HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-08-04, Page 4>o
•,..,�„�,, �...,,.. ,7,,,,,.w-,,..
Bicycle and Music House
--AN D
Clevepind Cycle Livery,
G, f. Emerson.
01 -9000
Baby Carriages,
Dolls Cabs.,
Croquet Setts,
Lawn Tennis,
Fancy Goods.
Large assortment of
goods suitable- for
Weddinzx Presents.
New Lltfluextioewen#o.
Special—N. Robson.
Voters' list—J. T. Cairns.
Neckwear—T. Jackson, St.
It. is it fact—Allen & Wilson.
Novels—The W. D. Fair Co.
Farrar for sale—D. A. Forrester.
Wood and coal—W. Wheatley.
Tlie fatuous clothing people—Jack-
son Bros.
Glass parasol knob lost -THE NEWS -
The Huron News -Record
L.25 a Year—$1.00 in Advance —_
Next week THE NEws-RECORD will
not visit you. It is our holiday week.
We like a day or two off as well as the
rest of people and crave the kind in
:'ulgence of our thousands of readers.
were will be no NEws-RECORD next
.veek. Have your budgets of news and
changes of ads, ready on time for our
next issue August 18th.
Remember the date of out- next issue,
Aug. 18th.
In the interval we will be wide open
to receive new and renewal subscrip-
tions as well as for all classes of job
iRRr10CIi• ----- 1 --
BRIF,FS.—Miss Neilans of Tucker -
smith is visiting her uncle, Mr. Neil-
ans at Harlock.—Mr. W. Beacom and
Miss Kate Webster visited fviends in
Goderich Township lipt Saturday and
Sunday.—Miss Hannah Haggit of
Londesboro is engaged with Mrs.
Samuel Sundercox on the 13th con.,
for the summer.—Berry picking is
nearly over.—The farmers are very
busy with their hay and wheat,
Mr. Raymond Blatbwayt, a frequent
contributor to London magazines and
newspapers, is making a tour of Can -
ads for the purpose of writing a series'
of articles on immigration, the King-
ston Military Vollege, and the Canad-
ian Pacific railway.
The annual session of the Grand En-
campment of the I. O. O. F. for On-
tario and Quebec was held in London
last week. It was decided to hold the
annual sessions in future at the same
place as the Grand Lodge of Ontario,
I. O. O. F., on the preceding Tuesday.
From the Peterborough Review:-
-The Liberals who say everything is
do,rely In their ranks ; thea there is no
.dissatisfaction with the Laurier -Tarte
-combination, must draw peculiar con-
-elusions from what they read, when
the St, Thomas Journal, Kingston
Whig, Ountindon Gleaner. Simeoe
Reformer, Montreal Witness, and
rmttnv Quebec Liberal newspapers have
**pressed their dissatisfaction with the
Laurier Government, and have de-
inAnded a change, of men and policy. ,
It is all well encu#h to say it Is not so,
but there ie the dissatisfaction, and de-
t11a16 will not remove it"
REbiOv>Dp,_,•,pr, Bruce has .�.�'e Y OU, thinking.... _
froth the cottage an the river bank _. 'Of getting y
another up town,
As IT Ie.—Balmy, breezy, bumm Ji to t7nrae talk rt �
in favgr W'�,
ch '
The Clerk was authorized to adver.
tine d the Tomato for a
caecal -hand register clock.
Burry, booeey, busy, beautiful, bothful,
Messrs. Searle and Cooper moved t o
01 sarsaparilla,
for no other Medi- i alkWe
have always a large assort -
the motion on the
Plant to choose from in Gold,
QuERY.--,.The Queen's girls ask
convincing language of grateful men and
Gold filled, Suver and Silveroid
why is it that no party,uo tennis game,
a the Sts e
aiding the settled site for the Stave.
Cases, ales a large stock
no stroll is quite complete without
Mise McMurray I
vertising. Many of these cures are mar-
veloas. They have won the confidence of
Iaovements in Ladies' and
Isal ella 1 Isabella 1
Memorial Hall on the Marks
Gents sizes. Call and examine
our Goode.. No trouble to show
While the Mayor was looking over
them. You will have a good
the written by-laws to ascertain whe-
the greatest laboratory on earth. goodie
variety to choose from as we
A TRIP.—About forty Bayfield
sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has
should not rule the
them he ion
visitors took advantage of the kind
made—cures of scrofula, salt rheum and
invitation Of Mr. Jowett on Monday
and steamed down to Grand Bend;
the motion out of Order,
Deputy -Reeve Cooper rose to his
feet. He said the town clerk had state
the site oil the market was of no value
MUCH MIssED.--•Mr. Calloway, ourHood's
to us. Mr. Farran had told him h
The Estimatos Brought Down•
would1give $1,030 for it. That prove
the property was valuable, and if the
in English, American or Swiss.
Our watchmaker is thoroughly
Committee and Council were anxious
much esteemed citizen, recently in the
employ of Mr. Pollock has accepted a
to act in the best in terests of the people
and had this ground to spares why not
acquainted with all grades and
sell it and buy a more suitable lot on
the Dinsley corner for three or four
hundred dollars less money? He knew
that at least two-thirds of the people o
situation in Goderich. We congratu.
Clinton wore opposed to the building
improved tools to work with
being erected on the Market.
The Mayor replied that Mr. Farran
had never made any such proposal to
the Citizens Committee.
Mr. Searle emphatically declared
that a very la'r•ge number of the ,best
On Monday evening the regular
ratepayers and largest taxpayers
monthly meeting of the Town Council
in Clinton were unalterably op -
was held in the Council Chamber, all
posed to the public market ground
the members being present.. After the
being used for a public library with
reading of the minutes of the last
$10,003 back of it. He said it square
regular and several special meetings (a
lot could now besecuredon thedesirable
two or three column report of the last
and available Dinsley corner lot for
Wednesday special session will be
$680. He was, perfectly satisfied that
found on another page) the duties of
there were enough public-spirited
the night watchman, including the
men in Clinton to subscribe of private
ringing of the 6 a. in. bell, cleaning the
funds at least $300 towards the pur-
snow from the fire hall door, to per-
chase of the Dinsley or some other Uri -
form the duties of constable, as well
vate Iot• The Committee were willing
as patroling certain sections of the
to pay $50U, so that they would Ore
town, was adopted.
money in pocket. It would be very
unwise t0 deliberately create hard feel,
in among the best citizens in Clinton.
Chairman Plummer reported in favor
"But mind you," he declared as he
of a new gravel walk on Church street
pointed his index finger toward the
from Osborne to Erie streets; a cul-
chair, "I do not believe the present site
vert on Dunlop street at Mr. Allan's
can be legally used. If you do there
to be repaired if possible, or a new one
will be it mass meeting within a week,
if necessary; 10 inch tile culvert on On-
and there will be the biggest row you
tar•io street h0ames Smith's; thatsome
have ever -seen in this town, and don't
earth be drawn and filled in opposite
you forget it."
Mr. John Croll's in place of the grading
passed, to cost about $6 ; that a navel
walk be laid between `Huron a»d Rat
The Clerk asked Mr. Searle if Mr.
tenhury street, opposite Jno. Stephen-
Jitines Fair was opposed to the propos-
son's property—adopted,
ed library building being erected on
Wilson Fly Pads,
the Market.
Mr. Searle. replied that Mr. Fair pos-
Correspondence from the Ronald
itively was, and he believed Mr. Me -
Works relative to articles, ladders,
Taggart also was.
heater, &a, binding themselves to fur-
The Clerk said in reply, somewhat
nish these of first-class material and
heated, that it was no use in Mr.Searle
to be paid for the Ist of January.
telling a lie, as Mr. McTaggart, he
Messrs. Searle and Plummer moved
knew, wits not opposed to the selected
and seconded to rescind the motion
site on the Market.
authorising the placing of the tank on
thr' corner of Ontario and Raglan
streets, and to place it on the corner
Councillor Ford said he supposed
of Rattenbury and Dinsley streets.
Deputy -Reeve Cooper referred to him
when he said at least one Councillor
A long discussion followed, and on a
(lid not understand the original
vote being taken the motion was de-
motion (it is given ir- another col-
clared lost 3 to 7''
umn) as to the site. He understood
the motion as between the front and
Chairman S. S. Cooper reported that
back of the- market, and voted for the
the proposed improvements in The Cor-
rear in preference tothe front ashesup-
ner store.,of the town hall, as asked for
by Mr. Grigg, would be about $100—no
[The motion to amend and adopt the
report was certainly misleading.—ED.]
Mr. Searle endeavored to explain the
Finance Minister Gilroy reported in
motion -amendment, while Mr. Gilroy
favor of the following:—Salaries, $285,
would have it as it motion pure and
fire and water, $152 50; cemetery, $32;
street watering, $50; charity, $2; pro-
perty, $16.98; streets, $217.26; dra.ying,
Mr. Swallow liked to observe the
labor and lumber, $46.40; park, $4.50;
rules of order and had endeavored to
electric light, $2.80; printing, NEWS-
do so. He did not like to be called to
RECORD. $6.65; receipts front stock
order by the Mayor as he bad been,
scales, $9.05; from licenses, $8.00; from
but if meetings were to continue in
town scales, $7.05; from cemetery,
this illegal fashion he would speak as
often as he liked and say just what he
showed balance and receipts of $11,553;
Mr. Ford then moved to rescind the
expenditure of $798.87, leaving balance
motion carried at last meeting, for
On hand of $10,753.66.
which he voted. naming the site.
The Mayor insisted on 'a seconder
The Mayor brought down the esti-
who had voted for the original motion,
mates. Figures are given for 1893 and
Deputy -Reeve Cooper seconded Mr,
1897. In some cases there is it decrease
Ford's motion, but this would not be,
and in others an increase. The expen-
diture in 1897 was $5:79.77 over 1893,
but in this is included the. pur;•hose of
a dead horse in the shape of a new
Thereupon Mr. Searle challenged the
street for $n ,3 which properly belongs
Mayor to resign his position and the
two of them Would a p
appeal the
to 18f :,. The receipts in 18M were
$1,515.00, in 18£7 $1,460.00, a decrease
Ole on this one question alone and by
n by
of $55. The report was read and
this means he would rind out a who
was right, but His Worship oracle no
adopted at 21 mills on the $ as fol-
lows :—
EXPh.\DITI;RES. 1896 7897
The Clerk ex lamed that the Town
Sp'1 rate, Int. Coll. Inst..$100 (.4 +
" tire, Water, 420 r•, �
could not give the $5,000 or at y por.
tion of it for the purchase of a site
Consolide1ed I
without special legislation.
Debt, 953 75
Sinking Fnnd — Conso.idated
$1478 75 $1478
After considerable wrangling
g g f he
Debt ............ . • . , .
730 92
730 92
Mayor :abruptly ruled the motion of
County Riat.e...... ...
Coll. Inst. -Estimate of Board
677 3()
1C'; C'
812 75
5,, c)
Searle and Cooper out of order.
Public Selloot .,
31', f 1 32,
1 t
Streets and sidewalk~.........,
New Stroot .. • .......... , • • • ...
ltu! a 14('•
250 ( ,
The Deputy -Reeve replied haughtily
Salaries .......... ................ 1150 1 1 1225
that it was only for one night, and
Light ................ 75) rq
8(, (o
that he protested against the ruling
.... • •. •..
Property account.............
Cemetery ........... •
150 1'•r, 150 60
375 , 350 ( r
without'the by-laivcovering the ruling
Charitv " ........
2.;;! o 1( t o()
Fire and water " ...... I • ...
4ou +, 8(.:; I)
Mr, Hoover wanted the protest en-
Mochanks'Inst." ...........
", t:•�1 lc' 00
100 00 loll (
tered on the minutes as a matter of
Streit ti: ate+ ng ... •".. .......
(tO 00• 2C0 00
Official record.
Int. discounts and bank chaigesl
10(N (,; • ......
75 l r 75 uo
The Clerk replied that it could not
Pub][c Park ............... ..
"u ��9 50 v,
well be entered unless there was a se-
3', .tiunar and YOH:.L, o. • ... 25 0.: 25 00
conder to the motion and the Mayor
oard of health., •. ...... 25 00 3u 00
had ruled it otG of order,
Elections .......................
Pound .... .. .. ........ •. •..
40 O;' 40 00
12 0, 1^- ";
Paxos ate :inded........., .,
Inciden' I.........• .............
00 as � r,
.555 82 12100
Mr. Searle said the Mayor was actin
y g
streets, The D ''who may be 100
both sharp and arbitrary.
It is announced that the hon. Wins-
Wins -
13.^^' 8013964 57
The Mayor said he wits responsible
1896 I 1897
to the people and would continue to
Licenses.... • ................... •
$ "r00 G0 $ e'•') of
act sharp.
Cemetery .................... ..
200 001 250 00
5o 00, 50 00
A by-law was then passed setting
Pounty . • ..... • ...... ........
roperty ....•..........•.......
450 (:) 400 00
aside a portion of the Mat ket next Mr.
Wagistra'vi" Fines .........
to 00, 5 00
Farran s for the Sthveley Memorial
9ra,tute Labor . .......... . .......
3o (n) 3o oo
Hall. On the second reading
Dog Tax.. • ................. • ....
75 ux11 75 00
Searle and Cooper moved an amend.
The Great English Remedy.
Sim Packages Guarantem to
-$1515 00 $146000
ment to throw it out. The motion
raxes on $593,400, (18961 at 20 mills
wits defeated by the casting vote of the
on the$, $11.869.80—total...... $13,.381 80
Mayor as follows :—
r1 mills
onethe$on $$1�Pll 170 }137AI�ajtj ......• • ..$13,C94 57
YEAS—Plummer, Walker, Swallow,
Gilroy' Taylor, Holmes -0.
When the Clerk started to read the
NAYS—Kennedy, Cooper, Ford,
Hoover, Searle -5.
)Iaw confirming the
y g appointment of
gerald, Seaforth ; Miss Steiuback,
light watchman McRae,
The Council then adjourned.
Councillor Swallow asked the ques-—
Zurich; H. Smith, Mr. Trow, wife and
ion as to what protection, guarantee
Before andAfi'er. Zmn ab hash oo leadtoln-
lis -
)r bonds the Council bad or were going
At the residence of H. Cassidy Dear -
:o have for the faithful performance
ham township at 12o'clock noon on
A his duties.
Tuesday, July 20, Mrs, Fannie Little, of
Deputy -Reeve Cooper replied that the
Ingersoll, was united in the holy bonds
mly guarantee required was from the
of wedlock to H. B. Elliott the enter-
)fficial (probably the Mayor) who
pprising young editor of the Wingharn
vatched the night watchman.
Miss Lancaster, of Norwich,
The discussion brought out the tact
;hat a new register or check clock
supported the bride, and James Daw-
son, of Wingham did the honors for
vould cost about $100.
the groom, while Rev. E. R. Huft, of
hour Sunda niornin
y , suffering from
small -pox. The ship 13 quarantined in
Ingersoll tied the knot which made the
Swallow, Gilroy and Hoover strongly
two one for life. After a sumptuous
)bjected to the by -late being passed
vithout• explicitly defining the night
and elegant repast the happy couple
took for
the train their future home in
#atcltrnan's duties, when finally it was .
Wingham, where they arrived at 10 P.
lecidtd that he make the prescribed :
m. on Tuesday evening, Mdy their
:ircuit three times each night,
life be a long and happy one.
Burry, booeey, busy, beautiful, bothful,
blissful, bashful, boastful, backward,
benign Bayfield.
01 sarsaparilla,
for no other Medi- i alkWe
have always a large assort -
Ito great cures recorded In truthful,
Plant to choose from in Gold,
QuERY.--,.The Queen's girls ask
convincing language of grateful men and
Gold filled, Suver and Silveroid
why is it that no party,uo tennis game,
I women, constitute its Most effective ad-
Cases, ales a large stock
no stroll is quite complete without
Mise McMurray I
vertising. Many of these cures are mar-
veloas. They have won the confidence of
Iaovements in Ladies' and
Isal ella 1 Isabella 1
the people; have given Hood's sarsapa-
rills the largest galas in the 'world,
Gents sizes. Call and examine
our Goode.. No trouble to show
Trixy I 'Trixy 11 Trixy !11
have made necessary
eery los its manufacture
them. You will have a good
The Point! The Point I The Point 1
the greatest laboratory on earth. goodie
variety to choose from as we
A TRIP.—About forty Bayfield
sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has
are constantly buying new
visitors took advantage of the kind
made—cures of scrofula, salt rheum and
invitation Of Mr. Jowett on Monday
and steamed down to Grand Bend;
eczema aures of rheumatism,
' neuralgia
and weak Darer of dyspepsia,
they report a very pleasant trip,
troubles, catarrh—aozea which prove
MUCH MIssED.--•Mr. Calloway, ourHood's
in English, American or Swiss.
Our watchmaker is thoroughly
much esteemed citizen, recently in the
employ of Mr. Pollock has accepted a
acquainted with all grades and
makes, he has all the latest
situation in Goderich. We congratu.
improved tools to work with
late "Herb" In his promotion but why
and is aura to give satisfaction.
should lie go alone to a foreign town ?
A call solicited.
is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Mitchell is doing his beat to satisfya
cure liver ills; easy to
Hood's Pi113 take. easy to operate. 2w
the many visitors to Bayfield by
photographing them in their favorite
pursuits. The results have been so
gratifying that there Ie demand
ENTERTAINED.—Mine Host Pollock
handsomely entertained his guests at
for his artistic services, The luxury
ti a Queen's on Friday evening, The
has become quite a nee6suity,
evening's entertainment consisted of
PRETTY VILLA.—Dr, Woods is put—
dancing, music rendered by the Or-
ting the finishing touches on his pretty
chestra, refreehments, etc. Thirty
little villa on the bank of the river,
young couples greatly enjoyed the
It is being beautifully fitted up inside
selves; many happy returns Mr. Pol
and the whole when completed will be
Wilson Fly Pads,
one of the finest situated and hand
comely furnished houses -in town.
DUPLIOATE.—Mr. Jus. Trow and
family Stratford last week
Insect Powder,
A GAY TIME.—The week has been
an unusually lively one at the Queen's.
of spent
visiting balmy Bayfield. So great is
Insect Powder Guns.
Taffy -pulls, bonfires on the beach, ion
his resemblance to his brother
he )iad much fun in being constautly
cream parties, dancing, tennis, boat-
ing, fishing and bowling have been
taken for him, as Tom is well-known
the popular amusements, the many
in Bayfield. On the evening of his
arrival when in the wash room of the
s Iron
guests thoroughly entering into theCombe
River House, Charlie Dressler, one of
humor of the sport.
Bayfield's good fellows, came up be-
Blood Pills
COME.A,oAiN.—Mr. G. B. Smith of
hind him and caught him by tl'le
Toronto, who has been spending a few
shoulders and said, "Py Shorge, oil
Are in great demand all
days in Goderich spent Sunday at the
Queen's and while there, although a
fellar, how you are I" Mr. Trow turn-
ad around and said A.11 right, Sir,
the year round. Theyare .
married man of fifty summers, so badly
but you have the advantage of me—I
a direct food for the blood,
broke up the girls of the Queen's that
don't know you." Charlie thought he
the use of these pills will
the other boys were simply "not in it."
was fooling with him, so said "Yes,
change the pale and sallow
He had so good a time that he will be
back again to spend a few days. We
'you do, we've had many a goot time
tt>geder. After much he
complexion into the ruddy
(the girls) will be glad to see him.
was convinced that it was not Tom, so
glow of health, Price 25c
HALF MAST.—The Queen's flag was
having an eye for fun as well as filthy
per box or 5 boxes for $1
flying at half-mast on Saturday after
lucre, he said, "Py Tamn, we'll fool
noon owing to the departure of Miss
Miller of Stratford and Mies Hanna of
Pilly Shousing." Charlie called ``Pil•
ly" downstairs to see Tom Trow, and,
Jas. H. Combe
St. Marys for home. The week they
of course, Billy went straight lip to
spent here they made many friends
Mr. Trow and shook hands with him
Chemist and Druggist.
and added much to the enjoyment of
calling him "Tom". Charlie could
all, Their departure was regretted on
hardly contain himself. He gamboled
all sides and in one or two rases saps•
round and round and at length asked 1
cially so.
"Pilly" who he was talking mit. Biliy,
Sir Wilfrid Laurier was entert•aa'��ted
at a banquet Monday
of course said it was Tom Trow Char-
'„ ',
on by the Fr ch
friends of Canada' in Paris. He will
Bateman and Miss Major of Detroit
lie says Its a tammed lie—Ill pet
you fife ashlars e a lie". But Billy
sleet President Faure on Thursday,
and will be the guest of M. Hanotai�(
—the race and die- race of the
g g
Queen's—who have been spending
would Lot pet and Charlie had the
on Friday.
some days in Bayfield, lett on Satur.
fun, if not the filthy lucre. Mr. Trow
had a big time fishing, boating, etc.,
The steamer Labrador, which will
s%11 from Montreal on Saturday, will
day to join a party of twenty-seven
Detroiters who are taking a trip to the
and will, no doubt, long remember the
take the nlemhers of the fourth annual
Canadianto the shrine of
Sao. They will return on Wednes•
good time he had in Hayfield. ,Our
Lady of Lourdes, France.
day and help very materially to en-
liven breez Ba field. The hoe to
Y Y Y p
News Notes.
Mr. Geo. B. Reeve, general traffic
manager of the Grand Trunk railway,
induce the whole party to remain
Seven drowning accidents were re-
says he is greatly pleased with the evi-
dence of returning prosperity in Unt-
ported from Manitoba on Saturday.
ario, which he everywhere observed
OLD YET YOUNG..—The Rev, Dr.
Mr. Jesse Ward, a West Assiniboia
during his recent tour.
McDonald of who is o
p P
farmer, dropped dead from apoplexy.
J. W. Lang, the Toronto wholesale
larly known as "Dr," has with an ease
George Padrnore of Rockwood fell
dead while at work.
inerebant who is invisible to his credit:
ors, can not be found and leave was
peculiar to himself mastered the bike
Thos. Smith, a Whitby farmer, died
granted by Mr. Justice MacMahon for
and may now be seen daily enjoying
suddenly from apoplexy,
an application for speedy judgment ^
(against him.
himself all over thp, beautiful Bayfield
Howard Biggar, son of Mr. S. D.
streets, The D ''who may be 100
Biggar of Hamilton, 11 vears old, was
It is announced that the hon. Wins-
Wins -
„ „
years old for all We know is one of
drowned at Burlington $each.
The little daughter of George
ton Churchill, elder son of the late
Lord Randolph Churchill, will stand
the youngest men in the whole place
St. Catharines wits instantly
for Parliament in the Conservative in -
and is as full of fun and as fond of the
killed t
killed at Niagara Falls on Saturday.
terest at the next opportunity.z
society of the young as ever. Bayfield
Rev. H. E. A. Reid, son of the late
without the Dr. would be painful.
Dr. Wm. Reid, and pastor of Stouff-
'W001D•E4 IP3R40tt9P3Et0"IN3F_
ARRIVALS.—Among the late arrivals
ville Presbyterian Church, died Satur-
day at the residence of his mother in
The Great English Remedy.
Sim Packages Guarantem to
at the River House are Kies Anderson,
promptly, and permanently
Miss Corrie, Hamilton; R. Wells and
The jury in the third trial of Charles
10A care all. forme of Nervous
son G. M. Baldwin Mies S arlin
P g,
A. �H, Ingram, H. Grieve DZ r. Fitz
` . Spalding, treasurer o£ the Illinois
State University; have returned aver-
atorrhea., Impotencyand all
" creetaofAbumorExcessea,
gerald, Seaforth ; Miss Steiuback,
diet of guilty.
Mental Worry, exceaaivouse
Zurich; H. Smith, Mr. Trow, wife and
A terrible cyclone swept across San
Jose, Ill., on Friday night, b which
Before andAfi'er. Zmn ab hash oo leadtoln-
lis -
famil Stratford. Wm. Dixon Bruce-
seven persons were kills outright and
,11rm{ty, Inean{ty, Consumption and an early grave.
field; Mr. Ed. Cantelon, Clinton; J.
several severely injured.
gas been prescribed over 85 years In thousands of
cases; is the only Reliable and Roneat Medicine
A. Williams, of Zurich; Wm. Brand-
Bert Whitney, eighteen years of age,
knotrm. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodine;ir
ley, D. H. Rice, and son Forest; E,
Hager, Hamilton; Robt. Archibald,
was taken from the steatfter Passport,
of the R. and O. Line in Toronto bar-
hocomseome worthless medleineIn place of this;
inclose )priceinletter, and we will send by return
hour Sunda niornin
y , suffering from
small -pox. The ship 13 quarantined in
mail. Price, one package, rt1; six, $5. One will
pkaso,s{xwig curt. Pamphlets free toany addrou,
JUST LovELY.—One of the moot
the harbnur, and the utmost precau-
The Wood Company,
o ular persons holidaying in Bayfield
P P p y g • Y
is Mi! Jack McKinnon of Blyth, who
tions are being taken to prevent the
spread of the disease.
Sold in Clinton find everywhere in Canada
everywhere in Cana
by all responsible druggists.
has been here for a couple of weeks.
He has been one of the leaderse all
the social entertainments of the in
"Nothing Like - Leather."
of the Queen's and hie departure on
Thursday will be regretted by every
body. "to
Good Shoes.
The girls a man" think he
is "just lovely." He has been a "part
of Bayfield" but not the whole thing
More than half the
for there is another --need we say
battle is in selling
who? The two are the whole team
good goods, ones
and the little dog under the waggon,"
that will wear and
VISITORS.—The following pattiesre-
give satisfaction.
gistered at the Queen's during the past
week.—A. J. Meek, wife and two
Every day we bare
children, S. B. Loughrey and wife,
people telling us that our
Geo. Loughrey, W. G. Moore, J.
Goods wear and after all
Mognahan, Mise McIntoeh and T. S.
Ill1the test f cod
s S e esoa g
London; H. W. Martin, To—
ronto; W. E. Steacy,, Gananoque, E.
business. Our business
F. Mills, wife and two children, Ann
increases every month
Arbor, Well ; Mrs. M. C. Chesney,
and there must be some
Miss M. Lawson and Geo. Chesney,
Seeforth; Mrs. and Mies Lockie Dunn-
t` .p
reason for it.
villa; Mise Miller, Stratford; Miseq•.;
Hanna, St. Marys ; Miss Grace Major,
If you want the hest
Mica Bateman, Detroit ; H. P. Knight,
,. �(;
come to us and we can
E. W. Moles, Mitchell; A. E. Faust,
Satisfy you.
S. S. MoClay, Dr. Campbell, Zurich ;
G. W. Holman, Seaforth; G. B. Smith,
Toronto; G. F. and M. B. Smith, To-
ronto; N. Mello owns, B. Karr.
Leslie, R. A, Dawns, G, W. Haaxbyy,,
M. J. Dowzer, J. McGuire. M. Ford,
R. G. Hillen, S. E. Kitt, J, T. Hanlon,
Noted Shoe Dealers,
T. J. Wheatley, Clinton; Chas.
Wheeler and wife London,