The Huron News-Record, 1897-08-18, Page 7—__—_-_.-----_— _.m.__ ..._ . ._._--__-...----- ------- --
f to represent them. What particnlat•
SPECIFIC ability hits any member of the present
Government at Toronto shown over
and above that of his co -legislators in
FoR ZAI.WROFULA! the House? Who ever heard of theist
standing furth as shining lights before
"Since childhood, I have been they were made Cabinet Ministers and
afflicted with scrofulous boils and what have they done Since that other
sores which caused me terribly have d
members i the ll, ifslatum could not
+ have duce as well, if taut much better.
suffering. Physicians were unable Sir Oliver Mowat is not not- at their
to help tile, and I only grew worse head to lead and direct ti•ein and the
under their care.. people have very little confidence in his
:1t lcn;th, 1 began "wicked partner" who is premier pro
[viii. The speech by MrHardy aL
to take Otveu Sound it) the Pitt terso.n-MeLaugh-
t 1 till caurpaign of nearly a year ago was
, AYEK enough to drive any lnittl out of public
lite and his partisan friends may' .feel
,� Sarsaparilla, and assured that the independent., honest
very suun grew bet- electors of Ontario have not forgotten
°' ter. After using bribe
It was a fiagtµntt and unsavory
bribe and far away beneath the dignity,
half a dozen bottles honor and virtue of tiny nuut \vho
I was completely would stand at the head of it govern -
cured, so that 1 have not had a boil ►vent in this enlightened, queen pruv-
or pimple on any part of my body ince of the Dominion.
Blany of the best and most inipor•tant
for the last twelve years. I can
acts that have been placed on the stat -
cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa- Utes of Ontario bear testiluony to the
parilla as the very best blood -purifier wisdom and vigilance of the Opposition
in existence."—G. T. REINIIABT, leaders. Thu Manhood franchise act;
Myersville, Texas, the incellanic's lieu act; the working-
uran's compensation ; the impruve-
inents to the liquor license acts; the
drainage acts; railway acts; the incur-
auce acts, all colitaill provisions that
were stoutly contended for by the Oppo-
ER'S sition, and, Its to Lhe tiutber, crown
. TBE 0>!iiY WOIitT+D'8 FA33 lnucls and u)ining acts the onlyfeatures
Aof them that are worthy of eotumenda-
S a r s a p a ri t t a tion were forced into them by the Con-
servative mvillbers aided by a few on
der'sCherry Pectoral citrus Coughs and Colds thegovernment side of the House who
could not. and would not accept the
measures as brought down by the
- --_-- -_ ministry.
TL, ren News-Reeora The opposition . inanyRoss' leading eau-
! hp !7 lA cationists to Mr. Rees' wef,hod and
general policy respecting educational
$1.26 a Year-81.00in Advance affairs was feeely commented upon by
_ __ - Mr. Whitney and as freely endorsed by
�VEDNEBDAY,�AUGUF3'r 18th, 180__ the people. Favoritism, bungling,
crude, ill-considered regulations have
-.__._____ ____ _ . characl.erized arlmost every step made
THE PROl7NCIAL CAMPAICV in the dtutocr tent over which the
pedantic aukorrlat pre: ides. The coun-
Mr. Whitney and it few of his able Ii)
colleagues in the Legislature have late- err
lye returned from tin election tour to Pc
the western part of the Province. Iii
Everywhere they went they were re- v,
ceived with the utmost enthusiasm tf
and the evidences of it general desire PI
for a change of gover ntnent at Toronto Oi
were neither few nor meaningless. of
Since the memorable campaign in 1878 sc
when the now lamented chieftain of it
the Conservative )art made his tri-
party at
umphal march through Ontario and sr,
was everywhere received with open i17
arms by the people who were sickened aI
and disgusted with Reform tactics and tt
misgovernment, not since that day P
has any leader of the Conservative tlE
party met the welcome that has been
extended to Mr, Whitney. Notwith- 0
standing the busy season among the a
farmersand the oppressively hot 1i'
weatbtr toward the close of the cam. P'
paign public halls were crowded to II
overflowing and farmers and others b'
tr 'shed many mile(+ to hear the gift=
ed nd popular leader of the Ontario 01
Opposition and cheerfully volun- ei
teered their assistance on the h
platform with him. His long expert- 1 11
ence in parliament and his deep study it.
of the questions that Aare dealt with h
from tune to time by the local House d
have made him familiar with every it
phase of provincial politics and fully of
qualified him for .the responsible post- n
tion that a majority of the people seem L'
resolved to honor him with at the first h
opportunity. He is a fluent, and pleas- a
ingspeaker anddescendsto neither per- 11
sonal abuse of his opponents ±.or sub- t
terfuge to deceive the electors. A t
more honorable, honest and pure -mind- r
ed public man is .not known to -day t
among•Cana dian politicians or states- t
men. The affairs of the Province will a
be safe in the keeping, and administra- D
tion of such a man as Mr. Whitney. t
In all the addresses by Mr. Whitney s
and his colleagues, charges of waste- c
fulness, incompetency and lack of fore- i
sight were driven home with telling t
effect against the Hardy administra-
tion and many facts laid before this:
people that aroused them to It sense. of ,
the danger that lies before the Pro- 1
vince unless a decided change is t
brought about in the Government of
Ontario. The vast timber wealth of i
the Province has been sacrificed to i
meet defieits in the treasury ••c r by 1
year as the result of reckless and waste- '
ful expenditures ; the rich mineral
resources have remained almost, unde-
veloped because of the stupid and
blundering policy applied to these
districts, a policy against which the
whole northern part of the Province is
practically up in arms; the fine agri-
cultural lands of Algoma and Nipissing
remain largely unsettled because of the
Illiberal and shameful treatment ac-
corded to farmers who were per-
g*ded some years ago to buy
land in these districts and settle
therein; the jobbery and robbery
in connection with schools and
school books, the favoritism, blunder-
ing and unwise disposition of public
monies in regard to educational affairs,
the tyrannical rule of the head of the
education department, all came in for
merciless criticism and exposure; the
double faced dealings of the govern-
ment with the liquor dealers and the
temperance peop P and the retrogres-
sive enactment of recent legislation in
the local House on temperance Matters
were fully exposed ; the improper
management and wastefulness at the
Agricultural College and. Farm were
dealt with in a manner to prove to the
farmers that a great change is needed
in that department.
It must be evident to all who atten-
ded these meetings that the allegations
of Mr. Hardy and his colleagues and of
the Globe newspaper, that the Oppo-
• sition is weak and that there are no
men on the Conservative side of the
House fit to assume the responsibility
of govering Ontario is the utterest non-
sense and braggadocio. It is also an
insult to the constituencies that sent
these Conservatives to the Legislature
TheOn tario Government boasts much
of what it has dune for the Public and
High Schools of the province but the
public will scarcely believe that the pro-
vincial aid to the furtner is only about
$50,1100 peryear tilta a than it wits twen-
ty, five ye trio ago and to the latter a-
bout $21,6tl) n►ore. lis 18513 the total
expenditure for education purposes
was $702,569 of which sunt the grants
to rill Publiciand Separate Schools was
$280,373, and to High Schools $100,000.
From this it \rill be seen that it re-
quires about as much to rim the depar•t-
inelital services as is given in direct
aid to the :schools.
Again tine people of Ontario are Ac-
customed to glory greatly over (ut• so-
called free schools. Free• they are it,
the sense of being open to anv pupil it)
W,le land and its distinct front private
schools where It pot- capita rate is
charged, but evq+n an ordinary educa-
tion is not to he had at out, free schools
short of a very cousider•allle expendi-
ture of tnoney tot donble priced school
books published by monopolists who
are favored and secured by the govern-
utent in the operations of their busi-
Parents of children attending schools
Ili this province have been systemati-
cally and openly dis boiled for years to
the prices paid school books that,;L fete
favored publishers and authors might
be enriched. And there is no help for
it or possibility of relief while the pre-
sent head of the education department
is allowed to be dictator and run the
►machine at his own sweet will. As
long as [lien prefer party to their own
:old their country's hest interests and
will vote to keep it ministry in power
tion" are for the present relegated to
the back -Ground, but who can say they
will riot be re -introduced in a year or
two under some new natne and we will
be told that such is the systein tit Ger-
many or Massachusetts. Confusion
arid change is st,aruped upon every-
thing that the minti;ter attempts to ad-
just or deal with except hit, boss -ship
and that is ever the same. Professors,
inspectors, teachers and all connected
with educational institutions or affaits
must obey his behests and carry out
his plans, otherwise incur his displea-
sure, and nota few are the unfortunate
ones who, because of possessing an tu-
dependent spit it and having Ideas and
Pieterences of their own, have been
wade to llass under the bud. Can it
therefore tie surprising to anyone that
the call comes from every )art of the
province for a change at the head of
our educational Affairs its well Its a
change in the system of control and
O)tiario's best interevtstfeynand a rha)tye.
One of the most important que,stions
that tiny administration in Ontario
will have to deal with in the near fu-
ture is in respect to the provincial finan-
ces. For several years past out, ex-
penditures have fax exceeded our or-
dinary receipts. To make up the de-
ficiencies the Government has been
compelled to sell off vast tracts
of our valuable timber, lands
frorn time to Habra and finding that
even these resources were not stlfftci-
ent to balance their ledgers they inau-
gurated a yearly sale of Annuity bonds
to raise money to pay off indebtedness
falling due on railway bonuses, thus
mortgaging the Province for many
years to come. Up to 189.1 the amount
of Railway Certificates and Annuities
issued by the Government was $3,813,-
310.88, the then present value of which
wits $2,9,'1,867.52 (see speech of Hon, R.
d1" 1M . h 18
noxious means of raising revenue trust
in a short Cline be rostored to unless
anotber Governu)ent composed of men
with more economic ideas of managin66r
provincial affairs is given the cunt col
at Toronto. 'file annual expenditures
must be kept within the annual ordin-
ary recei ILS; borrowing On the credit
of the I'ruy,iure must cease and
squandering its valuable resources
inust be put, all end to. The present'
Premier Land his Colleagues bave been
aaccustorued so lung to extiavaaga ace,
and entertain such lofty opinions of
theniselves and the official positions
they occupy that tO ecunouly can be
looked for on their part. Furthermore,
they consider themselves masters aura
riot servants of the people ; Vley its-
sunie that the Province belo.)gs to
there and their family connections and
are using it to that self -same purpose
with all their i►iight. Only It potve ful
effort oil the .part of the electoi s Call
skake oft the grip of theso haughty
,-liters and teach a wholesotue lesson to
those who woulti Administer the aftairs
of the Province. The opportunity for
ILIA expression of the ,sovereign will of
the people as against these toasters will
soon he presented and everywhere the
cry goes forth,
Ontario's hest intere:et.t demand a change.
When the reform party in Ontario
cause into power in 1871 the Hun, Alex-
ander Mackenzie and the Lion. Ed-
ward Blake were leaders in the Legis-
lature. Ili a short time these gentle-
men left the lesser arena of local poli-
tics for the Federal House and the
party was compelled to cast about for
a man to take the leadership at Toron-
to. None of the men *ho now com-
pose the Cabinet of Ontario held a
place of prominence in the counsels
of Reform. They had scarcely been
heard of as politicians. The exi-
gencies of party called the then Hon.
OI•v Mo Int (rout an exalted rust-
Both afflicted with Eczema
of a very troublesome type
and cured in a remarkably
short while by Dr. Chase's
"lwas troubled for ten years with eczema as
one leg; the itching was something terrible;
would scratch until the blood came. How I
tame to know the value of DR. CHASE'SA1NT-
MENT, 1 have a little girl two years; when she
was one year old the same disease began to
show upon her face. It wasn't long before her
face became faterally covered with it. In order
to keep her from scratching it we had to band•
age her hands up. I tried several doctors, but
got no relief, ,Seeing DR. CHASE'S OINTMENTea
highly advertised I made up my grind to pur-
chase a boa, which 1 did from one of our
fading druggists. The first application it
noticed a change. It was then I began to
think about myself. With four or five applica-
tions, to my surprise, I am completely cured.
no sign of the disease, and my little .girl•s face
to -day is clear of all the scabs. I am only too
glad to Inform any person what a blessing 8L
CHASE'S OINTMENT has proved itself.
• Wheel Maker,
" Norwood, Ont,"
lines they are Going to vote. A maj-
ority of thew will accept the advice
given by Liberal organs and orators
to the campaign of a year ago, believ-
ing implicitly that
Ontario's best interest+ require a chawge.
In his recent speeches in various parts
of the Province Mr. Whitney deftned
the position of the Conservative party
in Ontario on some of the important
political issues of the day, Summarized
it is as follows, the sltlieut features only
is sores tired of such la-tizan mis- that is condemned h tin partial observ- Harcourt a ivere( art 1 6c r, Al, in t er w being touched upon;
1 We will establish a system Of audit
nagement of it, educational affairs ers who were onceitsstrongest up. Legislative Assembly, page f4) the last tion on the Bench and for twenty-four which will be IL protection to the trees
I is fully ripe for it change. The holders, it is idle to expect better payment falling due in 19'?'3. Sir-ce years that distinguished leader lett the ,try,
icy announced by Mr. Whitney lei then, includiner the payments of 18£7, ark to the Province and shaped and g y g
ets with general a)proval and will legislation lir It return to the popular r, P Y party 1 We will. thovou hl investigate the
e those most dgep�y concerned and and safe path of government that once the Ut-ovince hits paid off $5,:.3,694.80 directed legislation at the Provincial extent and condition of the timber
.illy interested ih the education of prevailed in the earl • days of confect- but the amount now owing on Railway Capital. Then began that systettl of lands of the Province with a view to
I } Y• their protection.
youth of our Province a say a the ei,40on. But we trust that the da of Certificates and Annuities lias leaped centralization which hits despoiled the
ic• • and re ntaatious to he carried Y We WIII itaallrYle the task of arranging
; in respect thereof. Mr. Whitney blind _partisan voting is past in en- up to $4,890,103.03, an increase of over municipalities and shorn the people of the la%1vs relating to the sale of intoxi-
I no intention to impair theeficiency lightened Ontario and the day of One million dollars of indebtedness in almost all the estimable privileges of eating itquors in line with common
destroy the usefulness of our High auto,:ratic rule b an set of men is four years notwithst.Iu�ding the half local self-govertunent. It has taken sense anti public opinion, and will not
001s its alleged by his opponents in Y Y million fid oft' during that eroicl see awe g appointment attempt to avoid any responsibility in
press and On the platform, but on rapidly Passing away and with it must P: g p (' y the right of a )oiutulent and connection therewith.
contrary would see that their go such it despotism as that which has Hon, R. Harcour•t's speech in Legisla- control by municipal bodies of their We will address ourselves to the task
riding is improved while aft the ruled in this province during the past Live Assembly, February 18th, 1807, officers and gave thein Instead ap- of husbanding the resources of the
time moving in the direction of ten years At least. The Montreal Wit- Page 38• The Province to still Mort- pointees whose strongest claim for the Province in all possible directions- put
reased fAcilittes, greater usefulness r a ed fort a bra ahead, the last a ting a stop to the multiplication of new
I better adaptation of our Public gess, One of the strongest supporters gaged y Y • pay, positions arose out of the amount of Offices, and reducing the controllable
ools to the needs and aspirations of of the Liberal party both in Unts,rio ruent falling clue in 1930. And still work, in many instances disreputable, expenditure in order that direct taxa -
i vast maja•itq of the children of the arid the Dominion refers in the follow- the yearly sales go on for but a few dishonest and unlawful, that they had tion play be avoided.
)vince who lbegin and complete in language to the Hard Ross Gov- days ago the Toronto dailies contained done for the party luring elections. We believe that agriculture is the
air school training in these institu- gY tin advertisement of another lot of An- By infamous gerrymandering ; by rats- main foundation oil which our pros -
Lis. ernment :— unities for salt b the Provincial Trea in false cries against the Federal ow perity rests, and that great care and
t is most unportant to the people of "There has been too much inclina- Y g g g watchfulness are necessary that the
tario that its Provincial Government Lion on its part to centralize Lowers, surer extending over the period of ernment whileJohn A. Macdonald held most be accomplished by Lhe expendi-
ring the incoming few years should to take away front the tit uniclpalities forty years. Labh year the annual ex- the reins; by inciting the Province ture ; we do not say that the Govern- .
in the hands of risen who will riot, and add to those of the province ; enditures are increasing; merit have ex ended too much on a ri-
,y into the lead of designing intri- decentralization, especialiy of patron- P g; each year against the Dominion ; by forcingfalse culture, bill we do say that they have
yrs at Ottawa who are already plott- the Province is getting deeper into issues to the front in every succeeding
to despoil our treasury for the age, would have been beneficial in riot spent it to the best advantage.
relit of uoilQueo :Loci the Maritime ►uany cases, and would certainly have debt ; each year -the capital is being election campaign; by cletuding this pen We will favor It broad and liberal
winces. Mr, Hardy used every been more popular. drawn upon to cover up yearly deficits. ple into the belief that the. milliuns ruining law,in which the interestsof the
> 1 i t" er settlerwill be con-
ans ill his powevaandaLll the strength "The license system has been tiled to And stillthe wasteand mismanagement accumullated by 5:tudfil lel _llileclonald individual ) rn and
his government to put these despoil- some extent for party purposes, if not goes on, Timber limits already ad- during the early years of confederation sidered before the interests of corpora -
into siiice and will continuo to \\itlr the Governments consent, still Hous and syndicates, and under which
;k them up in their plundering raids by those whoni the Government should verlisect aro to bis sold this }eta to get had been preserved mud kept intact in it repetition of the Lngledue syndicate
on Ont<Lrio. lie stare not do otlLer- hove c uutrulled, and the pr ohthitionists more tnoney for prosent nc •ds and to the provincial treasury, whereas on the scandal will be impossible.
se because Tarte, Blair and Fielding have been grossly disappointed by it- meet the shortness foreseen by the contrary the Province is millions ill. We will obey the feeling of general
his federal masters and having 10ory promises. Provincial Treasurer when making his debt and the surplus all squandered; and widespreacr dissatisfaction with the
,ped to put them there he dare not "Tilt- Liberals have been so long in financial statement last Februar h playing the part of a Christain poli- condition and methods of the Educa-
g power that it isa, question for the peo y' Y P Y g pI r
uounce them. Ontario's greatest Lion c rule; Department ; e awe with auto -
p >le of Ontario to uecide whethe� they How lone can the Province .stand such ticiaan himself and at the slaule time IL - crattic rule; sand the the Public school
ail is .a rNmier \vlu) will resist Itis �••
,empls to rob tier, IL roan indepell- hate nut grow) sowelvhat too Itiastel•- reckless financiering and squandering senting to the unchristian and tulsc•ru- tenclier, the High school teacher, and
lit of entanglingalliances aid dont)- fill, sotrtcwhiLt toe arrogant,.sa)tewhat of its resources? How much longer puluus work of wicked partner's; by ILII the University ,staff each it voice in the
Ling influences at tine Fedaral Capi- too conservative ;lir fact, too uxlch in will the people permit the Bard Gov- administration Of the thedepeducational and
people ,love with thauselvrs sold with what P 1 i Y such methods and devices the Itefurn' in the man�i crisis[ of the educational
. In Mr. Whitney the Will g
ci just such a leader. Hta tuanly they have clone." etnuicnt to pledge their creditforYear's party has "Mint AM itself in paver system of the Province, having in
erances, clt•:tr cut policy of econutly ' ahead and mortgage the inheritance of for about quarter of a century. That view and looking forward to the l)Ossi-
d refor ms,'hro:ld, tolerant views, and IG i' net the fault of a free school , hili[ of Affording to Lire pupils of the
i systeru, but of it•sfaulty administration its honest and iuclustrioussons: Sure- Sir Oliver Mowat is a grin of great Y i P p
inipelLchahle integrity mark him its that complaints are SO nu nerous and 1 it is tune that the taxpayers •ers anti I'uhlic schools increr}sed educational
P Y 1 } Ix)liticalsag:icity, cunning, andshrewcl- facilities and desirin to maintain the
man for Lhe occasion and the place. , a
hen he assumes the duties of Office so general throughout the Province. toilers woke up to see the true condi- ness no man can deny. That he pos- Iligh schools in their present high
The Minister of Education has been p senses abaity in a marked degree is be. state of efficiency.
which the people will cLll him at tion of our provincial affairs. And
xt elections the people will govern a v demist and a charlatan. tile fit.
_ _ . . ____-_-___-.-
rough their c'hOseu representatives no definite lir fixed ideas as to when they do this cry will as surely go youd Ia question and that he feel his
e executive will not be es oligarchy tiers of things and no settled, well -con• forth, party with a keen foresight is acknow- SOME ONTARIO FIGURES'.
sidered policy for his uidance •incl
Ling its though the Province existed Oata).Vs best interests de)nand a change, ledged on every hand. But Sir Oliver
Brea to furnish livings for Cabinet that of his deparLtlrent, IL has flitted The total receipts of the ;Ontario
y b knew another wise clove also eget the 1
inisters and all their family relations; about like some restless, uncertain will- When the Liberal party in Ontario Government from all sources since the
e second FamilyConl {pact will be o -tile -wisp •Lnd kept up itlirte of experi- cattle into ower udder Sir Oliver People of Ontario are beginning to see �)
ments with our schools and Pupils of P Liberals took office in 1872 is $70,49:53;
Lttered, and the array of heelers and every grrade front the kindergarten \iuwut in ]87L the amount r f interest it tau. The day of delusions in respect
indescripts that feed at the expense class to the university graduate, that prod to the Province by t'te • )ominion to provincial affairs is about over. Sir 8l)'t, i. e., up to the cud of 18 t, while
the honest toilers of the Province has disgusted students, teachers, pro- Government on special funds held by Oliver could not any longer prevent the total expenditures for the sante
ill be obliged to seek other shelter fessors, parents and taxpayers till the the Dominion for Ontario and the in a period have been $8:3,037,275, leaving a
an that afforded b government fortllo search -light of criticism from ex-
} g terest on ,special investments made by deficit of $3,571,468 a sum equal
rvices rendered the art )Articular- Jestjoy t• cry is, change the system, posing the deplorable condition of our
party, i dost •o this Political Inn ultra- artisan the Government of the late Benfield P g I in amount to about the Sur-
at and during election cattpaigns• Y P P Macdonald was ,':3.58 -V% The total in- t, easury, the millions of debt licaped
Mr. Whitneyas become ace uainted headship and give its an educattOntl `� ' u l) annual sales of the provincial plus accumulated by Sandfield Mac-
yy 1 department free from bias, having at terest received from all sources by the credit, the wasted timberweall,li of the donald during the first, four•years after•
ith thousands of electors to the wes- sound, capable, well qualified man as Government, of Mr. Hardy in 3b was
P' y chief, surrounded h a few competent y Province, the artily of ufiic•tals whose
rn art of the Province and to say only $t" 15:51 IL fallin awe of almost ('onfederat.ion. Notwithstanding the
tat Cortservatavcs are )rood of their Y P insatiable greed and meuaciugdernaincls
1 adv+ers. The Minister's own report $lla>,� )• Treasurer arernrrt now ad- for more loaves and fishes became till -
.enormous sum of $27,795,909 that has
•ovinc•ia.l leader and full of hope n of W)3 condemns him and gives the wits that in future our interest from bearable, the chatting of the people at been paid into the treasury of the Pro-
bely.coming contest is putting it very best proofs of his instability, lack of the Dominion will be less by the inter- the blundering and t ant in educa-
ildly. He is now almost as well good judgment ment aand unfitness for the est on a quarter of a million dollars at a Y vi�Ice from Limber sales, and timber
fX . 1 G [banal affairs turd in the licensing buai-
iown in the west as in tie east where res onsible osition which he has logy least, owing to the decision of the clues of all descriptions; over $30,(:00,-
3 has been the acknowledged leader oc p occupied. It says:—"Tho Revised Arbitrators on the unadjusted claims of Hess, all these were warnings of the
P Y Ontrario a tins[ the Dominion, hence impending ' wrath so the canny ( i the way of subsides froth the
the loc+Ll Conservatives for years Regulations of the B'dacational De- against little Premier hastened away to au- Dominion Government; and the vast
tat. His career, in the Legislature artinent have now been issued and it Cie pressing necessity for ggreater econ- sunla that have been taken from the
its been a brilliant and successful one is confidently expected that in their Only in provincial ex endttures. In- other field of action, and to such boon
P companions as the imma,culates, Tarte, municipalities that should have been
id no man has been a more zealous resent shape the May be found to stead, however, of economy we sed the p a
yam ion of popular rights and tree P P Y Y same old methods continued and ex- Fielding and Blair. taut who has he ]eft in the hands of the Township and
P P P fi meet for years the requirements of left to take up the leadership in 0n- , County Coanetllors to spend in tOral
overnment by the people than the both High and Public schools". penditures increasing in every depart inn roventents, the Province finds itself
1� ilLrio ? A rXutn in whom ,the people P
istinguished gentleman who hks; rep• ment. In 1893 the expenditure for after twenty-five ears of Reform rule
rented Dundas County so ably and so "The aim has been to reduce the Hunt (;ivil Government was $241,021; in never had confidence and never will Y Y
)n . Unlike the present Premier of her of examinations and to hold no 1853, $2 1(1fZ; legislation in 1893 cost have. His methods tire too well $t,8 :,Ilf3 Ira debt for Railway Certifi-
int ria he is trusted b the people. written examination that could be ilia sales and Annuities and itsoPitcredit
y p 18W,,fW in 2; , $1.ati ad 89.3 cost
known. His reckless mismanagement )led Pa for fort stirs to come to t
le is not a politician of the "cold just. pensed with. It will be understood tion of justice in 1893 cost `0,652 ; in of the crown lands department ; his l Y Y Pity
$� the liabilities incurred by a t•ecklessand
:e type and sous not expect to will by that no examination is held for either 1g ;, $441,055 ; public institutions blundering policy in respect to rnining extr:avla rltnt administration. Surely
rising constituences with their own High or Public schools that gives the maintenance in 1893 cost $778,f'i0 ; in affairs; his duplicity in dealing with E
Loney or that of others. He recog- right, to be promoted from one class to IS n , $706,5(37 ; public works depart- the liquor licence question, wart many Ontario is ripe for -_change-'
izes that a return to the simpler and another in the school." ment in 1803 cost $180.45 in 18'.)Other gout o thle political acts both
ass extravagant methods of govern- "A pupil may complete the course in $390.77. Furniture, furnishings, re-- to and out c the House, have proved CURREN9' TOPICS.
hent is demanded by the people and the Public school without being oblig- pairs and cleaning of the six depart- flim a he incapable of leading a or it
equisite to save the Province from ed to pass tiny examination held by the mentsin the Legislative Buildingsalone better Mand he alert stand aside for IL The Seafthe Expositor is of theOpin-
inancial disaster and a burdensome Department. In like manner a Pupil cost $4,2Z) in 18 3, ditto for the speak- better man, a leader whom the people
Ai h er's rooms and legislative can trust, In Mr. Whitney whose ion that the Ontario Conservatives,
tree[ taxation. lie is willing and who hes been admitted to a g' five chambers olitical record is without it single before they win, must first heat the
,nxious to lead the movement in that school may complete the course with- $2.(.10 ; for the Normal and Model p
direction. The people are with him, out p%ssing any examinations other schools at Tcnronto and Ottawa $3,( )0; blemish, whose years of experience in patrons. There should be IAO halting -
he handwriting on the wall tells than those held by the staff, for the School of Science at Toronto the Legislature has fully qualified him between two opinions on [tie gait of
3elshazzar Hardy that be has been "The Department holds no examina- $8C9; for the Agricultural College at for the important and responsible posi- the Conservatives.
vet hed and found wanting, that his Guelph 8( ) for furniture and furnish- tion to which be will be called after
g tions for promotion, for competition for P $ next Provincial Elections, the people The Exeter Tames says Clinton is tt)
are numbered. Ontario wantsan prizes or scholarships, or for an plan ings alone; for Oa oode Hall $2,00,
lonest economical government. P +, P ' +, Y of Ontario have just such A ruin as the
g of payment of result, and strange to say the public accounts resent state of affairs requires. A have granOlthtc walks. The matter
Ontario's best interests demand a chaaage, Very good regulations but how long allow that sums similar in amount are leader who is not bound by political was spoken of at the last Council meet-
.- does anyone expect they will last. Next Paid out yenta for like furnishings
ties to the Tartes, Blairs, and other in in Clinton, but Chert was no action
and equipments. During the past ten g
When Editor Neelin of the Seaforth ear in all probability the minister will years Over half a million dOliars have plunderers of the Federal treasury,
Sun Opens bra crooked mouth about have some new notions in his head and been paid out for furniture alone for through which Ontario must [sinter, whatever, We would like to have the
vary the above to snit his whim. Peo- as Mr. Hardy is bound for he helped Council thoroughly discuss the matter
the Bayfield Orangemen he always puts pie exppected and hoped for years that the departments. What becomes of to tit them there and is ready with of granolithic walks and determine
his foot in it. And when :n,.+ Nizws- the schoolregulationswerepermanent, the Old furniture and furnishings no the Globe to defend their iniquitous what could he, done. Every seta.-
RECORD kindly chastises the wayward at least for a reasonable length of time, man can tell, yet this, the honest toil- acts such a Wider is the pressing lie- should he gone into and figures sub-
ressor he boils over with rage, but constant changes were the result brig farmers, mechanics and other tax- muted. -
g 8 payers of the province know who hes cesaity for Ontario during the next few
foams and sweats, and s arty and while Mr. Ross remains at the head P y P ears at least. There must be . ____ _—
ermanene need not be looked for. to pay for all these luxuries enjoyed Y
things about P. C. M. . When p Y no entangling alliances with the Ask your grater for
Protestantism re vires er so s in the If the new regMations "star to redo+ a alone by the men who have set them- Dominion
Government webs once
front ranks the editor of th Sun 1.6
will the number of examinations," etc., etc,, selves up as masts. -s, bosses and auto- the os el of ppolitics as pro-
be on the side of iso snort unless he y p casts over the people whb entrusted g pp the GIObe and all the y_ they ate the ver o polite to the' for- them for many years with their conft- claimed by his wa s. This ournal has mer regulations whish in paretics Reform leaders. How does the ctrin - i � kislb d0_91
changes dY 1 deuce and honored them hp instalment
never been form "tri the woods" when multiplied the examinations till they le suit now? If it was good doctrine ,i
into the highest offices of the ]and. p
the call of duty was sIt
ounded. We became a nuisance to pupils, parents Favorites, f�milyrelattvesandpolitical years a o, and up to June, 1896, it can- ,,
have no bosses to whip us into subjec- and till concerned. bloodsuckers are fastened u on the not be had tO accept now and apply to
tion; the principles and course of this The oil plan of "payment by re- vitals of the Province and draining it Mr. Ilardy's case. The people seem to par Tablleand Dairy, Purest and BM I
journal ate as solid as the rocks, sults," and examinations for pronto- dry ; direct taxation or some other ob- be that way inclined, and on these
. i
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