The Huron News-Record, 1897-07-14, Page 4of Clinton tofrown�---- N; Un raflectin vahnly, it, iseim ly pre- Do rebels go with ruforin P _,• - --'- EMERS0N S p _ _ pusteiuus for the calf cuncoited Mayor - - down the judg- The GOderich Signal ishittia soutu You thinking ng urent of these Clinton business teen, Bicycle and Music Nouse some of thein old enoughandoufiicleut• Partisdii pohticlausun the ra.w,g Rewarding They AArely trained in business ethics to give - u Of getting a --AND-.-- modern lessons toour double-dealing Pour Ali,. Tarte Is now rtehl Arid Biel's There are .fads in m �atG� txpteun. uu setters of this kited. medicine as well as i11 Co• • ■Pi`.rAll fakes and frands and swindlers ('il't Politics has bruu ht fiuile I d „Cleveland Cycle Livery furttTuat° hirii.1g[other things, said a busy Back should be exposed, THL Nr{•ta-1tE- +drugg�t, "but thu moatJ(IJAW has always anti is ever ready - remarkable thing about Hood's Sarea- 11'43 have always a large aseott• to exixpae thaw. We have un every "Refot•tu Rebels Rewarded" is very parille, 14 that customers who try other lnent 10 choose from in Gold, Clinton occasunl pursued this course, but we good, but not so good Its "Radwa 's - - - remedies all come bank to Hood's and Gold filled, Sfver sill Silveroid regret very much to know front ex. Heady Relief" f l souse cases. Y Cosea illlll l,t+rienc•t• that thV New Era, lilts in every n � f , thine is why the enormous sales of this , also a large stock of un. it }ranted the free use of its tri SiftOn S 1''r�eu� Nohn gre►tmedioiae keep up while La0vemont8 in Ladies' and Goderieh. Culuuuls to further the financial inter- The New Era endorses frauds, swind- others come �O and In a short Gents' eizee. Call and examine ests of liars, swindlers and frauds. lers and lick's. THL Nrws-ItEcuttu tine go out of eight enti{elq, our Gvode. No trouble to show F Ther he o of ate Nl v -RLt'r b has denotnlees them, and we don't ••chew Accounted for, "Why is it?" 1`O,.simply because them. Yuu will have a good G. Emelson. been the u},posite and will aver be. the rag" Over it, either-. This is when+ Hood's Sarsaparilla has more real dura- vatiety to choose from as we --- -- --' "independence" is of valrtie. - tive merit than any medicine I ever sold." are constant) buying This is of daily occurrence in almost Y Yin$ new CANADA'S b'EI'Li0AC11• - `(Not only a Rebel, but a 1)eS IC- every drug store. Hood's Sarsaparilla goods, After { (y "The settling of the school question p has cured more sickness and made more cif ter SeVions hourfht Un several occ,tsiOus TtI>, I�'Lwt�• p (ha i g SPECIAL �TTEMT�QN i. not the miesiun of the Pope's dela• able Rebel." pp nese throw h restoration to health ie given to IdEI`DRD hits referred i❑ pointed and , „ than any other medicine. WA^ CH kEE'AI1tI1\G either gate 1 replied the Globe and minus forcible terms to the disloyalty of the gtrit press to the assertiuus of '1'H>, ' ' in English, American or Swiss. r Grit party. To the eternhl shaote Itud NEIVS-ItXCORD and other Independent Our watchmaker is thoroughly disgrace of the Lamler party uu(l papers, Nuw the Holy Father IS i ivr uie Is PPT IN OFFICE, AND L,OyAl, _ _ Hood acquaiutetl with all grades and their Itenchuldu, Was juurtial agu}tl settling the {•eyed question. XHNr DIS31188ht). makes, he has all the latest calls parLiculal' attention t„ the Lauriet's conciliation turns out Lu lmproved tools to work with tLppointutent of convicted rebels and 1 Front thewiunipegNOr'•tyest.er, Sarsaparilla end is sure to give satisfaction. = criminals toiii the Public St.,.%ce of this tut;un the a, uiutwant of rebels to Wheal the Tribune undertakes to re- A call solicited. office. And rebels Iu a not looked upon la the standard -the One True Blood Purpler. +' lOyrtl llo►niuiou. It is most, terrible to pili presentas praiseworthy constitutional as very good citizens• agitator Maxime Lepine, the nian who �' pure Liver Ills; easy to �► v�11� E realize that the cold-blooded unu derea's according to hie uwu report, shot �ood S PIA IS take, easy to operate.:.w of our own kith and kin, of our otvu The Exeter Times styles the Ilotuin_ down the volunteers, praying heaven Estate • . G' . flesh and blood --chip, its who higve been ion olent,ber for West Huruu "fiat- the while to direct his bullets, it is t ' sentenced according to British law perhrapa not surprising that it veil. "Messrs. Charles Nolin and 1Yaxinle g thew C. Uaweiron." When tho post tures to represent Charles Nolin as a Lepine are the gentleniall with who,q and justice-shnnld he ro warded with ut)ice eulbrogllo is settled he will have paragon of loyalty. YIt. Nuliu, the you will have to treat. J. Biddlecombe allllle other- rlallle. blood-stained hands [u positions of I Government organ protests, is the Vic- rust in illy country or, under any Gov_ - '-- tial of 111ist•epresentit,otl, if -lir . Nolan In pursuance of this comrnision, CLINTON.Lv 1 }s the victim of inisre Nolin, with Lepine, proceeded to de- ! ernnlent. Sir Wilfrid Laurier :mil the ]tatty unnv rebels have the Grits asp. i)c'eseutation, 11 r• nnand the evac'tlation of Fort Carlton, Nolln has misrepresented himself; y it Grits talk About loyalty and faintly to p°ilitod to office")And how nnany for the only statements hitherto made the Brat overt rtet of rebellion, and ILII loyalists Who fought and bled about his connection with the regal- •tet which resulted in the Duck Litku ��� the Crown, and in the next Meath fur lion have been taken from his own fight. The demands of Nolin un that appoint and sign the warrant giving Queen and Country have the occasion were related under oath it 9 (� b Grit,, turned one of office? The sworn testimony. It u,ay he inter- Riel's trial by Mr. Thomas McKay, pc•sition, Command and power in the reply will be published in these cul- esting to review the traitorous act Packages. Public Service to such men its the 11111os• of tills worth {which the Tribune finds {who acted as with tile Crebels. dole Me - Have y OU not decided to buy enough Y in treating with the rebels. bar, Mc- )tIper. fur your ►noun that needs it so murderers of loyal Thomas Scold, land - so praiseworthy and su eminently de- hay swore :- badly. Don't think that because May the murderers Of our br•itvoa volunteers A few month, ago J, Ist•Itel 'Parte, serving of recognition by Mr. Siftuit ,+tlhout an hour after we had reach In to n and ore gone we have no 11lnister of Public Works, declitred thin •t loyal Ind competent officer Lino stoclr tie found the had anAl loyal defenders during tilt pea- must be disntisesed to provide ca puri. ed there, Charles Nolin and 1laxiwe all gaper a,lttltlated anti deeply plotted rebellion that ha was not, worth `35 cents. Now flog fur hili i❑ Hec 11a'e,t Lepine canna up, driving; in a cutter. 1,6.14 packages of Tuikish Dye, 1 y's service. Of .;. At• that taule we quite well he "tiers to pay $2,5,0W cash fur it, pill;. As Nolin admitted in liis evidence be- 1Ve were mounted. We gold thein every color. We, offer these at tial private residence. Thr..rd's Lha fore (`hint justice Wood ant the trial what Major Crozier had said -that 3 paclta e- left. By re -ordering, our stuck i, still remember huts the loyal militia in secret of beim .. of Arinbrosie Le > they should give its the names of the 1 Lms for 25c. coil, ow ,fete and we Ciro y g „it, g it politician with pint, he wits lnlxed np lenders of tilt movement, and that 1 glue ou a large Clillton, under Command of Capt. Fur- a pull, And the deluded electors pay. in the Riel rebellion of 18(111. Due is ��•yy quanta ti ; buying as we do a large rester, was ordered to he in readiness; the piper. therefore re pared to find hint they would havo to answer to the lata, Dia coli D variety of we bland always i larggo P F prion- but that a great ,mtny of thern lvho � '•.fur variety un hand and we are sore to Itc� how our own patina Bence defenders _ itieuC in organizing rebellion. awnng laid been forced into Litemovement 3 packages for 25e, able to please you. Of course :it this started Out for the scene to coot ler the Indians noxi half-breeds un the P g ! The Chatham Banner assures us Saskatchewall in 1881. The success that they should be dealt leniently time of lht> year there,}realways,uute the lebels tit the thin the Liberals have confidence it) with which ht? ongaged with. Nolan said Riel and his cou�n- paper•s we would t'Ather nut. haave and }taint of the gaged in that work til h. Nolan the, unconditional his stir- "` ayne�ic Dye therefore those who tire look ing• around bayonet; how luany of aur own Mr. Tarte its a patriot. We doilllL it. appears frost, letters in Itiel's COrrps- bluud and flesh were niassitcred At best Mr. Torte's patriotism is of the pondence captured at Batoche, 11, Lender of Fort Carlton, and nothing 6 Packages r will get s°ane genuine snaps, Come in one, dated 20th lKav, }88t, written else would satisfy thein, and that it 3 for _uc. «e are out to see u. if you think of papering any and shot down ; bony the f.ni ht kind that is iuvari;tbly associated avis h they slid so do harut would be dune, of soma of the colors more rosins. Y g revenue. It is of the "business is busi_ fruru 3t. Louis de Langeviu at the. in thio Dye land bled and died for their (ween tress" variety, Bute the deputation was being sent to that they voile) give a slate conduct Y Then Ivo would like to agates remind you of and Country and their bones now request Itiel to come to the Sasketche- biota. 1� e said there wits no use des_ but in order to clear out our stock the Oxcellunay of our Shade stork, Nice %'til• wall couutry from Muntanaa, the fol. cussing the matter at all, Its we said we effe; this 10c package for 5e low shades are a necessity to every bonne and smoulder in the. earth as a true token The kith of JoIY reminds us that the lowing st•itement is made:- the matter ccnth} out he entertained g we aur. ccsterint; to your trade by buying the of lone land fidelity to all that is good NewEra declared once upon a timethat "The North-West Territor is as it at. illi -that to disperse and go home, Each package will dye `� pounds »esGgoods to rho o your and lolling them at Y , ,and than the leaders of the movement of Wool or Colton. reasonable prices, Special bun,tuer Prices on and loyal. And {ve remember it ''feint Rel'. W. McDonagh had said in Clin- were, 01) it voleano list about to bar T'st SHADES and CURTAIN POLES, g g would have to beanswerablelh to t ev' deal lucre, but whist's the use of en- fur in the 80'8 "he was a Tory before he forth in eruption. •}The exriteulent is }its. He then said he had a letter= ��Assdm larging? 1I r. Siftuu, one of Mr. haus- tvlss !torn." What the revered divine alt[lost universal. Men's minds are which he•'waas told to blind us, )rut GIGO (logo ier's Ministers, stuniped Haldimand said wits that "he {wits lin Orangeman overvwhl ]l excited. Since the have that it would he no use to hand it W� Cooker Co Clanton a ga g of llrtrch last, public uneetings have its Ifort Carlton waft nut to be surrend- l )lust Fian. Dr. Montague on the wasp ht: was tenonm and the .writer Jas. T j , ,; g bane stud again been belt}. }aoquent cl,N1}, 11-1 %�O�be ! was g rhe ptile stay septi 11r. Mc- l stirring addresses have been de- vSchou] question and raised heaven and Donagh made env sLtatement.earth to defeat him. He shouted livered. The French and English half- It would be scarcely possible for' aH. ' breeds are now united the latter es- inan to he lucre deeply implicated in �, V � llU$1tl t'Ill<l'llf�. loyalty, prutestantisni and patriotism According to the New Era a )flee_ pedally, seeming to lie more exeitetl rebellion than Nolin's Own testimony Chemist and Druggist. front the douse tops. The echo was ria.g;•e is "a vulgar fake." And t;}le than thefirst named. We are all uric shows hire to tu,ve been. But tren.ch-I For sale -E. N. Lewis. heralded in Huron and ver ultln party ,in suppcn t 0f the justice of our ery and cowardice frequently go tO_ I -- ___ All eyes -A. T. Couper, other constituencies loran the last editor of that pilpet•, who happeusto be Par-LY rights. It looks s though a gether, and Mr. Nolin appears to have - Specials-Hodgens Bros. g the Mayor of Clinton, is it married roan real sedition were on the point, of (Leen as big a colvard as lie was •t' of Nolin's appointment is that appoint - IL's }lot -Ogle Cooper& Co. 1 election. P. P. A., McCarthy and too! Is this the propel• way to instil breaking out; till fare crying outtagainst I men L's most efieettial condenanationA, rebel. After hostilities comwenred, Straw hats -=P. Jackson, Sr. other so collet} independent cOndidates into the rising in ustice deuutndin r fair Irty and ur_ ,till Mr. Nolin found the cause of the la by has own showing, Is riot only g generation the great I b P a rebel, but a des Smips--Broadfoot, Box &;C.u. were placecd in the. field, with tine well- aurid holy principle of luorality? gilig the granting of our rights. Mr. men he had led Into rebellion twain it i despicable [ehdl. Hi, Wo,nan's toilet --P. 13. Crews, Uhitrles Nulm, himself one of Ourtvaa il,• lust unci, he made haste to try and I chttriac, er leo less than ha, rrcur'd Tender. watut.ed.--G. Swallott•, planned object of defeating the C•uu- << - ----s••- save his own neck b betl'h in his " P him as an unfit per,un to be Nothing is cheap --Allen & Wilson. servaLive party. There were ehougil" Yes,' said the Liberals, "the yearly es chat" oils, lildechtied again and gyt to trtkr ad- I laced in charge of the Indians {whorl � every in } t tof the North- :assuciattes. He sou 11 placed g Advertising—The W. D. Fitir Co. "fresh" politicians and clet:turs to bile expenditure of this collutl'y is too high vantil t of the i-ocl'autation of a,n- lee incited to sedition only to betray, } Fest which he hats visited the half- l g 1 The ,,ppointlnent of such a elan eau and the public debt is a burden on the breeds live prepared to rise to at, Ittall iu nesty Major Crozier had issued, and do nothin } h • � * _ _- __-__ at the poisoned bail and the Grits were, , vindication of their fled to Prince Albert. Here, it, g, alt bring t,heGovernnp(•ltt'y returned to }p0wc�r, Iruw we have the PC°pie. Place its in potvdr, ant} are lust cJauus' . authority into contem t` Among )fiat's tui res > Tribune itself ,Cates, "he was at tplace I l t with the,e The Huron Nevus -Record will reduce tile one and take da re t haat g pondcnce wa:, people, tube have only been brought, to a sequel. Right and left loyal Consel'- the other grows rte I;trgt " The Y 188 arre,Led and trend in prisoti as at, sus- g also, is letter dated 18th of May, „ respect that author;ty by reason of the natives art being dismissedfruun office. inLrorlucin to Riel the deputation petted rebel eiuissa ry or, spy; a. vie• t.lbaYoar-81.001nAdtancu Rdbel., who took part. in the Riel People placed t.heni in power, land g ! utation C11rilstance wlllch shows holy notorious truthfullues., tiddlify Holl cul+age ill' _ rebellion and were cuuvictt(laccv,din+* forthwith the annual ex lendit.ure way sent, to Yetch }1!111 from 1lontaua, those to whom it h;ts hitherto h, _ . .. _ ---. ,----- I w its his connection with the loss ret- t t n o increased several millions and ftftpen which fioul internal evidence, appears tion. [t wits than, in other 18 sa • . delegated• The appoiotuu'nt f. it *ruin WED:QESDAY, JULY 14th, 18517. Lu British law and British justice, are utilluns wits added to the public del)t, t_, have been written by (hnrles t( scandal. which aueut p g quite good enough to fill their place, 1 , , him,dlf, to secure the release of his its to defend only Nolin,, who was Riel's cousin, lite Fol- make appear tit' less defenoible. �_.�_. • _ _ __ _. , _. _.. lit this British cut}titry ! and 141 r. Sit- -- - - )vying is au extract from that letter : son, tt•lu, was also a prisoner, and to ".4 F'LrLUAI. I:•1g�'." Llan 'tt'huhelped sprei d tie ttg,tatic,n Through the few lira 11 r. M. C. obtain compensation i'ur his losses - - in Ontario oil t lie dell's ve School goes- Uaulc eon denies the stateulent in t.hc "j\ly dear cousin, I think the solemn during the rebellion that he turned � _- n1onlent hits come, I+or Illy part, I (�lneeu s evidence, anti went, into the. I ' I, .('hand, Christie of Stephen rp- 'rhis is the epithet hulled by the tier: doll to farther Ilia despicable plots- Signal that he is likely to earls• h;ane closely watched the people of tri° witness box , p .• ( I"st t the his intetligdned 1� dcdnesda „ appoints Rebel Murderer Riel's lieu- 1 } t( Stve.ru away tate laid of task that his brothO', Duncan haul Lria cat Jolly Old Uncle Josh and retire from politics. i�tt. Cumpr_ North -{west its well its tho Indians, his kinsman, whom I had induced Lo tants to Governmentssa positions ae a and the one cry n-oands from all, it take the leadership of this revolt o, l'ai'n killed hJ the traill at Oxford "His great generosity tn�;;utl his new- sulittiuw to the dissatisfied Toryale on wants to appoint his coin- y' l only Mills. ly utarried' niece," published !ti last rinent! This maay please thein,but in-law (who has never worked !s it spark over a barrel of powder. It to desert in the. hour of failure it week's NFWS-1tr:COIL1), The „Banner Tilt; Nr-tvs-Riwour) will be Much ,lis- for the party) postuntste[ cpt• is tette, but it 1s the flute flow ,Wore was :L pathetic scene when Incl p]raui- t;al:en if it does, For firteeu years this Goderieh, and the Signal very prover- thou ever, for we h;tne right tend ed with the judge to be allowed to part Advertising CJ." frantl is also intro- journill has stood Oil Oue cewnlon ly objects to such a proceed111gs, Ft lllstice oil our side. Do not amig•ine a few personal questions to Lilts I + dnco;d tvlt.h boli} effrontery and nary a ground, and today it is just {where it would loot( as though the redoubtabir thin you will begin the work when double traitor. Had he been Cooks Cotton Root Compound g ou get here: I tell acts it- l Is the only p ''lush. With this tn;ltter we have always hit:; been. At no tinru since the 1I. P. {vats })mpuriug Itis otvn pc,liti- Y t'' Y011 it is all done, tad to do ,o, youie further facts its y safe, reliable eviously dealt still exposed Lite fraud {war' would rtny party in pensee in the cal grave, 1 the thing is decided. it ,s your Pres_ to Nolin's own treasonable aetts would monthly medicine on which the satisfaction of the }public. Otte United States have flared to discharge _ .- _ once that is neee:ed." boubtless have been brought to light. ladies can depend in the inn ofiice•hulder who had been crijppled The Goderieh Signa} is waging tear Whether or not Nolin were the Bnt, its such evidence would have been hour and time of need. mternporary, however, on every while. fighting to preserve the Lnil" g g writer of that letter, however, it: is also daniaginq to Riel, }lis conticil, Is preparediutwo degrees then occasion the know of, replied and appoint it, Southern rebel in its O° Nepotism. our esteemed cont(un- certain that such wits the work he teats who wits relying on the defence of I of strength. -when cornered b Saying nothing. place. But the Liberal Government poi ary is on the right tritek. Meutbe.r's engaged in, and that work he con- insanity, appealed to*the the ud a to No. 1 for ordinary cases Y y g g• F' judge I ri And note he hides his poison dipped in Canada hats d6ulissed several rneu of p•trliament have no right to be above tintied ill company with Riel after forbid Riel interfering in. the exanli- is by far the best dollar medicine known who fought in the Northwest rebel-Riel's arrival in the Saskatchewan nation of the witness. It is this Judas- -sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. pen in ambush and anonymously re- lion un the Canadian side, and appoint the people in the matter of appoint- country. In his 'evidence at Riel's like conduct on the part of Nolin that NO. 2 for special cases-io degrees sects seriously rill the good judgment ed to office leading rebels, wernbers of ments. In the past ,Conservatives trial he testified that lie was iustru. the Tribune is particularly enamored stronger -sold by druggists. One box, ^f a number of Clinton advertisers. Rail's council. We know there are have not been free from this, and the mental in bringging Riel over from (if. This is what it considers entitles Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. Oil this occasion the: New h'ra could hundreds of loyal Liberals aknong our people -the electors -should awake Montana, and tttatt Riel and his fare- Nolin to rank as a devoted loyalist. No. z, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of rdaders and that many of them way from their lethaa' and ut a stn p Lu ily lived with hirn for four months af- If such is the Tribunes conception of price and two 3 -cent stamps. not resist sayings- hesitate to believe this of the men gy P 1 tee• Riel s arrival. He swore that he loyalty. it would be wasting words to The Cook Company, The New Arra was flrst asked ht take hold they helped place in powera, year ago It. paid ell a iareatnent era plaid was }tier's confidant in Inlet's efforts dispute its proposition, 7o a person P yr and help the matter, bill doelinr.d to do so, and last June. If these a ointments re pill aid well and are in consequence to extort $100,W) fruit the Govern- of normal uttelligence rand' nuprality, Windsor, Ontario. we aro rnrpriem t that reputable papers will pp inde )ted to those who place them in ruent. He swore, also, that he assist- the tact that such an ar ailment is the lend themsOlt'es t0 it, if the stop to think over not a disgraceful Chapter in the his pOnitupn. Politicinna who p back up g $6' 3olrl in ('Hilton and everywhere is Canada It, more Osperiaally las these same gingers are WIT of Canadit there never was one. g ed Riel in his agitation -that he, to- best which can be advanced in defence by all resl,onsible druggist.. continually l tchemesrrill) thele readers against And, .to make it worse, lbir. Siftons their tried friends shnnld be tuned gether, with Maxime Lepine,' attended _ down. - questionable spacers is one kind and another. ' conferences with Riel kind llutin0nt, Wtnniprg organ lauds the r•ebds ac If a ions) Nyrit -ilp wlnhod to it o alt crCisersaa a.nd thst he was resent at seven of (, (, • genuin0 twritc•up, it could a done without patriots and belittles the volunteers `- --- - pp Nothing � • " using a stercptvpod story, and the assistance of who risked their lives in the service of Tile Globe stays: -Mgr. Merry del Val the meetings held Fly Riel. He admit- hang' � Like - Leather• a stranger whose only interest is whatever he their County ted that he organized and was chair can make mit of It.]" y. At it, time when the hats written a letter to Archbishop g leader of the Government !s boasting Langevin, in which lie states that roan of it uteeting which Riot attend - This refers to "Jolly Old Uncle Jnsh." Itis loyalty to the British people, his ed with sixty wren nearly all artued, "The New Era was first asked to take colleagues are busy distnisshig ,nen the Popo is now in possession of all the and that he told the rneu to put tulle hold and help the matter," and we who fought undet the British _,ILnaL- information reg,trding the school difii- arms in it wagon and cover thein lip ^R^ have been assured the editor of dial) flag and rewarding wen W�O Call- culty, and all agitation and discussion so that they would not be seen. He f ed on the garrison at 1+'ort• Carleton to admitted, also, that he continued to thin paper contract(>d to do so, but of the nnatter must cease pending the A d p $11 render, who tat Batoche advised ptartieipate in Rafts pl Riel h s for is 'p flunked in the usual dishonorable fash- their Fellow rebels to each at least kill Holy father's ,judgment." When the considerable tient? after Itiel had spok- u ion and Till,: Nr:t{ s-ltl•:cv)rtn performed one volnnteer in t:he rush tar the Pope'v delegate carne to Canada the e n of taking up arnis. He identified y y? Globe declared most emphatically g v Uur stuck of ihp tyro k. 11 r. W. S. Guthrie ryas the trenches. Wile, e are we it; anyway phatirall that the followiu r document, which hand at- f he was not here to settle the school tached to it the names of himself and �n and h }p► iuc ipul in Lite work stud the find that - question. THE NFR-s-RECORD does not Lepitie amongst others :- dile Boots and Shoes sorra• of the inoyt influential papers in UUlzltlr V7' 7101'10:4, hesitate to again repeat that the great "St. Antony, March 21st. 18SAi. �'' , the county of Huron and other coun- ---- Toronto Globe till(] the grit pressgener- "To Major Crozier Commandant of �• ..lt HI's the Grit olio tua•dd , elly over(, lying or writing fn ignorance 1 • , , p a Is perhaps nn the are tot, I e Chly tees took hole} of it, among their) the policy sett rich : it sheet Lime since when they declared the i uhce I once tat Carlton nand Bat- ,1+ section and we aro Culd dvdry 1J., 111-011 F,xpooitor, Wingham Advance, directly opposite to {what they now tleford :-- �. '' y� it day that 0111' prices nrr- hv- Exeter Tirnes aund Goderieh Signal. Politicians caul be honest, but they q, 1 r'. 1 pt ? 1 .t low what other people are stlate, Major, -The Councillors of the Pro- 4 can't reach religion Itr• the same tinl'e. - vis a nal Government of Saskatchewan j ., asking for inferior goods, In Clinton {w(, lusv0 honest, reliable P g -- -- , • ^-- - have tile. honor t.0 Cornintllt!('nte t0 ` t business ►nen• Nancy the New I:ra ,A Ridgetown Dominion: -Our renders However our business increases Tinkering with the Tarifa"' hart been you the following conditions of snr- dictating to and reflectin on thesound will remember the Bonaventure bye- render: -T'111�,6,every month and there inust g popular with the rat: t/ he a reason for it. g party since it elect.io ns which resulted in a " " p >s' judgment of such' citizens as J. C. fraudulently canine to ower, The great Yon will be regnir(,d t0 gird u 1 _ P Liberal victory.11 before the pipe- completely the situation which' cite _ ! ,z' TO alit UuyOi'8 Of Miller of the hotel Clarendon, Davis & business rnen will have their say when the next election comes around. tion the Gut'erwr,(,nt conlmeneed t0 Canadian Government have laced -`ri • - ' 1. BOotS aril �l McCool of the livery; I1. C. Barlett of , you in alt (,rsrlton and B+attlefoncl, to- 1 • , Shoes . the furniture store; Harland Bros., the operate the Bale dt s Chaleurs railway, other tit C all Government n o per- „Asa -s .; ki~ 1' {which runs through the count and g " 1 ! r-, « We /LS�i for lri- i•eliable hardware merchants; James iVGijOr Beck met with an accident though owned Inv it private, coripany, while in care at London but we are was 1 flan A Liberal voter "Fla case of your acceptance, you "` r°°t: is speetion 0f our Fairof the big r011ar flouring nilly; P + lying idle. Great Stock. Ogle Cooper & ()(1., the 11 to -date pleased to teal')) 1htLC he. will be tir'011nd {vits Cal rled t0 vote free of all cost, and and yOUC inch Will be set, free on 341111 P' In time to win West Huron for the when the election Ruts over the Gov- parole of honor to keep the pdaaee. grocery; BHesley rand Co .; J. B. Rom- loyal Conservative party. erninenta.bandoned the road. The bill Arid those who will choose to leave, spall; J. W. It -win; The W. D. Hair _ for operating the railway carne before the, country will Ile furnished with Qu' - Combe; The MolsOns Bank; The enthusiasm and tone of the parliament in the Closings days of the teams and provisions to reach (,1u' - session. It amounted to A elle. e Onward Bic clo Cc ul tan A. J. $18,(100, arid PP /'� A. .f Morrigb; Charles speeches at the thousands 0f Orange was Cheerfullyrndered paid by the Mc- "In case of non-acceptance we Ili- Holloway,A V K O C JACKSON Witt,; Seale & Hoover; John Leslie; demonstrations last Monday indicate Mullens, Campbells aura Caseyn. Lib- tent} to attack you when t0�mgrro{v, J , Deprity-Reeve Cooper; Johnston & that a very large number of people eral victories come high to the. coon- the Lord's day, is over, and to corn - Armour; J. A. King- Ford & Murphy; were deceived in politics daring the try, but the men in power are botind mence without delay is war of exter- �1 John Tedford and others. past year. n he hava the rif it takes the last dollar initiation upon all those who have ...Fine ►.7hoe Dealers 3'• shown themselves hostile to our rights, ' CLINTON. -