HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-08-25, Page 5w , .WHEAT 1a Bushel _.� IT is first approaching the Mark find you'll never he better able to afful•d the [[rice 0f it bushel or two to flx n�t your sight than you full. lo will be t lis u luuriv your sight is failing and that you don't Svc as well its you used to, especially in the t4tiu- 111gs. If you have been wear- ing glirsses for souta t.inle, chances aIle they fire getting Itwrty front you. You treed the lenses changed. Han a us test your eyes and fit you with It part- of our comfit t glasses. You'll wish you had gut them Avtsooner. $1 will do. 0°9 Allen & Wilsol Graduate Druggists & Opticians. YOU fare going to have looney to spend this fall. We watt souse of it in return for goods you want, and remember, that the drugs you want title the v— kind we sell, PURE ONES, 77 it c: Quick St®p AND LOOK AT OUR 106 Blouse Sat3 We have juste received another lot of them. Having sold over 100 pairs, Which cleaned us out, but managed to secure another lot which we will sell at 10 cents the set, and are doubtful if •they can be duplicated at this price. Come and get a set before they aro all gone. They won't last lung, Our •lac• line won't last long. Eiieor n" vinz We do Engraving in (lie very neatest and latest style, '�•- and do it while you wait. 1-•P••— J e Rumball, Jeweler, Clinton. DO YOU SEE? Ever sfneo we atarted in busuo•,s, 12 years ago, t hasbeen our cus'on, to refund nroneyor exchange goods for anything bought of us that was act entire• ly satisfactory. This rule applies to every brvnah of our business the Spectacle Departmantincludcd, we fit spectacles aocurateiy and sel'ontifleally and know when a customer is property fitted. In ease we fail to suit you we will of course return you the amount paid, but we are plessiJ to nay that every Customer we have fittod has been no delighted with their glasses that money could not buy them back. Remember the words—SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 00000000 W. Cooper & Co., CLINTON. The Merchant's Dispatch, Clinton. I have purchased from Mr. Thomas Ilillock his draying plant and ann prepared to execute all orders promptly at reasonable prices. Wecial attention win be given to the delivery all classes of merchandise, the conveyance of g000s to all residential part.:; of the tol%vit, a.nrl the removai of honsch6ld good+ tinct furniture. Every order ontrusted to nuc will receive my Personal and careful attention. Itesidonce on Isaac street, one block south of Oliver John- ston's. Trunks and valises delivered to and from the sta- tion to all parts of the town. orders left at Me" Otachcrty's or Hill & Joyner's will receive prompt attention. 977.21 JAMEH DUNFORII. FALL TERM SEPT. IST. STRATFORD, ONT. A lite, go -a -head school that thoronghly pre- pares young men and women for business lido, Attendance this year double that of last year, Only mankind of business education given to our students trod that "the best." Wvlt.e fel circulars. W,J, ELLIOTT. Princirml. W. JAGKSON7 i� Arent r Northwest Transportation Co. TIMELY 1VA R NI NU. In the Inst provincial general elec Expensive tuts the Con, ervntives failed to rifer,, thirteen seats by fill liver age mino•ft; of sixty-five to each seat, eleven o *Watches ivhic•h were won by Liberals and tw( by Vatxons. Only live of these sent: y 148, the have mu any of thein utde wea held iu the former asseulbly b) by the hest watch talent to C.011lit't'victives. he fotlud anywhere and Two beats only were won by ('onset•• cases to ldeae extrawtgent titA('• vatives by majorities of 26 and M res. But time -keeping qualities do pectively foal there is fru doubt shat not alwitys depend un high the will Ifs held b ('onservatites in price. We sell it first class watch, one Y y we guarantee to 1-1111 within nue ruin- next elections. tate a luotith fit $8. if it fails to dal SIX of tine sixongest Corso tI-va.tive this bring it back find we will exchange ridings in the province were lust to it or refund you your money. Ifyour Patrons and it is almost It certainty to watch is stoppiutr does ues not keep say that Conservatives will curt y every correct, time bring it to its and have it Otte of thein fit the ensuing elections. repaired right. • Patronise) and Griiism were tui often syuunytlous in the House for the Pa- ('leuuin $1 111) trots to reap the advantages that they i, did in 1804 front honest and confiding Mainspring, $1 (N) Conservative voters. If our friends will look dolefully after the voters lists and everywhere Lost, pat their strongest Inert tip as eandi. dates success will ire ours in the corning between Brucefield and Clin- struggle. The province is ripe fora ton, ladies' open face silver' change. The people have had Hardy- bagin watch Finder will be Ross & Uo. long enough and are pre - rewarded by leitving at this ptued to give the other side It fair trial, store. J'wenty-six years of Liberal rule at one stretch is enough. A cleauitg out will do good. 'atch the Voters' Lists. pews�— Now is the time tbor friend-- through- out Ontario to thwart the plan of the 0 9 Now Comhillatiou in kite corning elec- tions. heretofore when tiny nieinher of the Opposition becrune offensive to Jeweller and the high-toned chaps who sit an the Expert Watch treasury benches by attacking vigor- 0 nsly their methods of carrying on the Repairer. iilfairs of the province, and exposed •• - - -- - - — their trickery, waste and incompe- tence, that nleinber wits singled out Tanglefoot, for special attention by the govern- ment. Money was freely used to Wilson Fly Pads, defe-tt, hint, calnnnny wits heaped upon his head, prejudices were stirred up to Insect Powder, alienate votes against him, and every kind of misrepresentation was used to Insect Powder Guns, bring about his disconifitnre at the polls. The government stopped at 00090000 nothing known to either genius or villainy to destroy hint politically if in Combe's Iron their power. And as the Liberal lead- ers of Ontario have clone in former Blood Pills campaigns they will cicl again on these • . lines. By watching the voters' lists now in course Of preparation our Are in great demand -till friends may be able to avert this dang. the year round. They aro er and render it impossible for the government to carry out their scheme. , direct. food for the blood, Let every Conservative see that every the use of these pills will orae in his polling division favorably to the Conservative cause in Ontin•ib has change the pale and sallow his naute on the new lists, for by these complexion into the ruddy lists the fake of the two parties will be decided in rAs than one year from the glow of health. Price 25c present tithe. Per box or 5 boxes for $1 We could point Out certain members and candidates of the 'Conservative 00 ov o� v o Flarty who will tit the right time e thus attacked because the govern-, ment fears their criticisms in the Jas. H. Combe friend and o;>p well tthe platform, but our friends know retry well to lvhool we refer, If conservatives fail to do their duty by these n)en it will be an inex- chemist and Druggist. c•us;ablc neglect and will weaken out - fol ces urfalces very materially at the critical --�--` tinle. The tide is running with ars :and victory is within grasp. Again we call Are you thinking upon our friends tolook after the voters' lists. Now's the day and Of getting a naw's the holo•. Watch? CU1111ENV TOPICS. a S'cifc•�t et•' I• $1('00(1' 49' '�Ve have always a largo assort• ment to choose from in Gold, Gold filled, Siver and Silveroid Cases, also a Isrge stock of >,uovelnents in Ladies' and Gents' sizes. Call and examine our Goods. No trouble to show them. You will have a good variety to choose from as we are constantly buying new goods, SPECIAL ATTENTION is given to WATCH REPAIRING either in English, American or Swiss. Our watchmaker is thoroughly acquainted with all grades and makes, he has all the latest improved tools to work with and is sure to give satisfaction. A call solicited. Estate J. Biddlecombe ,1 1 l L. 1 .rllrl 7. ), 111 out electluu. When thieves fall out, loot: for blood --or, JUSTICH. fall. out, eat dog" is flow fast becoming the (]rit political axloni. Will NIr. Cameron's familiar photo ai)pear in this week's Signal p Yankee &ohr) Charlton has learned that there is no place like home. At this rn,te the fences will soon he down and the bad Tories will be ushered in. If you don't see what vcu want, ap- ply to the Laurier party --if you have it pull on the Member. What it delightful time the Tories will have in making (it -it officials "walk the plank," Its John 1VleMillan would say. The men who stumped for Cameron be now declares 1 e were no us • z to him. Just what we have preached and print- ed for years, CLINTON. Stterificesl Among thein the late Goderich Postmaster. .Such sacrifices ---- --- for the divided Liberal party are only NOTICE. To 101113DITORI�8, for a very short tinie. In the matter of the estate of George John Charlton evidently suffers from McCartney, deceased. the delusion that patriotism and hnsi- Notice is hereby given pursuant to chapter aro of ness will not mix.. With hill) it i9 the Revised statutes of Ontario and amending acts that nil creditors and 1 other pe1-a ns having claims bitsiness fitwt find patriotism afterward. _ against the estate is ,In to county, Of tote , the township of Goderich, in the County of Flaron, yea• o- Ins ector H0 kirk of Stratford, for 1) Hopkirk who died on or about the Both day of July, 1897, aro 1-cqqutred to deliver to Mesars. Darrow & proud• foot of the town of Goderich, 25 years in the service, has, we are told, been notified by the Laurier SAitiltors for henry Murphy and Samuel Lowery, the executors. of the party that his services are no longer re - estate of the said dooeased, state;ens In writing giving their names and addresses with full partic uired, rare andrroofs of their claims and the nature of the _ secnr{ty itf any) hold by them, on or before the ]lot Mr. Cameron secured " sour grapes" day of October, 1897, after which said date, the salt] executors will proceed to distribute the assets when• after a political portfolio, and Of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled having regard only to the elation now he an:1 his party following in the ;he of which the Field Executors shall. then have notice, and the West deruand everything in sight. if said Excentors will not be liable for the assets so all d(rtl'G Ace what alt want, IlBt ask Y Y distributed or Qpn��y part thereof to any person or persons whose ciaim shall not have been received at for it. - -- — - - . -- the time of the said distribution, The Laurier party are endeavoring GARROW & PROI)DFOOT, Solicitors for F"xoaitors, to palm off as Conservatives one or, Pated at Goderlrh Chia leth day of Angust A. D., 1A97. two new appointees who were Grit and ,i,",l,l (I' •;l '".+• Patron candtdntes. Among them is Durham Bull For Service, Dr. Bonner of North Bruce, who has been appointed it surgeon of the North - ail d i ,ll For service on lot 12, lar concession, Hallett, west Mounted Police. that, splendid thoroughbred Durham Bull --- -- "Chainpion," sired from Elmhurst Farm. 1, hile our town contemporary says Terms, $1 cash. with privilege of returning. --- K7 -4t H. F11196MAN, owner. it is not surprised tit the disappoint- ment, of the e(litor of the Signal, it -= Apples Panted, declares "that his attitude is exceed• i want all the Marketable Apples ingl ill-advised and in'ndfcious," Through tickets to all points It, ami wilt pay the highest rico comtnonsu neo Like Pat, knock your bosom friend NANIT011A and DAROTA• with foreign gnottittons. mold your apples nn• down with a murderous weapon and fit yon have ascertained from me what I can At lowest rates. pay for them. Do not make any mls6ako. then express regret'in that you did not For all information apply to above. t 978 t -f D. CANTELON, cneton. I intend to injure the Injured. The New Nara eudiirses Mv. Loftus N;. Ha,Ve�i I Dancey, barrister of Goderich, for it av You tried theN::--� —� judgeship under the Laurier ruiwiufa- Massey-HarrisBic ere s tration, derlrt►ing thruugll rho advice of his legal flier s that the nominee P Wilfrid tuake a good judge. We infer trt,In this that every legal gentlem;a,l Tt is just what you have been loolciii(i fur, high grade in the .Uominioll would not Object to being appointed it judge. lit once] easy I'llulllti , ]Tell in appearance, Strong aid durable You can't break; thelli. For $85 or a discount for cash If tiny city, town, village or township in o ntarfo willies allythiug, fl -un, it $20),000 post. •� for to a Ifi,IlU9 brldgo. tet LI10 corp reu I1)f it I Brantford ���r� � r Pur .l. Israel Parte, and hull a.. to the .a.ai. GL•✓O.j y RZYj'1 pruposltiuu. Ibunllttat Spectutur, Rims Clinton wants a now post office, rind 54• '1'lIL Nlsii's-Itr.c:uxn roost respectfully For =_ prays that the Hon. ;Ver. Tarte at Dore takes the molter into his roust serious Does consideration. your Bike need — - - �/ Our esteemed (frit coil and orrtrfon Repairing? the Scufo•th N,xpoaitur and (Aiutou New Era, seem somewhat disturbed deep in their political souls and declare that a Tory editorial bureau has been We know 110W t0 t;lVe you satisfactory job. T1�0 organized in Toronto to glover Ontario, nienlber a dry goods cleric may sell (Try bUodS but it We fail to see the necessity for such it tail;es a machinist to repair a }ail;e, We concern, as the Ontario Grit press l are not only are at present materially assisting machinists but we haN-e the machinery t0 d0 your In mueh unportant editorial work for work as it should be (lone. the Tory pre,":.''Give us a tr>kll. The other day TBI: NEws-RLCO'RD had it conversation with an American The Onward Bicycle Co.,Clinton citizen its to ti -10 territorial greatness of Canada. He could not agree with its OPPOSITE MARIi,ET SQUARE Clinton. because he knew nothing of Canada _ and little more about the United States. The chic Canadian -British Empire is y tile so- 100K HERE greatest oil earth in every respect, but we are sorry to note that man s0 - called intelligent Americans do not know it and refuse to be convinced, " The New Era says that "People ont• side of Huron who may imagine that the political air of this fine county' is Pure Manilla and sot,ewhat sulphurous at present, need not. feel any alarm, as there 1- is t dang- er fu- A rnber Shield. e 1 -f any eruption," In reply to such ch it statetmet.,t we would ask our readers to bear in mind the spicy Gr•it.reading III least week's NEwIs-I4.,c•uttr) and to this heck rerun )Ir. Al. C. Uruucron's let ter• in ;mother column. You know 9l.•. Calla-rort's politics. His politics may not be •'sulphurous" in the nostrils BINDER TWINEI of our good Grit friends, but to its "wickect Tories" they smells like—well, the description is ilithe "h" column of OeO9999000600*000909 00000060 Webster's (IictionalV. 9 The ( p Prices Low, rirftty 5eaforth F.x osilor last • 9 winter could not see anything in the s • • Grit evidence .'against Postmaster me9e9eeeeoeeeseeee9eeee99 9990 Crtlnpbell of Goderich to justify his dismissal. When the competent of- ficial wits mercilessly dismissed the xine• Expositor pleaded for justification oHarlall 011 the part of Nest Huron Reformers � � ®� � and belied its past utterances for the 0 411' sake of party fealty. Last week the L+'xposit0r received it letter trinm M. C. CLINTON, (which TFiE NRws-RECoRi) gives in' another column) denouncing the Signal and its editor, and refused y� qq j� likepublish it, saying :—" e1- always Are you looking for a Sn like to try to du unto others as we r would that thev shmuld do to us, and OOOe00m00000 as rte have never published any of the 3 «'e have too mail ,'Final's strictures upon Mr. Camevon, ee Y Couches in stock for the auu aont of morn we have, so in It would hardly be fair or' following Out order to clear out some of theme we :ire making it BIG REDUCTION in the 0111• rale to publish his, reply," Every price Of It certain line. This is a chance you should not miss if you require a d utterance a nd action of the Expositor Couch. chthis disgraceful talfrair has been ndertaking characteristic of the partisrut politician Undertaking. and is certainly no credit to River 11c-7 Lean. fn this department w0 carry a c•lmpletc stock, find gave a service that, cannot he surpassed by any. Our charges are ns low is tl 1 Our esleeuled contemporary,, whose editor rode• fu the private Government (7111" ('miltborland to Goderich along with renega, o Tory lion. ,J. Israel Tarte, takes serious objection. to TuE Nr::ws- Itucoxn saying that the Minister "did 'I not make It favorable impression in Ilurou. except for the money promises he matte," and declares that Mayor Holmes "nee more Con,•rervalieex than he dirt l iberahi during the roweptiat to Mi-, Tarte, at Goderich, and many of then n•ere favorably intpresved by hurt, arul xaid ;o." As to the impression illy. Tarte made in Clinton, there was one to receive hint here on his way to Goderich, and that one: was the editor of the New Era. At Goderich, according, to our Me whose editor was pre- sent, the r )ajor•uty were Conservatives. We ICNow this majority were actin g� in an otf'icinI captacity and wer•eextell ing clue courtesy to it public ratan as public men should. This does not mean what the New Era says. When Tars NEws- RECORn said the Hon. Mr. Tarte (lid did not create it favorable in iression fn Huron we cevtainly referre(1 to his own following--Reformers—not to the officials who were entertaining him. As usual, the New Puri simply backs tip and makes plain what we staid :— "Mr. Tarte did not create it favorable impression in -Huron." The Seafortb Expositor admits that no Government should, in the interest of the country, be to power more than eighteen consecutive • ve yc 'ars. Out- es- teerned contemporary was of course: referring to the late Conservative Dominion Parliament. TIW editor of the Expositor is a three-year member of the Ontario Reform Parliament which has been in office for about a quarter of it century and angel -like gives a pen -picture of their alleged past honesty and craves for another lease of power for them. The Exposi- tor does not, make its plea on fact. All Governments are human, they are subject to temptations and more or less yield ; so is this the case with the M.P.P. for South Hnron ; he has yielded to the temptation of giving the Conservatives a bad name, while he designedly attempts to picture the members of the Reform party pure. Such reason Is neither consistent or in e fair. Thepeople" e n les none any measure p y, the public departments, the schools, the public service, have all been disgracefully and extravagRm antly man- aged by the Ontario efor Party, and it is only fair to acknow- ledge Grit sins in Ontario. To remedfv the long existing evil South Hnron s member should be replaced by Henry t HI Ther , hiti'(, undonbl.edly the finest hear•. 09000 Broadfoot, Box & Co. J. W. CI-IIDLE Night and Sunday calls answered itf�(tesidenc St., Opposite Foundry. Mr. Canieron's memory is failing. He hits forgotten to say anything in his letter about "Aly friend Mro•e" and the many thotsandsof dollars con- nerted therewith. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) OLINTON. Fall Wheat, new ............. 0 85 to 0 85 Fall Wheat, old ............. f) 90 to 0 90 Barley ......................... 0 25 to 0 35 Oats ............................ 0 22 to 0 23 Peas .............................. 0 88 tc 0 40 Potatoes, per bush, new... 0' 50 to 0 W Butter loose in basket.... 0 11 to 0 12 Butter in tub ................ 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs per doz.................. 0 9 to 0 10 Cabbage, per doz................ 0 60 to 60 Hay ............................... 7 00 to 7 00 Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50 Anples per bbl.. ............. l 50 to 2 50 Dried Apples per Ib........ 0 2t to 0 2� Ducks per lb ................. 0 0,5 to 0 06 Turkeys per Ib .............. 0 07 to 0 08 Geese per lb .................. 0 05 to 0 06 Chickens per pair............ 0 25 to 0 35 Wool ............................ 0 18 to 0 18 TORONTO LiVE S'roCK 3rARKF,TS. `1 t' h cows each......, L) 00 0 D ilc � t $ 38 06 Export cattle, per cwt...... •1110 to 4 50 Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 3 50 to :3 75 Butchers' good cattle, cwt 3 (N) to 3 40 Butchers' corn. cattle cwt.. 2 50 to 3 50 Bulls, per cwt........... . 2 75 to 3 50 Feeders, per cwt . . . , ..3 25 to 3 •i0 Stockers, perewt...... .. , 2 75 to :3 25 Export sheep, per cwt .... :3 (9) to 3 25 Butchers' sheep, eAch..... 3 rill to :3 00 Spring Iambs, each .... .. 2 00 to 4 25 Calves, per head.......... 3 (N.) to 6 00 Choice bacon hogs, per ctvt 5 00 to 6 0O Light fat hogs, cwt..... , . .5 25 to i 50 90ws, per cwt ............. 350 to 3 75 Stags, per cwt ......... , , . `L 00 to 2 25 TORONTO FARMERrf AfARKET. Prices on the street, were firm. The receipts of grain re increasing. Wheat—Firnn,e load of white selling at 83c•, and four loads of red selling at 82c. Oats—Easier, SM huoliels selling at 26>le to 27.ic for old, and 24c t0 24.1c for new. Hay and Straw --About 30 loads of hay sold at $7.50 to $0, and five loads of straw brought $7 to $$, Dressed Hogs --Only a few offered, and these changed hands at $7.25 to $7.50 % to oft est. VV tie and outfit fu the county. 0000000 Clinton. tar puturo 1)calers and 7 Undertaker Y, MANAGER. c of oar Funeral Director•. J. 1�'. C'hirllop', King Wheat, white, ... ..... $ 43 - to $ (N) do red .............. 82 to INT do goose .............. 65 to INT ' I3Gckwheat ............. 32} to IN) Rye ......... ........... 40 to iN)' Oats ..................... 21 to l.7Peas............I; ........ to N) Barley ................. 8 to (N) Hay ................... 7,50 to 000 Straw. ... '7 (N) to 806 Dressed hogs .. ' 7 25 to 7 50 Fggs, new laid .......... K to 11 Butter, lb. rolls......... 13 to 14 d0 tubs, dairy........ 11 to 12 Chickens ........ • 40 to 60 '1'nrkey....... .... .. , 0 to alt Potatoes (new) per. bush. 40 to 50 S lring bombs ...... ... (3.1 to 8 button 9 9 9 9 .. 4 to 6 Beef, fore ............. 4 to 5 'do hind . .1 Veal ............... ... ; to 8. :99:99.._ - _ _ _ i WANTED Men and NN'onien who crus work hard talking and writin six hone doll g I{1 ,for six du•satt•• I Y cu and will be content with fen dollars weekly. Address, NICW IDEAS ('O„ 3Ce(lical Building, Toronto. Ont. I ant just starting filo Bost thing AGENTS or money making ),oil have soon for c inany a t day. V'onr name and address will bring tiro 1 • o den info• K K matron. It. 11. GLASGOW, Toronto, Onl.. FOR SALE. BLACK'S HOTEL, DUNGANNON, Preper- tyy, Furnitnrc and I,icense. in good repair. 1 01119 good buslriess, llesse8sloll at once. \pply to NIRS. SARA1i BLACK, Dungannon. WANTED ED Solicitors for "Canada, An En- cyclopedia of the County," ht Fite Royal Quarto Volnnles. No delivering. ('otnmission paid weekly. A canvasser reports ]its first week making over seventy dollars pro- fit. -Tlibl LINSCOTT CONWANY, Toronto. W1NTF,D Fa.rmerH' Sons or other indus triotir persons of fair cdiwallon to wheal $110 a month would bean induco- nlent. I could engage a few ladles at their own homes. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Ont. _ WANTED. CANVASSERS - "Qlteen Victoria: Her Life and Reign," has captured the British Empiro. Extraordinary testimonials from the great men; send for copy free. Marquis of Loran says, "The best popular Life of Me Queen i have soon. Her Mnleat.yy sends a kind letter of appreciation. Selling by thonaands; ;iven onthusiastic sat.istaction. Canvassers making $13 ter $40 weekly. Pmspectas free to agents. TnE BRADUCy-GARRICTSON CO., LIMITED, Toronto, OnL