HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-07-21, Page 3a 9 8118INE88 DIRECTORY ��iittH#1111A. THE 101ISONS UK Incorporated by Actof Parliament 1856. CAPITAL, $2,000,000 REST, - - $1,900,000 Send Offloe, - MONTREAL. WM. MOL80N, MACPHERSON, President. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold, INTEREST ALLOwaD ON DEPOSITS SAVINGS BANK, Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. F',A.1=.MH7R13- Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsere. No mortgage re- quired all security. H. C. BREWER, Manger, December, 1896. CLINTON. G. D.• MoTaggart •'*f BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Notes Discounted. Drajte Issued, Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, JuneSth, 1891 658y DR. W. GUNN, R. C. P. and L. It. C. S., Edinburgh. Oflloe- Ontario street Clinton. Night calla at fiont door of residence on RAttenbury street, opposite Presbyter- ian church. DR. TURNBULL. .1, L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ, ; M. D. ; M,, Victoria Univ. M. C. P. k S. Ont, ; t 'low of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Leto if London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office: - Dr. Dowsley's stand, Itattea',ury St. Night calls answered at Office. DR. SHAW. �- Oftice-Ontario street, opposite English hunch, formerly occupied by Dr. Appleton. Jas. Sl. Freeborn, 21'D L. E. & Q. C. P., I., M. C P, & S. 0., &e., &c. araduste of King's & Queen's College of Physicians, Dnblin, Ireland. Licentiate of the General Medical Council, Great Rritain. Member of College of rhysioiaea ar-d Surgeons, Ontario. Formerlyrew- devto tae Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and 0ynce• ;ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and ohlitren. Office and reRideueo,Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 829-1y N. W. WOODS, L. R. C. P. I.; L. M. R. C. P. I.; L. M. Rotunda, Dublin; M. It, C. S., England ; M. C. P. and S., qutarso. Consultations and residence at the een's FIotel, Bayfleld. 969-y Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday, and Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. Dr. Agnew, DENTIST. Office hours - 9 to 5 At Zurich the second Thurs- day of each month, �aCox, MG. CAMERON, BARRISTER, 80LICIT0 , Conveyancer, &c. Offlee-coiner Hamilton an St. Andrews -eta., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 888 tf J. SCOTT, - Barrister, �c.. ELLIOTT'S BLOUK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. E. CAMPION, Q • C, BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR., NOTARY, Cwoderich, - Out. office -Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. M. 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Gioderieh, Office -Cor. Hamilton and St, Andrew's Ste. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, ejc., OFFiOH BEAVER BLOCK - CLINTON. --817-tf ottay to Wad. JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC. Fire Insurance. Real Estate. Money to lend. Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON. Cantelon ,Bros, uENNRAL GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. CxrodeerJ, Glass & Chinaware ALBERT ST., CLINTON. ONT. High* Cash Price for Rutter ,and Eggs 62•ly hDxltttga.- - - L.O. L. No. 710, (7LINTONO Meets sscoxn Monday of every mouth. Ha11 204 flat, McKay block, Visiting brethren always made welcome. J. P. SHEPPARD, W. M. P. CANTELON, JR. Soo. THOS. BEACOM, Iy, M, CLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. meets �/every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit Ing brethren cordially invitad A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, Sao. Clinton, Dec. 6, 1895. - -- ^--- 1K. 0. T. M. Kearns Tent No. 66, Knights of the Maccabees of the World, $1,000,$2,000 mud $3,000 Policies. Mem• berehlp over 100,000. Assessment prinoiple-has never exceeded 12 assessments in a year. Cheapest and safest in existence. Mocto in Orange Hall, Clin- ton, first and third Friday of every month. COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clinton. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities, OIL .CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel oats D. COOK, CLINTON. 762.tf PRODUCE EXCHANGE HILL & JOYNER9 Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Teas a specialty. headquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. We carry the largest Stock and the largest variety of Seeds. All Goods will be sold at lowost prices for Cash. We pay Cash for Eggs. Any kind of rain taken in exchange for Goods, Annie as Cash. HILL Ss JOYNER. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought out the above business, we Intend to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply our customers with the best meats at the luwest pay- nR Pi'icos. F RD & MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTED, Righ est Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 798-tf. J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector. Office on Isaac street next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. B. TH,OMLINSON, VETERINERY SURCEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. Lege, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calla PromptlyAnewered. Residence-Rattenbury Street, West, Clinton Out. Geo, Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and first slits material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. - TO THE FARi'dIERS. Study your own interest and go where you can get Reliable 04 Harness, I manufacture none but the BEST oy S,.cK. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as Mey have got to live liar Call and get prices. orders by mail promplyattended to J ® 731N 13 IE if, HARNESS EMPORIUM, HI.YTII, ONT GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton �11_ EMERTON, Proprietor. WATTS & CO CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. PUMPS! PUMPS! If fou want a first -clasp, well -mode pump, one the will give you satisfact)'on, send your order to th undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do It a the closest prices. He also handles a first -clan FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposit Queen's Hotel - High Street Clinton. 809•tf Grand Trunk Railway. OFFICIAL TIME TABLE. Buffalo and Goderich District: - Going West, Mixed .................. 1015 a. m. „ Express ................. 1.03 p. m. " Mixed ...... ........... • 7.0.5 P. m. Express ... ............ 10.27 p. m. Going East, Express ... .. . ....... . . . 7.40 a. m, . 2.615 p. In. Mixed .................. 4.35 p. In. London, Huron and Bruce:- Going South, Exp1.ress............... 7.47 a. m. .14.30 p. m. Going North, . 10.15 a. m. „ „ _. 0,55p.m. M. C. D(cr(son'l INR. Pass. Agent•, Toronto. W. R, DAVIS, G. P. & T. A. Montreal. A. (Y. PATTraoN, G. T. R. c, Town. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured, r- oarioERe. George Watt, Presideut, Harlock P. O.; James Broadfoot, Vice -Pros., Seafurth P, 0.; W. J. Shan, non, Seoy. Tessa., Sealorth P. O.; Michael Murdie Inspector ofldeses, Seaforth P. O. DIREOTORS, James Broadfoot, Seaforth; Michael Wardle, Sea. forth; George Dole, Seaforth; Oeurge Watt, Harlock Thomus E, Haye,Seaforth; Alex Gardiner, Leadbury Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Kippon. aeENTe. Thomas Neilars, Hsrlock; Robert McMillan, Sea - forth and James Cummipge,Egmondville, Parties dealrous 00 ffect Insurance or trane•, act other bueineee �11 be promptly attend. ed to on application to any of the above officers ad - (tressed to their respective post offices, -NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with ro. gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that If any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning ]shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderloh, Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNG'S BAKINC POW,DEIR THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA' J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont Farm For Sale. South half Lot No. 25, l7th concession, Gode rich Township, one mile north of Clinton, com- prised of 40 acres, more or Icss. The land is all cleared and in fair state of cultivation. Nell fenced iLild plenty of cedar on the property. Frame barn -10x6(1, stone stablo 30x50. 'Will be sold reasonable and oil terms to Nuit purchaser. For particulars apply at TiIF NEws•RI.,coriD Office, Or to JAMES Il. COLCLOUGH, Henfryn P_0. - Wanted. Men a nd omen whocan•work hard talking and writing Nix hoursdaJly, fornix daysaweek, and will be content with ten dollars weekly. Address, NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont, WM. N. WALKER, -the reliable - UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MAKER, SEAFORTH, ONT. Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered. Carpets sewed and laid • also cleaned and re novated at reasonable prices. DW -Orders left at BROADFOOT & IIOX'S store, Clinton or Seaforth, will be promptly at tended to. - McLeod's System Renovator -AND OTHER— Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, §leeplessnesR, Palpatation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Dance, Female IrregularitleH and Gon- eral Debility. LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBFI, and ALLAN & WILSON. Property For Sale. A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. In consequence of my age and lack of help, I have decided to offer for sale my splendid gardenia$ pro- perty consisting of five and' a half nereR in CNnton, come of the beet land in the county of Huron, includ. ing. hot beds and other necessary requirements, There is on the premises a frame house with cellars soft and hard water, barn and other outbuildings The Bayfield river adjoins the property. Will sell at a reasonable price for half cash and balance secured by mortgage. As I desire to sell, this is a chance seldom met with. Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, 844-t L Clinton Benmiller Woolen Mills, As usual I am prepared to purchase Wool at the highest market price for cash or will ex- change for my manufactured goods. My stock of Stocking Yarns Horse Blanket,+, Betl Blan• kets, Flannel and (,weeds, is now complete and Guaranteed manufactured of home flecceR and free from Shoddy of any description. Don't forgot I shall pay cash for wool at the highest market price. 1166-8t JESS GLEDHILL, AgenWALrTFD-tons, Her Reign Vic - J toric, Her Re1gn and Diamond Jubilee." Overflowing with latest and richest pictures. Contains the ondorsed biography of Her MgTesty, with authenic His. tory o her remarkable reign and full account of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1,50• Big book. Tremendous demands. Bonanza for agents. pCommission 50 per cent. Credit given. Frqoi ht tordoutflt OUTFIT territory.ty. THE Dld OMINION COMPANY, Dept. 7_W Dearborn St., Chicago. Removal of Night Soil. The undersigned will undertake the removal of Night Soil and thorough• cleaning of closets. on short notice, and at reasonable rates. All refuse removed out of town. 065 t -f ROBT' MENNEL. Wanted. Men and Women who can work hard talking and writing Rix hours daily, for six days a week, and will be content with ten dollarR weekly. Address, NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont. Town Property for Sale. For Sale, hr the town of Clinton, lot No, 319, situate on .Tames street. There Is on tho lot a one storey frame houso containinga large front Tho iiotI.. isinoa good state of repair andIr. snewly sided and painted. There is excellent haat water. The land is Well adapted for gardening purpos(R. Price reasonable. Apply to the owner on the promises. 4t MRS. HUDIE. No Gripe When you take Hood's Pills, The big, old•fash toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not In It with hood's. Easy to take Hood's and easy to operate, is true of Hood's Pills, which are up up to date In every respect. Safe, cerWa and sure. All druggists. 260. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla Promotion Exams. RESULTS OF THE MIDSUMMER EXAM- 1NAT1ON8 IN OODKRICH PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Names are given in order, of merit as far as totals are concerned but those marked with a star have failed by a few marks in one subject and have been recommended for promotion ST. ANDREW'S WARD. Froin Junior to Senior Division- Delphine Nairn, May Cornell, Kate McGilliCLIAT Chrissie Campbell, Colin Maelvor, EYlie Stithei land, Cora Law- son. From Senior Division to Central - Alice McMillen, Alden Young, Willie McLean, Roy Thompson, Andrew Mail-, Anson Horton, Reuben Siillows, Maggie McNivins, Henry Viles, Susie Griersun. ST. DAVID'S WARD. From Junior to Senior Division - Lillie McVicar, Jessie Johnston, Har- vey Beattie, Grace Iloggarth, Ethel Hoggarth, Harry Craig, Susie Beattie, Marion Fraser, Archie McUillivray, Gordon Allan. Prom Senior Division to Central - Maude Knight, Ernma Young, Get -tie Carrell, Grace Rhynas and Joshua. Thomas (equal), Evan Allan, Dottie Murray, Harry Carey, Geo. Hutchin- SOIi, May Duff. ST. PATFRICK'S WARD. Front Junior to Senior Divison- Gracie Martin, Etta SaliltS, Mary PO11ey,Cecil Farr, John Worsell, Carrie Copp, Mason Bell, Gladys Platt, Frank Cuff, Helen Shephard. From Senior Division to Central - Leo Elliott, Iiatie Straiton, Lottie Robinson, M. P. Lane, Lydia Beck, Lulu Smith, Mable Acheson, Ilene Saults. CENTRAL SCHOOL. Fron Senior Second to Juni.lr This'd -Reggie Tye, Pearl Tretheway, Flossie Naftel, Arthur McLean, Dollie Mc- Lean, Reggie Elliott, Maggie Proud - foot, Alula Dance -y, Murial Tweedy, Annie Dovvdin and Rosa Payne (equal), Thirza Lewit, Herbert Smith and Eleanor Wilson (equal), Pearl Evans, FredSturdyand Annie Stoddart (equal), Pearl Craig, Alay McLean, Nellie Marwick, Arden Aitken, Harry Welsh, Cecil Carrie, Delano Dickson, Gertie Morrow, Pearl Hillier, Roy Bissett, Agnes McIver, Lorne Algie, Maggie Sutherland,"Rose Carey, Fred Watson, Kenny Stowe, From Junion Third to Middle Third -Edna Straiton, Leonard Cuff, Walter- Mitchell, alterMitchell, Charlie Hyslop, Percy Edge, Reggie Smith, Ralph Sheppard, Peter Coutts and Alan Garrow,(equal), Bertie Robertson, Willie Glover, Dorothy Edge and Alice Garrick (equal)Stewart Murray, *Arthur Fade, Maggie Nivens, "Grace Tait, Mina Mair and Willie Knox, (equal), Lily Mair, Joseph McMath, Lottie Dunn, Gordon Mc- Donald. From Middle Third to Senior Third - Mary Rothwell, Harold Taylor, Kate McDonald, Gracie Dyke, Spencer Guest, Jennie Wells, Ernnin Acheson, Charles Sinith, Wilbur Guest, Lath Vivian, Della Cluff, Bessie Brima- coinbe, Essie Swith, Roy McClymont. and Philip Mitchell (equal), Kate Me - Ivor, Grace Robertson, Harold Tich- borne, Annie Andrews, Colin Camp- bt11, Jack Lawrence, (1 rIle Saund- ers, Albert Algie, Albin Dyke, Lily Kirkbride, Howard Robinson, Sidney Belcher, John McKay, Fred Craigia, Robt. Craigie, Frank Dunn, "Cepha Fisher. Flom Senior Third to .Junior Fourth -Ernest Jordan, Harry Cuff, "Laura Shat man, Andrew Stokes, *Cora Cluff Lily Webster, *Scott Aitken, Maggie Murray, Donald McNevin, *Ruby Mc• Lean, Flossie McCreath, Ena Yule, Lily Dunlop, Walker Murray, Eddie Craig, Redmond McDonald, 'Graharn Robinson, Marjorie Ball, *James Car- row, *Clai ence Rhynas, *Maria Mc - Sween, Wesley McLean, *Charlie Black. From Junior Fourth to Senior Fourth -Mable Strang, Marion Glover, Eva Dunlop, *Irene Acheson, Alice Naftel, Wilfred Williains, Bertie Mil- lian, Lottie Morrow, Olive $aces, Mel- vin Pennington, Irene Dickson, Ches- ter Farrow, Thos. Sheppard, Jennie Cantelon, Doty Sallows, *Bessie Smith, John Hillier, Isa Nivens, "Pearl Snell, John Duff, *May Hale, *Harvey Given, "Willie McEwitn, *Charlie Lane. The starred Pupils in Junior Fourth and Senior Third, are expected during holidays to prepare for an exarnination, to be held at the openin15 of next terin, on the subject in which they have failed. S. P. HALLS. One Honest Man. Dear Editor. -Please inform your r-ea:lers that if written to confidential ly, I will mail, in a sealed letter, par ticulars of a genuine, honest, home cure, by which I was permanently re stored to health and manly vigor, after year's of suffering from nervous debil sty, sexual weakness, night losses ant: weak shrunken parts. I was robb& and swindled by the quacks until l nearly lost faith in mankind, but thanil Heaven, I am now well, vigorous ane strong and wish to make tis certair means of cure known to all sufferers I have nothing to sell and want n( money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I arr desireius of helping the unfortunate t( regain their health and happiness, i promise you perfect secrecy. Address with Stamp: WM. T. MULFORD, Agent Supplies, P. 0. Box 59, St. 'Henri, Que The fastest steamship voyage or record across the Pacific has just beAr made by the steamer Ewpresa of Japan, of the Canadian Pacific line She made the passage from Victoria t( Yokohama in tell days, three )lours and forty-four minutes, being at the rate of 17.8 knots an hour. a , Tho; Thaber Gifts. Algoma Pioneor.l The gift of Canadian timber to United States lumbereia and pulp makers has reached proportiova which threaten the exhaustion ul' thio prime source of revenue, and demands the earnest and continued auentiou of all who wish to bee the DowiOun duval- op a national status. That the im• mense pineries of the United States• have beau recklessly squandered, burn- ed and destroyed cauuot be denied, neither is there any plausillle attempt to conceal the fact that they depaud very largely on Canada for their present and future supplies of piuo timber; not' can the shut our eyes to the truth that they are determined to have our timber -for next to nothing if possible, and to bamboozle our politicians it they manifest a disposition to to serve it. These leading conditions, added to the rapid departure of our Plus logs to United States mills, ought to sharpen the wits of our people to a realization of the fact that this country has become -and may be permanently made -a hewer of wood for foreign lumberels and pulpmakors. And events point most unquestionably in that direction. Providence has blessed this Dominion with ouch boundless natural wealth as to induce our people to undervalue their princely and un- equalleo heritage and lead them to squander their bounty iu prodigal gifts to sharpers who will gull the spend•thrifte with will-o-the•wisp tar- iff lights, and year after year continue to haul away pine logs by millions, and then giggle at "the fool Canuck" for his folly. A sharp up-to-date tiwber policy for Canada in the past ten years would have lined the north shore of Georgian Bay and Lake Huron with f saw and pulp mills built and run on American capital, and yielding a sub stantial annual increase to the Federal revenues. The absence of each a pol, icy has passed our magnificent piueriee into the hands of foreign capitalists of influeuce and power in the councils of the United States, who are rapidly converting these grand pineries to build up American industries in their own land and leave a desolate waste for future generations of Canadians to mourn over wasted wealth and oppor- tunities, for which they can never find repentance not to be repented of, The Hause of Commons can put in f to the hands of the Governor-General power to impose an export duty on pine log..=, pulpwood and ore ,as to ren tier prohibitive their export in an un manufactured state. Congress is aware both of the existence of this, reserve of We wish we could make everybody believe that promptness is prevention; that there should be no de- lay when you are losing; flesh and when you are pale, espec- ially if a cough be present. The continued use of Scott's Emulsion in the early stagesof lung affections does prevent the development of Con- sumption. Your doctor will tell you this is true and we state it without wishing to make any false claims or false promises. Free book tells more on the subject. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Out. T A PERFLCT TEA mmONSOON 010 THE TEA FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. ',Monsoon" Tea is put tip by the Indian Tea growers as a sampie of the best qualities of Indian Teas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, therebv securing its purity and excellence, Put up in % lb., r lb. and 5 Ib. packages, and never sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to • STEEL, HAYTER & CO. o 11 mind 13 Front Street East. Toront,• BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS. DESIGNS, OOPYRICHTS dao. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly eonfldential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive Special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of anY_eotentlflc Journal, weekly, teruisU.00 a year; V6`1.50 eta moll be. specimen copies and AND 6,oK ON PATENTS Bent free. Address MUNN & CO., 3111 Hroadwav, Nevv Y ark. power, and the vacillating weakneaR that prevails among Canadien politi• cians on this subject, and their timid ity of arousing the hositiiity of United States timber dealers. Consequently Congressmen play With Canadian in- tereets and receive with indifference threats to impose an export duty on timber. When the Canadian people fully realize the stern fact that the end of their fine timber supply is in eight, and that it has been exhausted to create and keep alive foreign indus- tries, while they impoverish their own land and people, and giveaway large sums of money which ought to have gone to the reduction of the heavy burden of -taxation, then will legislators bestir themselves and act with decision in preserving from total destruction the heritage so long despis- ed. At present the country can watch the game played in Congress to hood wink Canada into permitting another season to pass without striking a blow -which it now has power to strike - for the preservation of this wasted heritage. A Prominent City Ol,cial Thinks as Highly of Paipe's Colery Compound as He Did Years Ago. Mr. J. T. Dillon, Chairman of the Board of Assessors of the city of Mon - trend, is one of the best known and most popular cltrzens of the great metropolis. As Mr. Dillon had some years ago given public testimony regarding the life-giving virtues of Paine's Celery Compound, he was recently asked if his opinions had in any way changed as far as the value of the great curing medicine is concerned. Mr. Dillon's reply was prompt, and his statement as strong as words could make it. His brief letter reads as fol- lows: "I am in receipt ofyour valued favor, and would say that I most cheerfully testify again to the worth, value and merits of Paine's Celery Compound. "I am never without a bottle of it in my possession, and I partake of it d:lily. This I have been in the habit of dein$ for some seven years, and can nfHt'm that, judging from experience, it is a most wonderful nerve restorer and tonic. H-trdly a day passes by me that 1 am not asked the question, 'What do you do to yourself to pre- serve your youthful appearance? My reply is, 'I take Paine's Celery Corn - pound. The Dominion Government has noti- fled the collector of Custonis at Van- couver, B. C., that no duty would be chargrd on salmon brought from the United States, NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN - Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED HIEN-You• may have been the victim of Self Abase when young. Later Excesses or exposure to blood dieSaFea may have completed the work. Yon feel the symptoms stealing over yon. You dread the future results. You knbw you are not a man mentally and Sexually. Why not be carers in time end avoid the end experience of other wrecks of these diaeasee. Our NEW ME'I HOD TIIF.ATMENT-AiL(.CURE YOU Alrl'ER ALL ELSE FA1L8. Emissions, Varicoceia and Syphilis Cured W. M. MILLxa W. M. MILLER C U - Before Treatment AfterTrentme"t "At lho age of 151 commcrrell to rain i my hpa,th. Later on as "U11; OF1111 P. F,/A" I contracted a serious bl„od diFe :•e -SYPHILIS. I was weak and ncrvnim doppondent, imples, sunkpn Pies, b ne pains. ulcers, hair loose, sore tongs o and mouth drains in urine, varicoc-,ie!-1 we - a wrest,. I was in the 1. st swir R wl en n 'Y 1 friend recommended Drs. Hennp,'7 & liergan. Adozenothordoc:ors h:A lailtrd in curing me. Drs. Renne'I,v c% 1Serr:an cared me in a few weeks by their New Method Trentment. 1 wenlrl wnrn similar diseased men to beware of Medical Fraud.. They are reliable bunest and Pkillfnl physicians." W. M. 211ILLrdt. CONSULTATION FREE. We treat nncl cure Vorie.o. cele, esyphlliN; lEvni>asions, Gleet, 04tricture. NervonsI ■Da-- billty, Vnnatural Dlscliarrli ew, Kidney and, Bladder D i s. 17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED Ngo care, No Pay. Wrfte for Vcation Blank for lRoinite eatment. Books Free. Consultation Free. DoMENNEDY & i(ERO',�N No. 148 Shelby 5t. DETROIT, - - MICH. Prince Arisugawa, the Mikado's special envoy to the Queen's jubilee; and Chang Yin Huan, the Chinese special envoy, with their suites, wkll pass through Canada shortly on their way to the Orient, via Vancouver. Malsalley, the rebel leader, with sixty - followers. attacked and burned the British Government station of Gaya, on the Island of Labuan, and carried' off two thousand pounds from the. treasury. The British Resident at, Labuan has gone in pursuit. For Over Fifty Years MRS. WINBLOW'6 SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their childre,r while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sufrering and crying with pain of C1lttlng Teeth send at once and qct a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Booth. Ing Syrup' for Children Teething, It will re- lieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. De. ppend upon It, mothers, there i i no mlgtake abont it. It cures Diarrhoea. regulates tho stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, RoftcnR the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and Jvestoneand onortgoy�to the whole RTRte n. MI -A. WitlHlOw'R Soothingg Syrup" for AiDdren toething is plea. sant to the tnAto anti in the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Price twenty-five cents it bottle, Sold by all druggists through out the world." Ile Haire And ask for "MRs. W INeLOw'S SOOTHING STROP,