HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-07-21, Page 80 M , Teach the Young Idea The Great Day, How to Shoat. "960906#90900060000600000 1.000 Shots for 10 cents. 00000000000066006600040000 Tial' No Powder, No Smoke, No Noise. Tur DA1sY Ant RIFLE is modeled after the pattern of the largest target rifle, lilts it steel barrel, wire or walnut stock, made with pistol grip and is the only air rifle on the tuar•ket provided With globe &ights, a feature which every boy will appreciate. The barrel and working parts are of inetal nickel plated. Shoots B. B. shot by compressed air with sufficient force to kill birds, rats, etc., at, short dis- ance, yet is practically safe in the hands of any child. Entire length is 30 inches, weight 2 lbs., Price $1.25. 000000000000 Thb W. D. Fair Co,, CLINTON. Agents Parker's Dye 117ork.�.� The Huron News -Re. -,,ora 1 25 a Year—$1.00 is Advance WEDNESDAY, JULY 21st, 1997. LOCAL NEWS. In andt Around the club, 901VIX Titllu. Highest price paid for Cherries—CANTFLON Bnos _ See our Bedroom Suites at $6.50. Great Huap.—BROADFOOT, Box R CO. SAI ul-flAll July 5251, 789'1, I 11 Our Semi -Annual i Annual Midsummer Bargain Date. . BARGAIN DAA, Miss ANNIE FREEBORN, pupil Of Prof, Tor- ) rington, Toronto College of Music, is pronareal ' to accept pupils ill \'oval, Guitar and Piano. Will accept Conecrt k.ugagcments- Some eighteen estates have been entrusted to the care of the Lmtdou and Western 'frust Company (limited), of London, and(Wad- uaily the company is working up it good usi- ness. A long felt want in the west has been tilled by the institution of thio company, the usefulness of which is established, and the sue - cess now assured. HoG PRieFs UP.—Buyer D. Cantelon informs THE NEws-RECORD that he will ship another car of live hogs on Tuesday next. On Saturday the price had risen to $5.25 per hundred, live weight. CLINTON BILL BOARDS.—Sen Webb, Jr., has disposed of his bill boards in town to Frank Evans, who will in fu- ture control theta. Mr. Evans will Pay special attention to this class of work, and all parties interested should consult hien. RUNAWAY. =Saturday •1)orning a team of horses owned by Mr. Chas. McIntosh of Hullet.t started from Can- telon Bros. store on Albert street, made a circuit dash and beaded for home in Hullett. Mr. John Bailey hwppened to be on his way to town And captured the team oppo- site Snell's. There was no damage. We are pleased to notice by our Goderich correspondence that the cor- roration of the circular city has even t this late day decided to put the hath- ing house inproper shape and to build a walk in order that visitors may be enabled to reach it. The good old town had already lost many visitors through this wanton neglect, but'bur readers will be gratified to learn that the evil has been rectified. These little things are of immense value to aany suintner resort. HOTEL SOLD.—Last Saturday after- noon the Commercial Hotel was sold under power of mortgage by auctioneer Dickinson. Some years ago Mr. Wol- per, now of Berlin, purchased the pro- perty for something like $7,NX). Schrenk Bros. were the highest bidders and they secured the property at $2,710. The upset price was $2,712. Altheugh real estate has depreciated in value, this price does not represent the actual value. Mr. Walper sold the property some years ago to Mr. Rossier, who was tillable toehold it, and only loses $10 on his original investment, includ- ing all costs. Schrenk Bros have secur- .,d at big bargain. THF CROPS.—The crops in Huron have not for years given greater pro- mise of abundance. rood repports rorne from all sections. Mr. 1V n1. Weir, the Willowgrove Dairy, has one hundred acres of fray which will aver- age 21 tons, or in all yield at least 225 tons. He. was on a visit to Bluevale last week and on the road viewed many fine farms. Peas are looking flair and the late rains will improve the yield very much. Oats are it little backward. Wheat has never looked better and he believes the general yield will average thirty bushels to the acre. Providence has this year, as far its can be ascertained, smiled on the farming community. CHEESE SOLD.—Salesman Connolly has sold the first half of July cheese ftont Holmesville and Summerhill fac- tories to Ballantyne & Son at the fol- Ibwin prices :—SurnMer•hil), 71c. per 1b., vv ich is the highest -price paid any factory on the market. for colored cheese; Holmesdille, 81J16c. per lb., which is the highest for whVe cheese. The difference in the price of the pro- duct of the two factories is not berause one is a better quality than the other, but because there is it good demand for first-class white cheese at the present tiliip.. Mr. Connolly and the share- holders are to he congratulated on their ennnent success. Additional locals on first page, FOR, years we have held two SPECIAL BARGAIN DAYS in the ear for the ur ose of cleaning out 2 SAT " UWT RDAY ,SLILY 24the 1knoall our odds and ends of stock and we fully believe that 000000000000000 ����66*64000000 firm in this section of the country ever quoted such WIC ridiculous prices as the ones given on our special days. • TE. a year, at the wind up of each season, we have a Bargain Day when the We do not believe in carrying old stock year after year and 00 ,� balance of the season's stock is cleared out at prices that are an absolute sav- our means of Cleaning out goods at the end of this season ing of money for those who buy. Shrewd buyers take advantage of these selni- commends itself to a shrewd buying public. Our Bargain annual sales and are money ahead by doing so. This season's Bargain Day will days have always been most successful and this year will be he SATURDAY, JULY 24th when summer stocks of all kinds will be no exception to the rule. placed on sale at prices that will quickly clear the counters and empty shelves of sums r'y stuffs. With the end of the month comes stocktaking and we want as much cash and,'as We will offer a little Dry Goods as is possible by that date. Stock of We're going to make it worth your while driving miles to this sale. The success of our bargain day s has been phenomenal and this won't be behind it's predecessors if we can help it. Furnishings, '` We have never disappointed you in the pastand won't do it now. Here are some of the goods we're going to sell and the prices we're going to sell them Hats and Caps, at. 'file goods are good and the prices cut so a dollar will, lmost do the work of two. �.� It means honey in your purse to be here Bargain Day. men's and Boy's C11®t�.l 9 Curtain Muslins. Chenille Goods. ; Lace Curtains. Good Chenille Curtains, fringed, 3 At Prices far Bolow the Wholesale Cost. 30 and 39 inch white spot, cartatiu colors, regular $2.95 per parr, ..$2 10 I White and cream Lau•e Curtains, 3 "luslins, goods, regular `mac. Chenille Table Covers 27x27 inches, yards long, taped edges, one pat- fineFriuge all round, bargain day.... 42c tern only, bargain day..... .. Me and 25c ...........................125c Chenille Covers. 58x58 inches, heavy Lace Curtains, 3:S yards long, taped Nogood buffer can afford to miss fringe, good quality and patterns, ' edges, good pattern, extra fine b J Fine 3apauese Art th apery, a pat- for bargain day, ... , 0 0 0 0 ..... , .. $1 G3 I u:altty, regular $•2.75, bargain this sale• terns, regular `Lic................12hc 1 Tapestry Table Covers, 2x21 yards, day................... .........$1 95 1 worth regular$2.50, bargain day $1 '?5 �e da m®®ems a c�ea e, o o r ®e ce c� o�ooe o 0 0 0 oe �e�o 25 pairs odd Lace Curtains, only one or two of a pattern, nearly all fine goods, will be sold Next week we will quote a full list of Prices at from one quarter to one half off regular prices. - 66 inch bleached table damask, good I Short. enols and reutnants of shirt - and it will pay to watch out for them. Quilts. I quality and pattern, regular 69c,I ings, pillow cottons, prints, &c., WhiteMaisautles(�udts,fine goal- Y••••'••••••"""""' 45c all at bargain day prices. � bargain da 00000000000000000000 it and good oveight,2+sx24 yards, 60 inch half bleached table damask, Remnants of Tweeds suitable for good value at $1.25, bargain day 85c worth 40c, bargain da 28c boys' wear at remnant prices. Men's Furnishings. Linen damask towels, real border, Dress Goods WWI regular 23c per pair, bargain day 19c In this department yon will find bleu's plain white and fancy Vests 95c' Extra fine a.iid large pure linen some of the biggest bargains in the JAuniaON BROSFine colored shirts,collarsattaclied, towels, one of car good lines and store. �" . fast colors, regular 75c and $1 good value cert :37;( etch, bargain goods, bargain day .............. :i0c da ........................... 25c All wool black C-ror skirt makes r Y • • most stylish dress or skirt to wear Men's Braces, strong elastic web, Wttit the above we will sella quantity of odd wtt,h shirt waists, 42 inches wide, Clothiers and Furnishers good strong buckles and straps, Towels, \ 1ne bl, elled s. R: s and throe or re alar 60C, bar ain da ........33c � regular 25C; 35C and One }Ines, tour very tine blvrwhe(1 damask table covers, g g Y ' b:arg:ain dray, your choice........ 15c that are sltghtly soiled. All will goat bar- Priestley flne figured black dress gat day prices. goods some of the best goods we Clinton men's Cotton Drawers, good qual- carr , we want, to' clear out the�, it.y, regular 40c..' ............... • • `mac Staples. end.Y before stocktaking so ori" Men's Linen Colhirs, good shapes, Buggy Buster", good quality, regular 60c. .45c bargain (lay will sell regular 90c — J will do up well, all sizes, bargain .......02je day 3 for ..................... I ... 25c Light and dark prints, cotton waist tuaterials, lines for 0 0 0 0 . Grenadines 1 regular 8c and 10( .......... 0.0 .... 0......0. 5c Fine bloc k'wool Grenadines, double J i� Sale Black wool sox, regular 15c....... 10c American C'antou c'totl, 32lnehes wide fast fold, good patterns, regular 50a, ..2 • Black Sateen Shirts, white spots, colors, regular 121c, bargain day. . • Sc Black figured Lustre, 44 inches wide, T sizes 14L 15, 154, 16, regular $1.25 ('tw<�k and Stripe shaker flannels, dark and t re ulcer 80c. ..... ....59e light colors, regular 8c........ . . `� g ' ' line, bargain day ................ 69c• Naat•y Dress Goods, diagonal and li,egular 5c shaker flannel, bargain fancy figure, regular 45c and 50c, Special Straw Hat day .......................... 4e bargain day .................... .:29c Bargains. . Fine dress duck, regular 121, 0 0 0 0 .. Sc French Coating serges, 46 inchgs I LIN RYO g Brown and white check shirting wide, worth 40c, special for bar - About 100 men's a' ' ' ' nd boy's fine . worth 8c bargain day............ uc gain day ........ ...............25c Straw Halts, all good shapes and Blue and white check krankie 50 inch all wool serge, Brown only D4 ©grGJ�O�a o 0 04a �0 Gf giUdities, have heen selling at 40c skirtings, fist colors worth lOc.. 7c regular75c. . ............ ....... .49c .roc, 75c and $1, bargain day, yourc Meavy cottonades, good patterns, 27 inch Black Crape cloth .......... 25c choice ...................... • .. • 25C regular 22c, 3 pieces only, special All wool Cashmere serge, black THIS week, in order to reduce our stool: of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S DRESS HATS AND L mbrellas, strong rigs and handles '25c for bargain da1Y............ 0000. l:�c only, regular 65c..................42c • Fine English Oxford Shirting, ,just 42 inch all wool serge, fine finish, SAILORS; so we may not carry many aver, we offer Linens. the thing for boys' blouses, regi- special at.........................22c y011 our Choice Assortment at CLEARING Goods we Isar 20c ................... want to clear odd lines of ........ 155 Light colored fancy figured Dress that are in every day use in every Black watered Moreen, regular 20. 10c Goods.............................19c PRICES. �\ household. Better quality black Moreen ..... Zic Double fold black Cape Cloth ...... 45c Heavy twill Toweling, it regular Sc:33 inch fast color apron gingham, Fancy flgured dress goods, regular Ladies' Sailor Hats, great sellers, high litre ........................... regular 10c...................... se hoe goods ........................ 3ie Wide crash Toweling....... ... .. Sc Special bargains in factor cotton, Six flne dress costumes, regular or low crown white black colors - 25c 9e ' g y $4.00 and $5.(,J your choice bar - 66 7 > > Extra very fine even thread, full 3(i gain day �.; 66 inch half bleached table daanask, inches wide, would he good value ba y... ' ......................$2 til Ladies Sailor Hats in white with black all pure linen, good }patterns, I at 8e, in 9 yard end,: only, bar•galn Crearn figured lustre 4f inches - - 45c extra value at (9)e. bargain day.. 4.'tc day ..................... )c t e end. wide, regular 60c .. , .. 3.9c band of ribbon, worth '75e, for Fine Fancy Figured Dress Goods, Tweeds, Sills mixtures, our regular 55c, 60C and 65c ill Iles Ladies nobby short back Dress Sailors your choice on Bargain Day at only age per yard. Trimmed, $1.25, for - - - 85c - - --- -- - — Silk Remnants. 1 All our $2.25 and $2.50 Parasols, White linen collars, ))lack and col- souae: of the nobbiest and best oved edges, regular 20c......... , file Newest Styles, Lowest Prices, .5n ends of fancy silk, lengths of goods we have..................$1.5v Cuffs to match, regular -80c ........ lac one half po three yards at aboutI Black frillcdl'arasolc,regular$1.25. 7.5c ' Waist setts, black, gold, silver.... 1Rc at the Leading Millinery Emporium. half price. Ladies silk Undervests, regular 75c. 355 Black and colored frilled Parasols, White gauze Undervests, reg. 30c•. l5c pop cip�0�rp O p4 p404 All wool (igured detaines; light :and I regular $1.60 .... . ............... 80c I ('ream lace shawls, regular $'2..... 51)c chalk grounds, regular 2uc andi Ladies ribbed Hygiene vests, regu- :30c.................... ..... ..... 15c Hosiery, oyes, ,......... . I;,c Black and crearuore silk Gloves, Ladies white Cotton Drawers, odd Cotton Dress Goods. regular 'Zc.... pure ..... 19c lines, regular 75c, Sync, $1, choice. 5oc Corset Fancy colored mtislins, regular 20c Our regular 20c fast black cotton Ladies Cotton Drawers, reg, 50c . 35c and laic .................. ....... I 0 Dose........................... 15c Fine cotton Corset Covers, reg. . Fancy muslina,c•olors, white and Clearing our fancy Belt Buckles, ""•"""`"""''"'"...... 50c black, fine colored cotton crepoiis regular Mc and 75c Buckles...... 25c Blouses. all regular 25c goods.............12hcI Black, cream and colored Lace Bargain day roust see the list of our n Plant grass linctus and faurev lineMitt, regular 50C ................ 35c shirt waists. We have marked thein effect muslins, the most stylish at rices that should sell every one. goods we have, regular 2.5c ...... 15e Real Torchon Laces, regular 6c and p 3 8c for ......... . ........ ....3c rand 4c All our regular 50c waists....... , . Ve All our regular 75c waists..... 49c Specis,l lot of assorted Laces raga All our regular $1 1 15,$1.2,5 Parasols. lar 124c, 15c and 20c .............. 80 g � $ • We have too many Parasols and waists ....................... ... 79c. The other day we were offered a bar- Odd Corsets, regular Inc and $1 15 Water roof Circulars regular never had nicer goods, to clear out all P g gain in Summer Corsets; the are P g g goods, sizes ... 2U, 25, 26, 27 only, 150 and 2 0 * possible before stocktaking will eve h r $ $ , your choico......... 7:r' �. Y argain day ...................... Sic now here on sale regular '75e for - 50o special bargains on bargain day. Mena strong Coity....ttonade Pant, Good black sateen Parasols, lar a Black and ciilored Veiling, regular regular 75c quality, 0000....... Sic . , .. `39c 20C ............................... 10C Men's extra heavy blue derry over- Ladies' Hygiene Corset Waist in Creamsize " "' White flouncing embro., beautiful ills, the best goods made, have. Fine glories silk Parasols, hollow patterns, suitable for aprons, been $1.50 ......................$1 (15 regular $1.215, for — — — �' 1 ribbed, top will not turn green , . 79r regular prices $1.25 and $1.50. Meds fine all avool Tweed pants, Your choice of our $1.75 and $2 sold in ends of Ij yards only perggood value at $3.50, for bargain lu Parasols . ......................$1.35 yard 0.......................0 .. 50c day................. .......... ..$1 95 300 pairs Children's Cotton Hose - 5c Besides the above we will have many other lines the quantities of which are not enough to advertise. We want to turn the goode into cash and you will save money by being here 150 pairs Ladies' and Children's Lisler Bargain Day. Get here as early as you can but come anyway. and Taffeta Gloves in black and colors 10c Store open from 7 a. m. to 10 p. •res'OOOOOOOOOOOAOtl0000000001000000 a W. H. BEESLEY ku"10, THE LADIES' FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT. P. -IN QUR"A>a :? • s rsTR� r 111 . � 1 1 r