The Huron News-Record, 1897-07-14, Page 5"'nothing -is Cheap That is not Good." Not all the world would con- iialnt'Q%�' r Vince you that it drug'was ��]] essay which cost but half, let Woman's us say, of whale, you wore used �7 to paying for It but which also did not act half our quarter arsToilet well perhaps as What you were used to expect. The poor drug • • • • n ' d rill least interesting event of the day. The Stanley. two sides were oilpptained by Messrs, N. Yelluwlees and Ebert Pettt•9"rt, the NOTES. ---Along the tunnyy visitor result being; all easy victUry fur the here are Mr. Samuel Peebles, Airt single chaps. Peebles and children, of llarrisLon, a LACROSSE AND 13.1,8E BALL. the residence of the lady's parents The lacrosse matell was keenly cue- Mr. and Airs, Will. Keyes. All l r. peek) tested between the. East and West and !es returuud h,rtte Tuesday. The lady resulted in I'ftvur of the West • Base trod children will re"stun ftnothe[• week ')it" is al.", a popular game find Lila AI r'• Thnwpsun of Chicago was ut 9K we was also the East vs. West, It visit to her Sister, A11t Andrea The score was 1,1 23 ill favor of the ILeyes. She returned to the �Viud} at a c eap pt ice is ear, le !Bast, Lity the latter art of the week. -Mr '_1Ifoy be beautiful in its siut- P pule CII'ug at au honest price is )licit •, but it 's reap wonder- t•uOT BALI.. John Ite]ii, Parr Line, is still very poor. chew The drugs we sell +lire ly.--M v. Mc•Clywont, who bas tiecll ill ` p fill how it is brightened up by I After the have net tile foot ball tenors fat several weelts, is no better, } the best we can guy. The 1 rices we sell thein al, are its a plece of Jewelry - if it is in of Stanley S. S. and Clinton S. 8. T; good taste. The sparkle of a, played it splendid Willie. At the con• - X low as the best drugs can be )Iecious stclne, the "Mine of at elusion the score stood 3 to I in favor --� �� sold for. "Your money hack �rEtcelet, the rich yellow of a of Cliut�un. g lYI �- u�� if not satisfied' --our staLfdings gold chain against a creauty +L BAR offer -is the best guarantee of n c lit give. It is it neck, all these seem to brg; in ua l y we can g the beauty of the wearer into 4*o/IP.rtt'Il Tulvns13i4►, guarantee that would (lever be Strong relief. All of them are BARN RAISING. -There was it large ONE OF THE MOST PAINFUL OF MALA. given were we not very sure of here in this store. ring = at the raisin r of All. Uharles Dtr:�. our goods. 6 > 6 hitely's new born and sheds. The Our Repairing atom walls underneath were built illi -- Articles oil are now Mr. Ar'tlttit- Cantelotl and Mr. ('hFLI•,_�s MR• I'JB'1Elt 111ILLAR Hr'FFJREll i•'UIt : y Morris has the cootvact for. the frame YEARS, AND f Ji'Eltltl4:\'1'ED t1'1'!'ll Likely to need.... Department wort.. It will be, a tine structure when MANY completed. A CUR MEDICINES I3Lk'oRL 1'1NU1\U l: Paris green, 25c a pound. Is under our own personal A CURE. gs lVIh:'rHOntsT S. S. PICNIC'. -The ('lin Fly pads, 5e and 10c. supervision and all repairs en- ton Rattenbury street Methodist S. S. r Tanglefoot, 5c double sheet. trusted to our care, from the will picnic in \'Von. Elliott's beautiful From the Brockville Recorder. Hire's Root beef•- the: host _ 25c, sutallest to the largest job, will woods, Bayfield road, next Wednesday. nFlorida Water, 25c and 5Oc•, of be returned with 0111• guar- '_Ur. Elliott kindly cunseutecl to >i Perhaps no prettier })lace is to be olugnes and Toilet, powders Antee• the free use of his beautiful h seen in Ontario than that fit Newman's park for that stic•key feeling. grounds, find we are sure a "lost en. tipper lock oil the Lilt (Trost. At {oyablr tune will be spent. !'here is this station fur a quLtter of a ......tlu'y lots of runnin<= s tits • water and it resided Mr. Peter Millrtr, wha daring •�oo��ro�se0® aprinti well ill ire ltsb� that period acted in the capacity of 10cknan, and was perhaps the. best ae cpews - �r•�-.... �._._-. klbtw❑ resnan un the canal. AI r. M]lar��P�� ' is now a resident of rylerrickville, hav- o McKillop, in> retired frau[ active giro. '1`o Oil, car OilaN(rL.-Oil Sunday Ltst L. O, L. r081--ndent of the Recorder he re - 9 813 joined L. U. L. No. '252 ford Ina.rch- lftted the following experience; For ed in a Sod to 5t. George',, Churr.h many years 1 was troubled with a lafne Graduate - .Jeweller and Wal�on,whe eantostelogliaentsernlon beck' which gave rue great pain it Druggists and Opticians. r was delivered to the brethren by }{t,t, tunes, and caused ole much loss of Expert W ateh Mr. Alley of Brussels.- The btelhren sleep. I tried different kinds of rnedi- of 813 celebrated fit Mitchell, and 25'2 Ville but found little or no ief. The Fit Spectacles to Satisfy. Repairer. a•t Brussels. sprint; of 1395 I was assistin nt get- _—_ ----- - ting out ice one day when I fel orae- - NOTES.•-. Iiev. Mr. Tiffin, the nets thing; snap or give way in my b u I , • _._____-.- preacher in Walton circuits, 0fficiatett I and it was sone !ions before I could a� fEND]E1A WANTED. last Sabbath for the first tithe. His straighten myself up. 1 now became Read, Sealed Tenders will be reecived by the tut- ser"tons were appr•ec]atr'd. - Mrs. s0 bad that, when I litid down I was dersit,•led, up to 7 p, fit. on N10snAy, Jt,uy 19, Johnston, one of the early settlet-s of ratable to rise. without assistance, and for the erection of a brick water tank in the McKillop, died on Sakirday week last. 1 fully nada up uty mind that I had Mark, Town of Clinton, Pians and spceificatdons to she was Lie widow of tho late Irwin hecoure ;t chronic invalid, and never .L boseen fit. the "Rice of rile uudur. igne<l. Thu al• Johnston curd wits it kincr and alto > lowest fury tender nut ueccssatf•ilyaacet>teci. Set}!- expected to see It well duty again. A G. S�VALLONV, er an est.infable person, She will be couple or weeks after my hack had al - Learn Chairman Fire and Nater ('oil). sorely tuissed by her fannly and nurn- roost entirely given out, I saw by an (•rolls triends.-The Bethel Sunday a[ticle fu it paper that Dr. Williams, PALL TERM SEPT. 1ST. School picnic wits f:Lirly. successful. Pink Pills had cured ,It person troubled The youngsters enjoyed themselves in siutilarly, and I it sent and And Invariably Digest G' NT�s a vFttiety of ways. Mr. .Cohn Ritchie TT rocured a box to test thein. Before 4 wits on the grounds with ice; cream and I had finished the box i found my Have you seen our novelties in Opals��P/� other delic•ac!es. The singing hY the back somewhat stronger so I procured , choir and dialogues by the children five boxes more and by the time they Diamond and Pearl Jewelery of STRATFORD, ONT. wore very good. Proceeds in aid of were used I found myself completely all kinds? They ave all - the. A live, go -a -hemi sf`hool that thoroug;hly pt's- the Sllbnath School. There is scarce- cllt`e(l. since I took the last box I rage this season, and you will find p:u es young men and women for business life ly a day but what :L pedfiler of seine have not had it pain or particle of it to your advantage to call at =lle tancc this year double that of last year. kind or another cornes the rounds. lameness, and fay health has been fill, my •store and inspect these new U�',.ystudentsl(landbthat`"thedbe education ritetfor This sort 0f thing has become a per better than it had been for years be, and fashionable goods. Our eir•cillars. feet nuisance. -The teachers fire pill t- fore. efforts are to keep fit the head of W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. ing; in their holidays in different ways, To ettsme obtaining the genuine at the procession as regards quality, _ _ _ some working; in the hay -field and st le and price. We offer ways ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Yills, others visiting friends, Nine eider as there are ulFLny pink colored iwitu- � the latest London, PRI.IS1FLn fyhnd W ____ fOVerCOat LOS[• in the morning will have no terror for tions. ( New York Novelties at prices as the kids for some time to corne.-IVir. Iow as you can et anywhere for Lost, on the gravel road In front of the farms y !; Y and iVirs. John Scarlett were in Clin- good goods. We have Diamond of George May, al or Robert Scott, . T e finder - ton last Friday, fullli'Jr/l ti. Sero, last May, a Darn; Ol•v:Rooxr. The Rndcr i' Jubilee goods as low.as 5c for it will be suitably rewarded on returning the Co,rnnan, Mau., oil .iune29th the N' single article, same to the owner. MAT MAINS, Londesboro — " "" - wife of Itcv. 1-1. 111. Wigle, of fl son. V. 0. 972.41 SOIIIC Good AIIVICC. +LTl,L1VAN.-Lt Nvinghaut, oil July 4th, the r. wife of John Sullivfu), of a daughter. i �Ed;1or Xetus-Record: MCLEAN.-1n Wingha»t, oil July 1st, the I The 11 i'esbyterialn Picnic. wife of John McLean, of it Nett. DLA1Z SlR,-Ill the last New Era the.COOPsn.-At Toronto, on June 29, the wife of The :uurtlal icnic of Willis Church Mayor recommends that certain work '`,,lift A. Cooper. (editor Canadian Magazine. 4- Sabnatll School was held 011 Recreation shnnld be clone on the streets. 1 think' and son of IV. Cooper. (9intgnl, of a daughter. Park here last Thursday and proved a the proper place 1'0,. the May 01' to ex- Thomas liinG}3r fnatdzuRthturS 1, the wife of Ile. JEWELER, and Bell Telephone, big success. The weather was warn,, Press his views is in the ( ouncil chnut- SflANNw1; - Tn Goderich, oil Jnnr, :30th, the exti eulely so, and every ;)wlsible cum- her, then the Couoril Board and tin- wife of Dr. J. It. Shannou, of it daughter, ' CLINTON. font was afforded ;,he large gathering. allc•e cotnrnittce couldig;ive us an idea(Oi• DAMNIN.-In Seaforth, on .lune 2f3, the wife l \Ve still have a fety of those In addition to the sports It grand ban- hots much money there is t0 S11,11 -c for of 11r. ,lohil J. Dat•P'io, of n sou. f.. P. S•-10c. blouse sets Jeff. Ask (]net wits held in the evenings, at which Irbil work. If the S]fletVRlk at Mr. rnon3eSov.-In Scafnrth, on June 28, the wife `i any person that bought a yet about, the •[bout six hundred were troll provided 1•'air•'s Mill and t lie stone crossings of Mr. tv. �1-.'1•hunipsun. of a daughter. I value of 30 cents' P "reds repair, so does the one at title ",00uy.-In Exeter, on July 401, the wife of � fin, while oil the grounds during; rile t f t affrrno0n there m,usL have been ei rht side of the Of g:ul fac tot' As rcc�} �lauthcw F'loudy, of I:II I of tLdaughter. • _-..: - ` the n(•w strert heir • y hard:: hundred souls. rhe tract: was liberal- g, graveled, it is- ly sprinkled with water, which added riot properly graded yet for graveling. MARRIAGES. Mort 4 rage Sale touch to the coutfort of the pleasure- 4i hen the street was pal,( -based it was I'raui( r, -.t --hl 'Toronto, on July 5, by seekers. The uutsic', Which was feu n- distinctly undelwtold that the Counci] by Rov.Juhn F. German, Mr. Alfred Tebbutt h q 1'1 fj �i1 �] l`�p Uh -l` 7I��j i,bed by the Town Band, gy-eatly would not be called upon to du • Liv toMiss M. Jack. beth of Goderich township. Valuable Hanel Property enlivoited the proceellingss. The. pro. more tharn open :Lott grade it. The TitnL.n,en-Pvnt's..-At Mensal], on June 30 p {I "r mune wits somewhat unusual, being; street lending from the foundr to the br Itcc. tv.,Lt1',lddell, Mr..I.A.Tremeorto Miss J r' Y 1l,tr Ella Pybus, both uf'fuckersmith. comprised of bicycle races, fool races, freight shed needs graveling as had1J' ItAr.f.- Bn:uroftuShnn,iou's,('linton, —IN THE as Lhe new road, fr•out the •fact. that on, June 3(tth. by Rov. %V. Rwwk 13. A., Mr. tugs of war, naso ball inatch, lacrosse, Town of Clinton. etc. The result of the spurts were as there is it gut of heavy teaming clone (Ieorge Henry Bali to Mias.lnniv Bedford both under :- on it., spring; allot fall. A few evenings of liullutt township. Under and by virtue of the power of sale con- I31GY('I,P RACES. ago the tntin Was late and the whistli, TAyr,oR--C'r,ARlc.- ',t the residence of the rained in LL mortgage, vvhtc(l will be produced sounded three times. The fruit] was hride's parents, Hensall, on .lone `23, by Rov. W. at sale, there wi be offered for sale b niblic Is. 1<crr, 1L. Jello 'I'avlor, of Exeter to Miss y t Uuc utile rare --G. Gordon, T. Mc- moving at a. rapid speed. The driver 141aliildfl, daughterof I14r. Juhu Clark, Hcusalt auction, by David Dickinson,Aurtioneer•, fftthe Kenzie, and teatil barely escaped death on the 110Evnv-WfrsON. -At Ht. f,ukc's church, COMMERCIAL HOTEL One mile race, boys under 10-T. Mc. London Road crossing. There is "lore lshbarnhfuu, Teterboro' on June 2:J bl Rev. Kenzie, 1-i. Barlett. clangerous crossings than the Bayf]eld Herbert. Symo,rcts M. A., Dermot Mel•,voy to In the Town of Clinton• Boad. The station should Kaye b(•ett lennit, daughter of the lots Will. Wilson, of One mile race, boys under 11.-J. Goderich. ---ON— Clarrid e W Irwin. placed at a different point, probably �'' , Mt'1I1�fotnv-('-vnsrtoN. - On tic 30th alt.., by A l,1 , where the new street has been ]ocatE'd. Iter. )'. Musgrave, at the residence of the j' -lJaturdatt the 17th dap of July, 97 FOOT !LACE, y mt criminal g j J t 0 J f Thor CP,t'taitll tihcftllelnP. bride's +nether, Mr. D;. Mc:47ut•r,lt•, of N rnond- at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the following pro- Two-thirds toile race, girls -L. Akins, Squandering or the people's money. vine, to N1rs.:1t, Cameron, of 1111 lett. party, namely: -Pact of tot Sixteen on Iluron I. Jackson' Yours frilly. -- street, and the west part of lot sixteen find the east part of lot seventeen all in the town of One-third mile race, boys under 12- DE,#4'iflS. Clinton. On this property there is erected a J. McKenzie, A. Houston. A Tow -4 CorN(•TLI,Olt, throe story brick .hotel known as the Gent- � IJANr.AN.-(,ll Saturday, 111th .July, at the resi- o mercial, at resent in the occupation of Thomas One-third mile race, girls under 1.1 -- dunce of her brother-in-law, Will. Brown, 1,130 J. Young street, Toronto, liessic C., beloved wife p barBolwoodshedhicohouse,k&c. tnThl.shotulrey I• Jackson, Edna Manning. County Currency. y of Gltnton) a);ed 'l7 (% of T. 13. Hanlan, (foruwrJ one of the best known places of business in the rtvathirds mile obstacle race --T. The, fall assizes will be held before years. county of Huron, has always done, and is nmt• McKenzie, H. Barlett. Chief Justice Meredith at Goderich ort Klurv.--In Lucknow, on Jnly 3, hlliza Proc- doing a good business, Possession will be given for relict of the late Win. •Kilt.y, aged 72 years, HOOT RACE'S. September -Atb. on the let day of August, 1897. and inothur of Mas, J. 'lodford (']inion. Terms and conditions of sale: -Ten per cent. 80 yards, boysundev8-Dave Downer, The sad death of Mrs. A. Irelan3, MCGOWAN.-in East Wawanosh, on July L cash, and the balance on the said 1st clay of Ed. Steepe, Stuart Jackson. wife of conductor Ireland, took place Gregor McGowan, aged M years. August wham possession l mIU be portion The 7f-) yards, boys under 0-S. Doherty, at Wingharn last Monday, Deceased MALCOMSOS.-In t.oderieh, on Thursday, Vendor is Prepared to genre a portion of the y Y , Y• had been ailingfor- sone time but oil July 8th, Sutherland Malcomson, Master In purchase money on mortgfLgc. N'urther partic- E. Gilroy, J. �Visernau• S + Chancery, in his 57th year. ulars may be o rtallied from L. E. Dancey, Bar• 50 yards, girls under 8-B Doherty, Sunday morning last S]te was seize(! SHAW.- In Goderich, oil .Jul til, Anna Lena rister. Goderich, the Auctionedr or the under- y+ with a sudden attack of chills, which Shaw, aged 48 years, 2 months and seven (lays, Signed. Al. Carling. pproved fatal. She leaves a sorrowing Dated at Goderich this 191,h day of ,Jane. A.1) , 50 yards, girls under 0-'A, Gunn, F". husband, son find two daughters, the I PIER. --in Hallett, of July 0. .John Lapier 1897. Aitken. g ag(:d 80 years and '2 months. St. youngest Nein a babe it week old. DAVID DICICrNe08, Auctioneer. g 1�'RF.rr.rr.-At Vapiuec on ,July 5, Marian, 1110 Vards, stri t tin [ace, nays under dao •hter of F. %V. French, and granddaughter of GARROW & PRocDrooT, Vendor's Solicitors. 1-1-T. Rattray, 19. Patterson. On July 1st Frank Hooper, son of yr. %V.', Taylor, Clinton, aged 9 months, H. Hooper, Exeter, was driving a cote, Nrwn.r,.- in Goderich, on July 0, John •lit - .)1) yards egg race, girls --J.3,. Paisley, when something startled it, find the Newell, aged 08 years, 9 months and 27 days. I. Jackson. anintnl jumped suddenly knocked the WATC"tcR, in winghnm, on Friday July •2, ]Oil yards, boys under 10-C. Tisdall, boy down breaking his leg in two Elizabeth Ashton Westlake, wife of John - C. Street. places below the knee. The limb was NVatcher, aged M years, 9 months, 2e days. a 3 � set, and the patient appeared to be irn- Saal,r•.-in Toronto, on .Cul • 4th, Ag •ie D , 1:>i) yards, boys under IZ-�'V. King, third daughterof John find lie en S. Sanderson, W. Young, provingg when lock ,jaw sol• in, which of Wroxeter, and wife of Mr. Howard E. Snell, rnsulted in his death last Thur:sday formerly of. winglian,. 75 yards, blindfold race, boys --J, 711(trniu is g IRMLANn. -br Win •ham, on 5th inst., Agnes Ularridge, - Devine. l g h During the past 10 days N.'xeter ILnd Ireland beloved wife, of Alfred Ireland, aged ;38 200 yards relay race, Stanlev v, Seaforth ha -ie been visited by years. a'' ' ' = •n``� between .J, Jones, L. Aitken WATAT1 111 McKillop, oil July 5th, Mr. Clinton,Cli M. , between ; and Mand Scott, ling fire, said to be the work of incendar- J oseph Walsh, To aged R'L years, ies. In Seaforth the fire, alarm on One July Steamer Cambria and Carmona McF.wan and Maggie :plc-Pwan; won by night sounded several danger Signals itye,relict of the We. Josephityeltnged 7:3 years. Leave Goderich every W1+:DNF8DAY Clinton. g fl, night on which the Canadian Fire and SATURDAY morning; for the Soo, 100 Yards obstacle race, boys under Underwriters Association Inspector 1VIAttiZE'I ILEPUN'l'�3. 'If you are contemplating taking; a boat 113-T. McKenzie, IJ. Barlett. was in that town. This gray account trip oil Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake 50 yards skipping race, girls -l. Jack- for so many fires in one night. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) Superior or Lake Ontario consult with sort, R, Paisley. Whether or not the C. F. U. A. should et.txrox. A. T. COOPER, 75 yards three.legged race, boys- be held responsible is a question. Ticket and Steamship Agent, Clinton, Gilroy find Matheson, Everett and On .July Ist, it Miss Glenn of the Fall Wheat ................... 0 65 to 0 66 Gordon. north boundary, Osborn(•, hall an ex- Barley .......................... 0 25 to 0 35 el, IiE EARTH GIRDLED," by Dr. Talmage. 75 yards, girls Linder 12 -Ruby Pais. perienee to Exeter, which she will not 0 I9 to 0 20 Wo need intelligent men and women as ley, Annie Forrester, soon forget., find an accident which Cats ........................... W ents for this great oo 1 pay to work. It, wo wllti orkers. Potato race, boys (older ]2-G, Bar.[night have terminated seriously. She peas .............................. 0 36 to 0 38 tlrgat we can atiorrdwas riding a bicycle grealest boob of world wl(lo travel over pub. lett, James McCool. g y 'le down Aiftin street, potatoes, per bush.......... U 20 to 0 25 lashed. The people, customs, habits religion 100 yard race boys under 12--Uhas. and when opposite T. B. Carling's res{ Butter loose in basket.... 0 9 to 0 10 and government. of the countries and tribes of Tisdall, Hantle' dente, an infuriated cow, which was thoworld, as seen and described by the keenest y Patterson. being driven to the slaw brei h the Butter in tub ................ 0 10 to 0 11 ` observorand greatest word painter of the con- 150 yards race, boys under 1.1 -Tom hitcher, rushed at the wheel and Lak- Eggs per dog .................. 0 8 to 0 8 tur •• Prospeetus 61.00 Bookson time McRae• Geo. Swallow. in it on her horns carried' Hike and "day ............................... 7 00 to 7 40 Riva , BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO., VIA., ri gel, into the ditch, breaking the Toronto, Ont, Special, girls race --H. Grigg{, Ruby a g Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50 — - - -- Paisley. wheel and tearing Miss Glen's skirt off. fipples per bush ............. 0 35 to 0 35 For sale—Bargain. Special, boys race --Eddie Stec The animal then dropped into the ditch Dried Apples per lb........ 0 21 to 0 24 g Will McConnell. p' as though unconscious, where it, was at Ducks per Ib, ................ 0 05 to 0 06 once killed. Miss Glenn was rescued Turkeys per lb. ............. 0 07 to 0 08 Bay horse, 4 year%old, woll bred, good size TUG Or WAR. y strong, speed expected. Will take pony 144 from her perilous position by several Geese per ib .................. 0 Ob to 0 08 hands part payine o mate a ba on This was between the married and persons who happened along ,rt the Chickens per pair............ 0 25 to 0 35 e •�. N. LEWD, Goderich, single men, and was by no means the time. `Pool,......., 0 18 to 0 18 Have. you tried thee - t Masse_Harris Bicycle, Y It is just wbat you have been looking for, high grade ,ea y running, rich in appearance strong art(] durable - You can't break then}. For $85 or a discount f6i, cash• Brantford Ruby Dims fill For Does your Bike need Repairing? We know how to giro you a satisfactory job. Re- member' a dry goo(ls clerk inay sell dry goods but it takes a machinist to repair a .'Bike. We are not only machinists but we have the machinery to do your Work as it should be clone, _Give us a triaL 000e0*000900000000 0 The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton. OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE Clinton. Furniture and Undertaking. (SUCCESSOR TO J. W. CHIDLEY. ) We will always be pleased to have a call from the people of Clinton and sur- rounding country to inspect our large new stock of up to -date Furniture, which will be sold on the very emalleet living profits, and defy all competition. We have new styles in " BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING CHAIRS, PARLOR'. CHAIRS, SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES EASY CHAIRS, MATRESSES, ' Picture Framing and Upholstering done, UNUERTAIUNG.-Our Undertaking Department is complete with the finest outfit in this part of the county. We are with lvell known by the very low prices we charge for the splendid service we give.; don't forget this when it is necessary to consult an Undertaker. All Sunday and night calls answered from residence, Huron Street, H. C. Barlett, ulidli�tarker Hufon stfeet, Clinton !��d7. pleasant - Meeting "SHOULDERARMs. " "STAND AT EASE." --Such will not be the case if you buy your— faints, Oils, Glass, Nails., Locks, Hinges and General Hardware From us. It is out• aim to please the public, we have pleased thousands, we, Call please you, try us. Low prices and reliable Goods are onr special inducements. "PRESENT ARtIS." garland Bros, Stoves and Hardwares. "Finid Are you looking for a Snap? e������ pool 0 We have too many Couches in stock for the amount of room the have, so in rde r to clear out sorne of thorn we are making a BIG REDUCTION in the rice of a certain line. This is it chance yon should not miss if you require a ouch. Undertaking. In this department we carry a c:nuplete stock, and give fi service that cannot be surpassed by any. Our charges Etre as low its the lowest. We have undoubtedly the finest hearse and outfit in the county. Broadfoot, Box & Co., Clinton. Furniture DcaCndertakets. J. W. CMIDLEY, MANAGER. tiight and Sunday calls answered at Residence of pill, funeral Director. -J. NV, C'hidley, King opposite Foundry. .d, . LILA Fa- � :Syy t IWill A. T. Cooper, Graduate of the Op- tical Institute of Canada, thoroughly qualified to test eyes accurately and scientifically. 40'Free Test. Moderate charge! for glasses (when required.) Prices from $1 up. e) (' "PRESENT ARtIS." garland Bros, Stoves and Hardwares. "Finid Are you looking for a Snap? e������ pool 0 We have too many Couches in stock for the amount of room the have, so in rde r to clear out sorne of thorn we are making a BIG REDUCTION in the rice of a certain line. This is it chance yon should not miss if you require a ouch. Undertaking. In this department we carry a c:nuplete stock, and give fi service that cannot be surpassed by any. Our charges Etre as low its the lowest. We have undoubtedly the finest hearse and outfit in the county. Broadfoot, Box & Co., Clinton. Furniture DcaCndertakets. J. W. CMIDLEY, MANAGER. tiight and Sunday calls answered at Residence of pill, funeral Director. -J. NV, C'hidley, King opposite Foundry. .d, . LILA Fa- � :Syy t IWill A. T. Cooper, Graduate of the Op- tical Institute of Canada, thoroughly qualified to test eyes accurately and scientifically. 40'Free Test. Moderate charge! for glasses (when required.) Prices from $1 up. e)