HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-07-21, Page 2T..�� _.r . ,.., Y - --. _.:. --- -- ---- __ _ ----- - b1 - Whew L� 7, ANI) A f� �ylp� eaperaede the jewelled and spangled yvp �N AS THEY PASS thus fur they have (leen enabled to elude I vV hew I But its hot. FAIR V ER 1N 1 A i"L GIRL tri eiminga so much worn, Satin and the vigiluuce of their friends. It h" HIRE'S ' R E'S ROOT O ®.,y,., BEER. been learned that the couyle lain been f l o t In try n, with u corded "Lige, seen frequu,tly together in tilt, uutslctas -Stands unrivalled a, it wholesome delicious, sparkling effervescent drink. \" _ - both to very narrow widths, ore used as a substitute for braid,, unci are Put Composed of the very ingredients that physicians have used in till ages to uu ill the same way in various designs; THE SIGNATURES OF QUEEN VIC- out hntoo\the tcoungtry den oil their wheels I + p g the ribbon often matches the uuh'riul TORIA AT THREE PERIODS. purify the blood, strengthen the nerves, and tone the stomach. It be- , �, in color. It is st'en oil suint• of the _ He was about ^the, worst boy ill lhk' comes out only it pleasant lassos of satisfying the parched palate, but tailor gowns etude with the very Modish school and the teacher I1u•d puuishc•d loin counteracts the enervating effects of excessive heat. A 25c package will Aloujik blouse, which is well covered Baroness Anzon Caoolanlcoi, Fa:a'Ous I again and again uutnl she had begun to make live gallons; Lilly person Cull make it, full directions oil each pack - with the pattern both back anal front. Sinner of sums The Lugilsh Rosa I consider bilin iu tl)e light of u natuu'ul age, --Sold by Ituehcs of taffeta Silk ('ringed oil tilt' enemy, and she felt thut the buy's fin 1- •� e p edge have collie back again from tilt' Bouheur-A Bleveto Girl oil a String ing for her must lit- uL11106t One of � Robson, n, Grocer, Llbel t St., Clinton. 11 Iulm, and one nets KOwu of blush silk _µ•ay„ of woaneu Nair. I hatred. So it ,as in the nature Of a sur- • L.Y rv17Vi✓Z c:tllvus over a color has it ruche of the prts" when, in view of the approaching I 1 wane silk around the skirt at the kilt'" The assertion of doctors that bicycling I holiday separation, other buys of the --- __ -__. _ 11 I nod narrower ruches across the bodice enlivens the miud as %yell us Ute budy school brought to her desk little gifts of forming u yoke. ,s ufteu proved by the readihez° et renieubrauce, to have the bud boy ill)- New Waggon, Carriage and Repair Shop ' thought exhibited try wheelueu, If t prolieli with some hV'sitatiuu, alad place The sleeves of all the thin go%•nS are pedal breaks, a cbu.w slaps, ur u tire is ti box ,rP ctundy on hint' desk, -But I don't 1 have opened out oil Ittttteuhury street, next door to Tedford's block- i more or less trimmed with tucks, ins"I" t,uuctutrd, the uufurtuinate Cyclist usual- tllitllc L eau take it, rum," She slid, slueth shop, and ant pr•epaved to till orders fat• Wuggons, Carriages and all othet x ! tions and shirrings, frog the %•;dSt to 1 • knows how to reuitdy the truuble, � "you hove been tax, bud a boy; Yon hove the puff ut ttilt}; but the latest of all cud it he doesn't know, a.11OWer wheel- seemed to du everything; you t-uul'i to vehicles. Repairing and repainting promptly attended til. Satisfaction guar- it,i is the sleeve which has uo puffs or frills, luau is crane to cuuu: clung who dues, (Lieq)lease ore," "Oh, please take It, \Liss anteed and prices the lowest. consistent with {rood work. Call and see me be - and is Simply an ill-fitting, close and Ill u few u,inutes the disabled wheel Blank," sald the bad buy ht entreating " .t . sleeve, increasing a little In size towards is ready for use aguia. au it is easy tones. ' I worked after school hours to fore you order. CHARLES WALKER _ ' the shuuhier in prolIPortion to till, area•to uvercume diaabihties of the wheel• get the money to gt't it." And sunny ot)e __ _ -. ._...-. _-.-_---____-- it is tritutned uu tine entire length to To Overcome incapac)tY Oil the Part of felt tours coining very bear the surl;ue p� .,. ei �' �' redeem the phtin effat't, but it shows the rider, thuud;h, his generally been then, for A1,t' bud iruy was u ,poor huY I `77—SPECIALB/�RCAi S.� T`;:;��,� c ; which way the wheel will tura u`um" found molt diWcttlq It lid when the and hal not ser many pleauaurea of lifer -O PPO l)lti' sleeves ill the a)uturnri' unstic+s refuse to du their work the that lie eould be expected to sacHtirc: TEAS, TEAS, TEAS. Ceylon, Assam and Japaue, alba. good of the latest evening gowns have long whet -is stop, and for the time being the any of thein for anyone. _ transparent sleeves of chiffon, or net lsder's eyeiwneter goes oil strike. When young 1,yeon for $1 or 15o per lb. AS SHE IMESSE,8 ht)lt 5'l;\1\11:11 DAYS— slightly shirred and close tit the top, H1:31 UUTfN IS UN` N1Ul'itl,ll UR- with no frills, puffs or drnPPty, the flat a fellow takes .his wife Or sweetheart Out Sugars, Sugars, Sugars. GAN3)IP; elVF.lt DIMITY 131.8 ]ttOR- effect being relieved somewhat bybotvs on u tandem lie will, of course, offer b1me, on the concert st, whose recent AND L' OVER Al T E)1' \1'l1!FP of ribbon wt the shoulders. to do her share of the pedalling when ntece:l on the EanCa rt stage in London I there's u lung hill to clhnb cud the fair Just to hand one cur of Montreal Sugars, No. 1 Granulated, Coffee and B,aw's CIHIFFON EDGED WITIi BLACK— one is unequal .to tine tusk. But it hap- in bila., one hundred pound and dollar Tote. SPECIAL PRICES. HER BONNET IS OF THE SAME,. A yoke effect fifteen inches deep �� that very Pew a! the wueelwonnen around the hips is one at' the ae:,Ratrs liens are inadequate to hill-t•iim.bing are WE NEEP Th BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS IN THE As the sonwn, udvttncea 1>auu 1'psU modes, is effectively carried and I riders of tandems, They use bieyc'Ies �• COUNTY. I)inner, Tea, and Bedroom Sets, Fancy China and L pe. ion's 1lucfes materialize very ral)WIY, in striped Howl, fluuuc•el with still:, 25 per cent. lose than regular prices. Call and see our Goods an get ail dt it dress, beit,e' urd d i )her st form, it I oP ined with alternating silk. This yokeis ittse "In bare uilt" couuteruod, client heeiNvoulunr who prices. ]iota )level' been prettier or mor" I •incl tucked white mousseline dt- sof". ! lucks strength rr perseverance owns ly 11, SEEDS. -Timothy, Iced and Aleihe, Clover, 'turnip and Mangold. All becoming than it ea now, (.ot•ns i below which the skirt hangs full And I diylvoutnts and trundles Jnvr wheel over for •:u(icu parties and the races plain, gathered on with to little hvnding. flue objt'rtiounble plaveThu t' whilee eurnuunce c A+ fresh and new seed. are the special Points in fashion ander rhe. full bodice matching the ,yak" has aloes Ldkewis(. P Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs,- eonsideratiuu ituwnl foreign dress de- I a wide draped belt of pink silk and a ways entails a ulure or I*— A -"I (is it11 j t,igners just at preseuc, turd all their I cravat of the mousseline trimmed across pnitnx!ut there's the rider's dignity. J. W. ���%(%��T' Clinton. energies ore devoted to spceiui costumes the ends with lace. Other linen '"owns di c xuturLrc The idc�t lets v not�lx sie>ih , n r iv fur these festive uccusions, lh•ess 'It the Are cut in deep points around the bottoni y races in London and Paris is not so . of a plain gored skirt and filled in be- I tirely was given, but t a good y,illustndtiontvta a ----.---------- .-_ �.-----_--_ -_--- Of it gorgeottaly conspicuous as it %aa suet-' I twin n with knife pu t rate of the wait. i greA.t day for the wheel, but the sun was years ago, but it is far wore elegautt A )yeti • model, illustrated. is OP >oiuts / READY FOR BUSINESS. ---- effects. artistic, showing nnuch finer taste silk muslin trimmed in crossing I pretty hot for vigorous exercise, At stY re , un(1 n higher appreciation Of good effects. \vith white lace insertion, followed by that Fennel to be the t•itry of a The donnintutt note in all the f:lstlions a narrow frill of black lave edging, er more oP wheelwoll who, isith their / r Sheppard & Beacom, The Clinton Family Grocery this year is the us(- of thin uu,teriils. which also adorns the widst. The lining , nide crmnpuuions,. leisurely dismauuted Ibis what you will; if it is Only trap is blue and white shot silk, and pale , at the foot of steep grVies. They AP- d Are now ready for business with a new and select stock of Family Groceries, sparant ono% -It to allow a gleua, of color blue chiffon edged with black lace fornix peared to be very much dissatisfied with ••(5 Flour, Feed, Provisions, tic. �i'e guarantee our values to be the very best in from the liniap, it will pass nn)Ster. the frills a,onnd the shoulders anti down the Iden of having to ttssi9t ftp a bill BARONESS ANZON CAOCIJIICCI, the market. Teas a specitalty. Terins Cash or Produce. The muslin gown is ill Pass nue uY the side, with bows of blue satin rill, machines that were Intended to under $HEPPARD & BEACCM, ONTARIO ST., CLINTON- t'rtahiwi's specialties, and has n bending but. I assiwtAnce, mobile the weary' climbers is attracting tris attenYon of musical place l'sal,spe her favorites, The new -- I w•ero deploring hills generally and argu- people everywhere, is the daughter of _ _-_ _ _ ___._ .. -�_._ mode of mounting sou)c' of those Simple Anlong the hot weather vlothiug for I ing that the law ahcruld nut allow Such the (vIebraUd singing teacher, J(me, _- "001• gowns to :a development in the art of .,Ilildren is this Ilitinfo,� of tI' ovel-all ' things to exist, they su%• tYCu who'd"' Dlnrche+si of Pars. In private life the Cue - dressmaking that adds much tet their ut'\r singer is the BaronEss Anzen (iie- CLINTON BASH, DOOR, and BUND FACTORY beauty, as well as- expense. Por (x r • e\7 ua.n,ievi, but she Chas taken her waideu Ample, a skirt of colored chiffon ill d11inty t name for her stage carni"'. Of course _ apple green is Ci,'st hung over one of R the young woman was born and reared —O White taffeta silk, and over this is the " •i% � to nu u'tuwsphere of music, and her �t �- real dress of white wgnndie, Its plata or mother began to tench her the %U.!u I S. C®���, Proprietor. l i1R mash hcrOlfled with lace us you wish. , ,,' • . the girl wets only a lis Pin Child, Itnt 'rho sort, aelieate tinge of green ;vvvs I�� .. she did out seem to contemplate singing tut exquisite efJeet, especially under the : in public until .two years ago. She au:ug I embroidered muIlins so much worn. Irv- now and then -at her mother's suiree-s, General Builder and Contractor.`" . White muslin gowns, flounced from the . C and two ycoirs ago she made her lint I waist to the hen) aid again on the bo- I II'� \` public appearance in Berlin. The resultw Thin factory has been under the personal supervision and ownership for dice with narrow, lace -edged frills. like V. 0 � ). `� ere encouraging and then she es,,Ayeol eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and file model shown, have a subtle charm e which is exclusively their own. 1VhitP c v BICYCLE (;IBL ON A STRING. Brussels and later Paris. When she sive estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice And on the y rc"tntly ,sang in London slit.' won that muslin trimtned with yellow applique lace ° , o c � ` flying up a heavy grade at what appear- city at otu•e. The boroness is exclusively closest prices. All work is supervised In a mechanical way and satisfaction and made over white silk affords a �'�� ': ° ° ° ed to be a 2.10 gait. The first whe•1 a, singer of songs and her art is dc•acrib- guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. charming gown: but njany bright -colored , • ° carried u man and the other u woman. ed as singularly arfinfxi, symputbetic: and linings taro used. mandarin yellow, blue, �I G The than wits apparently short and thin, willtling. On both sides the young %o Lumber, Lath, Shingles. Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc. green, and cherry shot with gray beim: ( 11 ° and wore tin expression similar to tha: of favorites. The second model shutvh is of P , man i.. musically a}ly well Baan. is father, r `o I • a locomotive engineer wino is trying to who is still alive, is an Italian noble• Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESIi, manufactured pure white muslin with tin inner dress of make up lost time. On the other hand, I ana a, who ba.lf a century ago was u not- grceR chiffon, Aua a Rush -Inc] belt also, ° o, ° c c tbe woman behind him was pitutnp and n Waterloo. Call and et rices and estimates before placing your orders, of the green adding much to the ethereal y rosy-chceeked, and her smile, as idle sped la singer, Her uvotlnkn. capacity as t g p , ` effect so much sought after this season. has b is well known. The baroness — „-_T-_ ._..--_-_,__-- -- .�,i.fY�..'1�1®�� past her walking slaters, seemed to in- has :t bright prospect and the stAges oP 1. Tinted "Rsitils in mile yellow, are('n, c dicate that, for her, there was scarcely N:ur,p(, tvill hereafter know her more a 1 sunflower bill(-, and ecru, dotted with an- -• {° .. ° any difference betwQen hill -climbing sand intimately. CheapCheapi Cheapother color ur with white, are very pop%- •c • 4 coaating, �� e "Graciousy see there, said one of the There is a Rood story going, says the • lar, and very dressy when made with O tucks and Insertions of lace entirely coy ` e • \I c walkers. "I'd like to be as strong as St, ;iiinlry' (,uzrttc, about Prince .�1+'o WOVEN WIRE FENCING '�•�p Prink the skirt and bodice, which should , 6 that woman." ander, till, soil oP Paeincee's Beatrice, ,who, BEST JbLVSe overhang the belt all around, Pale Dern ° �� "3iy1 s0 Would I,' exclaimed a chores at the early alae of 11 years, i9 giving STEEL ovewinrhan the beltined all aro% with Yellow • of her companions. She could do a I (e\-jclenee that he ought to itecame 11 0011" WIRE WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. lace insertions, are one of the latest double century and not halt try." metrial man. He received a Peewit Of p v pp p v 94p o p ©p v p� �, i, fancies of Fashion. One pretty imported "A douhie century:" ,said another. one saYerr.igu final his mathcr, and. has- f',N, ' model hos throe rows of lure insertion ,,Why. a girl who can scorch up a 11111 ing quickly Rq>ent it, applied fur a second, FENCING "round the skirt, a tucked bodice with Like this could ride across the contineu't lie was gently chided fur his extravag- Iau round yoke of \white muslin finely trek- �,, en a week." anee, hut, unabao,hed, wrotr to his T.a i 1 ed, from whieh fells a collar of yellow Then the pedestrian -cyclists aU.;(%I I .",•andma•unnn, The (111fPn had probably 0 lace tinishe�l on the edge with a hvm of the tl}•in" Pair more closely• liven wnrne'rl. fur she rgpliea in the s:une I ' the ecru muslin. and A belt of green and ' O.1, I'n, on to tale trick!" valuntecrl,l strain Of remonstrance, whereupon the I 4' white and black plaid siIl:, 'I he key 2 ahnln-eyMl girl. "Don't You see the young prim:(' remIl,o d,ed as under: pattern ds prettily carried out will) cream I Un.ell" '•I)earest GrandnitunT11 - d of thie(1 Mannfnctnredandsolaby .way ell er. lace insertion in aunother model of pink " 'hat line?" _our letter, and bugx' You will nut think �f j� w7 lawn, where it decorates tilt- knee-deep • ' "Thi' lige conlleCting the two wheels• I was diwaPPoi ntttid hocaust' you eollhl I Taxa ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO„ LTD. • • riffle and the skirt above it. The bo Picton.Ontoria of canrse.'+ nxvt Send til" Sul}• n)unev. ' It wag very (] �+ dict- has a narrow tucked yoke, the PINAIr031F 1`Olt A LiTTI.E MAID. "Care Pnnngh! that's so; he's got her kind of You to give me good advice. I Ile ullens' CHOICE STEEL, WORE NETTINGS tucks running crosswise, and in till, fill- s+)Id your i(•ttt+r four £4 1138." lilYll l�iu F'®� `��Ej�L_IS� POULTRY YARDS, i ness below the key pattern api)t-ilrs description. and will be fuuud useful fot on a string." �- Attain with tut' arptn)res going up int the covering a light frock in 1110 lint wvatt)- Thi secret nq %tI`Ilescsvt'red. AsaddliP II..A�I� �lI+I�1cId\ICS, ETc. buck land front. er. It is 0"TiMl Out in It ('" l�th"ill, 'gout or the iendtiwrheelf toiithhl,steeriag Engl Al Rosa I;ntnleurli becnll�llerlf the Muslin gowns tare ddeal for garden i cambric, Patterned with lui K 1 P I fondness for nlintin'g horses. She has I - ji parties. and :ire certainly a litcess:t,v white spots; the nnttt-ru is Perfectly I pont of the other,' and the Rtrain It )aR ARE SOLD very MUCH LOWER this year, than ever before, been sketching then' rill her life, And part. of the summer Attttit at at fashion- siihple, and consists of a wnuck without the lin" drew it so tight that it wart ill' i male summer hated, int they seer» inu'dly s yoke; rhe nt-ch tR wet intra :t Pointed msst Invisible to the unked e.w. she has studied all their muvenleuta and THEY ARE THE BEST, ask your Hardware Merchant for them, snitAl{]c i'ui the races; ,yet nceort.ling to I band of plain of bine ciunhric. 'rhe I "S,t:v, "tater. take mo it your too, �__. __-_.-_ -_ all the fashion budgets they are mane I sleeves are bishop -shaped, finished at ; will vale?" "Ilaw much will ,van charge -_ ._ i ¢ (��j ' expressly for this nori> iso. ITa\vevor, all the wrist with h:uids or tib• belt, k bine• to tow tis im;l '` nd Yon Sl make s rltrx n (� Reliable a y�1tllro Store,_ov1897 . the fashionable materials are decide+ll?' The %;tist h held in by a belt, vho of 'rates for nirmic a.ntl innr(, , 1865 ---The SPub Reliable FurIll the bine. wllic•h trinin'tng also ti"sl)es ' parties?" were some afi the rynestisns J-•OFRam"t• in effect, Whether dt they are cat- . ton, wool, or silk, so a degree OP thin- the botlam oY. #ht- skirt and lh" useful that greeted the cars of the little inn news, "w•e or less, IIlA1CP-, very little die- little pockets. ahe•ncl. Tint he waw tae mu.c•h rnKagt'tl ,_,,•,,•,�•.+,.0,,%,,,o,.%.•p. y fercnce, I I with propelling his hurden to think of11 Among the ennvas gowns is ane of I )ouch e1Re,eand ho -darted o mitisic-A f Ili Av`"` Gall in and see nip stock of IIrvltsehokl Furniture. Some laic designs in Canvaw, gmnadinP, net, linen, foulard brown with a silk striplt-, lima with grMyi Ririe drf tt the had s(•Pn. Tt. is Raft: ' � � i' 'TENSION TABLES BI:U[tOUiI STJIT113S in Oak. I:lu,, Ash, 1lal'le, fife. lna taffeta sdkR have the ,lead among. and black shot tatfrtaa, whic•b forms the ; rcalizeel what Y nCe1,AN(.%�' IIUCKF.RS, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, PI(1TL'itES, C'TT R - hr racy" gs\rna, and whit" Guavas over 11)luited inutela on either lido. 'triple to Ray. hawever. that the w it Some- TAIN PULES. SIUF:BUARI)S, i:AS[.ES, CENTRE TABLES, cCC, color is yetis popular, One gov"n Inc l'i'ver• -,-one of silk between two Of can- I gave the yanng \women who Rnw it Ramt t.hi-, cart hAs a red taffy to lining, ttyus- show a finish of yellow applique i think to think about, and their cycling '�! Yictnres Framed, glass used to picture , Fra , speciilX imported, 3Iuuldings, i bodice ana a belt and collar of grew- ince on ilw edge, and the vest is of cream , escartR Aren't likely to hays so easy a �� Americaun kind Canadian, Fine assortment, Frames for I'hotus. blue velvet which make it very striking. chiffon with lace insertions across and it I tinge of it on their nt'xt trip ns thcY frill of lace at one aide where the bodice have had llt'retrnt(vre. P1-t4rices rl ht, geucl valve for your tntiney. Geoid Feathers taken in Pxdnang", j y J Some good Heathers for Sale. `° f opens. A green velvet belt and collar I I •,+ �q o �1� and velvet Kowa on the skirt are the I like to watch my wife when she's '^ • finish. e'roeheting. Albert, street . Cray is decidedly the most fashionable I Or when ahNs tatting mysteries ,.4 1 J. • %y• Stevensont31, Opposite Town Hall • color among the wool summer gowns. I Essaying. V C. V �i vu and the popular tint is very pale, to that any becoming color may be used in com- I I often note camPlaccntly� Leading Undertaker and Embalmer. bination• A pink sill, lining ds very Her shirring. _� ,, _ - • , . pretty under a thin bnn•ge OP palest 'Csr daps her dnrning PramP1 in me ��o t Residence acct Slur@. - - J L -ST — �� F,�'F1' J gray, and a full pink chiffon bodice cov- Demurring. � t Y Pq _-..___ _� l,red with creamy lace is very good style. I ]Blit I am spurred, I must allow, �' - - - - _ - l— House for Sale Another design for this material has a To quitting, 111.88 LVCY KUMP-WELCIL Goderieh Poultry Yards. draped skirt caught up slightly at each I Two story Prams house in (Tinton, ten rooms, _:,A poses, Her "studio" ds shill ly a stable F brood Ring10 coma superior Lbred, t s Cxclu- - side, and a white silk bodice coverts] When she 17»rknittiner brow , with creamy ince silk bo with steel in a field, and the hat srs conn" and go lively. My stook is. superior bred, the yard stone culler, hard and soft water. Good Kroun belill headed by a large, vigorous cockrel Frame Stable. beer full pparticnlrtrs apply to A bends and finisbe dat the neck and belt I %•hic I sco ed ill by Jarvis; also 11011" scoring 92 the osier, JOSEPH ALLANSON, (8[nton. { " with coral pink satin. The sleeves, Here nre fisc simileR of thl, (sissies while the artist keeps tri with her sketch- prod tieing 9.39•tP lu 4ik points. '1'hey,ar0 the best egg p' J1 tucked the entire length, Are -Suitt in RtgnntnrP at thTce vPriada of Urn life. Ing• brerKl of ppsultry SatlsPatrtion gnu rantucrl or f orders roflliect. N:ggRs per setting 9f 13 $1; 2(i LOST accent of any frills or Huffs at the top. Same peOP1r were not able to and er• eggs for ;31.75. Ad( 4.�� stand w1rY bolts•, Victoria did not unit 1y, e itnS4, On or aUout Tnosday Juno t4th, sn rho road I oothA 'tan Canvas gown is trimmed with the state Cruw n, which ds one Of lite ill tP (iodordch, tint. between }3ayfield aand Varna, a bag aP Toothfive biAs ruffles, heAd"d with a band Ot fFp:� most superb in flap warltl, during thv Forceps. Findor will be rowa•rrlud on returning A bale Insertion over black satin; rows oP jubilee festivities. The crown that she $i:rh Class Poultry. thein to Dr. Sheppard, Dayfleldl. tits trim the waist, and wide fancy TUB QUEEN, AT THE AGN: OF FOUR. wore was made at ber own expense five ____ r' striped ribbon with a black edge fors �� ���� years ago. It is by no means it siunple EGGS FOR HATCHING. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND . 1 a exilic around a tiny yaks Of tucked ��C'GS affair, even if it does IOoh plain by the batiste and lace. Another novel mode! TBE QUEiyV, AT TIFID AGE OP! sziVIDN. aide oP the state crown. TUc PrAtne English Red Caps. Noted for their great WAGON FACTORY, ) is carried out to green and white shot work, which is light and graceful, is of Egg producing qualities and having nO sUPar' Corner Huron and Orange Streets, ('iI>i*n• i glace with rows of black velvet ribbon pare gold, and is incrusted with nearly ior, also a good table fowl. some of THE I ASIIIUNAIIT,I. SLEEVES. and ince insertion do points on the skirt, ;3000 brilliaants and more than 500 ruse the above were winner at New fork, First -('lass Buggies on hand and made to e and n full white chiffon front drawn to L gg order. F lieoe to suit idle times. ItePairs and Open rAll{'ARPR in t-hr('kR of two Colors one wide with a frill, And carried nanoid �,�, diamonds. It i9 not 111" crown depicted CorniPthIndinntggamegkf goR GbIoIPOwlal o ropaintinRpromptlyattend Ln. Price.R rensou- p on the current coinage; that is kurnYn cod layers tioost•om weighin� lA to I1 lbs.; able. - _ and Silky hnreges tuekel to farm the to form R belt at the back. Still anotb- I _ - as the cia•clet, and is headed by it Ileur ,(,ns i tO S ppOunctR. N: gs per setting $•L,AII. _. __- - - - �� Principal trimming are very much liked. Pr shot silk gown ea trimmed with rows I T)`IP QUEEN, PRESICNT DAY• de lis and C"O" PAttP, 'A 'R COAT 13ox 102, Clinton. int. MoKillop Direotory for 1897. raid and cords are often used lie a of velvet ribbon and puf Ings of chiffon, I The Valle Of the state crown has been iVill guarantoo a fair hatch. trimming on the %%-lilt(- canvas gowns, and to cover all this fluffy elegance the Fmesh interest has just been added to ('Estimated at £112,700. It is Rtod(lod _ .--.-_ _ -_- __ ----------- John Morrison, Reeve. Wintbrot P. 0. it ,,� and - -- and inRertionw made of lace braid and English woman wears what she calls a I the romance of pretty Maud Itobilnsun' with 27&3 diamnnda, 277 penrl9, 11 John Morrison, Reeye. Winthrsp P, b i, Piney stitebes are sometimes set in with race, or dust, clonk of glace silk. The , the adopted daughter Of Hatrty Robinson emerald,s, 16 slipphires, and 4 nibfes, atncl To Improvers of Stock• Will. Archibald, Dapnty Reeve, Beechwood P. l', U, ,l Daniel Manley, Councillor, lieechwoorl Y. O. a eottl on each edge; silk gnipttre inner- msdel la in emirs glace, confined at the ot West Chester, Ila., who is supposed boflsts ana extra sarvphire of extrnordhi- The undemiaaned has on his promises, 16th JoR, C, MorriRon Councillor, Beechwood Y. O• tl1 tions beaded with steel. are also employ- waist with a belt of jeweled canvas, to hast elogled for the second tittle with ary beauty which wits purc•haRed by the) concession, Goolcrich Township, Wm. McGavin, Councillor Loadbur Y, O• '.} ed in the some way. l! Bather stitching which forms the yoke, and a frill of , hen, young hus,band,Dominick Salamando. T, irst Grntlemnm of Europe, and a ruby A Thoroughbred Jorsey Bull. Terms: -$1 Ines a Morrison Clerk, , Ileeh w Fd I t appears in some of the gowns as a finish black inve rolls beau. Luce and black she first ego ern about eightert, monists William A \'a11R, ARRaRROr, }3coehwoo<1 Y. ( far the wide hems and the narrow satin ribbon from the exilic. p the va.hu at which is Fnid to be inestim- and $2, David M. ROAR, TreaRuror, Winthrop P. O. fortwhich trim the skirts. Black; a.go, when oly 14 years old, and Wits ably which was the property of Edward A Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, rogis• Charles Dodds, Collector, Reafort.h P. O• ,'' ruffles fie incl Colored eaten ribbon half k: I married in Camden. A few weeks' re- the Black Prince. toted. farms: -$l, with the privilege of return Richard Pollard. Sanitary inspector, Loadbury. t' Color is very carefully considered this , sidence in Philadelphia convincer] the Ing. inch wide, gathered in the middle is season. iced, white and blue are the girl of her strati and all(, bagged her their is n sawmill in (Irnndin, DID., A thorougharod Tamworth Boar, registered. valuable Property for Sale' i another formof dress trimming used as key notes from which many pretty vada- i foster parents to tante her back, which Terms: -$1, with privilege Of returning. ;; an edging 'or ruffles, revers and collars, many departments orf which are in This IR a rare chance to improve your stock The undersigned ofrors for sale his fifteen tions are made. The real royal red is I they did. charRre of women. There is a woman in and n hundred yards are often disposed a bright scarlet, but the particular tint I Salamando was prosecuted, both here charge of t.hP engrine. One of thl, roorota, T. C. EDtruxnw, ancon o4 ]and, in the township of Hallett, rod- ,;,, of on one gown. which appppearw most conspicuously in 965-tf. Owner• oinfng the corporation of Clinton. The land Batiste in lace efltPeta and embroidered " ichnable dress is exactly ifke one of i and infPohnilahamem, a teens recentmilac white t}nP big RtnWs are apPrtterl, iR man- _ _„ 3R of cls loam and do excellent condition; all ,j designs figures largee,ly in combination the velvet leaf geraniums. I3Oae red+ auw ph3}adelphis, while th . case agced by w'onurti• The lnthernd ie 'also - Thereseedolmown, exfoundationopt small portion for potatosi- with foulard silica foe revers, collars and too, Is very much worn by English we- q oIn nRt was to Came nip in i,gust. P+'pulated by femininity, and the inn- _ Wit Will Pay Straight Weekly Salarbi There is arneAtonbarn, bl and collar for cosi• R portion of the bodice. One pretty men, not it symbolizew the national Now- ' in thissun husband t ams to West Chea- chins of all sorts are haindded by them. of Prom $lo o0 to $30,00, according to ability, for donne ; e amo barn, stearin cow tirestable, &OC er. ' The young In the rooms till joining a force a'f young canvassers on "Queen Victoria: Hor Life and thorn aro a mlmher of nearing fruit Crook o model of brown and Pcru foulard has an Iter about ten days o, oitte'nsibly to look y entire bodice of ecru hatiwte with a ]nee snit Finally he took his dl,- women is vd+natnntly empinved, fil.htgr and cin n,'The DiamondmJubileontaubooming this well oftttao: &Tho�o Its nee morn rice is re pro stripe. There is no end to the. pretty purr snow white is In fashion ,.gain, nftea� � a bicycle, the fair Maud di getting the saws in shape ior wank. The wonderful volume koepifngall hands working perty a,��{{Dining Clinton. The price is ronRon- tript, fes There dress trimmings, and np- than part} "n re of the tn•srl)inery i9 in their hands early and late. Tho only Canaadian work ae- able andiormR will be nada t� a6 T}ir Nivwa• plique ince on liwse. I+'ribldnga of Diel- and nothing can he much ppwttiPr a uUGtneottRly• a1sO an her a)ta+d ;t is •.tic] 1dtPw nrr quite ns adept noel cepted by Her Mt+joatyy and endorsed by the FOr particulars write or apply Y ,, , chin ince on yellow chiffon, and silk em eoloted straw hats trimmed with appeatit, the ne cmnpetent to handle it. Ila tiny fora' Royal Family. A beautiful big book at a small RxcORD ofHco, or to the owner white chiffon, white ostrich feathers, or eoQplit e have as ince deiveoncl rti}fte,t and 1 WM'. MFJRPHTt btaidPry are very desirable. One wine dead -white llinga. yet rinploYed in the mill. �riPuY-GARRET80N E(jliaLtlldon•Tocoptoagpt� Clinton P b , authority predicts that the last will soon ' . . - -,. - ; 1v