The Huron News-Record, 1897-09-01, Page 2L ' r FIFIT; HIS, "11,+7 vt�li-1 (Cameron Has Seeker For Special 40 Camping and Picnic Parties... Canned Turkey, (`hic•knn, Duck, ('ileo l3eef, Luu(h',,Ougut•, liouelcis', figs Feet, Eiuuan 1latldie, MILOWI-al, Kippel'td II(TH119, Salman, i''re h herring, FINEST ORANOS SARDINES -- Mullegatawny, Mook Turtle and Chicken Soups in Cans, Nellie Ilatnv, L+wdkh Ilreakfast L'aeou, Sugar Lured anti Brooked Shoulders, ilways faithful to their frieuds. I never Gillarll'a Sweet Pickles, a do;icious relish• ��� � � �� heals of btiVO a bundler a the. !cjILutiia. 1uu yulu�ell' tvttc llcld lu� ®�� Q�tj1 1).ly' Ille 1'4,11(l%vilig tvil,Nte ft) 11w ill lh„ . , 4-1 tutee Albert St, Clinton letter pteViortsly (I(loLed Iruin (Aptil 9 Now, Dlin, there Is Ito until in (Wderich ► New Waggon, Cirri ouldsooner tieal;uotl turn fur than yun,bill 11 Y , age and Repair Shop art le cat nopuli+m. No mart in l'nn. \v Lit chili matter 1 lime tocou„idcr wore than yun Been an Office- it lilts ever invoighed against• tilt andw>NuIY. llutew"Ill rNerVICV-tutile part), I have opened out un Ilattenbut' street, next duo,•tu Tedfurc)'s bhlck 1,; t+ull uN leu riot tofl lie. 1 know Nour4.401na Y t criole, Toil cilium it i+ lu It grPltor I- bdoiC it port)•, a., we 1 as suit wilt tell un'. sIllilh shop, and till prepared to till orders for \Vagguns, Carriages and all other tent than yon \\'ithout till' gr;lntl-! Ido nor ,\IAA to eol(r iolt tu„•t; .(•hide;. }{epairingaud repafnfin r l�ial�y �'�rarS. HO(Iu(.nl. SPuteneeS denunncotg nopl)t j,ut il�ti ;�tuc�u, i��ol 11it���(��i� inti tn:"tut,i tu.N,in l Itnteetl and (rices the luwe 1, I)rowptly attended tip. aatisfactiutl 'goat J t,tu, nearly all Of, your STP;•ch(•s -elute I you will hl• ..tti..tied i0ill whutut'er cum.", l ! st cun,i:+lcnt with quad work. ('all anti "We me he vote• Itmvrs begnu to deoliIlt•, vvnttl(1 take.' fore yon ordet. _ jutve been "flat, Stale and Ilnprotit- 1)t) uu reruemhe,, ha+t CHARLES WALKER. „ Y year, when _-T-- -- able. It was.lhe harden of your sou ; yo111• elforts Lu get. into llit- on h et, lilt OCCNS1UIl I late yeitl'N, iltld (cabinet )r`U\'t,(1 11, lit,, all(I fill ��=U1A BA CA1p S His the h(unutgc you eulplOyl'll wtis thrOlL'-tuedt 1,O resi ii :iiia take theq� ■1,l-��9 , '��seho®s Nailed strong, 1,I'll, relentless luld evPu regislrat•shii)P Yoo event. tit '1't)- TEAS, S T vulgar• runtO and applied to tits) J,cval Cavern- ort It A�), TEA` (,cyton, Assam and Japune, z; lbs. good hall. tron't c:L('e a straw for• your abuse o your threats= -any blackguar.l tut call nauleS. You saill that I held a high opiniot of 'yutt at cine title. I did, and so d1 t.h"nSFutds of others in the county o lltu'tn, but I regret to Say we don' Malt( the shale opinion of yutt to -day You werva tighl(w and iL leader t,ha I delight.0d ti) t'ulloty. Yon +tad til reputntiot,, which 1 have sintte learue ,vu.S'lilt tleser•vrd, of being an hones 11tolitic•ian, whose word was his bond 1'uu were looked upon is it meal \vh cared not what sacrifice he made fo party, and who lielieved that, publi otTire. vIits a public trust. All this ha ehaillred. Foil are no lunger leader, but a creature in the hand, of cryo ur three dnsigniu then, who have. taken advantage o your urtn-V infirmities to force fipOt Volt a coarse which your better •judg nient, in the days when yore Avert mentally and physically etroni;er than YO 11 are to -day, would have detetre you froul adopting. As to ,your collection Of terms of op prohrinlrl, wit ich you falsely say 1 have applied to yon, ynn kuuw thin your Maine wits never nlentiontd in con IIection with any of then). it. is 1.1-t ie I Opel etl up a culuIl,tl of, political ;phor isuls ill 'rho Signal, but, Illy d0aV siV, there were ill tlre�e "political paint+ rs" references to good oleo in politic•., rLs well Its to crooked c;hap,. i will gi\•s )-un stone Of tilt, nphovistils which yon (little from, and some of the. others, I'—- thev really are not bad, and have been freely copied ill a uunlber of (nit,ide papers: "The clitrorenec between it statesnutn and a litielita i, like, untu thitt between oak and -wood." 'Rfather, bhnster and buncomhe are the car a'k, nil a political eafl : into;nit}, euprg%, and ,Ilest.y betoken the statesmatn." "Never bank on a bottle -ended polilician,,, "The pulttichllt +rho isn't plumb is n dead tailnte ., u'eas ill panties often girt,+ a man it tet I(I head " "!he w,viced 11,e lnceu none p(ir,urlh. and iC, the Value with the Scalawag politician." "A mien who is a polywng n1,, Ot•tawa tries to appear like a whale when at home," •';conte politioialls would have yon believe they were RO VII.1 Ilongal t.igorN, when in reality they etre only singed cats.' - "A eorkserew politehtn oanno( work ,Lraight.." .'('rail -all and Keep -all are great politicians." "Re true to principle." "At1\vaysst4OpIIFytheconNtltucncy, thccou- Nth (.011- e Jon and cunsisLency " "The true men in polities should be loved toil rvvered." "If the, honest men were out or politic+ \+•lint u ea rnivitl the ether chaps world have." ..It IN fortunate for the emintry when good mon are in the maJority." "A liar] famentar v candidate should Rtand four-sq»are to till I. whids that blow." "The people, like honest, upright., straight, It Kit- )I elplcd (•aplains in lFuliiieN•" "The honest man in po'itics is not to be found en one Hide only." "If it: were not, for the gond mon in po:itia, the had ones world drive the country to the devil in )totfille." NOW, why did von appropriate all thus(! that. were ant of a flattering kind and ign(we the other's i One would think that, an iininaculate politician, and it good, Uod-feiirinq Christian mini --such its Vcill prof0ss to be, when at church---vvonld have. taken to himself •til the sweetness from the flowers, and left the ugly little thor s for the other' fcllOws, Rut Volt don't d(1 it, for and )ttobably know' lvhitt suits your case (rest. You filay have it so, and we'l- ('mill, for all i em -e, i an] not doing the choosing. I shall now deal with some of your Allegations against. me. You say i aur an otileeseeker•; ilint I applied for the Registry Office, and then applied for Lila post -Office to vou. Further On, you say, that I "wag the first and only man who gave infof (nation against Cna iphell," and that I diel so within ,one week of the general election. V6'ith re iced to the registry -office I plead gu!lty, if It he a crime to apply for to position itfter it quarter of a cen- tit1, of earnest and faithful work, without fee or reward. With refer- ence to your Statement of my having f lilac, \ n rti(),t. Chbap`1'on were Fru office-s(`eker th(•n, :Il yj p\., ;� I yeals ago, and you are tilt uflive-seeker Ulleap Cheap p � �1 ��• ��\ to -clay. BEST WOVEN Wllll� Q"E110E�IA Y l llurin the Mackenzie 1't, *ini(• STEEL Thee a 1 \q � He INS � r,' you evert, aaxionS to have "Itunora6le" WIRE WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. f hl E f+ attached lu yOm nu.nu' by \very of til(• r t c n n £ Senate. You (lid nut• gel 1t, )11141 there , oo �o ov ©a©o eo �c>.oca.00 ��. NGS. M,c K o N were Arnined relations between you t ,, ,t oo> rsn leu .I .,• ant( ytwi, leader. I „ rN a •rORlf.e pA, cf F9 ,�C.A. i fo til (,untling Ilp I lfiY3, it,- LPranle all a + - otlicc-Seekot aN suint ns it +vas kuo\rn t --tea -- that the late Registrar was st.vic•ken - '- with illness, and made, I think, ,the :.. u �•.. HraL' application toil the ntlict,. r t �• I ` �q Tmnledinctly nft('r the death of M+ttufacturodandSoldby 9 IL' it r Judge Talus ill Miry, 1hi1,i, van vverr• Tma ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO., LTo. as untAl�� U�"77 very Willing to thruly down Clic Libel•- Pieton l ntsrro. • • V'1I l '- I. r ti _ I1fi I ,�� 1 I rtls'i I \\,( t, liurnn cull( to ac•c•e )t a i _ _II judges ) s 4 1 MCMU1� n5 CHOICE Sl'EEL. WIRE c ETT81VG5 vy I i hl) ft'011l tie 1i11P 1'1)1" ('nVl't'll- ��� ,�-,���,,.L.I.'� ^ t Jll�l i1l`t' j ll n1Pnt. lint. the glut (;tiled, and vuu i t► . POULTRY YARDS '�I f I were again cul office -seeker Out of It 111,, *IvVN FENCINGS, ETC, t I I' } I _ ,job. I knew all flit, particilbirs, and r "1 ins' I l I iI , - \� , Iuay' give them On nnotlwl• nc(.1tsion. ARE SOLD ver MUCH LOWER thisyear, t•� RIr i I novo ` Aftev Lilo 'ltd reShi) fctilcd •O1, � than ever before,' ' I €, t , '' fort THEY ARE THE BEST ask •our Hardware Merchant for them. d i I,I � � ni;•rtiu b0tnok yuut'Sell',t<, the Chase tut• ) t y e , I� II I T�ttr,I the registrrn•Ship, and after Viti)lly, I i; 4t�,It lll�� writing, utast, Ft spPtlal i/ilhritpng(, to •- -- - 1 Toronto to u'bLtiu the pt)SiLum, ;is (- - r have alreadv stated. And yel yoll 1855--"T}��j Old �le��ab� f )�I� �jjiQ�-- :. 11111,,•0 the hilldihnOd ft) eitn :LnotIIVI' u '�+'+•�•11I�tt1 Ulan till Dolce -seeker -1,O deuunn(•e \- 1'i � •' •uu)thPl' I'ur S(.t,kiug aril] u113c(' in a e legitimate icily. ('It11 In and 'see tnv sioek of tloucehuld VII rl itttlrf'. Snore +',r `'�✓�:� 1 0ould �u On cx )usin'* Full . I t'rl"NtiION TABLISti, R(�,I)ROUm til, in Oak. lsl! tit, 1 nsp�in #, I c r,n inlY I':\\11'1 1{O('ICFRR 1 hl'I',5 I (, 1?Ila, :1sh, .11a 10, &r', i particul:u'S ul'y„nil pnlitic•Ill ini(Iuities ) tA1'2'}tL5S1,S, hl HiNG BEDS, Pi(.'"l'l'lll,ti ('('ll- �\ for weeks were T so 'S>)S' IAi\ I01,E8, SIDEBOARDS 1:ASL1';'i CENT d1, ir.(.(l, but l ti1Ht? TARr,LS,fic. have no desire to I.::tke yule feel NVOI,tie Pictures Framed, glass Used Ill )icottre fra nieS s )eciA it 1 i `}•' \ .UIIJ' ODE Rota' y r r I , 1 ) p uteri, �Iunl(lin'�S, 1' , G \� flirt ,- <ltneric;1,n u n / �tr, a V(III du 1,c clay. 1 -oar letter hears uJ ('an11uli:ul, Fine :issrntutcnt, hr:unos for 1'hotOs. 11 - P05T-OFF)te '� t"� evidence that vl'urs is truly it bad Pri(es right, good value flit' your uutney-. G00ft-1''ent-bol:•; taken in exc•hnn"e Df PL state.tirnn(. good Fc:Uhurs foil SaIP. Perulit me to soy that Yom hate been bndly advised by Vuur board of direr- \� tocw Of late, and Vuu were Very hadlp -Albert \.\ �• C. lJ4i�4.i - t�®&Jk St rent- -,t ` advised when van \v'rute, nil 11nt1 \\nit- ;,"I;-. ten fur You, your list h4ler to lne. Undertaker T, Oppnslto Tntvlt ((sill y ,1�� __. , Yolt are nOt well 0quipped for open Leading V Y1C1 "eta s letter Writing, and iL were better that, g er taker and Filnballner. , I \ •\ s T y ii had kept to the work of black -let- -� O ! llcsiilcncu o\cr titnrl'' 11. C. ti'rP;t 1 xsns. Ag"i ° 1 II = II _ �` tering and lying about nie to the, Post. n)nster Geu0ri11, in st,ertxt, :out gclLin i f ,lye I! Il l t your hired leen to flu the dirty vvOrl: - J l 1 in ((til who is this ons. ]n Ftn open til;ht MOOR Sewing Juachinawafafooms. it ullu) who is not W'uthful, n sill htFLnd i €i rtbn\•ebu:u'rl has no chance wit hall bun. 1I •` `P t - est, u]Iut ;and you are not "in it" ill in - -o - TY __R S f A VORr, \ I �', Open debate, �m your actions will nut I,. 'I , �.-::Y:.'} "'------/•-- _ stilnd the light of day. f know your I have made arrangements with the Ni: \V ltU\[1'; till\\'11(r J(:1('111N1? 1•�j'!l jy� g1,,✓ whole plan of campaign : I know of ('UJII ANY Io handle their Ittac•hines and am prep II.vd to offer• the liblic• ail . , i , 4g, �. `t vour rebttions with 1\11'. healer, and articlo unsurpassed flit- durabilil.y and the quality OF ,vurk. They \r lJ , 1 3p1!" A f ell be pinre(1 �I `I/I 3 f - the prou)ises yOn made and broke (or nn trial free ; vve CO)"pete with all machines nn the' (nark -t. i ;ds(o lutV(. other II. - It G 11 Ih.i ;� --=- _� .�•�-_ _ � _ could not fulfil) to him ; [ know Air. L. glades n1, less tnOney. Needles and parts supplicrifor all uIIIAOS of Iuac•hines, I+.. Uancey has been your henchman till along, and has given you his assistance AV:1HiIING AIA(•IfIXF.S -i n,nt agent fur the celebrated Authuny Wayne ' 1111 SPrtlion, and out Of SCSaon, and i Washer, tileltll'q(ISt I lntn"facturen, of Washer9 in the wol•Ill, Tho nI,l(•hirlA My courtesy of IIIc Stall incl l'rnpire.i know that he has not, dont, yI, work (""""(At' he beat in Fn,,y Ieslwct. i still handle the ilnpr•oved ideal and Nlltllitnba, BUT THIS IS A LIBERAL GANDER fur his health's sake. i kuuwnuholy \VasherS. :11N(l (`lothea `` HI19Prs, the best in the inarket. your famous petition a•Its ,,,,&�eddled iibout town, anti how it ,vas 'dgil9E'd, I • ®®��j i hail( to go "vest t1,)-niuht to remain till I feel know how till- letters ill favor of All.. �+yy �a� mai' It gnod (foil] bei ter than i lint nil%%% i have nn as you are concerned. Yon cannot. shcl- (a alt were Obtained, and Of the petsOnnl reeolleetion or lulving n»nkle ynn, o, n.nyhodt• ter yourself behind the doings of othe,'s. 0tulvass of your- son-in-law to Obtain The Old Stand �y else, nil espres, promise, i do, however, recof. It (Jill nut avail A(la I. says "The theta ; i knuvv of soar pursnnal inter- , Huron Street, C�.lnt011. lent in 91, moment of tve,tknrss' sa} ing to sun wotnut Cenlptrd mt,.:tn I I Alid el.t." -- - -- - - views with ceratin i,iheral.r• and of -- -- -- \v len the itf•gist 1 Otllee Pilled. Why don': Then ou char td net, with the crime your pleadingR with thein for aid and - you apply for the 1'ostolffee t" I think this is Y g e three to my credit. Hove many vOlun- ! - _ 1 - the Stnt(`mwIo1 nnule, 111fuulve nu hesitatio„ of nepotism, bevanse I-IV broth<'l' ,vas assistruu'e in yarn efforts to Obtain the . I LESLIE'S CAR in now Saying t utt 01011,11 fully intended, it a. a) Ofnted to ,L Nary letters did you receive in favor of CARRIAGE AND Val-n,ry neetired, that VUt' Slrr,!•LU r1,kVle TILE 1 p position in the +Govern- job fur your son-in-law ; lord I know Galt, and how many weeks was he en- oxt•tcr:. ince then ntJnreireuut,tan(c.S have relent elllpl(ly :it Toronto. I ;hall no of a case where One grand Old Itefrn•m. raged in canvassing 1'nr those rrccive.l -- ---WAGON FACTORY, arisen that make it dtfllcnit. if not lin ossible, more to (JO toil h getting that position you sla)kv, voicing the � � P b' p se 1,O wham ly You : Corner Huron a,,(1 Orange Rtrcets, ('limon. Por nut 1,.o carry oat uv oaunsar.Ixfhv'ru)v.•' fur my brother thrltt you had. The sentiments of auras, begged of You Nnw, that, is the quotation. Fluor do L(x•ltl Government wanted it cOrnpe- not to do the act, Furd "ca.•Lt a cloud You boast of your strength fit the hirStd"1nsS Buggies ort fuurd cold made to you rac.oncile your awn stater lent, tent Rt.enOgrapher and editor in con- upnu your lr(.viuns political atrc•t,r." constituency and Illy weaknPSN. There order. t r1eeN to Snit 1,h( tuv Iteliall+ said , above given, with the statement, ill _ 1 1R a" "al1v vv ity to Settle it, blare ill painting prompl.ly stead to. 1'ri c•cs tett+un nertion with unP Of th0ir dPptu'tIl l COLI, t know the scavenger work in which Yonr yunr lit -it letter regarding Illy att•itu(le Thunms McMilicuddy possessed t hu yon lla.vP been engaged ill Order to get resit,*nation in the hands of the Npeitkto Campbell and my worrying ,you in necessary (fOalific•at.ions and was the office, and I know of the diene er of the o lse and then I-11 .Till)(. fur the '�"� .Till)(. to obtain the puSLnffic•e for rile? appointed fur his nbil)Ny, luul nOt Ile- through \vhi(h you crnwle(1 t,,, c•onstituen . tt�yc3u dare. i wdl test WANTED \wvllt� for"(� ltrell Vic JL iorlit. iter }tilt(n nils if I hall been acting lit Jlllle ,19 y(111 eautle. he had a brothel'. liven hall I gitther in th0 job; �-,till ynn (crake, a your strenq It and my weakness to I)ianmmnd Jubilee., overflowing with ),ay.t aRNel•t, why q',tti Ik ne('eVNal'y for VOL, to been it fact n', I Was nOt, A Itle,nb('r• 1111atiL1(e 111 1'tlShlllq Illtn print, silt'( l❑ such ail t'XLPnt f11tLf, y011 will not i>(! and iiCheRt pietnreR, Contains, the endnr,rrl ask fire to apply for the 1)ostotfiee in YOU SItY I nen still an Office -seeker riming into) the o mn. YOn shnnld heard of again In Canadian politics, I hingr,Pph '.f Her 14 rsty, with authen)c Ilk 1 trmnrkalc r(tgn, and fall n(t'eltnl Lit(, last. Of August Somebody is find you make staten)entR bringing in have. kept to your underground had intended to let you rest quietly in of file. Diamond ,rubilec. truly &Nrlt, Rig book. bearing false witness in this came, and the name of bun, \Ir. 6.vte. mi.. Ineth(,dS. 1 -Olt should ,love cOntinaerl the grave which yore had digged for Tromendous donnands. Bonn.nzn fail ngrni•. I aril +tut dOil, it. hI attihule in re- T,u•le will neither indorse Commission :ill ler cent. Credit given. FrOxhi Y e your a�tate- LO dO your \vurk in 1,h(. dark. Yourself, but n<nv, I tell You that 1 and• OO9T•IT t?'Ri.r•.. 1)m t,aid. write r uiek Perence to the retention of I,ostt la4tPr inent nor thmik YOU fen' the insinult- You taunt me wil., lint ))riving been shall fact: you every t.inie you dare to for outfit and territory.) TIiP: 31OSif�ltr)N lJ7LTtlphen IR 11nt a nPIV OTl(•. I explain• +loll, and I II,IA•e all•Pady )roved IIliLt r!lidU rsed by the Llberids, and not ra191 your head all this question, In COMPANY, Dept. 1330 Dearborn szt., (•hlengn. ed matters in full to several of the YOIt are a very capable falsifier when being entlorserl to -day. \Vt,ll, the rent. press or on platform, unta.l you etre -- - -_ - Ministers at Ottawa in May Inst, and YOU In+eke the necessary et'fort. A.on 1 did not ask t,<a IvLve letters sent called hence to answer before the high- Durham Bull For Service. did not hesitate to sav that the dismis- ThPn you try to slur at, my nallrt, to you, and discountenanced the idea )est tribunal fo tilt deeds sort hitve sal of (larnpbell vvonld do injury to the I and, with loull boastings, claim that wathin, I did not believe in be ill' done. Yours, etc., For service on lot, 12, est. roncesston. Hulled, }.fhera) aril es )eeiall if it were iln You "have macll, qK g that Rplendi(I thorm ghbrcrt Perham Mill party, 3 ,v greatt,r sacriflcPs fol for thein its ymi did, thrmigh your son- D. MCGILLI( tTI)I)Y, (champion," sired Prom Elmhurst. Farm, plernented by appointing ,John Galt. till, Liberal party than rill the AFc(; illi- in-law. One or two friends of inine, Goderich, Ont., uq. 19th, 18W?. TorntR, Bt cash. with privilege of returning. I repeated this tO three of the Minis- euddys that ever saw the light ofday." I understand, sent letters in my favor, 977-41, 11, FR>Lxu,ty. Owner, ters at Ottawa On a snhsequent visit, Well, I am not ashnmd Ot my name, voluntarily, and when r found the --- - Arld )*'ft A written statement of the it is a, good, tirne-hOnOred Irish name, + thing was'being done, I asked that no Removal of Nig Soil, Apples Wanted. cftse. on that occasion. So, you set-, and 1 am prold to Own it. it came to more be sent, its l had an idea yup 1 want all the MarkntabloApplrR 1 ran hay your feeble and false attempt to attach me honorably, and i know of no blot wonld claim that every aletter sent The undersigned will undertake the removal and ant pay a highest. eA (ell Iran bitn to, stigma to me in this regard iR futile on iLs fair Pomo, from n party or an I of Night Soil and thorough cleaning of cloRets. p Y y to you was sent ill favor of I on short notice, and at reasonable rntoR, All with foreign guotatiotm Hold your apples lin- in tilt/ extreme, other standpoint, Tit(- McGillieuddys' Galt, I misjudged you to Rene . refulreremoved out of town. payfor have rLDont, rt from alit) twhatake, tau And now a word in regard to your always have been true and honest, and extent as I see you have laced pay for them. no not n,ako any mistake. t ) + Y p + !(15 t•f ROUT. MPLNNFLi,. 978 t -f 1). CANTF.LON, Clinton. 0 a ,,; ..: �; (. ' •,, ��:.,:.:.. ,.rte ,..:,,,�„ „...,.,, ' ;,.:..,.,.�.: �,, ,..,.. z. �SiYfYI�3:�...,(. � ' ,.�. ...:w '....�. K' •...:..,.,. .i. -,:...: .., r,,,...-:,..... _.. ,,«.. �,,.:I..,+�.,.,....... ,.. _. _,,,,.. ,.,.,.._ti.,,.,.,� ,.-... ...... _.._....,.......,,..... _ ��,-., ....�.,.,.,.,,. L.,.. ._wv ... ...,,.._i:.. .,.a:.:,.,,:�.4..:_.r - You tell are that I don't know the MClit for lilt, position, and on dein(; re. •1 u Ig •Yeoll Iur )I ur 15c per !b. -'_. --- meaning or nepotism. and I will giv(t best fused, you then FL.1•ked that I shouldSugars have tilt, Sugars, Sugars. applied to you for tie pn, Or yon the (iefillit011 I hrtv(• bee„ able to find, taken from the Foul co- Y' pusit.tun, cli(intiu� that, u((t• side of yourself, i best, deserved tilt, r Just to baud one eat of Montreal Sunare. No. 1 (lrenulaled, Coffee �' 01 -lice, Plain, Speaking to an Unscrupu-: thal, f „tat to You ill June, or 1,t any pPdic llictiuurO,, Vol. [i, pni;e 1,7:,: oche', If yon do not retn'llibel it.. i do, do and ltFlw's , ill bills, one hundred pound and dollar lots, SPECIAL PRICES Aher tittle while the cast, was pending lous Man. I -r(l(t l,ir:, alit you knew it. FO, tun. "Nio,oi,iiNt �-The Vice eontn,mt aillnng pub. lie well holding patronage, of appointing tliei, and Nu the 9Jiuisters whoa( you ;nlnrriPwad. 1vnO \VFLN Lhe ntiiet!. ,+ WE KEEP Th BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS IN THE ItlP.ly l teal ,rove this b our Ow't Y Y 'L',ehistw�rdthat\v:Lsspuksn own relative.; to siluatioes of villoluntent ht d191'C!(aLl'd Gu tilt: 1'hlbilN ofothers �/etiCl' hLl('d Seeker uIl (hitt occasion Ali(] that ,1•U bFt ill 7S tore n1, Nht, SIK yiFttS (n '1'f 7- 1 y COUNTY. Dinner, 'L'eu and Jtedroont Sets, rine China and Lamps. r)� ' ' � ' y p Iettt,rs. between you and the un the subject of eartlie uR1ceN: eo\oratisw,to++urdR nue, ret:L• ronh> \rhiuh you falsely attribute to per cent. lies than regular p aular prices, Call and see our Goods and get Friends Who Backe[( Him For the postt,tliCe was nil the 311th of Aug., last yen r, uu your return fruit Uttawa, otio"S•" That. t re allyhml he perfect one. who really has the perfect. c•lilssi- tel(' [ could, if l wt,re sO (lisposed,.ttl,tkP prices, SEEDS,-Titnothy, Red and Alsilce ' ,(,]over, Turnip and 1lyn old. All Many Years Did Not Look Up the week before the registry otllee ap- cal educalion thin r. you rut, snppua(',] to Of you the greatest exhlbitiuu that fresh and net, seed, g puintmeut wits settled. His Shady Record Then yon Said YOU had come up on possess. It vertainiv satisties ole, it 11 It 9atisill-s the! people of N est liar( I. ever was tillule of It, ptthlie yuan ill Canada. Yon talk abmit your sael•iti Cash Paid for pond Butter and Eggs, - • till.' trail) with the (loll. ,J. AI. (Willson, itJntil Now. wilt) had tuld you Lhat o\viug to the Yllll Say' thitt What yell Objt•et('(1 to wits Wholesale ueputisul, cos but ,\'ill poll tell rue what sols have dolle fill' IJlbevitli"Ill Or ill P,ll•lilt- �1q�•+p��/• �• W. V • ,�RWI Clinton. hostility of Thos. Gibson, M.P.P. for alld elaiIl1 that it is not I eri lie to gr) into tilt re- L,lell", outside of filling Hansard with Strung adjectives and lio,ping lo(*ic ' \� 4/ll1S -- U, list, Hui'oll, to tile, I could nut get the "Buti,,,v),oil tall business lit that regard. lit the ++ \VhnL is your record fur ill Ill. - - - -- -_-_ _-._ added, -'neve,- o util 1, The Searchlight of Truth Reveals OVA!• yott the past opinion of hol,t•st Inen and 11evording to the Dtralnque, he wilt) sit -01S (»le Vela', public lite Trot, you Ina, say, "I elLrried 8ortth Hnrun 7 [� CLINTON/ 84SH DOOR and BLIND 1 FACTORY unite." 1 told Voll that you wefe good Ananias, at otlices that sheep is a thief, and so is he \Vho NLenls Hoek. I Find W(-4 Huron ()It several Occasimis Mid I s )elle A. lot Y giving were not vracant, and you replied. 1•1 will make It Il, apply I he anak,gy Lo 1,6111' particular C;Ise in appniuting luhtt of utOnOy ill doing SO," blit yon[• E tfiurls -'o valnnrv; J Will eat. Ulunilht,ll's d d •ru it. ('. ('ameron, Esq., U. P., Guderich, (lilt. Lead ntF. I Lbun told you thin I did Gale •-•<ls FL Ia\\yet' yon kilo\"•, If y�bn knew anything, that it is a l>rincipie on these uceasinn:, were nal, because ynn were su true to Liberalism, hill boranst �. �• ®���� Proprietor. 11(,t \vallt• Calllpbell'S heat} cut of'f to it law, th'it no ti•ttsh,v Shall b0 :L belle- you tvlLntl 1,l to have tinl,nr- , ti11L,- -\i('StE'1'dlty 1 fel't'l\'Pd yell t' llpPn waken pier(' for ,n', and ynn replied, le ter to Iue, but was so engagt•d that tie,ilry in w(.11'trst lyJ,ieh 1 (� holds, Nare ,' able•" attached to the 1131111(• of M. ('. (!,uueruo a pure(y' Soltislt uluLivt( General and Contractor. l ampb0ll \0311 go anyway, and ynn 1 lad not filar+ to insert it in tae last will have the first AT,4," This is 'till, issue, dity end Px(epl: it h„ uunnn:tod in t.h(. bond. 'Yon hold a trust fr"U, the ,e"• l lint, even if Volt IrLve h,np ht. up rile 1 ,wilder This factor has been as cit! bl:f ive was acivie hull- Story of the ease, and 'Voll know iL is day, :end extra work was (Brown upon , „ pie, of \\ c s1, litu•on, and it is nOt euustiLuelicy, til;rt. ,� Ila I-Cit,on why you Should uu\v Sell it•, Mud I lust is under thl Y the supervision and ulvnorship for ei ht earN, \Vit C,+rep art extensive g )' the Ofl)ce. OO Lila day of publiciLtiuil. I fa ne. }3nL •yOn piacticr111y corrubnrnte dropped ht`iet il,tn yrnlrletter to ul0datetl AlWil:3Utb, to that 'the unminated ill the bond t hitt t1e public' OtliVeS of the county shOIlld be your what ou have dune. } and reliable stock n OC and prepato plans and give tot and build all classes at' buildings on cihort notice you a cute effect' 1,407,day the dec)SIOn was deliver- Yunr letter i, that of 11Lu angry until. wivatP ,era uis:tes, ro 11 1 i glee? In y(nnr You anY Lbnt I auu ;ill attic e Soekei' because 1 :L „lied for st prices and on the closest prices. All worli is supervised in a inechan' a w' IC l ay and satisfaction Pd, and which, hy' the way vvaN in With relprence to Vntll• 1't!Illai-ks on rei)ly to Nellie of the 29th April Of this R)lOnd relatives or relatives by illar 1'iage, to the exchision of all ,t ntsitit»t, and 11 1 L1'IPIl IlltlJeti(ll' Lt 1.(l'l it. \\'1L•Lt FLhUllt guaranteed. r \\ a sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. lay "swelled lled head, 'vanity, and veal'. -the. fit'st currvspoddence which "conceit" I tFt.11efti, You have toren weighed in tilt l;alitnre, y4,nrst 11 . \\• hen I Spoke ill' your no_ � I , LtirriboI, Lath, Shlllr'leti Lime, Sash, 1)OOl'ti I3l + 111(15, Etc. have nothittgwhatevc?r to (evt,rhnd with you un file subject: and fount( wanting and, puliticnlly slllirchec) (-It"' - of a(i y0iu•s, I Spoke say. You were glad tohave ole its I "Your,; of yeSter(hLy received. I have been wits.s('luugitsltlidnOLuppuseyout'+,ill, Ia1,idup ttueeorfourua}'scunflnrd tun, ,00,n a sl)eakinq, "Nene, nivne, t0kel nph;n- sin" is new written un the \v<tJl, su frit wtlbuut, looking ill) the records. Nirt(•e then I have hake( t.henl up, al)(1 1 6011 Agent for t}.e CELEIII{ATM) GPAYLILI, , 5CI100L nESIi, manufactured In Waterloo. (,all and and Voll would be glad to -day if all --- ----.._----_„-_-- that, as early at, ISL;i, you were all get prices and aahmates before placing your orders, _. _'._- _ _. _ - :._�_ -.. .._.. _��_-- flat ylhl have S:LId OI. 4101st, ai;alllSt (IIP - - - - _--- -....__ ____,.^.. _ ollil e-st•1•kvt,. You applied ,lied to Sir. Jnll,l 1 ! vverr, unl one, itncl you could once tr,Ore _' )One ns iL rehrthI Lod truthful t 1 UCS' �'°L� •-1 TSI �,, � �� A. ,Ma(alunclld's Guvet•unient, ft, make you Jncl •e Of til' t f II _ hall. tron't c:L('e a straw for• your abuse o your threats= -any blackguar.l tut call nauleS. You saill that I held a high opiniot of 'yutt at cine title. I did, and so d1 t.h"nSFutds of others in the county o lltu'tn, but I regret to Say we don' Malt( the shale opinion of yutt to -day You werva tighl(w and iL leader t,ha I delight.0d ti) t'ulloty. Yon +tad til reputntiot,, which 1 have sintte learue ,vu.S'lilt tleser•vrd, of being an hones 11tolitic•ian, whose word was his bond 1'uu were looked upon is it meal \vh cared not what sacrifice he made fo party, and who lielieved that, publi otTire. vIits a public trust. All this ha ehaillred. Foil are no lunger leader, but a creature in the hand, of cryo ur three dnsigniu then, who have. taken advantage o your urtn-V infirmities to force fipOt Volt a coarse which your better •judg nient, in the days when yore Avert mentally and physically etroni;er than YO 11 are to -day, would have detetre you froul adopting. As to ,your collection Of terms of op prohrinlrl, wit ich you falsely say 1 have applied to yon, ynn kuuw thin your Maine wits never nlentiontd in con IIection with any of then). it. is 1.1-t ie I Opel etl up a culuIl,tl of, political ;phor isuls ill 'rho Signal, but, Illy d0aV siV, there were ill tlre�e "political paint+ rs" references to good oleo in politic•., rLs well Its to crooked c;hap,. i will gi\•s )-un stone Of tilt, nphovistils which yon (little from, and some of the. others, I'—- thev really are not bad, and have been freely copied ill a uunlber of (nit,ide papers: "The clitrorenec between it statesnutn and a litielita i, like, untu thitt between oak and -wood." 'Rfather, bhnster and buncomhe are the car a'k, nil a political eafl : into;nit}, euprg%, and ,Ilest.y betoken the statesmatn." "Never bank on a bottle -ended polilician,,, "The pulttichllt +rho isn't plumb is n dead tailnte ., u'eas ill panties often girt,+ a man it tet I(I head " "!he w,viced 11,e lnceu none p(ir,urlh. and iC, the Value with the Scalawag politician." "A mien who is a polywng n1,, Ot•tawa tries to appear like a whale when at home," •';conte politioialls would have yon believe they were RO VII.1 Ilongal t.igorN, when in reality they etre only singed cats.' - "A eorkserew politehtn oanno( work ,Lraight.." .'('rail -all and Keep -all are great politicians." "Re true to principle." "At1\vaysst4OpIIFytheconNtltucncy, thccou- Nth (.011- e Jon and cunsisLency " "The true men in polities should be loved toil rvvered." "If the, honest men were out or politic+ \+•lint u ea rnivitl the ether chaps world have." ..It IN fortunate for the emintry when good mon are in the maJority." "A liar] famentar v candidate should Rtand four-sq»are to till I. whids that blow." "The people, like honest, upright., straight, It Kit- )I elplcd (•aplains in lFuliiieN•" "The honest man in po'itics is not to be found en one Hide only." "If it: were not, for the gond mon in po:itia, the had ones world drive the country to the devil in )totfille." NOW, why did von appropriate all thus(! that. were ant of a flattering kind and ign(we the other's i One would think that, an iininaculate politician, and it good, Uod-feiirinq Christian mini --such its Vcill prof0ss to be, when at church---vvonld have. taken to himself •til the sweetness from the flowers, and left the ugly little thor s for the other' fcllOws, Rut Volt don't d(1 it, for and )ttobably know' lvhitt suits your case (rest. You filay have it so, and we'l- ('mill, for all i em -e, i an] not doing the choosing. I shall now deal with some of your Allegations against. me. You say i aur an otileeseeker•; ilint I applied for the Registry Office, and then applied for Lila post -Office to vou. Further On, you say, that I "wag the first and only man who gave infof (nation against Cna iphell," and that I diel so within ,one week of the general election. V6'ith re iced to the registry -office I plead gu!lty, if It he a crime to apply for to position itfter it quarter of a cen- tit1, of earnest and faithful work, without fee or reward. With refer- ence to your Statement of my having f lilac, \ n rti(),t. Chbap`1'on were Fru office-s(`eker th(•n, :Il yj p\., ;� I yeals ago, and you are tilt uflive-seeker Ulleap Cheap p � �1 ��• ��\ to -clay. BEST WOVEN Wllll� Q"E110E�IA Y l llurin the Mackenzie 1't, *ini(• STEEL Thee a 1 \q � He INS � r,' you evert, aaxionS to have "Itunora6le" WIRE WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. f hl E f+ attached lu yOm nu.nu' by \very of til(• r t c n n £ Senate. You (lid nut• gel 1t, )11141 there , oo �o ov ©a©o eo �c>.oca.00 ��. NGS. M,c K o N were Arnined relations between you t ,, ,t oo> rsn leu .I .,• ant( ytwi, leader. I „ rN a •rORlf.e pA, cf F9 ,�C.A. i fo til (,untling Ilp I lfiY3, it,- LPranle all a + - otlicc-Seekot aN suint ns it +vas kuo\rn t --tea -- that the late Registrar was st.vic•ken - '- with illness, and made, I think, ,the :.. u �•.. HraL' application toil the ntlict,. r t �• I ` �q Tmnledinctly nft('r the death of M+ttufacturodandSoldby 9 IL' it r Judge Talus ill Miry, 1hi1,i, van vverr• Tma ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO., LTo. as untAl�� U�"77 very Willing to thruly down Clic Libel•- Pieton l ntsrro. • • V'1I l '- I. r ti _ I1fi I ,�� 1 I rtls'i I \\,( t, liurnn cull( to ac•c•e )t a i _ _II judges ) s 4 1 MCMU1� n5 CHOICE Sl'EEL. WIRE c ETT81VG5 vy I i hl) ft'011l tie 1i11P 1'1)1" ('nVl't'll- ��� ,�-,���,,.L.I.'� ^ t Jll�l i1l`t' j ll n1Pnt. lint. the glut (;tiled, and vuu i t► . POULTRY YARDS '�I f I were again cul office -seeker Out of It 111,, *IvVN FENCINGS, ETC, t I I' } I _ ,job. I knew all flit, particilbirs, and r "1 ins' I l I iI , - \� , Iuay' give them On nnotlwl• nc(.1tsion. ARE SOLD ver MUCH LOWER thisyear, t•� RIr i I novo ` Aftev Lilo 'ltd reShi) fctilcd •O1, � than ever before,' ' I €, t , '' fort THEY ARE THE BEST ask •our Hardware Merchant for them. d i I,I � � ni;•rtiu b0tnok yuut'Sell',t<, the Chase tut• ) t y e , I� II I T�ttr,I the registrrn•Ship, and after Viti)lly, I i; 4t�,It lll�� writing, utast, Ft spPtlal i/ilhritpng(, to •- -- - 1 Toronto to u'bLtiu the pt)SiLum, ;is (- - r have alreadv stated. And yel yoll 1855--"T}��j Old �le��ab� f )�I� �jjiQ�-- :. 11111,,•0 the hilldihnOd ft) eitn :LnotIIVI' u '�+'+•�•11I�tt1 Ulan till Dolce -seeker -1,O deuunn(•e \- 1'i � •' •uu)thPl' I'ur S(.t,kiug aril] u113c(' in a e legitimate icily. ('It11 In and 'see tnv sioek of tloucehuld VII rl itttlrf'. Snore +',r `'�✓�:� 1 0ould �u On cx )usin'* Full . I t'rl"NtiION TABLISti, R(�,I)ROUm til, in Oak. lsl! tit, 1 nsp�in #, I c r,n inlY I':\\11'1 1{O('ICFRR 1 hl'I',5 I (, 1?Ila, :1sh, .11a 10, &r', i particul:u'S ul'y„nil pnlitic•Ill ini(Iuities ) tA1'2'}tL5S1,S, hl HiNG BEDS, Pi(.'"l'l'lll,ti ('('ll- �\ for weeks were T so 'S>)S' IAi\ I01,E8, SIDEBOARDS 1:ASL1';'i CENT d1, ir.(.(l, but l ti1Ht? TARr,LS,fic. have no desire to I.::tke yule feel NVOI,tie Pictures Framed, glass Used Ill )icottre fra nieS s )eciA it 1 i `}•' \ .UIIJ' ODE Rota' y r r I , 1 ) p uteri, �Iunl(lin'�S, 1' , G \� flirt ,- <ltneric;1,n u n / �tr, a V(III du 1,c clay. 1 -oar letter hears uJ ('an11uli:ul, Fine :issrntutcnt, hr:unos for 1'hotOs. 11 - P05T-OFF)te '� t"� evidence that vl'urs is truly it bad Pri(es right, good value flit' your uutney-. G00ft-1''ent-bol:•; taken in exc•hnn"e Df PL state.tirnn(. good Fc:Uhurs foil SaIP. Perulit me to soy that Yom hate been bndly advised by Vuur board of direr- \� tocw Of late, and Vuu were Very hadlp -Albert \.\ �• C. lJ4i�4.i - t�®&Jk St rent- -,t ` advised when van \v'rute, nil 11nt1 \\nit- ;,"I;-. ten fur You, your list h4ler to lne. Undertaker T, Oppnslto Tntvlt ((sill y ,1�� __. , Yolt are nOt well 0quipped for open Leading V Y1C1 "eta s letter Writing, and iL were better that, g er taker and Filnballner. , I \ •\ s T y ii had kept to the work of black -let- -� O ! llcsiilcncu o\cr titnrl'' 11. C. ti'rP;t 1 xsns. Ag"i ° 1 II = II _ �` tering and lying about nie to the, Post. n)nster Geu0ri11, in st,ertxt, :out gclLin i f ,lye I! Il l t your hired leen to flu the dirty vvOrl: - J l 1 in ((til who is this ons. ]n Ftn open til;ht MOOR Sewing Juachinawafafooms. it ullu) who is not W'uthful, n sill htFLnd i €i rtbn\•ebu:u'rl has no chance wit hall bun. 1I •` `P t - est, u]Iut ;and you are not "in it" ill in - -o - TY __R S f A VORr, \ I �', Open debate, �m your actions will nut I,. 'I , �.-::Y:.'} "'------/•-- _ stilnd the light of day. f know your I have made arrangements with the Ni: \V ltU\[1'; till\\'11(r J(:1('111N1? 1•�j'!l jy� g1,,✓ whole plan of campaign : I know of ('UJII ANY Io handle their Ittac•hines and am prep II.vd to offer• the liblic• ail . , i , 4g, �. `t vour rebttions with 1\11'. healer, and articlo unsurpassed flit- durabilil.y and the quality OF ,vurk. They \r lJ , 1 3p1!" A f ell be pinre(1 �I `I/I 3 f - the prou)ises yOn made and broke (or nn trial free ; vve CO)"pete with all machines nn the' (nark -t. i ;ds(o lutV(. other II. - It G 11 Ih.i ;� --=- _� .�•�-_ _ � _ could not fulfil) to him ; [ know Air. L. glades n1, less tnOney. Needles and parts supplicrifor all uIIIAOS of Iuac•hines, I+.. Uancey has been your henchman till along, and has given you his assistance AV:1HiIING AIA(•IfIXF.S -i n,nt agent fur the celebrated Authuny Wayne ' 1111 SPrtlion, and out Of SCSaon, and i Washer, tileltll'q(ISt I lntn"facturen, of Washer9 in the wol•Ill, Tho nI,l(•hirlA My courtesy of IIIc Stall incl l'rnpire.i know that he has not, dont, yI, work (""""(At' he beat in Fn,,y Ieslwct. i still handle the ilnpr•oved ideal and Nlltllitnba, BUT THIS IS A LIBERAL GANDER fur his health's sake. i kuuwnuholy \VasherS. :11N(l (`lothea `` HI19Prs, the best in the inarket. your famous petition a•Its ,,,,&�eddled iibout town, anti how it ,vas 'dgil9E'd, I • ®®��j i hail( to go "vest t1,)-niuht to remain till I feel know how till- letters ill favor of All.. �+yy �a� mai' It gnod (foil] bei ter than i lint nil%%% i have nn as you are concerned. Yon cannot. shcl- (a alt were Obtained, and Of the petsOnnl reeolleetion or lulving n»nkle ynn, o, n.nyhodt• ter yourself behind the doings of othe,'s. 0tulvass of your- son-in-law to Obtain The Old Stand �y else, nil espres, promise, i do, however, recof. It (Jill nut avail A(la I. says "The theta ; i knuvv of soar pursnnal inter- , Huron Street, C�.lnt011. lent in 91, moment of tve,tknrss' sa} ing to sun wotnut Cenlptrd mt,.:tn I I Alid el.t." -- - -- - - views with ceratin i,iheral.r• and of -- -- -- \v len the itf•gist 1 Otllee Pilled. Why don': Then ou char td net, with the crime your pleadingR with thein for aid and - you apply for the 1'ostolffee t" I think this is Y g e three to my credit. Hove many vOlun- ! - _ 1 - the Stnt(`mwIo1 nnule, 111fuulve nu hesitatio„ of nepotism, bevanse I-IV broth<'l' ,vas assistruu'e in yarn efforts to Obtain the . I LESLIE'S CAR in now Saying t utt 01011,11 fully intended, it a. a) Ofnted to ,L Nary letters did you receive in favor of CARRIAGE AND Val-n,ry neetired, that VUt' Slrr,!•LU r1,kVle TILE 1 p position in the +Govern- job fur your son-in-law ; lord I know Galt, and how many weeks was he en- oxt•tcr:. ince then ntJnreireuut,tan(c.S have relent elllpl(ly :it Toronto. I ;hall no of a case where One grand Old Itefrn•m. raged in canvassing 1'nr those rrccive.l -- ---WAGON FACTORY, arisen that make it dtfllcnit. if not lin ossible, more to (JO toil h getting that position you sla)kv, voicing the � � P b' p se 1,O wham ly You : Corner Huron a,,(1 Orange Rtrcets, ('limon. Por nut 1,.o carry oat uv oaunsar.Ixfhv'ru)v.•' fur my brother thrltt you had. The sentiments of auras, begged of You Nnw, that, is the quotation. Fluor do L(x•ltl Government wanted it cOrnpe- not to do the act, Furd "ca.•Lt a cloud You boast of your strength fit the hirStd"1nsS Buggies ort fuurd cold made to you rac.oncile your awn stater lent, tent Rt.enOgrapher and editor in con- upnu your lr(.viuns political atrc•t,r." constituency and Illy weaknPSN. There order. t r1eeN to Snit 1,h( tuv Iteliall+ said , above given, with the statement, ill _ 1 1R a" "al1v vv ity to Settle it, blare ill painting prompl.ly stead to. 1'ri c•cs tett+un nertion with unP Of th0ir dPptu'tIl l COLI, t know the scavenger work in which Yonr yunr lit -it letter regarding Illy att•itu(le Thunms McMilicuddy possessed t hu yon lla.vP been engaged ill Order to get resit,*nation in the hands of the Npeitkto Campbell and my worrying ,you in necessary (fOalific•at.ions and was the office, and I know of the diene er of the o lse and then I-11 .Till)(. fur the '�"� .Till)(. to obtain the puSLnffic•e for rile? appointed fur his nbil)Ny, luul nOt Ile- through \vhi(h you crnwle(1 t,,, c•onstituen . tt�yc3u dare. i wdl test WANTED \wvllt� for"(� ltrell Vic JL iorlit. iter }tilt(n nils if I hall been acting lit Jlllle ,19 y(111 eautle. he had a brothel'. liven hall I gitther in th0 job; �-,till ynn (crake, a your strenq It and my weakness to I)ianmmnd Jubilee., overflowing with ),ay.t aRNel•t, why q',tti Ik ne('eVNal'y for VOL, to been it fact n', I Was nOt, A Itle,nb('r• 1111atiL1(e 111 1'tlShlllq Illtn print, silt'( l❑ such ail t'XLPnt f11tLf, y011 will not i>(! and iiCheRt pietnreR, Contains, the endnr,rrl ask fire to apply for the 1)ostotfiee in YOU SItY I nen still an Office -seeker riming into) the o mn. YOn shnnld heard of again In Canadian politics, I hingr,Pph '.f Her 14 rsty, with authen)c Ilk 1 trmnrkalc r(tgn, and fall n(t'eltnl Lit(, last. Of August Somebody is find you make staten)entR bringing in have. kept to your underground had intended to let you rest quietly in of file. Diamond ,rubilec. truly &Nrlt, Rig book. bearing false witness in this came, and the name of bun, \Ir. 6.vte. mi.. Ineth(,dS. 1 -Olt should ,love cOntinaerl the grave which yore had digged for Tromendous donnands. Bonn.nzn fail ngrni•. I aril +tut dOil, it. hI attihule in re- T,u•le will neither indorse Commission :ill ler cent. Credit given. FrOxhi Y e your a�tate- LO dO your \vurk in 1,h(. dark. Yourself, but n<nv, I tell You that 1 and• OO9T•IT t?'Ri.r•.. 1)m t,aid. write r uiek Perence to the retention of I,ostt la4tPr inent nor thmik YOU fen' the insinult- You taunt me wil., lint ))riving been shall fact: you every t.inie you dare to for outfit and territory.) TIiP: 31OSif�ltr)N lJ7LTtlphen IR 11nt a nPIV OTl(•. I explain• +loll, and I II,IA•e all•Pady )roved IIliLt r!lidU rsed by the Llberids, and not ra191 your head all this question, In COMPANY, Dept. 1330 Dearborn szt., (•hlengn. ed matters in full to several of the YOIt are a very capable falsifier when being entlorserl to -day. \Vt,ll, the rent. press or on platform, unta.l you etre -- - -_ - Ministers at Ottawa in May Inst, and YOU In+eke the necessary et'fort. A.on 1 did not ask t,<a IvLve letters sent called hence to answer before the high- Durham Bull For Service. did not hesitate to sav that the dismis- ThPn you try to slur at, my nallrt, to you, and discountenanced the idea )est tribunal fo tilt deeds sort hitve sal of (larnpbell vvonld do injury to the I and, with loull boastings, claim that wathin, I did not believe in be ill' done. Yours, etc., For service on lot, 12, est. roncesston. Hulled, }.fhera) aril es )eeiall if it were iln You "have macll, qK g that Rplendi(I thorm ghbrcrt Perham Mill party, 3 ,v greatt,r sacriflcPs fol for thein its ymi did, thrmigh your son- D. MCGILLI( tTI)I)Y, (champion," sired Prom Elmhurst. Farm, plernented by appointing ,John Galt. till, Liberal party than rill the AFc(; illi- in-law. One or two friends of inine, Goderich, Ont., uq. 19th, 18W?. TorntR, Bt cash. with privilege of returning. I repeated this tO three of the Minis- euddys that ever saw the light ofday." I understand, sent letters in my favor, 977-41, 11, FR>Lxu,ty. Owner, ters at Ottawa On a snhsequent visit, Well, I am not ashnmd Ot my name, voluntarily, and when r found the --- - Arld )*'ft A written statement of the it is a, good, tirne-hOnOred Irish name, + thing was'being done, I asked that no Removal of Nig Soil, Apples Wanted. cftse. on that occasion. So, you set-, and 1 am prold to Own it. it came to more be sent, its l had an idea yup 1 want all the MarkntabloApplrR 1 ran hay your feeble and false attempt to attach me honorably, and i know of no blot wonld claim that every aletter sent The undersigned will undertake the removal and ant pay a highest. eA (ell Iran bitn to, stigma to me in this regard iR futile on iLs fair Pomo, from n party or an I of Night Soil and thorough cleaning of cloRets. p Y y to you was sent ill favor of I on short notice, and at reasonable rntoR, All with foreign guotatiotm Hold your apples lin- in tilt/ extreme, other standpoint, Tit(- McGillieuddys' Galt, I misjudged you to Rene . refulreremoved out of town. payfor have rLDont, rt from alit) twhatake, tau And now a word in regard to your always have been true and honest, and extent as I see you have laced pay for them. no not n,ako any mistake. t ) + Y p + !(15 t•f ROUT. MPLNNFLi,. 978 t -f 1). CANTF.LON, Clinton. 0 a ,,; ..: �; (. ' •,, ��:.,:.:.. ,.rte ,..:,,,�„ „...,.,, ' ;,.:..,.,.�.: �,, ,..,.. z. �SiYfYI�3:�...,(. � ' ,.�. ...:w '....�. K' •...:..,.,. .i. -,:...: .., r,,,...-:,..... _.. ,,«.. �,,.:I..,+�.,.,....... ,.. _. _,,,,.. ,.,.,.._ti.,,.,.,� ,.-... ...... _.._....,.......,,..... _ ��,-., ....�.,.,.,.,,. L.,.. ._wv ... ...,,.._i:.. .,.a:.:,.,,:�.4..:_.r -