HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-07-28, Page 5Your Fruit Won't Keepo s e Dainty Unless syo�ul Jar Rubbers are Woman's good. You will avoid worry Woman's and disappointment by get- ting newones. Our price fur Toilet • • • • thew is but Joe at dozen. May be beautiful in its si i ppBeity, but it is really wond CheapCheapness I ftrl hate itis owe, ye if up ness a piece of Jewelry --if it is good taste. The sparkle u is never a guarantee of value, p[ecious stone, the shine o True value and quality go bracelet, the rich yellow u hand in hand --especially is gold chain against a crem this true in drugs. Thequal- I neck, all these seem to bri ity rules the price. We pre- , the beauty of the wearer it for to have you think of our i strong relief. All of them Drugs its pure and good here in this store. drugs rather than its cheap drugs, Wheu you waist 11, Our Repairing drug We want you to feel p that front us you will get it, Department pure, but we also want you to feel that you tare sure of getting it At as low a price Is under otic• own perso as the best quality can be supclrv(s(on and all trepans sold for. W e do sell the best trusted to our care, front (]rugs tit low prices, therefore smallest to the largest job, we afiirill without hesitation be returned with our gu *hat if you pay less than we antee. charge, you get less. With confidence do we also offer you ,your money back if not satisfied." •0.004•• P• B• cpews Allen Wilson, Jeweller and Graduate Expert Watch Druggists and Opticians, Repaire CLINTON,----- FALiL TERM SEPT. 1 • � 4 c' Qnick ,,00 STRATFORD, ONT. A live, go -a -head schonl that thoroughly a o pare, young inert and woolen for business I Attondauco this year double that of la t y a`. Only one kind of business edurnlion giver Stop! �,t our ,rodent, and titat "the best:• Write circulars, I'1,'. J. ELLIOTT. Princi AND LOOK AT OUR (� p� Property for Sale 10c Blouse L. a S- For sale, on P�incess street, Clinton, a storey frame building containing three We have ust received another lot of rooms, front room kitchen, pantry, Ras•; o j , quarter acre lot, {tearing orchard, princip therm. Having' sold over 100 pairs, plum trees; good hard water; also small sta which cleaned its out, but managed to good hen house. Price and terms ren»ono secure another lot which we will sell Gor particulars apply to Pii1;LI HALAL at 10 Cents the set, and are doubtful Goderich P. O. - if they can be duplicated at this price. Night Watchman Wanted. Come and get a set before they are all one. They won't last long. Out- 25c >� , Wanted, a Night Watchman for the T line wbn t last long. of Clinton. Duties to commence 1st of A Hours from 11 p. m. to 6 a• m. Other part Engraving tars may be obtained from the Clerk. So Ljii r avis applicati ons will be received up to four o'el ((��'' On WEDNESDAY, July 281,41, addressed to i� • W, COATS, Town Cler We do Engraving in lite Avery neatest and latest style, W . JACKSON, Age .T do it while you wait. _ Northwest Transportation Co. • a 6/S Jeweler, Clinton. f I Will (,`r. bcd• To tiled tit S. to can- who ti _ Through tickets to all points in S S 17, H S E -Maggie Barkley 521. _ - f1tAd1'I'CA15A and DAI OYAL. 451 587 COLBORNE. .m-- At lowest rat Frank Saunders ................. . . 45'2 For all information apply to above. AcvIDFNT.-The other clay its four' .. - ]Entrance and P. S. L. EXitm. Johnston 588, Garnet Sallows 440. Steamer Cambria and Carmona The following is the list of the c ;.. Leave Goderich every WEDN6;SDAY didates passed by the Board of Lx: ' and SATURDAY mor•nirlg for the Son, iners for West Boron, together w -t. If you are contemplating Laking a boat the narks obtained by each. No c S S No 2, H S Ls'-Securd Hurt 447, trip on Lake Huron, Lake Eric, Lake didates were passed who herd not i Superior or Lake Ontario consult with twined One half of the total, viz., 422 ` A. T. �:i�®PSR f entrance and 612 for P. S. Leaving', A few who had inure than the t BOWED DOICN IvITH RUF.UMATISM AND Ticket and Steam ihip Agent, Clinton' but ha(] frilled in 1,L subject were, in c Vanstoine 410, Ada 430. - -� - sideration of age or other circutnst t,{ For Sale—Bargain, errs, tL11010P.d LO paws. Cards giving Olive Turner . ..................... 505 marks have been sent out, Any rrI e r- Bay horse, 4 years old, well bred, good size, didiLte for Public School Leavir. g S S No 3, H 8 E --•Grace Hamilton strong, speed es:pccted. WIiI take pony 14-1 has not already passed the Entra been a resident of Curnherland' Co. sore years. I have been a great sof- hands part payment, to mate a bat pinny, E. N. LEWIS, Go mich. hart who has obt,uned one-fourtli of Montague Colborne ............... .'4'27 472 inarks in each subject will, if devil ' Voters' List, 2897. be furnished with an Entrance cei Cate on application to Inspector T S S No 4, It S E -Harvey Malloy 161. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN- The highest marks obtained in c 448 SHIP OF GODERICH, subject were as follows: Franklin Matt et• . . ................ HURON CO. S S No 0, Ii $ E -Nellie Tobin 475, •}° Notice is hereby given that t I have transmit. ted or delivered -to the persons mentioned in Reading -Olive Treble . ........... . Drawing Book-F.mily Viles, Mona GUDERICH TOWNSHIP. sections 5 and 6 of the voters' Lists Acts, thu Weatherald, Orville Godwin..., 437 441 coppies required by said sections to be so trans• deiivero I of the list made pursuant Drawing Paper -Russel Prayne, ..................... Annie Andrews miffed or to said Act of all porsons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roil of the s•tid utunicipal- Ernest Robertson .... ... • Writing Book, -Orville CTndWin.... left my back and limbs, so that I was enabled to walk out of doors. Before half dozen sty, to be entitled to veto in the said muniaip- Writing Paper—Lily Willson, (sofa 4'72. 8 8 No 2, 11 8 H- -Lillie Prouse 529, allty at elections for momhers of the 1,oglsla• five Assembly and at Muni"Ipnl Elections, and Church.. , , ..................... Orthography --A good many had 1;•., that said list was first posted u t in my ofiiee, at Goderich Township on the 1. h day of July, full marks .......... ... ...... , . Edward,. Idti. Grierson . . . . ... . . .... . . ........ 1897, and remains their for inspection. Literature --•Frank .... have Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to thank Pclootorsare callod upon to examine the said Arithtnetic—Lily Willson, Russel S S No 6, H S E-Ma=g(e Mellwa,in Jaynes List andif any omissions orally other errors aro Pound therein, to take immedfatc prooeul- Fra ne, Harry Walker... ..... , y , Grammar —Montague Colborne. presents a striking one, its he now p stout well built figure, straight in 'a (ng9t,6 have said errors corrected according to Mabel Whiteman. .......... 1°Jrtlily Sheppard ................... laved-;, ~ NIXON STURDY. , Geography --Tena Johnston. Reynolds.... nal Clerk of Goderich Township. Coin pusiLion—Claire 5 S No 3, II S E -Fuel n Wallace Y July Mth, 1897, fY71 4 t History --Maggie Mellwain... • .... •135 425. Physiology and Temperance -Eve. SEPARATE' SCHOOL. Voters' Lints, 1897. lyn South ............. . .... . ... . Highest eotal-Mabel Whiteman.. ,or- MUNICIPALITY OF THF; V iL.LAGF. OF BAYFIPLD, HURON CO. heading -Several candidates, ..... HAY. Notice is hereby given that L have transmit• ted or delivered *o the persons mentos, l e 'sections the Lists Acts, the Drawing Book -Albert Durst..... Drawing Paper -Albert, Durst. , .. . g p Bookkeeping Book—Walter Hac 473 5 and 6, of eters' topppples rogv3red by ,aid aeetien, to b0 e0 trail,- mftted ordellvere of the Itst made nrsuant to Act of all persons appearing by the last. kett• .. . ... , .. • ... , • , • Bookkeeping Paper—Mattie Ellis.. Katie Webb ....................... said revised Assessment Roll of the said Muniel. polity, to be entitled to vote In the said Mnnict- English Grammar—Susan Weir... • Literature—Katie Swan. . *^ arity at elections for members of the Legis- and at Municipal elections,d InmHistory—Katie •1 Composition—Katie Swan.veAssembly Swan .... .o P S L -Nora Petty (122, Enema Smil- that said list was first posted tip �fflcat Bayfield, on the 30th day of July, iSD) Geography—James Weir. , , , .... . ;. and remains there for{nspoetfon• Arithmetic and' Mensuration --Man BAYFIELD. Electors are called upon to examine the said McKenzie ..... , ... . List and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceed- Algebra and Mielid—Katie Swan John R Cameron 863. � Voir No S ',.•"+ No 15, PSL --Walter McDougall 610, Robt Turnbull 742. Ings to have said errors corrected according to law. .. , ... , .. . Ph siolog'yand Temperance- Mar y 434 HENRY ERWIN, Weir . .. . , , ...... , . , . Evelyn Smith.... .`................ Jul 30th, 1897• Clerk of Bayfleld. Highest Total—Katie Swan...... , _.y �---- 3 GODERICB, STANLEY. Wanted. MODEL SCHOOL.. y(� A teachor holding a Normal Certificate to slake ohar1 of Principal's class from Sept. 1st Herbert Buchanan .. . ............ . until Nov. 30th. Arplications stating salary d onalosing tosttmontals received tip to Aug. Albert Cornell .................... •Frank Edward .............. . .. . . . r' a ModolBahool Hoard.hamo, 3oorotary Clinton Earnest Morton . ................. . 453, Kate Richardson 441. 9 f I Will (,`r. bcd• To tiled tit S. to can- who ti Bert Martin ........................ 429 S S 17, H S E -Maggie Barkley 521. entered the house of H. C. Potter and Gantgge Mauget•..................... 451 587 COLBORNE. Frank Saunders ................. . . 45'2 y 4 No 1, II S L+' RuswBean 415, Tena AcvIDFNT.-The other clay its four' Percy Tye ........ . ................ Florence Algie. ........... 1 515Ida Johnston 588, Garnet Sallows 440. clown. If it had not been for the kind- ........ Bates 97 8 S L Jcihn Johnston 732, Harold might have uset with serious results. w ............. . ........ Nellie Brown .. . . .... . ....... . Nellie 4511 Linfield 882, Alfred Linfleld 775. NOTES.—Mr.. Laithwaite in writing Millie Godwin ......... . .......... 472 S S No 2, H S Ls'-Securd Hurt 447, looking splendid out West. -Mr. Mary Iulr•ie .. . ...... 477 Mstmhall Morrish 422, Herbert Olivant — -�---- Tenn McEwan.....,............... 521 5201 Arthur Strau ghan •150, 141aggie Morrish BOWED DOICN IvITH RUF.UMATISM AND l'laive Rt yuokcls.................... 47'2 Vanstoine 410, Ada 430. Maud Sharrnau..I... I ..... I...... 424 P S L -Jas Heddle 667, Benson Records like the following carry con- Records Olive Turner . ..................... 505 Straughau 734. rrI e r- Emily Viles........................ 524. 42.2 S S No 3, H 8 E --•Grace Hamilton by Clare Welsh ....................... been a resident of Curnherland' Co. sore years. I have been a great sof- 471, Oliver Breen 511, Ernest Robertson In Montague Colborne ............... .'4'27 472 513, Robert Rutledge 496. become almost unbearable, and I think \Velllugton Davison ............. . . OrvilleinKox... Godwin . ........... I suffered almost everything a man and live. 1 was SO Crippled S S No 4, It S E -Harvey Malloy 161. f It ........ Lin Knox ................. 448 S S No 7, P S L -Albert Durst 613. f 11, IIY Franklin Matt et• . . ................ 432 50'2 S S No 0, Ii $ E -Nellie Tobin 475, hopeless one, and as I had abandoned Wilfred Nafte�..................... Work I was almost helpless for over a GUDERICH TOWNSHIP. ng Ito Percy Snell .... . ................... Harry Worsell 437 441 S S No 1, H 8 b, -Alice Johnston 53fi, them a trial. In a short time I began ..................... Annie Andrews 476 Mabel Newcombe 530, Carman Church left my back and limbs, so that I was enabled to walk out of doors. Before half dozen .................... Fannie Blacitstone ............... . . Laura C:raig...... ................. 510 505 4'72. 8 8 No 2, 11 8 H- -Lillie Prouse 529, could do a hard day's work. I had a Lizzie Coutts ...................... 466 Lillie Willson 578, Willie Wilson 578. Resh and feel like a new man. Idti. Grierson . . . . ... . . .... . . ........ 455 P S L -Bruce Holmes 690. have Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to thank Dlaulie Muntgoluery............... �Vi III 590 536 S S No 6, H S E-Ma=g(e Mellwa,in Jaynes feeling that Mr. Downey's case was a fill)ine Potts... I ... I ........ . presents a striking one, its he now p stout well built figure, straight in 'a 48.2 Tena Mc•Math 401), Beattie limbed and as smart to movements I as a young man of twenty, 1°Jrtlily Sheppard ................... 4'27 424. nal Ethel Sneyd ....................... Ethel Vguatter 481 480 5 S No 3, II S E -Fuel n Wallace Y en- the .................... 1Vlona Weather•ald................. •135 425. SEPARATE' SCHOOL. P S I. -Jessie Sterling 673. ,or- Philip Kiely .. . .................. 466 HAY. Auniw McDonald ................... 473 S S No 2, H S E -Milton Russell 518. Katie Webb ....................... 570 S S No 14, H S E -George Weir 422. Celia McCornitLc................... 441 P S L -Nora Petty (122, Enema Smil- lllary McEvoy ..................... 495 lie 624, Mary Weir 846, Susan Weir BAYFIELD. 912, Campbell McMordie 6'25, James FI. �.. ........... Diatid Pollock.. 450 462 863. � Voir No S ',.•"+ No 15, PSL --Walter McDougall 610, Robt Turnbull 742. 9 I•]cNth Falconer..... , .... , . . Ruby Wbiddon.. 434 S S No 16, H S E -Alfred 'Dimmer Evelyn Smith.... .`................ 494 423. P. S. L. STANLEY. John R. Cameron .................. 708 Union No 1, H'S E -Lizzie Allan 441. Maggie Galbraith ........... ...... Otto S S No 3, H S E- -Oliver Mcllveen Y• EXETER. 453, Kate Richardson 441. P S L -Jonathan D Peck 640. H S. Norma Bobier 470 S S No 4, H S E -Alice Dunn 452. ...................... Tena Hunkin......... ............ 541 P S L -Maggie Catnpbell639. Nana McCallum ................... 548 SS No 5, P 8 L -Annie Pollock 012. Russell Frayne..................... 58:5 S S No 6, H S E -••Jane Campbell 431, Iiiesl ,i Howey........ • Prior.,. 511 458 Jt1,nles Hamilton 477. Rent Russ.. ...... , .... Bert S S No 7, H S 1. -Willie Jarrott 481•, Frank Ziny;er.. ................... 418 Albert Elgie 508. pre- Uertrtide Iieutp........ . . .. . . . . ... 497 PSL --Annie Tur tier 6-41. Ifo Olive Treble ................. . . ... 510 S 8 No 13, H S E- Melvin Keys 479 ,ter. Eddy Hooper ...................... 522 5(18 S S No 14, 11 S k, -Dont Alair •4'35, flit to Allan Myers ..... ............ ...... 6)(H Dinsdale438, Lottie(irassick527,Mabel pal. Frank Ross ........................ Charles Westaway ................ 507 Whitem,ul 01.4. PSL--I-Iat•riet Cameron 784, Hugh — P. S. L. Cameron 613, Alden Whitetnatl 071. Ethel Bissett.. • • ........ • ...... • • • 070 STEPHEN. one Allie Handford .. • ............... HeI•bert Pickar'd................... (1_=1 612 S S No 3, P 5 L -Fred Saunders 7770 ver Anna Martin .. ................... 726 8 S No 8, H S E -Louisa Young 4'28. hill Harvey Dignan ......... ....... • .. 67.1 S S No 10, H S E -John Bullock 442, ble, Fred Sweet .. ..................... 715 Bertha Hayler458, Isabella Love •180. w". HENSALL. USBORNE. H. S. E. S S No 1, 11 S E -Laura Jekyll Edith McEwan ........... . ........ 430 W), Nelson Case :503, John Horton 513. Oliver Geiger ...................... 4.45 4T3 S S No 2. H S E -Myrtle Madge 1110. Willie Wilson ...... .............. Mattie I( dd....................... 458 530 579, Olive Madge 43'2, Marjorie Me. Dougall 425, Thomas Allen 424, Harvey led Jennie Welsh. 439 Borland 481, Edward Gardiner 48'3, Ai- ock Reynolds ............. g "" fred Johns 573, Thotllas Kay 485, Nor - P. S. L. tan Madge 476, Victor Snell 488. P. k. Mattie Ellis .......... . .. ...... 7.10 S. L. -W ui. Brown 617, (lharles Bor- Leslie Colwell ...... . .............. 6f3 hand 620. Mabel McLean,_... ........... .... 796 S S No 4, H .S E -Jennie Hand - ZURICH. force 511, Jessie Luxton 465, Nelson H. S. E. Kerslake 489. llehna Koehler......... ...... 463 S S No 5, H S E -George Nest- Cott 504. P. S. L. 72x3 S 8 'tier 6, H S 1; --Ella Camill 51.3. Clara Buchanan .... . . . .............. P S L Charles Upshiill (i52. 1 ^t Mina. Doan . . .. . ................ Wesley Kibler` ..................... . 1153 612 S S No 7, Ii S N, -Herta Ttiylor 548. Melvin Torrance .................... 637 S 8 No 10, P S L -Louisa Earl 679. S S No ]'l, IIS 6: -Lovina Brock 4(i3, ^' a D1,NGANNON, Minnie Morley 4:.,9, Chester Hodgson 451. jd John Elliott ...... . ............ . ... 451 NN 'EST WA�VANOSii., Willie Stot.hers.. ............ . . .. 4-) 11.J 8 S No 1, 11 S 14- Alaggie Ryan 431. l Bert Treleaven ..................... p S L---illinttie Douglas 717, Bertha Ryan 718. Laura lirydgev..... . .......... .... OiN S S No •4, lI S E' --John R. Miller 485. Brown Durum......................T219 31, 8 1, - Maggie Ituthorford(it'1, \'1'(•s es. IStt a llender•son..... . .............. (3'22 ley SherrifF 732. Efflth Roberts . ................... 75:3 758 S 8 No 1.2, P S L -Geo. Webstc1 080. llavid S1liytl)c........... . ..... . .. . Miltun 8tothers........: ........... 6.55 Se paste School, II S F. -John Cum- 1 Katie Swann..... , , .... • .... 982 Inhli�s 163, Vincent Kinahan 565, Joseph Boyle 431, Kate Brophy 435, UENTRALIA. Maggie Leddy, , .J Rosa Maguire 478. an- 1,111- 11. S. 10. EAST WAWANOSH• ith Laurette. Baynhanl .......... . .... 427 4M S S No (l, H S E-Melburn McDowell stn- Gertude Cottrill. ................ . . 513. of - for Della Hill ........................ Maggie McCoy ..................... 438 •150 TUCKERS.111TH. but Wesley Luker . ............... . 438 8 S No 1, 118 E -Alice Drover 524, Melville Mitchell ................... 412 S S No '2, P 8 L --Maggie McLean on- P. S. L. 673. an - the Evelyn Baker.. 78) HIBBERT. haara Butt ............. ... . ....... 619 S 8 NO 7, P S L -Annie Merrill Luther Hicks ...................... 717 807. nce Wilbert Horn ...................... 623 _ +---- tile Russell Haxtable............... 751 Brucefieh! .e'cl, Bertram Mitchell ..... ............ 816 NOTES -Messrs. Tomlinson and Me- tifl- CRF.DITON. Connell have purchased it new Mon- om. 1I. S. E. arch grain separator and are ready for rich Edward Schmitt...... • ............ E Schmitt....... 444 the threshing season. -411-8. (Rev.) $imp - son is visiting friends in Detroit. -Mr. zra , Chatles Treitz ...................... 475ri Hugh McNaughton and Miss Me - Naughton of Teeswater were visiting 44 Percy Banes ................'........ 513 Bessie Yelland............ . .. . .... . 470 friends in this section last week. 25 I'. S. L. • Saltfvrd. 22 ................. Beulah Beaver..024 Mary Bertrand (117 PERSONALS. -Mrs. G. Bradford and 24 .. ASIiP'1N�I,I), sister were visiting at Belfast last week, --Judge Johnston and Mr. DIc- 24 S. S. No. 1--H. S. E. Fadden of the Soo were visiting our Eva McConnell .................... 433 village a few days ago. The many 3) Florence Stevenson ................. 509 friends of the Judge were pleased to 84 Jean Dunbar........... . , ..... 494 see him looking so well. -Major Beck Separate School (No. 2) P. S. L. is still confined to the house through 105 Anna Dalton ........... . ......... . 031 the accident received at camp aL• Lon - S. S. No. 3- H. S. H. 517 don. -Our young men and boys have a base hall 88 Jonerah Riggin .................... great time at every night. to them, as it is 64 P. S. L.- We are pleased sec: 8:3 Elizabeth 'hdwards................ S. No. 4--H. S. E. 701 good exercise for our young bloods,• -•- Menesetung Park last 51 S. McKenzie •13:3 The opening of I believe, was a sue - Mary ... ............... Thursday, grand (14 S. S. leo. 5-H. S. E. cess, There is quite A number camp - 014 Oliver Brown . .... . ... ........... 439 Ing up there tit present. S. S, No. 9 -II. S. E. FIRE. -On Tuesday morning about 45 Ste hen Stothers.............. .. � 412 3 o'clock, we were startled by the 23 Y. . L.- alarm of fire. It was discovered to be 25 Thomas Reid .................. Thomas �] J. T. (tloldthorp's blacksmith shop. it S. S. No. 10-H. S. E. - was soon burned down as it had got 46 George Parrish ................... 521,) such heattway • nothing could save it. 46 Henry Hogan ... , ...... , . . 464 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " Mr. Gloldthorp's house and store ad- 108 P. 8' L.- 782 joining caught. All hands tried to 128 GO Thos. Ford ......................... 9. S. No. 11, H. S. E.- Nina Burrows 428, Florence Pennabaker 440. save it htiG the heat Boon stopped them. In one hour blacksmith she the 79 and store were levelea to • ground. . 77 P a L -Florence Graham 654, McNee 832. Rose Much sympa';hy is felt for Mr. Gold - to 112, thortl in his loss. We all hope see 108 S S No H S u—John McKenzie him build up the corner again. Had it 467. • not been for the rain of the day pre. 150 PSL-Portetfield Shiells, 606. vious, we should have to record s y 70 S S No 13 H S E -Harry Walker Woods greater loss of property, its Mr, Johr Walter's store ant post office was Ir 082 58:3, Herbert 457. P S L Hackett 786, Alfred danger all the time. The sten wurkei -Walter well to save it. Mr. George Bradforf McLean (364. bad the blacksmith shop leased ani S S No 15, H S E -Maggie Grant lost all his tools. We understand the 47. insurance on the storeand dwelling,tht 457 485 P S L -Mand McKenzie 726, Willie blacksmith shop, dry goods, grocerlei 698 Cowan 682. Anil furniture amounts to $1,200, no 440, S S 16, H S E -Annie Hasty 404. half the loss. e '' . Have you tried theme' Massey -Harris Bicycle, It is just what you have been looking for, high grade easy running, rich in appearance, strong and durable You can't break thein. For $85 ora discount for cash. Brantford Ruby Rims For. $54. Does your Bike need Repairing? We know how to give you a satisfactory 'job. Re- member a dry goods clerk may sell dry goods but it takes a machinist to repair a :Bike. We are not only machinists but we have the machinery to do your work as it should be clone. 4bk,,_Give us a trial. 0004.000000000000000 The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton. OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE Clinton, LOOK HERE, 0000000000000000,,*000 '' ,q ■ ~ Manilla I • ROj� )7�.9!401­4 � Amber Shield •OOOOOe00ee0000e0ee•• ••••ecce Prices Low. ec0000000000000es00c0000. 000w Harland ::Bros., CLINTON. Are . yoll looking for a Snap ? We have too 1na,ny Couches in stock ror'tbe arnount of room we. have, so in, order to clear out some of them we are rpaking a BIG REDUCTION in the price of a certain line. This is it chance you should not miss if you require it Couch. Undertaking. In this department we carry a c•lmplete stock, and give it service that cannot he surpassed by any, Our charges tire as low as the lowest. We have undoubtedly the finest hearse and outfit in the county. •0ee0e00e000 nd Broadfoot, Box & Co., Clinton. Furniture Denko derrLakers. ' J. W. GHIDLEY, MANAGER. Night. and Sunday call, answered at Residence of our Funeral Director,—J. W. Chidley, King St., opposite Foundry. — Colborne. I Hullett. TAAMVSs=O11 Sunday week tramps DRivFR SOLD. -Mr. D. Beacons sold his driver to Mr. Wm. Brunsdon, Lon - entered the house of H. C. Potter and desboro, for the sum of $80. Mr. stole 1,L new pair of shoes owned by NJu1. Rutledge and left an old pair of rubbers• Brunsdon has secured a good driver ata lo[v pricey- _- Goderich Towlishill. BIRTHS• AcvIDFNT.-The other clay its four' 8,n -;so -;-I Bayfield, July 23rd, the wife of Mr. Thomas Stinson, of a son. young ladies were driving on the Bay- field Road, their horse choked and fell LovETT.—In Goderich township, on base ifi,e, July 12, the wife of. Mr, Chas, LoveLL, of a clown. If it had not been for the kind- daughter. ness of a gentleman near by, they ♦i14NE,—In Blyth, .July l8t.h, the wife of Dr. might have uset with serious results. W. J. Milne, of a daughtor. PoTTErt.—In Blyth, on July 18th, the wife of NOTES.—Mr.. Laithwaite in writing mr..John Potter, oe16 daughter, home from Dakota says their crops are henry looking splendid out West. -Mr. MAICRIAGES. Murphy, who hand his hand crushed a short time ago, is improving. HriwoTT--LOCKRIDGE.—At the resid'enee of Samuel Lockridge, Lower Winggham, on Xuiy iter. Wm, I,owo, ]11 t„ Mary Hcr — -�---- 21,1897,f byy geft, of ttivetsdalo to John Loekridge, of Lowes; IERSO HELPLESS FOR A YEAR. McI rrERao.r—BArtit.—At the first Presby - —1 BOWED DOICN IvITH RUF.UMATISM AND tartan church Sgaforth, oil July 20th, by Rev. Dr. McDonald, assisted by Itev. Matthew Barr, SCIATICA. father of the bride, Rev. Niel McPherson, M. A., 13. D., of st. 1 aurs church Hamilton, to Miss lsabel Barr, daughter of hev. Matthew From the Post, Sackville, N. B. hart•, Seaforth. Records like the following carry con- Records BATES—POLL00K.---At the Manse, oil Wed - July 214, 1897, by Rev. Jas, A. Ander- viction With them, and in it practical son, B. A., Thomas '�v. (late, to Isabelle M. sense it might be said that this is still Pollock, both of Goderich. the age of miracles. Mr. Edward Dow- ney, of Maccan, N. B., says:-`xI have DEA'I'IIR• been a resident of Curnherland' Co. sore years. I have been a great sof- Hrnntvs. -In itat Portage, on July 17. Chan IVesloy Higglue, son of lrie late Witham Rig ferer for upwards of ten years with I tot'tured gins, of Clitrton, aged 24 years. sciatic Thettmattsrn. was with severe pains which at times would C AMteRn- -At Bayfield, oil Ally 21, Ronald Cameron, aged 87 years. become almost unbearable, and I think BitowN.--At her lato residence. Bellevno I suffered almost everything a man and live. 1 was SO Crippled Farm, Huron Road, Clinton, on .lnly 21. Flmma M. Brown, widow of the late James Browrt, days. Can suffer that I could not work and part of the Aged 78 years, 11 months and 13 HILYAR.--In Clinton, July 20, Jane, wife of time was not able to even move about. Chas. L-Iilyar, sr., axed 71 years. I became so weak, and my system so - - - - - run down that I despaired of ever get- ing better. My case was an almost MARKET REFowrs. hopeless one, and as I had abandoned (eorrectedevery Tuesday afternoon.) Work I was almost helpless for over a OLiNTON. year. I heard of Dr. "Wiliam&' Pink Fall Wheat ................... 0 65 to 0 67 Pills and I was induced to at least give Barley...... .... 0 85 to 0 86 """""' them a trial. In a short time I began Oats•••••.•.••••.••••.••••••...... 0 22 to 023 to recover, and the agonizing Patna Peals ............ ..•. :` 0 88 1,c 040 left my back and limbs, so that I was enabled to walk out of doors. Before half dozen Potatoes, per bush.......... 0 20 to 0 25 Butter loose in basket.... 0 9 to 0 10 I had used more than it boxes I was almost entirely well and Butter in tub ................ 0 10 to 0 11 could do a hard day's work. I had a Eggs per doz.................. 0 8 to 0 8 good appetite and began to gain day ................. I............. 7 00 to 7 00 Resh and feel like a new man. Cordwood...................1'.. 3 00 to 3 50 I am free froltn acbes and pains and fipples per bush ............. 0 35 to 0 35 have Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to thank pried Apples per III........ 0 2j� to 0 21 for it all." The reporter could not help Duok, per lb ................. 0 05 to 0 06 feeling that Mr. Downey's case was a Turkeys per ]b .............. 0 07 to 0 fl� presents a striking one, its he now p stout well built figure, straight in 'a (;ease erlb...••••••••••••••• 0 05 to 0 0`fi p 0 25 to 4 3ru Chiakone per pair..,.....•• • limbed and as smart to movements I as a young man of twenty, Wool ...............••�.lt.•••••• 0 18 to 0 18 � n • l ......s:,in`,.n.x.. _ ,lir