The Huron News-Record, 1897-07-14, Page 7. i,
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gravel, $8.12; for gravel: A. Adams I LITTLE KINDNESSES.* HaddeRed Avilwalls. THE of DONNA LINA." -__
�. SPECIFIC $8.05, W. C. Wilson $3.55,'1'. Miller -• -- I deserted Must,
no in turn for the sulfa ui
It you were tolling up a weary hill, THEY MIME C1tAZivl) mY ll1SHu1t1IN(i 1877, lila, olds 1118 e. wife, ,ei f Allainnly lit
i �� � ���LA �4 40, D. Farquhareou $5.4U, lest. Hearing it loud beyond yuue strength to 11RUCH88. F c1,Si �,(w [ iYi rh l(1iiOX `itgliii(1Jt`os`�tug Alubin. t
Taylor $4.30, L+, Laundy $L3.3U, �Vta, bear, THE BLIGHT OF THE GREATEST Crisp! startled even his must iutiw-Alt.
" F
' Hopper 2,55 J. Gull(, 16.59 G. Strululug each nerve uutlrlug, flood still Fort Scott, Kim., July (1, - A held of I,tlds b
tt I P $ . Y $ ' Stmliblb,g And losing fuuthuld here and . STATESMAN OF ITALY, i cuntt•itcling a euro ulurl loge
Since Childhood, d have been Maxwell $2,15, A. Proctor 85 85, Geo. there, 1S0 Texas steers, violently ulnd from with Duuua hillu, and flu twing tiaxili-I
1. i)illicted with scrofulous boils and Daly $14."IU C. Campbell $3.16 A. And l'as'h uue tulssing by would du sit wtich agony induced by it peel) iar m:tlaily, � with bigamy, exl,luiued that Ills first
' ' , As glve uue llinvard lift uud go their tray, attracted n,arty visitors to the Horner- A Prime 1111alster's Wife Who lselonus to ' ,fife had just died at Jlultu, lite,(] that
sores, WhiCh caused me terrible Cluakey $9.6.1, T. Rogereon $6,' S, \1 W. would 1101 u,,, slight relteruted unu•a day i'mic•h; north (,list of Fort Scott, his union with Rule. Rusialie, having
suffering. I'llysicians were unable Youill56018. J. kl. Shciurs $7.49 H. (if hello u,d kludiess li•bleu ,all the day' the biafla-How she BrouLht Even been Contracted dwrin' the lifetime, lit
b Y• 1{uusas, re/'elltly. Old culLlculeu who I b
' "' sat flu the high corral and witnessed 1 Royalty to Terme-Au Underupulous the ful•wer, was neCVf;8a l'fly bigti,mous
f: to help me, and ] only brew worse Jackson $11.35, (orae. Pollard X6.37, There i, flu Ilr[le and there is flu lunch, and therefore invalid; r0usequetLtly there
., . under their Care, A. liulton $3.75. The council ileo till• weigh and weasure• and dente in the hereGpforu un -heard -(-f mulles of l Womaus ttule,
n 3 wflin; Lhe naturally prood and htiuds'.;ule flus flu legal r.b,t to tnev,nf biw
f:� At length, 1 began adjourned to meet again on the ' nd Although as a goneral rule there is flu from marryfug 1)onw, lata. Tulorunt as
g J g A hook, a word, a light, resputislve touch king i of the Texas prairie had dVivVIi are the Ituli;uts iso such nhattols, ills \vas
I ', to take day of August next. W. CLARK, L'uit be [he minister of joy to pal11, over tllalr a long trail find fled before gluatet' help to it public • milt, in li'd
A wait Call die of hunger, walled )u gold, Y R Career Chau his toile, \vita is bulwd to n,"ro 1111'0 they (•yuht stvallulw, wool uloid
AYER'S clerk. A ('1'nlab 11,il,V gld(k('11 lupe [U 8[fUltgCr Illitoy It atatllpetle, hilt th.-y had never ,,illi not VLLIy' by Gl'd Vr UIl'(•el1VLL d.l l dem"Itstrations of universal approval
If — __ breath, before sero sL heard of literally ulnci halrit, but ulsu by a cuwmunity 0f in CL -6,19 was deprived of his portfolio, the
k� 1 .And every day We give lir we wlthbuld cattle cavorting, bawling, floundering terests but
al c by it
nu lit every $"fill' I)VIlulty being Meted out to th(•
k ":' Sarsaparilla, and AFTER A YEAR AND A DAY, Soule little thing that tells for life or Ili the grass and appat-antly striving to scud, of the word his must sywl,athcti'• NILnister of JustieO, who had granted
dent it.
�."' Ver soon =few bet- '--" dash their brains out against one partner, h,fnt a dis;)enlautiun Prow the bucHds of
Y b yet thele are cases, Yurtuuutc-
�- No,itistt'toftenlulluwtLlettertubide -Susuu L'uulldge, allothel, tile':xctacle they witnessed ly rate, tvh t( the \wife is the,evil guutus ordinary preliminary L'gal formalitfeg,
ter. After using here un lily table it whole yetty befute in this grazing tract. Thfi cattle. be- of her hu.*Wuitl, the cause of Ills down- such na !panus, etc., with the ubj(x't of
i ;( ) half a dozen bottles coil, well tin g flu it and pabllshing it (if WRINKLES ON THE INOREASE. longed to (grant Harnaday, cushier of fw11, and tilt- Origin lir ,Ills ruiu. Uue of averting utteutlo❑ from the u,arriage.
i. ' I was completely it is interesting') for the general behoof. — the First National 11auk of Fort Scott. Lhe utast pitiful exuulPlcs of this kind is Instead of eudeavuring to propitiate
! cured, so that I have not had -boil But I've dune It this time, and on pill'- Varied Clauses for Their Appt-trance in Ti)(. -,y had been bought, by hill) :tilt that Of F.rUllCVSVO Crispi, far unci a%w,,y tilt' court, suctety and the people at
lite race of Lovely Woman. driven in for full feed. As is now ill- tLe must brilliLLILt stutesuran of 11111.)• large into forgetting till these anle•e-
or pimple ell an part of Ill sod with, To balance well We lutist sLul)tl dents, Miadante Crispi P l Y l }' Y nit)sl. uniwersadly the rttstonl awul)g eiuce the drays lrY luvour, the wuu \who I' ho. S set to work
with out legs well apart. Su it Is The nut,tbc'r of wrinkles if, \+wmeu'Y to carry thin gs
6 for the last twelve years. I Can large feedews and shippers, he had theta 'i"'�' be said to but c elevated tht' king- b ly 11 a high loom, ex -
4 3 with things and events; woo want to focal is iucrcusiug at n rote that is Yutnt �'' shippers, pceuug aPp;uv•uily w Will by uu•uus of
[ Cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa- Lon, tire bile beginning with I -lie end. to beauty til' the smooth skinned wuriet dehorned, loud fr•ulu this seeniiu •1 doll, of Italy to tiic• rank of 11 grt"lt
If ei y' R y power, w•houl Bismarck in all the plead- arrugauhce and sell'-assPftiuu the Posiliun
r parillaastileverybestblood-purifier "1�'a,tItyearand qday, and see how )'oil doubt it, just observe the number cruel treatmentsprant.theirafllictlon• which uuller ordinary vireulnst:cues
it cutues out" eo ple say of a hast of woclleu-young woulcu--you sleet fu a One at a tine the had been driven tale oY his ecessartwauee' sits at odea cul)• )
in existence."—G. T. ItLINiIART, p I Y day, and see how few of thew are free Y sideral .it neecssul;v to treat on a tont ,,'fluid lrawe ba+u due to her as the iig-
good fie. But a may quote out into it chute, fastl'n:+d head and foot by fn g oY of the loading st erselfut of the king•
Ing Ixr hti, c•,Iu'ality, and yet t1s now dour. She forced herself upon Lhe QttP-el)
MyersVflle, Texas. good friend's communication sees, safely 1'rum these facial lines. ILII automatic arran[;Ocnent, find with it in the eightieth
1Vhinkles in u woman's Yuu, uu lunger , political
of his age but of Ili tle wanner above described, fore:,d
enough, for there is nothing to change speak oat)'- of lege. There was a Joint' cunuuon saw batt been dehururc. by a accused, not of puliticul crimes, but of
or take back. when they were infallible signs of der ;n'ofcsdiol)al dehot-nor at it rate of three ordinary felonies, and is subjected to horself, too, upon that portion of patri-
" climiu cents a head. The wounds did not he ignominy of ma,gisterhil examin-ation i eiun s)ocfety which had espoused the
For about Ili }ettlw,' says th(, g yours, but that was loot 'Igo, ht connection with charges nP complicity sttusr of the Quirinal, actually cmut)pl-
writer, `.`I've been a qI' at sufferer \shell wunien were less active iso both head bot grew virulent, and gradllttlly l:hb'• her husband, who was
• in the colossal frauds that have hruught I h completely
Ludy and bruin than they are too,\v. they becanul frenzied by pain, They nb0ut the shipwreck of tlP Batik uP y
from debility of the dtoutiuh, uud the Wrinkles are attendant upon study, boli- seeuled W have last all their ,Lniw;tl p I euthruldetl b her, to dismiss front the
ONLY WORLD'S FAIR ailments which go with it. MY case; uess responsibility and vivacious loan- Maples, t'he Bank of Sicily, the Batik of c•fHce of 1$falyar of Itonie the immensely
coverssouluc•h title that I can do no instincts, rind Its they rail auluck iso I\wealtha rs a ri "� Ing in out, u woman cant be interest- the col.ratl their brutish pleas for relief, Route and other kindred institutions, In t Duke el Zlord de merely he-
p tune than state the Mail) facts as they lug without them raid the lack of each (,nae the insolvency oP the sonic I raft a the Duchess ,had declined to ac -
are indelibly impressed on lily metti- wrinkles in these days indicates indolence }!fuer their proud spirits had been coil- seems ,to t ave been brought aburit I C lit the advances of Ala dacua ,Crispi in
!1. Ayer'sCherry Pectoral cureaCoughs and Colda cry, and stupidity. Smooth faced beoeetied (Peered by agony, were pitiful. The through the blackmailing extortions to Lhe drawi>vg-room of the English em -
$'i purchase their aplpealauce at the sacri- owner hats front $11,000 to $$*?,,,000 in- 1011011 it we.$ subjected by the leading I ba'ssadress. Indeed, she finally lost her
'd it first I t` It tired, heavy unci sleep- tiee of both wit and \wisdout," sit s:lid a vested in the heard, and beeartio til- heaal to such an extent that an one oc-
t' I 1 seemed to have Jost, sill n, life politicians ams il, - ich nt urally s oE•
�� _�,-_ }'• Y Sorosis Club wom:ul to a New 1'urlc su'ttied. lie called ,L veterinary froth the day, blackmail, -which naturally roti- r•asian at the performance in Thome of y
--- and energy. Cowulon duties thud oc- Journal reporter. 'Then she proceeds: "I the Untau•io College, and had one of ed by causing the directors of the fnsti_ French play, which was attended by
X.. currenced becili me a trouble and a bur• determined to investigate the subject QU@en Mairgu(rl•Itc. who was immensely
'� n ) the brutes examined. It wits found lotion to do soltt0 t>lutuieri•ng on their
i The Huren New(,-Reeora den to tile, and what 1 really knew to and went to see a professional luau who own nce0unt, since they had to all in- amused, laughed heat•tily and who Px-
1 be trifles looked like tufttters of inlpot•- that the top of its head was infested tents solid aur )uses P approval deals in wrinkles, I''cum hila 1 ,learned l,Y maggots that had ransomed the ! 1 Uul•chused ucquies- felled her n p royal in the most pub-
tfL-6 a yeet-8L001n Advance lance. This I now understand wits that there tire as m:uly different Ifinds r ceucc therein un the ,art uP the uuthuti- lie mallnor• Crigpf Sept .her Lor
of wrinkles as there ore falces for them flesh Cu the bul)e. With great (litift- 1 in the middle of the piece• loudly pro-
_-- owing to the wank staff of my nerves. ties by submitting and yielding to the
to stdorn, lie sho\ycd uue how they look cu1Lv the cattle wet•o tit singly sha ireful demands made by the latter rtestting againcst its allegtd indecency,
"My appetite wits poor and fitful under it strong maguifyin • glass. There int(; the chole where they had been On the stronghh of whiell At, inrht•.od
X WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1897. b g upon the. cuffers of the baulks.
and w hitt little I ate lay like lefts upon is nothing fluttering about a uagnil'yil)g dehorned, and the veterinary operatted It wits during the a(fillinis•tfatlull of her' himband on the PapllOwing day to
----..-`__. _—.._.= lily stomach. It was cold and heavy glass, and if you want to see the (till u1)oit them, eleauing the dec;tyiug flesh Crispi that Most if not
till of this whole- pri'll'i'bit its further ropresontation on than
Morris. and gave ole nu cuutfort or, strength. significance uP u wrinkle in a wuu,au s with acids, and applying restoratives. sale disholesty tools phice, :1 dishonesty stal!g�i.
Pr("wiltly this (';title to b(• s0 bad that face that is it good \Maly to satisfy your OnI fiVC hlnLd ,11('(1 Of Mile Cleh il'lllll"' \Vh'lell Mild fetuses to LlwrUllghly N•atrj, thl, �Lae(,Tl Marguerite id the best -natured
curiosity. It will dispel forever the at-
(iOUNCIL,-Tile scurf of Revision atter every ulursel of food l lead aswhsf res;ilts, hut, had the treatment been moral sense of u uati'aa that fro,u time I'Vomall in the world. But her indigua-
uf great weight
tractive theory that wrinkles are any im-
mat pursuant to adjournment. �Iem• g yht and tigheness iU. the disloyal a I'('\v hours none of lhcltt Immemo'hiJ has tarn renowned Pec its ';ou lit the impertinence of Mule. Crispi
provemeilt' t thus eudeavorhn to
bars all present. The Reeve in the ('hest, Uft<n ti u►ere drink of \vaLer R'rinkl(,s ore entirely dppenduut upon could have barba Saved, financial integrity and thrift, ;flus to g give her a public
chair. Appeals were disposed of as \\'fluid produce this result. tempecument. Nothing in(]ores theca __ _. _ _ -
which the civilized world is indebted for lesson ill propriety was day litter she
"f was greatly worried and distress- more surely than worry. The kind pro- the origin of its credit system and bane.- could Rtan(l, and a few days later an
follows.—Lots 16, I7, and 18, G. S., dared iso itis way appear first fn the Lng institutions. No one, out even the other Cabinet crisis ensued. Thv climax
ed by the action of any heart. Soule- however,
Bluevale assessed to John Gardner thnes•it would palpitate itate and flutter as forehead, and are made up of many , I ore, rich blood feeds the nerves. allost bitter enemy of Siguur Crfs il, , wits reached when King confer pa p. small vertical lines, differing front those That is why Hood's Sst'RapttriIlit, the dreams of accusing hill, of haviclg plan- beet was compelled by Cit(, to oonYer
along ,rill lot 8; James Gardner's if is uuest collie up tato illy uloulsh•" caused by study, which are fewer and great blood purifiel', Cures norvolts_ dared the banks hi order to add to his tion him the a Order f of the Anne ipso
name dropped; Mrs. Smillie enured [Remark : This is a Common symp- deeper. lithe the wrinkles caused by l)ess, own private resources, and his ass, r- fa ct+ the cousins
c- which become pre-
' tool and ver tlarulin r to the subject ,tarry iu conjunction with the harrassed tions that the moue extorted from these facto cousins of the their
this who owner N 12 con. 6; John Gardner y [ €, J look iso the eyes t.hnt companies them, institutions was used by h'im for the ragutive extenrliltg to their „Ives, who
one dog struck off; Will. Geddies one of it, Not infreryuenlly flail psbucoille P Secret ions a dons of the Governmentthe follow immediately the princesses of the
C And the combination is disastrous to the A SHATTERED PRACTICE.blood on all official occasions. i1ImeCrispt
do struck off; Elias Cunning entered blur, the face livul and anxious, and er ressiou of a woman's face.
g Covered with cold perspiration, and the .a,ughter• is responsible for the crow's and for the electoral es.tH'nditure uud thus became officially the cousin of
owner S. pt. 1 con. 7; A. F. Enlbury breath short and =as In It is due to The Sad havoc la Kilby Played in a Pro• ncw•iapaper propagaLnda or the puliticul
b p g• foot \vrinklcs about the (yea and it Queen DTarguerite, entitled to remain
entered tenant South pt. N 16 Cuu.3; it ten)polstry collection of wind in the brings into view some small and mist fessional Alan's Life. party to which he owed his parLintl,ni- seated in the royal presence and to be
` tart' maturity find omit yw credence sou lips
ofsaluted with a Liss from the
Chas. 'Garvey entered owner N �• 19 stuuhuchcausing it to hamper heart chievoua ones near the corners of the '•Yes," remarked Mrs. Mlallard, '•T have publicly
L) pressing against it. There is Wit mouth. '!hese wrinkles undeniably add quite decided not to the part of his couAse t u. illi Ile it r jestit It is on the
Y 1 g g 1 goo to Dr. IiuJtlOy Is oP her ilia'
,t son. 3; Geo. Brewer catered Al. F. to the charm of merriment in a woman's \yam there ntibhing Ise thus this he
necessarily any organic disestse of the :my more. lle was always till excellent strength of this that Mime. Crispi has
S 1 24 con. 4; C. Thornton entered heart. face. They are almost equal to Olive yoking man but there has been un :abrupt ell, e probably never have been molest- dropped the prefix of "Signora" and as-
Shreiner's dim le which was introduced elangc in �tim lartely, and I i'(,lir I must ail' evert by hhose of his trolitiCal •ld- sumed that of `'Donna,' coupled with
tenant lot 21 G. S ,Bluevale; D. Hall "114y face,"; continues our correspon- i'0 fume in " 'he Story of an African vousult some other physician." vers'aries who 'aro now, iso power. B"t her Christian name, Donna being as a
5 entered M.F. SJ 15 and 16 con. I;Jobn dent, "burned like fire, and Iffy nose Farm." ••\Vhat's the matter with Dr. Bottles?" 'i'lfortunately till• nlves'tigatiuns to which rule reserved for the wives and daugh-
Robertson entered owner S. E. J 8 and ,was swollen and inflamed. I had a Lines of care show first in the furrows asked her friend luterestedly. "Is he tau the affairs of the shipwrecked banks ters of the old patrician princes of Rome,
S 9 con. 3; E. Vincent entered M. F., horrible nawin = pain at the it of on either side of the mouth, and they yooji g•,' have been suibmf-tted by pa.rliamenta,ey . The
g h P' p i red C p the Eternal City have
W. the stomach, Which never leftnleJnight become more marked as mgr. advances. '•Uh, 110. Tic is quite a young man, r0mmissions and by the ordinary judi- humored Crispi s wife in this particular.
S. Vi . pt 1 con. 4; H. Black entered or day. Leiter .l bad frequent attacks The only kind of wrinkles belonging poirparatively, but not too much so. elal and magisterial authorities, have They concede to her the title which she
i M. F., S W pt I con 4; P. Scran of spasms from Which I suffered purely to old age are those caused by the Bellevue, you know, and all that. When brought to hgh,t the filet that a.lnong the hits usurped. But in the words of the
loss of fatty tissue, leaving the skin he settled in our neighborhood about five most insatiable and relautiess of the old French proverb it is the. "tone that
Bret entered M. F. lot 1 Belgrave; agonies, sometimed for days together, loose upon the face. These appear first years ago he began to build up u prat• plunderers has been Donna. Lfrru, tit(, makes the song. and the peculiar ill-
Chas. Knapp entered Al.F. lot 1 cion • with but brief inter Mission. At Stich about the lower part of the face, and once beautiful but now universally un- flection of the voice of the Romans when.,
PP flee in a marvelously short time. 1Vhy,
' 3; C. I) for entered F. S. N 4 con. times it would end In lily being cool- the cheeks have a sagging appearance, lie pulled Jack through that terrible ill- pOPnlar wife of the veteran statesman, they speak of "Donna Lina" is more elo-
c 1 ctely prostrated. I would unhiuse where the superfluous skin disposes of ness after old Dr. Lausitt had ,,aid he. According to'the recent cable dis,,Ltches ,
5• ,M. a ars sutured DZ. F. & Uwner itself in folds• t' quant than c0u1;1 bl the most violent
Ifly clothing ill the attempt to, relieve must tell me the worst, and he hits been from Rome about the matter, it appea.ed epithets of thl, execratiou with which
The newest thing fn wrinkles, however,
N . 78 Con: 2; Wm. Rutledge entered the sense of weight and pressure upon equally successful with other cases. th.aut Prom One bank alone sunu'thiug lilac she is regarded.—Es-Attache, in San
are the bicycle variety, and they are not *_,000,000, Francisco Call.
` M•. F •� 23 Con. 3; A. LR1d1AW one the. body. No treatment or iuetlhcuu• loll, u year or so ago hl, went and gut 10000.11111► francs or about � '•
availed to hell tile• find now better and 0 desirable kind. They belong to the
• married, sad—" has fouu(1 its way into the lu•iw:ue bnn,f- '
dog at ok off. .On motion of W. Is• L Lin Wo me, 1 1'el►l+tl/]Cd 111 this h(, )(_ biryele face, and the effect is the Rame "All ha, I see," said the other smiling- lug account of Donna ].Ili.:u ( any one .
8i l ' as when the face becomes drawn from SHIRT WAISTS•
bister seconded by Thos. Code the ly. "I•Iis wile has made all the trouble \who knows the popular nversfou in lwhis•h
leis and miserable vouditiuti• anxiety or worry.
Court Of Revision tvas then Closed and with his patients. Rh(''s jealous, Of sit(' is held in tl)l• I'ill•I.11;11 ('il . -will
I "lafinally, ,lies. uVnuc, a friend of Under a magnifying glass wrinkles course, of ever y I herr one Girl brakes and Washes Them
never before suspected are brought into dy, and she (noses helve no diftlealty iso believing that Por -
the assessment roll as revised and cor• mine living at Gresit Linford, told tore scenes T know. tion lir the di,c )al,tchos with \which sit,, is in Ltlluty Fashion,
View. T:ven the smooth• white surface 1
reeted was established as the assess of the great betlefit she had derived "Indeed, you are quite wrong, my treated by the judges and magistrates• A St. Louis girl says The Republic
0f the slcin is found to be full of :til m- dear," said Sirs. llfallard. "Ills wife is I b Pub c
went roll Of this township for the our lulu' :11ot,hel• 5eigel's Curative 53-1-111' triente network of tiny crevices. •Incl it -who "se0ff lit her expluuutiuus, local
P a sw(,I girl, aid all •that could be de• of that oily, \whose shirt waists are the
ousel' siuulau circunlsL;utces. I gut, a is only the enlargoincut of these small g ' lit her protvi,tatous of i snot-etwe 1111'1 ad niraltion of nil her feminine friends—
F rent year. Council business was then huLtle from J1t. gtxnt, the grocer, iso lthssaya from ex ressi0n habit. care sired for it doctor's wife. But they bars nt.nnifest nn ails lthl,r ind(aerot interest ,
proceeded with as fullowe:—Un motion pa P a baby, you ]snow, solid Doul• w•hell pee g' and masculine friends: 11'cll, yes—Inas
P y this pl+ue, and ;;fCer taking it for it fesv of old age, that makes the farce seamed pie go to hint for advice or treatment an her nunuvuus private banking ac- I told me the secret of their good looks.
of Kirkby and Cardiff, 1Vm. lsbialer days 1 felt ulullst like another person, ,\'ith the well•tnnrko(1 wrinkles that are they' halve to sit there and listen to the �nDra' Y Ili the first place, she wakes them
I .hall it natul'stl a pel•ite til food the bine of many women's lives. Donna Tina Crispi is a1 iirilian, anti herselY. ills is not b
was instructed to have 60 yards ' of pl + y Viewed fron, the stnndpoint of the wonderful, things that baby says and S fifty moans as
Ll•t• ole ill ) Liu 11111E I NVUSli ghLer• anti does. ll h iR paPnhlrly prl,dit(,tl with belonging to I difficult a task as wast [ Imagine,
gravel placed on sideline at luta 5 And ''' 1 s mAgnifyiug glass, it is salt' to wager that Y, my dean, if you'll believe people ima lie
brighfet Chau 1 hod been for c;tis. 1 me, he was a \sam:w who woos thrngn thv MLthu. If h'llp &res not, she 'It :nay Of course, it takes a clever 11uderstaud-
6 Con. 5• Cardiff' and kirks ,that Tho the slrongest anti most literary minded rate finds her most intnnato friends 11!)•1 tog of how to cut and sew to make a
Y kept on talking the syrup ane gai,led woman of them till %would he glad in (lis- out 0f a carriage and brought in to him essOuintps nmarLg iruli\idnalS who do• ,shirt waist successfully, blit it '
Code be instructed to have road re health turd strenbh ewers day. All pons( forever with the cherished furrows
the other day in a halt fainting condi- t t len the
'Paired at lots 4 and 5 on con. 7 line the S )assts gnawing at tie stotnnc•h, of thought. tlicon,and instead of giving her something l.\(,rything, hntwever, leads to the Coll -
, sauu: thing is trail, of the making of any
' i ' t, g ,cut off on a long string about a ,•iet-lon that she is a mo ib r of the I other garment. While the shirt waists
.not to exceed $30 -Carried. Code and other syulpLouts ceased, and 1 bright saying his baby had gotten off iAlnfia, which she has undoubtedly utiliz- iso the shops tire wonderfully pretty and
and I,biater that John Mooney • ben . found myself ,veil. Since: then how- T,1xsnef(la1C the Strait of Messina. that morning,and I ell to obtain money from the R;ulk of iaexppnsivo, there id mut ndwuutu
y P eve In
er 1 have newer been without Engineering achievements and poasi- there fa hisice. shYesPahe's died
ndexcelt Sicily. Almost everybaly in ~.icily, sit v" hewing them, made to order, or at home.
pointed Collector for the ourrent year Mother Se igel's Syrop in the horse, bilities, from the modern pultlt of View, Ient young mail, but patients have rights, ghts men 114 unblpuriShrsl hru,ar. such as thl, for then materials that exactly suit the
at a salary of $85 on furnishing satis'• sued if any of its ail anything a few are receiving an additional illustration you kaon.' b Marquis IIudini said the Mla.rgnfs l�otar- style null complexion of the wearer can
tactory security to the amount of $14,• dust's put its right. You may publish in the case of the projected tunnel be- b'artoho, who was assaw,isinated four yonrs better be seetimd. Till-; Is why the
000 -Carried. Cardiff' and Isbister illy statement, 'Lod 1 will answer fl)- tween the mainland of Italy and the ago, is affiliated with the society, and clever girl says that she mikes her own.
Mot Error.
gllll'IeN. (Signed) (MIt•s.) M. A. SfLw+J }.,''('•, Jdlitnd of Sicily, plans and details OY tt 1l-hl,n A fC'\\' years ilgn ill(' two DIl1U•R c)P Rtit it is 90 ('stay to RPOII the very
that the Reeve and Treasurer be in which, in model, as executed by the What would you do if I turned you l'flalrocal, cousfus of t.hp nuirdereil Mi:11•. nicest shirt \waist by yen one improper
81) Middle Street. Statntonblipy uVol• down?" she shyly t
etl'uCted to borrow $800 to meet aur- .erten, I3tuchs, Nov. 11th, 1801.1' Italian civil engineer de Johannis, have yly aaked as they sat on renis, were pineed on trial at I ILiM• I,L) doing -up. Ilrp is A hint as to how to
attracted much attention at the Univer- the sofa. for the cowardly 'assnsshiation in th(4r launder shirt waists that comes iron, the
rent expenses -Carried. Isbister and In a case so grave as this we may city of Padua. After thorough and but young man looked st)•aight ahead, own palace of a Young officer who was , girl whose shirt waists always look as
Cardiff that.the treasurer be instructed well hesitate to iti mp at a conclusion. careful studies of the Strait of Messina, said nothing, betrothed to their only sister• .It tyn4 good as new throughout all entire sea -
..~`,''to deposit township 'money in Cha A• relapse iniglit occur. Therefore its varying depths, the nature of the After a silence lasthlig about a min- found fmpossnble to obtain a csttevieti"n son:
, sufiicent time was perinitted to pass to ground, and of all other conditions ute and a half she nudged him with Ler fn Sicily owing to tale fart that they If tiler(, are any unwashable buttons
Bank of Hamilton as per Statute— settle all doubt. Including the year which might assist or interfere with elbow and m
said, Didn't you hear' y belonged to the Mnand nd that no ,)lie or trimmings, remove them and throw
--oarrted. Kirkby find Code that Treat'. be since the dilate of the letter, ne; such an tfndertaking, de Johannis de- question?" dar(A to give evidence against them. the shirt into clear cold ,water for grk;
authorized to issue cheques for the with- ihreP years Ittue gone by since this •tided that the beginning of the tunnel Ile looked around alarmed. I beg Eventually the venue of the tri.'Ll „•,ls hour. If you are afraid of the color
lad 's recover should be near San Giovanni di Sant- Your pardon, he replied; I thought you transferred to :Naples, where they wore running, poll] a handful of salt.
drawal of towmship money as requir Y y. Sill- psis never looked tcllo, at the foot of the Aspromonte were addressing the gas." -puck, found guilty, and are now undergob)z After washing in warm suds arul dry -
P P P behind her. The cure Was radical sin(] Mountain ran n long tern of penal s(,rvi.tDde for their ing it, make your starch by dissolving
ed for township lir clam -carried range, the mouth 011 the other
permanent. May we not regard it As side to be located on the Degli Inglesi Convfnelner aim. ' crime. a tables
p Jsbister and Code, that the clerk be Wonderful ? Surely all reasonable plan. The entire tunnel will be nearly „ tablespoon of dry starch in a should
i, instructed to procure two copies of the persons will say so. The true disease two miles long, and will consist in the Where's Hotting like patting a man that Donnas in should be ar6ticing. of water. chick cambric collar
an should
r' Revised Statutes of Ontario 1897 for ,vas chronic inflammatory dyspepsia, main of two shafts about 10000 feet to a goo(] hamar and then lessoning with to the ]linfin is in 11' wisp an uestfng. only o starched at the collar and cuffs
Ontario, , Y ' him," said the improvident Cdhizeu "That For btu' nntoeedents Arn oP Rro ueRlton- and down the front hero. To the starch
"x With neuralgia of the stomach (gastral- each, descending at a grade not exceedP q I
use of the Reeve and Clerk -carried, g (?, bill collector was Inclined to doubt that able a ehn.riteter tJiait Qneen :Ifarguoritr, should be added half a teaspoon of Burn
gist) -the cause of the spasms, loo era lug 32 feet in each 1000. Such n tunnel times are as .hard with me aLs I r re_ dPrlinM resolutely to recognize her until arabic dissolved in water with a little
Code and Cardiff, that Geo. hirkby be is thought preferable to a bridge that, long roller Cri%tpi hod bP(m]1P Frim(, b0rnx. Wring the shirt dry out of the
(licating the cause, Alother Seigle's sented, But I easily convinced him.
instructed to have 25 yards of gravel Syrtipdestloyed the consequences. Of would involve such a great span and "How?" 1llk0ster, when the Premier phtewl FIn•n. rinsing water and hold it by the back of
wind exposurp.-Harper's Round Table. „ Nrt face to face with the ahte,rna.tive of the neck. Gather up collar, cuffs and
3 placed on road at lot 27, ;con, 9-cor• a truth the )opulitrfty of such a rnnu,- Gave him n 5 -cent cigfLr and told him
It. rigid. Kirkby and C)do, that the dy is not to �e marvelled at. Your hose Jar, to Put three or four in his pocket."- either Securing her matje,Rty'a concent to front hem and work in the starch, after
Washington Star. the preRentattion at court of Donna. Lina, which wring these parts in a towe� and
Reeve he instructed to call On the En The time for replenishing an old rose o• su'bje,eting the country to a Cabinet rub thoroughly; roil lip tightly and cave
A young lad named Mcl, enrie of jar or starting a new potpourri is her
1, gineer to have the Johnston drain put Dundas cried recently from rabies, and so the following may help some on fare h Queen 1lfangacter o tpbjta' npl., them for halt an hour, at the end of
" The Fight puri
s, air hnaerl mi tbp ehnrnetr 0f the p(,n1,L, which they are ready for ircpning. in
in a ,'proper state of repair -carried, his brother, who was bitten by the Put half a peck of freshly gathered rose Cep you and your husband have sepal•- among whom Donna Lina wits mares], 011 the Mase of gingham or nny half trans -
Accounts were ordered to be paid as Saine dug, hits gone to the Pasteur leaves into a jar having a cover. Strew at
o the unanv0ry hi%tory 0f the btrfy pt•.i0r t0 PtrM,t material dip the M,tire shirt into
Flynn, Institute u, New York. salt on the bottom of the jar and among Yes; it was a coptinual fight."' hot starch nn(] wring it between a
l; follows :-H. rlynnculvert, 1 ; W. t" her nsmwiatinn with Crispi, which is !t
$3 85 the ]caves, using about a pint of salt, Dear, dear. towel. Two tables of
Stephenson, ditch across road, ; ------______ _ .-____ ____-__ and leavinp� a layer upon the to{{). lwr "Alts he couldn't aigree as to the motor of pouffe Td la In her tile Net
Into a quart of boiling water, wItrca
ten days stir the leaves thoroughly twice: kinetoscope e.fty of hit;] n and Crispi
y on the dot q g
W. Ritchie, ditch across reqs, $3 ; A. T oscolpe M„ lba,t alp hod Induced Crispi to ahtndrm dash of gum arabic, form the proylir
in the twenty-four hours. ow add With the advance. of eivildzaton hu- for her salcp n devotril wife. of wlloni thipkneay. TTRe the starch nS hot as
Cantelon, digging ditch, $10.75 ; II. R three ounces of crushed allspice and cite man relations grew more complex, and possible, and when the shirt is wrong
Sellars, grading on sideline, 2 , A'F'AR H her n,n,ie%ty wit,; very topes.
0.40 ounce of broken cinnamon sticks, and the socistl atoms clashed more fiercely dry, claP it between the hand. until it
turn the mass over daily for one week Crispi R matrimonini affairs have •tl-
J. Breckenridge, gravelling on sideline, 141M3. DObell, of London, out., one again -at another. -Detroit Journal. Ways been lir a some -whit enm 1 is thoroughly cleared of the starch. It
: $29.1 John Ainsley, inspecting cinnTheamon
add One ounce each of powdered p enteti g
p l3 Cured for 26 Centfl cinnamon and cloves, two nutmegs nature. Tn his y0nthfnl flays• when hr• moat then by ironed as ryuielflq as pos-
,,.'bridge, $2; T. Proctor, drain, $5.41: coarsely powdered, half an ounce of ani- An Age or rroarrsRR, a+aa naRoeinh,d with C.nlihnt(li t;nrl MIAz, Smhle.
r seed bruised two ounces of powdeitil zini, winning celebrity for the %kill an•I Select the oldest, smoothest and clean -
Doctors Bowman, inspecting bridge, $12; Doctors Could Help, but Couldn t Cure- pound of lavender,rirrihv vt ith whirl hl, dp%igned the eat iron yon can find, Polish it well with
I. orris root half a
'Duff & Stewart, building culvert, Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure Released the flowers and some bits of orange and PxploRive, homfig find infernal ninehinea wax cloth nn(] test the hent 0f it with
lemon peel; essential oils and fine co- need leve m\oln'tirtntry parpnSes. hp nor• a piece of white paper hefore begin -
i>$43,55; W. Armstrong, approach to Prisoner, and To -day She is as Well as i ,nun to iron. Fir%t the yoke, then the
logne are frequently added also. Shnke rips a vming girl, whom. ,when driven g
;bridge, $6,50; Duff & Stewart, planet, Ever -She Says It Is a Great Remedy and stir the jar twice a weep and open �, - into pxlle, lie took with him to Mfalta eOTlar, in%irle and outside, then the back,
footbridge and repairing west abut- it only while it i% in use. This is the P T - cnsl there dM(Mtfxl. In W10 hl, jofo„rj front, and, lost of 'all, the sleeves and
"Yes, I am Mrs, Dobell," said a comely, stock. A few fresh rose leaves with the cuffs. A shirt -hoard till(] a sleeve -board
Ibent $16.80• Duff & Stewart build- f3Arilln.ldf s arnpv nil a Simple Rolthier. Thp are very helpful + : , pleasant -faced woman at her home on Horton salt and spice should be added eneb vivanfliMr of .his mirfinent waR n cele. i til And, indeed, epd, the latter
i'ng bridge, $625; Wm. JoCltlln, work street to a News reporter to -day, "and I will year. -� -, , t n nPeive i. Tt should be half an inch
p y braterl ehnrAeter of the name 0f Rnanlip, thick, five inches wl(]c and graduated
kr n north boundary, $2.80, sideline ver lade tell you what you want to know. > ^ Drease(i in the trildilinnnl mil blouse.
Q Y gladly Y Y The Violet. � so that it may fit any sleeve. Thin
,52.64; C Thornton, fencing millpond About three ears ago m husband was very » 14 vait.h n miigket on aeeT iehomlder, she tnnk Should be, covered all over with flannel
Y g Y ry She comes, the Brat, the fairest thing, �� pa-rf in Of bmttlpS, sl( -w with her own and n nin covered with white muRlin,
J} north boundary, $8.38; Jas Cloakey, ill, and I had frequently occasion to rise in the That heaven on the earth doth fling, fair hind eflunfileSS nnmhera of the king's g
ke airfn scraper, $3,50 Jas. Snell night and o for a doctor or to the druggist. Ere winter's star Is set. ,, sewed on firmly. When the sleeve is
p g p ; g g ggist. trool)s. and at the eloSp of the eamnnign Ironed, stroke the
She dwells behind her leafy screen, gnthprS with the flng-
-Work on sideline, $16 ; W. Phalon, In my hurry I often neglected to properly And gives, as angels give, unseen, ! yieldNI to the, solie.itnt.ions of Cris+pi, era tin(] ngnin smooth the collar and
So, love the violet. wohosp, lift, Al, had solved on two Ie- cutis tin(] hon
Uttiing hill, $10 ; Jas. Felly, grading clothe myself, and contracted several heavy Mr. City Ways—leave you heard of ea'siona, and mmrriM him in dei(, form• these directions the
followed, the shirt:
`tib sideline; $25• P. Cantelon repair- colds, which turned at last to chronic catarrh. What modeat thoughts the violet teaches, those horseless carriages down in New Criapd soon oeq,rdrefl promin(*nee till
P I tried doctors, who helped me, but did not What gracious boons the violet reaches York, farmer? high 0ftfpp. Male. Roanl{e, after 'hnvinir will look as well as if Sent't0 an ex -
ng road, $6; W. Laidlaw, repairing p Briglit maiden, neer forget, P Farmer -No, blit I have heard of the shared his dana(wa, wiul naturally cnllprl pensive laundress.
:bridge, $8; Goo, Parker, plank, $1; cure me, and several special catarrh medicines. But learn, and love, and so depart, eowlesa mills down thar." upon to sapmre his stweeam-Ft. She wits
I wag relieved but not cured. I was suffering And sin tbou with thywiser hear .prtteented at court and hPenme n Treatment of Tan She 0"' ,1yY. McDonald, work a S. boundary, g "Long live the vloetl" great Tan shoes should be washed once a
$+�21 E• McLaughlin, repairing scraper, intolerably when Mr. Shufi' recommended me favorite of Queen Mnrgtierite (the crown
Io try CHASES CATARRH.CURE, and it began at prineeas as Rhe wmal then), who vastly week with Raddle scan before applying
$x.85: J. MoCaughy, repairing bridge, nn Honest Conresston. Fe\v medicines have held their en3oyPd hr (eccentricities of eha,nleter the Dolish. which can be made by mix -
once to help, and in about two months had "It is true," said an otherwise sensible ground so 8(ICCea8fslll)r as Ayer's and picture>aqueneW of langunge. of Ing one ounce of muriatic acid, hall an
3' 8. Fear, outtin hill $30 J. Mc ounce of alum. halt an ounce of gull
' g ' ' entirely cured me. I cannot speak too highly woman shod I can't really account for Cherry Pectoral. During the past course no meD,tion walsl made of the (]e-
iffK* n6a, gravelling on W. boundary, of this remarkable medicine, and cheerfully It, but i do have a n fmmedfate and not- fifty years it has been the most pope- serted wife at Mt,lta, whaap exiatenee abie and half a ) Ounce of spirit of
$91.20; Jas. Golly, inspecting gravel, recommend it to all sufferers from catarrh." to -be -quenched longintg for an article that lar of all cough -cures and the demand had hpM, kpfrt n proRound Sremt by f�'vender into one-half pint of sour milk,
I am assured cant be bought for halt its Cil i 1) poly with a flannel and polish with a
$6; Jai. Scott, gravelling on W. boon• Z'heblowerincludedisagreathelptosull'eros. uegular price." for it to -day is greater than ever be- sp, who,ihawpve)I, to course of titre pl�e of fresbl tlasinel,
,defy, 5$41,46; I2. Sterling, inspecting , I fore. Prompt to act and sure to cure.
i t. 1 1i+ri'4
' �., Y 4.111 f. i •, 1
: f . say _ ...r -•a..•. _ ..�,r�-..L ' iaiN��....r .i.M. ':..'t J , .. .-