HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-26, Page 4JAS.McMURCHIE
I�LY'1'lf, ON'l'.
Sale Notes It specialty. Advances made
to farmers on their own notes. No
additional security required.
We offer every accommodation con•
sistent with sato and conservative
banking principles,
o loan on Real Estate at lowest rates
venom wishing to sell will do well to
place their property on our list for
bele, Bente co)looted,
Of alt kinds promptly attended to,
We represent the leading Fire and
Life Assurance companies, and respect
fully solicit your account.
MINCE HOURS ; 10 Add. tO
Business eards.
PAM! P' t t.• t t3LYTH STA ,D.J arattt:s1 :6'114, 007.
&Talc (tIt Ptltttba tbt
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Sue.
eessor to ta. Illair. Office over Stan -
dant Bonk, Brussels. Solieltor for Metro-
Battistero, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Eto. Oltiees—Those formerly occupied by
Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Geduld', W.
TRCIR.SDAI , 1)1.C. 20. 11,107
l'. eople A't'e Know 11)
��a a
'Dental Surgeon. (tisanes of the Royal
College of 11 .ntui Surgeons, Au honor
gra.duate of Termite University. Otlice
over James Cott's store, Pretoria block
kilytit. At Auburn every Monday 9 0,.111.
11r, 1111 Tannin, of Exeter, spent
Xmas in tows,
11105 Bernice Moore is home front
Toronto for the holidays.
Mt'. and 'Mrs, John (lordlier, of
Clinton, spent X111115 with friends
Mrs, Gordon Mooney, of 13rnsscls, i
1015 en11ing on i'riends in Morris andl
131th on Sunday,
hisses A'ioletta and 1)ellit Treble,
of Exeter, bar, visitors with 1h'. and
Mrs 1). D. Crittenden.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra 1i11010, of
Row tun ville, are visitors with 11r.
and Mars. John Moss.
11r, F. Canting, of Artnstrong, B,
C., arrived home and will spend a
couple of months visiting with rets.
tires and friends.
1L', and Mfrs. Chas. Hazel!, of
Brussels, spent a few clays last week
with Air. and Airs. N. B. Gerry. On
Sunday Alm S. '1'. Panni, of Basis-
sels, spent it low hour, with the,
Ali', J, E. Coombs 1S Visiting friends
4n Detroit,.
Mr. A. 11',•Sloan was a visitor in
Ml'. and Mars. C. II, Deese spent
Xmas at verton,
Ut'. A. 11'. Robinson ate fids
Christmas is ttu'key in Lucknow.
Mr, utd lire. Wm. EuiiOli, of
massae, were, in town attending the
assetil bl v.
ale, James Daddy, of 'Toronto,
spent the holiday at the home of Ids
11r. and Mrs. A. McNally and Al.
vin spent Christmas with relatives et
Mr. John Snaith, implement agent,
has moved his Ctntil8 t,o 111yti front
Orey township.
Mr. and lits. Ilugh McQua ri'ie ate
their Christmas dinner at tate home
of their daughter, Mrs, Babb, 10
11r, Jae nen, of C:Inroslo lm, Al.
berth, arrived home last week and
will visit for some time. His old
friends will welcome hint back.
11r. Norman 11u'eh, of Stratford,
milled on old friends in town on
So tardily. Ile took part in a con-
cert m Belgrave Friday evening.
Mr 11)101), father of the young
gentleman, who finished his terns in
the union school near town, has
been engaged for next year to tenets
at the school near 10)ellel1 which
he attended when a boy.
Chief Westlake was holidaying In
Mr. Joe Bell is holldnying at his
home in town. -
Miss Carrie Slater is home for the
Xmas Vacation.
Alr, ,301111 C. Brown, of Detroit, Is�
spending his holidays here.
Miss Couid, or Exeter, visited
friends in town last week.
Mr. and Airs. Wm, Jackson visit.
oil Brussels friends last week,
Mr; (Riley) Johnston, of Clinton,
nmclo n call un friends on Saturday.
11v.'Thotnas Laidlaw arrived house
front the west on Tuesday evening.
Mr, W, 1. McLean, M. A., of Code•
rich, epeut n few hours in town on
Miss Myrtle Young, of Khmer•
dine, is the guest of Miss Rose
Miss !Mildred Scott, of Brussels,
was the guest of ;Mss Alfie Etuigh
last week.
llissTaylor, of Lucknow, was a
visitor with Miss Stalker for a few
days last week.
Miss J. Johnston, of Carlow, was
the guest of lass Millie Anderson
for a few days.
Mr, and Mrs. John Hartley, of
Clinton, were in town for a few days
renewing old friendships,
Mr. Frank Carr, at Toronto, was
home to eat his Christmas turkey
under the parental roof'.
Mr. fatties Denholm, who went
west with some cars of apples, has
returned home. Ile landed the
fruit in good condition,
Mr, herb Smith, who has spent
the past 11 months on the T. dr. N
0. railway en the surveying staff
about 200 miles north of North Bay,
spent n day or so in town this week.
Ile 1s a welcome visitor.
John Biel by arrived hone on
Monday from the west.
Arthur Jackson, nl' liinico, td. T,
R. operator, spent Christmas en the
9tlt line,
Aims Laut'n. Fear, of Mimico, spent
the holidays with her Mother on the
6th line.
Allis It. Jackson, of Mimic() school,
spent Christmas with her brother,
Jackson In Blyth, and other
brothers to Morris township.,
A successful Christmas entertain.
idem WIa.Bheld last Monday evening
in Jackson's church, tender Ole 11118.
piees of the Sunday School. 11'nt,
Jackson,,ot Blyth, Wee the efficient
ehairman. The proceeds amounted
to $14, Following Is the program :
—0pestI),r° hymn ; chairman's ad•
dress `; r'eeltation, Robbie Wallace ;
singing by little girls ; address.
Rev. S.' Anderson ; quartette, 9lr.
mol Mrs. Anderson and Mr. and
Urs. Jackson ; recitation, Carrie
Jackson ; month organ music, Peter
McCall and Menne Jackson ; (1118r•
tette, Blyth male, quartette ; duet,
Jennie and Frank hell ; dialogue,
Mary Jackson, Edith Jackson, Leslie
Fear and Frank Bell ; solo, Mashie
Moore ; recitation, Lilly Rogerson .
address, ltev. 11. E. Currie, of' Lon•
dcsboro ; club swinging, Mies Ardcll
told Currie Jackson ; quartette, hlr.
and Mrs. Anderson and Air. and
Airs, Jackson ; rechation, Miss
Maunders ; singing by lutte girls
solo, A. Wilford ; duett, Jennie Bet;
and Mary Jackson ; month organ
selection, Peter McCall and Menno
Jackson ; quartette, Blyth male
gtilu'tette ; eloslog hymn by the
school, after wlticlt all ,i dined in the
National Anthem.
has been at our store and left many
nice and useful things.
Probably some of these are for
'1'hysician and Surgeon. M.D.C.111.,Uni•
4 fanny of Trinity College; Al, dreen's
, University ; Fellow of 'Trinity Medical
yollege, hud member of the College of
'IlYsiclatte and Surgeons of Ont ario,
ono' tor the Count.y.of flume. Office, one
door north of Conuntretal hotel, Queen
treat, Blyth.,
ittiotioneer for Huron County
'Derma reasonable, Sales arranged foi
Blyth Livery
Sale Etables
0 00 00 00
00 00 00
Firstmlass Borges and Riga for hire at
reasonable rates.
Best of accommodation to Commercial
Travellers and others requiring rigs,
Veterinary office at livery stable.
NAONEY can buy advertising space, but it can't buy a
quuter century's remord of wonderful and
"1 Unmet miraculous cures of the most difficult and
intricata cues of throat, lung and stomach troubles. Such is
Psychine's record. Thousands of cases given up by leading
doctors SA hopeless and incurable Imre been quickly and per.
manently cured by Psychine. It is an infallible remedy for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, consumption, indigeetion,
low of appetite and oil weatiug diseases.
"My ton bad terrible cough and again worth L
was wasted to • shadow. Doetom ants, Wantons Coes, it.d.
Aid he couldnot lire, lie us* . lungs are now SOnad •Oen
chine, It eared hlia."—lim J. PAW after mini hyebitte."—kl. Itobtitts,
chine my lungs are well aud life Is deo, 7 Cornwall*, tomato.
Psycbine Never Falls Psycliine Has tia Substitute
DIL T.A. SLOCUM, Limited,179 Mut St. W., Toronto
By giving a better course of Guinan'
t mit that given by any miter NI milar In-
stitution in Ontario, we have beconui on,
of the leading business training rchool,
Itt Canada. Our graduates are In demand
as office assistants and business colleg
teachers. Our ceases being the hesi,
oar graduates succeed. If interested in
your own welfare write now ter our cats,
logos t It is free. We have three Ammo
melte, C.onmerelitt, Shorthand and Teh
CHALK dust is fine and
white, but it won't
make good bread. Fine,
white flour is .all right as
far. as it goes, but if it
lacks nutrition its other
qualities amount to nothing
as far as baking is con-
Royal Household Flour
is not only the finest and
purest of flours but also
the most nutritious. It is
by a process which
givcs y01,1 all of the nutri-
tious properties of the
wheat in the bea form for
your use, You can get it
from your' grocer.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd.
V. S. A, Anderson preached
Christmas sermons in the Methodist
church last Sunday.
Mr. Small will continue his series
of studies on Daniel next Sunday
evening, preaching on the Vision of
C. A. Mustard, of Knox College,
Toronto, delivered n line sermon in
St, Andrew's chiliad) last Sunday
event' g, and at 8.15 gave an insnir-
e; Nita reS8 MI western missions.
St Attliri•W'S E, gives 530 a year
io Knox College Missionary Society.
MISS Raul, of 'Permitter, an ex -
DIM of the Roman Catholic elmrch
Quebec, will lecture on French Pro.
te,tanilqii in St. Ardiew's church
cant Trivellny evening. There will
he it e011I ction taken oti behalf of
cordially Alreting 10111
begin at eig.,,ht.o!cleck.-
niper8, A good many or 1114.1 STAN -
110n. it that ere not mit or torn at
5 rents. n bundle.
An Opportunity to Carry Gladness to the
Suffering and Needy
'tomtit°, Can., Dem 1907
Dear Friend:—
A. Christmas message, "Peace on Earth: Good WM to Men," was
sent to this old world look ago to brink gladness,
Was this poor fellow included?
The Place. Not Africa or Pagan India, Init Christian Canada.
The Persons. A sou pleading for his father. Father, with one 51131
(the other lost iu railway service); stands with teats streaming down Ids
cheeks as he tells his story in the doctor's cane, Muskoka Hospital:
"I have been a railway conduct or. I have Wen turned out
of my boarding.house, where I lived for seventeen years,
because f had consumption. Then I had to leave the hotel
for the 501110 reason. The hospital of my town refused we.
have travelled for two days to reach here. For Ood's sake,
doctor, let me stay. 1 have got money to pay for all want."
If this was the story of a poor fellow with looney, what about the
hundreds who are seeking admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital for
Consumptives, with their money all goue in the struggle with this dread
The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives has never refused
patient because of his tw her poverty.
It now cares for seventy-flve patients. It would care for three
hundred if the needed motley Wait forthcoming,
It has uo endowment, except 111 the kind hearts and the generous
gifts of the people of Canada.
His Excellency Earl Grey has shown his iuterest and sympathy in
this great work for the needy consumptives by accepting the position of
Honorary President of the National Sanitarinici Association,
Your golden dollars may be the Augels of Mercy this Christmas to
bring the glad tidings of Good Will and Returning Health to some poor
fellow seeking aduaiseion into Ids only refuge, the M usk oka Free Hospital
for Cousumptives.
A last word—will you help to eare for these whon4 others do not
want 1,
Faithfully yours,