HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-08-04, Page 5a
It is a
Fact .. .
That we will re-
fund your pur-
chase monev if the
glasses we frit you
t with do not satis-
fy. We know
that we can tit
II spectacles correct.
N�' ly. We know that
j'be your eyes what
V they may we can
tit you and g}ve
l you the bust vision
possible, therefore
we have no hesit-
c ancy in making
o the agreement
coh with you to refund
cd yoif ur
uba arenotr�satisti dl
We wake the otter
4 a4 d feeling that there
,:A uJJ is little chance of
a>° your being dissat
isfied but if by any
chance you should
Its be we much prefer
I SII' to return your
money and keep
I. i' your good will
rather than keep
your money and
l y,i part with your
good will. Then,
with the above
agreement to pro-
tect you we ask
the privilege of
fitting your spec-
tacles and supply-
ing your Drug
Allen & Wilson,
Graduate Druggists and Optician s.
Gem jar rubbers loc a dozen.
t. Quick
loc Blouse Sets.
We have just received, another lot of
them. Having sold over 100 pairs,
which cleaned its out, but managed to
secure another lot which we .will sell
at 10 cents the set, and are doubtful
if they can be duplicated at this price.
Come and get a set before they are hill
gone. They won't last long. Out- 25c
line won't last long.
Eng,yravin. .
We do Engraving in the
very neatest and latest style,
and do it while you wait.
B. Humball,
Jeweler, Clinton.
For Sale—Bargain, _ —
Bay horse, 4 years old, well bred, good size,
strong, speed expected. Will take pony 14¢
hands part payment, to mate a bay pony.
E. N. LEWIS, Goderich.
Voters' List 1897.
Notice is hereby given that,13 have transsnnit-
ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in see-
tions.i and 6, of the Voters' Lists Act, the cop-
ies required by said sections to be so trtins-
mittud or delivered of the list matte pursuant
to said Act of a't persons appearing by
the last revised Assessment Roll of the said
Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said
Municipality, at elections for member, of the
Logisiative AsnemVy- and at Municipal l+;iec-
tions, and that said list was first posted up in
my office at Varna, on the ?:9th day of .duly,
1897, and remains there for inspection.
Flectors are called upon to examine the said
List and if any omissions or any other! errors
are found therein, to take immediate proceed•
ings to have said errors corrected according to
J. T. CAIRNS, Clerk of Stanley Tp
July 31st, 1897,
Voters' List, 1897.
Notice is hereby given that I have transmit-
ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in
sections 5 and (i of the Voters' Lists Acts, the
copies required by said sections to be so trans-
mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant
to said Act of all persons appon.ring by the last
revised Assessment Roll of the stiid mmdcipal-
ity to be entitled to vote in the said rinnicip-
alliyr at elections for members of the Legisla-
tive Assembly and at Munluipal Elections, itnd
that said list was first posted up in my office, at
Goderich 'Township on the I. h day of July,
1897, and remains their for inspection.
Electors, are called upon to examine the said
List and if any omissions or any other errors
al;2.fpund therein, to take immediate procced-
ni o have said errors corrected according to
Clerk of Goderich Township.
July 24th, 1897. 974 4 t.
Voters' Lists, 1897.
Notice is hereby given that i have transmit.
ted or delivered fo the persons mentioned in
sections 5 artd 6, of the Voters' Lists Acts, the
cogpies required by snid sections to be so trans-
rnitted or delivered of the list mado Pursuant to
said Act of all persons appearing•oy the last
revised Assessment Roll of the saki Munici-
pality, to be entitled to vote in the said Munici-
pallty at elections for members of the Legis-
lative Assembly and at Municipal elections,
aT) d that said list was first posted up in my
ofilco at Bayffold, on the 30th (lay of July, 1897
and remains there forinspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said
List and if any omissions or any other errors
are found therein, to take immediate proceed-
ings to have said errors corrected according to
.duly 30th, 1897• Clerk of Bayfield.
A teacher holding a Normal Certificate to
take charge of Principal's class from Sept, 1st
until Nov. 30th. Applications stating salary
and eficlosing testimonials received up to Aug.
7th.Model9ohool Hoar glume, Secretary Cllnton
Convict Shot at in itis Cell.
Dainty cusTRAL PRISON,
... • • • tral prison, is ill solitary confinement
nursing it bullet which was fired into
May be beautiful in its shut- his ci•ll by Guard Charles Edward, and
plicitp, but it is really wonder- which he,sa,ys lie intends to show the
fill how it is brightened up by !Minister of Justice on his re!eltse. The
it plece of Jewelry—if it is in' bullet Is not in any part of Craig's
good taste. The sparkle of a anatomy, but this lie says is not the
precious stone, the shine of a fault Of`Guar•d Edward. He picked it
bracelet, the rich ye11Ow of a up t'voin the floor after the accident oc-
gold chain against a creamy carred.
neck, all these seem to bring Claig has served time at Kingston
the beauty of the wearer into and was twice sentenced to short
strong relief. All of them are terms for theft in the Toronto Police
here in this store. Court. He is now serving a sentence
received at Goderich, his horse. He
Our Repairing broke goal there and escaped, but On
information supplied by the Toronto
Department deteNivait•es he was recaptured at
Nin,gara, Falls. When being brought
back by it constable he escaped again,
Is under our own personal and wit, again recaptured.
supervision and all repairs ell- The convict is 21 years of age, and
trusted to our care, from t•he is a tailor by trade. He. was put to
smallest to the hugest job, will work in that shop when he arrived 1n
he returned with Our guar- the prison. He was it very morose
antee, and rebellions prisoner, and set such
it bad example to the other convicts
that Foreman Able asked the warden
to have him removed, and Craig was
accordingly detailed to the broom shop.
He refused flatly to go after dueer-
�� suasion, but finally went p
for ono t his
U When the work wasnver Craig left his
P, Be , place in the line, and walking to where
Mr. Able was standing remarked:—
"I'll cut your heart out before six
Jeweller and months have past."
He was then taken buck to his cell
Expert Watch and searched. Two knives were found
on him. one with an ugly slender
Repairer. blade nearly four inches long and
sharp as at razor. Then Craig Wits dis-
ciplined by spanking, the punishment
CLINTON. given prisoners for ginve violations of
WOOD AND COAL YARD- the prison law. He r eceived ten slaps
and went back to his cell niad with
rage, vowing that if he were hanged
Subsoriber is prepared to promptly fill all or- fol, it, he would cut. Warden Gilnxnir's
tiers for Wood and Coal, which will be sold at throat. Then the warden ordered the
lowest rates. Office on Isaaotitreet, tit. LAVIS'
IMPLB:DIENTs Itooms. W. WHEA'TLEY guards to he ready to protect them-
-- ----• selves in the event of being attacked
FALL,. TERM SEPT. IST. by the convict, but not, to draw it
weapon except its it last resort.
_ NT Craig, upon coining back to the cell
R 4 after his spanking, smashed a bottle
of n)edicine against, the door grating
and then wrenched off one of the legs
STRATFORD, ONT. of his iron bedstead, the night -guard
A live, go -a -head school that thoroughly pro- noticing what lie had done. On Satur-
pare young men and women for business life day morning vViug-Guard Edward and
Attendance this year double that of last year. Guard Rodgers entered Craig's cell,
Only one kind of business edttratp1l pp,iveu to when the convict made a clash at thein
our students and that "the best" l�'ritefor
circulars. with a piece of wood in his hand.
W. J. ET LIOTT, Principal. Thinking that itnother weapon might
be behind the wood, Edward drew his
revolver and fired, the bullet passing
W. JACKSON, Agent the convict's head and striking the
Northwest Transportation Co, wall near the ceiling. According to
Craig's story the bullet from Edward's
revolverpassed through his sleeve,
but this is denied by the: prison au-
�• thorities. Then the guards hastily
withIrew, and Craig was ordered into
solitary confinement. It is not a new
R :'iii I I'i experience for him, as he is said to
have spent four months in the solitary
at Kingston penitentiary without see-
ing it unian face. His desire to es-
cape is said to be actuated by the
- fact that it charge of bigamy is hang-
ing over him, and that he will have to
fitce two wives when Warden Gilmour
is through with hien fifteen months
Through tickets to all point; in
At lowest rates.
For all Information apply to above.
Farm For Sale
Lot number 19, roil, 16, Goderich Township,
containing 80 acres, more or less, the property
of tine late Ann Barr, will be ofrared for sale by
public action at the Commercial Hotel, Clin-
t.o»,, oto Saturday, Sept. lith, at 2 o'clock p
m. Terms -10 per cent of the puiehase money
down on the day of stile, and the balance in 30
days thereafter, without interest. Further
terms and particulars made known at the sale
or upon appplication to the undersigned. 1). A.
Administrator of the estate of deceased.
Aug. 4, 18, Sept, 1st. 976-3t
Steamer Cambria -and Carmona
Leave Goderich every WEDNESDAY
and SATURDAY morning for the Soo.
If you are contemplating taking a boat
trip ori Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake
Superior or Lake Ontario consult with
Ticket and Steamship Agent, Clinton.
Thos. Love, of the 11th concession
of McKillop, died on Sunday Hist.
.Mr. Love has been ill for about two
years, being a victim of diabetes. He
was a comparatively voting mail, being
only about 49 years of age. He was
the second son of the late George Love,
of Tuc•kersinith, He has been a resi-
dent of McKillop for about 29 years,
He leaves a widow and family of three
sons and four (iaughte'r's.
A Fashionable and Money -
Saving Work.
Horne dyeing is now one of the true
home arts, a work that is artistic, tin
occupation that tins becom&-pleasant
and fashionable. People in easy eir••
cumstances who give their attention
to the work of home dyeing also find
it at most profitable recreation.
This increased interest in dying
work, and the great success that at-
tends it, comes from the use of the
celebrated Diamond Dyes that are so
easy to use, so true to color, so pure
stnd brilliailt, so fast and unfailing.
A costly wool or silk dress that has
become spotted or faded can in a very
short apace of time he made equal to
new. No garments or materials need
be thrown away or sold to the second
hand dealer because of lost or, dingy
colors. An outlay of from ten to
twenty cents for Diamond Dyes will
recreate every piece and save many
If you have not, yet begun the easy
work of home dyeing, let us assure yoil
that you miss a pleasure and lose
money as well. Look up your faded
and discoloted garments at once, and
lyse the Diamond Dyes; you will be sur-
prised with your success.
There is more worr•y'connected with
the routine life of the average clergy-
man than most people imagine. His
duties are multifarious, and it is little
wonder that he. frequently becomes
the victim of nervous exhaustior;, in-
somnia, etc. In this condition Dr.
4Villiaots' Pink Pills act more speedily
upon the nervous system than any
other medicine, and promptly restore
the user to a normal state of health.
Rev. Won. Clarke, a rising young
Methodist minister stationed at Orono,
Ont., says :--•`I have derived great
benefit from the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. I found that when I at-
tempted to study I would become
drowsy and could not apply myself to
my work. Aly. digestion was very
bad, and my nervous system seemed
to be out of gear. At first I paid but
little attention to the matter, but
found myself growing worse. At this
tithe I was stationed at° Fort Ste-
wart, Ont., and was boarding at the
norne Of astorekeeper, whoadvised 1110
to try Dr: Williatus' Pink Pills. I de-
cided-t.o do so, and thanks to this inedi-
cine, I am again restored to good
health. Under these circumstances I
feel it illy duty to say a good word for
Or. Williams' Pink Pills.
Dr. Williams Pink Pills cure by
going to the root of the disease. They
renew and build up the blood, and
strengthen the nerves, thus driving;
disease from the system. Avoid imi-
tations by insisting„ that every box
you purchase is enclosed in a wrap Ing
nearing the full trade mark, Dr. `Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
County Currency.
Annie Leathorn, wife of .John H.
Willis, of the 3rd conc,•ession of Stephen,
died Tuesday week lust at the age of
31 years, 6 months.
Wm. Kelly, of Biddulph, the victim
of the shooting affray List week, still
lives with the trall in his head, with
signs of improvement.
Last Tuesday a telegram was recei vd
by Win. Ross, Brussels, from Mrs. J.
R. Kerr, his daughter, stating that her
hnshand wits dein]. No particulars
were given. Deceased, who is brother
to Geo, Kerr, of Morris, and Mrs. M.
'Richardson, Brussels, had written them
last Sabbath, and was then apparently !
in the enjoyinm. t of good health. He
was a contractor and builder and spoke
of some large jobs he had on hand and
his intention of pushing the work. It
is supposed his death either'resulted
from accident or sun stroke, as he re-
ferred to the great heat in his letter.
Mr. Kerr was in, his 42nd year and was
a member of both the Masonic Order
and the ,'Woodmen of the World".
Alex, Ross, deputy -postmaster, left for
Manilla, Iowa, where his sister resides,
on Wednesday morning, and on his
arrival the remains of deceased will be
brought to Brussels for interment, The
receipt, of the sad news was received
with much regret., and sympathy is ex+
pressed for Mrs. Kerr and daughter. 1
Will Hawkshaw, son of Mr. Hawk.
Shaw, of the British hotel, Seaforth,
hits accepted a position as C. P, R.
Operator in Medicine Hat, N. W.T.,
and will leave for there shortly.
Mr. John Dietz of Crediton Inet with
a painful accident last Satul-day week.
He was engaged in the tile yard when
it clump of earth fell on him, breaking
his leg at the knee joint and otherwise
injuruig hint,
At the re4ent meeting of the Masonic
Grand Lodge held in Brantford, Mr.
I. B. Tierney, of Blyth, was elected
Distrist Deputy Grand Master for
South Huron district, and T. Pinker-
ton, of bJdeu Grove, for North Huron
Ali,. John Balkwill, of Fulla,rton, has
a goose which he values inorethan any
cow ort his farm. She is thirty-four
vear•s old and blind, nevertheless she
Matched twice this year. Mr. Balkwill
brought the fowl from England some
thirty years ago,
John McNeil, 10 con., Grey has been
laid aside frau) work Owing to an acci-
dent in which he. injured his back. He
fell 10 feet in the burn hrough a trap
door used to put straw through and
landed on a heap of stones.
Mrs. Edward Denyer, 9th con., Grey,
died lust Sabbath, aged 30 years. The
cause was quick consumption which
she contractee} some t.irue ago although
deceased was only confined to her bed
for a few weeks. Mr. Denyer is deeply
sympathized with. They have no
The tw•o young lads named Shoe -
bottom and McLean, who were arrested
at Lucknow and taken to Walkerton
last week, were honorably discharged
by Mi istrate McNamara on Thursday
last, There was no evidence against I
thorn to show that they had anything
to,do with the crimes.
Mr. Walter Carruthers, son of Mr. F. li
Carrot hers, of Turnberry, who was in-
juied at a h.irn ritising some time ago,
was removed to the Toronto Hospital
last week, with the hope that he may
find relief from his suffering. Reports
received froin Toronto say that there is
a slight improvement in his condition.
cflu. Tnan's wati
There Are Thousands Like
Him Iu Canada,
"To be candid and truthful, I am
miserable, used up, nervous, and -can't
sleep there days; f feel as if life was
not worth living. I have tried country
fir, and have strictly followed Iny
doctor's advice, yet here I am, fast
wearing away."
This confession, made by it resident
of one of our largest. Canadian cities,
truly represents the condition Of
thousands of rnen and women, old and
young, at this time of the year.
It is almost certain that such weakly
and broken down men and women
have not yet, heard the joyful news
that Piline's Celery Compound is the
Brent life renewer and builder, the
medicine that makes the weak strong,
that gives vitt and true activity to the
languid and despond -tit, that makes
the blood pure and red, that gives (di-
gestive vigor and sweet refreshing
sleep. •
Are you, dear reader, amongst the
afflicted ones ? Are youpining in
misery and suffering and full of dread
and fears? If so, let us point you to the
only medicine that can meet your
case without a fear of failure:. It is
Paine's Celery Compound, nature's
medicine for the tired and worn out
body and unstrung nerves. The vir-
tues of this medicine strike right at
the seat of the trouble, quickly bring-
ing health and happiness. It has a
marvellous record of cares, a fast and
enduring fanne won by rescues and life
raving. Will yon test its efficacy?
You roust if you desire health and
robustness as well as extended years.
(Corruted every Tueedai afternoon.)
Fall Wheat ................... 0 70 to 0 72
Barley .......................... 0 25 to 0 35
Oats .......................... 0 22 to 0 23
Peas....,....... ......... 0 38 tc 0 40
Potatoes, per bush,......,.. 0 20 to 0 25
Butter loose in basket.... 0 9 to 0 10
Butter, in tub ................ 0 10 to
0 11
Eggs per doz.................. 0 8 to 0 8
it ay ............................... 7 00 to 7 00
Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50
fipples per bush ............. 0 35 to 0 35
Dried Apples per lb........ 0 2.; to 0 2!11
Ducks per lb ................. 0 05 to 0 06
Turkeys per lb .............. 0 07 to 0 08
Geese per lb .................. 0 o5 to 0 06
Chickens per pair............ 0 2�) to 0 35
Wool ............................ 0 18 to 0 18
Whent,white .... .....$ 7511 to $ 00
do red .. . ............. 74 to C l
do goose ......... . .... 04.4 to (.J
Buckwheat .... . ........ 32� to 00
Rye ......... ........... 35 to 00
Oats ..................... T) to 2711
Peas ... ............. I... 40 to GU
Barley .................. 28 to 00
Hay .................... 6 W to it (N)
Straw.. ............... 600 to 700
Dressed hogs ......... 7 Of) to 0 (9)
Eggs, new laid ....... , .. 01 to 10
Butter, lb. rolls . , ....... 13 to 14
do tubs, dairy........ 11 to 12
Chickens ................ 150 to 60
Turkeys ........ ....... . . 9 to 00
Potatoes (new) per. bush. 80 to 90
S ring lambs ...... . , . 8 to ° 9
Mutton ...... ......... 4 to 7
Beef, fore ............. 4 to 5
do hind ..... . .... . . . 7 to 811
Veal .................... 5 to 7
Milch cows each...... $20 W to $35 00
Export cattle, per cwt. , ... 400 to 4 50
Butchers' choice cattle,tWt 3 50 to 3 715
Butchers' good cattle, cwt 3 00 to 3 40
Butchers' com. cattle cwt.. 2 50 to 2 75
Bulls, per cwt . . ......... . . 3 25 to 350
Feeders, per cwt . . ......3 25 to 3 50
Stockers, perewt...... ... 2 Iii to 325
Export sheep, per cwt.... •l 90 to 3 10
Butchers' sheep, each..... 250 to 8 00
Spring lambs, each .... .. 200 to 4 00
Calves, per head. , ........ 3 00 to 6 50
Choice bacon hogs,jper cwt 5 80 to 5 85
Thick fat hogs, cwt ......... 4 75 to 4 80
Light fat hogs, cwt ......... 5 00 to 510
Sows, per cwt .............. 300 to 3 50
].Shags, per cwt ........ 2 00 to 2 25
Have you tried theme
Massey -Harris Bicycle,
It is just what you have been looking for, high grade
easy running, rich in appearance, strong and durable
You can't break them. For $85 or a discount for cash .
Brantford Ruby Rims
For $54. -
Does your Bike need
Repairing? -
We know how to give you a satisfactory job. Re-
member a dry goods clerk ]nay sell dry goods but it
takes a machinist to repair a .Bike. We are not only
machinists but we have the machinery to do your
work as it should be done. _Give us a trial.
The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton.
Pure Manilla and
Amber Shield
•0000.00.0.0000.00.00 90000900
Prices Low.
Harland 40=14 Brosey
Are you looking for a Snap?
4 0000
We have too n)any Couches in stock for the amount of room we have, so in
are making a BIG REDUCTION in the
nee you should not miss if you require a
complete stock, and give a service that
charges are as low as the lowest. V44'e
e And outfit in the county.
lers and
Clinton. Furniture DeaUndertakem
e of our Funeral Director.—J. W. Chtdley, King
order to clear out some of then[ we
price of a certain line. This is a cha
In this department we carry a
cannot he surpassed by any. Our
have undoubtedly the finest hears
Broadfoot, Box & Co.
Might and Sunday calls answered at Resident
St., opposite Foundry.
Special to Camping anti
Canned Turkey, Chicken, Duck, Corn
Finnan Haddie, Mackeral, Kippere
Mullegatawny, Moo
Picnic Hams, English Breakfast Bacon,
Gillard's Sweet Pickles, a delicious
N. Robson, G
Tor,t.---in East Wawanrosh, on July 22nd, the
ii'fe of Mr. Will. Toll of a daughter,
PROCTOR.—Thi Goderich township, on July 27,
the wife of Mr. La Proctor of it daughter.
BliI,1,ARm,—At Winthrop, on July 28th, the
rife of John Bullard of a daughter.
WEII.ANm.—At Fgmondville, .July 28th, the
wife of Henry Weiland of a sen.
AaMSTROMI. —in Ontario, Cal., on Monday,
Aug. 2nd, the v ;o of J, S. t "nistrong, rice
Miss Shallic Cooper, of a son.
Wt1.l.rAalsox—LAyAN.- At the residence of
the bride's father, Clinton, on July 28th, by Rev.
A Stewart, E. Laird Williamson of Toronto to
Mabel, second daughter of Mr. Thos. Lavann.
Methodist church. Clinton, ors July 28th, by
Rev. B, Clement, John Green, formerly of Gode-
rich, to Annie, only daughter of Wm. Alexan-
KERP —At Manilla, Iowa, on N13,27. (Ii, Jas.
R. Kerr, formerly of Brussels, aged 41 years
and 8 months.
DENvEs.—In Grey, on July 25th, Mrs, Ed-
ward Denyor, aged :30 years.
BOWMAN --In Morris, on July 29th, Sarah
Kornaghan, beloved wife of John Bowman,
aged 75 yearn,
WIMAR. In Stephen, on the 27th July, Annie
Leathorne, beloved wife of John H. Willis,
aged 31 years, 6 months.
DARK, --In Wingham, on -July 18, Ann Dark,
relict of the late George Dark, aged 71 years
and three months.
LovE.—In McKillop, on July 25th, Thomas
Love, aged 49 years, 3 months, and 20 days.
enrews,—At her residence, 447 Piccadilly St„
London, on July 26th, Elizabeth, beloved wife
of Rev. Thomas Crews, lin her 74th year, form-
erly of Goderich,
DoRnr(.—In Biddulph, on July 21st, Henry
Dobbs, aged 43 years.
MCC,ARTNEv.—In Goderich township, on Fri-
day, July 30th, Goo. McCartney, aged 86 years.
Brawx.-- In Hullctt., on Saturday, July 31st,
James Brown aged 35 years.. _
The New York Post -Office inspectors
are convinced thin the foreign mails
are being systematically robbed.
Picnic Parties...
Beef, Ltmch Tongue, Boneless Pigs Feet,
d Herring, Salmon, Fresh Herring,
k Turtle and Chicken Soups in Cans.
Sugar Cured and Smoked Shoulders,
rocer, Albert St., Clinton.
News Notes.
Howard, the eight-year-old son of
Mr. John Huff, of Courtrig ht, Ont.,
Iwas drowned while fishing.
The Governor-General is still at Stan-
ley house, on the Cascapedia, lint will
likely pay a flying visit to Ottawa and
Toronto this month,
The Grand Trunk's new single span
bridge it Niagra Falls is nearly com-
pleted, and the testing ceremonies took
plaice on Thursday.
Sir Wilfred Laurier hits been made a
Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor
by President Faure of France.
The Postmaster -General has decided
to authorize the issue of partial sets of
jubilee stamps to meet the demand for
The King of Siam arrived Friday in
England in his royal yacht, and was re-
ceived by British warships with the
royal salute.
Henry Lee, of London, Eng., inad-
vertently married his sister, who had
been sold by her father to the gipsies
when an infant. When he learned of
the relationship he committed suicide.
A farmer near Whitemouth, Man.,
reports that he saw a balloon twice
the size of his house floating in a north-
easterly direction, and the question is
asked, "Can this be Andree?"
On Friday of last week, Mr. J. H.
Hwarts of Wingham purchased the
Pacer, Maple Leaf, from Mr. Jas. 0' -
Leary, of Brussels. Mr. Swarts ham
also purchased the running horse
"Norine," frons Mr. J. 14. Donaghue,
A Logan farmer is said to have writ-
ten to lawyer idington, of Stratford, as
follows : Will you please tell we
where yon learned to write? I have a
bov I wish to send to school, and i ana
afraid that I may hit upon the same
school as you went to,