HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-26, Page 1471 VoL. XXI. MINIMIONM, BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1907. ra.••••••••••••0•••...molli No. 19. -GREAT REDUCTIONS ON FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, ETC. BrUSSOlg. John Ritehie is home from Hamilton • for it holiday for a'few weeks. Miss Nettie Brown has been it pris- oner tO her home owing to an attack of measles. A Leap Year Tall is announced for „Tanuitry 2nd under the direction of VII Pi 7_4 ]E- 1E Ft etc 1S 430 The big Furniture Deelers of Clinton offer special reductions to the people of Blyth and vicinity. Your expenses paid both ways and the goods delivered to your door without extra (huge ati we have our own rine for the purpose. We guarantee you a saving of 20 per cent, which means i.320 on the $100 putellate, Mattresses, ;3.00, Springs, $2.00. Cobbler Rockers, $2.00. Couches, $3.90. Carpets, 32c per yard. Rugs, all sizes, from $8.50 to $40.00. "(3 NT 113 JE r ri I We have thebest Oquipment In Western Ontario, the best rubber hoarse outside of Toronto, No charge for the hearee and a saving of $20 on the outfit. t)ur 'phone number Is 28. Night or day any call will receive immediate attention. ..........01.41.•••••••••••••• PLR. NT 0 IL14 13 CO Ft G- Pk 141* We handle the beat. General representativee for the Gourley, Winter & Leeming. Your credit Is good, any terms you want. Be sure and hunt us up when you want anything in our line. We will make it pay 3 ou, WALKER & ROSS, CLINTON The Big Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED. 'Phone 28 Now for Xmas Santa Claus for Young and Old. Santa Claus for Alt For the next two weeks this More will bristle with Kia Goods—the linest aa - le town. A dainty PERFUMES it ant glask containers. The vory latest odors In BF Perfumes. Specials, Yu- nora, tearn'e, Seely, Pined, Fiver, Roger and fillet. JAPANESE GOODS In )tbon, Rokewood, Whitewood and Red Ceday, Leather Case Perfume% Glove, Watch, Jewel and Handkerchief Canes, Puma, Chatelaines, Band Bage, Bill Books, Wallets In Walrus, Turtle, Sal, Calf and Burnt Leather% Our Optles1 department le complete— Gold, Silver, Illnilents Mounts, Oar Ma of Real Ebony Mirrors end Brushes is the best manufactured. WHITE CITY DRUO STORE Dr. W. 3. MILNE For the Grippe; try our Bust•up,a•Cold Tablets. READ the ado. In TRH STANDARD 10 Cents gets The Standard balance of year •••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••• MONTHLY FAIRS AT BLYTH Friday, January 3rd, - 1008 Friday, February 7th, 1908 Friday, March 6th, - 1908 Friday, April 3rd, - 1908 All the leading horse and cattle buyers are spemally Invited to attend. Let everybody come. Welcome to all. A. W. SLOA N, President. WM, JACKSON, Vice Preeldent., J. LESLIE KERB, Secretary. Bargains for the New Year GIDLE By=Law No. 6 A. D. 1907 By -Law to repeal By -Law No. 8, A. D. 1904, entitled a By -Law to prohibit the sale of Liquor in the Town- ship of Hullett, WHEREAS a petition algned by at least twentptive per cent of the qualified elec- tors of the Township of Huifett, entitled to vote upon the 113 -Law under the Muni- cipal Act, has been presented to the Connell of the said Township expreaRing their desire that such By.Law should be repealed AND WHEREAS 10 10 desirable that the Municipal Council of the Township of IluliotO should comply with the request of the said petition, THEREFORE be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the saki Township of Hullett, and It la hereby enacted by the authority of the bame, (II That BpLaw No, 8, WM, which was passed by the Municipal Council of the said Township of Hullett, oti or about the fitif day of February, 1905, in put, finance of Section 141 of the Liquor LI. cense Act, entitled By.Law to prohibit the sale of 12quor In the Township of Hullett is and snail be repealed, (2) That the me of the Electors of the sato 'rownehlp 0111011001 will be taken on the 144m on. Monday, January thh, 1008, commencing at D o'e(oek in the morn - lug and continuing till 5 o'clock in the afternoon, at the following undermen. tloned places, 0,0. :— Electoral 1)101810n No. 1, Temperance Hall, Kinburn, Electoral Division No, 2, School House No. 0. Electoral Division No, ft, School HOMO No. 2. Electoral Division No, 0, Foreeters' Hail, Londesbore. Electoral Division No, 5, Sebool House No, 12, Surnmerhill. Electoral Division No, 0, Township Hifi, Londeshoro. Electoral Div,sion No. 7, School House No. 0. (5) That on the ifist day of December, 190)7, at the Township Clerk's office In the said Township of Hullett at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon the Reeve shall appoint in writing signed by hanbelf two persons to attend at the linal summing up of the votes by the Clerk and one per. son to attend at each polling plane on be. half of the persons Interested itt and d0. dims of promoting the passing of thio By -Law, used a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of opposing the passing of this By -Law. (4) That the Clerk of the bald Monte. pal Council ot the Township of If ullott shall attend at his office at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon on the 7th day of January, A. 1008, to num up the num- ber of votes given for and against this By -Law. (5) This 13y -Law shall oome into opera - ,Ion and be of full force and effect on and after the first day of May next atter the final naming thereof, Council Chamber, Haat, 18th November, 1007, NOTICE. Take notice that the above le a true copy of a propesed By -Law which has been taken Into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Township of ilullett and which will be finally paseed by the said Council in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto after one month from the first publication thereof in the Blyth Standard, the date of which publication was Thurs. day, the twelfth day of December, 1007, and at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the electore the polls will be held. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk. Subscribe for TUN STANDARD, the maids and matrons of Brussels. Alfred Baeker is home from 111 ex. tended besi»ess and pleasure trip to the Northwest and North Dakota, Geo. Brown ltas taken an interest in the livery business recently purchased by John B. Galbraith from Geo. !told). They should be able to 1001: after it itt good style. The statutory meeting of Brussels Council was held Monday evening, Members were all present except 001111. Haeker. After missing a number of accounts 0 contract was closed for 9 ere electric lights on the street at Vie a lamp. Walton. Will Smith, of Fielding, Sask,, le at present visiting his father here. It is some years since Will left, The West appereetly agrees with him. Moody Holland has been laid off work for a few days owing to bein(3. threatened with blood poisoning. He is now making favorable progress to- ward recovery wo are glad to state. James Rae is home for a. visit from Tofield, Alberto, after an absence of 1i years looking first-class, He will spend the winter with relatives and friends in this loeality, H. McKay, our station agent, re- ceived word last Saturday that his wife, who was visiting at Thames- ville, was seriously ill. He loft imme- diately, Word has since been received saying Mrs, McKay died Sunday and was htiried Tuesday. Mr. McKay has the deepesc sympathy of his many friends here. Beneath A regular Burns and Moir bout look piece 0990(1)1(1 0)01 of our livery barns on Monday night, Mrs. Hodgins 111000(1 her fern i - tire into the Commercial Hotel pre- paratory to opening it up for business, Will. and Mrs, Perkins arrived on Thursday from the West. They intend remitinieg here to assist Mrs, lIodgine, Miss Gertrude Hort, hos been ap- painted leader of Carmel Church Choir the management having accepted the resignation of F. Ruse. Miss Hart is good singer and iS possessed of the gond tact and Judgment necessary to fill the p0011 100, The membere and adherents of the Methodist cherch. learning that Miss Lamm e was about to leave 11)1101)00 10 reside in St. Marys, presented her with a handsome uold watch and chain, suitably engraved. John Strong, inmate of the London esylern. broke awey from a petty nod drowned himeelf in the reservoir 01 (1)0 institution. He dived through a hole in the lee and disappeared, 'The body wits not found for 15 minutes, He Wils cent, from Hobsall 10 30100 0(30 as not dangerous. Seaforth. John McMillian, of Roxboro, Nfc Killop, has purchased "Gladwood," the homestead farm of the late John Dickson, at Roxboro, for which he paid $5.700. This is it good farm very conveniently end pleesantly situated. At a meeting or the While Wyan- dotte Club, held at Guelph J. I'. Daly, of this town was reappointed secretary of the club. Mr. Daly has made a good end energetic secretary end the club i fortunate in again securing his service, The Alieses Belle and Nettie Soo]p, daughters of Charles and Mrs. Soolo, who have heen in Elm Creek, Maeitoba, for some time, are home 011 0 visit, The town bell Was our of commission for a few days undergoing some necee- sary repairs. During that Hine the St. Thornes church bell was Reginald Wilson. who has been at, tending Military College, is Lome far the Christnms venation. Morrie, Prank Arinalreng is home from Nloose Jaw for n visit. It is 15 years since he first went west. Miss Ruby Clegg, 5th line, is report- ed to be malting favorable progress and we hope she will soon be fully restored to her usual good health. Municipal nomination Will be held in te Towuship Hall on Monday, 110th inst„ from 12 to 1 p, tn. Election, if necessary, will take place the following Monday from 9 a. in, to 0 p. In. at the usual polling places. Andrew Miller, 5th line, is home from the west where he spent several months, He liked the country and may go back tiext spying. Last Saturday Ni ise Mabel McCall was operated upoti at, the Western Hospital, Toronto, for appendicitis. Her inany friends trust she will 0000 regain her a lost health 1, a be permitted to 0000013 to her home. Exiunra1emzwr.2.-The annual Nines entertainment of Sunshine Sunday School wits held on, Wedmesday even- ing of hot work nn( was a wiry enjoy- able affair, A Iiirgertildience 8000)10 bled filling the ..itiirch., to the full end ineintainiiig good order throughout. •11•••••••• Wishing all our customers an4 friends a Happy and Prosperoii New Year. For Housewife Chenille Curtains Chenille Ta bit Covers Tapestry Curtains Tapestry Covers Rugs Carpet Squares Blankets Laee Curtains Comfortere Fancy Linens Table Cloths Table Napkins Carpets For a Girl Handkerchiefs Gloves It hbons Dress Goods Grey L0.111b lin ffs Gauntlets Caps Hosiery Combs Coats Fancy Goods Presents for All For a Baby For Men leer Skin Coats Neckties floods Neck Scarfs Collars Unifiers Mittens Gloves Booties Umbrellas Dresses Slippers Caps Fur Collars Shoes Fur Coats _Rubbers Fur Caps Stockings Mitts Fancy Suspenders Fancy Seeks For a Boy Handkerchiefs Cardigan Jackets Suits Sweaters OvercoatShoes Neckties Overshoes 'Mufflers Rubbers Neck Scarfs Sults Shirte Overcoats Shoes Underwear Rubbers Cuff Buttona Caps Shirts Cloves Sleeve Holders Mitts Men's Companions Shoos 11.1..1••••••••10 For Ladies Fur Neck Rufre Fur Muffs Fur Coate Fancy Collars 1"aney Belts Handkerchiefs Fancy Combs Calendars Pin Cushions Chatelaine Bage Blouses fiat Pins Golf Jackets Feather ltufra Wool Scarfs Kid Gloves Lined Gloves Kid Mltte Stylish Cloth Coats Silk Dress Lengthe Silk Waist Lengths Silk Umbrellas Fancy Wool Mous. Inge Dress Lengths Slippers House Shoes Hosiery G. M. CHAMBERS & CO, • _ - • • • - • . Rev. 0, W. Rivers, B. A., made a fl est - class chairman. The program Wile as follows :—Hyinn by congregation prayer ; Clittirtnan's addrese ; anthem by choir, "Star of Wonder" ; recita- tion, Miss Anna Bell ; chorus by six small girls ; drill, "Good -will" ; in- strumentiti. Misses and Messrs, Jor- dan and 0101 heeler ; quartette, Ladies' Quartette, Brussels ; reading, Alias Buchenau, Brussels ; motion song, e. (1010 00(1 deitvly love" ; reci- tation, Miss McNaughton, Brussels ; quartette, 'Ditties Quartette, Brussels ; recitation, Miss Janie Alcott ; (Rica, Misses Leatherdele and P1)' (0 ; reci• tetion Nliss 19001, Clark 1 instrumental, 0110000 (1)11 Nlessrs. Jordan and Wheel- er ; reeitat ion, 50 01)5 AleNattgliton, Brussels t (Nett, Mesere. Renter and Pryite ; readitig, Miss Ford, lirttssels ; drill, Christmas tree ; recitation, Miss NIcNaughton, Brussels ; anthem by elioir, Bells of .loy" ; recitation, Ir. vine Fergusoo. Jos. Hunter made a good Santa Claus and gladdmed the hearts of mem, by the minty presents he took from the tree, After the tree hail been stripped Miss M. Ker and Harry A inley were presented with suit crises, Slios Al, Armstrong rending the address to Miss Kee and Miss K, Grfia- by presenting the 610, And Illessrs, Fred Armstrong end Jos, Clegg melt- ing the presentation to Mr. Ainley. Both recipients made suitahle replies. Miss Kerr has hem a Sunday School teacher and member of the choir during the past three yeare. and Mr. A inley has been superintendent of the Sunday School and choir leader. Mies Ker has secured a school near Pordwich and Nfr, Ainley 'one at Crenbrook, Miss Ora shy presided at the organ, Before closing 5 choice lunch was served and then after singing the Notional Am them the endience dispersed. The pro- ceeds of the entertainment amounted to 925.50, Clinton. A. ;Mitchell, of Stratford, CI 'I'. R. operator, moved his family here and will reside in the station bonse. Cr. W, Railton. of Silver Lake, , at one time L, 11. & 13, station agent here, 0100 married in Goderich, on \NW nesaity, to Mrs. McMen us. Prof. Mullein, son-in-law of ,T. NV, Irwin, u•ho hes been lecturing in the United States, is now here on a visit. A moving picture show which had heen in town severe! ileys, and part nf the time in the town hall, came to grief by a quarrel, George Handeock, clerk at the Hotel Normandie, while hitet.enieg to eateh the train at Seeforth fell and broke his collar bone; It was not a bed frecture, thongli, and he is now'performing his duties RS usual, On Thursday as Mrs. William Wal- ker was performing the ordinary dutiet of the kitchen, her daughter told her she WOR wanted in the parlor, and on entering the reom She WAS' nmeh suit prised to find her Sunday School einas awaitingher, they having heen twitely admitted. They presented Mrs, Welker with an address and n handsome fruit dish its token of their appreei- Ittion of her services. An advertisement in THE STANDARD pays. Stop a Moment • nd consider, Do your glasses fit you socurately and give you perfect aye reit)0 If not, COME TO LONDON and hive your eye. thoroughly examined ly ear opecialista, We hare every modern lenient& instrument for tooting the error* of the eye. Our iucerso in, eye testing ia the result of pure of study and practice, end you will honeit lity our free cesseltaties. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. ETESRINT SPECIALISTS, 237 Willa@ &rail • • • Gide*. Oat, Open Dab 0.00 to 0.00, 114nIngs, Thursday tad Saturday, 7,00 to 10,10. ••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •• • • • • • • ; • New Term • • • • from January 2nd. Eii- • • ter any day for long or • • . • short course. New cattle • 4 Mime ready. Write for • • it if you have any idea of • •• • a college cotirse. Address i • W. 11. Shaw, Principal • • Central Business College, • • • • Toronto, • • • • • ••'•••••• **(MI*** •••••••• ACough Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a regular cough medicine, a strong medicine, doctor's medicine. Good for easy coughs, hard coughs, desper- ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don't take it. Never go contrary to his advice. Wo po011ob Olareldll y Ire sisolool W. asp re So oomoksh you Neat tiers The dose of Ayer's Pills is small, only one at bedtime. As a rube, lasstive doses ere better thin embank doom. For coo- stipadon, biliousness, dyspepsia, MA - headaches, they cannot be exalien. Ask your doctor about Mls. *8.br a. Awe Cm. lareit. Mar8u1".