HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-26, Page 5Damon :6Tn, 1907 THE 3LYTH STANDARD PAai1 P1>.E, A N A u A Christmas .x.. ri pan ► age im► iumm► savi THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORI. WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALT 4 AT MODMI(ATA PRICha FOR CASH AND FARM PROAUeIt, Special Offerings IN .. Goods t!i Highest prloee paid for Farm Produce. rAA f �u rAl E. BENDER, B LYT H r. el A See our prices on Dressed, Potiltry VA T in immimarimiarimmimansEgew .•!.:.•h1:f i �,f.►.p1.f�1,f. d•f•r 1,f•i f, REER C7:'Pri f ii : NEWS AROUND TOWN �Ff %.,ft1• f••�,f 1.'1► a e.e • • 4 i4tis:►'} 1,f•• 44 aifrid{aa A�:�St d+Ci SansciuwPTtoN price to all United States subscribers is $1,50 a year payable strictly in advance. A car of 'No. 3 Yellow American Corn expected Brat week in New Year selling 81.28 per ewt oat car or 81 30 cut of mill, whole bran 822,00 per ton et Blyth Floor Mills. MAatt•E'r'Ree'oR'r.— Wheat 90-92 ; Barley 55-55 ; Oats 40-40 ; Peas 80-80 ;,Brans '126-28 ; Shorts 24-21 ; flutter 20-2t; Eggs 20-21 ; Flour .00aa5 e'. rli,jfAijesttaave►ling by the C. P. R. purefflj,8e S' ur ticket at town ticket office, All'Information as to rates, titre+table,knd connections cheer. ,itfly furnished by J, McMurehte, 0. P. R.litil and steamship agent, Uom,eoe RE•oPENs,—The Central Business College of 'Toronto will re- opeIl 'or the registration and reeep. tion di' new students for the Winter term hn January 2nd. This school etupl ye a staff of twenty-four regul- ar t No ere With several extra aerie ti6t :dining the winter months when tlitie Kttendance is largest, The courses ' given are modern fund the t'tleulta ifnlaced are best shown in 010 a i1s1 mill satisfaction enjoy ed bi711)1figraduates of' this excellent lnstitrtjion. The new Catalogue Just from tile press is an excellent one and explains in. detail the systematic work of all departments of this great school; 'r; •, ' It's Surprising IIow Christmas ,steals neon a pars 11. '1'hel'e'll be Roast Tur- key, Plum Pudding and Cake and Santa Claus almost. before we know It. And there'll he Mince Pies and Christmas Cake plenty too, Now we can supply you with your needs for year Xnias Baking Raisi'e,' CRrtrnbt, Dates, Figs, Peels and Nets, all new fruit, Also Froth Mince Meat—package or hulk, and we have a frill line of Candies, Nuts and Fruits. We keep a full line of Fancy China suitable for Christmas Presents, TtittPlitlettnus tree entertainment given under the auspices of Trinity Sunday school last Friday evening was a splendid seems. There was a large attendance, and the program given by the Sunday School children Ma excellent indeed and reflected mach upon the patience and per- serverance of those who had the training of the children In hand. While every number on the pro. gram was well received ; special mention might be made of the chorea "The Jolly Beggars" given by aeven boys and the 'Novelty Drill" by eight littlo girls. Both of these number's were well given and were very amusing. Perhaps the beat thing of the evening was tlIe "Rose Drill" by a dozen girls lu charming costume and who went through a number of intricate and graceful nlovetnents, calling forth at times well merited applause owing to the brilliant splendor of the scene. The moving tableau, `'Nearer My (cold to Theo" was most Impressive and affecting, and was one of those things which the mind clings too and meditates upon. The program end. ed by a full chorus "Hail dear Father Santa Claus," in the midst of wblclt Santa Claus appeared to the great delight of the children, Ta u much praise cannot he given the two or three ladies who trained the children for this, the hest program ever given by Trinity Sunday Sehoel, OASI! FOR ALL KINDS OF PBODiJcn., JAMES CUTT BLY'r'H SATURDAY was the shortest day in the year. 'Pae Young Lad les' of lllyth hold a leap year'Innee in Industry 111111 on January 10th, We: lope out' renders had a Merry Xmas and we wish them all a lIappy New Year, Aeon 20 i'ront town attended the 5. S. entertainment at the Jackson appointment on Monday evening. Now Must the aldernlanie (ace Molar in smiles of studied grace ; Be that would win a mask must don, The civic light will soon he 00. BY the way, what has become of all the talk about burning, ashes ? Now that money is "tight" the ex• perinent ought to be revived. IlAtN'roN linos,, are' busy prepar- ing the erection of their new houses on Drummond street in the Spring. A. AVettlaufer is hauling the brick. NEW MAIL—A preliminary of tate approaching mail service on the C. P. 1(. is the notice posted up calling for the carrying at' the nail to and from the postofliee, and the railwa,' station, Tenders will be received up to the hist of January. Muxic i'tn Nomination meeting will be held on Monday from 12 o'clock to 1 p. in. in Industry Hail on Monday next, The meeting will then he adjourned in all probibility, till the evening when speeches will be aerie by those who are. nominat- ed. Rnn n'r la,l,tov)', of (Iuderich, has 0nn1pleted his shipments of npples fur this 000son, having handled in the )eighbol'hood of 25,00(1 barrels of fruit. Ills shipments were made to l rerpool, Glasgow, Manchester, Hall and llnluberg, the largest quantities going to the two tirst- mentioned places. The fruit was secured In the vicinity of the fallow- ing places :—Blyth, Belgrave, 01 11 - ton, LucknoO' and Londesborn, We would again remind our readers that arrearages of subscrip- tions to THE STANDARD must be Maid up and payment made in advance I for 1908. Ily no other means can ennntry newspapers continua: to live, The increased cast of Inbar, postage and all living expenses, is such that every dollar earned will have to be collected and every leakage closets up. We ask that readers of THE STANDARD will he fair and Just in this hatted', as the great majority of them have been in the past. EDUCATIONAL,—We direct the at tention of our readers to the adver- tisentent of the popular Elliott Busi- ness College, Toronto. The opening of the winter term occurs on Jan. Gth, when a large number of new students will be onrolled, 'Tits school is under very able manage- ment, and has a constantly inereas. ing patronage and is training hundreds of students each year sol' business positions.,The college has an excellent reputaion for first -clues work, A REWARD of $50.00 Is offered for Infor- lematlon to prove who enleeed my gran. Ary on Sunday awning and stoic about 112 baps of barley and ante,—A, A, Pat• tenon, East Wawauosh, FOWL WANTED We are paying tate highest prices for Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chicks, Butter and Eggs. Grain cheeks paid after batik hours, MoMILL"AM & CO. Dlnsley Street • Blyth Suggestions .It can't be out of the way for us to suggest that When you are thinking of a holiday purchase you should not overlook Met - calf's Jewelry De- partment. we have thelargest assortment of Gold Watches, Rings, Bracelets, Lockets, Fobs and Chains ever shown in Blyth, and we are prepared to meet any catalogue prices, FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. accept, %vlth our slight token .of af- fection, our earnest good W'lshes. May you aiways be pity,' as you haveendeavored to matte your pupils, and linty they - . notbiog bettor could be Wished I1II, them,— be always as faithful in their duties to others as you have been in your duties to them. Sigtled on heImlf of the C. M, 0, Students." Mr, Hartley expressed lis cordial ap- pteet .tion of the gift, tied the balance of the evening was very pleas•mtiy spent in social amusement. A eeA'l'INO rime is being trade on the Mason property where the old hotel used to steed, on Hain street. The Tome, 'Wu:y,—In Brussels, on December 14th, Eeslie, youngest son of Seth and Jane Hailey, age0 26 years. BILL—At Dungannon, on 'l'nesday, Dec. 170h, William Bill, nged 65 t'eal's. Tho Cradle, OAlnua1'r.—L1 Seaforllt on Dec. 25111, the wile of 'T. SI. Carbert, of a sort. The Altar.y 'I'APIAR-LEA R.—At the residence of the bride's parents in Mullett, on Dec. 1831, by Rev. S. A. Ander- son, 10'. Absolute 'Taylor, of Morris, to Miss Gertrude, second dangh ter, of Mr. 151nund 1,001'. A KI\n Aar.—Dela' Sir -Inclosed rind check for two dollars, subscrip- tion for 1908 and balance due on 1907, 1 always look for Tile Stan- dard every Saturday and am dis appointed if It dues not come prompt ly, Wishing you a merry Xmas and 0 happy and prosperous New Year. Yours truly, E. Wallace, Newark, N. J. [Mr. Wallace had his paper paid to Feb. '08, but en- closed :;n extra 50c to pay for the postage of the post year, 13' the rest of our II. 8. friends would pay up lilto this the Editor would wear ''the smile that won't come PoESitN'ATIoN To Ma. HAR'rnl.Y —The Clinton New Era of last week speaks of a presmnatiam trade to the former Principal of Myth school :— On Thursday everting, the members of the Model eh)ss assembled at the home of Mr. Bartley, Principal of the Model school, and presented hint with a case of pearl•handled knives, accompanied by the following ad- dress :-1ltAlt (dR, NAurt.rv, It is my pleasant ditty, on behalf of the Model students assembled here to night to remand you thae we are not forgetful of the faet that you have nu spared yetlrsel1' In the most excellent instruction given t0 ns e(Itleet'Irlllg the pl'ol'eeston we intend to follow The term may well be called a pleasant and short one indeed, for never in 0(11' lives have the moments glided so quicitly. And now, on this evening of Dec. 12th we exton:l 1 tin sincerest grntit ale in dee 1 )ll 0010' 31(1) of your labors oil our behalf' Since alio may be the last occasion on which we shall all be assembled together, we feel that we cannot sever our connection with you, our worthy prineitatl, without sllowine you in a crude measure, the lofty esteem in which you are held by the students of the C. M. S, Please tin n Auburn. • 1"sI'rHMUI. SEnvleas ActtNow'1,00- 000,—The Methodist church of Au- burn at this Christmas time is find- ing pleasure in acknowledging the lung, faithful and efficient services Of Misses li;lizn find Susanna Blair, .also John donde, in connection lt'ith the service of song is the charJi by an address and presentation. • •4•• •e+•••••4.• N4 40.60., • • 4 4 4 • 0.40• ••44.4 44444 44.44.444 White the l'uhlta is invited to make use of this (whin) for the expression of personal views on public urotlers and public men, personalities are debarred and in all eases the suitability of the cam. municatlon for publication is a matter to be decided by the Editor. Without differences of opinion there would, at course, be no correspolenee, and for the opinion of our correspondents and their differences with our own 'Tilt: y'IAN1lARtl trust disc+lalm responsibility. • • • • 4 • • Tell it to the STANDARD CHEAP READING The Standard 81 00 Che Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser .,,, 1 05 Phe Standard and 'Veekly Wit- ness 1 int The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 135 Tile Standard told family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 Tile Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 3', The Standard and Hamilton Soul - weekly 'l'lllleo 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Press 1 8') The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun 1 so The Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -week Spectator 1 80 The Standard irnl Toronto 1)ail,)' Star 2 25 The Standard and 'Toronto Daily News . 2 2) The Standard and Farmer's Advo- cate 2 ail The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 2 50 The Standard and I:veutug Free Press 2 7, The Standard and. Toronto Daily World ,,,. 3 2i, The Standard and Daily Free Press a 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 3 50 The Standard 0)111 1h•eaing Hail attd Empire 3 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 50 The Standard and Daily Globe,,4 50 Send all subscriptions direct to 1112 STANDARD, I3LYTH, ONT. 4 4* **************** 4: n � * 0i WE WISH YOU ONE AND ALL A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year Fours respectfiilly, POPIESTONE & CARDINER 7 * j Successors to MciINNON & CO. A. TAYLOR'S FOR Groceries and Fancy Goods FOR XMAS TRADE All kinds of Prepared Foods for brain machinery and stomach ease. (11111 GS A CALL, 'lv11 KEEP T1I1; BEST AND THE CHEAPEST, A. TAYLOR BLYTH Shop in the morning Prompt delivery OLD HENS WANTED Holiday Furniture 11' you want to give a present that is useful as well as ornamental GIVE FURNITURE Nothing more suitable to give than Furniture. Nowhere will you find so large a choice, such good. values. Nowhere will you find Wo would like to print a picture of each of the thousand and one pieces of 1lnndsoure Furniture contained in. this store. 'Every piece marked 01:111100 to soil quickly. Come and see. Dining* Chairs, 182 to $17 50, Prairie C1aa Cbair.e, $1.50 to $8. Card' 1'80105 82,00 0)811,51). China 0ebinyte, 112,51 to $20. 1n:dinver Stands, $1 to 83.30. Heautttul."'litters., 25a to $3.50• Parlor Chane 8' to 813. White hsee1e41 to $2. 51,10.15C)haler,82.50to$15. Desks, $1.7:, t0$ 8. . `entre 41010", 81 50 to 8,4. hitaben Cabdnere, $5,50 to $14, Sdetion 11 ,01; C ,..es, 813 to 3318, Couches, $5 to $25. cretnrlrr•, 1) to $10.50, Hall Mhrore, $3 to 50. 13'vatving Chairs, 81.311 to $11.00. Music Chairs, $o to $8, 11 gh Choirs, 7,1r to 82,00, Umbrella Stenos, $2 to $3,5o, 00110's It r'ker, 7)o to $n, Oriental Bugs, $1,30 to $d, These goods :are notch ehoaper than formerly, In many lines (rice, are cut in Ihalt', he fiaii.os aria c rgan.s We sell the old reliable Bell ani llominion instranlents• These in- struments have stood the test for forty Yeats and 'aro uoknt wledged to he at the "top of the list" for style, tone and durability, Prices meilerate. Terms easy, 4. 1E1. CH E1.4I...Eit�1l