HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-07-21, Page 1'1lffE
't'1<CliMS—$1.25 per Aununy 1.0011n Advance.
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1 rt�lx / 7 r 1
A. 1111 TOD1D, )Er•ILer n a,d Owner
Brief Town Topics. Brief Town Topics. 'Town Tonics. ^~
Mr. and Mrs. Fatrran were in Blyth Miss Annie Ross is holidaying in I A Gouu MAx DEAD.–The sudden I THE TWO A..r.'S."
on Sunday, Bayfield. death of John Lapier, aged SO years ----- -- --
Rufus Andrews of Seaforth wits here and two montlis wits referred to t)
' OAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSOOa i on Sunday. it YUU owe i years itue to
tion ur ���
P these ee should
s at the time. He was I Can't You Top
more xuw is the best tiros to t•eurit.
THE NEws•REcoItD gives the reliable what we should term in the 19th cen-
0 A Malt beverage, news and lots of it. Lieut, McTaggart is taking a course tory a good man, and in life thorough -
Perfectly prepared, W. Jackson is at. least: one of the I in the arts of war at military school ill ly relied on every tuan being honest K
Free from ,huge, ` king bowlers on the green. London. and Uhrist-like, Unassuming in char- I 'deep Cool ? � Notch
Much recommended for its i James McClachert has lacedan ex bliss Charlotte Everett is v}sitin aster, unobtrusive in deineatnor, he
friends in Loudon, Port Hurn❑ ,1114 lived as he died. Six (lays previous he If not we can assist you to du so,
stimulating and highly nutri- Pensive fountain in his store• wits asked if he would celebrate the Our Neglige Shirts in liueu, Silkaline
other places. 12th. His reply wits that he might be and Silk mixtures are just the thing Of Sty1e4� �"--
Hous properties. in pints. Miss Irwin left yesterday for list 'there were quite it large number at- dead before that Lime raid he va, for warm a
home near Belgrave, 9. veathen wear. Prices fto11i alway a the most tasty after
tended 5t. Paul's S. S. picnic lit Bay- The deceased wits born in Glasgow, 50c.0c, up, Isn't
Mrs. Wright of Guelph is visiting Held last Thursday. Scotland, in 1817, and came to Huron all, A man's built} and shape must be
her sister Mrs, Olson. Special Hot Weather Balbriggan
leak Kennedy Mr. Will. Clausen of Minneapolis is when uncle
19 and L years re age. Underwear at $I a Suit, just what you
Ben Webb, r., is now travelling in here nn a1 visit to Mr. R. Reynolds and hi uncle Dr. Robert Lapeer, preceded want if y{1a desire to keep cool. A tailor isn't a good tailor unless
Clintonthe interests o�a phonograph, other relatives in this section. hint and took up ,about r,(� acres of
The CiLiquor Store. Clinton post office has long been too land in Hallett. At the death of the Fast Black Sox, two pair for laic. he knows what earl of cut will look
small for the population of Clinton. We were Pleased to see auctioneer doctor John hit(! possession and con- Now, can't you keep cool? And we the more stylish on the ta11 ansa End
James Howson out again on SaturdatY, trot of the property, but throngh fail- hai,ve them, course in texture, 3 hairs he short man, the fat and the ean.
• The London Road bridge accident I He is still very wemak, however, ore or lack of what might be termed for Ge., just the thing for outdoor
may mean costly legal proceedings. better ud meat the And the pattern of the goods them•
The �� Messrs. Geo. Cook and Geo. Harvey MV- W. Cleghorn of Bluevale and . (1 g � • greater heavy work. P c
DIr. W. Richardson of Brussels were lortion of the property slil,ped froui solves is another important thing to
of Saltford were in Clinton on Sunday,. He resided on he 80 acre faint decide.
Clinton callers last Wednesday, 1lieY +Washing Ties,
Straw Ha Mr. anti Mrs. J. C. Stevenson will I were on their way to Goderich. which he owned, with Mr. John Bailey, we are perfectly familiar with all
leave fur catnip art Burk's un the lake and the; latter, we are ,leased to note is for >5c. great value for tlne p Y
shore this week, Mr. A. (ornyn of �Vinghauu is in now the owner of the farm. Mr. Lapier money. he technical points it) tailoring,
town on it visit to Mr. arid Mrs. T. H. was once married, his late wife, deceits- Our experience and kilowledgo
We sell yon are decidedly new Mr. Win. Harland breathed Lake Cook, Mr. and Mrs, S. J. Andrews, Airs. ed about flve Our Hat Trade clothes is at the publics service,
both in shape and material. Huron's health -giving breezes at Bay- Glazier, Mr. and Mrs. H. Glazier, and Musgrove. Thererwasenota�)il SrThte
They alio light, easy tilting, cool Held last Sunday. ) other Clinton friends. late DIr. Lapier was for many years to I1 FLS been and is now brisk. We on hoOnor. garments are made and sots
and at the same t.iweg rye you a Bathers in the liIlyfieltrRiver will be Dir. Wm. Little of Chicago, y quality,
` Presb Presbyter b call fit and satisfy
dressed appearance. We have prosecuted if they are not more parti- ttnan g ' avho a roust devoted tend faithful member Y soli in c astir
"* no old or time w,» n shapes to cular. y years ago built the tlublic and price and style. OOOOOOOO ���
' hi •h schoolshereand erected numerous of the Salvation Army. Tile funeral A. .T. HOLLOWAY,
offer, all our goods are this R, Hillen, of THE NiR'E3-Rl":coRu I oter bnddings, is on it visit to Clinton, took place to Ulinton cemetery. Peace OOOOOOOO
?;. season's intake. We Qpecially stair, and S. Kitt were in Bayfield on Father Tirne is imprinted on Mr. Little, to the ashes of the honest dead,
i, recorgmend the fulluwin; :– Saturday. although he is still quite smart. SAD AND SUDDNv DEATIL—Yester- A. J. MORRISH. CLINTON.
Men's white Manillit, black trimmed, It is expected the many imppcirtatit Mr. Chas. Foster of Stanley stated day nnornin Che wires flashed the sad
75c, improvements to the big )liberty to the writer on Monde that hit in mews from Sault Ste MItr{e, Mich., to Goderich. Clinton Cricketers Victorious,
Men's* white Manilla, sgaare crown, organ works will be completed in a his section wonid,vera§e about two Clinton that Joe Riter was dead, that
flange brim, $1, $1.25, few days, tons to the acre. Fall wheat, it is he had suddenly passed away in bed. AT THE Bin CON VENI•ION,–Rev, W.
Clinton ericketena journeyed to
tr Men's brown M;Lnilia, square crown, Davis & McCool have purchased expected, may run thirty bushels to full particulars are not to hand. Mrs, Godwin and wife, and Rev. Joseph Guelph last Tuesday ill.)d suc-
roll brim, $1,50. Miller's black driver and will make the acre, some more and sortie lsss. Riter and children have been on it visit Edge, left Wednesday last to attend seeded in keeping up their well -
Men's white Straw, straight brim lac good use: of it in their livery stables. to lief' parents and relatives here. The the Epwotth League convention lit, earned record of su:neriurit
a sad news was broken to .Mrs. Riter b Toronto. i y. the
and 50c• Salesman ConnollyY have in Clinton one of the
yesterday Sh to Town Topics. her brother, J. C. Miller, yesterday. ONi OF THE PRFTTIEr3T SPAT$ –A very hestoltl 1y to ht fqun(1 anywhere
• You will admire the natty appear- ed the last half of June cheese forSuut- I (;a,iNrtoN �-S, Loxuox.– (%lintun As Ili lit be expected, the lady swoon recent visitor from Scotian and oar citizens shoals h
1 auce of these. Nothing newer is merhill and Hohnesville factories. ed and a doctor ilea to be surriuloned, d is giving a pr•utict of
'shown. cricketers will contest with the Asv the Banffshire Advertiser an account then), in one innings they rolled tit),
Miss hydna Manning, who has been lum teat) at London to -morrow. The At time of goingg to Press we had not Of his trip to the New Land. Hisletter sears of 1:113, skill(+ (xnelph after brad
vitiiinpr her aunt Mrs. Dr. Annus art team from here will he its follows learned the fnncral arrangements. published on July 1st concludes as fol-
' We have just received', ship- , ( ) g work mads• It().. The individual score
rY ement of Los home Mondayeveniug. F. W. Terry, L. Kennedy, M. D. Me- The deceased was a robust young nota lows: "We left Niagara and all its )vas:`
Dins. J. A. Cr•oll of Allegheny' City, Taggart, J. ,AcMurchie G. Barge, It. of some 84 years, For several years he
g wale in business in Clinton and sold oat wonders with great reluctance and ar- CLINTON
Ventilated Bicycle Caps Agnew, J. R,. 1lOoyer, A, McGarva, F., rived late at night at Goderieb, and, 1teMurchie, b .,unulcr,
� p Prt., and Masters L,Lwrencc rind Chaun' to Lack Kennelly a few years ago. Mr. 4
In the new shades. c'eY+ are.the guests of Airs. John A. CAntelon, A. If. Grace, A. N. Other. after a six mile stave found ourselves Kennedy, c trardiva;, b S:wiuivr:..::..., s
> Croll, who was humin ; he had his fritts– Terry, I Howitt..........
"Walk in and foul. abound," ('i.iNTUN Lrc.uai;Etts AT ToItoNTo,-•- who has noCY He was ever charitable tit
Benmiller, one of the prettiest spot); .. .,... 70
Miss Ida Boles, who has been :attend- Among the Clinton Epworth Leaguer's and gave freely of this world's in all Canada." The conclusion of the McT,tgt;art, a 1IctIonkey, t; Woodcock .. , . , t
—o-- lug the Conservatory of Music in Tu- goods letter leads to the belief that the next Agnew
�c ;Vs(: Skelton
bbitnndero(.k... (1
tit Toronto attending the great nation- to the poor acid maimed and halt. A .. ,47
T Jacksonto, resumed her duties as organist al E. L. convention are Mrs. Will. Hail•- nacre generous heart, considering his coin in tinication will refer to old Huron, McGarva. b 5hilton .. .... ......... .. . .2
• and should it do so we shall note it in t Howson, b Sauodc(:, .... 3
� SrSr• of Itattenhury St. Church on Sabbath, land, the Misses Washing ton, Miss Eva circumstances, never conveyed the S aldin ,bsaunder,...... , . '• .....•.
The Rattenbury street Methodist S, Cooper, Miss . Mabel Shannon, Miss life -blood of humanity through the future issue. .Muer. s Guthrie, b sounders ................... I
Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter. S. will pic-nic in Elliott's grove on the B elsh, Miss Cuningbanl►e. Miss Idit fraine of urarn. He was a thoughtful GARDEN PARTY.—Theannu,tl garden Ca"taion,not cut . ...... ..............
13yes. 7 ; leg bye,, 2; wide+., 3 ....... , . , • 1,',
VICTORIA BLOCK, CLINTON. Bayfield road to -clay. Rigs will be ales, Miss Emrmt Stephenson, and careful husband, had it great love party of St. Georges Guild wits held _
Age c
provided, fare for adults 15c., children Mr, Thos. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. for his immediate family, and his heart last Thursday on DIr•. and Mrs. R. W. Total ....• ••''..•,,,,•,,,..153
{z t „y Landon Laundry, free, Andrew Curtis and Mr. A. T. quickly throbbed with sorrow when Logan's pretty lawn, Montreal street, GUELPH
Nr. and Mrs. Will Srnith and dao It_ Cooper. On Saturday Mr. Cooper detitli ruthlessly visited his hnme. In and wits a success in every wily. There Carter, b McTag art ..................
g, read a paper on the subject of "An oar business dealings we have never met was a large attendance, the town band Mc•Conko , c McGarva, b McNturchic......::.. I
r Car. of Indianapolis are here on ca visit, Fpworth-League Reading Course." He with his p
18�%T eltflfsY^v IB�T Mr. Smith wits at one time in the su Briar for probity. His played a1 chrOice programme, the choir tivoodcoc , c Spalding, b McTaggart.; ........ 21
showed how and why the lea uers word was all that wits ret aired; it was sag a few c:olson, c Mill ton. b Mc�iurc............ . . . .. 19
•• AfoN Tire. IYsnc 7Tiu. �R� �wr. tailoring and gents furnishing business y g g pretty pieces, the grounds Guthrie,eMillor,bTerry ......................ii
r' g should study the literature of the L'ng- as good as his money. Re had a big were charmingly dressed, Chinese lan- Saunders, c Kennedy, b Terry..................3
' r rw X• twit, txrrn.r. X11 la
Ill no nit ,.. 1 9 ¢y here. lisle language, ane the Bible above all, and generous heart and the world new terns were strung up all over the lawn, Baldwin, c Cantelon, b Torry.. •....... .
8 f0 Mr. Richard Baker of Goderich The Epworth Leaagne was, he thought, him as he was. He was sympathetic, o
the tables were well loaded, and ail Hitt -ding. b Terry ...................... . . . ..... . R
rr .12 .0 14,15 its It township informed THE NEws-RECORD one of the greatest developments in loyal and true, kind and affectionate dressed with flowers, and the eatables sketonynot(out,bMcMurch.. ..............:la
on Mondaythat the ..............
19 a20 ,2l a2,2 2c3� ,2>¢ Yield of hay it) his the modern Methodist (.hutch but its to it degree; let those who are without and refreshment9, especially the ice Howett, c tout...gnew, b Terry ................. • • ... p
section would average two anZI a half usefulness would be further enhanced sin cast the first stone at Joe, Riter. crearn made by Blackstone, pleased all Byes, 7; leg byes, 2 ....................... 9
A ' Z! V (yQ �11 tons to the acre. by the introduction and establishment He is dead hilt will be kindly rernern- of epicurean taste, the proceeds were
p' A good number of Ulintoniana visit of rending circles. Good books were )teres hy.linndreds whose crippled con- over$IlOand everybody wags pleased ToGt1.......................liU
Town , Goderieh for at beneficial change of air Public benefactors, and, in fact, the ditton and. wounds have heen heisted with the party. Top )LATCH AT BERLIN.
t Brief Town Topics. g world was so full of At Berlin on Wednesday Clanton
and all are delighted with heaven's
good literature by his big-hearted gpuerosityy, He was CIRCULAR CITY BRiEFs.–Jud
Det. J. P. Doherty was in Bayfield blessing nand the kind reception frons that there waLs no excuse for anybody aL native of Bruce county. In Clinton ge and went to brat first sand made an score of
over Sunday. citizens of the county town. to waste their tittle over the brad. He the deceased wits it good •attender• of Mrs. Johnston and chilJren of Sault (i(i; While the Berliners were batting
Mrs. Ayers and family left Monday Mrs. Carleton, mother of Mr. Wm. septated the fact that novel reading, of Sr. Pani's Church. To those who St. Marie are on a two weeks' visit to without eminent success rain came in
' which no possible good the. old home.–We could have done torrents and the arae had to be di -
for the sea coast. Rutledge, also Mrs. Robert Rutledge p g d could come, knew his many good traits he silently g s
One of the prettiest spots to be found of New York City and Mr. and Mrs. had such a hold upon large numbers of murmurs with a few showers the past week,– continued.
?a , Ii
is Jowett's grove at Bayfield. Halliday of Goderich, are the guests his fellow.me n. a recommender) that l+<ty death, my death alone can shew Miss M. Campbell is visiting friends in
v' of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rutled e. g history, biography, Poetry, English The pure and kiting Win –`
Mesa Mamie Call of London is visit- g Y+ g •; I K love I born; gham,–Mr. J. Best of Illinois is • ��' - –�
classics, and the hible be the special Accet, 0 Heaven! of wooR like inine, visiting his sister D•Irs. Salkeld, The Bayfield.
=, ing friends in town and country. .there was a very interesting game lines of study. So well did he think of And >et me, let Pie weep no more. Maples, Bayfield Road,–At the council
y' Mrs. Cook, Princess St., is visitingat 1•twn bowls here on Friday, Mrs. Riter and her brother, Mr•. J. C. meetin on Friday the Public Works OUR VISITORS•–There are at present.
Y+ pI'esu h, the reading circles that he thought no ' g it large number of visiturs at Bayfield
� friends and relatives in Goderich. ally between the English 'tad Irian, league was complete without one. He Duller, left for the Soo yesterday, committee was given full power to fix
THE NEws-RrcoRD presses are kept hint the result cannot definitely be outlined the ideal rending course, and G►'crit sympathy is expressed for the the birthing house and on Monday it front va••runis Points. We are looked
very busy these days. We do good 'ascertained. Sorne Scatchnien took a hoped that such a course as this would >ereiaved widow and family here. start was made to pat it in order and t'Pon, and justly so, its possessing the
bawd in it. finest summer resort in Western Oil -
I be adopted in every Epworth League. put down as three plank walk.–Thr:
yy At Nttftel', on the lake among the In order to emphasize the importance Goderich. Caarniona was in port ori Satturday.– trio. The visitors are all enjoying
joying Harland
Clinton campers are Mr. Hovey and � of these reading circles, he cited the WARDEN'S COMMITTEE. --Tile War- Boating is now a favorite ppast.irie of t emselires itninensly, although the
mensely. family, Mr. Ridout, Mrs. 11. Cole and work of the reading circle at Dallas, den's committee met last Wednesday eveningA. -=rhe King's Dau�hten5 halve heavy rain on Monday soniewhat dam -
daughter, John Bather's children from Tex. Its anneal report was glowing, resented their late resident, Mrs, penes their en,loyinent. A lairge mun-
Her many friends will deeply regret Toronto, Mrs. Barber and children P g g+ In the call co the Watwith h racers ji P leer are re este red at t he
and inilicratea the vast importance of matters in connection with the recent rhos. Dancev, with t1 parse 11114 at Pico- g � Queen's, Itiv(•r
tw to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. from Georgetown. such an undertaking. leo said, in accident sat the count bridge near ly worded address for her past sett ices House and Albion. At the River
-F, Robert Coats. closing, that he hoped ever E worth g to the soca t House. --Mr. and Mrs, Johnston, Lon-
" Mr. H. L. Hall, of the London News, P Y P Clinton.(Mintony.•–The Ottawa corres ion- don; Mrs, ane Miss Morse, Toronto:
Plans and specifications for the en- is herein the interests of that, Lea F
s, League m America would sooner or cleat of the Signal shows that there
Barging of the OuGario street Methodist P seer later adopt the reading circle idea, THE FALL FAIR,–Tho prizes for the were but half the cunituittnents in On-
parsonageMr. P. Mr. have, been procured. and the town e Clinton, A special P g G. N. W. Exhibition are now. ready, Logan, Toronto; J. C. Walker, Clinton;
and the secretary will be tarso for drunkenness than there were ,
Councillor Taylor and farnily are edition The News will be issued next P1tESBY'rF}tY OF I•IURux.–The Pres- ghad to mail Thomas Robertson, Clinton: D. Cau)tat-
copies to any atddresses friends gnat in prohibitory Maine, the past year.-- ton, Jr„ Clinton; Pcrey Fair, Clinton;
3.y. rnsticatin at Bayfield on the fresh good sof to of which will bytery Inst in Clinton, on the 13th Inst. Y Sturdy Bros. the grocer's are doing a
water seashore. contain pictures of locatl public men hand in. If you know of anvonc likely Sturdy
boOnltg s. the
it rLil H. R. Colbert, Seaforth; A. Box, Sea -
and businesses stns other information, tilt. Stewart was appointed Moderator to be interested ili the fair, give their throngh July there has beenabove the forth; J. Clufr, Seaforth; D. Canible,
The Masonic excursion on civic heli- Mr. Hall is succeeding very well with for the eitsuin six months. The name to the secretary.—Tire Seafort.h; W. Sclater, Seaforth; Mr. and
;. be the 4vork, followin cot nriissioners to the THEI' WHFELF"D IT.–Geo, Stiven, of along Goderich heat.
after no one and Dirs,('ontine, SaintJoseph;Dlr. andDtrs.
y, August 5, to Port Stanley, should glisual
be well patronized. Mr, Ike Rattenbury returned on I Assembly reported their attendance the Bank of Commerce, Duelph, ac- Qvemn with bathing parties.–The BiasornPtte, Saint Joseph ; G. Camille,
The Ontario street Methodist S. S. S:lturday from }a pleasure trip to ' oil the meeting of that court in Winni- cornpanied by his daaughter Fannie, tf ndpipe is now completed and shortly Saint Joseph: P.Denomyy, Saint Joseph;
.j.. children and parents held their annual Cleveland, Erie, Detroit, &c. He wit- arrived in town on Saturday, on at tl w+iter works engine will be given At the Albion–B. S. Wilcox, Geo. A.
picnic at Bayfield yesterday. nessed the great horse races at the peg, namely: Messrs. Fletcher, Ander- week's visit to the old home. Mr. J. Jackson, London; Dick Treble, Lxe-
an occasional rest.–The standpipe lit ter; F. McNiff, W. J. Boyd, London ;
Rev. Mr. Stewart wind family, Lee former place. Mr. RatLenhury de. Aun, and J. S. Henderson, ministers: Stiven and daughter wheeled the dis- the cemetery will be it blessing to those
Brown .and others are camping at Tron elates that he was delighted when he and D. D. Wilson and Louis Harold, tante between Guelph and Goderieh, tvho water their lots re ulnrl Ed. Peart, Hensall; T. B. Parkinson,
Springs (Frazer': farm)Goderich town- again reached Ontario, that. this is a s P g y'_T{'e A. H. Treleaven, London : J. Dodds,
elders. Messrs. J. S. Henderson J. A. 103 miles via Palmerston arid Brussels Pluto crop will not be over large this
ship. natural Garden of Eden for crops and McDonald and D. D. Wilson were a haavinq, left their home last We dnes' season, apples will not be an average, Seaforth; �'4 . H. McClure, Hamilton;
When you go to Goderich be sults fruit compared with the States he Pointed a committee to nominate the day. rhe return journey will also be lint pears will be ra full one.–The sun B, S. Switzer, Eva May Switzer•, Mil(i-
^?; stns have a bathe in Lake Huron. At travelled through. standing committees. Circubir letters trade on wheels, but the route will he tract Por a fifty barrel grist mill to be red M. Switzer, M. Barkwell, N. Mid -
last there is a walk to the bathing In the village of Bayfleld there alae were read for the reception of the fol- vitt London and other southern erected near the G. T. R. deppot was dleton, London; J • Snider, J. hose,
house. 220 voters–in part one 149, in part two lowing, as ministers of this chnrch ; burghs. accepted by Buchanan and I•hynas Rrticefield.
Dr. Tait and Mr. McLean of Blyth
49, in part three 22, and 41 jurors. The Mr. Robert Adorns, a minister of the , last week. -Miss Andrews, teacher, of _
y lists have been printed. Baptist church ; Mr. B. B. Williams HF WAS RELEASED.–Edward Heid- Manitoba, is spending the holidays in
played at friendly game at tennis in of the (`,ongregationatl Church ; Mr. roan, who was cent up from Exeter town at the family residence Bayfield ��j
Clintonwith Mr. Iubn and Mr. Sher The Goderich townebi W. T. Noble, B. A.., B. H. of the y g g road.—Rev. T. F. Robinson of Walker- YY h8�%`�,�`�
P p Voters list recent] on a char a of aassaultE Ilia
} , tin Friday. is Out. It shows 878 voters, in parts Church of England; and Messrs. N. wife and wits released by the Judge on ton spent the )tat week in town collect.
There has been tit, big break in the one, B(35; two, 1138; throe, 45; and 448 Stevenson, A. Lo an W C. Irwin and suspended sentence, wits charged be• infund.—
entitled to serve as jurors, g + g for the Huron Diocesan But its h41.
tor_ dry spell, and the roots and in- H. G. Gunn, B. A. of the Presb terian fore Police MagistrateSeager with
's :, conk* crops will. not stiffer in conse- Y Quite a number of visitors arrived in
Mr. S. Lawrence cut his thumb in Church of the )}aired States. The assaulting a constable in the execution town the past' week,–Mr's. D. Cassidy
quenc . two slices on a circular saw at the folowing are thestanding committees of his 9uty. It appeared from the Very taw people are loukiu for
Doherty organ factor on Tuesday and for the g and Miss Kyle of Toronto are the P
Mr. T. 0. Cooper, Princess St. ei.st, y Y year : Home Missons,–Messrs. evidence that the constable, thinking guests of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Burrows, bargains in stores this kind of
celebrated his 90th birthdaywill be off work another week. Acheson Fletcher McLean and Bell, Heidman wasgoing to again assault his –Picnics are now the order of the dray, weather, they would sooner buy
CrV a yesterdtty. wife a rehended him and in the
We hope he may live to celebrrate his Mr. Higgins, a brother of Mrs. Job Radcliffe and Moffatt, elders. Church pp–Captain Babb returned from Knncar- something that is already cook -
100th. Cooper, died at Rat Porta a the other Life and Work,–Messrs. Muir, Ste- stru gle of a blow which Ile sated ed. We would suggest the fol -
8 dine on Saturday whether he had been Kg
i4lisa Lulu Staple trained nurse of day from abscess or Some other inter- wart, J. A. McDonald; and Hart, Het roan nflicted with a knife. The on a lowing nods for hot weather.
�' nal ailment. The interment, will take Wtalkmgshaw and McIlveen elders. oases was considerably mixed and after prosecuting expedition.–Carmel g
Toledo State hospital, is in town the street church Sunday school of Hensall (tanned Chicken, Canned Duck.
guest of Miss Annie Alexander and in Clinton cemetery. Sabbath Schools,–Messrs. Shaw, J. S. lecturing both constable and defendant picniced in Goderich yesterday.–Geo. (fanned Turku, Noble's Lobsters in:
-other/friends. The London Bowling Ulaib arrived Henderson and Uarriere; and Hick,; the P. M. dismissed the case. Porter may now he seen around with- flat and tall tins, Kippered Herrings,
Among the cam era from Ulinton at here Monday, but owin to the rain Harold and McGregor, elders. Fin- VOTF of CONDOLENCE.–Ata meet- Out crutches after having them for Potted Ham, Potted Turkey, Potted
the atmA did not takeplace,I auce+–Messrs. J. A. Hamilton, Mus- in of the members of the Bar and companions for two years. Chicken Pate, Potted Ham and Veal,,
quirk's on the lake shore are Coun- g much to rave R. Henderson • and Potted Ton "Thistle" Haddie,
4,01 ir'Swallow and family and W. H. thedisappointmentof many. The Lon- ,} Elliott,+ county officials of the county of Huron - Tongue,
Ber3)lley add family. Boners proceeded to Seaforth yesterday, ovenlock and Bissett, elders. Soper- held in the library in the Court House, Lunch Tongue in I and 2 lb. tins, &c..
'l int•endence of Students,–Ur, Mc On- on 8th July, 1897, Judge Masson in the Mrs. Kibler of Warren, 06iIt is visit
Where is to he an Orange excursion The Huron Medical Association met old, Anderson, James Hamilton; and chair. It was moved by E. Campion, ing her father Mr Charles Dickson of All are first-class goods ands
fi'otth Kincardine, Wingham, Clinton at the House of Refuge on Tuesday. Wilson, Sanders and Horton elders. Mekiilop, after tin absence of ten ready for Immediate use,
k 041 all intermediate stations, between sereral important papers were read Christain Endeavor,–Messrs. Flet• 1Qutictti sof this na•etPinHrbe� to seit d rand year a.
and discussed, and case, from the cher, Martin, Graham; and Rad- g P Mr. and Mrs. Samnel Londesborough
Vire carry a Hne line of
i tit Sxrnta on August 14. home transmitted to Mrs. Malcomson, ex- g
1, 011 sated term affords much relief will he tate the Holme next
fxReftiger in Nbffrei n$trrin and Proteer, elders. pressing the deep and sincere sync. of Park River, Dak., are visiting Fancy Groceries
5 tt) Glintbniarre at Bayfield. It would Octriber. g g Missions, –Dr. McDonald, pithy felb by all those present at the friends in Tnckersmith.
' al')1paa ethab many of our citizens had Messrs. J. S. Henderson and Muir; meeting tntvard's Mrs. Malcomson, Mr. Thos. Stephens and family, late For Campers and Pi(•1livors
•litfislpeton of the White Winged City. Dnr{ng their business career Harland and I). D. Wilson, Harold and Hart, and thefnmily in their bereavement by of the Queens hotel, Seaforth, have OOOOOOO®alta
Bros. have spent in the neighborhood elders. After un:ierggoing the nauAI the death of Sutherland Malcomson, left for Berlin, whore they will in
x4k of
W. Werth our w pushing a Of $100,000 with "'Ill. Buck of Brant, examination, Mr.. W. G. Richardson Es Future reside. -�-�� �'A��
r)vitt•k#tititlecl"BeYrnlrOwnlaan'yer+" ford, the great stove urannf,lcturer aa, ]sensed to reach the rf member of this Bar and master
and fti1 teetin with good success. The P gospel• of the High C cart of Justice of Ont- Vtr. Ed. .9packman of Exeter last GROCERY,
work. iii "re.A.11g good and deserves t,hP stir) died suddenly t17P. other day. Tho Thr+ next tnePting oP Preairytery iA jo ,trio.' (Sip;ned) JAMES MASSOx,' chair week received the sial news of the UC
j� r
Y g Hrtra speak in very high terms of the },e held in Clinton on the 14th of Sep- main• ` EA -GER secretary of meet- dente of his brother-in-law Mr. Henry 0{AL� COOPER � C®•
s#lie its securing, deceased as a business man, tember, at 10.80 o'clock, a. m. iii '
g• Fowl of Belleville.
'Phone 2:3