The Huron News-Record, 1897-08-04, Page 3• ��u�x>zg. DIREOMY . T I USUNS III1 incorporated by Act of Parliament 1865. f1UITAL, - $2,000,000 !;EST, - - $1,400,000 ttead O#13oe. MONTREAL. WM MOLSON, MACPHEASON, President. W $. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold. •' I,NTsamsT ALLowan os DEP091Ts SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. FgZ��211R�I_ Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or mor, endorsers. No mortgage re• quited as security. H, 0. BREWER, Manager, December, 1895. OLINTON. ' m G.. McTaggart BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A -GENE,RAL BANKING BUSINESS f TRANSAO'TBID. r Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued, ` Interest Allowed on Deposits. k Clinton, June flth, 1891 658y DR. W. GUNK, R. C. P. snd L. R.C. S., Edinburgh. Office - Ontario street Clinton. Night calls at front door of residence on R&ttenbury street, opposite Presbyter - Ian church. i DR. TURNBULL. ta! _- J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; 0.M., Victoria Univ. M. C, , P. & S. Out, ; t 'low of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late )f - London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Otlice:- f Dr. Dowsley's stand, Hattenhury St. Night calls a answeredat Office. DR. SHAW. y Office -Ontario street opposite English ? t, hurch, formerly occupica by Dr. Appleton. Jas. S. Freeborn. -Td-'D . L. K. & Q 0. P., I„ M. C P. & S. 0.,&C., &c, hyslcian Graduate of Ring's & Queen's College of Pe, Dublin, Ireland, Licentiate of the General Medical Council, Great Britain. Member of College of rhydolass and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly rest• r, dente the Rotunda Hospital (Lyingin and Gyno,• ;oologlca% Dublin. Special attention to diseases of womenandehildren. Office and residence,ftattenbury y St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 17 829-1y N. W. WOODS t5 i L. R. C. P. I.• L. M. R. C. P. I.; L. M. Rotunda, Dul:d I C. S. England; M. C. P. and S.• Ont+ o. n Cosnitatlais and residence at the Queen's Hotel, Bayflold. Kq-y Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. QFFICE-Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- ,! servattion'of natural teeth. N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday, and i Bayftebd every Thursday afternoon during the summer. Dr. Agnew, DENTIST. ` Office hours - 9 to 5 At Zurich the second Thurs- day of each month. Val. €' J. SCOTT, r Barrister, circ,, ELLiOTT'8 BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan, <' E. CAMPION, Q- 0, y BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR., NOTARY r ye�p c•t Goderich, - Ont. Offioo-Over D avis' Drug Store. Money to loan. r M- 0- JOHNSTON, ° BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., GGoderich, - - - Out. Office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ste. ' W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, cgc., VFFICH BEAVER BLOOK • - CLINTON. 17-tf lRouto to Sinai. JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC. Fire Insurance. Real Estate. Money to lend. Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON. Oantelon Bros, j' OHNLRAL GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Grock"y, -Glass! & CI naware ALBERT'ST•, CLINTON. ONT. ,nighest Cash Price for Rutter and Eggs 52•ly Wanted, Men and Women who can work hard talking and writing six hours daily, for sixdays a week, and will be content with ton dollars weekly. Addross, NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont. Orange. L. 0. L. No. 7,10, C7LINWONs Meats saoonD Monday ok avery month. Hall 2nd net. MoHay block. VIelting brethren always made welcome. J. P. SHEP)PARD, W. M. P.'CANTELON.JR.Bec. THOS. BEAOOM, D. M. a�aui,c. CLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. meets �/ Qvery Friday, on or after the moon. Visit In X.`U' oa cordlallV invited A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, Sae. Clinton, Dec. 6, 1896, H. 0. T. M. Kearns Tent No. 60, Knights of the Maccabees of the World. $1,000,$2,000 and $8,000 Policies. Mem. berehip over 100,000. Assessment prinolple-hue nover exceeded 12 assessments in a year. Cheapest and safest in existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Clin- ton, Scat and thlyd Friday of every, month. COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clinton. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities. OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbe. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Oats, D. COOK. CLINTON". 762 -ti PRODUCE: EXCHANGE HILL & JOYNER, Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Tests it specialty. Headquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. We carry the largest Stock and the largest variety of Seeds. All Goods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash. We payin GCash for Eggs. Any kind of rain taken exchange for oods, same as Cash. HILL & JOYNER. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought out the above business, we intend to Conduct it on the cash principle, cud will supply our onetomers with the beet meats at the lowest pay ng prices. F RD &MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTED. Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 1798•tf. J. E. BLAOKALL, Veterinaty Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector. Office on Isaac street next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. lege, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered. Residence-Rattenbary Street, West, Clinton Ont. Geo, Trow' MH, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and first Claes material and work guaranteed; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. TO THE FARMERS. Study your own Interest and go where you can get Reliable 04 Harness. I manufacture none but the BAST OP STOOK. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to lime. a Gall and get prices. Orders by mail promply attended to J•OH-N $7EY,L., HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYT11, ONT GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON. Proprietor. WATTS & CO., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Olinton. PUMPS! PUMPS! If you want a first -clasp, well -made pump, one the will give you satisfaction, send your order to th undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it it the closest prices. He also handles it first -clan FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON epposit Queen's Hotel - High Street Clinton. 809-tf Brand Trunk Railway. OFFICIAL TIME TABLE. Buffalo and Goderich District: - Going West, Mixed , , , i .......... . ... 1015 a. In. Express ................. 1.03 p, in. Mixed.. , ... 7.06 P. M. , " Express ... .......... . • 10,27 p. m. Going least, Express . . . . . ........ . . . . 7.40 a. in. .. Mixed..' 255 p. m. 4.3,5 P. in. London, Huron and Bruce: - Going South, Express .. . ............. 7.47 a. m. 4.30 p, in Going Nortli, 10.15 n. In 6.55 P. to M. C. DressoN,l Dis. Pass. Agent, Toronto. W. E. DAvfs, G. P. & T. A. Montreal. A. O. PATTISON, G. T. R. Town The McGlao Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. George watt, Pre■idont, Harlook P. 0.; James roa Bdroot, Vice•Pros., Seaforth P. O.; W. J. Shan, con, Sooy. 'Press., Seaforth P. O.; Michael Mardis ioepector of losses, Senforth P. O. niRxOTORS. James Broadtoot. Seaforth; Mlcbael Murdie,Sea• orth; George Dale, Beaforth; George Watt, Harlook Chomss E. Hays,80aforth; Alex Gardiner, Leadbury Phomas Garbutt, Olinton; John McLean, Kippen. Ao■NTs. Thomas Nellane, Harlook; Robert MoMillan, See• orth and Jamea Cummings, Egmondville. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans - at other business will be promptly attend - d to on application to any of the above officers ad• ressed to their respective post offices, OTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re- ard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood hat If any person takes possession of any kind f wreckage and tails to report to me I shall at nee take proceedings. Remember this is the est warning Ishall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. receiver of Wrecho, Goderich, Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. 'OR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNKS BAKINCa POWDER f HE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA* J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &C. 'HE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Ipposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont NNI, N. WALKER, -the reliable - UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MAKER, SEAFORTH,ONT. Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered, :ar ets sewed and 1 is i p aid , also cleaned and re dvated at reasonable prices. M -Orders left at. BROADFOOT & BOX'S tore, Clinton or Seaforth, will be promptly at ended to. McLeod's System Renovator AND OTHER - Tested Remedies. %WCIFIC AND ANTIDOTE or Impure Weak and Imppoverished Blood, )yspepsia, §sleeplessness, Palpatatign of the Iesrt, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Lose of Remory,Bronchitis, Consumption Gall Stones, 7. S' Kidney, and Urinary biseahes, St. Titus' Dance, Femalo Iri-egularities and Gen- eral Debility. LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold in Clinton by H. COMBE, and ALLAY & WILSON. Wanted. Men and women who can work hard talking ,nd writing six hours daily, for six dayys a veek, and will be content with ton dollare veekly. Address, NEW IDEAS CO., Medical - f Building. Toronto, Ont. Town Property for Sale. For Sale, in the town of Clinton, lot No. 319, ituate on James street. There is on the lot a ne storey frame house containing large front oom, two bedrooms and kitchen, also cellar. he house is in a good state of repair and is ewly sided and painted. There is excellent aid water. The land is well adapted for ardening purposes. Price reasonable. Apply o the owner on the promises, 4t MRS. HUDIE. NANTED. I Can pay ten dollars we to a lady of mature aqe, re&c- cent and tact to spend her time in a good ause. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Ont. IIiller's Omnibus Line, Goderich, Ont. When in Goderich do not neglectto secure diller's Onmibus to all parts of the town. Our ,very is well equipped with reliable horses and ood rigs, and prices will always be found rea- onable. Stables on East Street, near the 'quare -telephone No. 51. JONATHAN MILLER, Goterich. FOR SALE. BLACK'S HOTEL, DUNGANNON. Proper - y, Furniture and License. In good repair. going good business. Possession at once. ipply to MRS. SARAH BLACK, Dungannon. 9684t - VANTED. TEACHERS and other bright men for vacation or permanent - 7, to solicit for "Canada: An Encyclopedia of he Country," in five royal quarto volumes, ro deliveringg. Commission paid weekly. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, Toronto, Ont. Property for Sale For sale, on Princess street, Clinton, a one ;orey frame building containing three bed- wms, front room, kitchen,ppantry, &c•- over uarter acre lot, bearing orehard, principally him trees; good hard water; also small stable, ood hen house. Price and terme reasonable. or particulars apply to PHELix HANLON, oderlch P. 0. AGENTS. Second edition "Queen Victoria" exhausted abilee Edition on press. Best history of the aeon and Victorian Erapublished. The only anadian work acceptett by HerMajesty. ales unprecedented-knoek the bottom out of Il records. Canvassers scooping in mon,yy. ven boys and girls sell it fast. Dig commie - on or at -might weekly salary after trial trip. TIIE BRADLBY•GARRET60N Co., LIYITSD. Toronto, Ont, a Liver Ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, conatt, pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's Pills, They do their work .Hood's vastly and thoroughly. Pi I ' Best after dinner pills. 25 cents. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masa. The only Pill to take with Hood'a Sarsaparllla. To The Farmer. The Grit party promised you recip- rocity with the United States. The Grits have been promising you recip- rocity for twenty years, They have said to y;uu, "Farmers you were pros- perous When`we had a reciprocity treaty with the United Staos ; we will make you prosperous again by making another reciprocity treaty with the United States. The Tories cannot give you this inestimable boon; we can and lye will. Put us in power and you will have reciprocity and prosperity." Some of you were deluded by these statements, and voted for Grit candi- datear to procure reciprocity. When the Laurier party was given charge of the government you feltcluitesure that increased prosperity was knocking at your door,. and that all that was necess- ary was for the government to send a commission to Washington to nego- tiate it, treaty of recipr'ocitq, and the thing would be, speedily. done. You were told that the National Policy in- jured you, and that your only sAlva- tion wits to give the Grits a chance to get reciprocity for you. What has been the result? How have the promises been kept! The National Policy, so far as you are con- cerned, remainv almost unaltered, and where is the long -promised, much - promised, reciprocity ? Instead of reciprocity Uncle Sam has given you a highgr tariff. Here below see the old duty on the articles you produce and the present duty,on the same: Cattle were 20 per cent under the Wilson tariff, which was in force when Litur•ier took the Canadian helm. They are now 27j per cent under the Ding- ley act, which is now law. Hogs were 20 per cent; now $1.50 per bead. Horses were 20 per cent; now 25 per cent or $30 a head. Sheep were 20 per cent, and are now $1.55 per head. , - Lambs were 20 per cent, and are now 75 cents per head. Barley was 39 per cent, and is now 30 cents a bushel. Buckwheat was 20 per cent, and is now l5cents a bushel. Oats were 20 per cent, and are now 15 cents a bushel. Rye was 20 per cent, and is now 10 cents a bushel. Wheat was 20 per cent, and is now 25 per cent. Flour was 20 per cent, and is now 25 per cent, Butter was 4 cents a pound, and is 1 now 6 I Milk was free, and is now 2 cents a gallon. Beans were 20 per cent, and etre now 45 cents a bushel. Eggs were 3 cents it dozen, and are now. Hay was $2 a ton, and is now $4. Honey was 10 cents a gallon, and is now 20 cents. Hops were S cents a pound, and are now 12. Onions were 20 cents a bushel, and are now 40. Potatoes were 15 cents a bushel, and are now 25. Straw was 15 per cent, and is now $1.50 a ton. Veggetables were 10 per cent, and are now •1,5 per cent. Apples were 20 per cent, and are now 25 cents a bushel. reaches, plums and pears were free, and are now 25 cents a bushel. Berries were free, and etre now 1 cent a quart. Grapes were 20 per cent, and are now 20 cents per cubic foot. Bacon and hams were 20 per cent; - and are now 5 cents a pound. Fresh beef, veal, mutton and pork were 20 per cent, and are now 2 cents a pound. Lard was 1 cent, a pound, and is now 2. Live poultry was 2 cents a pound, and is now 3. Dead poultry was 3 cents a pound, and is now 5. e Tallow was free, and is now j cent per pound. Wool was free, and now 11 to 12 cents a pound. Hides were free, and is now 20 per cent. Flax was free, and is now $2 a ton. Lumber was free, and is now $2 a thousand. Paving posts, ties and telegraph poles were free and are now 20 per cent. Fence posts were free and are now 10 per cent. What do we think of that sort of reciprocity? You were told that un- der the Wilson net you were groaning and sweating, and that it was utterly impossible for you to get along. And the result of the Grit promises for your relief is that the American duties un- der the Wilson act have been more than doubled 1 Instead of the fulfll- ment of the Grit promises to secure reciprocity for you, you have -if the Grit theory be correct -been plunged much further into the mire of poverty and helplessness. The Grit party stands before you to- day, with every promise it made brok- en; with a tremendous increase in the American tariff instead of the free trade with the United States it prom- ised you, utterly discredited; utterly unable to make good anyportion, how- ever small, of its lavish campaign promises. How do you like it, gentle farmer, who has voted Grit to secure reciprocity? And what are you going to do about it? Jessie Gordon, the eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Munn of Hay died last SaturdaeveninK from appendicitis. The littley girl was ill just a, couple of days previous to her death, Poultry News. SOME NOTES OF INTEREST. HOW TO BEGIN POULTRY KEEPING. If an inexperienced person should he- the poultry business on It large reale bygoing out into the country end buyinng five hundred or one thoas- tnd hes, he would probably make it failure, of his venture says the imerican Poultry Advocate, be- muse he would incur the risk )f bringing lice and disease on his 'arm and would also accept a great navy nondescript fowls which would )rove worthless. One should not ex- )ect to begin in a day, not, should any notit be expected the first year. The )eginner should select fifty healthy, Lardy hens, procured from some reli- tble source, and which arst pure-bred )r well -bread stocK. Iie should Ise only pure-bred mails of the )red he prefers. Use the eggs or hatching from the best hens, Ind endeavor to hatch the pullets not ater than April. If five hunrired pul- ets are hatched and raised, it will be a arge number, but the real result will )enearer three hundred pullets, Save ;hew and increase the number next dear. Always breed from the kind of )ens you desire, and never buy one. :t is the first three years that must be net, but after that time the.work will )e easier, the difficulties fewer and the )rofits larger. NEARLY $2.00 PROFIT PER HEN. Mr. Gilbert, at the meeting of the Dominittee on Agriculture, Ottawa, ;ave details of an experiment with 50 lens ordered by the committee last ,rear. The fifty bene laid 4,773 eggs luring the yeat, the bulk of this pro- luct having been got during the win- ,er, when prices were high, and stock 'ailed when the price of eggs was low. +orty-one settings of eggs were sold 'or hatching. The total revenue made )y the fifty hens in the year was $133,- :3, and cost for feed $40,213, leaving a )rofit of $93.17, or nearly two dollars )er head. Mr. Gilbert handled the :ggs so as to get the highest possible )rice for thern. He showed how it armer by taking advantage of the nigh price markets and raising a sup- :riorquality of inarket poultry ought to nake his hens pay him one dollar to one lollar and a half profit. His evidence vas of a great importance to the farm- ws. The best fowls for a farmer, Mr. xilbert thought, were thoroughbreds; f he can riot get them, first crosses. In its evidence, Mr. Gilbert showed that eleven hens of the Plymouth Rock and forking cross laid as many eggs during ,he year its the same number of silver -laced Wyandottes. THE HEN FLEA. The. fleas (Pulicidie) which are true nsects, belong to the order of flies Diptera). They live upon the blood of mimals. One species only lives upon she fowl, namely, the bird fleet (Pulex rallinae or avium), which attacks also nost other birds. The hen flea, as it is ;enera•lly called, is abundant in dirty 'owl runs, and especially in the nests vhere straw is used. The adult fled, is lark in color, and, as in all fleas, is de- void of wings. The fleas are provided Kith very sharp piercing nlouthb, their `Cod consisting almost entirely of )lood. They are not often seen on the 'owls, hence little notice is taken of ;hem. They are what are termed -partial pgrasites"-parasites that only ;o to their hosts to feed. The fleas are lot noticed in the birds because they Cener•ally attack them at night; then, lowever, they do much harm, causing :onstant irritation and loss of blood, Ind depriving them of rest. To suppress these pests, the houses Ihould be cleaned down at least twice Uyear with a wash made of tot lime, pher and soft snap, the ceilings, walls and nests having a good coating. Che wash should belairly liquid, so its o run into every crack and crevice. Che perches are hest treated with boil - ng water and soft soap, or with an 'mullion of kerosene or crewote. Chis latter insecticide is moot benefl- nal, especially in regards to mites. Dust baths are the natural remedy 'or lice and mites, and fowls should lever he kept without them. Sand nixed with a small quantity of creo- lite will generally keep the birds froin lermin. Finally divided gypsum, nixed with at small quatntity of paraf- in or carbolic, is still more successful 'or these dust baths, quickly getting id of any lingering pests that the )irds cannot reach -Fred V. Theobald. CAUSE OF CROOKED BREASTS. There is a great loss to farmers every rear in Ontario resulting from selling owl on the market with crooked beasts. The fowl in all ether respects s fly fit -class, but the buyer at once vants a discount of from 10 to 50 per ent. on account of the crooked breast, 'he fault would be much decreased, no loubt, if the cause and remedy was mown. The cause and also the re- nedy is found mostly in the roosts ad shelter provided. Poles and narrow perches are not citable for the large breeds to roost n when growing, as they grow fast nd their bones are soft until nearly Matured. The young birds will natur- lly press their breast against the per - hes, and that causes the breast bone D become crooked. Young growing hicks should test at night on a bed of Craw, hay or chaff. Some writers be - leve that crooked breast bone becomes o fixed that it is transmitted from the )wls to chicks. It is my opinion hat most cases of crooked breast bones i caused by bad perches and allowing large number to crowd together in mall boxes. -P. Greer. Souris, Man., Sept. 21, 1896. lessrs. Edmanson, Bates & Co. DEAR SIRS, -I fl nd your goods taking )markably well with my customers nd they appear to give every satisfac- on, its indicated,y the fact of our aving sold one-half gross of your hase'a Kidney -Liver Pills alone dur- ig the month of August. S. S. SMITH, Souris, Man. Scotts Emulsion Of Cod- liver Oil with Hyp.,phos- phites bring, back the ruddy glow of life to pale cheeks, the lips become red, the ears lose their transparency, the step is quick and elastic, work is no longer a burden, exer-' cise is not followed by ex- haustion; and it does this be-, cause it furnishes the body with a needed food and changes diseased action to healthy. With a better cir- culation and improved nu- trition, the rest follow. for sale at 5o cents and Si.00 by all druggists, SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Ont. - A PERFECT TEA MONSOON THE FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CU!! IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian Teas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up in jS lb., r Ib, and 5 Ib. packages, and never sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to • STEEL, HAYTER & 00. o 11 and 13 Front Street East, Torontat• Iso YEARrsCERIE .EXPNE TRADE MARK% DESICNS, COPYRIGHTS den. Anyone Bending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whetheean invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of any selentifiejournal, weekly, terms $3.110ayyear; 661.50 six months. Specimen copies and , A-V D BOOK ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 301 Broad -away, New York. NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN ,.ei�. Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG or MIDDLE.AGED MEN -You may have. been the victim of Self Lbnso when young, Later Excosee■ or exposure to blood diseases may have completed the work. You feel the symptoms steal rur over on: You dread the future regalia. If" yen are not a man mentally and es, 1 , Why not be cured in time and avoid I ■ad ezperience, of other wrecks of Our ur NEW METHOD TRB.� WILL CUBIC YOU AFTER ALL IN Alla Emlasions, Varicocele and . Syphilis Cured W. M. MILLss W. M. VMLER IF C - E Before Treatment After Treatment "At the age of 151 oommAnced to rnia In y health. Later on as, "UNE OF T1rH, BOYS" I contracted aserious blood disease -SYPHILIS. 1 was weak and nervous, despondent, imples, sunken eyes, bone pains, ulcers, hair loose, sore tongue and mouthdrains in urine, varicocelel-1 was a wreck. I was in the last stages when a friend recommended Dre. Kennedy & Kergan. A dozen other doctors had failed in oaring me. Drs. Kennedy & Kergan oared me in a few weeks by their New Method Treatment. I would warn similar diseased men to bewardrof Medical Frande. They are reliable honest and skillful physicians," W. M. MILLER. CONSULTATION FREE. We treat and care Varlco- c e 1 e. fly 1118, Ernleslons. (y)leet, Rtrleture. Nervous II. - j 1fliity. Unnatural r Discha,res, Kidney and Sladder u 1 s- enaee. 17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED Koare, PIo Pay. Write for IvQQneafion S1an1E for Home reatment. g H o o 1k s Free. consultation Free. DRs.11111NEDYAt KEROM e No. 1.48 Shelby St. DETROIT, - - MICH. An oil well has been sunk in Gaspe which has produced 5,760 barrels a day. It is said that the contract for carry- ing the mail daily between Seaforth, Constance and Harlock, has been let to Mr. William McIntosh, of Constance. His contract commences, we are in- formed, on the first of August. After that gate, Constance and Harlock, will, therefore, have a daily mail service. This, also will remove from the road the familiar figure of Mr. Thomas Neil- ans, who, ever since 1872, has faith- fully served Her Majesty as mail car- rier between Seaforth and Harlock. For twenty-six years, rain or shine, cold or warm, through snowdrifts and through mud, Mr. Neilans has faith- fully discharged his duties, and has passed over the road three times each week, and can now retire with honor, although it will be hard for him to re. sign the charge into the hands of an- other person. Mr. Neilans also ten. dered for this dully contract, but al- though his flgnres were low, Mr. McIn- tosh' must have been lower. u ..�•/..�M.-.h...w-...:. _.r...a..,.....r...a YM..,.-Y_T ._.-r...[ W. �_ � . ..J_6.w� .. '... � r� .._a.�..,.-,.. _. .._4�. , u , ■ 11111111111011 , a■ 1 Poultry News. SOME NOTES OF INTEREST. HOW TO BEGIN POULTRY KEEPING. If an inexperienced person should he- the poultry business on It large reale bygoing out into the country end buyinng five hundred or one thoas- tnd hes, he would probably make it failure, of his venture says the imerican Poultry Advocate, be- muse he would incur the risk )f bringing lice and disease on his 'arm and would also accept a great navy nondescript fowls which would )rove worthless. One should not ex- )ect to begin in a day, not, should any notit be expected the first year. The )eginner should select fifty healthy, Lardy hens, procured from some reli- tble source, and which arst pure-bred )r well -bread stocK. Iie should Ise only pure-bred mails of the )red he prefers. Use the eggs or hatching from the best hens, Ind endeavor to hatch the pullets not ater than April. If five hunrired pul- ets are hatched and raised, it will be a arge number, but the real result will )enearer three hundred pullets, Save ;hew and increase the number next dear. Always breed from the kind of )ens you desire, and never buy one. :t is the first three years that must be net, but after that time the.work will )e easier, the difficulties fewer and the )rofits larger. NEARLY $2.00 PROFIT PER HEN. Mr. Gilbert, at the meeting of the Dominittee on Agriculture, Ottawa, ;ave details of an experiment with 50 lens ordered by the committee last ,rear. The fifty bene laid 4,773 eggs luring the yeat, the bulk of this pro- luct having been got during the win- ,er, when prices were high, and stock 'ailed when the price of eggs was low. +orty-one settings of eggs were sold 'or hatching. The total revenue made )y the fifty hens in the year was $133,- :3, and cost for feed $40,213, leaving a )rofit of $93.17, or nearly two dollars )er head. Mr. Gilbert handled the :ggs so as to get the highest possible )rice for thern. He showed how it armer by taking advantage of the nigh price markets and raising a sup- :riorquality of inarket poultry ought to nake his hens pay him one dollar to one lollar and a half profit. His evidence vas of a great importance to the farm- ws. The best fowls for a farmer, Mr. xilbert thought, were thoroughbreds; f he can riot get them, first crosses. In its evidence, Mr. Gilbert showed that eleven hens of the Plymouth Rock and forking cross laid as many eggs during ,he year its the same number of silver -laced Wyandottes. THE HEN FLEA. The. fleas (Pulicidie) which are true nsects, belong to the order of flies Diptera). They live upon the blood of mimals. One species only lives upon she fowl, namely, the bird fleet (Pulex rallinae or avium), which attacks also nost other birds. The hen flea, as it is ;enera•lly called, is abundant in dirty 'owl runs, and especially in the nests vhere straw is used. The adult fled, is lark in color, and, as in all fleas, is de- void of wings. The fleas are provided Kith very sharp piercing nlouthb, their `Cod consisting almost entirely of )lood. They are not often seen on the 'owls, hence little notice is taken of ;hem. They are what are termed -partial pgrasites"-parasites that only ;o to their hosts to feed. The fleas are lot noticed in the birds because they Cener•ally attack them at night; then, lowever, they do much harm, causing :onstant irritation and loss of blood, Ind depriving them of rest. To suppress these pests, the houses Ihould be cleaned down at least twice Uyear with a wash made of tot lime, pher and soft snap, the ceilings, walls and nests having a good coating. Che wash should belairly liquid, so its o run into every crack and crevice. Che perches are hest treated with boil - ng water and soft soap, or with an 'mullion of kerosene or crewote. Chis latter insecticide is moot benefl- nal, especially in regards to mites. Dust baths are the natural remedy 'or lice and mites, and fowls should lever he kept without them. Sand nixed with a small quantity of creo- lite will generally keep the birds froin lermin. Finally divided gypsum, nixed with at small quatntity of paraf- in or carbolic, is still more successful 'or these dust baths, quickly getting id of any lingering pests that the )irds cannot reach -Fred V. Theobald. CAUSE OF CROOKED BREASTS. There is a great loss to farmers every rear in Ontario resulting from selling owl on the market with crooked beasts. The fowl in all ether respects s fly fit -class, but the buyer at once vants a discount of from 10 to 50 per ent. on account of the crooked breast, 'he fault would be much decreased, no loubt, if the cause and remedy was mown. The cause and also the re- nedy is found mostly in the roosts ad shelter provided. Poles and narrow perches are not citable for the large breeds to roost n when growing, as they grow fast nd their bones are soft until nearly Matured. The young birds will natur- lly press their breast against the per - hes, and that causes the breast bone D become crooked. Young growing hicks should test at night on a bed of Craw, hay or chaff. Some writers be - leve that crooked breast bone becomes o fixed that it is transmitted from the )wls to chicks. It is my opinion hat most cases of crooked breast bones i caused by bad perches and allowing large number to crowd together in mall boxes. -P. Greer. Souris, Man., Sept. 21, 1896. lessrs. Edmanson, Bates & Co. DEAR SIRS, -I fl nd your goods taking )markably well with my customers nd they appear to give every satisfac- on, its indicated,y the fact of our aving sold one-half gross of your hase'a Kidney -Liver Pills alone dur- ig the month of August. S. S. SMITH, Souris, Man. Scotts Emulsion Of Cod- liver Oil with Hyp.,phos- phites bring, back the ruddy glow of life to pale cheeks, the lips become red, the ears lose their transparency, the step is quick and elastic, work is no longer a burden, exer-' cise is not followed by ex- haustion; and it does this be-, cause it furnishes the body with a needed food and changes diseased action to healthy. With a better cir- culation and improved nu- trition, the rest follow. for sale at 5o cents and Si.00 by all druggists, SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Ont. - A PERFECT TEA MONSOON THE FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CU!! IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian Teas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up in jS lb., r Ib, and 5 Ib. packages, and never sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to • STEEL, HAYTER & 00. o 11 and 13 Front Street East, Torontat• Iso YEARrsCERIE .EXPNE TRADE MARK% DESICNS, COPYRIGHTS den. Anyone Bending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whetheean invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of any selentifiejournal, weekly, terms $3.110ayyear; 661.50 six months. Specimen copies and , A-V D BOOK ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 301 Broad -away, New York. NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN ,.ei�. Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG or MIDDLE.AGED MEN -You may have. been the victim of Self Lbnso when young, Later Excosee■ or exposure to blood diseases may have completed the work. You feel the symptoms steal rur over on: You dread the future regalia. If" yen are not a man mentally and es, 1 , Why not be cured in time and avoid I ■ad ezperience, of other wrecks of Our ur NEW METHOD TRB.� WILL CUBIC YOU AFTER ALL IN Alla Emlasions, Varicocele and . Syphilis Cured W. M. MILLss W. M. VMLER IF C - E Before Treatment After Treatment "At the age of 151 oommAnced to rnia In y health. Later on as, "UNE OF T1rH, BOYS" I contracted aserious blood disease -SYPHILIS. 1 was weak and nervous, despondent, imples, sunken eyes, bone pains, ulcers, hair loose, sore tongue and mouthdrains in urine, varicocelel-1 was a wreck. I was in the last stages when a friend recommended Dre. Kennedy & Kergan. A dozen other doctors had failed in oaring me. Drs. Kennedy & Kergan oared me in a few weeks by their New Method Treatment. I would warn similar diseased men to bewardrof Medical Frande. They are reliable honest and skillful physicians," W. M. MILLER. CONSULTATION FREE. We treat and care Varlco- c e 1 e. fly 1118, Ernleslons. (y)leet, Rtrleture. Nervous II. - j 1fliity. Unnatural r Discha,res, Kidney and Sladder u 1 s- enaee. 17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED Koare, PIo Pay. Write for IvQQneafion S1an1E for Home reatment. g H o o 1k s Free. consultation Free. DRs.11111NEDYAt KEROM e No. 1.48 Shelby St. DETROIT, - - MICH. An oil well has been sunk in Gaspe which has produced 5,760 barrels a day. It is said that the contract for carry- ing the mail daily between Seaforth, Constance and Harlock, has been let to Mr. William McIntosh, of Constance. His contract commences, we are in- formed, on the first of August. After that gate, Constance and Harlock, will, therefore, have a daily mail service. This, also will remove from the road the familiar figure of Mr. Thomas Neil- ans, who, ever since 1872, has faith- fully served Her Majesty as mail car- rier between Seaforth and Harlock. For twenty-six years, rain or shine, cold or warm, through snowdrifts and through mud, Mr. Neilans has faith- fully discharged his duties, and has passed over the road three times each week, and can now retire with honor, although it will be hard for him to re. sign the charge into the hands of an- other person. Mr. Neilans also ten. dered for this dully contract, but al- though his flgnres were low, Mr. McIn- tosh' must have been lower. u ..�•/..�M.-.h...w-...:. _.r...a..,.....r...a YM..,.-Y_T ._.-r...[ W. �_ � . ..J_6.w� .. '... � r� .._a.�..,.-,.. _. .._4�. , u , ■ 11111111111011 , a■