HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-08-25, Page 10.
NEWS RECORID6�,�• ;QiYf '� �, so-° �� Il):,. �%�
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TEi DIN-81.R5per Annum, 1.00ln Advance. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS -NEUTRAL IN NOTHING A. M TODD 9Editor alad Owner
If Your Digestive
Are deficient you need some-
thing new to create and main-
tain strength for the daily
round of duties.
Strictly pure Malt Beverages.
All the popular Brands of Ales
and Porters,
Lack Kennedy,
The Clinton Liquor Store.
Phone 51.
A Neckwear
Special. .. .
We are selling all this month
it line of Neckwear in all the
latest designs Of fashion and
colorings, in bows, Puff
knots, Strings and Four-in-
hands. Au infinite variety
of patterns, every chaste and
refined design known it the
neckwear world. They're
the first pick of New Fall
Goods. During the month
of August you can boy any
one of them for
You've often paid 355 for
just such Values.
See our wash Ties. at 3 for
"Walk in and Iook around,"
T. Jackson, Sr.,
Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter.
Established 18:5I. Phone 70.
Aeency London Laundry.
FINE HOGS. -Thirty-eight fine hogs
ffed at the Nile cheese factory were
chipped from the station on Monday
having been purchased by D. Cantelon,
of Clinton.
;ng of the quarterly board of the North
Street Methodist church, a unanimous
call was extended tc Rev. G. W. Hen-
derson of Sarnia, as pastor.
den's committee of the county council
inet last Wednesday to again consider
in connection with the bridge accident
oil the .London road near Clinton a few
weeks since.
A FAMILY PICNIC. -Last week the
Salkeld fancily had air outing at the
Falls. The picnic drew nearly one
hundred members of this well-known
Huron family, all of whom had it
most enjoyable day.
PETTY THIEVING. --Three boys,
about 14 years of age, pleaded guilty
to stealing some liquor from Lee's
warehouse last Sunday night. P. M.
Seagger gave them a lecture and sus-
students at the recent exaniinat;ons
who wish to attend the next terra of
the Goderich Model school for pIo-
feSSiODa1 cerJfIcates should send their
names to Inspector J. E. Tom, Gode-
rich, without delay.
Of Dungannon, forinerly pastor of
Victoria-st. church, has gone to
Tennessee. His brother formerly re•
sided in that stitte and died recently,
leaving his affairs unsettled, hence Mr.
Huttou's visit to wind up the estate.
THE GItAPHOPHONi,, -Ensign An-
drews, the Provincial G. B. M. agent,
with his graphophone, will conduct a
WCial service in the barracks on
Thursday, Aug. 20th, at eight, p. In.
The programme consists of testimony,
music and song, including selections
from Sousa's hand, Gilmor•e's band and
Columbiati orchestra, :also two cornet
solos by Levey, the best cornetist it)
the world.
FAREWELL AGAIN. ---Wm. J. Wilson,
of the township of Blanshard, Perth
county, laid an Information before
Squire Lacey, Loudon, on Wednesday
1,f last week, charging James Farewell,
ate of St. Marys, with the theft of it
horse, buggy, set Of single harness, a
robe, horse blanket and halter, Fare-
well ;s at present serving a term of
three years in Kingston Penitentiary
for fratid, but an effort, may be made
to bring hirn back and have pini placed
on trial.
BEFORE rim P. M. -Two bicycle
riders have been fined the past week
for riding on the sidewalks contrary to
the town by-law. Both were Hned $1
and cost s, and P. M. Seager says that
if the practice is not dropped he will
impose heavier fines. -•Two local salts
who hnd imbibed taro freely on civic
holiday got into an altercation between
7 and 8 p. m. on the Square, and the
language of one of them wits vile in
the extreme. Constable McLeod took
off the quietest one of the two and
locked hire up all night, and the other
paid $1 and costs to the P. M. the
following day.
er Carniona was in port on Saturday.
--The steam barge St. Andrew left on
Tuesday for Port Arthur with it fair
passenger list. -Rev. Jos. Wilson, B.
- Goderich.
A„ of Niagara Falls preached in Knox
church on Sunday morning, and Rev.
J. S. Allan, Lansing, Mich., in the
evening. Bothgeutleulen are old
Goderich boys, --During June, July
And August nearly 1,200 loaded cats
were sent east from the G. T. R depot,
-Station agent and Mrs. Stratton
were in port Arthur the past week. -
Captain RobertRhynas brother of Wm.
A. of this town died in Detroit the
past week. -Bowling has many follow-
ers these days, -Sunday was a real
summer day. --The schooner Todtuan
arrived last week with lunfher and tan
bark, the former for the Furniture Co.
and the latter for Smith Bros. -Thu
Goderich Organ Co. and the Hender-
son Bicycle Co. were shut down last
week for the annual taking stock. -
An excursion from Centralia to Gode-
rich advertised for to -day is off. -There
is a rumour that the Goderich ama-
teurs will play in Blyth sotne time in
the near future. -Chas. W. Ball was
in Crediton thepast week, -West
street has been nicely, graded and next
season will be perfect. --A well known
young bialy was wart ied in St. George's
church last week but so quietly was
the jot) done that but few people know
her present name. -Miss and Miss,
Bertha, Trainer, two former well
known residents, now of Chicago
are visiting at the: residence Of
Sheriff and Mrs. Reynolds. -The
schooner Craftsman sailed on Satur•-
(I for Providence Bay to load
cedar for the river. -The bathing sea-
son is nearly over. -The fall wheat
around this burg has yielded abun-
dantly. -Peas, oats and barley have
not yielded As well,as wits at one time
expected.• -Former predictions as to
the root crops are verified. -The
schooner Youill cane in on Friday
with 200,0CJ feet of lumber for Mi..
Dyment,-Mr. Seager is at Niagara
Fall,. -114r. Jas. Robinson will in it few
days move into the store recently
occupied by J. T. Acheson -Regular
meeting of the Chosen Friends to-
morrow evening.
BRIEFS. -The first half of August
cheese in Bluevale factory has been
sold. We have not been able to learn'
the price, but we understand it is sold
for the highest price the August cheese
has ever been sold for in this factory. -
We are pleased to hear that little
Mary King is better. -Owing toll, de-
lay in delivering the machinery for the
flax mill it has not yet commenced
operations, but the flax is being
brought in at a lively rate. -Rev. Dr.
Scaulon, wife and farnilV etre visiting
Mrs. Scanlon's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Smyth. -Miss Knox of Auburn
was the guest of Miss Jennie Diment
on Sunday. -Will Cleghor•n went to
Manitoba on Wednesday. -Mrs. Mc-
Donald of Lucknow is visiting her
pprtrents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner. -Mrs.
Ii. Patterson is ill.
BRIEFs.—Mine host of the Commer-
cial paid the circular town a visit on
Saturday. -On Tuesday a meeting of
the public School supporters was held
in the School house for the purpose
of nominating a candidate for trustee
it) place of Goo, Gibson who has left
town . -Air, J. W. and master J. E.
and Miss Selina Bell were visiting
relatives in Goderich on Sunday. -
Don't forget to make it your business
to attend Blyth athletic tournament
to be held today (Wednesday) on the
park. The committee has done their
best to make this the event of the
season. Blyth brass band will be in
attendance.--Ou Monday evening a
special meeting of our town daddies
was held in Industry hall. -Our pub.
lie schools will be reopened on Mon.
day, -We are pleased to hear that W.
Begley and Miss Thuell are recovering
from typhoid fever. -The hum of the
thresher may be heard in all directions
these days.
BRIEFS. -Airs, R. Y. Rowe, who
has spent the past two weeks visiting
relatives in Brantford, returned on
Monday last, -Mies Ida Snell is visit.
ing her uncle, Mr. John Dionhy, Eg.
mondville.-Mies Selena Tharner of
Roseville is the guest of Airs, Wasley
Snell. -Airs, John McAvoy of Kin•
cardine is visiting her father, Mr. Thos.
8110111 -Mrs. John Hooper, Iiuron
street, ;s at present confined to her
bed witk lung trouble. -Mr. Thos.
Dow still continues very low, also
Mr. Philip Lang, -Mr. and Airs,
Samuel Buckingham and daughter,
Mrs. Jas. Weeks, visited friends in
Usborne township last week. -Air.
Robt. Beaman, who line spent the
past two years in Uncle Sam's domains,
is visiting his mother. Mae. Ann Hart-
man. -Miss :Vora B, Patty of Kippen
spent last week in town visiting rola•
tivea and friends. -Misses Mary Grigg
and Kate McFaul, who spank their
vacation in Montreal, Quebec, re-
turned on Friday last. -Mr. Frank
Tom of Ottawa is visiting his father
and other relatives here. -Mise Euribt•
Myers, of Loudon is visiting bar
uncle, Mr. S. Sanders, #q. -Miall
Wheatly of Clinton is the guest of
Alias Edith Souders. -Mies Loridne
Hooper is visiting her cousins in I.on.
don. -Misses Boatrica and Jennie
Friend of London are • visiting Air. E.
Front. -Miss Baker of Ridgetown is
the guest of Miss Cora Manning, town.
COUNCIL. -The Hullett Council met
oil Wednesday last at Kinburn, having
first examined the new combination
bridge at Wallace's and issued an or-
der to the contractor for $000, being
bait payinent, its the bridge is not
quite completed. The job of filling the
t 1 roach at the south end was let to
and will be done in :I, few
days. The approaches at both ends of
the Macgregor bridge was let to W.
Greive. The usual by-law for levying
the rates was rend and passed. The
sum of $5W is required this year from
Hullett for county purposes more than
last year, so that the rate will need to
be two tenths of a mill higher, and
the township rate will necessarily be a
little higher on account of building
two new bridges. The school taxes
will be $4,300, or nearly the same as
last year. A resolution was passed
authorizing the Reeve and Clerk to de-
stroy all the old and useless papers and
documents Ihat has accumulated in the
Clerk's office during the past, 40 years.
Council adjourned until called by the
Reeve. -JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk.
by one the pioneers are passing away
and soon all of those who cattle here
when the hind wits covet ed withthepr;.
nieval forest and was the home of the
Indians and the wild animals will live
only in memory. The late Wm. H.
Bingha in, of the 7th con., whose death
took place on Monday, loth inst., was
one of those sturdy ones who came
here and hewed out for himself, amid
dangers and privations, a home in the
heart of the forest. The deceased was
born in Ireland in 1817, and came to
Canada when two years old. He lived
at Edwardsburg, near Prescott, until
1847. He then carne to the famous
" Huron Tract" and settled on the farm
now owned by Mr. Henry McBrien,
+urd shortly afterwards built the first
grist mill at Loudesboro. After re-
umining about five years he returned
East, but came back in the following
year and successively owned and sold
the farms now owned by Mrs. W. Teh-
butt of the Maitland con., Goderich
township, and Wni.'Wallace, 7th con.
of Hullett. He then went to Michigan
for it year and on his return purchased
the farm on which fie has since lived
for the greater part of the titre. Al-
though his children repeatedly pressed
him to come and live with them he
persistently refused, but constantly
snide them short visits in turn. His
wife died in 1870, and lie has done con-
siderable travelling since, having been
twice to Dakota, once to Kansas and
to various parts of Ontario. Only nine
days before his decease lie returned
from a pleasant visit to his daughter,
Mrs. Manning of Woodstock. He was
in the best of spirits and apparent good
health to the very last. He died of
heart failure. He was a Conservative
in politics and amemberof the Presby-
terian church. His word was as good
as his bond. He was a good neighbor,
an affectionate father, and was univer-
sally respected. His home in the early
days was always open to the tired
traveller. He had ten children, two
sons and eight daughters, seven sur-
viving him. They are as follows:
William, who died shortly after mov-
Ing here ; Mrs. Mary Wallace, on ad-
joining faun; Mrs, George Christopher
of Walton ; Mr. Nelson Birigh,ani, now
in thea Wes! ; Mrs. George Glasgow and
Aliss Jennie Bingham of Cavalier, Da-
kota ; Miss Adeline, who died about
eight years aDo ; Mrs. Josiah Mcklveen
of Drayton, akota ; Mrs. Manning cif
Woodstock, and Mrs. Moe, who died
about fourears ago. He has two
brothers, Nelson in N. Dakota and
Thomas in Kansas. We extend our
sympathy to the bereaved ones in the
breaking of one more link which bound
theni to earth and point them to the
blessed fact that it is now one more
link which will draw them in love to
the Better Land where parting is no
more. The frinerat took place on
Thursday, 19th inst., and was largely
attended. Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. N.
Bingham hereby extend their thanks
to the neighbors for their many acts of
kindness during this time of bereave-
ment and trial.
CHEESE, - On Saturday part of
August choose was sold for 9 3.16 cts.
CHURCH. - League met Monday
evening. The subject was "Right and
Wrong Ways of Using Money." -On
Sunday Mrs. Pentland of Dungannon
will preach. It is the anniversary of
the W. A[. Society.
NOTES. -Mr. G. Evans of Toronto
is home on his vacation. -_.Hiss Proc•
tor, accompanied by her sister Mrs.
I McCartney, hasrelurned front Walker.
1 villo.-Mr. S. Murch and wife spent
Sunday in the village.' Mrs. E, G.
Courtice and family of Clinton are
spending a few days here.
11Ir• Whitney's Tour.
The following additions have been
made to the list of me-etings, complet-
Ing Mr. Whitney's proposed tour of
Ontario :-
Guelph -Monday, September 6, 8 p.
Berlin -Tuesday, September' 7. 8 p.
Stratford -Wednesday, Sept. S, 8p.
Mitchell -Thursday, Sept. 9, 1.30 p.
Clinton -Thursday, September 9, 8
p. m.
Luenn--Fridiay, September 10, L30 p.
Parkhill -Friday, September 10, 8 p.
The Other Side.
Editor news -record:
SIR. -The Huron Expositor stated
last week that tire new Auditory Act
was the Cause of the Treasurer for
Ititis a leaving a charge of weeks ago.
It also stated another goad Act passed
which compelled Retu1 ning Officers to
have the movers and seconders write
their motions, as a candidate in Sea-
forth last year was left out because
his 111OVeS could not he found. The
Editor of the Expositor is very
anxious now to show the good laws
made. He may have known all about
the Seaforth matter and had t.heirsides
pat into a protest, 1tys jerk friends,
from Grit 1 racks. An clerk who does
not1know enough to have the movers
{ and seconders write their motions ;s
not tit for clerk without this Act. As
to the treasurer of Simit was /t,
County Councillor who Moved, at the
farmers' county meeting, for the trews-
liver T•o; show all moneys received in
debenture account at the June meeting
and it week before the June meeting
the treasurer left, so the Auditors Act
which ruins not pissed in January, had
nothing to do with it any more than it
has to do with the wet weather.
Aug. 17 ONE. WHO KNOwg•
Clinton and the Underwriters.
Editor Neics-Record:
Stn. -It is stated that the Fire Un_
- - --
Keep p
We have never been charged with
heing "behind the times" in our
Hat De h trtment. We have al-
ready added a number of very
stylish lines in American and Eng-
lish Felts for the fall trade.
Keep Posted
By dr•oppininto our store occas -
ionally. f 0'11 show you all the
latest novelties. We'll not feel
offended if you dont buy. Just
now we are sellling Summer Shirts
at clearing prices to make room
for fall goods,
Notice Window for
-_ --_-•
etre on the move and the prices
are doing it. We hiti•i.. buy's
suits for $1.10 and $1.25 and
all we ask for the best is $3.25.
start it $3.60, we ass: vary
little more for the best suit in
the shop.
black worstod.
Our $20,00 suit to order is
great value,
derwriters Association have made
further demands the Council
PROPERTY Bouowr.-Mr. T. Don -
on after
nelly has bought the brick block put,
these leeches had agreed to accept
tip by Dr. Churchill last stun user and
what the Town (through the Council)
will remove his butcher shop to those
had agreed to do. Already we had
preunses in it short Gine.-Mr. Church-
contracted several hundred dollars ex-
ill was a former resident of Goderich
pense. which naturally would inean In-
creased taxation or in the event of
not, going as far its we did t0 have our
HEAVY CHOPS. -The hurn of the
insurance rates raised. I fancy it
( rnotvet• can he heard oil all sides. The
would be wise for the Council to
hay Crop will be heavy.
consider how to keep the rate down.
Cttr`ttcH BELL. -A new bell
Why not build a small mc,rnor;al
]ibr•ary hall sufficient to keep the honks
for St. Andrews (Presbyterian) church,
•IBI: E.Bt�,n•r>:t;•r Iu�:nt.INO JIHOK•I>.!•�
of THN Ar,.E.
and for it reading room, and invest the
surplus with the Town fit four per
Indian Head, which with mounting
wall weigh if)0 lbs., has been ordered,
From the Orangeville
geville Stilt.
cent. In chartered banks only three
and will arrive abhor the. first of
September. The belfrey will he cont•
In a cosy little house 1n r
ler cent. is allowed. The none could
F y
menced at once, and, it is hoped, will
street, in this town, lives Mr. John
lie applied on system of water works
for fire protection. A stand ripe or
-beforthe bell when it arrives.
-e ready
Garrity, his wife and family. They
water tower could he erected oil high
PROGRESS. -Two hotels, a post
are indeed a happy family, ,although a
ground and power secured from
office, four stores and several dwellings
few years ago It household
Fair's Mill to cover our nranu-
are now in active construction at
wouid be hard to find. Their happi-
facturers and the business portion
of the town at least. The present
Indian Head.
ness was not occasioned by the sadden
pond could be enlarged. Then
Rev. A. Matheson is supplying at
obtaining of a fortune, but by some.
we could afford to snap our fingers at
Whitewood during the absence of Rev.
thing much more precious -the restor-
the F. U. A., and our fire protection
J. W. Muirhead, and Mr. Sahimark is
ation to health of a wife and n,tber
would not cost Its much. Fires in
taking Mr. Matheson's work at Poplar
when evet'yone. whispered that she
Clinton average about three a year,
Grove till relieved. -Air. Matheson was
must die. Oor •reporter heard of Mrs.
and most of them so far small. I
a blacksmith in Clinton a good many
Garrity's illness and care, and for the
would like to have citizens discuss
years 11,90.
benefit of our readers investigated the
these suggestions and if possible im-
case; what he learned is well worth
prove on, them.
repeating. A few years ago Mr. Gar -
Yours, &c.,
city kept a well known hotel it Chel-
terham and was known far and wide
for his kindness and hospitality; his
wife, too, was noted for her amiahil-
The Library Again.
ity. However, she was stricken with
a peculiar sickness, her health failed
Editor Neics-Record :
rapidly and from one hundred and
Sin, --Along with others I made my
forty-seven pounds her weight became
reduced to ninety-five pounds. Faint -
way to the last meeting of our town
fathers to hear their wisdom on public
ing spells became frequent, and a con-
bu%insss. I roust confess some of the
tinual pain in the back of her head
almost drove her frantic. Physicians
lnemhet•s of the Clinton Council, ap-
u entl do not
pa y, g, to the meetings
were in attendance, but the doctors all
said there was no hope. Airs. Garrity
prepared io give lir listen to to intTle
bent opinion on public; matters. The
saw death staring her in the face, and
ro osed library site is one instance.
the thought of leaving her little child -
The one Ulan vote to represent the
ren caused ber much sadness, She
was advised to try Dr. Williams' fink
whole people is wrong, and still the
Mayor has been guilty of this on
Pills, but thought they could not
several occasions. He has evensaid
I ossihly do her any good when phv-
siciatns had failed to alleviate her saf-
that in doing so he dirt not vote his
own opinion and that he had not
ferings. Hoping, however, almost.
changed his opinion in the least. if
against hope, she procured a supply,
such were correct, why was he not
and wonderful to relate she had not
consistent enough to vote to carry out
peen taking IMIs long,ii•hen the
dreadful symptoins of her illness h,•gar
the wish of the majority of electors
and oppose the market ground for a
to ass away, and to -da she is the
Mir 111-y site? If the narket, ground is
ict ire of heatlth. A few months ago
VICGarrity and family removed to
our free disposal, why )ass a by-law
tulut:ike use of it for leis purpose?
Comingto tollOr.ura'ngeville,
d in conversation with
a farcer. Who ever heard of
),I cannot find words to
any one makingor havinga law passed
expre.s lily
thankfulness for Whitt Dr. Williams'
to build a house on the property he
leV.ally owns? I am surprised at the
Thursday,Sept. 9th
Pink Pills have clone for me. Wil it,
wild action of the Mayor and Council
miraculous. I wish twos
in this matter. For many ,years the
everyone ivhn is suffering as 1 was
will hear of this remedy. We always
present library has had It half live and
half dead existence, and have con-
keep a. box of the 1 ink Pills in the
stantly appealed to the Council to Its-
sist the committee to retain the " dead
horse." It would be a farce to erect
The leader, of Ontario's Loyal Op-
When talking of the sacrifices he has
other than a neat, snug, ornamental
little building for it library. A $5,000
pOeit.ion, J. P. WHITNEY, M.P.P., is
coming to Clinton. The date has been
nw.de for Liberalists wind purity, A1r,
building is not required to acconrnio-
set for
Cameron's letter reminds us that a
date our wants. The larger the build-
Judge once said duringan election trial
;ng the more It will cost, and the inoreTHURSDAY
twill cost for maintenance, such as
that all the water. in Lake lhircirt
furnishing, heisting, cleaning, care-
, ■wrnrltl
not, wash clean the candidate
taking, &c. The whole matter should
at 8 o'clock P. M. in the town hall.
from bribery and corruption.
he Inure thoroughly sifted out on
business pr'neiples and in the hest in-
He will likely be accompanied by
terests of the town-thevi the great
W..1. St.John, 11,11".P., Leut. Col.
rna,jolity of electors will be satisfied.
31xtheson,N11.P.P., A.Miscaniphell,
But the people of Clinton will not sub-
mat to one -noun power or this hnlp-and-
11i.P.1'., Thos. Itiagwooll, M.P.P.
�u{. its
t+� l�
corner• ex) , 1
expenditure of $10,00(. May i
ford others.
1� 4
` pray that our representatives turn
even now to a more sensible course.
The candidates for West,, Routh and
Very few people are looking fo
Nast Huron --Major Beck, ilenry
bargains in stores this ).; rd of
Eilber and Il. Mooney- will also
weather, they would sooner buy
something that is already cook-
ed. We would snggest the fa)L
Yews moil the Northwest Terri-
BROKE His LEO. ---On August 2nd
Mr. Adam Cantelon Of Lorlie had the
misfortune to break his leg through a
roll from the second story of Mr.
Motherwell's new house. Drs, Hunt
;)f Indian Head and Eliot of Wolseley
were on the spot its soon as possible
and thanks to their skilful treatment
and a sound constitution he is doing
remarkably well. -Mr. Cantelon is a
son of Mrs. Adain Cantelon, Clinton.
BIrsINESs CHANGE. -Messrs. Gen,
Davidson & J. Price have pnrchnsed
Mr. Lee's butchering business and took
over the same on the 1st. Mr. Lee
remains here and will give his whole
attention to his growing cattle buying
trade. -Mr. Lee is it former Clmtonian.
The puhhe gNesttons of the clay will
be discussed In a manly, straightfor-
ward manner.
Every electoris invited to be present..
New 11 duertiotinento.
Specials-.lackson Bros,
Ma]tBever•ages-Lack Kennedy.
School Books -W. Cooper & Co.
Hosiery hints -W. H. Beesley & Co.
The price of wheat -The W. D. Fair
Wanted -New Ideas Cn.
Wanted -T. H. Linscott.
Agents -R. P. Glasgow.
Wanted-- The Linscott 0ripany.
Without a Profit--Hodggens Bros,
Wheat, $1 it tinshel-Allen&Wilson.
VL, -anted -The Bradley-Garretson Co.
Are you it Presbyterian?- W.
Cooper & Co.
lowing goods for hot weather.
Canned Chicken, Canned Duck,
Canned Turkey, Noble's Lohslers in
fiat and tall tins, Kippered Herrings,
Potted Ham, Potted Turkey, Potted
Chicken Pate, Potted Ham atilt Veal,
Potted Tongue, "Thistle" Hadclfe-
Lunch Tongue in 1 and 2 lb. tins, &h,
All are first-class goods and
ready for imrnediat.e rise.
We carry a fl& line of
Faticy Groceries
For Campers and Picnicers
�+— 'Phone 23