HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-08-25, Page 3i r- r r V \l3tll"1'1''\t I:\l; '1'111\(I,y, BUSIN S DIRECTORY _ _ _The McKilloa Mutual Fire �*'M • }� I i I Keep up hope. There are �i xria R. 1y vons i ation - Tip. 0e, Z. �0,- I�01 "1'o. uul.l lurk It) m II and face thousands of cases where re- tausostullyhaltthc sickness In filo world It thiel;o,' u'l 1 , , i),II vlt, It i, ods tell }�. Insurance Company, retains the digested food too long in the bowels us wht•o it, I- u, I I„til,[, .tiol they are Covery from Consumption and produces biliousness, torpid liver, Inde out (Ilia y T,Llk ,•. , Iwap, and Meets INCOND Monday of every Hood's ehel'c': a ,I ..I !, „ ,u „ ;, , , it -Prins lla5 been complete. Plenty TSB MULSONS SANK. month. Hall 2br Bne McKay Farm and Isolated Town Proper- souls• u, pn I e, r haul finds block. Visiting brethren always ty only Insured. I t hl„Iii i l,l, , ,_, l.. ,, of fresh air and swell-.lour- madowelcOme. )' I,i.�;J. iu tuitl- incorporated by Actof Parliament 1866, J. P. SBEPPARD, W. M. , t ('etLal tvbit l,.:.,,1„ a, iiia l,;,l hr Wtan't fished body will check the P. CANTELON.JR.Sec. THOS. BEACOM, D. M. ONNIeENtl. estioD b deli, r h.ul-t•II u , Illi , hilly about George Watt, President, Harlock P. 0.; James I g ad taste, coated "facing till: g . progress of the disease. Nu - CAPITAL, $2,000,000 -� Broadfoot, Vice -Pres., Seaturth P. O.; W. J. 811,11, tongue, sick headache, in- p b REST, $1,400,000 nun, Seo boas., SoafOrth P. O.; Michael Murdle eomaia, etc. Flood's Pills IS ,aa.ofareit aoaC. y•”tritious foodsarewell in their GI. actor of losses, SeaforthP. 0. cureeousu atiouandallits thn.k, Sys a lady ,l, 1wr I,-tt.er. No `ILINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M, meets p // DINECTORB, wond,•r. lit her I,1, �•,u ivnuldu't Sead Office. - MONTREAL. I V every Friday, 01, or alto= the moon• Viett resulq,easllyandthoroughly. 26a. All druggists. Way, but the best food Of all Ing brethren cordiallvluvitad James Broadfoot. Sealorth;Michael Murdle,Sea• Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co„ Lowell, Mass. h'tvI- ,lare(l to it , i I., :. Here's het - Will. MOLSON, MACPHERSON, President. A. J. HOLLOWAY, W.M. '1 HOS. ItUMBALL, BEu. forth; George Dale, seaforth; Uenrga Watt, llarloek story: is Cod-liver 011. hen F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS,Goueral Manager. Thomas E, nays,Seeforth; Alex on, diner, Leudbury The only Pills to take with Hood's ausaparilla Clinton, DOC, U, 1896. ThomauGurbutt, Clinton; Jul;u AlcLian,Hiplen, "\ •hen i we,., lull i, y„ullg git'1,” art[ digested, as in Cott�S Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts " — �- ADENIE. -�'� - she says, "l I.a. suhi, , I to itv(Ioent Y Thomas Nellars, Harlork; Robert McMillan,Sea• attack, of siuk h n,tii I, , :tu,l he;tl ing Emulsion, It does not dls-. issued, Sterling and American ex. K. �. T. M. forth and JnmesCunnminge,EglnondvIIle. Lines written in Menlor•v of DL'. luld retelling ;t'fter wi.;II, Ilowever, I change bought and sold. John Llitta of Chist-111111at request got along fairly \l,' Ill. lit the autoI,111 turb the stomach and thu INTEREST ALLOWEDoN DEPOSITS Hearne Tent No. 66, Knights of the Maceaboesof Parties desirous to will Insurance or trans- II the World. $;,000,g2,U0U and $8,000 Yulieies. Mem- net other bu,tiull wlll f promptly ,fiend of 7L friend (lfdel'-tlse'd• of Ilit31, w'hell 1 broke dnit'n 'lllUgPChPI. ed to Oa nppllcuthal to any of the above offienre ud• SAVINGS BANK. berehip over 100,000. Assessment priuoiple-has ,IrnssedtothorrnspectAepusto!Luce, AnoblesoulhttspussedteredLb.s, DIy skillw�ssall�w',u:.tllloilla YUw'1 body securest ewholebene- never exceeded 12 assessmentb in a your. Cheapest Where bless'd gpirits dwell; (;isle 11, Illy 111 VIII i1, +4,„I 'in appetite OI• Interest ifluwed on Sums of $1 and lip. and oat at existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Cliu• --- -- A self 4lunyin C'hriht•like tuttn, fit of the amount taken. If 1 relish fur field of iul� Laud. After eat - ton, first and third Friday of awry month. N'hu know lis Maker wall. - ing the least. unors-1 I had au ac•hiug NOTICE. Ilia IrusLing heart hag ceased to beat, ivad a sense of pant, weight rte(} up. you want to read more about Money advanced to farmers on their own notes His suffering form lies prone, with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- 1 p[1, satC 1,1 at I lit, Chezt, %t it h a st.rallgc+ t let Its send you a bOOii: g FLOIIR The I11eKKagL• l'illlle arise pane h nice x luirad as security. H. C. BREWER, Manager, )ecember, 1895. CLINTON. G. A.Ie,. NoTaggart .B BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. o AGENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Notes Discounted. - - Di -ata Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, JunoBth, 1891 658y �adtaxY. _ n DR. W. CUNN, H R. C. P, and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Office - Ontario street Clinton. Night calls at front door of residence on @attenbury street, opposite Presbyter. A ,en church. DR. TURNBULL. .1. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; C 7. M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. Jr S. Ont, ; b Ilow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late 't London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals 011ice:- Dr. Doweley's stand, Rattetil ury St. Night culls answered at Oitlec. DR. SHAW. to ,.t Olilce-Ontario street, oppo,fte English ° hurch, to rmerly occupied by Dr. Appleton. Jas. S. Freeborn, 21D H. &t . C. P„ I., M.U. P.& 8, 0., Sac., So. L. Q Oradnate of Ring's &Queen's College of Phyeleia.e, Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the General Medical Council, Great Britain. Member of College 6f rhysicia-ta and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly resi- doDto L-ne Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gy'nte- :ologlcal), Dnblin. Special attention to diseases of women and ehildron. Office and residence,Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist personage. 829-1y , N. W. WOODS, L, It. C. I'. 1.; L. M, ,t. C. P. I.; L Nr, itotunda, Du.lin; M. R. C. S.. England; M. C. P. and S., 0 trio. Consultations and residence at the Queen's Hotel, Hayfield. %&y �- � �aatirst�•�. s Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, a Clinton, Ont. Spevietl attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N. B. -Will visit Myth every Monday, and Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. Dir. Agnew, 1 DENTIST. Office hours - 9 to 5 At Zurich the second Thurs- day of each month, J. SCOTT, Barrister, eye., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Doan. E. CAMPION, Q- 0, BARRISTER, - - . SOLICITOR., NOTARY, 4c., GirOderliall, - OIlt. Office -Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan M. 0. JOHNSTON, BARRIS�"'ER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC,, Goderich, - . - Ont. Ofloo-Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ste. W. BRYDONE,, BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, (f c., Omo& BEAVER BLOCK - CLINTON. 817•tf -vtoaam to Wad. JOHNE•RIDOUT. CoNVEYANCi:R, COMMISSIONER, FTC. Fire insurance. Real Fstate. ,honey to lend. office -HURON STREET, CLINTON. Cantelon Bros, GENERAI4 GROCERS k PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass 4X1 C1 naware ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Ratter and Eggs 62.1y Wanted. Men and Women who can work hard i.a'kIng and writing six hours daily, fnr six days a week, and will be oottent. with tell dollars weekly. . A,I,...e,. \Lae ITIWA11(•(1. 141—.fnrri.(int.. VO®M6 0 There being some misunderstanding with re. And God hats ta'enhis own. feeling of (•nullrlt'tiuu ur tightness FEED STORE gird to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood tu'uund the Sides. SCOTT & BOWNE, Beltsville, Oat. that It any person takes possession of ally kind ave mnn _,41 ay [lot weep, we uay not grieve, of wreekago and falls to report to we 1 shall at For Christ hits led the way; "Besides these tlougs there tva6 ClUntOn, once take proceedings, Remember this is the And higf nniortul soul hen passed 11111C•b [.lain het wvoll ;Ind undet• the -- --- =- last warningIshall give, CAPT. Will. RABB. TusceneRofo RAdlesRday, shuulde.I- blades, at,d the• pilin told A P RFLCT TEA AN and SHORTS in Large or Rucelvor of Wreeka, Goderich, Goderich, Sept, 7th 1891. His gentle wa suis kindly deeds, g wri hl at t,ht' hack k idlav track was so lluw nutnv I I to sec; intense that 1 cold(l not, hold lily [lead Small Quantities, --- - -7 Hli is fight wf e and guide lilu a way p. Then lay hreiu hiss became so T ToGod'm( crnity tiliort. and dil'lic•ult that, at ni,rht I was S a IL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS U lbs. Choice Oatnneal for one Bushel Oats - D. COOK CLINTON. 762•tfT PRODUCE EXCHANGE H1"LL & JOYNER, Curuer Store, Albert St., Clinton. ealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Teas a specialty. eadquarters for till kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. We carry the largest Stock and the largost variety of Seeds. 11 Goode will be sold tit lowest prices for Cash. t1'e pay C:rill for Eggs. Any kind of grain take. in exchange for Goods, sautC Its Cash, MILL t&, JOYNEiR. ENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. 1v, Langford.) Havingbonght out the above business, we intend conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply r customers with tam best meets at the lowest pay r prices, F RD &MURPHY. IVP HOGS WANTED, Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 796-tf. J. E. BLACKALL, eterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector. Oftlec on Isaac street next New Era oftice. Itesidence, Albert St., Clinton. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURCEON, honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Cul- ge, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animale on the goat luodern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. Residence-Rattenbury Street, West, Clinton Ont. Geo. TrowbEl, iorspshoer and General Black- smith, Obert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and first class material and ,ork guaranteed ; farm implements and machines ebullt and repaired. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS �.fll N N'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGES -1 SALE IN CANADA - J. Ca STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADINC UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, On 4 ®�M. N. WALKER, --tile reliable— UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MAKER, SEAFORTH, ON'i'. Parlor furniture repaired and recovered He rusts ser ro 111 bliss beylin 1 , out able to lie' dowel in lily tied. It ;'l ('> ; .] bS, t 11d All carthly care and strife; seemed to toe as if I Illus( suffocate, a• lie's found fliseverlastIng home, And passed from death to life. r "Night, after night I paced the floor ;J 1y-4 ('LAItAH.111OUN'1CAS'1'LF. ;Ill rlight IL,lig, Ituxious for daylight. r,e T�LA tended to. I it's L11Wd LU Ile 111nt'lllg iL60111, 1,170 health. You tire Welcome to publish WISE 1111,`.1 KNOW house, illi though to escape from II)y �r . h T. V/C 1Ln these facts, and I will gladly answer self. I haul no rest night ill- day, only Madagascar. Morocco. It is folly to build llpoll it pill.' foollda- gl'tting an oct-asional doze ill the ar[m_ _'731 THE TC'A PLANT TO THE TEA CUP r tion, elthel' ill architecture lit' ill Chair by till' tile. Yet I 1v:tS SO WPa1C I ing that I kept' on taking the 8 flip, io health. A f< undatl n o n Of ,t 1,l i5 ill- (yluhl barer'' stir, and lit -hat the e)1,<l would :N ITS NATIVE PURITY. SeCILIFe, alld to deltdell sytuptolnti by lie I ali,l !wt alio;'( to thi,ik. '''Monsoon" Te•ais put up by the Indian Tea rlil l'CUtICN (1I' IS 1,'r\'C' COIIIpOUllds IB P<I11x1_ "i took all kiwis of medicine, and ,;rows,,, a, a •,ample of the best qualities of Ipdian tl,rr, Fare they use tt,e care inr the ly dangerous and dereptite. The tura- way n erot(I an health t, 1,U iTI;I ICs (till' y l y conslihed t.\vo doctors, blit WRS little greatest a�u.ua of tl'�a Cru and its blend, that is why they it blood pure, rich anal nottrishing by or, Witie heater for anything they did ,,.,t up tilemselvel and sell it only in the onginaJ pwkc•Cov thrrelivsccuring its purity and excellence. taking IIOU(1's .5'ii I'SFipat•illa. FUI' IIIA. 1'hl' sPCUII(1 doctor Said Illy trouble all au•ose from indigestion and I'ut IL., a Ib. and S Ib. packages, and never ::;. _ HOon's Yl[,1. ;IC't. easily and pl'(illlllt- tilt' liver, and fluty I think lie \vas right; yet even a correct opinion does ,,;� „•.:, ALL GOOD GRQCER8 KEEP Ir. ly on the liver itnd bowels. Care sack riot cllt•e disc•ase. if y,.:.r g,,.ccr does not keep it, tell him to write to headache. "Fur over two yP:u's I suffe-rPd ST - � .:r.E.l_, WAYTER & CO. It was largely owing to a compliance. With the request for more staved on the Ont part of it, number of Christial) ElIdea vour..ers on board the steamer Mexirc that the vessel's course wets altered, find she meta her fate. You connot stay that you h;tve tried everything for your rheumatism, unt-i -you have taken .Ayer', Pills. Hun- dreds have been clued of this coal ° plaint, by the use of these Pills alone They were admitted at the World'. Fair its It standard cathartic. agoilies, ;Lith feleled I should never he A and 13 Front Street East. Toront- well agilin. In Decemller, 188(1, lily hushand heard what wonderful cures - _ ______-.___ had beell brought abotit throughout 60 YEARS' ' the country by Mother Seigel's Cura- EXPERIENCE. five Syrup Then he gut toe 11 hottle froiu Mr. wand, cheulist, at Leicester, I and I began taking it, although (I 1 lullst confess to you) withotita particle e of faith in it. Yet, beholdllin less than a fortnight 1 was quite a nein wotman, being free front pain, and able. to eat 11Uurishing food. This was so surpris- TRADE MARKS. World's 1 tl room, two bedrooms and kitchen, also cellar. The house is in a good st>atc of repair and newly sided and painted. There Is excelle)it ]lard water. Thr, lance is well adapted for gardening purposes. Price reasonable. Apply to Che owner on the premises. 41, MRs. HI nlA:. was in better health than I had been Anyone sending a sketch and deeCr p on may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention Is 6W -Orders left at 131t0:1DFUOT & 130X'5 The United States Attorney -Ganef al for years. Since then I have grown connaeilal. patentable. forocaring panng rtents store, ('liutuu ov Senfurt h, will be promptly at has decided that goods the production strong, and itlli IIOW In the hest of in Americo. We have s Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tended to. of it foreign county, not contiguous to g Y•special health. You tire Welcome to publish / sellae In the Liberia. the United States, 'which are regularly these facts, and I will gladly answer SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Madagascar. Morocco. imported into Canada and afterwards inquiries. (Signed) Eliza Farmer, The f McLeod's are exported to the United States, are subject• to the discriminating duty of ing that I kept' on taking the 8 flip, DESICNS, COPYRIOHTs dee. and aflet 1 had used three bottles I ten per cent. F" (" :' )ctA sewed and lou ; also cleaned and re IJul tted at, reusooable prices. room, two bedrooms and kitchen, also cellar. The house is in a good st>atc of repair and newly sided and painted. There Is excelle)it ]lard water. Thr, lance is well adapted for gardening purposes. Price reasonable. Apply to Che owner on the premises. 41, MRs. HI nlA:. was in better health than I had been Anyone sending a sketch and deeCr p on may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention Is 6W -Orders left at 131t0:1DFUOT & 130X'5 The United States Attorney -Ganef al for years. Since then I have grown connaeilal. patentable. forocaring panng rtents store, ('liutuu ov Senfurt h, will be promptly at has decided that goods the production strong, and itlli IIOW In the hest of in Americo. We have s Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tended to. of it foreign county, not contiguous to g Y•special health. You tire Welcome to publish / sellae In the Liberia. the United States, 'which are regularly these facts, and I will gladly answer SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Madagascar. Morocco. imported into Canada and afterwards inquiries. (Signed) Eliza Farmer, The f McLeod's are exported to the United States, are subject• to the discriminating duty of Common, Barwell, near Hinckley, Leichestershir•e, November 8th, 1894." yy beaqeoi nit1flc11Ournnl weeklgeterms$3d70aonea f *1.50 sax months. Specimen copies and )'AND System Renovator ten per cent. This case is widely known in the dis- OON: ON PATENTS sent free. Address Ru-sin..pll'te }j tLl wrLllOr. When fn not, neglect Miller's Omnibus to all parts of the town. Our MUMt Spain. Fos,first•class Hair -Cutting trict, and has caused much comn)ent. 361 Broaadd way, Neeww I or -h.. - —AND 011,111111(--011,111111(--011,111111(-- Not one complitint has ever been Mr. J. Green, draper and grocer, the Canadian Plicific, railway, denies South African Republic. inade by those using Ayer's Sarsa- Chapel Street,' Barwell, has known that American labourers are employed Tested Remedies, arilli accordin to directions Fur- D .- u • f • •L s and vouches on the Crow's' Nest Pass railway. He SPECIFIC AND 'ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Slee�llessness, Palpa,Uttion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Loss of :Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and Gen- eral Debility. LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. J. lt. McLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. `;old In Clinton by .1, H. COMBE, and ALLAN & NVILSON. Wanted. ld w' ien and who can work hard talking and writing six hours dally, for six days It week, and will be content with ten dollars weekly'. Address, NEW IDFAS ('0., Medical - Building, Toronto, Out. Town Property for Sale. For Sale. fn the town of (Tinto,, lot No. 319, situate on James .street. There I., oil the lot, a one storey frame house containiuga large front thermore, we hove yet, to learn of a case in which it has failed to benelit. So say hundreds of druggists all over the country. Has cured others, will cure you. At Chicago last week September wheat reached 8111 cents, the highest price reached thin year. In official circles in Ottawa the belief I,., expressed that the provision of the Dingley Act imposing discriminatory duty ai;ainstgoods entering the United States in Canadian cars cannot over - tide the bouldiI1 plivilege conferred by the. treaty of ashington. Wherever the sun shines Dr. Chase's remedies are known, and no music so sweet to many ;t pooz soul as the song of rejoicing over restoration to health in the use of theai, Ask your dealer about them. Dir. J. T. Whelan, aconductor on the Hull & Ayltner Electric Railway, was fatally injured at Desehene. lis. ,arinei of ye. r , for the truth and accuracy of her stalemlent els here printed. The doc- tor was right as to her complaint - chronic dyspepsia, with resulting torpid liver -but unhappily he did not resort to the only remedy which ac- tually eure.s this common and deplor- able disease -Mother Seigle's Syrup. Most fortunately, however, the lady's husband heard of it in time, and, like a wise Inan, procured it at once. As to that time when Mrs. Farmer clared not think what the end would he. Well, we won't talk of it now. She didn't reach it, thanks to Providence and the medicine she names. Alpliebetically Arthiged. Here is a list of foreign countries to which Mr. Fielding's "British •pre- "terential tariff" applies. it is alphabetically arranged, and is handy for reference;- Algetia. Argentina. TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go where Yet) can sec Harness. Reliable farness I manufacture none but the BEST or STOCK. the have room, two bedrooms and kitchen, also cellar. The house is in a good st>atc of repair and newly sided and painted. There Is excelle)it ]lard water. Thr, lance is well adapted for gardening purposes. Price reasonable. Apply to Che owner on the premises. 41, MRs. HI nlA:. ,s A robber walked into the office. of McFarlane's wuodyard, st 1,1106 Queen street west, Toronto and at, the point of a revolver d-mrin(l-d Mr. DleFar lalle'n IT1011P,y. The merchant SDIr.Pd the inan,-and he was ultimately lodged Ill gtxd, to .� _� _..TT- - FLUSLI'la-Hungary. Belgium. Bolivia. Chili. Colombia. Uorea. Costa Wea. DenrnaTk. I can pay ten dollars wecekl - WANTED. Beware o shops that sell thea as r p p• v got to live SW Call and get prices. Orders a ,ad y of mature age, refine- ment and ,tot to spend hertime in a good Pallid faces indicate pale, thin blood. blood Dominica. France. by mail promply attended to cause. T. H. LINSCOTT, Rosy cheeks show the pure, rich Germany. J�IIN BELL, Toronto, ont' -- - --- - - - —.�_ _ result,ulg froiu taking Hw)d's Sarsap Liberia. HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTH, ONS �iiler's OMMUS Line, urilla. __ Madagascar. Morocco. ,!ion for vacation or permanent; 1 to solicit. for "Canada : An Encyclopedia of It is believed that the Getman Gov- Muscat. GO TO THE Goderich, Ont. ernmlent will again propose to Great Persia. U nian Shelving Parlor — Goderich do to scenre Britain and the United States the cum- dltiairlll'i1 rT Pllt Of the Samoan IS- Ru-sin..pll'te }j tLl wrLllOr. When fn not, neglect Miller's Omnibus to all parts of the town. Our lander. Spain. Fos,first•class Hair -Cutting livery )s well equipped with reliable horses and Mr. Shaughnessy, vice-president of Switzerland. and Shavinn. gd' d rigs, and niceg will alwltys be fonnd rea- the Canadian Plicific, railway, denies South African Republic. For gale, on Princess street„ Clinton,a one gonable. Stab�cs on East, street, near the that American labourers are employed Sweden and Norway. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton aq°arc-telephone No. 51. JONATHAN MILLER, on the Crow's' Nest Pass railway. He Tonga. I. EMERTON, Proprietor. Goderich. says all the men required cyan be ob- Tunis. good hen house. Price and terms reasonable. - twined in Canada. Uruguay. & CO. Venezuela. FOR SALE. I BJ,A('K'S TIOTF,L, DI'NGANNON. Proper- Thousands are Buffering excrucia- thig misery from t at 71Ague of the Ontorio Ladies' College. CHEMISTS & DRUCCISTS ty, furniture and License. In good repair. Doing good business. Possession Rt once, night, Itching Pile , and qn,y nothin[� Great•Northwestern Telegraph office, kppl to MILS. SARAH BLACK, Dungannon. about it throe h sons of (lelicac All g y' such will find an insta relief in the Albert Street, - Clinton. Ytlbs4t - _-_ _ use of Chitse's Ointrne 7t. It never TF,ACH16,1119 and other bright WANTED. fails. PUMPS! PUMPS! ,!ion for vacation or permanent; 1 to solicit. for "Canada : An Encyclopedia of , the Country," fn five royal quarto volumes, A fire broke out in the attic above It yon want a ase, yo pomp, one aha Nodelivering. Commission paid weekly. Tint: LiNSCOTr COMPANY, Toronto, Ont. the Warden's quarters in the Central 1 et fft , send will give yousotfinletaction, send your order to 1,h prison, and dt►nlag0 1,O the extent Of undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it it several thousand dollars resulted, the closest prices. He also handles a firat•clae FORCE PUMP. Cy Property for Sale It is stated that Golli, who assassin. JAMES FERGUSON For gale, on Princess street„ Clinton,a one ated Premier Canovas, in the course of a police examination declared that it Oppogit Queen's Hotel - High Street Clinton. storey frame building containing three bed- rooms, front room, kitchen, pantry, &c.; over Rere lot, hearing orchard, principally would be President Faure's turn next. 809-tf quarter plum trees; good hard water; also small stable, AccOrdin to the records of the Unit - g -- - --- - ------ good hen house. Price and terms reasonable. ed States Treasury Departmlent British Grand Trunk Rai way for particulare apply to PHELIx HANWN, Goderich P. O. vessels arecarrying more than fifty-five per cent. of the United State9 mer - OFFICIAL TIME TABLE. _ - - AGENTS. chandise both of imports and exports. Buffalo and Goderich District:-- Second edition "Queen Victoria" exhausted �— Jubilee Edition on press. Best history of the Fpr Over Fifty Years ' Going West, Mixed .......... ........ 1015 at m. " Fxpress Queen nand Victorian Fra published. The only Canadian by Her Majesty. 9YRCP has been ................. 1.03 p. m. " Mixed... 7.05 m, work accepted Sales unprecedented -knock the bottom out of MRs. WtNaLow's 900TnINO by of ntothors for their childre,t .. .... ... .. p. " Express ... ............ 10.27 p. m. all records, Crinvamers Rcoopin in money. used millions while teething. If disturbed at night and Going Fast, Express. . . ........... ... 7.40 a. m. Even boys and girls sell it fast. Big commis- trip, broken of your rest by a sick child suffering Tooth " 2:56 p. m. " Mixed Rion or straight, weekly salary after trial THE BRA DT.EY-GARRETSON Cb., LTMITED. and crying with pain of Cutting send at once and a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- .................. 4.35 p. ni. Toronto, Ont.- pt ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re- London, Huron and Bruce:- - -- ---- - - _- - ,leve the poor little sufferer immediatoly, De- Gnhlg Rr:uth, Express........ 7.47 a. u1,' " 4.30 in WAN F D -Agents for "Queen Vic- rend upon It, mothers, there is no mistako about it. It Diarrhoea, rogulates the Stomach "' ""' . . • p. 1. J feria, Hor Rolgn Rud curcR bowels, Wind Colic, ROftOns the Going North, 10.15 n. m ...... ... ..... 6.55 p. in Diamond ,Inbileo." Overflowl"4 with latest and richest. pictureR. Contains the endorsed and cures Gums,reducesInflammation,and givestoneand "MR. M. (!. DTCKAON.I Pass. Agent, biography of Her MnnJJCRty, with atlthenic His- fiery of her remarkable reiggn, and full recount, onerggyy to the whole R'stcln, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea - Dis. Toronto. of fhe Diamond Only $1.50. Big book. sant to the taste and ,s the prescription of one ,Jubilee. Tremendous demands. Bonanza for agents. of the oldest and best fornale physicians and W. E. DAVIS, G, P. &T . A. Mont.ro Commission 50 per cent. Credit, given. Freight Write nurses in the United States. Price twenty-flvo cents a bottle. 9old by all druggists through A. U, PATTISON, G. T. B. pald. OUTP'TT FREE. Duty paid. rqintek for mutAt and territory. THA: DOMINION out. the world." Be sure and ask for "MRS. Town COMPANY, Dept. 7,366 Dearborn St., Chicago& WINSLOW'S 900TITIVO SYRUP. I SOMETHING ABOUT A LEADINU CANA- DIAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION Only those who have a personal kuowledgc of Canadian and American Colleges Cali fully n preciate the ppresent atagnificent equipment of the Ontario present. Uollegeat Whitby, or the Froat strides that this institution has oen making (luring the past few years in providing for the higher education of young women. Ili solid literary work it is a recognized leader, as It 18 the only college,Canada sending up students fn or the first and second year's examina- tions with honours of Toronto University. Thb same eflrclency characterizes the departments of music, fine art, elocution, commercial branches, and domestic economy. One unique feature in the musical department ,s a large pipe organ In the new concert hall, for the use of organ students. The main building, modelled after one of the old palatial homes of English aristocracy, sup• portod on the north by Ryerson hall, and on the south by Frances hall presents it scone of beauty perhaps unequalled in Canada, and with few equals on the continent, Every home comfort Is provided in atentin-hent.ing, electric lighting, and modern sanitary pplumbing. No wonder that the students of the Ontorlo l.adleR' College are happy and successful, and that leading educators turn Choir thoughts to I, hi" ,.pogo as the ono host fitted to indicate the high -watermark of Canad fan attainment. The Rev. Dr. Hare has been principal of the college since its inauguration, In 1874, and will ba pleased to give further information re- lating to Its work.--TORORTO MAII.. The Pope received Sir Wilfrid rind Lady IAiirier. A small riot took place at Rockland owing to feelingg aroused by the re. marks of Rev. Mr. Cote, who is Speak- ing against the Roman Catholics. 20 Years in Mich. 40 Years Experience 260,000 CURED. Thousands of young men are made nervous wrecks, unlit for bushes., so- cial pleasures or home duties by evil habits in youth, later oxcusos, or vato diseases. W. C. Andre.—of Akron• O., says: "I road this paper and have seen many reports of remarkable euros made by Drs. Kennedy and Ii.e.rgRn. I decided to treat with them. Indiscre- tion was tho cause of my trouble. I was weak and nervous; no ambition; back weak. pimples on the face; thin and haggard; oyes sunken and cheekshol- low; dreams and drains at night; mem- ory poor; vartcocele and weak parts; lrrituble;oinking spells; specks before the eyes; lack or confidence; no energy; and many,other complaints. I had tried fourteen doctors, bought four elec- tric belts took scores of bottles of patent modicinos-all failed. I tried the New nethod Treatment of Drs. Kennedy and Kergan, and it cured me. t am a Man Again. I havo gained twenty-six pounds and am strong mentally, physically and sexually. It Is a wonderful treatment." Blood Disease -with the worst symp- toms: Ulcers in tha mouth or on the tongue, blotobee, eruptions, hair fallon out, bone pains, eyes red, stomach trol- bles, sore throut, etc., positively cured forever. Yoal dare not marry until cured. Cures guaranteed or no pay. We cure Sypbills, Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Failing nanhood, Stricture, [fleet, Unnatural Discharges, Weak Parts, Bladder and Kidney Diseases. Consultation Free. Books Free. If unable to call, write for Question Blank for Home treatment. Everything confident/al. Nothing sent C. O. D. NO CURE NO PAY DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, - . - MICH. The commissioners who investigated the affairs of the St. Vincent de Paull Penitentiary have found evidence that warrants the dismissal of Warden Oui- met. A Scotch farnily named Johnson, travelling from Hamilton to Toronto by waggon, lost a lot of their property by fire. Two of the children were badly burned. TO CONSUMPTIVES, Tho undersigned, having been restored to health by Rimple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease ComitrAption, is anxious to make known to his follow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully Rend (free of charge) a Copy of the pre:serip- tion used, which they will find 1, gnrc cure for Collxtu)nption,Asthma, Catarrh Brouctlifix and all throat and Inung lfaladirs, fie hopes all suffererR will try his remedy, as It ig invala- able. Those desiring the preeription, whieh will cost them nothing, and may prove a HlesR• Ing, will please address, Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, Neve York, i t '