The Huron News-Record, 1897-08-18, Page 4EMERSON'S Bicycle and Music House --AND---- - Cleveand —AND -- Cleveand Cycle Livery, Clinton and. Goderich. 0, F, Emerson, The New Presbyterian HYMN BOOK Now ready, A splendid collection of Church Hymns, many styles of bindings. j You can buy a Hymnal separate or Hymnal and Psalter combined, or Bible, Hymnal and Psalter combined. By placing our order early, our stock, is now to hand. Call and See ' Them. ' We C &C s CLINTON. Tire Huron News -Record t 1.26 a Year -81.00 in Advance WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1897. 110N. J. ISRAEL TARTEINHUROX, Last Saturday the Hon. J. Israel Tarle, Minister of Public Works, was in Clinton. Ile did not stop long, and no person saw flim as he passed to Goderich in the private government car (.`.nrilberland• Hewasdulyreceived and entertained by the citizens and Council of the county town and in- spected the harbor and breakwater. s The Minister promised that the nec- essary work, for which a contract had alreacbeen let worilit Ile proceeded c with at. once. He also inspected the cies all(] expressed himself elf aspOintg well pletoptl with- it. Hund ay afternoon l Ion. Hr. Tarte left by water for Kincardine, 1c Lrd►ne where e ' s It in. 1 rte t cl the harbor nn(] returned to Clinton by the. early Monday train and proceeded eati c t There -was ever' h. a etr •e )' c c t en - Y thusiasn over 5 1 the hon, gentl(:nian's ap- pearance in Huron. — REFORM DISGRACE. This week Tiirc NEWS -RECORD de- votes considerable space to the opin- ions of the Reforin and Conser•vatite press ill regard to the unwarranted disutissnl of Postmaster Campbell and the appoiutruent by M, C. Cameron of I his son-in-law Gaft to the position. There is no'possible excuse for the dis-missal ortie appointment.. The whole ` pmeeeding hits he(•n unfair and un- (. British, Never before in any party or ill tang Colultry 11118 R1OHT ANDJUSTICE been so mercilessly treated. Mr. Cam- ,' pbell's petition with One thousand -six - hundred names had no we conspirators little petition far Galt had. Th:'re is only one concinsion: Cameron is politically dead and will not again attempt to face the electors of West Huron. lie dare not do no when his own former supporters are tit fn arms by hundreds against hint, The Goderich post, office hits killed more than one public man, and this treason•ible act on the part of Camer-on means certain political death, and he will find very few sympathisers at the funeral. Peace, peace to his ashes. a THE COD&RICA TO ST OFFICE JOB.' 'i Under the above heading the L on- o; don Free Press refers to the Goderich post office and the new appointee, a son-in-law of the present member. R' Extracts null, )erous are given from the Goderich signal to assist in makin clear to the reader the false position of the reform party in the matter of making reckless and partisan appoint- itients, Jonahs for whom the honest electorate will now he compelled to go down deep in their pockets and dip out the hard cash. After re -producing from the Signal the Free Press says:— "what the Stratford Beacon will think of thin I action of tilt Laurier BovernntonL, which It He 1 lately re -judged am "a toils indiscretion" p it would be interoKting t,o know at thin time. 1,7n - tif it mpeakm again we roust rank the )3oacon in he list of Grit papers which are at odds with the iALurler llovernmel t regarding its adminim. trative aatm, and which list continues to grow at tin alarming rata, it now Includes the Hunt- ingdon Gleaner, the Montreal witness, the j Rimcoe Reformer, the St Thomas ,Journal, the Goderich Signal the Kingston Whig, the Moncton Transcript, the Clinton New Era, the itidgetown Ylaindeater and others. rn politics Mr. Cameron seems to I think ripe fruit tempting. THE NEWS-REProRD has been edit - 'eating the Goderich Signal since 1881 and we care pleased to know that after s sixteen years we have succeeded in t .convincingour contemporary that the t I"olid war orse" was "a liar" and that '"`,the truth was not in him." t SCAI,AWAU POLIYICIANS The Toronto News, independent, says --It is evident that Ilan McGilli- cuddy is anxious to clear the track to something good, fur• he writes in the 0oderich,Signal: —("At the next sessi oil the Liberals should embody in the statutes mulock's hill against, Scala- wag pulit.iCiaus pitehfurking then' wives into fatuflices.") CURRENT TOPICS. Mayor Holines does not even object to ride in the boodling government cat'. At Goderich Mr. Tarte had to talk English as hest he could and he was not " behind the scenes" -either. McGillicuddy is on tap 1 " was the popular expression of Reforrnors in Liuderich last Saturday and Sunday, Tile great Toronto Globe is very palet on the Grit disgrace to connec- tion with the Goderich post office. Mr. M. several l . Cameron has a s n' o s to might provide for. There's no use n snaking two bites of it cherry. The new Grit postmaster of Gode- Ich, so report says, is an Aruerican A Yankee postmaster under Laurier 'tile is good enough for the County Cown of Huron, Win. Campbell, the late, honored postmaster of Goderich, will be alive when the Grits are dead. We were of the opinion Mr. Cameron had it son-in-law provided for in the London Asylum for the Insane. How Many more hits lie provided fur? How many more has he, anyhow? The wives of many honest men will weep over the fact that they did not happen to be members' daughters. All respectable Reformers we have met refuse to swallow Cameron's Poisonous pill over the Goderich post ufftce. Hundreds of Reformers in West Huron declare that Mr. Camel oil will never again be a parliamentary candi- date. The heart of every honest man and every hottest politician throbs vigorous - ]v for Will. Campbell and his estim- able family. Hon. Mr. Tarte did not create a favorable impression in Huron, except for the money promises he made'. "Buajriess is business" was one of his favorite expressions_ That sinful Tory government car Cumberland is in possession of the Grits. And they swallow all then' lying' statements and use it themselves right in Huron, How nauseating. The Signal g al says to gain places of preferment one e anis t mart a mem. eln- Y r hers daughter. I, r. And how about the conspirators daughters and g being given in ul&I page ? Wi11 they also the)sons-in-law—be rewarded by big salaried job:,? Grit politicians are in great fuel; theseregal- ing t days. Their relatives • rclatiy r' es a t, Y on the fat of the land --the taxes of many of our poor readers. If you don't see what you IMML, just ask for rt, or "marry at members daughter. A few months ago the HeaforLh Ex- positor could not see anything in the evidence to justify the dismissal of I'ostauaster Campbell. Now the same paper is of the opinion that Reformers should stand by the disgraceful stet of ('ameron and Mulock. Our coutem- Porary is not unwilling to plunge into the depths of hales for party purposes, Sixteen years or more since this journal dubbed the member for West Huron "Ananias." At the time and since then we have been denounced in private and on the hustings in hitter terms, but now we find Mr. Cameron's persunitl kind most intimate friends confirming what this journal has faithfully and honestly preached dur. ing all those years, Sinners generally seek repentance. Loftus E. Dancey of Goderich, the sprig of a lawyer who is no more decent than the ordinary ran of people and who has succeeded in making a reputation for himself in more ways than one, we learn from the Huron signal, is mixed tip in the disgraceful conspiracy in pitchforking Postmaster Campbell out Of his position. His re- ward is to he a judgeship when he has been long ennug'h in the service, but we predict the Ben(h will not he very much elevated when the appointment takes place. At the same time we must confess tinder the corrupt, ex- travagant, double-daaling Laurier party therervill be little surprise at such an act. _ Forfeits Grit Support. Toronto Telegram (Ind.) M. C. Carneron, M. P., should have known better than to favor the ap- pointment of his son-in-law to the position of Postmaster of Goderich. Mr. Cameron could afford to forfeit the affections of his son-in-law, but not the good support of every other grit n the riding. Campbell Should Have Been Retained. Hamilton spectator (Conservative) Dan McGillicuddy, who is opposed to the appointment of a relative of M. C, )ameron, M. P., to the Goderich post - mastership, is not after the job him - elf. He asks the Government. o retain the present postmas- er. Ilan simply wants to save It party from the disgrace of nepo. ism. 'Pile Passing of Cameron. Cameron has seen tit to cast his pro G4oderiel) Signal (brit), fessions of honesty in politics to th( In The Signal of July 1, the follow. b(,au n, and its donekthat d8—he hen wlhich,lby voice ing artigle appeared : and pen, he condemned in others dur "'rhe Signal has a hl hor opinion of Mr, ing thirty yHars of public life. He Cameron tilull to believe that he will Close hit stands he ore the country today a rene net )nil ml toil chpu n the IllPractice xud uu It Ebocflour gale to Principle, and uuw ranks Witt of Yarliameut uoue hasdouuuuuod nlnorestruu r the worst of those whuill he has de 1yy than to. When We renncunbor—and the Mounted in the past. ':very CUatSc tltousandsofulecturKiuHuruurumonbur -how p in trumpet tones he inveighed n uiust Bowellb epithet which he hoe showered upot "son -ill -law Jafaloso n," unit ' Lon'er's tel"- Bowell and his son-in-law Jamieson ,'son-in-law "and that ill uvu1. tic house to and Tupper and his son -,n -law Canter Wont Huron ltimdonunciatious tangent against ori, now applies to M. C. UatLerotl auc public men making private snaps of public his son-in-law Galt y office for the benefit of their " sistors, their , intensified b til( cousins and their awns "--" their mon Kut vont fact that his course in providing "soup' thuh• maid servant, their oxen, their aaana till fol' ills son-in-law haS been noir' thoir suns -In-law within their gates"—wo can- a glass the not bring oursolves to believe that en this, tli'e g grain of his constituents, first opportunity offered, the professions of a and more repulsive to the feelings of life time have been cast to the winds, and the all honest mien, than has been any mall whom West Huron has boon delighted to piece of nepUtisni ever' Perpetrated honer is as devoid of political integrityy as tituy d p ated by whom he formerly dououlleod. No; wb, and Z any of his predecessors. true Liberals of Wrist Huron and suLtlneh Let hire think of tate tvelconle he will friends of Mr. Cameron, have a higher Opinion of him than that, uud firmly believe that sculo receive from his co-partner's in tie. euunly, who desires to wreck Liberallsnt is potisrn, should he have the hardihood West Huron and end the Cunneron influence in to agaip face the parliament of hie the riding, has advised that such a course tic fiursued, an that the elan who had gone thrungh couutrV • HOW Ile will enjoy having le fiery furnaue of public life for over thh•ty his ol(1, hackneyed and threadbare yours With tit being baslit uh od t e uLll tie speeches lit Hiursard 'rind Ott for his sndrebkingur shall cl,, may not remain aur edification. What it drawing card it smirched, but shall close his pulitivul ,iPu in tbliquy. will be in the House when it is known Tbat Mr. Camoron's long public service de. that "Cameron is lip," arid declaiming servos recognition guns without saying, but 11gainstthe crooked nessofhis opponents that much uh taco tri tion should , m5 take the sh, I i o uP and pointing � v' i with 'rid ) e t( his n P s wn ' a p(iKLnnlmtel'mhip for his son-in-lawi8sontethiln 6 tin- g u►aculate record. What a pleasure it that The Signal and the Crus fricudm of 111l111e1'ell —who have fought him battles In the past, and Will be for him to know that his have stood by hull Lt sunshine and shallow, in •enennias rejoice at the fall of the' great prosperity and adversity—d0 tot cndorso. Liberal tighter" who, after thirty Why an attontpt should now be made to seduce him Lana his pulitivaLliategrity by tonlpting iiia) years, was snared from the path of togive all oftlee to hisso'i-In•law, who hits not am rectitude and fell by the wayside. much claim ori the othco as the humblest facto By his present course he has not onl whose "unto IS on the vutore list, is beyond our Y comprehension, and we do not consider such inn earned the contempt of his opponents, act a fitting climax to Mr. Canermn's public but he Ilan; gained the disgust of his for- uarcer. rust I'ViendS. In theentiver iding of West Ag,nnKt Mr, (;alt, personalh•, we have na 'lot a Huron there is not prominent Liberal word to Kay, but we fail to find any roahou why who does not unhesitatin I denounce Ile should be an applicant for (he postmasler- g Y shipor uny other position in Goderich tit rho his condlict, and who, if giveIl an op- prosent time. 110 has never been un rile voter'K Pot•tunity at tin early day, would not Ilst, that we know of, and certainly never took relegate him to the political obscurity HOW ARE THE MIGHTY FALLEN ----: •ate - - cry � �� � jI►�� 1 fl .y IIS -= - ____�� , • L , i i a f I z it::% 1 '• .. I I / i 1 r• - - (By eour(emy of the Mail and Empire.) SO the struck eagle stretched upon the plain, No more through rolling clouds to soar again, Viewed his own feather on the fatal dart, Arid winged the shaft that quivered jn his heart. —BYRON. a part inanyvotinggorworking for Mr,Cameron or l iberalietn in Moron county or anywhere which was his portion quite re - alae. We do not know that be ever polled a Liberal vote in his life—in fact, the chanecm cantly and from which lie should never have been are that he has always been on the opposite stile of the political fence. ham boon it resident Ot resurrected to betray the confidence of his old - .He the town for little more than a Year, and hie appointment would give color to the opinion time friends and supporters. He has committed hari-kari, openly expressed by Mr. Cameron's poht.ie,If political and there is nothing left for us to do int to npponents that he was imported to fill a vacancy which was to he Specially created In inter the temams. Political' he is as yr him behalf. Ho is of that class that Mr. Cameron wrote of ina letter dated Sopt.28, 1RIpi " dead as the late Judas Iscariot and equally beyond the hope of a glorious Its Men who have never earned their politleiii breeches, much loms spurs." Then why should resurrection. he be a party to attempt to place Mr. Cameron It is with feelings of the deepest re. ata disadvantage in the eyes of his old-time anppporters, and endeavor to impair thopolitical gret that The Signal denounces the Pontempttble, itilcirity which lean been the portion of the I,he 'Old Warhorse"for thirty long years I lying and crooked con- duct of Canteron on this occasion, Ze do not believe the attempt on Mr, cron's political honor and the integrity of Liberalism For nearly a score of years the present editorof this journal has stood in West IIuron will be succeuSful Mr. Cameron began his political career by de - shoulder to shoulder with Cameron, and by nouncing a Similar outrage which occurred thirty yearn ago, and he ban denounced that voice and pen fought his battles and rejoiced in the victorie,q We )utrage from the clay of his advent to public IN even 'into the pronent'day ; and knowing won. were with him in his strength and in g him as The Signal does, there Is only one man his weakness, and when, in 784}L, the m earth who can makes believe that now, at silo clone of a brilliant he trial of Cameron's life came upon hire, political career, IS wepared to prove recreant to the professions of t life -time, and demonmtrato that, mo far and when he was enfeebled mentally ,nand Physically b VscaY Y the cruel assaults as tnrefaced nopodinn is concerned, he is no bettor made against him, The Signal and its shall the Tupperm and the nowelln, the Carols i Ind h and of el ersthe editor sood in the breach and fought assailants to the finish. o1nIKaS Vho n doilottncorllelurin qePhim entire )ublic career. That man is M. 0. (`ameron, When it fnvorttble orportunity offered in 1805 to Ho will not do it, fornot only is Ills political onor at Stake, but the fate of West IIuron, So ar as Liboralism is once more rehabilitate a man whom every (•ffot•t had beon male by his op- concerned, hangs in the nuance, and ho Is too Staunoh a mu pportor of p onents to disgrace, The Signal and its ,110 1,11)eral Government tojenpardize the con. ,>'+ editor championed his cause, and were tituency. Ili(] he do no, h, would Stand alone, Ls did the man who follower that course thirty among the iactors that brought; him roars ay. Not. Only would ifo Sacriflec the Iding in SO far am liominion mnfS,orS are con- through in triumph, at it time when he w'as deserted by the sycophants who Iorned,bill hewould wrockit from the view- 'joint of Provincial polities. Mr. Bnrrow, M. and the Reform are now his chief advisers, and who have lured hit, to political infamy and ,P., party as A whole, are op- Posed to such a course and oven the Conserva- from the path of art probity. P party 1 Y• IVOR, who would stand to gain everything in hooventotthodoalgaingqconsnmmatod In the old days we had learned to ad- would onnure the folly althm they gained by the mire Cameron's courage, his word we a; . it were lVttertbat thepomtmaster had not interfered had looked upon as being unimpeach- able and his party fealty we implicitly Icon with than that such an outrage hould he perpetrated and we fool Sur, that relied upon. There has been a terrible Rr. Cameron will indignantly repudiate the change. The old-time courage of con- vil Sugggestions that have been mad, to him, nd maintaain the proud position 1l) noIttIoaI life vhich he han heretofore annoyed:' viction has oozed out of Cameron, his word is a lie, and his party fealty has Since the aboTe was written M. C. been superseded by treason—treason to leis constituents, to his professions and 0 -------------- to Liberal principles. The idol's feet I are clay. Canterou I& in the dust, I Our duty is plain, !tis to pillory tl. t renegade before tilt' eyes of all honest men, and hurstt as lila duty is, and I however unwillingwe nuay be, for the sake of the friendship that is past, we shall not hesitate to oto it, ('amet•uu, as a political factor, is now I (lead to the Reformers of 1%,est Huron. Thirty years ago he branded a trial) as a traitor to his party who did nut de- serve the, epitheS ally nn• ue than Catrl- Ierou does to -tray. 'Prue, he will say that he did not desert, but we who know the inside history, know that he lacked only the opportunity. The story of his treason to ills party un more than one occasion is in the hands Of one who will riot hesitate to use it when the hour comes, and Cameron will find that though the wrongdoer Illay apparently prosper for it while, the time will conte when the search- light will reveal his every pufit.ical de- linquency. He is now relegated to the ranks of the political "has beers." But the passing of Carne ton, by the Benedict Arnold route, should not affect the cause of true Liberalism in West Huron, Wh`bn the American leader turned traitor,e his treason did not virtually affect th t Y cause which he had formerly espoused, and the pass- ing of Carneron should not wean Liber- als from the cause which they have believed in, and for which they have fought so earnestly and so well in the past, True Liberalism is against family conlpactism, and family cout- pactism is merely another name for nepotism. Baldwin and Lafontaine fought against the Family Compact, and 3o did Brown and Dorian; Mac- kenzie and Blake opposed it when the Liberals were last in Power ; and, we believe, the greiat, chief, Laurier, is its true to the integrity of the principI today as were the giant leaders who in the past led the people out of the Political house of bondage. Ashfield and Wawanosh Liberals are still true to Laurier ; those in Colborne and Hullett still revere his name ; the rank and file in the towns arid, tile. remnant in Goderich township, are true as steel to the principles of Re- form, and the defection of an erstwhile local leader will not lure theut from the proper path. No; they will re- main faithful to the true interests of the party, even, if to do so, they be forced to denounce the conduct, of the roan who, at the first opportunity that Offered, took advantage of it positiuu Of trust to he a sell' -seeker arid a swal- lower of past professions, and to be- come a riteluber Of that army of ne- potists whose policy and practice he had denounced in unmeasured terms during it long political lifetime. To all true Liberins the name of M. C. Cameron is now but a memory --the memory of it. man who wantonly took from himself his own good name; who created the Cameron infinence in Huron only to destroy it for a price ; who was willing to wreck the con- stituency to accomplish his own ends. So much is this the case, that no repre- sentative Reformer has dared to curve forward over his own signature in print and attempt to defend the course which has been pursued by the rene- gade member, and no responsible man will do it, for Cameron's action is inde- fensible, wjtltou r tone redeeming fea- ture, and can lie defended neither, in the press nor on the platform, The finger of scorn is now his portion, arid the name that once awakened cheers from the Atlantic to the rock-ribhed Pacific Slope is now it hissing and it byword, Sic trans r IC 1nPirL I 1 condi. Evide:ree of Hostility. Hamilton Spectator, The government f the United States hat,, ,fat ,earns, determined to strike a blow at the Canadian r allwlya 1 Y the imposition of 10 F i per cent a( additional duty on goods imported into the United StnteS and carried on Canadian roads. The effect of the new regulationwill not he, by any means, so terrible as Life peopfe of whington think it will. 'They have been led to suppose that the Canadian "Pacific railway, ]list year, handler) 8,000,000 tolls of freight des. tined for the United State's, whereas the filet is that the toad mentioned handled only ah011t half thiLt, amount of freight all told. But whatever the effect may bo, the hostility of the intention is quite plain. It quite uite evident that Sir \1 ilfrid Larirjei's admiration for the United State fdnds no reciprocal echo in the minds of the American statesmen. They dislike Ca iada,and are apparent - determined to do this country all the harm that can be done by un- friendly legislation. But, while the Aunerician statestuen are engaged in this unneighborly occupation, they etre inadvertenly cluing Canada a great deal of good—good which will offsetall tate harm they can do, and leave a large balance in favor of the Dominion. Not long ago the Liberal party of this country was disposed to make eonl- merchil relations with the United States which would necessi tate the cur- tailing of Canadian trade with (creat Britain, and have a strong tendency to loosen the bunds that bind Canadii to the mother country. Of late, owing principally to the fact that the Liberal government of Canada was compelled —ill all unavailing attempt to force Uncle Sam into reciprocity with this country --to make some move toward closer relations with the empire, and this fact hits very largely affected the rank and file of the party, who are now very much more inclined to he loyal than they were it few years ago. The irnproved British tone in Canada cannot, fail to do the country good. The weak-kneed are fast learning that faith in Canada is the proper thing for Canadians; that entire independence of Uncle Sam does riot mean ruin; that the encouragement of fr.ade within the empire will he -1p Canada very much Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of weed, ` Is prepared in two degrees of atrength. No. x for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known —soldby druggists, one Dollar per box. No. �J for special cases—to degrees stronger—sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars; two boxes, Dive .Dollars, No. r, or No. s, mailed on receipt of prig and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company, Windsor, onudo. 11111111 -Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Canada by all responsible druggists, 0 Cures.J.,- 41 Cares talk" in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla, �� as for no other medi- olne. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute Its most effective ad- vertising. Many of these cures are msr- velous. They have won the confidence of the people; have given Flood's Sarsapa- rilla the largest sales in the world, and have made necessary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's Sursaparilla is known by the cures it halt made—aures of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh--orrres which prove 9 H00%dS Sarsaparilla A Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Puriper. Hood's Pills take, easy t P gpersie y�^ more than any trade arrangement that can be made with the United States. Canada has inagnificent resources, and so soon as Canadians all learn that fact, and undertake, themselves, the developuSent of those resources, with- out being !n the slightest degree in- fluenced by any foreign legislation, this country will begin to go ahead as it never went before. Every attack upon Carlada made by the United States government intensifies the Canadian feeling, now rapidly grow- ing, and ,helps this country wonder- fully, Goderich Post Office Clinton Now Era (Brit), It is announced that Mr. Campbell has been removed from his position its postmaster at Goderich, and John Galt appointed in his place. We do not think the evidence taken at the investigation was, in itself, sufficient to warrant the removal of Campbell, though we never had niuch doubt in our own mind but that he would be re. moved. ) '1 e It is c sst lie fo • - P i an iudivid tial to display considerable partisan - sit' without tieing irAive in politics, and while we k11ow nothing personally 'is to Mr. Campbell's actions in this direction the idea certainly prevails, even among his own political ad- herents, that he was very strongly partisan. The appointment of Mr. Galt as his successor is not unexpected, as the mutter has been current ruulour for some time. There are two grounds on which objection might be taken to the appointment, one being that lie has never done anything to entitle hint to the position, the other that he is a ron- in -law of Mr. Cameron, the sitting member. The ground hits been taken that Mr. Cameron s'liould not have ap- pointed a member of his own family? to a position of emolument, as it was opposed to the principles of the Liberal party. There is some force in this view, and we are inclined to think that the appointment would not have been made, had Mr. Cameron been left with a free hand in the matter, but „ „ cit i ct nlstances alter cases. During his long pat lianlentary career he hits certainly never taken advant• age of his position to help himself or Ills relatives. We do ii6t know of any benefit, direct or indirect, that he has received that he wits not entitled to. it is well known that he has inade. gL r et L sacrifi • ces in the interest of the Y ti . , t t and ill many • ways s the Liberals 1 are un I c der• �'reat o )hg orlon. to him. At the sarne time the cljatvibution of pat- ronage in this riding is in his own t hands. The chief applicants for the con- tenlplated vacancy were Mr. Galt anti Mi,. McGillicuddy. The former had no clailus for party consideration; the Other had. If :lir. McGillicuddy was not entitled tb the postrnastership, lie was to something equally valuable, but In pressing his claims some think he allowed his zeal to get the better of his ludgnpent, and said things Lhat would 'lave been better unsaid, The result was that personal friends of Cameron then brought pressure to bear, favor- able to the appointment of Ills wit-ill- law.\Virile we should have been glad to see the services of 1Ir. M(,•Gillicuddy recognized, at. the sanle time n)any of the personal friends of 1Ir. Cameron felt that, under tile circurilstances, the appOlnt,tent of Mr. Galt is justifiahle. Apples Wanted. i want all tilt Marketable :li.ppleK i can buy and'will pay the highest prioe cunnttcnsurate with foreign quotations. hold your apple un- til you have aseertained front me what i can pay for thent. Ile not make any mistake. 978 t -f 1), CANTEIMN, Clinton. Are you thinking Of getting a 'W"at ch ? We have always a large assort- ment to choose from in Gold, Gold-filled, Siver and Silveroid Cases, also a large stock of movements in Ladies' and Gents' sizes. Call and examine our Goods. No trouble to show them. You will have a good variety to choose from as wo are constantly buying new goods, SPECIAL ATTENTION is given to ATCH REPAIRING either in English, American or Swiss. Our wateblmaker is thoroughly acquainted with all grades and makes, he has all the latest improved tools to work with and is sure to give satisfaction. A call solicited. 1ti��1ti Estate J. Biddlecombe CLINTON. I .n