HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-07-21, Page 5The Horseless
Carriage . . . .
Has made its appearance ill To-
ronto. The spectacle peddlar
and travelling Optician are
gradually disappearing front the
country, Both wonderful dings
in their way but hath the result
of science. In Pau•is there are
said to be 1,500 of these horseless
carriages and OO doubt they will
likely Ito uunrecuus here before
tan};. A few yeul's ago thcire
was no such thing its It regular,
trained optician who really un-
derstood the fitting of glasses.
To -day in most towns there is
at least one such person in whom
the people now put their confi-
dence instead of trusting, its
they used to have to do, to
pedcllals or the equally danger-
ous way of selecting their owl)
In Clinton ire are the recognized
o� pticians or spectacle specialists.
F70 are graduates of the Optical
Institute of C'anadit, and members
of The Canadian Association of Op-
ticians. We have satisfied hun-
dreds of customers and can satisfy
NplWe test free, recoutueud
stcian if necessary, fit glasses it
they will benefit', charge moderately
for there and refund ILIoney if not
satisfied. We protect you thor-
oughly and are always at your
Graduate --
Druggists and Opticians.
foot to go to be clear o' the train he A PIONEER'S STORY.
was struck un the left his, killinghhu Have you tried theme'
instantly and thl-MVing hull into tile 1+'oLLOWING AN A•1rAcK. ON LA GRI1'1'Ir
. l water'. Ilis left leg was broken, lel HL SUFFERED DAY AND N1CH'I' b•1)K !�■ /� ssey-Harris B -cycle e
q- ��• two lanes, left slut broken, right FOUR YEARS --A NVULL KNOWN 4 tai► Yy� 1
Ln �.1 y1 shoulder dislocated, elle thumb broken, C'LERGYNAN LNI]olttiRIS HIS WTATls- rf
left hip badly lacerated, two scalp aILNT,
Woman's wounds, beoidesintarnal injuries. The It IS dust \that you have been looking for 111 ]'
h rade
train was stopped stud backed up tattle From the tterord, \1'tu,lsw•, Ont. crass T'L1nI1111�,s I'ICll ]Il A))eltl'a[1Ce strong an(l� durable
• scene of I Ile accident, and a number of 11
Toilet })tv)pI ill the vicinity who had been Aurong the residents of Kingsville, You cant bleak: tllenl. 1.'Ur $85 Or a discount for Cash*
• • • • 1)ruught out by the loud and prolonged Ont., puna is held in higllet' esteetu
whistling of the trawl, assisted the train- tnan Mr. Jautes Lovelace, who is
May be beautiful in its situ• luen in recovering the burly (which known fact only in town, but t.o rr.any Bran M
I �)licity, but it is really tvuudt r' ry„ated) from the: water. The,body wits I correspondent
out lsOf it county. When a Brantford Ruby Rims
ul how it is brightened up by placed Liu the train and taken batck to c"rresl)ottdefat of the Record called up- J/ S�L.lL.L1�
L pte.0 of Jewelry-- if it k ill tliestation,a idafterwardstoS.Uritee y to biro and asked tial to aNetloe fr c•rr-
ood taste. The s arkle of ay' twin stateweuts as to his care flow a
g P undertaking store, %%-here it lay until ,y�
precious atom, tau: shffau of a tile coroner's jury inspected the re- pautful fat lie cheerfully idial years of ®=• 54•
bracelet, the' rieli yellow of at mains, Au inquest was held Ou Sat- sutferin},•, ha vyedid I d a
gold chain against a creaiuy ""day at ()fail o'clock,"and a vel diet of Lovelace said: -four years ago 1 had a .
neck, all these sot+m to bring accidental death was givaEl, thus ex. bad attack of la grippe, which left uta Oes your Bike y� oed
the bfauty of the.wea ret' into otelatin • the railway cotnpally front with it severe pain in the pit of illy JL V JLL
strung relief. A Il Of thaw are illa,ite, {{,, stomitch. After trying �lousehOld
The funeral un Monday atter- remedies and getting no relief, 1 Coll•®•F,al•yln
bare in Chia store, noon was largely attended, the A. U. C'. suited it doctor, taut after a lon}r, treat- Repairing?
W,, of which he wasafaleniber, attend- went which did not hell) ole, I becalne •
Our Repairing i ing in it body. Alt.. MofYitt wits an discouraged and concluded there was no
I h:ngli lttliatt by birth, iL member of the Ielief for nue. Night and day for four.We linOW 11U1V t0 IVC yUli a SatlSti1Ct01' UIJ. ILO
Department Aiethodist church, and in politics it years that pain never left lee. At Y
staunch lteforiner. ala was Line of the member a dr UU(1S clerk In)ly sell day
early settlers in 7'urnberrv, and iLlvvit s trues it wits so bad then 1 had to give �' g goods but it
Y up wort.. I had f illis and
of Dr. talars a I1liLChi111St to 1'el)alI' a Bike. VVC are not UIIl
Is under our own personal took a wars interest in agrkalway '1Vi ark.' had
Pills and perhaps r. 8
supervision and all re.pail•s (in- tnattors. He was president of the Much out of curiosity as with any hope maellillists but we have the machinery to d0Our
trusted to oto• titre, trout the Turnberry Agi1cultural Society, in that they would help rte, 1 bought it work as it should be clone, y
smallest to the largest job, will whose service he wits untiring in his })Ox. I followed the directions cafe- •��Give Us a t11aL
be returned with otrt guar- efforts. He leaves a wife and two fully, and by the tittle the box was fin •�tla�•®•Ot4•tl��0o0.OY
anter, children' -the eldest, John, by his first ished 1 was surprised to find that I wits
wife, and one by his second wife who /ry
�o the co their loss. The sympathy ]itch of getting relief. I could not understand The
Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton.
the COITIt).111I11t Y 1 y how, after all the medicines } had pre- 1, lA
y goes out to the hereat•- viously tried had failed, this one liox
ed in this time of sorrow. of D -r. Williams' P;nk fills should help OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE Clinton.
Elle. I now he time I hadcontinue their
Corrie. use and ty the rima I lrd taken flys
LOCALS. -The hum of the. ruower is boxes every trace of pilin had left ine _
, heard in all directions tit present. - and I felt As well as ever I had dune ill
Several from here attended the C. P. my life. To -day I aln its sound its a Furniture and U'ndertakin
R. Employees picnic in Shelburne on dollar and believe there is no man of moi•
Rubber rings for gem jars 10c (tor. Jeweller and Saturday. ---Miss b:, Moore of Har•riston my age ill Essex county who can stand (SL'C(7EtiSUI1 TO J. W. CHIDLI:Y. i5l
Paris green 25c a pound. is at present visiting friends in town.- it harder day's work. )
3 taarFly pePers 5c and Wh Whisks:) worth at least Expert Watch AI"• Levi AlcDerulott of Detroit, form- Rev, R. D. Herrington, Baptist We will always be pleased to have a call from the people of Clinton and aur-
g erly of Govr•ie, paid friends in town a minister at Kingsville, says: -"Having rounding country to inspect our large new stock of up to -date Furniture, which
15c each. Repairer. vtstt last week -Miss Mabel Camphill knowr. bar. James Lovelace for the will be sold on the very smallest living profits, and defy all competition. V1Te
who !tits hero attending college at Nia- past thirty years, I believe the abOve have new styles in BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING
vola Falls, is at presentepare spending the true. iI might
-•-�--- � vacation under the parental roof. -Mr. true. [ tui ht also sit that I have 'A)H.N�l:RS WANTED John Burivell of i ort t31t1•well s cut a been greatly benefitted myself by the CHAIRS, 141 ATRLSSES,
P 5eitled 'Fenders will be reeeived by the un- Ecru dnys Inst week visiting his uncle, use of Dr. Williams' fink I ills, ,
y Rev. (;. It. Guune.-Aar. and Mrs. Mc- '— Picture Fommig a nd Upholstering done.
durst •ncd. np to T p. fat. on witter ta.Jt Lv h!, _ _ rti cot• t�io erection fat a brick tvator Gtiik hi the 511ii'i'i)y of Toronto visited friends in IiND�RTAKINU.-Our Undertaking Department is complete with the fineaa
' Town of Clinton, Plan, anal •pcciflcattons to town litst week. -Mr. Goor e Pertains BIRTHS.
be seen at the office of the undersigned. rhe is at present iu the employ u o outfit in this part of the county, We are becoming well known by the
-- iuwost or any tender not uecessnrilyaceentod. f Ryr s. SNICL nes S Morris, at on .rely 9th, the wife of very low prices we charge for the splendid service we give; don't forget
Bros„ watch -makers and jewellers. 1'I r.}Jautes Snell of a sun. g p
G. S airman i '1 Ttvr7rnu Lr„ -Lt Clinton, oil Jul thio what it is necessary to consult an iJndertaker. All Sunday and night
Toront•u. --Won. �Vri htof Turnberry is
('hairntati Fire and 'Water ('ant. g S' T, the wife
c� _ in the e.ntploy of Janios r of Mr. -James Twitchell of a datughter, calls answered from residence, Huron Street.
Stop! ' _. _ ---_ _. _ Walker, black- HARK
H. C. Barlett n tt
J r, su]it.h, at present. -Miss l3iir•r•ie of FI atsoN.-In Ilaytleld,on.Jnlyoth, like wito F' rni uo
• FALL TERM StEIF 1ST. Goderiell picid (aorrie friendsiL visit °f t7i.1).li:.-risuuotternorth, and Huron street, Clit�toIl
last week.• --Alis Alary Alutch was at- At.rnvAatu.-[n Exeter north, on July 121 h, C �9 Vndcrtakcr
the tvirc of A. Alltvurd of a d:utghler,
�`! �'/�i tending the E. L. Convention in Torou-
AND LOOK AT OUR to lust week, she being thedelegate
front here. Rev. Mr. Fisher,
also at- MARRIAGES. `
10C Blouse Sets. STRATF'ORD, ONT. tended. ---No. 8 Company, 33rd Batt., wnr.LAeE-SL'7'llERLAND,-At the residence
A live, go -a -head scllool that throe hay pre- wilh Capt. Kitine i11 ellar ge, returned of Mr. Burt, Durham, on Juli- 8th, by the Rev.MKIV
urea,•Stu on the 0th inst. from sojourn of J. A. Janson, V1r. tt'. 1l. W',tllt:tuc of Winghatut,
We have just received another lot of p 1 g moil +ted women for bus cess life. J to Miss Elsie Sutherland ofDurbani. L00
theta. Havingsold over 100 airs, At.Lcnc enc a this year double that. of haat year. two weeks in Loudr n. They were ,. RES
P Only one kind of business education given to MdIBAa e Rev. r DEa-In Chatstod y July
spoken of very highly, being the clean- ith, by Che o. M . 1) ;tTcLae assisted by Rev,
whirl cleaned ns out, but managed to our atgdents and that 'the best.” Write for eat coin an on the field. Sergt, R• tV• Diekic, Mr. 1), MuLaufilan of the (:studs
secure another lot which we will sell circulars. Principal. y Buelnosa
W. J. ELLIOTT. cattle out 3rd hest in the Baml,- College, to Miss Jennie Alder, fornter-
if 1 e cents the set, and are is price.HenryY 1)' of win ham, ••••••••••i0O••••••••
if they can be duplicated at this pricy lion in shouting, he making 56 out of a g
possible 80. a iNba, o June s. -At Portage art Prairie,
Come and get a set before they are all -,--` —• -•' Manitoba, on June 1st, by Rev. iVtr. Doan, Mr.gone. They won't last long. Our, 25c Overcoat Lost. -'-- - Jetrrey Quinn, son of Mr. (3co. Quint, or Fast Pure
��� ���
Blyth. \Vawanosh, to Miss Sarah Jalle tVilliants of SAA e g�.�, ,f„ i
line tVOri't }sat long. Lost, int the gravel road in front of the farms Ingleside, Mmiftoba, formerly of Blyth,
of George Ruddol or Robert Scott, noar l,ondcs- I3RIrsrs.-On Wednesday evening GLASGOW-MACARA.-On the 8th Inst., at the •
boyo, last May, a DARK OVERCOAT. The finder Memorial church, London, by the very Iter„ •t V Amber Shield
• will be suitably rewarded int returning finder
the last tyle Social held under the auspices 6 P the Doan of Huron, assisted by the Rev. T. w.
• • sante to the owner. MAINS, Loudosboi - of the Ladies Aid of St. Andrew's Pen %k, Joan Creswell, daughter of the late
P. C►• 97.2-4t John Macara, barrister, of Goderieh, to will.
P Presbyterian church held at the rbsi- Anderson G
We do Engraving in the , ____ __ lasgow, barrister, of Roanoke, V1r-
donee of Mr. John Buie's was ver girlia.
very neatest and latest style, � ' Y I>A7roN-ANnERsoN.-At' Brarsidc('otra, L
and do it while you wait. Pasture tOLet• largely attended. L'lyth baud was _in T!t•DER TW NE
erton,the hcuuo of the bride, oil Wednesday,
r Horscs and ('little taken into pasture. Coo(1 attendance. Proceeds $50.-Il,ev. lilt', July 7th, by her brother Rev..Jas. A. Anderson,
fences, ,Icut • of shad c, wiuer and salt. No '' B. A., of GOdcrich, a.ssistcd by Revs. A. Tolutac,
1�.� ••- J s A Ittgsby,paetor of the;llethodist church, 11, Me
i3arTucd tvi^e. A ,ply to C. ;t1:1�uN, at �utple. Qnitrrle and J. F'itzpatrirl(, H. A., M1iaggrc
tun or to It. IJLF:�N" fat Or;uigu Ihill• llullctt, left last week for a throe weeks' \•, di.utghtcr of I{ev. John Anderson, to .lulu
971 t•f vacation. -intra. Y,elfry Of Alontreal id Patton, Eq., Tivert+m.
—_-_ . _�.----_.._ ._ . _• Jouss'ro.x -ADDrsoN.•-TIl (Tinton, on j,111 -
flumball at her father's residence, Mr. 12, by Rey. it, Sllllyarrl, ,101111 Albert. Johnston
Voters' List, 18a7• Win. Shane, Dinsle,y St. --Slim Jim, of Hnnttncrhill, to 11i,.+.Jauu.lddisonuf Rullett.
11UNICIPALITY OF TIAs TOWN- the tramp painter and decorator, struck •ts••so•mo•e••••a••o•• ••••••••
SHIP OF GODLItl(:Il, town on Sunday after an absence of DA.,i1T11�. o •
Jeweler, Clinton. Hourx:u. in Exeter, on July albs ITcnr)
HLT110N CU. five years. Ila struck a few jobs on Frauklau Houper, age(18 years,'9 mmithsand
ewe e Monday and tools his departure �n 17drtys. Prices
��j (� ��T
Notive is hereby given that i have tritnsntil- 1 ccs Low
• •
led or delivered -to the 1'neada morning on foot for Seaforth, tfAr•TTIt.-Ill Exeter,m)file l3thInst.,Arseott • •
persons mentioned in Y \Vttlte•, aged T3 years and two (lays, •
iii�ortga�e dale ser'lions5and fief (I1C sects ri Lists Acta, the - On Sunda some of the members of •
41 10s 1'e(hIIPL`rl I1J' arLld aCCrleln� to be so ta•ans- Y Runrse•r.,oN.'-Faizabutb tree .11u(;onnel0 the ®•a•®®O®•00.0®®9®00••®0•® O•••
irriltoil or delivered of the'list tuade pursuant the (i. O. I'', IIrOVa 040r t0 Brussels t0 beloved wife of Georgs c. Robertson, formerly
—OF -- to said Act oC ;ill persons rtppenriug by the lavls of Goderleh, died in Chicago, .July 5th, lbw.
revised Assessment Hall ofthcs•tid municipid- attend divine service with their broth• irgorlalye:u s, ttr'onuntthsunrl2lirl(tys,
Valuable hotel Property alt t, be entitled to voto in the will nnlnt(•ip- ren of that town. -Several of our Mcicm,vii.: -Tn tt•Jnglotm, on Jul3}• P?th, Tbar•
slaty at elecliona for members of the Legisha s Orfin� rvJrL111L'a, infant so❑ of 51r. raid ;lira• ,J(Lmen
ttyCAPsetttbly and fit Monieillal Flle(,tiolls, itri(1 P o fraternity intend taking in
—IN TITS' that said ]iat'wns first posted till iu m ottlee, at 2 �� 2TeKelvle, aged I I month,+ and 28 days. 1v% d• •
Godericl) Township on the 1 h (lit), of ,July, the tYinghani reC09 On tat 8lld 22nd tION'H.1T.-Irl t\'inghtLlll, on .luly!Ith, Geegc _
1S97.autrl renutiltstteirforins,%elaou. weather otIllittinn,— Motfatt,Tornberr aged. years. months,HaV
Town of Clinton. `- i I p a U❑ 1llonday y. h• s'• �,/' J JP
®� �
FlectorsareCalledupon tnesamiuethe said afternoon thunder and -lightning ac- - - - '
Under and by virtue of the power or sale can- I•iat and if any omissions or any other errors — _
aro, found ttierciu, to take inunediate COtn )anied b 8
tamed in amortgago, which will br: t)rorLu;ed proceed- I Y beautiful shower of KAttl?`F',C REPORTS. •r
at safe. there wi!1 bo offered fm• sn.!u by public inks to have said errors corrected according to rain passed over this burgh which was (Corrected ever Tuesday afternoon.)(yT _7�1 �®�•
auction, by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, at the laty, g s' ) CLINTON.
NIXON STURDY. very much needed and thankfully re- OLINTON.
COMMERCIAL HOTEL clerk of 00derieh Township, Ceived -Mise INf illie Bell of Goderich Fall wheat ................... 0 65 to U 66
July�th,J897• 97411 is Vision at the rector _._..._.
In the Town of Clinton• g y for a few Barley .......................... 0 25 to 0 35
---ON - - days,-;N1rs. A. Carter left here oil Uate ............................. 0 22 to 0 23
Exeter. Tuesday for a two months' visit peas
toes,aa.,,,aaus .......,.. 0 38 to; 0 40 Are you looking for a Snap a
Niturday, the 17th day of July, '97 LiolITNINC+• FREAKS. -The residence amongst friends in Manitoba. Potatoes, per bust.......... U 20 to 0 25 r
at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the following P` of of bar. Win, Snell, William street wits - -� ' Butter loose in basket.... 0 9 to 0 10
party, nantoly:-Part of lot Sixteen on Huron + - - •Y����•!!t•tl•
street, and the west part of lot sixteen and the struck by lightning during the thunder News Notes. Butter in tub. .: ............. U 10 to U 11 We have too many C011ches in stock for the amount of room we have, so in
east part of lot seventeen all in the town of storul on Monday evening and did con- Mr. Fisher, Minister of Agriculture, Eggs per doz.................. 0 8 to 0 8'
Clinton. On this property there is erected a siclerable damage. No insurance. --The will leave for Victoria, B. C., in a couple Ha order f clear itit some h them we are making :L BTG REDUCTION in the
three story brink hotel known as the Com' stables of Mr. James Dennis was also of weeks, and will proceed to Japan to Cordwood ...................... 3 00 td 3 50 pace of a certain hue. This is ti chance yea should not utiss if you require a
inertial, at resent m the occupation of Thomas P ' OOUCh,
J. Bell. The other buildings consistof a large struck by lightning. No serious da. Promote trade between that country fipples per bush ............. 0 35 to U 35
barn, woodshed, icobouse, &a This hotel is age done, -The barn of Mr. John HiLw- and Canada. Dried Apples per ]b........ 0 21 to U 2z Undertaking
one of the est known places of business in the kens on the London road two miles President (lark, of the Christian En Ducl(s per Ib ................. U U5 to 0 O6 .
county of Huron, has always done, and Is now +
doing a good business. Possession will be given north of this village, was struck by deavours, iv anxious that the next con- Turkeys per Ib...'........... 0 07 to 0 08 In this department the curry a camplete stock, and give a service thaton the 1st day of August, 1897, lightning and consumed on Monday vention be held in London, to show the Ceese per lb .................. 0 05 to 0 06 cannot he surpassed by tiny. Our charges are as low as the lowest. We
Terms and conditions of sale:- Ton per cent. evening about 5 p. rn. The adjourning old world sometbIng of the strength of Chickens per pair............ 0 25 to 0 35 have undoubtedly the finest hearse and outfit in the county.
cash, and the balance on the said 1st day of stables and other outbuildin s were the organization. „
August when possession ttia be given, The g g Wool ............................ U 18 t0 0 18 •�t4�•�t)•®•�•
vendor is prepared to leave a portion of the sieved by the assistance of his neigh-
purehIlso mon% on mortgage. Frther partic- bons. The French Supreme Council of
y Education has ado &d a proposal by TORONTO rnitarLRa ,rrnRKET. Furniture Dealers and
ularsmaybo obtained from L. E. Dances, Bar- , , P P p road cot Box & Co. Clinton. Cndortak%rs,
raster. Goderich, the Auctioneer or the under• NOTES . -Mr. Fred. Collinb deputy which foreigners are enabled to obtain Wheat, white.. , , ... , . $ 71 to $ (N)
signed. f�o
strttaster spent last Sunday and doctor's diplomas by undergoing ex- do red ............... . UI) to 70 +q;ght', rind Sunday calls answered at Residence of our Fwtoral Director. -I. \b. Chirtloy, Tcinq
Dated atGoderich this 19thrattyof.Tune,A.D,, Ondayin London on business. -Mr. a►tinationslitFrench Universities. do goose .............. (3l to lN) 5t.,oppitnd Foundry.
1897. hn Hooper, Hamilton, attended the v
DAVID Dr'pxlxsoN, Auctioneer. uneral of the lata Arsc(tt Walters on The Canadian contingent of the Buckwheat ............. 3`L& to (N)
GARB W & PROUDiroor•, Vendor's Solicitors, Thursday afternoonlust.-Several Queen's dianond jubilee celebration at-- 'Rye • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • • in to (N)
rived last Tuesday at Montreal by the Oats • • • • ' • • • ' ' ' • ' • • • ' • • • • 28 to 00
wheelmen From London were detained steamer Scotsman. They were it fine -�
= here on Monday onacconnt of the rain. Peas"""""""" 44 to (x)
-Mr. James Acheson of the Comnlc r soldierly -leaking lot of men, and were Barley. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 28 to UO �J�! .Bh 7k,"', 1E;
p' y at Grand i vain a veryheart reception. Hay . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • , • • 0 50 to 10(x)
tial House spent hast Sunda g Y P Straw... ................. 0 50 to OUO
hued park. haL-puIe prisoners in kansas CitygaOl, Dressed hogs.......... 6 60 to 7 (x)
who have hitherto remained in idleness,
have now to break stones like the'mento 12
Butter, 'low lb rolls • • . • . • • •.
, to 14
W tnhittn• dispensing with their skirts, and tvettr• Butt ' ' , , , .. , , .. 1'i
• ing coarse overalls. do ants, dairy........ II to 12
I'LI3RInr.F, A(',(JIDrNT.ar, DEATH—-
The Advaince rtvey Chickens...... • ......... i3o to 60
},' particulars of the Th<, Liberals pro to give a public 'turkeys .............. . . . 0 to 10
w terrible death of George Moffat (whose reception to Sir Wilfrid Laurier on Potatoes (new) per. bbl. 2 00 to 0 (N)
wife is a neice of Mr. Andrew Gan}n, his return from Europe. One pro - S ring lambs ....... ... 8 (N) to 9 00
Steamer Cambria and Carmona (llinton) as follows: -Last Friday even- Posal is to tender the Premier a non- Mutton ................ 4 to 7
ing the terrible news spread through political banquet.
g Beef, fore ............. 1 to 5
Leave Goderich every WEDNESDAY the town that George Moffat had been Major Perley, who had been super- do hind .......... 7 to R¢ c,
and SATURDAY morning for the Hoo. struck and killed by the late train on intending the erection of the Canadian Veal..... • .. . . .......... 5 to 6
If you are contemplating taking it boat the C. P. R. while going home front a pavillton at Bisley camp, died on Thurs-
trip on Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake connnittee meeting of the Turnberry (lay night of bronchitis. The deceas- •��•���� n r r
.Superior or Lake Ontario consult with Agri cultural Society. Mr. Moffitt, who ed who was born to St. John, N. B. Milch cows, each Export cattle, peerr cwt:
..$1000 to $3800 -1• r
wt.. , .. 400 to 460 A. T CoO�r, R
was the president of the director had was sixty -sax years of age. Butchers' choice cattle,cwt :-350 to 380 • '
� attended a meeting of the directors (►n
Ticket and Steamship Agent, Clinton. that evening, and had hastened the A despatch from Montreal states Butchers' good cattle, cwt 3 M to 3 411 Graduate of the 0 r'
-- business through, remarking that he that it third case of smallpox has been Butchers' com. cattle cwt., 2 75 to 3 00
u HT EARTH GIRDLED," by Dr. Talmage. wag in a hurry to get borne. In gain discovered in that city, the patient Bulls, per cwt.... , ........ 3 25 to 370 tical Institute Of Canada
T We Hoed intelligent men and woman as g having been taken to the hospital Feeders, per cwt.. . , . , , ..3 60 to 3 75
home he took the short cut aloe the
agents for this great work• it sells so rapidly g eight days a o, but news of it had Stackers erawt.. , ... ... 2 76 to 326 thoroughly qualified t0
that we can afford good pay to workers. The C. P. R. track its the train was pulling , p
been t�ithhel( .from the public. The ,ghee er cwt......... , , .300 to 3 60
groatost book of world wide travel ever pub• out from the et.atirnt. He started to P test eyes accurately and
lisped. The people, customs, habits religion cross the bridge a$ the traiin cisme close patient who is a brother of young Spring iambs, each .... .. 200 to 350 y y
and government of the countries aur{ tribes of t]ehind. The engineer reversed the Oharbonneau, one of the first patients, Calves, per head.......... 3 00 to 8 OU scientifically.
rho world, as soon and d%(;crlbod by the k00neat g is in a critical condition. Choice bacon ho s,' er cwt 5 70 to 5 75
Observer and greatest word painter of the can- lever and blew the whistle, but the g P RwFree Test. Moderate charge
turyy. Pros�ppentus_$1.00 Bookaon time train could not be stbpped in time. At Exhaustive reports of the crop oat- Thick fat hogs, cwt.........4 ?6 to 480 Ear glasses when required.)
TI>ZE BRADLE]c GARRETSON CO., L'bl.,filet Mr. Moffat was welkin on the look in Manitoba indicate that while Lightfat hogs, cwt.........4 90 to b 00 Prices from $1 u
Toronto, Ont t' the rain has been retarded b P` m '
]eftaide of the bridge, where, if he had g y the cold Sows, per cwt .............. 3 00 to 3 $0
-- -- stood on the edge, there was room for weather of May a -id the first half of Stags, per cwt ............ 2 00 to 225
For Salm—Bargain. the train to pass, but he evidently June, with favorable weather this - ~
thought there was more room on the month a fair average cropimdeer ay be Vernon Hutton, an Englishman em -
Bay horse, 4 yearn old, well bred• good size right side, and miscalculating the die' looked for. The acreage culti- ployed by a farmer near Brantford,
strong, speed expected. Will take pony 141 trance of theapproachin�train,attempt- vation this year is frons fifteen to cuthis throat with a razor. He was
hands part payment, to mato It bay pany. ed to erose over. With bit another twenty per cent. greater than ever be- taken to the hospital and will probably
E. N. LEwI9' Cioderieh+ fore in the history of the country, recover. Ir
..r: �.- •y.`, ... ',. �'. 'i. .. .'� .. Y: -_.. ..._a .'•__ -,` .,i��4Y �. ld. �.i..I�.�.wan,....,.1.d�iYi(6�iS.�.�MSA.rw�-��w,,,.w...Y�..v. ,..aY.Y. .. '. ,.