HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-07-28, Page 3V i; o BUSINESS MECTORY ._—_.--r--..— machine. THI MULSONS BANK. Incorporated by Actof Parliament 1866. CAPITAL, $2,000,000 REST, $1,400,000 Head Office. - MONTREAL. WM. MOLSON, MACPHERSON, President, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manages. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold, INTBRBBT ALLOWBD ON DBPOaITS SAVINGS .BANK. Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. F.A.RM>•17R8_ Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- quired as security, H. C. BREWER, Manager, ana CLINTON. December, 1896. G. A KeTaggart BANKER A.&ERT STREET, CLINTON. 3 CE NERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, votes Discounted. - - Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposita. Clinton, June8th, 1891 658y DR. W. GUNN, R. C. P, and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh, Office— Ontario street Clinton. Night calls at front door of residence on Rrtteebury street, opposite Presbyter- ian church. DR. T•URNBULL. ,1. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ, ; M. D. ; M., Victoria Univ. M, C. P. & S. Ont, ; b Ilow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late )f London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office:— Dr. Doweley's stand, Rattentiury at. Night calls answered at Office. --� DR. SHAME. Office—Ontario street, opposite English hurch, forulerly occupied by Dr. Appleton. Jas. S. Freeborn, X -D , L. K. & Q. C. P., I., X-C P. & S. 0., &o., &c. Graduate of King's & Queen'[ College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland, Licentiate of the General Medical Council, Great Britain. Member of College of rhysiciasa and Burgeons, Ontario. Formerly reel - dent a the Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gyntc- cological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and children. Office and residence, Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage, 829-1y N. W. WOODS, �s L. R. C. P. I.: L. M. R. C. P. L; L. Al. Rotunda, t Dublin; Al. R. C. S., England; M. C. P. and S., Ontario. Consultations and residence at the Quoen's Hotel, Bayfleld. 969-y r7Atltti�itD. '!'Dr. Bruce, Sigma Dentist: OFFICE—Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. . '> N. B.—Will visit Blyth every Monday, and Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. : Dr. Agnew, DENTIST. Office hours - 9 to 5 I' At Zurich the second Thurs- day of each month, �t{13Xt, F J. SCOTT, y Bar�'i8ter, e1c., 'ryin ELLIOTT'S BLOOK, - CLINTON. 7 Money to Loan, E- CAMPION, Q. 0, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR,, NOTARY, etre., 61 Goderich, - Ont. Office—Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. Y M• 0• JOHNSTON, SOLICITOR, TER, BA +` COMMISSIONER, ETC, Office—Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrpw•'s Ste. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, circ., ` r OL?FIOE BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON. t 817•lf t {, N'04tD to *gtnd. JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, UGMMJS9iONER, ETC. i Fire Insurance. Ileal Estate. Moncy- to lend. Office—HURON STREET, CLINTON. Cantelon Bros, GENERAL GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass & Cltinayare ,ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Ratter and Eggs !L' 1i2 -1y •-- -- - - Wanted. ~— - --• I and Women who can work hard talking Men n ng and writing six hours daily, for six dayRa week, and will be content with ton dollars weekly. Address, NEW iDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont. t , (DirRniair. L. 0. L. No. 710, CLINWON, Meats 6aooND Monday of over, month. Hall 2nd flat, D,.Key $b block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. J. P. SHEPPARD. W. M P. CANTELON¢'JR. Soo. THUS. BEACOM, D. M. %tagoait. �`ILiNTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. meets / every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit I air brethren cordially lavitad A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, SHO. Clinton, Dec. 0, 1886. 1K. 0. T. M. Kearns Tent No. 66, Knights of the Maccabees of the World. $1.000,$2,000 and $8,000 Policies. Mem- berehip over 100,000. Assessment prineiple—has never exceeded 12 assessments in a year. Cheapest and safest in existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Clin- ton, first and third Friday of every mouth. COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clinton, BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities, OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice oatmeal for one Bushel Oats D. COOK, CLINTON. 762-tf PRODUCE EXCHANGE HILL & JOYNER, Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Teas a specialty. Headquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. We carry the largest Stock and the largest variety of Seeds. All Goods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash. 1Ve pay Cash for Eggs. Any kind of !,£rain taken in exchange for Goods, same as lash. HILL 1411: JOYNER. CENTRAL BUTCHER, SHO P FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to Jr. W. Langford.) Havingbooglnt out the above business, we intend to eonduct it on the cash principle, and will supply our customers with the -beet locate at the lowest pay. ug prices. F RD &MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTEDI Elighest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 793-tf. J. E. 'BLACI'CALL, Veterinary Surgeon and•Veterinrtry Inspector. Office on lsaac street next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. . B. THOMLINSON, YETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. lege, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the moat modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. Residence—Rattenbury Street, West, Clinton Ont. Geo. Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Bladk- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. TO THE FARMERS. Study your own Interest and go where you can get Reliable 06 Harness, I manufacture none but the BSeT oP STOQR. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to live tom• Call and get prices. Orders by mail promply attended to JrJ►�31� �]EY.rJ, HARNESSxEMPORIUM, BLYT11, ONT GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton .1. EMERTON, Proprietor. WATTS & CO., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. PUMPS! PUMPS to If you want a first-elasp, well -made pump, one the will give you satisfaction, send your order to th undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it a the closest prices. He also handles It first -else FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposit Queen'a Hotel - High Street Clinton. 809-tt _-------------- Grand Trunk Railway. OFFICIAL TIME TABLE. Buffalo and Goderich DlRtriet:— Going West, Mixed ........ . . ........ 101.5 a. m. Express.. . .............. 1.03 p. m. " Mixed...... 7.0.5 p. m. " Express . .. ...... . ..... 10.27 p. m. Going East, ETpross... .......... .. . 7.40 a.m. 2.56 p.m: Mixed 4.&5 p. m London, Huron and Bruce: - Going South, Ptxilress .......... .. 7.47 a. In. 4.30 p. n1 Going North, ............ ..... 10.15 a. m 6.5.5p.m M. C. DrcrtsoN,l Dig. Pass, Agent„ Toronto. W. E. DAVIS, G. P. & T. A. Montreal. A. U. PATTIBox, G. T. R. Town The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. orataRRs. George Watt, President, Harlock P. O.; James droadfoot, Vice-Pree., Seafcrth P, O,; W. J. 811an, non, Secy. Tteas., Sealorth P. O.; Michael Murdio 08pector of losses, Sealorth P. O, DIRBOTORB. James Broadfoot, Seutorth; Michael Murdle, See; Orth; Geroge Dale, 8ealorth; George Watt, Harlock rhomas E. Iiays,Seaforth; Alex Gardiner, Leadbury .'homes Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Kippea. a0HNT8, Thomas Nellars, Harlonk; Robert McMillan, Sea. arth and Jalnes Cummings, Egmoadville. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans - et other business will be promptly attend. d to on application to any of the above officers ad. reused to their respective post offices. NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re and to wreckage, let It be distinctly understooc hat If any person takes possession of any kine I wreckage and falls to report to me I shall al ace take proceedings. Remembor this is thr tet warning Ishall give, CAPT. WM. BABB receiver of Wrecks, Goderich, Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. 'OR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER MEC00K'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA• J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. H� LEADING UNDERTAKER ANE FUNERAL DIRECTOR. )pposite Town Hal!, Clinton, Oni Wanted. Melt It. ndun' c n l who can work hard t+tlkinf. ,ud writing six hours daily, for six days a week Id will be content with ten dollars weekly Address. NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont WNIa N. WALKER, —the reliable UPHOLSTERER -AND MATTRESS MAKER, SEAFORTH, ONT. Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered ;arpets sewed and laid : also cleaned and re novated at reasonable prices. W- Orders left at BftOADFOOT & BOX',' ;tore, Clinton or Scaforth, will be promptly at .ended to. McLeod's System Renovator —AND OTnEIt— Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, .`''lecplessness, Palpatation of th Heart., Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Lose o Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stonei Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary' Diseases, ,SI Vitus' Dance, Femalo Irregularities and Ger. cral Debility. LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. J. M. McLEOII, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSW, Property For Sale. A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. In consequence of my age and iack of help, I bay decided to offer for sale my splendid gardening pit perty consisting of five and a nalf a xea in Clinto some of the beet land in the county of Huron, inclut Ing hot beds and other necessary requirement. Thera is on the premises a frame house witb cellar. soft and hard water, barn and other outbuilding, The s I river a T e R vfie d d' r a rein[ the property. Will sell s it reasonable price for half cash and balance secure by mortgage. As I desire to sell, this is a chane seldom metwlth. Apply personally or by letter t ;he proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, 894-t f. m — Minton WAN 1. F�— n Agents for "Queen Vic J toria, Her Reign a Diamond Jubilee." Overflowing with IateF u.ud richest pictures. Contains the endorse biography of .Her MResty, with anthenic Hi: tory of her renanTkabie reign, and full accour of t e Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.50. Big boot Tremendour demands. Bonanza for agent+ Connnission .50 per cent. Credit given. Freigh paid. OUTFIT Fitns. Duty paid. Write qquic for outfit and territory. 1'HE DOMINIO, COMPANY, Dept. 7, MA Dearborn St., Chicag( Removal of Night Soil, The undersigned will undertake the remove A Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closet+ bit short notice, and at reasonable rates. A, refuse removed out of town. 0 t -f ROBT. MENNF.L. Town Property for Sale. For Sale, in the town of Clinton, lot No. 311 situate on James street. There Is on the lot ; lite storey frame house containing large fron room, two bedrooms and kitchen, also collar Phe house is in a good state of repair and i lewly sided and painted. There Is excellen laid water. The land is well adapted fo gardening purposes. Price reasonable. Appl; :o the owner on the premises. 4t MRS. HUDIE. Miller's Omnibus Line Goderich, Ont. When in Goderich do not neglect to scour Killer's Omnibus to all parts of the town. On !very Is well equipped with reliable horses ant rood rigs, andprices will always be found ren ionable. Stables on East Street, near th, Square—telephone No. 51. JONATHAN MILLER, Goderich WANTED, I can pay ten dollars weekly to aladyofmatureage reflnemen tad tact to spend her time in It ggood cause. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Ont - FOR SALE. BLACK'S HOTEL, DUNGANNON, Proper }} Furniture and License. In good repair )oing good business. Possession at once tpplyy to MRS. SARAH BLACK, Dungannon 96l 4t a Much in L ifil-e Is especially tris of Hood's Pills, for no mo& elite aver sontalnad so great curative power in so small op"e, They are is whole medlel4e 'Hood's' s' chest, always ready, III ways or,always eat- P'' Is Isfaatory; y; prevent a cold or fever, cure all Myer ills, sick headache, jaundice, constipation, eto. Tris► The oalt, FUls to take with Hood's 8arsapa11I& Our Agricultural Fairs. The Victoria Jubilee days are now of the past, and the next iinportiant evonts of the year will be the Agri - Cultural Exhibitions of Canada. There are quite a number of these faits, but none of them is of more importance than tile Western Fair at London, commonly spoken aas Cauitda's •Fav- orite Live Stock Exhibition, a title which is largely the fact, and due to theespecial interest taken in these departments by the Managruent, who are anxions to do everythiugnecessRry for the comfort of both the exhibitors and their auunals, and have in this wrty estitblished in the tilinds of buyers and sellers that the Western Fair is the proper place to do business. The large and commodious buildings erected last year for the cattle, sheep and swine, and thought too big to fill, was proven to be altogether too sulall to accomodate the hv,-rease entry, there- fore the Directors have decided to re- move the swine into new quarters this year, and are haviuga building erected 1513 feet long 86 feet wide, in this way they purpose providing all the accum- ruoclation necessary for the reception of it very much larger entry than here- to -fore, and which they feel sure they will have. Further provisions have been made for the comfort of stockmen and their friends. The building formerly occu- pied by the ladies of the W. C. T. U. has been placed it little to the south of the main entrauce to the cattle and sheep building, being altered so as to provide a large hall, comfortably seat- ed, to be use tt as a place of public com- fort and meetings of the several associations during the .fair, also a room provided with stoves to prepare food for themselves and aninials, thus preventing the danger arising from the use of those swill coal Oil stoves, etc., in or, near the stuck buildings. There is also a storehouse from which will he sold all kinds of aniniial food itt the lowest prices. By the prize list just received the premiums remain much the same as last year, with the exception of im- p'oving the Hackney Horse Class, adding a class for general purpose teams : and in the poultry it class for half bred fowls, the coming fowl for the farm, and four- new varieties of pheasants. We note a new depatture of Dairy Cla..ses, by opening one for domestic cookery, etc., and from which good results are anticipated. Many handsome special cash prizes have been donated for competition. The special attractions are riot yet completed, but the committee's selec- tions in the past are a guarantee to the visitors thatis gond )afternoon and evening entertainment will be provid- ed for each day. The special train service and excursion rates are being arranged from all points. Weare requested by Mr. Thos. A. Browne, the Secretary, ro say that all applications for prize lists, programmes, and their map of Western Ontario will lie appreciated and filled with pleasure. The flair dates are Septenr- her 9th to 18th. One Honest Mian. Dear Editor.—Please inform your rea-lers that if written to confidential- ly, I will niail, in a sealed letter, par- ticulars of a, genuine, honest, home cure, by which I was permanently re- stored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous debil- ity, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank Heaven, I :tm now well, vigorous and strong and wish to make this certain lncans of cure known to all sufferers, I have nothing to sell and Want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I am desirous of helping the unfortluliate to regain their health and happiness, I promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp: War. T. MULFORD, Agent Supplies, P. O. Box 59, St. Henri, Que. Last -Tuesday evening at a barn -rais- ing on the faun of Mr. Angus McGilli- vary, about two miles from Port Elgin, a serious accident occured. While pulling up one of the last bents one of the workmen, Jackson Crowe, using a wrong rope, threw part of the tim- bers against some of the framework, and the whole frame fell over, demol- ishing the structure and seriously in - Mr. Crowe and Mr. Schwalm. Nearly all the men were injured more or less. Many of the timbers are broken. Eighty Unfortunates IS THE ESTIMATED PROPORTION IN EVERY HUNDRED PEOPLE IN THIS CLIMATE EFFECTED WITH THAT DREAD DISEASE CATARRH—HOW EAS- ILY THE PROPORTION WOULD BE RE- VERSED IF DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER WAS UNIVERSALLY USED— IT RELIEVIES IN 10 MINUTES. "Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I benefitted me at once, and it's so easy to apply," says Rev. W. H. Main, of Emmanuel Baptist church, Buffalo. Thousands triorein professional, and in the humbler callings of life, could sy Anien to this statement. Dr. Agnew s Catarrhal Powder gives relief in from 10 to 00 minutes in most acute cases. Now is the season of severe weather changes, and now Is the season when disease germs develop. That slight sneezing cold in the helm may mean that the seeds of chronic catarth have been sown. The tested cure is the safest and quickest.—Solei by Watts and Co. The best scientific opinion in Berlin is not sanguine of the success of Herr Andrea's attempt to reach the North Pole by balloon. How the Spoils am Distributed Winnipeg Nor'-Woster. One of the worst features of the Liberal success last ,lune was the shtuneless and systematic manner in which the chief Liberal wet kers in each cunstituenev in the west imule- diately went to work to arrange for the apportioning of the spoils among the faithful. The Liberal committee in each district at once constituted it- self it Patronage Board. Lists were made of all the available offices, and slates were made of the new officials who were to be appointed. One of these slate"I Wiis actually published in one of the Calgary newep,Lpers within a few days after the elections, and it is astonishing how currect was the forecast. The evidence given In con- nection with the chilies Of perjury upon which the President, the ice - President and the Secretavy of lily+ Battleford Liberal Association have recently been committed for trityl, shows how thoroughly these little Star Chaathers did their work in Saskatebe- wan. The charges of perjury were based Oil It statutory declaration the officers of the Liberal Association in t uestion made and sent down to the postmaster -General in support of their application to have. the Postmaster at Battleford removed in Order to inake a position for one of the faithful. These officers, When in the witness - box, made some very interesting ad- missions. Mr. J. M. Skelton swore :— "I was never askeJ to wake the de- claration ; it was. taken of tnv own tootion to show the nolipy,of the Gov- ernment In this matter; it Avas inade for the purpuse of retuoving Mercer froth the pint office and putting it L;beral in his place." And lir. C. M. Daunitis, who, by the way, has gut his own reward in the shape of an Indian Agency, swore:—"The Liberal Committee docided to have Mercer re. curved." The calm assuriuhce of these statements is staggering. "The Lih- eral committee decided !" In theory it is the Governor-General, on the advice of his ministers, responsihle to Parliament, who decides whether or net tier Majesty's servants shall be removed. But the irresponsible Bitt- tleford Liberal Committee is good en- ough to relieve the Governor and his ministers of all trouble in the Matter. It decides, and merely calls on his Excellency to give effect to its decree. We boast of the benefits of respon- sible government; but it is very clear that; we are living in a fool's paradise. Instead of the Civil Service being run by it responsible government, irrespon- sible little inquisitions of local ward bosses are given carte blanche in re- gard to it. "there no legitimate charges can be hrought against offi- cials, perjury is resorted to, and false affiditvits ileo filed for the purpose of misleading Parliament in the event Of any explanations being asked for. There is very good ground for think- ing that methods of this kind could be shown to have been resorted to in a very large number of crises if the dismissed officials chose to fight the Liberal Star Chambers as vigorously as the Battleford postmaster is doing The situation • is one which should alarm all Who are not professional poli_ st ticians. It shows thitt the very wor feature of United States politicial methods have been introduced, and is flourishing in our midst. The spoils system is had enough in all cpnsci- ence; hot when the division of the spoils Ls conducted after this fashion, the viciousness of the systeuil becomes innneasurably intensified. Search the Wardrobe and Closets. In almost every horne half -worn gar- ments and goods are stowed away in wardrobes and closets that can he made as good as new and 'fitted for months of wear. The operation of recreating and beautifying is simple, the cost is trifl- ing, and the general results beyond the cornprebension of those who are ac- quainted with the work of horne dye- ing. Dresses, jackets, capes, vests, pants, ribbons, silks, feathers, and a score of other things worn and faded can he transformed into things of beauty and fitshion at a cost of From ten to twenty cents. Thousands of Canadian families use Diamond dyes every year and save it great dein of trioney. All users of Dia- mond Des say it Is so easy to use them. We directions are so explicit and simple that it child can do good work. As there are many imitations and worthless dyes sold, see that your deal- er gives you the Diamond Dyes when you ask for them. Common dyes ruin your goods; Diamond Dyes bring suc- cess in color and beauty. The Secret of the $1,000,000 Deal. Mail and Empire Mr. Israel Tarte defending the Drum- mond deal in Parliament on June 26 sitid :— "Of course there are political friends of outs interested in the scheme. "Mv. J. N. Greenshields is one of our most active and most efficient po- litical friends in Montreal. "He has helped us to the hest of his ability ever since I came to Montreal. "He has acted like a friend. "He has acted like a man. "And I will not go back on hien to- day.,, For Over Fifty Years MRs. WINSLOW% SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suMoring and crying with pain of Cuttingg Teeth sond at once and dot a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow'R sooth- ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re. lieve the poor little Rufterer immediately, De- ppend upon it, mothers, there is no mistako about it. it cures Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures V%Ind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, an Ivestoneand energy to the whosystem. "Nes. Winalow's Soothing Syyyup" for children teething iR ploa- Rant to the taste and is the prescription of one of Clio oldeAt• and bent female phyRicians and nurses in the United States. Price twonty-five cents a bottle.Sold by all druggists through Ont the world." Be sure and ask for "Mits. WINSLOW'a SOOTHING SYRrP Lient. Peary and party left Boston last week for a northern point in Greenland, to eRtablish it settlement• in form it hase of supply for his polis' ex- pedition next year in search of the North Pole. t If we told you that your baby was starving, that it actually didn't get enough to eat, you might resent it. And yet there are thousands of babies who never get the fat they should in their food or who are not able to digest the fat that they do get. Fat is a necessity to your baby. It is baby life and baby beauty. A few drops of Scott's Emulsion for all little ones one, two and three years of age is better than cream for them. They thrive and grow on it. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Ont. A FERFLCT TEA no MONSOON THr FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD FRdrll THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUI? IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian Teas. Therefure they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up .n % Ib., r Ib. and 6 lb. packages, and never sold in bulk, ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to • STEEL, IIAYTER & 00. p TEA It and 13 Front Streqt East. Toronto, I 6O YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRICHTS etc. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifullyy illustrated, largest circulation of anpseteatlflo journal, weekly, terms $3,OU u year; E1.5U cis oil he. Specimen copies and I1AND BOCK, ON PATENTS sent free. Addraq MUNN fit CO., 361 Ilroadwny, NeIv York. NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN � Cures Guaranteed or No Pay I YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED MEN—Yon may have been the victim of Self Abuse when young. Later EYeeeses or exposure to blood diseases, may have completed the work. Yon feel the symptoms stealing over yon. Yon dread the talar[ result[. You know you are not a man mentally and sexually, Why not be cured in time and avoid the sed experience of other wrecks of these diseases. Our NEW M ET) 1'1tE0TME*1T WILL CURE YUU AFTER ALL ELSE FAILS. Emissions, Varicocele and Syphilis Cured W. M. MILLRS W. M. MILLER C U Q e \ E D�I Before Treatment AfterTre;ttment "At tho age of 151 commenced to ruin p' my health. Later on as "ONE OF Tilh. ,mY5" I contracted aserious blood dise.;se —SYPIiILIS. 1 way weak and nervous. r •v • + i t n3 despondent, m les sunken e c b P p pains. nicer[, hair loose, acro tongue earl moath drains in urine, varicocele!—I wa. a wreck. I was in the Inst stages when a friend recommender) Dre. Kennedy &, Kergan. A dozen other doctors haul failed in curing me. Dra. Kennedy & Horgan cured me in a few weeks by their New 1llethod Treatment. 1 would warn similar diseased men to beware of Medical Frauds. They are reliable honest and skillful physicians." W. M. MILLER. CONSULTATION FREE. We treat and cure Varleo. Celle, rsyphllts, Emissions, Gleet. titr,eture. Prervous ne•• bllity, Unnatural D1lochar,tea, Kidney and Bladder ID i s - eases. 17 YEARS iN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED Pio cure, PJo Pay. Write for uestion Blank for mome' , reatment. Books Free. Cmnsaltatlon Free. DRsJENNEDY & KERG AN No. I48 Shelby 5t. DETROIT, - - MICH. A Persecuted Saint. Mr. Israel Tarte'has been complain ing 1n Owen Sound that he is a perse- ctited inan. "When I was a memher of the Tory party," he says, "I was able and al that is good; now I am no good." There are it good many Torys here- abouts. We should like to know if any one of them ever recognized Mr. Tarte as a member of their party. Israel Tarte was is heeler in the neighhorhood of Quebec, but a inem- her of the party, in the sense that he wits prominent or influential—never, What, however, have Mr. Torte's antecedents to do with present-day politics ? Here is a than who proposes to give a rnillijln of our money to his Marty friends under the divguise of it railway purchatie. Does Mr. Tnrie's clairn thitt, he was once n Tory excu,;e that deal P (DirRniair. L. 0. L. No. 710, CLINWON, Meats 6aooND Monday of over, month. Hall 2nd flat, D,.Key $b block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. J. P. SHEPPARD. W. M P. CANTELON¢'JR. Soo. THUS. BEACOM, D. M. %tagoait. �`ILiNTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. meets / every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit I air brethren cordially lavitad A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, SHO. Clinton, Dec. 0, 1886. 1K. 0. T. M. Kearns Tent No. 66, Knights of the Maccabees of the World. $1.000,$2,000 and $8,000 Policies. Mem- berehip over 100,000. Assessment prineiple—has never exceeded 12 assessments in a year. Cheapest and safest in existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Clin- ton, first and third Friday of every mouth. COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clinton, BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities, OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice oatmeal for one Bushel Oats D. COOK, CLINTON. 762-tf PRODUCE EXCHANGE HILL & JOYNER, Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Teas a specialty. Headquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. We carry the largest Stock and the largest variety of Seeds. All Goods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash. 1Ve pay Cash for Eggs. Any kind of !,£rain taken in exchange for Goods, same as lash. HILL 1411: JOYNER. CENTRAL BUTCHER, SHO P FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to Jr. W. Langford.) Havingbooglnt out the above business, we intend to eonduct it on the cash principle, and will supply our customers with the -beet locate at the lowest pay. ug prices. F RD &MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTEDI Elighest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 793-tf. J. E. 'BLACI'CALL, Veterinary Surgeon and•Veterinrtry Inspector. Office on lsaac street next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. . B. THOMLINSON, YETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. lege, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the moat modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. Residence—Rattenbury Street, West, Clinton Ont. Geo. Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Bladk- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. TO THE FARMERS. Study your own Interest and go where you can get Reliable 06 Harness, I manufacture none but the BSeT oP STOQR. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to live tom• Call and get prices. Orders by mail promply attended to JrJ►�31� �]EY.rJ, HARNESSxEMPORIUM, BLYT11, ONT GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton .1. EMERTON, Proprietor. WATTS & CO., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. PUMPS! PUMPS to If you want a first-elasp, well -made pump, one the will give you satisfaction, send your order to th undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it a the closest prices. He also handles It first -else FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposit Queen'a Hotel - High Street Clinton. 809-tt _-------------- Grand Trunk Railway. OFFICIAL TIME TABLE. Buffalo and Goderich DlRtriet:— Going West, Mixed ........ . . ........ 101.5 a. m. Express.. . .............. 1.03 p. m. " Mixed...... 7.0.5 p. m. " Express . .. ...... . ..... 10.27 p. m. Going East, ETpross... .......... .. . 7.40 a.m. 2.56 p.m: Mixed 4.&5 p. m London, Huron and Bruce: - Going South, Ptxilress .......... .. 7.47 a. In. 4.30 p. n1 Going North, ............ ..... 10.15 a. m 6.5.5p.m M. C. DrcrtsoN,l Dig. Pass, Agent„ Toronto. W. E. DAVIS, G. P. & T. A. Montreal. A. U. PATTIBox, G. T. R. Town The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. orataRRs. George Watt, President, Harlock P. O.; James droadfoot, Vice-Pree., Seafcrth P, O,; W. J. 811an, non, Secy. Tteas., Sealorth P. O.; Michael Murdio 08pector of losses, Sealorth P. O, DIRBOTORB. James Broadfoot, Seutorth; Michael Murdle, See; Orth; Geroge Dale, 8ealorth; George Watt, Harlock rhomas E. Iiays,Seaforth; Alex Gardiner, Leadbury .'homes Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Kippea. a0HNT8, Thomas Nellars, Harlonk; Robert McMillan, Sea. arth and Jalnes Cummings, Egmoadville. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans - et other business will be promptly attend. d to on application to any of the above officers ad. reused to their respective post offices. NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re and to wreckage, let It be distinctly understooc hat If any person takes possession of any kine I wreckage and falls to report to me I shall al ace take proceedings. Remembor this is thr tet warning Ishall give, CAPT. WM. BABB receiver of Wrecks, Goderich, Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. 'OR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER MEC00K'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA• J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. H� LEADING UNDERTAKER ANE FUNERAL DIRECTOR. )pposite Town Hal!, Clinton, Oni Wanted. Melt It. ndun' c n l who can work hard t+tlkinf. ,ud writing six hours daily, for six days a week Id will be content with ten dollars weekly Address. NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont WNIa N. WALKER, —the reliable UPHOLSTERER -AND MATTRESS MAKER, SEAFORTH, ONT. Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered ;arpets sewed and laid : also cleaned and re novated at reasonable prices. W- Orders left at BftOADFOOT & BOX',' ;tore, Clinton or Scaforth, will be promptly at .ended to. McLeod's System Renovator —AND OTnEIt— Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, .`''lecplessness, Palpatation of th Heart., Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Lose o Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stonei Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary' Diseases, ,SI Vitus' Dance, Femalo Irregularities and Ger. cral Debility. LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. J. M. McLEOII, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSW, Property For Sale. A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. In consequence of my age and iack of help, I bay decided to offer for sale my splendid gardening pit perty consisting of five and a nalf a xea in Clinto some of the beet land in the county of Huron, inclut Ing hot beds and other necessary requirement. Thera is on the premises a frame house witb cellar. soft and hard water, barn and other outbuilding, The s I river a T e R vfie d d' r a rein[ the property. Will sell s it reasonable price for half cash and balance secure by mortgage. As I desire to sell, this is a chane seldom metwlth. Apply personally or by letter t ;he proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, 894-t f. m — Minton WAN 1. F�— n Agents for "Queen Vic J toria, Her Reign a Diamond Jubilee." Overflowing with IateF u.ud richest pictures. Contains the endorse biography of .Her MResty, with anthenic Hi: tory of her renanTkabie reign, and full accour of t e Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.50. Big boot Tremendour demands. Bonanza for agent+ Connnission .50 per cent. Credit given. Freigh paid. OUTFIT Fitns. Duty paid. Write qquic for outfit and territory. 1'HE DOMINIO, COMPANY, Dept. 7, MA Dearborn St., Chicag( Removal of Night Soil, The undersigned will undertake the remove A Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closet+ bit short notice, and at reasonable rates. A, refuse removed out of town. 0 t -f ROBT. MENNF.L. Town Property for Sale. For Sale, in the town of Clinton, lot No. 311 situate on James street. There Is on the lot ; lite storey frame house containing large fron room, two bedrooms and kitchen, also collar Phe house is in a good state of repair and i lewly sided and painted. There Is excellen laid water. The land is well adapted fo gardening purposes. Price reasonable. Appl; :o the owner on the premises. 4t MRS. HUDIE. Miller's Omnibus Line Goderich, Ont. When in Goderich do not neglect to scour Killer's Omnibus to all parts of the town. On !very Is well equipped with reliable horses ant rood rigs, andprices will always be found ren ionable. Stables on East Street, near th, Square—telephone No. 51. JONATHAN MILLER, Goderich WANTED, I can pay ten dollars weekly to aladyofmatureage reflnemen tad tact to spend her time in It ggood cause. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Ont - FOR SALE. BLACK'S HOTEL, DUNGANNON, Proper }} Furniture and License. In good repair )oing good business. Possession at once tpplyy to MRS. SARAH BLACK, Dungannon 96l 4t a Much in L ifil-e Is especially tris of Hood's Pills, for no mo& elite aver sontalnad so great curative power in so small op"e, They are is whole medlel4e 'Hood's' s' chest, always ready, III ways or,always eat- P'' Is Isfaatory; y; prevent a cold or fever, cure all Myer ills, sick headache, jaundice, constipation, eto. Tris► The oalt, FUls to take with Hood's 8arsapa11I& Our Agricultural Fairs. The Victoria Jubilee days are now of the past, and the next iinportiant evonts of the year will be the Agri - Cultural Exhibitions of Canada. There are quite a number of these faits, but none of them is of more importance than tile Western Fair at London, commonly spoken aas Cauitda's •Fav- orite Live Stock Exhibition, a title which is largely the fact, and due to theespecial interest taken in these departments by the Managruent, who are anxions to do everythiugnecessRry for the comfort of both the exhibitors and their auunals, and have in this wrty estitblished in the tilinds of buyers and sellers that the Western Fair is the proper place to do business. The large and commodious buildings erected last year for the cattle, sheep and swine, and thought too big to fill, was proven to be altogether too sulall to accomodate the hv,-rease entry, there- fore the Directors have decided to re- move the swine into new quarters this year, and are haviuga building erected 1513 feet long 86 feet wide, in this way they purpose providing all the accum- ruoclation necessary for the reception of it very much larger entry than here- to -fore, and which they feel sure they will have. Further provisions have been made for the comfort of stockmen and their friends. The building formerly occu- pied by the ladies of the W. C. T. U. has been placed it little to the south of the main entrauce to the cattle and sheep building, being altered so as to provide a large hall, comfortably seat- ed, to be use tt as a place of public com- fort and meetings of the several associations during the .fair, also a room provided with stoves to prepare food for themselves and aninials, thus preventing the danger arising from the use of those swill coal Oil stoves, etc., in or, near the stuck buildings. There is also a storehouse from which will he sold all kinds of aniniial food itt the lowest prices. By the prize list just received the premiums remain much the same as last year, with the exception of im- p'oving the Hackney Horse Class, adding a class for general purpose teams : and in the poultry it class for half bred fowls, the coming fowl for the farm, and four- new varieties of pheasants. We note a new depatture of Dairy Cla..ses, by opening one for domestic cookery, etc., and from which good results are anticipated. Many handsome special cash prizes have been donated for competition. The special attractions are riot yet completed, but the committee's selec- tions in the past are a guarantee to the visitors thatis gond )afternoon and evening entertainment will be provid- ed for each day. The special train service and excursion rates are being arranged from all points. Weare requested by Mr. Thos. A. Browne, the Secretary, ro say that all applications for prize lists, programmes, and their map of Western Ontario will lie appreciated and filled with pleasure. The flair dates are Septenr- her 9th to 18th. One Honest Mian. Dear Editor.—Please inform your rea-lers that if written to confidential- ly, I will niail, in a sealed letter, par- ticulars of a, genuine, honest, home cure, by which I was permanently re- stored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous debil- ity, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank Heaven, I :tm now well, vigorous and strong and wish to make this certain lncans of cure known to all sufferers, I have nothing to sell and Want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I am desirous of helping the unfortluliate to regain their health and happiness, I promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp: War. T. MULFORD, Agent Supplies, P. O. Box 59, St. Henri, Que. Last -Tuesday evening at a barn -rais- ing on the faun of Mr. Angus McGilli- vary, about two miles from Port Elgin, a serious accident occured. While pulling up one of the last bents one of the workmen, Jackson Crowe, using a wrong rope, threw part of the tim- bers against some of the framework, and the whole frame fell over, demol- ishing the structure and seriously in - Mr. Crowe and Mr. Schwalm. Nearly all the men were injured more or less. Many of the timbers are broken. Eighty Unfortunates IS THE ESTIMATED PROPORTION IN EVERY HUNDRED PEOPLE IN THIS CLIMATE EFFECTED WITH THAT DREAD DISEASE CATARRH—HOW EAS- ILY THE PROPORTION WOULD BE RE- VERSED IF DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER WAS UNIVERSALLY USED— IT RELIEVIES IN 10 MINUTES. "Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I benefitted me at once, and it's so easy to apply," says Rev. W. H. Main, of Emmanuel Baptist church, Buffalo. Thousands triorein professional, and in the humbler callings of life, could sy Anien to this statement. Dr. Agnew s Catarrhal Powder gives relief in from 10 to 00 minutes in most acute cases. Now is the season of severe weather changes, and now Is the season when disease germs develop. That slight sneezing cold in the helm may mean that the seeds of chronic catarth have been sown. The tested cure is the safest and quickest.—Solei by Watts and Co. The best scientific opinion in Berlin is not sanguine of the success of Herr Andrea's attempt to reach the North Pole by balloon. How the Spoils am Distributed Winnipeg Nor'-Woster. One of the worst features of the Liberal success last ,lune was the shtuneless and systematic manner in which the chief Liberal wet kers in each cunstituenev in the west imule- diately went to work to arrange for the apportioning of the spoils among the faithful. The Liberal committee in each district at once constituted it- self it Patronage Board. Lists were made of all the available offices, and slates were made of the new officials who were to be appointed. One of these slate"I Wiis actually published in one of the Calgary newep,Lpers within a few days after the elections, and it is astonishing how currect was the forecast. The evidence given In con- nection with the chilies Of perjury upon which the President, the ice - President and the Secretavy of lily+ Battleford Liberal Association have recently been committed for trityl, shows how thoroughly these little Star Chaathers did their work in Saskatebe- wan. The charges of perjury were based Oil It statutory declaration the officers of the Liberal Association in t uestion made and sent down to the postmaster -General in support of their application to have. the Postmaster at Battleford removed in Order to inake a position for one of the faithful. These officers, When in the witness - box, made some very interesting ad- missions. Mr. J. M. Skelton swore :— "I was never askeJ to wake the de- claration ; it was. taken of tnv own tootion to show the nolipy,of the Gov- ernment In this matter; it Avas inade for the purpuse of retuoving Mercer froth the pint office and putting it L;beral in his place." And lir. C. M. Daunitis, who, by the way, has gut his own reward in the shape of an Indian Agency, swore:—"The Liberal Committee docided to have Mercer re. curved." The calm assuriuhce of these statements is staggering. "The Lih- eral committee decided !" In theory it is the Governor-General, on the advice of his ministers, responsihle to Parliament, who decides whether or net tier Majesty's servants shall be removed. But the irresponsible Bitt- tleford Liberal Committee is good en- ough to relieve the Governor and his ministers of all trouble in the Matter. It decides, and merely calls on his Excellency to give effect to its decree. We boast of the benefits of respon- sible government; but it is very clear that; we are living in a fool's paradise. Instead of the Civil Service being run by it responsible government, irrespon- sible little inquisitions of local ward bosses are given carte blanche in re- gard to it. "there no legitimate charges can be hrought against offi- cials, perjury is resorted to, and false affiditvits ileo filed for the purpose of misleading Parliament in the event Of any explanations being asked for. There is very good ground for think- ing that methods of this kind could be shown to have been resorted to in a very large number of crises if the dismissed officials chose to fight the Liberal Star Chambers as vigorously as the Battleford postmaster is doing The situation • is one which should alarm all Who are not professional poli_ st ticians. It shows thitt the very wor feature of United States politicial methods have been introduced, and is flourishing in our midst. The spoils system is had enough in all cpnsci- ence; hot when the division of the spoils Ls conducted after this fashion, the viciousness of the systeuil becomes innneasurably intensified. Search the Wardrobe and Closets. In almost every horne half -worn gar- ments and goods are stowed away in wardrobes and closets that can he made as good as new and 'fitted for months of wear. The operation of recreating and beautifying is simple, the cost is trifl- ing, and the general results beyond the cornprebension of those who are ac- quainted with the work of horne dye- ing. Dresses, jackets, capes, vests, pants, ribbons, silks, feathers, and a score of other things worn and faded can he transformed into things of beauty and fitshion at a cost of From ten to twenty cents. Thousands of Canadian families use Diamond dyes every year and save it great dein of trioney. All users of Dia- mond Des say it Is so easy to use them. We directions are so explicit and simple that it child can do good work. As there are many imitations and worthless dyes sold, see that your deal- er gives you the Diamond Dyes when you ask for them. Common dyes ruin your goods; Diamond Dyes bring suc- cess in color and beauty. The Secret of the $1,000,000 Deal. Mail and Empire Mr. Israel Tarte defending the Drum- mond deal in Parliament on June 26 sitid :— "Of course there are political friends of outs interested in the scheme. "Mv. J. N. Greenshields is one of our most active and most efficient po- litical friends in Montreal. "He has helped us to the hest of his ability ever since I came to Montreal. "He has acted like a friend. "He has acted like a man. "And I will not go back on hien to- day.,, For Over Fifty Years MRs. WINSLOW% SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suMoring and crying with pain of Cuttingg Teeth sond at once and dot a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow'R sooth- ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re. lieve the poor little Rufterer immediately, De- ppend upon it, mothers, there is no mistako about it. it cures Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures V%Ind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, an Ivestoneand energy to the whosystem. "Nes. Winalow's Soothing Syyyup" for children teething iR ploa- Rant to the taste and is the prescription of one of Clio oldeAt• and bent female phyRicians and nurses in the United States. Price twonty-five cents a bottle.Sold by all druggists through Ont the world." Be sure and ask for "Mits. WINSLOW'a SOOTHING SYRrP Lient. Peary and party left Boston last week for a northern point in Greenland, to eRtablish it settlement• in form it hase of supply for his polis' ex- pedition next year in search of the North Pole. t If we told you that your baby was starving, that it actually didn't get enough to eat, you might resent it. And yet there are thousands of babies who never get the fat they should in their food or who are not able to digest the fat that they do get. Fat is a necessity to your baby. It is baby life and baby beauty. A few drops of Scott's Emulsion for all little ones one, two and three years of age is better than cream for them. They thrive and grow on it. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Ont. A FERFLCT TEA no MONSOON THr FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD FRdrll THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUI? IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian Teas. Therefure they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up .n % Ib., r Ib. and 6 lb. packages, and never sold in bulk, ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to • STEEL, IIAYTER & 00. p TEA It and 13 Front Streqt East. Toronto, I 6O YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRICHTS etc. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifullyy illustrated, largest circulation of anpseteatlflo journal, weekly, terms $3,OU u year; E1.5U cis oil he. Specimen copies and I1AND BOCK, ON PATENTS sent free. Addraq MUNN fit CO., 361 Ilroadwny, NeIv York. NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN � Cures Guaranteed or No Pay I YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED MEN—Yon may have been the victim of Self Abuse when young. Later EYeeeses or exposure to blood diseases, may have completed the work. Yon feel the symptoms stealing over yon. Yon dread the talar[ result[. You know you are not a man mentally and sexually, Why not be cured in time and avoid the sed experience of other wrecks of these diseases. Our NEW M ET) 1'1tE0TME*1T WILL CURE YUU AFTER ALL ELSE FAILS. Emissions, Varicocele and Syphilis Cured W. M. MILLRS W. M. MILLER C U Q e \ E D�I Before Treatment AfterTre;ttment "At tho age of 151 commenced to ruin p' my health. Later on as "ONE OF Tilh. ,mY5" I contracted aserious blood dise.;se —SYPIiILIS. 1 way weak and nervous. r •v • + i t n3 despondent, m les sunken e c b P p pains. nicer[, hair loose, acro tongue earl moath drains in urine, varicocele!—I wa. a wreck. I was in the Inst stages when a friend recommender) Dre. Kennedy &, Kergan. A dozen other doctors haul failed in curing me. Dra. Kennedy & Horgan cured me in a few weeks by their New 1llethod Treatment. 1 would warn similar diseased men to beware of Medical Frauds. They are reliable honest and skillful physicians." W. M. MILLER. CONSULTATION FREE. We treat and cure Varleo. Celle, rsyphllts, Emissions, Gleet. titr,eture. Prervous ne•• bllity, Unnatural D1lochar,tea, Kidney and Bladder ID i s - eases. 17 YEARS iN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED Pio cure, PJo Pay. Write for uestion Blank for mome' , reatment. Books Free. Cmnsaltatlon Free. DRsJENNEDY & KERG AN No. I48 Shelby 5t. DETROIT, - - MICH. A Persecuted Saint. Mr. Israel Tarte'has been complain ing 1n Owen Sound that he is a perse- ctited inan. "When I was a memher of the Tory party," he says, "I was able and al that is good; now I am no good." There are it good many Torys here- abouts. We should like to know if any one of them ever recognized Mr. Tarte as a member of their party. Israel Tarte was is heeler in the neighhorhood of Quebec, but a inem- her of the party, in the sense that he wits prominent or influential—never, What, however, have Mr. Torte's antecedents to do with present-day politics ? Here is a than who proposes to give a rnillijln of our money to his Marty friends under the divguise of it railway purchatie. Does Mr. Tnrie's clairn thitt, he was once n Tory excu,;e that deal P