HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-01, Page 1THE a W. f, en P. TERMS—S1.25 per Anisums 1.001!1 Advance. 1NDZPZNDENr IN ALL THING 83–AV HUTRAL IN NOTHING A. ftl TODD, R01torand Owner VOL. XIX CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY,- SEPTEMBER 1. 1897 WHOLE NO. 979 Brief Town Topics. If Your Digestive Miss Voy McCollum of Cleveland, ), who has been visiting Miss Rosa once 4�..__Powers __-o 'C'u'!i,inghanie here for souse weeks, has to returned home, schools Are deficient you need some- returned thing new to create and main- Mrs. Richard Reynolds and her visit titin strength for the daily daughter, Mrs. Waugh of Kansas City, points round of duties, were last week visiting friends in borne Strictly pure Malt Beverages. Hensall, ing. ilea Mrs. H. Carr arid (laughter L. of "' +1 the popular Brands of J to and Porters. Wingham, who were on it visit to Mr. I arid Mrs. S. J. Andrews and other friends fit Clinton, returned home last Wednesday. to open Lack Kennedy, Mrs. Hunt brought from Almeda, Cal., some beautiful specimens of shells The Clinton Liquor Store. And fans, given her by Mrs. Dilla, triona sister of Mrs, J. C, Stevenson. .1 Phone 54, Among the welcome callers on THE NEWS-RECoRD htot week was Col. Scott of Kincardine, We were right 0ingglad to meet the ex -warden of Bruce. Mr. Chas Burrows of Ann Arbor, .has Mich., and his mother, who Are visit• 0 SR C 14 4E) " 11-1 0 C in friends in Huron, will this week be 0 e guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. the 0Stevenson. The Trustees of 'the Clinton Public School have had the rooms kalsomined (3 We show this week and the floors and wood work cleaned big rano of boys fall and the desks oiled for the opening caps in new shapes 0 arid color a, , They Are 0 to -day, the, best vlftlu(, ever 0 Mr. Robertson, of, the magnificent offered— being well 0 Hotel Bedford, Goderich, witnessed made, nicely cut and 0 the bowling on the green contest here Goderich. Londesboro. <CF1"—THE TWO CIRCULAR CITY Bmvrs.—Miss Flor- LOCALS.--blessrs. Walter and Thos. E. Ball has returned from a visit Riddell took fit the excursion Waterloo and Crediton.- -All out, to Ottawa.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Tam- re -open to-day.—Miss M. Sloan blyn, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. J. NEW HATS. last week from a three weeks to Cheltenham, Citledi-in and other Tartiblyn, jr., Miss Handcock and in Ontario.—Mr. S. Sloan is Miss Kate Little go to Toronto on the We have opened a full after a grand three weeks out- excursion oil Thursday.—Miss Wilson line of American and Mr. Sloari's trip included a visit of Auburn is the IT test of Miss Lou Oil!- 91,491ish Hats in All the Quebec' a run up the Saguenay river inette.—Mrs. Re of Clinton is visit- leadinq Aha ea and shades. Grand Bay And Chicoutimi and Ing friends in this vicinity,—Mr. And many points of interest 0 1 the '-J'tL. MrJ'. Ward (if Varna were the guests Lawrence.—Mr. J. T. Achevoll leaves of Mr. Jeffrey this week.—There will s WE MRKE1 a SPEG19LTY day for Morden, Man., where lie will be A, lawn social at Mr. E. MoVittie's a geneial store.—Dr. T. M. oil Tuesday, Sept. 7th. A good pro- And show the hest assort. Mabee was visiting relatives in Michi- gramine is being prepared, consisting gam the past week.—The steamer Car- Of singing, recitations, &c. Come one, ment find best value in the had a pretty full passenger list C01110 all. --Mr. G. Sillrey of Staffa, was trade. Our prices range when in port on Saturday.—Miss M. the guest of his sister, Mrs, R. G. fl-011150c'up. Rusk of the Central spent the summer Webb, over SLinday.—Miss Landy vacation with friends at Parry Sound. Young is visitingfriends in Auburn.— CD I I I Q I— —The Goderich Organ Factory re -open Auto o took in the excur- t0 -day after the annual stock -laking.— sion oi�Tuesdav , to Manitobawere'rhos. NEW NECKWEAL'OLL. Q0o Chrystal is pretty busy just now, its he Miller And Amos Watson.—Among to rush the boiler and machinery those who took fit the convention at Puffs, Flow ends, Bows, for the new grist rnill.—The editor of Clinton were:—Rev. Mr. Andrews, String Ties, &c. allynodernin the Brussels Post was ill the Circular Rev. Mr. And Mrs. Hamilton, Miss 'beaters for low town on Saturday,—Clinton and Grode- Aggie Riddell, Mattie Broden, Carrie style And world- I rich had some bowling on Friday the Howson, Susie and Mary Lyon, Nettie prices considering the high teAlLls representing th;! Hub obtaining Webb, Addle Crisp, Maud Andrews, quality. bottom places.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Mrs. J. Walker, Mrs. Hill, Miss Crabb and family of Denver, Colorado, Agnew And Mabel Bell. reached town last week on a long visit, 'Our Summer guests are he ronin to A. J. MORRISH, Blyth. leave us.—Mies Pretty of British Gol- unibia, who is visiting the old town is NOTES.—On Sunday a large number CLINTON. the guest of Mrs, Ralph.—Miss Bayley, of our citizens attended the funeral of -- of Toronto is visiting the old home.— the only daughter of Mr. Benjamin The deceased had A. TRY.... A. I Hollow y —FOR A— Fall or Winter Suit or Overcoat We Always give satisfaction in quality of goods, price, iijLtkL And fit. See our $13.50 Tweed Suit, Made to order. A, J. HOLLOWAY., CLINTON. Township. of durable material. e on Saturday. Mr. Richard Radcliffe The schooner Todman sailed this Morritt, Mullett. East Wawanosh- Goderich was also arnong the deeply interested spectators. week with it cargo of Bait for B the Georgian ay.—Seaforth play- only been ill it few days.—On Sunday evening about church time a severe NEWS ITEMS.—The hat -vest home COUNCIL AIERTIN(i.—The township I-Ioluiesville Mrs. Walton Dodsworth Goderich cot Goderich at bowls on Friday thunder rind lightning storm passed thunam. Se"vi ce will be held in'Trinity Church, Sunday, Sept, 12, Rev. council meets at ()It Moli- day, September 13th, for, the transac- of and lost the 2 games played.— over, this burgaccotorpanied by Bel ave', oil wh!gham the tion of business. 0 township has a canary 20 years old. Holy Corninut.ion at St,. George's next down pour of rain which caused the w of will preach ,gLowe Agnew general Beiges0 Ell It sang tit) to last Christmas, arid 18 now quite blind. The natural age of Sunday morning.—The public school board Monday evening.— churches to be poorly attended.—On Tuesday an election tot, school trustee sermon.—W6 Hannah of Londesboro' has been spending it few VOTERs' LIST COURT.—The Judge's Court of Revision to finaliy:revise the Tweeds 0 It Canary is said to be much less, meets next The four public schools were kalso- took place in the'seboot house, in place days under the parental roof.—We tire Miss list will be hel-I at Holmesville on C My,,;. McClacherty the other day had mined during the holidays.—The town of G. Gibson, trustee, who. hits left intich pleased to see the names of Sant Irwin a lid Mr. A. Taylor among Thursday, September 10th, at. 10o'clock wolsteds 0 occasion to step tin a chAir to reach ball looks decent now-a-days.—Gude- town. Messr-.Dr. W. Milne And L. Her- those of the successful candidates for a. sit. MI interested should lie (in A . o for something And placed one foot on rich and 8eaforth base balled oil Fri- rington were the chosen candidates at leaving, and also Mr. ��. J., hand, its this wills the last chanes 0 the damper of the stove. One leg of day. Goderich had it all its own way. invaded Gode- the nomination last, Tuesday. Results not known until Wed - junior Scott for senior 164Mrig.—bliss Fanny before the elections to have iianies the list. O For school wear they the stove fell and Mrs. McClacherty —Clinton tenis players of election host the Com - Armstrong spent Sunday with friends 01"d Oil are unequalled and 0 0 Also came down and was scalded on the aro] and shoulder by some hot rich Saturday afternoon causing con- siderable excitement a large number of nesday.—Mine of onercial is Rnffeiing with lure- in Wingham.—Miss Jessie Garrick is the price 4D watet which was oil the stove tit the ganies were played, the result being bago fit present. We hope to see the guest of her cousin, Miss Lizzie Menzies.—Mrs. Richmond of London is Third and Fonirth Forin Exanis 25C. 0 time. rather fit favor of the circular town.— Rev. Dr. Meldrum of St. Paul preached Jonathan G. he Able to dispense with the stick in a few days.—Mr. A. Enligh on Visit toher mother, Mrs. Bone.— a, CLIN,roN. Goderich. to Knox Church] congregation on Sun- And Charles Cannon of Buffalo N.Y., Commercial, the bliss Johnstone of S. S. No. 8, was the lest of friends on the 10th last week. FOL -111 Aitken, J. Anderson, W. B. Bagshaw, (3 T. JacksOul Sr. CANCELLED.—The Remenyi concert da evening.—The Salvation Ariny held Harvest Festival Services the were guests tit the past, week.—Dr. Will Potter of Illinois, V r19, J -Agnew of the fth has been set- ilusly ill 91.'ring the week.—Quite It. Capling, A. DI. Fraser, M. Fowler, S. Irwin, N. J. Is - I Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter, lit town has been cancelled, owing to the serious illness Madame Ve four days.—The steamer, Lake Piscthigan L. S., is visiting the old homestead in Geo. Past a number hoin this township attended bister, D. F. McEwen, A. McLean, H. MeN W. (3 BLOCK, CLINTON. of in ell- reached this port front Port 'Wednesday 17.000 East Wawanosh.— .M st's. And Will MissJepnie Phillips, former- the funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Ren-, ughton, McTavish, A. Mar - R. C. Richardson, Al. E. VICTORIA (N Established ISM. Phone 70. V yi. A CommissioN.—Chas. Sear, -P. M. Arthur on with bushels of wheat for the G. T. R. ele- find ly of this town but now. of Chicago. tool oil Saturday, Deceased hal been d death sliall Rubb, E. Switzer, A. Taylor. C. A. Tebbutt, N. Avency London Laundry. will be in Niagra Falls to-daying having vator.—The new leg tot- the Ogilvies in 148t were visiting old acquaintance last )�ertie Higley left here oil suffering for some time an COMM asa, relief. She leaves a faufflY W. Trewitrtlia, .A. L. Twit,chell, INI. Wiltse, been appointed a Cowmissio the Postmaster General to h=.eichl, charges elevator was placed position week.—The schooner Consoadedeliver- week.—Miss Saturday to visit friends in Chicago.— of grown tip children who have the sympathy of the entire community. Form IV.—H. Lennox, E. Middleton, referred against Mail Clerk Rector E. ed a cargo of lumber at this port last Rev. T. E. Higley paid London it W. J. Scott. gimpson, of that burg. week. flying visit on Saturday. (30DERICH. 97 40W BLYTH'S BIG DAY. lVingliam. 'r. 116M Julz AW 7v 70. &r ACCEPTED.—Rev. G. W. Henderson, of Sarnia, has accepted the of Porter's 1111ill The Athletic Tournament held lit NOTES.—Mr. and Mrs. John Forbes Form III. -11. A. Amy. A. Blake, V A"Iffm ip call North street Methodist church, subject SERIOUS AccIDENT.—Last Saturday Mr. David Lindsay was finishing hatil. Blyth on Wednesday proved itself in every way to be a decided success. and daughter, Ida, of Kent county are visiting with Mrs. Clendenning lit J. Campion, L. I. Onnuingham, J. B. Coutts, C. Crowston, B. Duff, P. Delta - 5 6 9 Ito it V It to the Approval of the stationing com. mittee of the London conference, to be- Ing in the -oats front the Young farm it. The last load had The surrounding country sent in be - tween 2W) and 3(W visitors, and all town. Mr. Forbes has not been in Wingham for 21 He will flud more, W. A. Elliott, B. E. Graham, G. M. Graham, J. 12 M M 15 1(8 •been i9- 20 21 W come their pastor next year. And housing drawn in and pitched above the looked happy find pleasant. As far its concerned thp, day years. inany changes fit that time.—Mrs. M. Gordon, W. B. Hawkins, H. A. Hill, G. Howard, M. Keefe, T. A. McLaugh- op" 2 2r 28 29 do 6 I ATIN STILL REQUIRED.—As some teachers and candidates seem to have open space in the cen tre of the barn, with the exception of it few sheaves, the weather was was an ideal one—could not have been Win Nell had the misfortune to frac- Lure 'one of her wrists litst, Sat urilay.— lin (passed in French And Latin), A. wisunderstcool the effect of the change made by the recent circular of the Min- when the supports above groaned and gave way and the heavy weight came better for Athletic sports. The day's program opened with a Miss McClyinont of Goderich has re_ I turned borne after spending It Pleasant McDonald (passed in French, German, and Latin), D. McDougMl,,, L. J. R. Brief Town Topics, ister of Education the Principal of the I to the floor. The horses happened to calithurnpian procession in the morn- time in town.—Mrs. W. H. Youhill Naftel, R. Patterson, W. H. Reed, J. The town school reopens w -day. Collegiate Institute asks its to state move to one corner and were saved ing. The procession was in every way The left last week for her borne in Winni- M. Robertson (passed fit Latin), A. F. Robertson, J. A. Snell, M. Tichborne, Reeve Wilford of Blyth was in town explicitly that Latin will still be a corn -from . subject for both Junior and death, although the falling weight broke the tongue and rack of amusing to both old and young. rig with Albert Sellars, Henry Bell e after a months visit with her M%er-in-law, Mr. S. Youhill. E. B. Tilt, IV, G. H. Wbyard, on Saturday. P. B. Crews and Smith KiltY spent Senior Senior Leaving certificates. the wagon. Wm. Lindsay, who was forking the oats, escaped. pDavid arid Joe Kellv as Actors was awarded the first prize of $3; their outfit retire- DEATH. —A very sad and sudden death was that of Elizabeth P. Found, Form IV.—S. J. A. Boyd, E. S. Coultes, J. A..Christ,-1aw,.L.:J. Elliot, C. Sunday in Goderich. EDUCATIONAL SERmolN.—Rev. John Lindsay, his father, and Roltfrt Mar- sented a tooth extractor's office on beloved wife of Mr. A. S. Murray, E. Le Toosel,'H. A. Ryan, Al. Strang, Mrs. Wit'. Young of Goderich is Potts, D. 1J., of Toronto, will preach shall were receiving the grain when wheels. Tile second prize of $2 went blacksmith, of this town, which rook J. H. Tigert, visiting Clinton friends. sermons ill the educational interests Of the crash came. Mr. Marshall fortu- to Win. Moser• who represented the place at her late residence, Scott St.. Form IV.—Part I.—H. M. Dixon, .1. Miss Carder of Blyth wits it guest at the church on Sunday, Sept. 5th, both nately escaped, but Mr. Lindsay cattle "New Woman" oil a bicycle -, the $1 oil Thursday afternoon of last week, G. Dixon, 1. W. J. Kilpatrick, L. Moss, rectory over Sunday. morning and evening, and will also ad- 'Sabbath down in the big grain wreck And had prize was taken by Herb Smith, who in the 38th year of her at Deceased ge. M. , i McCluskey, L. M. Trull eon. ,he bliss Laura, Bigart, was calling on dress theSchool in the after, noon, in North street Methodistichutch. I to be dug ont, not much worse for coming so close to the grim monster on his black charger posed as a native of the Klondyke. had been confined and was apparently doing nicely, when she was sudden, y SHAFORTH. f,5iends in Sesfort last week. Collections and subscriptions will he Death, It is very fortunate that we The prizes for (Itiolt pitching were seized with hemorrhage and only Form III.—W. Aherhart, NV. NV, Mr. & J. Cluff and Mrs. Cluff sailed taken up in the interests of the educa- are not called upon to chronicle any- secured by James Magee and James lived a few hours. She was the only Aitcheson (passed in French, Latin arid for home on Friday last. tional society of the church. thing more serious. Sims. danghter of Mr. James Found, of Greek), A, Beattie, M. B. Bond (passed Miss Flora Ouninghatile is on it visit THF. G. N. W. EXHIRTION.—The Goderich ind Seaforth contested for Whitechurch, and Was IOAL,rted to Mr. in Latin), P. E. Clarkson, M. Gillespie to her unc%,in Grey. business nian I Local managing corninittee of tile fall the baseball prizes. U to the sixth dose in Murray some eighteen or nineteen ago, residing in nor vcars ever N. R, Hoffman, F. A. Kid,], 17), R. shorough (passed in Gert a Lande 4 1 fill And A prominent young of Clinton will be married to -day. show now hold weekly meetings to discuss varlons preparations necessary, BwEris.—Dr. '.2!ilcmichael and Mrs. innings and tie"'p it was it tn'g inatch ; after that the since that time. La:,in), F. J. Lawrence, :,in), A. C. L, Mr. H. C. Br^vet of the Molsons and on Saturday, Sept. 4th, the full McMichael of Detroit, spent Sunday Dr's. Mr. Seaforth ball -tossers went to pieces L J. F. McKay, C. B. McKinley, C.Meln- totib, A. A. McLareti, r. mcqijai(i Batik, -sailed for home' oil Saturday. board of directors will ineet to snake week last with the uncle, Jas. McMichael. — Our base hall and their frien3s from Huron's Stanley. (passed fit French A,nd German), R. J. Miss Maude Andrews has rearmed t home visit in Wing- final arrangements. For special at- tractions the Parkot-Ronald Troupe of frau] was defeated by the Goderich t 'Wednesday county town piled up 10. runs. The score the finish was 14 to 2 lit HER PIONEER GwE.—Again ANOTHER in link Muldrew, I. Simpson, M. A. Smillie, B. H. Van Egniond. after it pleasant acrobatic and musical novelties, find tearn at Blyth on 1)y 11, favor of Goderich, Doyle kind Mal- another break the of pioneers Stephens, hame Mr. F. W. Watts wars confined to days last this three Wild West veterans from Lvnn, Mam., giving specialities in their line, score of 14 to 2.—Miss Florence John- at on is visiting friends fit Berlin.—Miss her conison were in the points for Gode- rich, and McCartney and Baker for has occurred in the person of Mr. George Castle, who passed to his re- Sunday AtIgLISt 8th. Form IV.—F. D. Clarkson. Form TV.—Part I.—J. J. Byrne, W. his room several find have been engaged. An indication of Leslie of Clinton is the guest of sister Mrs. WaltsOyi--(.apt.- Wilson Seafort.h. The e of $25 was awaed- L �ruiizd ward on morning, - His age was 68 years. He had been W. Thompson. week• Mrs. Jas. S. Jtv�kson left this riior�, the growing popularity of this fail, is the promptness with which those who attended the Ontario Rifle Association d to G,d,,,h the $10 prize to Seaforth. ailing more or less since July, but no Special subjects—M. B. Botiti, French and Oterman. lui Wednesday) for Toronto on a visit Mrs. J. T. Vlark. Are invit.ed to act, as judge a accept the matches at Long Branch.—Rev. Me- GillivrAy, who supplied Rev. Dr. Me- Clintonj and Wingham were. the con- *the immediate danger was Anticipated. He came from Northam)ton,Engin lid, tNer sister Mrs. Jardine, of Fargo, N. D., is oil saine. There is every indicat at Jon tit the Agricultural display this year will Donald'spul ltdUringhisholidays, left last week.— r. and Mrs. Jeffray are testants in lacrosse match. As these clXiba were late in getting started spent a year and a half in Now York, nearly a fit Hamilton, and arrive'.1 Fire broke out in in old stable own - ed by James Carter of Ltio-know About visit to her relative, Mrs. Arthur- lie, one of the best fit the history of the fair. oil it trip to Ruffolo.—While Mr. and the cornmittee decided to let theca Play year in Bayfleld tile 2nd of August, 1842. 4- ()'clock Saturday morning. The fire - Twitchell. Mrs. H. R. Jackson were returning Only 30minutes, Wingham captured For some years he worked his nay in men were promptly on hand And As - Miss McAllister of St. Clair, Mich., FASHIONABLE WEDDING.—On Thurs. from Clinton one dav last week they the prize of $A) by a score of I to 0. life arid finaily purchased lot sisted by the splendid system of witter- is the guest of Mrs. 8, J. Audrews a not day, tit St. George's church, G(),del ich, 'met with an accident which might The most exciting event of the day Road West• from the late Dr. Woods. work* soon extinguished the flanies. other Clinton friends. Miss Mary Attril 1, the secondolaughter have proved serious. They were driv- was the football match between Wing- Here he hewed outa, horne for hiiiiself Therd wits very little damage done. I The Broadfoot, Box & Co. Ftivniture, of Mrs. Attrill, of Ridgewood park, ing at, rather a quick gait down a hill ham And Brussels. These two clubs arid subsequently married bliss Ito - otilpany have. the contract for a large Goderich, was inarrie )y trector,-se C d I the when their hot stumbled and rolled recently plaved uIT for the champion- ward, who predeceased hill) ill 188k quantity of furniture for Liverpool. the Rev. Mark Turnbull, to Gilbert S. over, pulling bir. Jackson over the ship of the Stattland Le?tgue of Foot- There were two children, George S. Mr. Gen. Theohald, principal Of the Wy`igbt, of Los Angeles, California,. dashboard. The shaft,; of the buggy ball Ulubs, Wingbatri winning the first who resides oil the homestead, And CEMS! Einbro public school, was ill town last oil friends. The bride, who was given avira y by her uncle, Thomas P. Attrill, of Peter- were sinashed but Mr. Jackson escaped injury.—Logan & Co., private bankerN, I match by a score of I to 0 And the second ending fit a draw, consequently Mrs. John Pollock of Bayfleld. Tit(, late Mr. Castle Was depuLY-1-c'eve of GEMS 1 ,Veek calling -Mr. George Nfinmin,4, who returned borough, wore it white brocade dress ell train, trininiel with point lace arid have assigned to John Weir. The Assets And liabilities are not yet I it good grime, which it proved to be. wits expected here. Brussels Won by It i front 1860 till 1875, art(] this township Again fpoyn 1876 for several years. lie 100"' -bridge so ill, is now ()it file from Bract around in it few will be At pearls. Ifer ornaments were dianionds known I - score of I to 0. The prize was $30. retived front the farm some eleven -a since find was elected reeve of TEMS 1 mend and and earls, the gift of the by idegroolli. In the evening a promenade concert, ,years days. The Bridesmaids were. her niece, little Holmesville. and display of fireworks were given in ihe village of Bayfield two years in RAI? 1,)' everi-bo(ly lifts tobin, it Pone (.'vni The rain which poured in Clinton on Sunday evening was riot general. Helen Heaton,"and Gladys E'lliott, who were dressed fit white china 9 It and CHUltel-T. -Sunday being the muni- tit(, Crystal Palace -and A 'ther(,W"Iqt?,good�ittendtiticeof succession, when he Wits defeated h.�- George Woods. Two ) years since the N J;ijr.-A every year (i) replace the bi-tiL-vil ones. %Ve'lt�e offerifig theni lif rho fo lowing There was none ?it Hollyliesville. ift white chiffon hats, each carrying a versary of the W. M - S., Mrs. Pont- land very ably conducted the morning park. spectatorsand it lass pr arntne flt.src Castle move -k late Ill d bac to the farm. He was man of broad mind prlevi4: Pints, WC per dozen. Miss B. McDonald And Air. W. 1-1. Beesley are Attcnoling the millinery basket, of pink And white sweet peas. The was supported by U. C. serviee,while in the evening it platfortyl moo'!' 'g was hold in which several was presented. Those who tn(!(r)� part in the programme were: Will Harland, it And tolerant Views, it staunch Conser- in English Quarls, $1 per dozen. 41 Zalloris, $l.t5) per dozen. openings At Toronto this week. ifrooni , the brother he bride. Attr -oft After the wedditig it brilliant gathering as- took rt- -Epworth League meets Clinton ; David McGill, Hast Wawa- nosh ; Matt Floody, Bfyth, and the vative politics, And all Churchman. He wits an old-time Robbers for sain e 10c per doz. When air enthusiast for bowling on sem for the wedding breakfast at on M. Monday evening, the subiject being Blyth Brass Band, all of whom ac- Orangeman, and one of tire originators Have you seen the the green is required, call on Mr. D. C. the fariffly residence. Everything 't debate on "Systematic Giving." d themselves credit-tbly, especial. quiittederich. of L. O. L. 21, the oldest lodge fit the In byTUM13LERS Straeban of , combined to make the happy occasion NOTES. --Rev. A. K. Birks and faro- IY the hand, whose music was never county of Huron. years gine ... While Gen. Thcoba Id wits oil the way it great soccess. The day wits perfect, fly have returned' to Stratford alter better. The day's entertainment con- display lie was foremost fit the progressive strides of the Wwrishli kind find That we arc offering at 40c per dozen. It are to put, down an jolly to, Clinton from Brucefield on Friday his wheel broke down And he and, owing to the recent rains, the ex- tensive :'grounds of Ridgewood park spending a few weeks at. H. Elford's.— Rev. G. W. Andrews n and fRMIWI chided with a most successful of fireworks. g his inetnot generous to a dejgtee, an -y you going the Mine to buy yon� G fiRses. now hi r( Tumblers Prices right. ening evening vitas compelled to foot it to town. were looking their loveliest. The Paid a visit to fri I ends at Watfoi r. W. The receipts for the (lay were, $04 red by those who will ever he revered Both and are Miss Minnie Johnston of Berlin and Master Milton, Sol) Of %IV- G. W. billiard -room was filled with costly presents resents front the many friends of the Elford of Goderieb spent Sunday in the village. --Mr. A. Elcoat and fit il in Too much credit or praise cannot be the had knew him best, For the Pickling season we have Vitie white Wine Vinegar, Davey. Waterloo, are the guests of and rumour has it that more await them when they arrive at their ofTuckeramith spent Sunday at q Stanley's.—Mrs, E. Tebbutt daugh- v ell committee who charge I the da�'� proceedings for the suc- 9f, Two new cases of smallpox have de- Whole mixed Spice, Hast India Spice. M . 1. and Mrs. George Gordon. Molia, han's child was home in Los Angeles. * The rector, in a and ter of Redlands, Call., is home on a cesaftit way in which every thing was veloped in Montreal. Turneric, etc. Mr. WW. n his the hams find face by happy sTeech, proposed the health of visit.—Miss Hamilton of Clinton spent carried out. The eldest daughter of Rev. Wni. bitten on own dog arid the canine was ininiedi- 4 the bride, to which the bridegroom rnrAe a brief reply. The health of the bride's a few days with fi fends here.—Mr. J. Crooks is ho re for a few weeks.—Mrs. At a meeting of the Conservatives of Tindall of Walkerton w," sewing in her father's office, when the lid oft 00000000*0*0 CASH GROCFERY It-tely shot. Sunda :Dept. 5th, service will be mother was proposed by Philip Holt, and ThOMAS ttrill returned her Routledge has returned from Windsor, by Mrs. IA-nRoyd Prince Edward county on Saturday, at desk fell down an the lamp, breaking 'and THE On W9 r's, Surnmerhill, 11 a. held In St- Ote 3 m thanks. The happy pair left shortly two I accompanied and daughter.—The pric6s of cheese should Picton, Mr. James Gibson, was omni- mousV chosen as the standard it spilling the contents over her clothing. In an fristirit she wits en - I OCLE COOPER & CO. to.; St. James', Middleton, p. ;land Holmesville, 7 in. after o'clock, amid rousi n beers, from the stAtion. Empire. VIP i have read Ole. Instead of 9 3/16c. AS in of the party at the approaching - - veloped in flarripit, and wiif; so badly St, John1a, p. --Mail and r a. ast issue. vincial elections. burned that she died it, a few hours, =omm.—Phone 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. .............