles ,Medal and Diploma at World's Fair. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Samgarlft PERSONALS.—AIr. J.T. Guldthotpe has returned from his trip to the Suo. —Mrs. J. T. Goldthorpe and family Were visiting Clinton and Hullelt last weak.—Rev. Jim Wilson of -Niagara Fills South is having a nice visit in dais section.—Mrs. J. KeTDyglraU is visiting friends here this week.—Our school started last Monday, Mr. Ben- son Hamilton of Carlow is the teacher. Mr. Henuings having gone to Mani• toba.—The school trustees have been flxing up the school in good shape, painting the fence and giving it a nice appearance, WNI. N. WALKER, One, lloliest31an. —the reliable------ UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS Dear Editor. --Please inform your reil'lers that if Written to confidential - MAKER, IV, I will Huai], in it sealed letter, par- SEAFORTIi, ONT. ticulars o1' aL genuine, honest, home Parlor re - Furniture re repaired Void recovrral, stured tcure, by whicll I was pernianently re- Ciu pets seared and laid ; also clettned tua(i ro o health and ruanly vigor', after novated tit reasonable prices. years of suffering front nervous debil- EW-Orders left at BROADFOOT R BOX'S ity, sexual weakness, night losses; and store, Clinton or Seaforth, will be promptly aL W'e,ik shrunken parts. I Was robbed toil«i to. and swindled by the duacics until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank Heaven, I art now well, vigorous tend strong and wish to make this certain means of cure known to all sufiel•ers. I have nothing to sell and want no inuney, llut being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of marl, 1 fun desirous of helping the unfortunate to regain their he,it.lth and happiness, I promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp: Wet. T. MULFORD, Agent Supplies, P. O. Box 59. St. Henri, (slue. � ..-- A hacking cough keel he 1 it i tubes in IL state of c•onstiti, rritatio which, if not speedily removed, may lead to chronic bronchitis. No prompt- er r•ernedy can be found than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Its effect is iatntedi- ate and the result per•manept, McLeod's System Renovator ---- AND OTIIEH---- Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Ii'cak find Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Padpatation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Loss of .Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice Kidney and Urinary Diseases. St. Viwis' Dance, Femalc lyre i larities and Gen- eral Debil ty. LABORATORY, CODERiCH ONT. J. M. Aicl,EOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold in Clinton bvy J. H. L'OMBE, and ALLAN K I iller's Omnibus Line, Goderich, Ont. \\•hen in Guderieh do not, neglect to secure 'Miller's Omnibus to all parts of the: town. Our livery is well equipped with reliable horses and good rigs, and pprices will allvayH be found rea- sonable. RtablcH on l:tast Strect, near the Squarc-Lelephone No. 51. JONATHAN AIILLF.R, Goderich. Property for Sale For sale, on Princess street, Clinton, it one ,,Lorey frame building containing three bed. rooms, front roan, kitchen, pantry, Rc•: over quartet• acre lot, hearing orchard, principally plain trees; good hard ,voter; also small suable, good hen hoose, ['rice and terms reasonable. For particulars apply to PHLLrx HANLON, (.oderich P. O. Pasture to Let. Horses and Cattle taken Into pasture. Good fences, plenty of shade, welter and salt. Nc Ila rbed wire. A `n�)ly to C. MASON, at Staple. ton or to M. GLE) k, of Orangc Ilan, Hallett. 971 t -f CL1NTON. WOOD AND COAL YARD' Sub,eriber is prepared to promptly flit all or der., for Wood and Coal, which w0 be sold nl lowest rates. Ofiiee on IsancStroet, at LAVIS IAIYLP.M ENTS ROvA1S. R'. WHEATLEY Estray Dog. A handsome young black Pointer orsetter; first noticed oil Aug. 7th. Owner can have same• 0)I applying at '1'nn: N'rr.w'R-ltrcouu of- fice, proving property tuul paying; for this ad v I . 977-4t For. Sale—Bargain. llny horse, 4 year, old, well bred, good size, It 41.0119, speed exprrled. \Vill takn pony 141 h hands purl payment, to mate n haypnnv. itLI•:NN' i.-4, (loderioh, R Voters' List, 1897. --- -- Afl'Xi('ll'•\CITY OF"17i1, T01vVN OF CLINTON, iiURON CO, Notice is hereby given (lint i have tranwnit- Gran/f TClllili Iia1W8 teal or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 itnd 6 of lho Voters' Lists Act•R, the -- - _ - c�»•na�>�• _ L. 0. L. No.'710, C1Y.IIVTON Meets eeOOND Monday of every mouth. Ilan 2fiA fist, McKey block. Visiting brethren always d welcome 1 The McKillon Mutual Fire -Sick Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. Headache I THE FUTURE FORCE. Permanently Cured ANOTHER GREAT ACHIEVEMENT OF " THE CENTURY ANNOUNCED. I was troubled, a long time, with -- sick headache. It was ustially ac - Scott's Emulsion is Cod- liver Oilre ared as a food. At the 5 p p 31]]e tln]C, it 15 a iced maker, a nerve tonic and an up -builder. But BUSINESS DIRECTORY - - -- --- -- m l �� 101SONS IINK. j �i Incorporated by Act of Parliameut 1856. CAPITAL, 82, 000, 000 REST, $1,400,000 Bead Office. MONTREAL. WM. MOLSON, MACPHERSON, President, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes jl4seounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold. IN•IRRaeT ALLOWRD ON DUP041TR SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on sows of $1 and up. P'gRl!/lERE3_ Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or mor. endorsers. No mortgage re- quired as security, H. C. BREWER, Manager, December, 1895. CLINTON. G* D. eTaggart (BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BA NKI VC BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Notes Di802imted, - - Drafts Issued, Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, Junesth, 1891 658y DR. W. GcUNN, R. C. P. sit(] L. It, C. S., Edinburgh. Oflice- Ontario street Clinton. Night, rails of bunt door of rysideuce on Bwttwbury street, opposite Presbyter- ian church. DR. TURNBULL. ,1. L. Turnbull, Al. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D, ; M„ Victoria Univ. M. C. P. k: S. Ont, ; f Clow• of the obstetrical society, of Edinburgh. Lata if London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Ofllec:- Dr. Dowsley's staud, Ratten',ury dt. Night calls ansarered at Otnoe. - - --JDR. SHAiiV. t alike-(Intario street, opposite P:nglish hn%Oh, formerly u.:cupio:l by Dr. :t pplcLuii. ,'D Jas. �: Freeborn, P1 L. K. C Q. 0. P., I., M. C. P. & S. 0., &c., &c. Graduate of King's & Queen's College of Physicians, Dahlia, freland, Liooutiate of the General Medical Council, Great Rritmin. Member of College of rhysicie.a and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly resi- dento the Rotunda Hospital (Lyiog-in and Gyuts- -ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and children. Oftleu and resideuce,Rattenbury St., next door ttroutario St. Methodist parsonage, 829-1y N. W. WOODS, L. R. C. P. L; L. Al. 1'. CL 11. L; L. 'NI. Rotunda, l4blin ; Al. R, C. S., England ; hl. C. Y. and S., Offitaria Consultations and residence at. the Queen's Hotel, Bayfield. 969-y B ce S r _e _ on fist. Dr. ru u g on OFFICE—Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N. B.-NVill visit Blyth every 'fonday, and Dayfleld every- Thursday afternoon during the summer. — — — Dr. Agnew, DENTIST. Office hours 9 to 5 0000060• At Zurich the second Thurs- day of each month, — J. SCOTT, Barrister, cfrc., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan, -_ E • CAMPION, Q • C , BARRISTER, - - • SOLICITOR., NOTARY, c -c., Caodericllt, - Oltlt, OMeo-OverDsvis' Drug Store. Money to loan. M.0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Godex-iellt, - - - Out. Office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Btu. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. 17OTARY PUBLIC, 4c., OFFicF, BEAvcR BLOCic. - CLINTON. Pi` 817-tf - "�ptxl'll to �Catrtl. JOHN RIDOUT. Cuvt'F:i,\N( t.:R, ('oA1vn;HniNleB., x'rc. Fire Insura.n'e. (teal I'stiate. Money to lend. Office ---HURON ST1LEET, CLINTON. Cantelan Bros GENE RAI, GROCERS & PROVIS ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glasse Chinmoare ALBERT ST., CLINTON. ONT. Highest Cash •Price for Rutter and Eggs - W an ted. \Ion and women who can work hard talking and writing six hours daily, for Pix days a week, and will be content, with ten dollars weekly, Address, NFW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont. me e e companied With severe pains IH the J. P. SIJEPPARD, W. 1t, P. CANTELON. JR. See. 'THUS. BEACOM, D. 61. orrlcaas. temples and Sickness at the stOrn- .. _ __•, George Watt, President Harlock P. O.; James ach. I tried a good anally remedies `" --- - Bnoadfoot, Vice -Pres., Seaft.rth P. O,; W. J. Shan, iC pilfR, nun, Socy. 'Prams., beafurth P. 0.; Michael Mutdio recommended for [aspeotur of losses, Sestorth P. O. IyLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A, F. &, A. M. meets this complaint; but C ever • Friday, on or after the moon. Visit DIRNCTOas, y y, it was slot until I be - jug brethren cordlulh•uivitad James Broadfoot, Seuforth; Michael Mardis, see. A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M, THOS. BUMBALL, Site. forth; Geroge Dale, Seutorth; George Watt, llarloek gan taki.ig Thomas E. flays,Seafortb; Alex 0a,diner,LeadburyAe .E is Clinton, Dec. 6, 1895. 'Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; 30:u McLtun, Hippcn. �Gy 1166.•.. 4`D -- - - AMITs. K. O T. M. Thomas Noilans, Harloek; Robert McMillan, Sea—Pills that I received forth and James Cumminge,Egmoudville• `- all)'t11111g Mie perm lr Hearne Tent No. 00, Knights of the Maccabees Of Pardee desirous to effect Insurance or trues- '"�� 1� h''' the World. $1,000,$%0U0 and $8,000 Policies. Mem- ed sonar hiatuses will f promptly attend- Ilerlt benefit. A sin- the over 100,000. Assessmuut prinoiple-hha ed ss ca 0tileL regi, to any of the above officers rid- gle box of these pills did the work never exceeded 12 usaessmunts in a year. Cbeapeat ,irossed totheirreapecttvnpustoffloee, mud safest fn existeoee. Meets iu Orange Hull, cru• I t'Ur we, and I am now a Well man."e. ton, first and third Friday of every month. C. I -I. HUTCIIINGS, Last Auburn, Me. NOTICE. For the rapid cure of Constipa. COOK'S FLOUR tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nau. Thor, being some misunderstanding with re. Sea, and all disorders of Stomach, & FEED STORE g,any to wreckage, fat (t be distinctly and 1+food Liver, and Bowels, take that if y person takce poesessiop of • ,, kind of wreckage and fulls to. report to me f shall at ri.Liintoll, once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning [shall give., CAPT. WDI. BABB. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Receiver of Wrecl;s, ({oderich, Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. Small Quantities. — AYER'S OIL CAKE, LLIN SLLD MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal forone Bushel Oats I D. COOK, CLINTON. 762-tf PRODUCE EXCHANGE HiLL & JOffNER, C'urnei Store, Albert HL, Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, eta_ Teits tL specialty. 3eadquarterA for all kinds of Field and Garden Secds, \Vc carry the largest Stock and the largest variety 4 Seeds. '\ll (,nods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash. "'c pity Cash for Eggs. Any kind of ggrain taken in exchange for Goods, same as Cash. HILL &a, JOYNER.A CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bongit out the above busineas, we intend o conduct it o11 the cath principle, hnd will supply inr eustmuers a ill, the bvit meats at the lowest pay rip prices. F RD 8c MURPHY,, LIVE HUGS WANTED, TDD, Highest Markel: Price Paid. D. CANT.HLON, Clinton. 1798-tf. J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector. Office on Isaac street next New Fra office. Itosidenee, Albert. St., Clinton. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col, :ege, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calls promptly Answered. Residence-Ratteubury Street, West, Clinton Out. Geo. Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machine{ rebuilt and repaired, TO THE FARMERS. Study vour own interest and go where youcan get Reliable @ Harness, I manufacture none but the B$sT OF STOCK. Beware of she s that„ell thea a i r nave pot to live Call and get prateices. Orders by mail promply attended to .T4C>.71N 113-U 3L. HARNESS EMPORIUM,-BT.VTII, ONT GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class flair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clintor ,I. EMERTON, Proprietor. WATTS & CO. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. PUMPS! _PUMPS Tf yon want a firRt•cinsr, well-mnd(i pump, one th will give you satisfaction, send your order tot nnderRigned. ne will dig and clean welig and do it the closest prices. He also handles a tirst-ela FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERCTUSON OppoRit Queen'aliotel - High Street Clinton 809-tf FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS U &N NY BAKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA, J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADINC UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Op,)osite Town Hall, . Clinton, Ont Catharme Poles ,Medal and Diploma at World's Fair. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Samgarlft PERSONALS.—AIr. J.T. Guldthotpe has returned from his trip to the Suo. —Mrs. J. T. Goldthorpe and family Were visiting Clinton and Hullelt last weak.—Rev. Jim Wilson of -Niagara Fills South is having a nice visit in dais section.—Mrs. J. KeTDyglraU is visiting friends here this week.—Our school started last Monday, Mr. Ben- son Hamilton of Carlow is the teacher. Mr. Henuings having gone to Mani• toba.—The school trustees have been flxing up the school in good shape, painting the fence and giving it a nice appearance, WNI. N. WALKER, One, lloliest31an. —the reliable------ UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS Dear Editor. --Please inform your reil'lers that if Written to confidential - MAKER, IV, I will Huai], in it sealed letter, par- SEAFORTIi, ONT. ticulars o1' aL genuine, honest, home Parlor re - Furniture re repaired Void recovrral, stured tcure, by whicll I was pernianently re- Ciu pets seared and laid ; also clettned tua(i ro o health and ruanly vigor', after novated tit reasonable prices. years of suffering front nervous debil- EW-Orders left at BROADFOOT R BOX'S ity, sexual weakness, night losses; and store, Clinton or Seaforth, will be promptly aL W'e,ik shrunken parts. I Was robbed toil«i to. and swindled by the duacics until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank Heaven, I art now well, vigorous tend strong and wish to make this certain means of cure known to all sufiel•ers. I have nothing to sell and want no inuney, llut being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of marl, 1 fun desirous of helping the unfortunate to regain their he,it.lth and happiness, I promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp: Wet. T. MULFORD, Agent Supplies, P. O. Box 59. St. Henri, (slue. � ..-- A hacking cough keel he 1 it i tubes in IL state of c•onstiti, rritatio which, if not speedily removed, may lead to chronic bronchitis. No prompt- er r•ernedy can be found than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Its effect is iatntedi- ate and the result per•manept, McLeod's System Renovator ---- AND OTIIEH---- Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Ii'cak find Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Padpatation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Loss of .Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice Kidney and Urinary Diseases. St. Viwis' Dance, Femalc lyre i larities and Gen- eral Debil ty. LABORATORY, CODERiCH ONT. J. M. Aicl,EOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold in Clinton bvy J. H. L'OMBE, and ALLAN K I iller's Omnibus Line, Goderich, Ont. \\•hen in Guderieh do not, neglect to secure 'Miller's Omnibus to all parts of the: town. Our livery is well equipped with reliable horses and good rigs, and pprices will allvayH be found rea- sonable. RtablcH on l:tast Strect, near the Squarc-Lelephone No. 51. JONATHAN AIILLF.R, Goderich. Property for Sale For sale, on Princess street, Clinton, it one ,,Lorey frame building containing three bed. rooms, front roan, kitchen, pantry, Rc•: over quartet• acre lot, hearing orchard, principally plain trees; good hard ,voter; also small suable, good hen hoose, ['rice and terms reasonable. For particulars apply to PHLLrx HANLON, (.oderich P. O. Pasture to Let. Horses and Cattle taken Into pasture. Good fences, plenty of shade, welter and salt. Nc Ila rbed wire. A `n�)ly to C. MASON, at Staple. ton or to M. GLE) k, of Orangc Ilan, Hallett. 971 t -f CL1NTON. WOOD AND COAL YARD' Sub,eriber is prepared to promptly flit all or der., for Wood and Coal, which w0 be sold nl lowest rates. Ofiiee on IsancStroet, at LAVIS IAIYLP.M ENTS ROvA1S. R'. WHEATLEY Estray Dog. A handsome young black Pointer orsetter; first noticed oil Aug. 7th. Owner can have same• 0)I applying at '1'nn: N'rr.w'R-ltrcouu of- fice, proving property tuul paying; for this ad v I . 977-4t For. Sale—Bargain. llny horse, 4 year, old, well bred, good size, It 41.0119, speed exprrled. \Vill takn pony 141 h hands purl payment, to mate n haypnnv. itLI•:NN' i.-4, (loderioh, R Voters' List, 1897. --- -- Afl'Xi('ll'•\CITY OF"17i1, T01vVN OF CLINTON, iiURON CO, Notice is hereby given (lint i have tranwnit- Gran/f TClllili Iia1W8 teal or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 itnd 6 of lho Voters' Lists Act•R, the -- - copies requirrd by Haid section; to be sc, tranR- OFPI('IAI, rl,,iu TABLE, ,,,tied or ,(.`M' •red of the list ninde pursuant to said Act of all persons itpearin by the last Assessment Buffalo and Goderich District:.- revised Roll of tho saidtilalin 1pal- ity, to be cntit.led to voto In the said Munfelp• Going West, Mixed......,.......... 101;5 a. fit. silty, at elections (ormernbers of the Log{feila- " Fxpress ....... ....... 1.03 p. m. ” Mixed...... 7.05 Live Assemblv and rat. the Municipal Elections, and that until link was flrRt, posted rip in my .... .. p. m. " RxprosN ... .... ... 10.27 p. in. offl('e nd Clinton, on the 12th clay of August, Going Fnst, Express. 7.40 n. m. 119,' and rcmatnu there for inspection. 2.5,, p, n,. called upon to examine the Raid " Alixed... . ............ 4,3.5 p. M. LiFt and If y omissions or any other errors London. Huron and Bruce:-- are found4 therein, to take immediate proceed- Going South, Express ..... ..... .. 7.47 a. m. ings to have sal(f errore corrected according to law. .. .. .. .. 4.30 p. m Going North, ... , .... . 10.16 n. n, WM• COATS, Town Clerk, Clinton. August 12th, 1897. . ...... ....... 0„5511.711 M. C. DrorrsoN,l _ -- I `Con�It,abl( D[N. Pans.Tm on to. Agent, (.out g e Wilson of Strath- W. F. DAVIS, P. tag T. A. I roy was negtritted of the charge of , Montreal. shooting with intent, in connection A. 0. PA tsoN; G. T. R. with the shooting of J. W. Burns, Iia Town escaping prisoner. Sabbath -breaking is all very well in the province of Quebec. They are used to it there; but the Presbyterians and Methodists of Kinea.rdine ware grievously shocked the other Sunday when Jisrael Tarte sailed into port and fornily inspected the public works. --Hamilton Spectator. Which is worse, imprisonment for life or a life-long disease, like scrofula, tot' exawple? The former, certainly, would be preferable were it not that Ayer's Sarsaparilla, can always come to the resene and give the poor suffer- er health, strength, and happiness. A HEALED HERALD. The Air Is the Basis - The Atmosphere 1 -Quickly Liquefied - Discovery of is Simple and Safe Process of Generut Ing Vast Power. One of the greatest discoverit•s in the generation ut puwer may sour be aw• uounced to the world. It bits boon kuuwu for surae munths or a year that Professor Linde (it Ber—lin had invented or sulved a process of producing tit a low crust liquefied air. Liquetled air may he described as 700 cubic feet of atmosphere condensed inl.o i one cubic foot. The temperature of the substance may be reckoned as 700 de- grees below zero. In appearance it re- sembles water, and to the tuuch foody like mercury. It may be possible for tremendous lxiwer to be safely stured in a small cylinder. The invention in its usefulness to man- kind nuay fall but little below the in- ventions of steaut and electricity'. Liquefying air is riot a new think. It has been performed by exerting enor- mous pressure, or by freezing air to an unusual degree, or by a C011101natiull of pr"sure with refrigeration. 'There are so niany uses to which liquefied air can be put that scicutists hardly know where its usefulness will end if it can be pro- duced at a low rate of cost lit cunimer tial quantities. Among other advantages air in the portable cheat/ form of a liquid as it passes back to its Ordinary state can be t»ed for illuminating purposes by Inixing its escaping gases with atmospheric air in certain definite proportions. More- over, as a driving force in the way of detonators, or explosive materini to drive engines, li(luid air is obviously a power that can be under given conditions pro- perly appliefl, hitherto the classic example of a method to liquefy air and obtain oxye n was invented by Beatty and Cailletet in 1877, With their machine one began by carbonic acid gas. By means of it pump this gas was condensed in a tube round which lay water at 10 degrees to keep the tube cool. Tlie carbonic acid gas, being reduced to a very low tem- perature, pas -ted from the first tube into another chalnber with a tube in it, and in so doing fell to it lower temix'ratttre. Into this second tube was pumped at high presmire ethylene gas, which in turn fell to a low temperature, owing to the coldness of the carbonic acid „ 1s bathing the tube. The ethylene gas was then passed from the second tribe into a third compart.nient and fell farther in temperature in go doing. The third cora- partmeut had likewise it tube with, an airpump attached. Into this third tube was purnpell oxygen gas and from taw ethylene gas bathing it the oxygen gas reached a, temperature of 192 degreew below zero. Filially the oxygen was let out..into a fourth compartment, in which was a fourth tuhe. The airpump attached to this first tube having fined it with condensed atmospheric air the latter was Ito redneed in temperature that when it in turn was released from 'the tube its temperature was 273 degrees below zero and it appeared in the form of drops like water. This product, which is called liquid or fluid air, has a milky appearance from the presence of some carbonic acid gas. bubbles eunstantly. and froin its enor- mous cold admits a sinoke or cloud, like the top of a very high mountain, and will only gradually resolve itself agaln into air when exposed to the ordinary atmosphere. Fluid air costs about ten marls (say $2.25) for five cubic meters reduced. The new method of Professor Linde of Munich produces the liquid for 10 pfen- nigs (say 2 1-4 cents) for five cubic me- ters, and it yields the product either as a gas or fluid as one wishes. This is one of the most ingenious pieces of me- chanism known. Its chief feature is its economy of working, for it uses air to refrigerate air. After the pump bas worked for a cel•tAin time one turns n cock and the liquid air runs ont at it temperature of 273 degrees below zero. In Professor Linde's method an air - pump of five horse -power condenses air to a pressure of 200 atmospheres. This air passes down it spirit tube and is let out in a chamber, causing great cold ; then it rises and passes on the, outside of the spiral tube, bathing it and thus cooling the new air that has been pump- ed into the tube to take its place. This cool air follows on into the chamber, expands and again lowers its atmos- phere, then passes on tip around the came spiral, tube ; but as its temperature has become mueh lower the new air In the tube is still further refrigerated. This virepliti.Qng process goes on until the new air prIpped into the tube reach- es the expansro chamber at a tempera tore of 2'73 degr,'ea below zero, when it drops into the ch-Irpher in the form of liquid. '.rhos the air, steadily cooled., is made to refrigerate the newly pump - d k•1 tl ces- THINKS RHEUMATISM IS HORN OF THE ed air more an more lin r le ne LOWER RL REGIONS, BUT YHUCAIA18 S8ry degree ea Cold is attained. Another idea, which may or may not SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURL be an improvement, is to leave the pump A IlEAVEN•SENT HEALUR. and all parts of the machine kept vers, low in temperature. Henry Htunphreys, East London, Air, in the cheap: portable form of a sends his unsolicited testimony: •11 liquid rich in oxygen, can be used for Was seized with painful Iheurnatism in many purposes in manufactures and the uuy left foot. I could not rest with tradm it day or night, the pain wits so in- tense. I tried many remedies, but they had Ho more effect on ale than water on a duck's back. I was per- suaded to try South American Rlfeu- inatic Cure. I followed the directions closely and in it very short time this Nvonderful remedy effected a couf- plete cure, wild there has not been the Tightest hint of a return of the disease, It is It stile remedy and i delight, to herald the goodness all over the land."—Sold by ]Watts & Co. The Sabbath Observance society ought to prosecute A.Iinister Tarte for having worked tit his custowar•y oc- c•upation at Kind Kincardine on Sunay, Aug. 15, where and when he inspected the harbor, listened to the suggest.ioris of the Kincardine Grits and prohahly promised that many thousands of public dollar's would he exppended on the harbor. What is oq Sudety rnotor- uutn's offence comimrod with that of n. minister of the crown P—Handlton Spectator. CATARRH (;I*RED FOR 25 CENTS. i suffered fr•oin Catnrr•h furyears, and have futuxl Dr. Chase's Catarrh Core the haat that I have used, and gladly recommend it to sufferers. Yours truly, Hmuty STONE, Itainham Centre, Ont. The thirteen -year-old daughter of Isaac W illinnls, an Indian on the Six Nations reservation in Brant, was bit• ten on the ankle by a rattlesnake Inst Tuesday evening. Yorkville Fire Station, Toronto, March 3rd, 18117. Dear Sirs,—Having used Dr. Chase's Pills for Costiveness, I ata very pleas- ed to say that I consider then] super- ior to any pill I ever used, as they have perfectly cured nie of this trouble, Taos. J. WALLACE, Fireman. Rossini's 'trumpeter. This is a story Itossini ,liked to tell - A performance of "The Barber" was be- ing given in my honor in the local then- tre. «'hile the overture was in fall swing I noticed a huge trumpet in the orchestra, manifestly blown With re- markal)lcf force and continuity by a mem ber of the band ; but not a sound in the least iikdn to the tone of that instrument could I hear. At the close of the per- forinunc•e I interviewed the conductor, and asked him to explain the purpose of the noiseless trumpet. ate answered: "Alaestro, in this town there is not a living soul who can play the trumpet therefore I specially engager] an artist to hold one up to his lips, binding him by an oath not to blow into it, for it looks well to have a trumpet dri sn o�wratic orchestra."—Chambers's Journ- A. Variety lit 'Ties. The stock or cravat, whichever may be the most accepbible name, is a study in dress which is" very important this sea- son, and to choose from the bewildering variety offered you in the shops requires no little amount• of consideration. We have the simple scarf of silk passing twice around the neck and tied in a bow in front, the narrow band, like a man's evening ite, in all the plain colors, and various plaids, and the sailor's knot, sometimes given a touch of femininity by a finish of dainty lace on the ends. Diflloultles of Enaltah. Count de Cognac (traveling in America and incidentally wrestling with our lan- raage)—Ze Anglish tongue, it was sim- plee incomprehensible I I go to re brok- are's oillee, and ask for my friend, Mis• tair Smeeth—and one man he tell me Mistaire $meeth was "fired," and when I ask what zat mean another man say, that he wast "frozen out 1"—Twinkles. Modest Mew. "Some glen," said Uncle Eben, "is so modest dat dey won't assume no 'aponai- bilitiee whutsomever; an' de.t's why duh wives takes in washin'."—Washington Star. principally it is a food for tired and weak digestions; for those who are not getting the fat they should from their ordinary food; for chil- dren whom nothing seems to nourish; for all who are fat -starved and thin. It is pleasant to take; at least, it is not unpleasant. Children like it and ask for more. a Some druggists have a "just os good "kind. Isn't the kind all others try to equal good enough for you to buy? A PERFECT TEA t . THE F (WEST TEA �N TN WORLD TEA rROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. ” NIunsoon" Tca is put up by the Indian 'r, a )-rowers n s a samp'e of the best yualiticS of Indian 1 r.,.,, Thufefuro they use the greatest care in aha selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the ongini, p telcxees, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Plit up in '9 Ib., t Ib, and g lb. packages, and never e.-ld in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your g,Ocer does not keep it, tell him to write to + STEEL, HAYTER & CO. y 11 and 13 Front Strett East. Toronto 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. rl TRADE MARKS, DE81CN8, COPYRICHTS Ato. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office, Patents taken through Munn & Co, receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautiful)y illustrated, largest circulation of ally scientlnolournal,weekly, terms $3.(N)ayear; V1.50 six men hs.- Specimen copies unci ANI) Oe1C ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New lcort-_ NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN e Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNGor MIDDLE-AGED MEI; -Yon may have been the victinn of Self. Abase when young. Later Exeessee or exposure to blood diuetwes may have completed the work. Yon feel rhe symptunte stealing overyou. You dread the future results. You know you are nut a man inentally and saxaally, Why not'be cared in time and avoid the sad exverience of other wrecks of three diseases. Oar NEW MEI'HUO TUEATMEN'T W fLL CURE YOU APrEY. ALL ELSE FAILS. Emissions, Varicocela and Syphilis Cured N.M. MILLEN N. M. KILLER C • U y r�: 1Z. F, ,y, `j BeforoTreatment Aa9fterTrrstmPYrt "At. the , ge of i6I comrnrn"d to mala y my haw th. Later on its "ONE Op' TO i 11, ,Y. S" I contracted a serious blr,o4 ,lig ¢;.se -SYPII11,Ili . 1 was weak and mrv,am �} l"+I unglent, pirnplPR, sunken P>es, 1j. m, )wills, nicera. hair loose, sure trmi;. a at,d !lIonrh oraii.e in urine, vari,`Or le! -1 wa- •, c, P s '] e i th„ 1•��t a .a H wl -u !Timid recotnmende(i I1rR. Kennn y K,•rgan. A dozen other doctors had 'nil d d la curing me. Drs. Henne Lv eared mo in a few weekR by ilothod Treatment. I would warn simiL^ di Heaved men to beware of Medieal Fraud•+. The•, tiro reliable honest and Hkiliful physicians." W. M, 30 CONSULTATION FREE. �iie trent rtnd cure Vorfen- c e 1 e, Isynhilils. )t�,nrivrslons, Gleet, fatrictrrre. PTervun,y A)r Ibtlity, Unnatural nlAcliarpi:ex, 1Girlrley azul llladder dD t t,- ertKeft. 17 YEARS IN F171CHI�GAN 200,000 CURED No cure, aide. 111:1y. Write fair queatiern nlalrk for L-ltoute Trsatin.•ut. Al[iolctl 1 rm:�• I onaultatfon }Free. DRS. NEEDY & IIEEMAN No. $48 Shelby St. DETROIT, his'ImrCH. Thet anent ion of good ,loin Charlton is respectfully invited Lo the deplora.bl( fact Ihnb his respected leader, Hun. J. Israel Tart(, aIrived at, Killoardine oil the Sabbath day (Aug. 15) in it tag, iuspecled (lie harhor fmproveinents on the holy (lay, and departed by train , ):.7A) on Monday if caning. We re- spe&fully suggest to Mr. Chnrlton Lhe ndvisahility of amending his Sabbath observance bill by providing :t penalty for ministers of the crown who pursue their public avocat.ienr orf the Sabbath dny.--Flitinilton Spectator. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned, having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with, a severe lung atrectlon, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his follow Nufforcrs the means of cure. To those ,who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of char c) a copy of the preNcrlp- tion used, whic I they will find a sure cure for Conafanption, Asthma, Catarrh , Bronchitis and all threat and ming Maladies. He hope. alt sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invnlu- able. Those dosiring the precription, which will rest thorn nothing, and may prove a Bless- ing, will please address, Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New York.