HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-08-04, Page 7I
- . — 77- �- -71
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,�ffr —117:7 _-%-?w-' -7"R __ __ � _ -Wvqkpjpw-- --"
" , 1. 1. . . - .. �� .. � _� 11� I . , ..
: f. 1� , - 4 � . ; I I � ,. I.1 .
Sick Headache
Permanently Cured
"I was troubled, a long time, with
sick headache. It was usually ac-
compaiiied with severe pains Ili tile
temples and sickness at the stom.
ach. I tried a good many remedies
1-2 recommended for
I k this complaint; but
it Was not until I be-
gan taking
0 Pills that I received
, .
I ,111 I anythiug like pernia-
I 11 ili Bent benefit. A sin-
gle box of these pills did the Work
for me, and I am now a well mail."
C. H. HUTCHINGS, EastAtiburn, Me'
For the rapid cure of Constipa-
tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nall -
sea, and all disorders of Stomach,
Liver, and Bowels, take
Cathartic Pills
Modal and Diploma at World's Fair.
Ask Your druggist for Ayer's Sarsaparilla
The Hwen News-fleco'ra
. 81-25 a YW-81,001a Advance
�� �
� - __==�
Meet in Special Session,
Arthur McRae Appoiflted
. Night Watchman.
I . �
The Market Square Decided on for
. The Staveley Memorial
Library Building.
� - .1, ''.
6 ,
�� The special uieLting of tile (.11intoll
& TOWI, Council last Wednesday evening
W , - found every member of tbe. Board,in
,i,: his seat and a good representation of
,f elector spectators. I
4� The first.business was the report of
�,� i - Chairman Swallow of the Fire and
�'i�- Water Department.
�I". X BAD PnEcrTwNT.
�. , , - The Mayor first asked Mr. Swallow
1�', if he bad u written report, as it could
I �: not be discussed unless he had.
7 1,
1. Mr. Swallow said he did not consider
1, a written report necessary, as the
,� �
� . work he was about to report on had
;;ki been ordered by the Council, He ,said
. . _
��11- . . , the contract for the brick work for the
'I, new water tank at the corner of Oil-
,�6 tario and Raglan streets had been let
�,, to Hiram Hill for $63, the next lowest
1� tender being $2 higher—the town to
."T.: do the excavating, as the earth was
`..' rVoluired for corporation use.
"'! Mr. Hoover rose to question of
114 a
11� rivilege. He understood the,tenders
�:� for the tank were to be received up to
"�� . ly,
�!'. 7 p. in. on Mond, July 10. The
. award was made to a tenderer whose
: i �! tender was not in until at least the
�,; followingday. Hefeltthere should be
1. sorne explanation from Committee.
�,'., Chairman Swallow stated in reply
il that the Committee had taken this
,t, into their serious consideration. Mr.
"... Hill's tender wits late in coming Ili out
� �,
�, � it wits through him being advised that
�i� the contract would be by day Avoik.
, 11 The contents of the first tenJers were
., not known to outsiders when the site
., . cessful one wits received and opened,
' �; . so that the Committee conside�ed they
. ,�� were acting in the best interests of the
"I � town.
, "
.,�.. - 1-100" er said he was not casting
�;.,�. an eflec�ions, but explained that it
11. N
� was oltifte possible the figures of the
�.:: first, tenderers could get out.
'� ' Mr. Taylor said that the tender of
.�!� Mr. Hill should not have been con-
�.. sidered by the Committee.
t , ,,,,
�:'�, Mr. Searle, a member of the com-
i�, . mittee, was not satisfied that the last
I? tender should have been considered,
� , but the feeling of his fellow -members
,-, was so plain that he consented to the
,� , awarding of the contract to Mr. Hill
:;;� ' when his tender WAS considered.
J, Chairman Swallow rose to speak in
,1. ,explanation or to correct Mr. Searle,
i�.., , but the chair intervened and he sat
1� down.
. ,
It �� I Mr. Plummdr could see nothing
I �'.� � wrong wfien the original tenders had
� �:, not been opened.
, ,:� ' Deputy -Reeve Cooper believed in
I � �, . giving taxpayers the best possible
�. , value. In this case the Committee had
I., acted honorable as far as he could see
. �
I and he believed they had performed
t their. onerous duties In the beat in-
terests of Clinton.
.' �',
, . . Chairman Swallow verbally reported
1� that figures had been secured from the
, I � ii. Ronald Works at Bt ussels and the I
. . I
� k ' 1;
. I .
. .
i - .
: � , . I - � ,
I , 1 C I .
. .
MEMEM&A.. � hww-- ���. " , .
...�., LA,�,.
Brantford Waterous Wot ks. Tit'
Antions showed that Ronald wall
I'll, I,
till. )west by $43 and contract for'
warded there but it had nbt yet been
Mp. Gilroy wanted to know if the
Coulluittee hu'd ascertained tile cost
of tile walillfacture of Lilt- ladders
ill Clinton. lie believed ill hoille
I labill. being employed if pos-
Ibible, but Was (11.littl UW91-0 Of tile (Illali-
ty of timber which had to be brought
I front such it lung distance to tuake
these ladders f t Oro.
Mr. Swallow Said lie had notaNcer-
tained t lie cost in Clinton been use the
waterial could not be profitably secur-
ed here, and tile discussion dropped.
In all there were eleven applica-
tions for night Ivatchniall its foliows: -
Janies Young, James %V. ('ailing, E.
Herman, T. Judd, J. Marshall, G.
Murvity, Arthur MeRae, Geo. Gordon,
Jno. Morvish, W. 1). McBrieti and IV.
J. C;Lvter.
The two latter were not considered by
the Committee because they asked it
larger salary than set by tile Council.
Arthur McRae wits recounnended.
Janies A. Ford inov,ed ill amendment,
seconded by George Swallow, that tile
naule of Cleorre Gordon be inserted Ili
place of Art , ur McRae. A divW1011
was taken arid the report an read
adcpted ;—
YEAS—Ford, Hoover, Swallow, Gil.
NAYS (which meant the adoption of
report as liell, )— ennedy, Cooper,
Searle, Plummer, Walker , Taylor -6
The report was then adopted.
Mr. Plummer contended that the
duties of night watchman should be
defined, that he should be ewpowered
to arrest burglars and keep the peace.
The Mayor outlined the duties, sub-
ject to revision, stating that lie (the
new official) could be created a con-
As to the clock check register kit
various points on tile rounds of till -
new officer, Deputy -Reeve, Cooper
wanted to ktio%v if tile Mayor would
certify as to whether the.new officer
pi�rformed his dirties in accord,*nce
with hiStrUcti011-S. lie wits afraid, it
Snell were the case, that tile May -gr
iii.ight be bribed. 4W
Mr. Swallow thought there should
be a reduction in bell-ringer Welsh's
sal�ry if the night. watchnian had to
relieve him by ringing the bell at 6 it.
This, however, wits left in tile hands
of the committee on officers, their
duties arid salaries, which iliet after
the Council ineeting and disc,issed the
detail. .1
Mr. Searle said every detail should
lie laid down at the next Council nieet-
ing. There wits often rilistakes made.
He had noticed about a wheelbarrow
of ashes dumped from the library
building into the little arid part of the
platform burned and in consequence
the town inight, h;6ve been reduced to
ashes. The ashes were still there.
Mayor Holmes, in introducing tho
actions of the Couinlittee in regard to
the, Sight for tile proposed niGniorial
librar.y building stated that since their -
decision an offer had been received for
Purchase of a site front Mrs. Thonias
Cooper on Albert street. Tile offer
was too late for the Conituittee to con-
sider. He then real the report of tile
13 L,
I -tveleyeoitit)iiLt(�(�,L.4foll()w,,:--
To the Mayor and Council:
GENTLR,MxN',--YourStaveIy commit-
tee beg tO report as follows:—
They have carefully considered the
question, of the locilt.ioll of the
proposed Memovial Hall and have
obtained tile opinion of ,11 1'. J.
T. Garrow that it is perfectly
legal to erect tile salile oil tile market
Square, under- tire aut-horitv of it
bylaw properly de-SCL'ibing tire --portion,
to be so msed and therefore veconimen(I
that the building be locatedsoniewhere
near Mr. Farvan'8 office fronting oil
RaLtenbUry street and that We Council
order tile preparation of tile necessary
Respectfully submitted,
R. HOLMES, Chairman,
Deputy-fteeve Cooper wanted to
know how the vote stood when tile
Citizens Committee decided on the
rear end of the Market Square for it
The Mayor explained that the vote
stood 3 to 4 in favor of the back site its
against the front; that lie gave till-,
casting vote for the rear Site ; that the
only member, absent was W. J. Pills -
Mr. Paisley rose in Lhe andience and
declared that lie had never been noti-
fled of tile meeting. He left town
Sundayevenin and thentecting was
for M.rttf,
. -c he left he
called , y. Befot
asked those in authority when the
Staveley Committee would ineet and
was told that they (lid not know, so it
was not his fault because lie wits not
Deputy-Ree�e Cooper (lid not favor
the, Market for, it site for such a build -
Ing. 1-10 said Ile favored .sonic private
property on a public sbreeb for it Suit-
able location. There were lots of pri-
vate properties which could be secured
and he thoroughly believed Ili dealing
with tile public as lip woll)(I with it,
private individual. The value of pri-
vate property should not be lessened
by it corporation in using. this $10 000
for the erection of a nieniorlal libil'ary
on the Town's property—property
owned by Lhe people.
Mr. Searle made many strong points
its to tile "lost suitable location and
the ground required for public buildings
and their ornamentation. He could
not understand how intelli,ent ... en
would so blindly recornmenc.the peoi
le of Clinton to build a .morla
Euilding—a library—with $10,(XX) of
mone next Mr. Farran's. No Run
9Wn its window's, lofty shade
trees were thick and high. It would
be a shame and a disgrace. He in-
stanced the mistakes in not having
reasonable ground for the Ontario
street Methodist Church, the Ratten-
bury street church, the Presbyterian
church, and compared theirlocations
and surroundings with St. Paul's
Wrounds. the Collegiate grounds, &c.
e also referred to the assessment of
the Dineley property and compared
the high taxes on this property with
the low offer made to the Committee.
i", ,,_�_ --- --7— . �� - - - _7�7 ,,7-1'7 `R-
I.. � . ,
11 . . . . � . I I . . . . 1. -
I I . I I . .
I .
. /I,—
Mr. Hoover reechoed the sentiment$
and statenjus I tsilOr tile previous speak-
ers. If the lilt ding was to be placed
oil the Miti-ket, at all the back site was
tile proper one. At the saine thoe he
Was pe"fectly Satisfied tile citizens of
Clinton favored Some other site thitil
ill(- Alarket, even at considerable cost.
$10,0(x) was it Ilberal gift froul the On-
titvio GOVePoillellt ltt)4.1!1(- would like to
have [he Connell 1mi-chaso some pvi-
vitte Ilieve of land for a Site.
ltt'I�VO Kennedy Was It Ineolbel' Of
tile Citizens Conlillittee. While lie
h;Ld %'()Led for tile sit,u oil the col-ner
Of tile Alarket Ile W;LS Willing to UC -
knowledge that lie was Ili the ininor-
try. There, were only tile (wo sites oll
tile Market voted oil. althOUgh he
personally favored the purchitse of a
suitable lot.
Mr. Plummer said lie h!Ld favored
tllt' cOrner lot oil the market. It tile
Site Wits (lot to lie there, then he favol.-
ed and would vote fou the purchase of
private property.
Mr, Taylor Said it would be. It dis-
grace to ei ect, such a building oil the
Market, but was ,lot ill favor. Of paying
too touch money fol, It lot. He favor-
ed ascertaining the exact cost of the
various Sites talked of.
Reeve Kennedy stated that tile
D I " s'e it could now be bought for
$840, 2.idl'Coopov's lot on Albert sti-eet,
nearly opposite Ttlx, NENA's-ItscoRD
office, for $01M.
Mayor Holtnes explained that the
Conaillittee wits willing to expend $500
-for a lot. At least $5,OW would have
to be funded, so that no large expentil-
tare could be incurred for ground or
there would not be enough money for
thebuilding. Themainisstiewasasto
taking so nioch money from the build-
ing. He was Surprised at Mr. Searle,
who had so frequently declared he
would withdraw froni the Council if
the taxes were furillev Increased.
Now he wits willing to increase expert-
ses to any amount. He (the Mavor)
still thought the front of tire Ma�ket
wits the proper place for tire site Ilnt
in Committee voted against his , own
convictions in order to carry ont pliblic
Mr. Searle referred in repl to the
pool,, unfortunate late Mr. Xtaveley
with his $10,000, and contrasted him in
Ilife and uloney %vith our expenditure
of taxes. lie would like to know if
&,011inton, with it gift of $10,000, wolli(I
object to pity $5U a Year interest oil it
C:000 lot.
The Mayor replied that he had used
his best endeavors to have Mr. Searle
act oil the Committee, but lie had per-
sistently refused. ,
Mr. Searle struck back vingoronsly,
charging the Mayor ,with appointing it
Committee who had failed to act in a
years Lime. Then another Corninittee
wa,s appointed and the first one had
never been, discharged. Legally, he
was of the opinion there weve at this
moment two - committees and tile
Mayor wits responsible fov both to the
people. 'ANOTHER PLAN.
, Mr. Plummer tbotight one good Way
Out of the difficulty would be to erect,
asinallev building at less gust and pity
for it suitable site. He would favor at
sinaller Site at less Illollpy. .
Clerk Coabi sai'd that it occurre(l to
hirn, if the purchase of the Vitisley
1)1-o)l)et,tyw;tscotistiiiiiii;tt(-(I, theTown
w(uldlose thereventle intaxes frolix
it. Tit, now believed tile site next Mr.
Farran's thobest. As toMv. Vaisley
not being invited I.o the Citizens Colo-
Illittee, 110 adV!LI1t,agd had bV('o taken.
Ile, personally, h;Ld ,ksked it postpone-
Illen L of tile Inveting ill co Ilseq tier) co of
Mr. Paisley's absence, but till- Cool-
lilittLe refused.
'Mr. Iloover Wall (41, tit expression
of opinion front thl!( , 01iincil asto the
burnt district oil Victoria .street for
it site.
Mr. Paisley said it could be purchase
for, $250.
Deputy -Reeve Cooper suggested tire
Mayor"i prQperty ()It Isaac street.
Air. Gilroy contended that of the ,9(Iv-
eral proper-Eies mentioned and diScLI'58ed
oil thi4and oil previous occasions the two
market sites were the only ones that
shotild be considered. There wits only
$5,0(Y) to be expended, and he serionsly
questioned if it would be in the inter-
ests of Clinton to purchase ,a site when
we could procure one f4 nothing.
Personallv he had always favored the
front of the Square. If it sbould be
crected near Mr. Farran's he favored
the building fronting Albert street.
A long discussion and considerable
cross -firing ensued. Motions arid
amendment-, caine thick and fast.
Finally Gilroy and Walker moved
that the report ot tire Citizens Coni-
inittee be amended and adopted by
�triking out "Rattenbury Street" and
inserting Albert St. This motion wits
carried on the casting vote. of the
Mayor as follows:— .
. NAys—K.ennedy, - Cooper, Searle,
Plummer, Hoover—.).
YE.A.s—Walker, Ford, Swallow, Gil-
roy, Taylor, the Mayor- -6.
Till" WIND-Ul'
The ClerL wits instructed to order
clock with necessary register keys for
night watchman, �when the Council
Goderich Township.
Couxeit—Conneil inet .July 10th.
,Moved by John Middleton, secondeoll
by Thos. Churchill that the following
be levied on all the real rateable
property and taxable income in the
town,khip, for county purposes 2 inills
oil the $, for township purposes, 2 4-10
mills, for Special school I mill on $.
Moved by Chits. Williams, seconded by
Jas. Johnston, that by-law No. 4 now
read be passed. Moved by Chas. Wil-
liams seconded by Thos. Churchill that
the road allowance between lot,00 and
78 Ile closed and it new road he opened'
oil lot 70 Ili lieu thereof and Clerk pot
u th� necessary notices of the intend -
e(T b'�-Iitw. Moved by Jas. Johnston
seconded by John Middleton that
Clerk employ and assist Engineer to
get a description ot both roads. Ad-
joorned to meet oil fourth Monday Ili
I .
.. `
, . .41. I.
Ptfm—t and Best for Table and Dairy
140 adulteration. Never cakes.
.. . .
------.—.—..----- __ _
County Currency.
On July 29th there, will Ile till annu-
lar eclipse of the still by the woon.
Through Canada tile eclipse will be
partial, not annular. The path of the
annular phase will be across Cuba arid
Mexico. The eclipse will begin at
8.42 in the forenoon, and will end at
10.56. Parents should call the atteit-
tion of their children to this plienom-
enon, for though it is not go important
its a total eclipse, it is none the less ill-
tevesting and instructive on that ac-
coont. It inity Ile safely observed
throt4gh it bit of glas% smoked by burn-
inga match ii.nder it at soch it way its
togivea vatying depth ot'density over
the glass s, ) as to protect the eyes Its oc-
casion reolldres. At most, however, as
seen froin tills latitude, soniethin le,
than Ono half of the still's face will be
hidden by the moon.
. . — _=_. - � - —
Physical strength arid cliergy contri-
bute to stfength orcharacter, and both
inay be had by taking Ilood's Sarsaptu
illa, �
Mrs. Humphrey Snell (if Hullett is
%-cry ill and is daily growing weaker -
rhere is no possible chance of re-
Mr. S. J. Latta, Principal of King I
'treet school, London, accompanied I y
itli-S. Latta, is Visiting his mother, MI)SI
John Latta, of Tucketsmith.
A President of one of our Colleges
gays: , "We spent wany Sleepless
lights Ill conse(Iller1ce of our children
3tifferit g front colds, but this never
)cciirs now: We use Scott's Ellitilsion
Ind it (ILliukly relieves pulmonary
___ - ______ —
It is estiniated that there are be-
jween three and four thousand unem-
3loyed Illon in Itontreal, aInd efforts
tre bein avide to get some of them
. I tile
,Vol k or , Crow's Nest Pass Railway.
__ _-, - - - -_ ____
�fvrl and women—how gra,teful they
vriti,abont Ilood'sSansaliavilla. Once
lolpless awl discouraged, having lost
1,11 f?LiLh in medicines, now Ili good
lealth and "able to (to 11 Own work,"
n1cause flood's SarsapalWia has power,
,o enrich and purify the btooS and
nake the weak strong—this is ex-
wi ience ofa host of people.
11001)'S PILLSare the best family
!arthartic and liver medicine. Gen-
Je, reliable, Still'.
_______,_.___ --------..---
Ser9t. Iflair will be one of the him.
Ired who will five in tile final stage of
,he Queen's Prize, This gives to ('.in-
tda a representation of fouv Ili that
-entitty (if expert niar ksmen, the other
liree being Capt. White, Corp. Kerr
aid Lietit. Ross.
Listowel, Sept. 22nd, 1896.
Edinanson, Bates & Co., .
Gentlenien,1 have pleasure in
Saying that ])I-. Chase's Ointment,
Pillsand Catarrh (,'live and Linseedand
Turpentine tire selling well, and arle
giving every Satisfaction. Many -of
Illy CLIStOolet'S have ,spoken highiv in
their praise, Yours trilly,
J. A. IlAcKim;.
The trial of twelve women and two
men for wholesale poiso6ing was con-
cluded at Buda Pesth on Friday, when
four of the prisoners were sentenced to
A pri vatte telegritin from Sir Wilfrid
Laurier announces that he Will §Ail
froin Liverpool for hoine on August 19,
A case of smallpox has been dlsCOv_
erpd ill West'nount-, a sitburb, of Mont-
ArA Tyras, shot in the abdomen
at the �innipeg Exhibition on Satur-
day, died from his injuries. ,
Charles Luailey of St. Thomas, I), To-
ronto, lianillton & Buffalo Railway
brakeman, wits instantly killed nt
Moses P. Handy of Illinois hits been
appointed .special United States Com-
missioner to the. Paris International
Exposition of RM.
The British Government has "ced
in the estimates X560,M) to pproivid.
for the constniction (if four .w 'ruis.
ers and sonic torpedo-boat destroyers.
A cablegrain received at Vancouver
announces that $400,M0 of British capi-
tal has been subscribed to for the con.
struction of the Cassiar Central Rail-
way. I
Mrs. Olive Sternaman's attorney has
,irranged to present her case to Seem-
tary Sherman, who will be asked to re-
verse the decision of the courts order-
ing her extradition to Canada for trial
for murder. .
The Grand Trunk car works at
Brantford have been closed and no-
ticesposted instructing the employees
to apply for work at London.
La Minerve says it is known.,(hat
Mr. Geoffrion took with him to Eng.
land a collective note for presentation
to Sir Wilfrid Laurier from an impor-
tant group of Liberal members and
politicians, asking for the Immediate
dismissal of Messrs. Tarte and Blair
from the Cabinet. .
."GIVI_V� - . _ I
, .
� r �w ,
. ,
� 04 — -
t- .
I 4 1' Queer Bev5rave. of the Inhabitants of t1a
. '50" . I Celestial Kingdom.
. 19I There are no drunkards Ili China, nel-
� I ther is there an excise law, and yet It Is as
..� . easy to got intoxicated In China as olse-
___________ where, and perhaps easier, for drinks am
MYSTERIES OF THE SEA. cbealier. Wineofall kinds bus been known
-__ and drunk Ili the Celestial kingdow since
Novel Diving Bell **Vlllch lielseends to the days of the Cbutt dynasty, some 2,000
"Ithertu t'j4ex1)Io1e,I i)eljLlls. years 113. C. Everybody drunk the fer-
imented gralie juice Ili those days, and a
Aluitne illen ju all Pul'Ls (A tht, cuun- gold cure establishment would have coined
try are hiteixtitt,ti ill t1lL, Wutl� Like
Alikeri,etin %� 11t,CK01i; ZLU(l IktJyai;L, L;I)Iu- Muney had it existed.
LJLIIIY 18 HOW kLU1U9 Ill C01111OUtLVII %I'1111 Things went froin bad to worse, until
ill(,, raising of the Vewit.bit., a I'alie Sir- one of the emperors of the Cbau dynasty
Vel'iur ,6tk�41'111er , " ,11A.11 Nvas SLUI)i ff went upon a prooracted spree. When he
linnitivr Ba�',Lakc-IILII-tAu,iulhti3,t:ttl," began to "see things," he stopped short
ing down With tt U1.fWUrVA of olik. litulyll: and reforrued arid denianded reforniation
di-t4l livos "J tmastirt, wW4:11 is saIll to on the part of till his subjects, I -le decreed
Lie W01 -till UNCT $140,0()(1 �ia3's 'fllL, ,N(,w the instant destruction of all wine cellars,
York Herald. Sl")' UL'vs dit, valtio of distilleries and saloons, Siveo then wine
tht. ste-allior and (.1trgu I a-ve bvl�ll iqwllt made of the grallo lias been unfuslilonable
ill attvilipts to ". te it 1�1111-Plbg the ItUnt I in Obina, and scitrocly any is made there
thirty-t%vo ye,ars, alW Liu- 4)llty sa(-4.I,sfL1I ,
I or used,
one was that artakle by' tile cumilmily in Sherry, port and whisky have become
questititi, Which discovered the ste4,1111 'r rather popular in China during the last
last week. It Nvas oilly ibble to do the
work through th,p agelwy ot its divill); I half century, but they are considered as
be,il, which in rLality is a uItIdwtc.r of the food and only taken st and with nleals.
deep, capable of moving Ilad biting Among the native beverages is aboa-shing,
grell-t wedght's at a delith wideh ttplH-a4,s a palish brown mixture, the taste of which
marvelous to those, flinlililtr w1di t1ij- suggeal.r1pehickoryliuls, ItIssorvedal
dlistory of diving, all state hanolucts and also at private dln-
The- 917011t0st (1441th Over &tt,ftilled bY a ners. When cold, It Is cloudy; wbenwa
diPeT ivith any device ua6l the I,',nl1th It growg clear, emitting a peculiarly pleas -
bell was tried last millininer was 171 fei�t, ant odor.
but with the nerw bell a pa,rty of six , What shoa-sbing to to the upper classes
inen has reaMilled under water fox six
hours at a dolith Of ZO foet. This ex. sum-sbui is to the masses. It Is made,
Piximent was anade dn lAt,ke, I%W, Lig,vi, from rice and is its triple distillate. Old
about 25 ,miles off Mi-I-N,va,ukee. Th,c bell sam-shui Is very expensive and tastols like
is so eonfitructed tha.t it call withst-lu.1 old sherry.
I the pressare af a.a immense voLuine of Koa-ling to roade from Mongolian millet
water, and is a.6o equipped with great and bears a fainily resemblance to rye
autontatia arras or legs, by the operation whisky., It ]a drunk only in hoirthern
oif which it mu move arovind oil the but- China, but has a large use In the making
tOm 'of thO sca with the ease Of oue Of of liqueurs. Of those latter ung-ka-pah
the monsters Of tile do". Tb,&se armit or wo-shia-pi is the best known. It is
can aJeo be used in liftiag grelt thick, oily and yellow, and is a cross be -
Weights, Fuld 4n the expeiiint-nos which tween yellow Chartreuse and Benedictine.
weM Illinde off this port huge boulders Its taste is sweetish and aroinatio, and it
wt,re linought �trom the bottoirn to the
surfa,ce by the u-swe oif the arnitt. has it great reputation as an appetizer.
The body of this novel diving miL. Other liqueurs inade from kos-ling are
chine is a ey-Undricad 6teel tube, eight n3oo-qun, made of koa-ling and ruelon;
feet high alid six feet in,dianieter. It is nieu-kwal-loo, ying-tou and hundreds of
not Wl-sbapeol and bits nono oif the me- other Orinks.
chim-x-al arraingeantmats of ilu� old divinu .Tgen there In fun -chin, or raw alcoboll,
bells. . � used for medicinal - purposes. Fermented
. The constructors of this niarlile won- I fruit jujces and flower wine, niade by
der axe carefui that no orlu 4liall see ilie � steeping petals or leaves, fire also common
plans or sh" get a photogTapli of its , beverages. Goranium wine Is a horrible
mvNAUL.nism. It 4s inade of one-ineh
ntee4 amil the tubp is areled oil the Nip I concoction, while bayleaf wine Is the
and bottom. It is fitted with gla.ss witi- equivalent of the bay ruin used by our bar-
dows, whic,h have been tested to 81,ith. bers. All told, there tire sonle 2,000 dis-
itand it pressure equal to a water pres- tinct drinks in China, yet drunkards are
sure'ia it deTAh of 4W feet. These win- almost uriknown.—Exchange.
dows are so constructiml that sibodId
they break an auitoanittk- atta,chilient will Education In Turkey.
clooe iniatedifttely, whbout allowing any In civilized countries the Inflnonce of a
wateT to enter the couqlartiriont. Thewe
are fresh and foul air pipw, which coa- boy's mother and sisters upon him to, as a
nect with the stirface, and a telepholic. general rule, of incalculable value. It is
On the out:Ade of th,o case there Is an i ptirifying and ennobling. In Turkey, just
ary larrip with an appamtws capa,ble, ot at the age when it lad needs most guidance
generating a 2500 candle-power light, ,� and moral strengthening, the worrien of
wW(-h etiabk,e those in the bell to sw I his farnily conqider it good sport to put
for a distance of at leitat 100 feet under I the very toniptations in his way against
wa&v. The anost wDriolerfill and at the : which be shoidd be guarded and fortified,
sanip tirm? t1io- part willich, ,ricxt to its ' and laugh with amusenient and deligbt
caqnli,il.ity to rt"L-A wator protmire, gives I when he succumbs to them. They must
the be�l its VicI414LI ILWl ki,s the I
: not be blained too heavily. They have no
arrangemf,rit which ina,kes rtw to ,
move the WI ahtsat on th,. bottom of the , education themselves, no Ideals. From
son inditTend-mit of a-ny cable eo,�tiori -early childhood thoy are taught that they
%fth the snrfaco�. Attachod to the eagp, count for n6tl)ipg In social existence. But
and worked fro4n the interior, are several the result Is that at the oliAset of life Turk-
lanig arins. These are used to move Ole Ish manhood is sapped at the base and Its
witc,hine abutit, to nianipulate any to,A ' moral strength destroyed. Again, drunk -
it is fk-.sired to iloc or for -tbi, lifti-nig of , enness and unnatural vices, especially the
weights. former, are practiced among the higber
Itnow remains for the IwIl to deirom- 'classes to an extent of which I believe few
stmtk' that its gmi't autcrinatie arms 4,re I foreigners have any idea, even after they
oit practica.1 use !,it minoving the carg-ri- have lived for years in the country. To
cyt copper ingots, valu(NI at $88,X*,
w.hk11 is (m the main doek of the Pe- � know this you illust enter intimately Turk-
wabbic. Old marine men have exqx,essed , Ish life, and that is exceedingly difficult
doubts as to the truth of the stilbenimt i! for a foreigner to do.
that the compa,ily Ims gucceed(A in lo- Poetry, often execedingly beautiful In
e"6n.g the Pewabic, but the salvage corn- expression, but of tbo most degrading
pany h.%s r,ec6v.eA a4vi�ces sta�d-ng that idoals, completes the inoral ruin, by not
the firqt rowrts which were smt out .are only admitting, blit actually extolling, the
ftisoilut4e4y carrect, and that it is in real. vices to which I have alluded above, po-
12y th,- long -lost steamer. etry which to placed in the hands of quite "'
_ - . .__ � _. I young boyhood. It is on literature of this
sort that the youthful Turkish mind is
News,Notes. renrc,d, it being considered the only kind
. . safe by the powers that be. In fact, every
Constable Wilson Of StrAtIll'Ov ,shot sort of healthy mental food is absolutely
an escaping prisoner trained NV. Burns dtilied to the Turk—history, philosophy,
ill tho itrill. science, rornance—everything Is danger -
Last Week there was it stile. aL the oil,;, for it inight inollne ruinds required
old Utilloden. castle (if relics (if bonnie to lie kept in complete submission and un -
Prince Charlie. The Queen purchased questioning obedience to inquiry and dis- '
his walking stick for one hiindred and. cussion.—Fortnightly Review.
sixty pounds.
Peter Ille-Nialiv, it Boston amn, per. - The Wife In Russia.
foinied the feat of Swimming the Eng, "This is a curious custom you Amerl-
lish Channel from Dovev to a point calls have of referring to,,ypur wives by
three ruiles front Griz Nez, France. their husbands' narnes, " observed Glan-
vock Haplon, an intelligent Russian trav-
A very interesting event took place ler: "I suppose the American holds his
at the residence of Mr. John Shob- e wife in as high esteem as the Russiam
brook, 1-1111lett, on Wednesday, July 14, holds his, but It at home I should speak of
when Aliss Lizzie and Mr. Cha.,;. Craw- my better half as MN. Kaplon my friends
ford Were united in marriage. Rev. J. would at once conclude that my doluestio
W. Andrews officiated. relations wero not as pleasant as they
William Sloan, it Seaforth boy, whose. should be, and that I was thinking of a
mother yee resides Ili that town, went. legal separation. When I first heard an
to the Yukon country a year ago, and American speak of his wife as Mrs. Jones,
wits one of the par-tv that re- for example, I felt almost like presuming
centIv returned, His gold pile figures on irny acquaintivrice by intruding Into bis
,$8500. private affairs and asking hint what the
Twonty prisoners in the King's Coull- trouble was at home. Yet I soon lezrned
ty, N. Y., penitentiary ho.ve become in- that the wistog was universal over ba,e,
4ane since the beginning Of the year but still I ' - ,�e� Used 'to it. 'My
owing to enforced idleness, the restilt w I fle I I. tb e (le')".An.0, Ili _ way I speak in
of the Anti -Convict Labour law. Russia of theJady who, X suppose, I would
have to call aploi In polite society
Thup.qday a vote was taken ;n Prince in America. In some of be more fashion -
Edward Island oil the Canada Temper- ablo circles of St. Petersburg this Ameri-
ance Act, which wits defeated by 786 can social custoin has been adopted, though
to (373. The Act Tills been in for'ce in I was told by a prominent government
the province for some years. official not long ago that the czar disap-
No trACP of E. T. l"Itibbell, the de- proved of It. "—St. Louis Republic.
fall Iting Ottawa banker, has been
fo.nd since he left Montreal oil Tiles- The Note of Doubt.
day, but the case is fit the hands (if the
Dominion police, and it.is expected he The hollowness of the skeptic's praise
will he located before long. of death an the ground, for instance, on
which such praise is expressed in the fa -
Mr. Peter Dennison, a'h employe of mous poern. "Thatiatopsts," was admirably
ill(., G. T. R. tit Stratford, died slid- exposed once by a remark of tbo French
�Ienly at 4 o'(!Io(,k oil Saturday niorn- wit, Eugene Labiche.
Ing of heart, disease. Ile had been Labiche and Emmanuel Arago were
working oil Friday. and on retiring conversing about tbo hereafter when Akago
at night he wits in his usual good said: .
bealth. Mr. Dennison wits about 68 "After all, why fear death? Is it not
years of age and had been a,lon� forgetfulness, remt, tranquillity?"
Litne Ili the eniploy of the ( ran "Ob, no doubt," sold Lablobe. "But
Trunk --formerly of'London, and for are you sure you'll beable toolinjoytbern?"
about six years past in 18tratford, —Youth's Companion,
where he was es(eemed among his
fellow workers and acquaintances as The Limits of Life.
R, CORIPetent workman and a man of "A main," said the lecturer, "can live
wide literary attainment. The deceas- without water for a week, without sloop
vol had accumulated considerable pro- for ton days and without air for five linin-
vrty, some of which is in London. lates. ,,
e leaves it Widow, but no children. " They a In't n o partiou lar lim I 6 to the
Mrs. Olivo A. Sternatnan of Buffain, time he can live without work, Is there?"
N. Y.. ellarged with poisoning her anxiously asked Mr. Didirnal Dawson.—In-
hushitild, has been remanded for ex- dianapolis Journal.
tradition to Canada to answer to a
charge of murder in the first degree. The Swedigh bride fills bar pockets with
The extradition of the woman was bread, which she dispenses to every one
war oily contested, and the flual judg- she meets on her way to the church, every
ment was rendered only Monday piece she disposes of averting, an she be-
morninrby jostices Wallace, Lecombe lieves, a misfortune,
and Chiptnan. The decision wits givoti
by the JusticeR without dissent. Mrs. The assessed value of farnia In the Unifi-
Sterritnan will probably be taken to ed States in 1880 was over $10,000,000,000
Canada early next week, -that she may &nd in lago over $18,000,000,000.
be there in time for the next assizes, . .
which will be held In the early fall.
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