The Huron News-Record, 1897-07-14, Page 6f A ' Y ^�'AP� G�0 ff.•gTi i \',.! r Sewing juaaftlRe Wafefoon1s.
i 1
e a I have made arrangements with the NEW HOME, SEWING MACHINE
��• '`0 I T � � I ^I \ CObIPANY unsurpassed
r machines turd am prepared to They the public tin
>>yi�rst4tl article unsurpassed for durability and the quality of work, They will t+e pl+tced
J ` �l on trial free, we compete with till machines on thea ruarket. I rtlsu have other
fbngh-cure, t,d)Cle ornlod 1 sw tit utile I � %' grades at less money. Needles and parts supplied for all wakes of wachines.
thrmit;i tt'uice]y for discuses uY the S?�� �I�' ` WASHING MACHINES. -I am agent for the celebrated Authon Wayne
tlu•uat lied lou"•(, is t\)cr',; ('Llrry �-- � Y
Pectus). ay an dile:* , I ('p m(di- Washer, the largest manufacturers of Washers in the world. The machine
cannot be beat in any respect. I still handle the Improved Ideal and Manitoba
sign, fol th", store (t' I `� I . .� Washers. Also Clothes Wringers, the best in the market.
'+h l.rlal' 1� c i'c'r and - - T�%M
11 L,jclplllg Cough, Y +v+• ®�RE,
AYER'S til- The Old Stand, Huron Street, Clinton.
Cherry Poctortl ' - -- - — ��-- - ----- - --
`'+" (:.;toot be Ctlll;l]E'C{. )
Iii:,. ;sere. of
mot;i r- the American 13ktp-
tist Publishing Society, Petersburg,
Va., endorses it,as a cure for violent
colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Erawley
also adds: Toai,l trl]n]sters suffering
from throat troubles, Y recommend
Cherry Pectoral
Awarded Nedal at Ylorld'e Fair.
AYEITS PILLS Cure Liver and St-imach Troubles,
The Huron News -Record
- 1'16 a Year -91.00 in Advance-- -
WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1897.
Sait and its Properties.
Used in washing the hair it will pre-
vent the hair frorn falling out.
A teaspoonful of salt in a gimp will
make Kerosene oil give a brighter
added to a bucket of water it forms a
remarkably effective fire extinguisher.
A handful of rock salt added to the
bath is the next best thing to an ocean
Lramp salt will remove the discolora-
tion of tea and the like in dishes that
have been carelessly washed.
New calicos soaked in it strong solu-
tion of salt for an hour before washing
will retain their colors better
As a dentifrice salt and water will
not only cleanse but whiten the teeth
and will harden the gwns.
When broiling steak a pinch or two
of salt thrown on the fire will quench
the flames arising from the dripping
A weak solution• is good for sore
throat, to he used as it gargle, and this
is still better if a few grains of red pep-
per are added.
Ink Stains may be removied by the
use of moistened salt. When it be-
comes discolored remove it and use a
fresh supply until no color remains.
Dissolved in water nod snuffed up
the nostrils it is of use in curing catarrh,
but when chronic its use must he per-
sisted in night and morning for several
A 1 ittle salt to raw or boiled starch will
prevent the irons from sticking and
make the starch whiter. If the irons
are rough lay the salt on it piece of
brown paper, lay a piece of muslin
over it, and rub the irons on it until
they are bright and smooth.
A bag of salt heated and applied over
a painful spot is often very efficacious
in allaying pain, especially those of a
colicky nature, to the stomach and
bowels, says a writer in the Bo4ton
Traveller. A weak solution of salt in
water is a good remedy for slight indi-
gestion, especially that characterized
by it sense of weight and oppression.
Fruit culture is more profitable to
the farmers now than his other crops.
Brown Bros. Co., the most extensive
nursery house: in Canada, have a vacan-
ty this section. Write thein at
Brown's Nurseries, Ont., for their
A pessimistic view of the negotia-
tions for peace between Turkey and
Greece is taken in Athens, and even
the resumption of hostilities in the
near future Is regarded as possible,
Tian and Wife Join Hands in Pro-
ciaimina the Great Soatil Amer-
ican Nervine King of Cures for
Stomach Trouble and Nerves.
Mr. S. Phillips of Wiarton, Ont.,
writes: "I was very much emaciated
by chronic dysentry and dyspepsia for
I), number of years. No remedy or no
physician seemed to successfully cope
with my case. When all else had fail-
ed I read of the cures being effected
coSouth American Net -vine, I de -
died to �ive it a trial. Before I had
taken ha►If it bottle I was much im-
proved and felt greatly' relieved. A
few bottles of it have made me a new
lean. I aro better and healthier than
I had felt for vears." His wife was all -
so in great sudever from stomach trou-
ble and headaches. She says: "See-
ing the wonderful effect it was having
on my husband I tried it also. The
remedy gave me almost instant relief,
and has cured and made a strong
woman.of one." -Sold by Watts & Co.
There are two curses of small -pox in
the Montreal Hospital.
The Life of Dr. Chase.
As a compiler of Chase's Recipe Book,
his name is familiar in every household
in the land, while as a physician his
works on simple formulas left an im-
print of his namA that will be handed
down from generation to generation.
His hast great medicine, in the form of
his Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine,
is having the largepublic patronage
that his Ointment. Pills and Catarrh
Cure are having. Dr. Chase's Syrup of
Linseed and Turpentine is especially
adapted for all Bronchial and Asthma-
tic troubles.
First Cuuutry-rnau--11'ho be th'gen-
11(annu wot's taken the squire's 'ouse,
Second Countryman—'L+` beau't no g^u.
tlenlau; 'e be a lawyer.—London Sketch.
A ConvinclnC h:xpliauatton,
"Whit.t's the reason you would *not
,t(('l-pt me oil tha: jury?" agh(d a men
ho had been waiting sunie tints for
a+urt to adjourn.
"Because you admitted that you had
formed an (rhinion about the ease," re-
plied the lawyer.
"Do you mean to insinnte that that
would prevent my being fair Biu weigh
ing the evidence?"
"Oh, no—not at all! The oul, trouble
is, that a man who has gotten into the
habit of forming opinions on his own
account would not be nearly so likely
to take my word for things,"—Washing-
ton Star.
A tlneatiou of Aze.
"Johnny," saki a Jeffersuu county
fenWe tLaeher, whose age is concealed
by the arts Well kuow•u to women,
"Johnny, how many Presidents have
ive had in the United States?"
"I dutluo," said the boy.
"11'hy," replied she, "when I was your
age I cuuld tell at once the uaane of
every President."
"Of course you could," replied the
lad, "because when you was my age there
hoc] been but two or three Presidents."
"Johnny, Cake yutu• seat; the le»un
for to -day ]s ended." -Gulden (Culp.)
Globe. -
Deteriolned to Advance.
"I hope," said the elderly genticttia n
Who patronizes art, "that you will nut
alllow yuurself to be content with slight
.No, indeed," replied the promisih;;
prima donna.
"Strive to be further along to -day th:ut
you were yesterday.
"That's exactly what I have been do-
ing. This morning I struck the iiuuingt
went for $25 a week more sulary."—
Washington Star.
Thoucht Ile \Vould Try It.
Henpeck—Is this the office of Qu]gley's
Quick Cure?
Patent Jledicine Mau—Yes.
"GI-mme six bottles for my wife."
"'fried all other remedies, w•ithou,t ex,c-
cess, eh?"
"iso; she ain't stidc, at all. But I saw
in your advertisement where a w•utnaw
wrote, atter taking six bottes,'I'm a
different woman,' and I •have holx's,"—
!.'it -Bits.
'Ilie lla.,ger of It.
Patient—Isn't it a little dangerous to
acbninister anesthetics'? Mast be terrible
to have one die in your chair'afte-r yuu
have given him ether.
Dentist—Yes; it was for that reason
that we adopted a rule that where au
arestlxtic is administered the patient
must pay in advance,—Boatou Train -
Sadi—Now, papa, I know dear Jack is
just like you.
Papa—I[umph! Why do you say that?
Sadi—I heard you say the other night
that wham yon married maTnma yuu
hadn't a penny. Jack wants to marry
me, and he's in the same condition.—
Philadel.phia North American.
Chief End of Man.
"The chief end opt man seems to be
to get something for 'nothing," said the
young man who win stT•iviag to con-
ciliate his best girl's father.
•'T(ro trite," maimed the old gentleman,
"For histri.nce, you're trying .to get my
daughter for yourself."—Detroit free
A Fellow Feetin$.
"My brethren," &U41 the ,minister, "you
don't know how happy you will be if
YOU only have a fellow -feeling in your
"Rumph!" maid one of his hearers, "I
had a fellow feeling in my bosom last
Tright, and I've got no diamond pin this
morning." --New York 'Tribune.
sentimental soul,
Weary Watidnii—Funny, but I've been
hearin' crickets for two or three days au
the drile.
Hungry Biggins—Yes, they're two 04
'em in my whiskers. Don't they sound
homelike, and all that sort of thing'?—
Indianapolis Journal.
A Iran to Venerate.
Perry Patettic -I git mighty tired id
sewn' ole Gladstone's name yin the papers.
Wayworn Watson—I don't. I have
had a giaruyne love for that mail ever
since I ser• that he said this here: "\[y
ambition is for rest, and rest alone."—
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Uon't. Mother film.
Lusty Lawrence—Don't dose here jokes
about us gays in de comic papers make
yer tired?
Weary Walker—Well dey might have
somethin' ter do wid it, Irut I kinder tiu'k
I'm tired ennyway.—Up-to-Date.
out of Ilumor.
Iurlit'ir-Mr. Cose, your jokes have lost
0.1 their humor here of late. What's the
Joe 4Yose--I guess I'm not well. I've
felt reAher funny for a week past.-
Philadtlpbia North American.
Insanity I J1111101 omnIDUs Line,
In Summer Goderich, Ont.
Nvhen to Godorloh do not. neglect to secure
Miller's Oninibns to till parts of the town. Our
h p livery Is well equipped with reliable horses rutd
Brought on by Nervous and 'good riga, and pricoi will East
be found reg.
seut)Ic. SGiblcs un Ertst Sn•uct, uwu• the
"quare--tolephoue No. 5l.
Mental Troubles. Goderich,
WANTED, I can pay Ica duliars weekly to
a hidY of mut urs OgO, rutlacnicnt
and taf.t to spend her t3mo in a good souse.
faine's Celery Con pound the T. It. LINSCOTT,
Poroulu, Ont
Great ToNver of Safety.
Nervous diseases when aggravated
by utental distill ba aces produce tuore
cases of insanity in the' hot weather
than at tiny other season of the year.
Nerv(ms headache, nervous dyspep-
siit, sleeplessness, and chronic constipa-
tion induce depr"sion of spirits, ex-
treme weakness, morbid fears, des-
pondency and btnguor; from these
dread insanity cuuies slowly and
Nervous sufferers have a dread of
hot weather. Finding themselves
deeper in the pit of misery slum they
were in the spring and early suninter
they are in utter despair. 'thousands
whose cases have not been wet by
treatment they are now under are
loudly calling for help.
There is hope and rescue for yon,
reader, if you are one of the sufferers.
You are in need of Paine's Celery
Compound, that great builder of the
nervous system. Its vitalizing ruction
commences with the first bottle you
use, You soon begin to realize than
you are daily drinking health. The
volume of blood immediately incie:uses
in the arteries, and the body is fully
fed and nourished. Your appetite be
conies keen and natural, the tired
net ves and brain are strengthened,
and you feel impulses of health that
cheer the soul.
The power of Paine's Celery Coni-
pound,over nervous summer diseases
is admitted by tens of thousands who
have used the marvellous medicine.
This remarkable ten,edy will most
assuredly meet your case and give you
a new life; it will lay the foundation
for future happiness anis long years.
Weak, wretched, and infft m reader,
we counsel you to make use of this
life: -restorer at once, and enjoy the
true blessings of health.
A convention of West Victoria Con-
servatives will be held tit Lindsay on
July 10.
The undersigned, having been restored to
health by simple means, after suffering for
severalyears with a severe lung. affectiun,
and that dread disease Consumption, Is
anxious to make known to his fellow
Nuire-rerm the means of cute. To those
who desire it, he will cheerfully mend
(free of c•hargel a copy of the prescrip-
tion used, which they will find a swc cure for
consunrptron, Asthma., Cater?* Bronchitis
and all throat and Luhg Maladiu. He hopes
all sufferers will try him remedy, as It is Invalu-
able. Those desiring the precription, which
will cost them nothing, and may prove a Bless -
Ing, will please address,
Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New
Y ork.
Mr. Stephen J. King, Postotriice In-
spector of St. John, N. B., is de:.d.
"I suffered intensely with rheuina-
tisirl and sciatica in toy left hip. I
tried a great many retnedies and +t
number of physicians, but they could
do very little, for rile, only giving rue
at tines It little temporary relief. I
saw -South A)teriean Rheumatic Cure
advertised and decided to give it it
trial. The first few doses benefitted
me wonderfully, and after takingonly
two bottles the pains disappeared, and
there has been no return. I consider
my cute It marvel, as I had been so
bad for two years that had I been
fiven the whole universe I could riot
lie on toy left side." E. ERRETT, Mei•-
rickville, Ont. -Mold by Watts & Co.
Between twenty and thirty printers
were discharged from the printing
bureau at Ottawa.
Dr. Chase Cnres Backache.
Kidney trouble generally beµins
with it single pain in the back, and ir.
time developes into Bright's Disease,
People troubled with stricture, impedi-
ments, stoppage of water, oritfregnent
desire to urinate at night, will find Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills a blessing.
Rend the wonderful cures in another
column. One pill is a dose, and if
taken every other night will positively
care kidney trouble.
There is no truth int a report that
the Queen has bee( me bl d. tier eye-
sight is no more defects a than might
be expected at her advanced age.
To prevent pale and delicate child.
ren from ]a.psin into chronic invalids
later in life, t�ey should take Ayer's
Sarsaparilla together with plenty of
wholesome food and outdoor exercise.
,)Whitt they need to build up the sys-
tem is good red blood.
R[,A(`li'S IIU'L'I+;1., I)UNGANNON. Prapct•
ty, huruitti•e antl License. fit good repair.
I)ohlg good business. Possession at. Once
Apply to Mkt". "ARAII HLAC'K, Dungannon
ws-f i.
Dress Cutting Sohool,
The school of dress culling is open al
Ctrails' FlOtul, Golderieh. A tie", tailor st stem
the wading system of thv
e world, ('overs tit(
entero nutgge of work. Cuts every style Of g:tr
norm on tllo goods, 110 retitting, nu patterns
costs no more than a chart.. Lessons given al
your own ionto ivilhuut exntl cluuge. Specilt.
rates to Dress nutkerg and girls front the noun
try. Tho Goderich Ittrlics should nut Iltlss Iii:
cliance to perfect, theatsclves in this intportani
hrauc'h of work, Open (tally for enc month.
June 14. !Nil)-tt
HUM Street,. CllntoR.
We are wide open for the hut, Weill h.
er' seasur! and are after your pat runnge
Our parlor is ehecry and comfortable.
Lunches at all hour.
CHAS. WITTS, Huron St., Clinton
A(�jIll 7 - Agent,; for "(?uccut vies
lv 1 E 1 � toria, Her Iteigil •uu
Diamond Jubilee '• Overflowing with lutes
and rivhcst prlaures. Contains the cndorset
biography of Her \1aiesty, with authentic Hie
tory of her remarkable reign.,And full accoun
of the Diamond.lubilee. Onl)- $1,50. Bigbook
Tremendous demand. lionan•ra for agcitts
Coil] III ission50porceitt. Creditglvel. 1'1101,1{)
FGUTFIT' PRISE. Duty Paid. Write cluiel
for nut.At and territory. THE TAMINI()?
COMPANY, Dept. 7, U) Dearborn St., Chiragc
COUNCIL. ---Colborne council met it
the township hall June 20. Alenrher
all present. Minutes of last nteetinf
read and signed. The following tic
counts were paid, viz.: Wit. Nt(!Phet
repairing crossway, $2; Jos. AlWalln
gravelling, $19.50; Wit. Bogie, grity
14 ing, $2S; Sani'1 Mor•iLq. inspecting
$'L; Seth Fisher, gravelling, $M SO
Edward Stratighan, inspecting, $1,'L5
Will. Bogie, repairing road, $1.73, Ed
ward Milliatt, cutting hill, $ti; Jaine.
Feagan, gravelling, $15.40; Samuel Al
leen, inspecting. $'L; Chas. Treble, grmv
elling, $30.70; Albert Alugford, inspect
ing, $t; Edward Grigg, for gravel, $117
Will. Allen, culvert., $1.25; Will. Fow
ler, gravelling, $12.21 ; John Treble
teat) on grader one day, $2.550; ltobt
McMillian, tears oil grader one clay
$2.50; Frank Melrityre, teats on grad
er one duty, $2.50 ; Joshua Allen, cuttint
and grading hill, $24.75; John Stevens
cutting ditch, $3:211: ,lames Fluker
gravelling, $1D.26 ; Win. Symington,
inspecting, $1.50;Jarlles Mitchell, attt
ing hill, $3,35: las. Mitchell, roa(
work, $2.61,0; H. Chisholm, inspecting
$1.7:5); Jaules Mitchell, two sheep killer
by dogs, $4; James Chisholm, road
work, $5.50; James Horton, gr•avcllinF
$1.50; Stephen Foley, burying dog, 250.
Jas. Ch'ishohn, burying sheep, 50c.
,john Barker, culvert on boundary line
$5 ; John Clark, repairing culvert, $11
Henry Tewsl .y, team on grader twc
days, $5; John Barker, team on grade)
seven days, $1750; Jobn Barker, run
ning grader five clays, $15; John Bar
ker, road work, $5; Wm. Straughnn
huttment at Ben. Miller's bridge, $123;
Henry Fisher, running grasser fivI
clays, $7.50; Thos. Gledhill, nails fol
bridges at G. M., $1.33; John,Mugford
inspecting, $3; Signal, advertising
Court of Revision, $1.95; Cash Cullis
for gravel, $3.44. Adjourned to meet
again July 4th, at 8 o'clock p. m. -F
W. McDoNAGH, clerk.
"My daughter was suffering witt
catarrh of the stomrtch, and tried
many different prescriptions without
benefit. Finally she began taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla and it helped het
at once, She has taken fifteen bottlee
and is now able to work all the time,
We prize Hood's Sarsaparilla very
highly." ANNA MERR.ILL, Eaton. Que.
HOOD'S PILLS act harmoniously with
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills
A young woman named Maggie De
gnitat, 20 years of age, attempted ti:
commit suicidt' in Victoria(, Park,
Brantford, by swallowing morphine.
She will probably recover.
Ask your grocer for
For Table and Dairy, Purest and Best
Job Pr*nting,'
The News -Record
special attention
to our Stationery and
Office Supplies pp and
Job Printing Dep rt -
m ent.
`We are unsurpassed....
By any town or city in the Goods we handle or the
prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the
quality of both is always guaranteed. A perusal of
this announcement may suggest something you may be '
in need of, and in such case we solicit your patronage,
feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet
with the approval of our patrons,
Letter Heads
In this line we have it very fine
stock of writing papers suitable for
every class of business represented
in this locality, also for private use.
Note Heads
This useful 1;]ze is kept iri stock,
the dualities heiig in several
Memo. Heads
These fill an impoi tant placein coin,
luercittl correspondence. See what
the have got.
Bill Heads
If the "pay-as-you-go" plain was
the order of the clay the demand
to" account paper would not be
so great; but there sortie men
who get so many dunners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stack is coni-
plete in this line. Good paper ane]
neat ruling.
Our stock is ]urge. They COME
cheaper than hill heads, 'and are
the proper thing to send after It
delinquent once it month. They
are sure to fetch hits 'round-
We. niakea specialty of Envelopes,
You know it- would he hard tc
get along without envelopes, and
to keep up with the demand fou
them we keep a large stock on
hand. Plain or Printers we are
Ofering some great scapi. One
line in particular is going 0'1, fast -
50 for 5e.
Commerical Printing
A vast amount of work under this
head to enumerate would more
than take up the entire space oc•
copied by this adv t, but we (to it
all at THE NEws-R4iWORD.
to an "At Home" or a, wedding
require considerable, taste in selec•'
tion solnetinies, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in stock
the very latest and best samples to
be had. Call and see.
If you want---'
We excel In till the different kinds
of work we turn out, kind particu-
I:tr•ly in this, and keep in stock
platin and fancy papers suitable for
1111 reguireutents.
of entertainments and meetings
g .promptly turned out, from the
Plain and neat to the most elegant.
Cards and Tickets
These cover it large range of work,
from it bread and milk ticket to
it neat: calling card, frorn an or-
dinary admission ticket to it tasty
business card or at handsomely
printed mernbership ticket.
Memoriam Folders
In this line THE NEws-RECORD
can supply every design, quality
atnd price. on the market.
Posters jk.
Our facilities for turning out this
Class of work are evidenced by the
fact that we always do good vl'rk
and give superior satisfaction in
all respects.
are greatly in demand. Our facili-
ties are superior for this class of
work and the very reasonable
-prices keep oto• presses busy.
Sale Bills
'We make a specialty of them
promptness being our aim in this
respect". A notice of sale w1,11 ap-
pear in TIIE NEws-RECORD free of
charge when bills for same are
secured here.
All Kinds of Work
in the tvpographic•al printing line
can be done in this establishment
in an expeditious and artistic
manner and
Our prices will be
found very reason-
Mourning Papers and
For correspondence we can give you up-to-date goods. We
also carry full lines of
Pens, Pencils,
Scribblers, "rablets,
Erasers, Inks,
Writing Paper,
&C., &C.
In thanking our many patrons for the
very liberal support accorded us in
the past, a continuation of tb a same -
liberal support is solicited.
TA,0, X8'W8MR0G0f67
r , A.
1 F, �.