HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-07-14, Page 3- t ' ]resent at seven of the nleetin s held 'UufN�uS DIRECTORY _� n�. _ _ _' The fildllop Mutual FireBiliousnessby Itiet. fie ttdtnitted that lie or -1 $6 — _. - - ---.. vanized find wits chairman of a meet- It/�TQ 1�J1 O to which Riel attended wit11 till wen, just � �M,.PId� � L V Li i J , Insurance Company. ti caused er torpid over, ferment prevents d(gua- R L. ` L. � tion, and permits food to ferment and petrify in neat-ly all turned, and that tie told the 4� ' C ILINWON, the stomach. The follow dizziness, headache, men to put the artas in it witgon and cover thein up sit that they would not Meets . Hall Monday of every 9 month. Heli 2na flat, McKay Farm and Isolated Town Pra Proper- I.e seen. He admitted also that tie cot]. -T�-NOUNS- 8� �� block. visiting brethren -[ways ty alloy Insured, p Unued to oodsptu•tici�)ate iu lilt l's lottiugs 450, g� Da-doweloomu. for a consldeI., a illus after Ziel Filo cog lucorporated by Actof Parliament 1856• J, P. SHEPPARD, W. M. P. CANTELON, JR - Sec. THUS. BEACOM, D. M. oFFtoaxs. spoke[] of ,,king up arms." _ George Watt, President, Harloek P. O.; Jamee I It seems that Nolin participated in CAPITAL $2,000,000 Broadf00t,Vlee•Pres., Staftrth P.O.; W. J. Shen, lnsomma, nervousness, and, '$1,400,000 2rtFi >zC.non, Secy. 'Press.Seatorth P. O.1 Michasi Murdia it trot relieved, bilious toter the rebellion of 1870 as well as in 1885,Inspector of losuee, Soaforth P. O, or blood poisoning. Hood's pi ' The Nur'-Wester Says /`tLIN'PON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. m IuIE DIRECTORS, Pills stimulate the stomach, TEAL.I V every Friday, on or -tier the moon. v "He was extirniued as tL witness in� $t3aC1 Qi$Qe• NLON 1 IngbrethrenuorSSahy teor cd James Broadfoot, 8eaforth; Michael Murd)e,Sea- rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con- ' WM. MOLSON, AIAOPHERSON, President. forth; George Dole, Seaturth; oeorge Watt, Hariock gtl )dtlou, etc. 2!i cents. Sold bq all druggists. the trialof Atilln else Lepine for the F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, GeneralManagar. A.J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, Ssc• Thomas E, Ha s,Shatol'tk; Alex Gardlner,Leadbury 1 Y The only Y1lls to tithe with flood's sarsaparilht tuurdel Of '1'huwas Scott, before Chief _ Clinton, Dec. 0, 1898. Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; Jahn McL(an, Rlplen. Justice Wood tit Wii,nipwg oil Octal) r You heal' it In nine out - - -- ---" &GIM s. 21, 1874. fie then testified that he Collections made, Drafts Notes discounted, �� �� T. M. Thomas Noilans, Hmarloek; Robert McMillan, Sea- I reppresented Point de Cht-ne in the re- ; of ten drug' stores. issued, Sterling and American ex forth and James Ouminge,Egmoudvllle, volutionary assembly which elected I It is the reluctant tes- change bought and Sold, --- Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans. Riel ptesident Of lied River, and that e; Kearns Tent yo. 60, Knights of the Maccabees of act other business will be promptly attend- ' Outrage INTaaEaT ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS O� V timony of X10,000 druggists the World, $1,W0,$2,000 and $8,000 Policies. Mem• ed to on Application to any of the above uWcere ad - SAVINGS Voted Co SO gleet him. He also I SAVINGS BANK•. bership over 100,000. Assessment priuoiple-has dreesgdtotheirrespectiveposooibees, admitted +l."W. he wits with Riel in i never exceeded la asaesemonts in a year. Cheapest Forb (airy a fortuight previous to i t --'-t Scott's Emulsion i3 Interest allowed oil SUMS of $1 and up. and safest in existeDee. Moots In Grunge Hull, 0141' Scott's execution." the standard of the world. ton, first and third Friday of every month. NOTICE. Z,aRM�R�- ll This is the wan the Hon. Mr. Sir- And isn't the kind all others try to Money advanced to farmers on their own notes COOK'S FLOUR _ ton has appointed farin instructor to i range up to, the kind for you to buy? • with one or mora endorsors. No mortgage re- quired as security. There being some misunderstanding with re- the Indians, while the rebel Lepine has Two sizes, 50 cts. And $1.00. H. C. BREWER, Manager, FimimD STORE turd to any person let it be distinctly understood 1 -p that it any parson takes be disown of any hood been tllrule itl(tiHri Interpreter. TO t► December, 1896. CLINTON. Im of wreckage and falls to report to me I shall of K�F�RMERS RE l,l ARDING Make r•O(lm fur Creatures of this Statnp ------ -- - - -- -- -- — once take proceedings. Remember this to the jl p PERFECT TEA Clinton, last warning Isbell give. CAPT. WM. IIABB. the Minister has disswissed the fol- lWeeiver,et Wrecks, Goderich lowing officials, who fought in defence Sam G. Ds 1'e'�aggart BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Goderich, Sept.7th1891. _ REBELS. of the honor of their country and the BANKER Small Quantities. lives and homes of Canadian settlers :- OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS 0 !_-_ 'P. J. Willituns, Inclian agent atBat. &LBERT STREET, OLL'VTON, 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal forone BUsbel DUNNYS tieford, fought oil the Canadian side. wi Oats Justus Wilson, lies in , the AGENERAL BANKING BUSIXE'SS Loyalists Dismissed• to Duck Lake volunteers n 1885, since THE 1'h'ANb'ACTE'D, CLINTON'. employed oft Rea I'•hkLnt y reserve. FINEST TEA D. COOK, CITN-� IN THE WORLD TEA' J. C. I doll ken s res c r t f Indians 762•ttBAKINC Provide for Treason on Poll old lllitl{13!'5 reserve, fougnt AL FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP (!fit Knife. Notes Discounted. - - Dra/'t..v ISetle-.,_.-.�_._._ - IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. Interest Allowed on Deposits, PRODUCE EXCHANGE Peer Taylor, fought with the Battle- aMonsoon" Tea is put u b the Indian Tea 658y POWDER ford n rebcrve. ;since: employed oil an P P v Clinton, JmieRth, 1891 LL ��� �' �, , Plotters[ rowers as a sample CE the best qualities of Indian Luliau reserve, E _ leas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the " - THE COOKS BEST FRIEND a Cornet' Store, Albert 5t., C;linton, 1.1. It. Perrin, fought with Boulton's selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they �laA al. scouts, wounded and lost left arut at Put it up themselves and sell it only in the elieice Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, LARG,ES`r' SALE IN CANADA utupin lb., ysecuringitspurityandand eve _ e�,-�--�~ `---� etc. '1'etLs a snecittlty. _ ___ . _____-___ __-__ �- Fish Urt ek ;since given a small otTice, �„t up in 3,16., : Ib. and 5 16. packages, and never DR. Vit , GU N N, Headquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden - y^'� NI r, lilt. JarViS,.Iotlght With the 11l)th II sold in bulk, Soods. We carry, thehirgestStook and tho J. C, STEVENSON, REBEL RIEL'S CO-CONSPIRA- :Lt Fish Creek, shot, to the arm, rill- 1 ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. R. C. P. ,•nd L. R. U. S., Edinbursh. Office- largest variety of Seeds, pp�� pointed to land office in Minnedusa. Ontario streftClinton. Night calla at front door of Furniture Dever, (X(,'. if your gvecer does not keep it, tell him to write to residenee, on V4ttenbury street, opposite Presbyter- All Goods will be sol{) at lowest Prices for C'+Lsh, TORS PLACER ON THE PUBLIC • STEEL, HAYTER & CO. ti + ian church. We pay Cash for Ergs. Any kind of mitt � taken lit exchange for Goods, sante its ash. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND it and 13 Front Streit East. Toront- DR. .Y.URNBULL. HILL & JOYNER. I1G FUNERAL DIRECTOR. SERVICE BY T111E IAURIER The only Perfeet Dyestuff's -- - ---- — 60 YEARS' ,t. L, Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ.: M. D. ; CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P Opposite Town hall, Clinton, Ont PARTY. in the I�orld.. EXPERIENCE. S O t t slow q M., Victoria Uuiv. Df. C. P. 4 n , of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh, Late of 001"c:- 1 1 FORD & MURPHY, - h ape l r ,Lint y c yeltlg las ltrought to perfection by Wells TRADE MARKS, DESIONS, London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals St. Night calls F RD & MURPHY. Frame barn 40xiiO, stone stable 30x50. �tplll be Farm For Sale. —'- oOpYR1OMT8 &o. Or. Doweley's stand, Itatten',ury (Successors ttvJ. W. Langford.) one diarnissing loyal citizens of Ctinada of thecelebratedDiarm)nd Dyes. of celebrated Anyoneaendin,f ee,whetherali invennmay answered at Office. - J -- - •"' '- -- Havingbought out the above business, we intend South half Lot No. 25, lith concession, Godo rich Township, one utile north of Clinton, emn It is odd that while Sir Wilfrid The scientific preparation of dye- 4 Stuffs and putting them 11 in proper , 1 �• P I [ ®R SHAW, iY s to eondnut it on the cash principle, end will Supply p,•ised of 40 acres, more ov icss. The laud is all k 't' 1''n land of •h• f f• l 1 t been s - ' Our customers with the beet meats at the lowest pay- eleamd and in fair state of Cultivation. Nell ug prices, fenced and plenty of cedar on the pro city• Ldui ter was )ORS Ing I. g , hissympathy with the rebels of '37, h ape l r ,Lint y c yeltlg las ltrought to perfection by Wells TRADE MARKS, DESIONS, Oftice-Ontario strcot, n posite F,nglieh by Dr. Appleton. F RD & MURPHY. Frame barn 40xiiO, stone stable 30x50. �tplll be of his ministers, Mr. caifton, WAS (ted who :nd proprietors he oOpYR1OMT8 &o. Church, formorly occupied sold reasonable and on terms to suit purchaser. - For particulars apply at Tiro: Nrws-R}.:coio) one diarnissing loyal citizens of Ctinada of thecelebratedDiarm)nd Dyes. of celebrated Anyoneaendin,f ee,whetherali invennmay �p,(' •/y�� S. Freeborn, 141• Jas. S. ' ' ofllt'C, OI' to J.tNEB H. ('ol.t•Let:(in, Henfrl•n -� LIVD BOGS W�N��D, P. O. __ - � __- from their humble offices in the North- These popular dyes have baIl1S1]eCl from the homes of Canada madder, q oUnbly patenitable.u'rOmmuenieaitlous etr�etly confidential. Oldest agency forwouring patents In America. we have a Wennington office. P. & S. o., &c., &c. N. B. -Will visit Blyth -every Monday, and Bayfield Thursday afternoon during the west and puttin in their laces f01- ' p, p fustic, to wood, cochtueal and all other g Patents taken through Mush & Co- reoclvo L. K. R• 0, P., z., IDI. c Graduate of Iiing'e & Queen's College of Physicians, General Medical W:111te1I. --- 'Alen n. nd onien whocan work hard talking lowers of Louis Riel, who wits hanged tintiquate.d dyestuffs. The work of holne dyeing is now clone and spacial notice in the AMERICAN, Dnblin, Ireland, Licentiate of the GreR.t Rritaiu, Member of College Lt and writingsixhoursdaiIy,forsixdays itweek, at Regina for the rebellion of ISM, Sir quickly by Diamond Dyes; the SCIENTiFIC Counon, rhysiaiala ar.d Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly resi- Lhe Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynm- Righest.l:Iarke�t Price Paid, and will be content ,with ten dollars weekly. Nl:\V IDEAS CO., Brantford. Ont, Wilfrid was a s m Lthizer in that y pt successfully prOCP.s9 is one that would astonish Oul beautiful)y illustrated, largest cirmlat.lo>n of alysssix me 7hern Spweeimen aupiey and 1113Ni1 i dente ;ological),Dubl;n. Special attention to diseases of r Clinton.AddrosR, D. CAN.CEL(� i`T Crebellion, and said at a meeting in grand parenls, UOIf: ON P13T1;aTssentlree, Address ,romenandobildren. ofceandresidence,Rattenbury St.,ngxtdoorto0utario3t. Methodist ) o99-tf. ��, N. WALKER WALKER, Montreal that if lie had been on the II• To -clay millions all over the world use the scieutilic Diamond Dyes in MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, N^ry York. N. W. VVOODSi 1.. lt. C. P.I.• L. M. R. C. P. L; L. NL Rotunda, Dublin; M. A, c• S., England; M. C. P. and S., Ontario. ConsulCations and resideuee at the Q en's Hotel, BayReld. 969-Y l -- -� Dr. Bruce Surgeon Dentist. f rh J. E. BLACKALLo Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector. omee, on Isaac street next New Era oftlee, Rcaidenoc, Albert 4t.; Clinton. B. THOML..INSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- .ege,Toronto. It the —the reliable— UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MAKER 1 SEAFUR'.PH, ONT. Parlor h'urnituro repaired trod recovered• Carpets sewed and laid ; alRo cleaned find re novated at reasonable prices. W -'Orders left at. BROADFOOT & BOX'S store, (Hinton orSoaforth, will be promptly at tended to. Sat.katchewan, where Riel S le he wn broke out, he would have been found with" a musket in his hand fighting Riel's cause, A year afterwards tit UhalHb3 , .'YIr. Laurier, referring to y the part played by Riel ill the North- west, reminded his Audience that they were then standing on classic ground, where his french ancestors had not been afraid to face British bullets, As he is in England taking part. in Nreference to all others. Diamond Dyes commend themselves to all vvho use them, because tiley are the strong - est, brighest and fastest, and the easiest to wort{ with. Dianiond Dyes, like all other perfect and popular preparations, art'. largely imitated in style of package and the way they are put up. These itnita- tions are worthless and adulterated dyes, ruinous to still kinds of goods and dangerous to handle. Great caution is advised when buying dyes for home Ask for the "Diamond" *see - McLeod S pert,v consisting of five and a halt sexes In Clinton, Nur'-Nester says of Lepine :- Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on Barrister Ge„ y the Jubilee, certain things have to use. only OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store Ont. Special attention to pre- most modern and Scientific Principles• Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. System Renovator be Sitio by the chief representative of that the name is on every packet. Clinton, servation of natural teeth. Residence-Rattenbury Street, Weat,clinton lint. Address with stainp Canada, in response to the vast and E. r,AMPION, Q • C, N. B. -Will visit Blyth -every Monday, and Bayfield Thursday afternoon during the by., mortgage. AS I desire to Roll, this Is a chance `feloniously and wickedly cool• seldom met with, Apply personally or by loiter to past', fills gine, invent, devise and Ili theproprtator, tend to lav war against our lady the g —AND OTHER— deep appreciation there felt for the It. is reported that. the San Juan [nine, belonging to 'wealthy Spanish every summer. (� , y Geot Trowhall Tested Remedies. state of things in this country which residents of Mexico, is 'about t0 be ^ ! NOTARY, cgc., For first•claas Hair -Cutting and Shaving. had been created by his predecessors sold to the Rothschilds for one million Dr. Agnew, Horseshoer and General Black- SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE in office, and Mr. Laurier has said few dollars in gold. _ —�• J. EME.RTON, Proprietor. WATTS CO- smith, For Impure,,Wcak and Impoverished Blood, thein well, and m it way which ER, - - SOLICITOR, DENTIST. I Albert Street, North, Clinton. Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpatation of the Heart, Liver complaint, Neuralgia. Loss of other Canadians could have done bet. But to in Canada bit•. Lauviet's Ogle Honest an. Mil 'Please office hours - 9 to 5 JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and Gen- ter. its civil expressions of attachment to Dear Editor. inform your reaclers that if written to confidential - health by the use of Hood's Stir - Woodwork ironed and first class material and eral Debility. the British Empire are qualified by the ly, I will mail, in a sealed letter, par - OMoe-Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrrw's Ste. work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired, LABORATORY, GODERICH ONT. ac0on of his lieutenant tit Oltaw titulars of a genuine, honest, house At Zurich the second Thurs- PUMPS! PII�PS ! J. M. MCLEon, in rewarding rebels of French or- cure, by which I teas permanently re - stored to health And manly vigor, after day of each month, TO THE t`ARMFERS, Prop. and Manufacturer, igin in the North-west to the exclusion bore yewrs of suffering front nervous debit- ' of. of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.60. Big book. he was drunk:- ecrofula sores, eruptions, dyspepsia, Solt) in Clinton by and humiliation of citizens who ity, sexual weakness, night losses And _ a �n _ Study your own interest and go where J. H. cOMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON. it brave and loyal part in maintaining we --Lk shrunken parts. I was robbed swindled h the quacks until I - _ you can get British supremacy there. One of and y l nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank _ M G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Hamilton and Reliable gayness) Property For Sale. p these rebels is 111axime Lepine, who Riel's Council in Heaven, I :int now Well, vigorous and and wish to make this certain . Conveyancer; &c. office -corner In 'its vise and it accomplished Do wonae[ - was it member of strong St. Andrews-sts., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. I manufacture none but the BEST OF STOCK, A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. 1885 and was sentenced to seven years means of cute known to all sit erers. 880•tf Beware of shops that Sell che¢p, ¢a they h¢ve k 1 Ih ; I have nothing to Sell and want no J. SCOTT, got to live sg- Cal) and get prices. Orders by mail promplyattended to In consequence of my age and lac o e p, ave lrn r isonnlent for treason -felony. 1 nen decided to offer for sale my splendid gardening pro• p money, blit being It firm believer in the pert,v consisting of five and a halt sexes In Clinton, Nur'-Nester says of Lepine :- universal brotherhood of rnan, 1 ant Barrister Ge„ y J®�L $ �YY� >L., some of the best land In the county of Huron, lnclud, ,.This is the Maxime Lepine who, Ing hot beds and other necessary requirements, 1) desirous of helping the unforttimte to 1) g f ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLV TIf, ONT Thereto on the premises a frame house with cellars on August 4, 1885, was, with twenty- softand bard water, barn and other outbuildings rive others, tried before Judge Richard- regain their health and happiness, promise you perfect secrecy. Mo7xey to Loan. The Bovileld river adjoins the property. Will sell at a reasonable price for half cash and balance secured son at Regina on the charge that he did Address with stainp - T GO TO THE E. r,AMPION, Q • C, ��ton Sbavin Parlor by., mortgage. AS I desire to Roll, this Is a chance `feloniously and wickedly cool• seldom met with, Apply personally or by loiter to past', fills gine, invent, devise and Ili theproprtator, tend to lav war against our lady the g j�}r• T. 1�i ULFORD, Agent .5'17pp11PC, P, O. Box tin, St. Henri, Qua. JOSEPH ALLANSON, y I force BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR., 894-t t. ralnton Queen within Canada in order by constraint to cow. pelher to change NOTARY, cgc., For first•claas Hair -Cutting and Shaving. -----------.--------- and her ineasures and counsels.' To Benmiller Woolen Mills. he guilty; The Niagara Falls, N. Y., aldermen have notified the Niagara, Falls Street Goderich, - Out. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton that charge pleaded whereupon he wits sentenced to Railway Company that they must office -over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. J. EME.RTON, Proprietor. WATTS CO- As usual lam prepared topnrchaRe Wool at seven years' imprisonment in the the highest market price for cash or will ex- change for my manufactured goods. My stock penitentiary. That he had a fair trial of Stocking Yarns, Horse Blankets, Bed Blan- and that his plait of guilty was not Flannel Tweeds, is now complete and ignorance, is Shown by cense to employ Canadians or give up their franchise. _ _-__-_.-_r-- - '- - M. 0• JOHNSTON, ER, - - SOLICITOR, �v 7 W kets, and the result of gguaranteed mamtfactured of home fleeces and the fact that he had the advantage of doscription. Don't THOUSANDS CELEBRATE BAR$IS� CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS froo Prom Shoddy of any forget I Rhall pay cash for wool at the highest the legal services of Messrs. Maelise, With thankfulness their restoration to COM1111SSI0NER, ETC., Great Nortbwestern Tele a h office p ' mar=ket JF,SS GLEDHILL, Carey, Prendergast, Benson find H. J. health by the use of Hood's Stir - Goderich, - Ont. ,Albert Street, - Clinton. 96f18t Clarke." Of the other rebel, Charles Nolin, sapardla. Think of the vast array who have OMoe-Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrrw's Ste. � WANTED-torta,AgentsPer"Reign Vic- � toric, Her Reign and the sante paper says, in answer to the been cured by this rnedioine- W. BRYDONE., PUMPS! PII�PS ! Diamond Jubilee." Overflowing with latest defence that his conviction was due Men, women and Children, who have BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. It yon want a Orel alase, well•made pomp, one the and richest pictures. Contains the endorsed biography of Her MaleRty, with anthenic His- to an affidavit wrung from him when tory her remarkable reign and full account suffered the consequences of impure blood, who have been the victims of will give you satisfaction, send your order to th do It of. of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.60. Big book. he was drunk:- ecrofula sores, eruptions, dyspepsia, NOTARY P UBLIC, cf e , undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and a the closest priaee. He also handles a Nrst•clas Tremendous demands. Bonanza for agents. "NOliu's identification of the ro Commission 50 per cont. Credit gluon. Freigaht I P to which his came was nervousness, sleeplessness. 6OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - CLINTON. FORCE PUMP. paid. OUTFIT Fitim. Duty paid. Write qquick clamation for o»t•fit and territory. THE DOMINION attached, declaring a war of exterin They have tried other medicines and have failed to obtain relief. They 817 -if JAMES FERGUSON COMPANY, Dept. 7,35(1 Dearborn St., Chicago. ination on Major Crozier and the Gov- tried Hood's Sarsaparilla and it _ Oppoeit Queen's Hotel - High Street Clinton. - - — ernment, was not by means of an be did them Rood. They persevered $I !R ip gtsA Oust t. 809-tt Removal of Night Soil. affidavit secured from him when drunk; so J. Grant McAree's in- In 'its vise and it accomplished Do wonae[ - was Tho undersigned will undertake the removal Reni attempt at a defense on that falls to the The identi- permanent cures. you that they praise it and recommend i1 Grand Trunk Railway• JOHN R I DO UT. mous of Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closets, e $round. on short notice and at reasonable rates. All fication in question was made by ") you ? NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, �, WEAK, OISEASE0 MEN eN Cures Guaranteed or No Pav YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED MEN -You may have been the victim of Self Abuse when young. Later Excesses or exposure to blood diseases may have completed the work. Yon feel the symptoms stealinx over yon. You dread the future results. You know you arenot a man mentally and eoxnally, Why not be oared in time and avoid the sad elrperlence of other wrecks ,of these diseases. Oar NEW METHOD TRE TMEN WIL CUBE YOU AVILI1 Emissions, Variooceia and Syphilis Cured w. H. MILLER W. X. MTLL.a V TT w R Before Treatment AfterTroatmr.•nt "At the age of )til commenced to rc;n A", my ll Itb. latter on as "ONE OF'1'lil-.-, BvUX8" 1 contracted a serious blood di•ete=e -SYPA1Ll6. 1 was weak and m.nwoua denpontlent, pimplee, sunken eyes, b. nen pains, ulcera, hair loose, sore tonl•i:o and r&- M onth draine in urine, varicocele! -I was t.. a wreck. I was in the last stagne when u I friend recommended D,rs. Kenne IT & Kergan, A dozen otherdoctors had Iailod ji curing me, Drs. Rennetly &4{ernaaared me in n few weeks by their Nnw n shniinr dietehae°ed menttoebewar of Medical Fran(iR. They ore reliable honor M and IL kill ul s physicians. CONSULTATION FREE. We treat and care `arico. cele, Syphilis, Emissions. Gleet,'Yitriettrre. Prervoun I).^• blltty,Vnulatnral Diechargea, Sidney and niader D 1 eases. 17 YEARS IN MICHIG 200,000 CURLED r4o care, Pio Pay- Write for Question Blank for IYorne Co swat on Free'` Free• DRAINNEDY & KEROAN r . No. e48 Shelby St• DETROIT, - - MICH. Isaac James of Watford wa•; drown- ed at Port Frank. KELP CLOSE WATCii I LOOK TO IT THAT YOU ARE WELL GUARDED AOA1:46T THAT STEALTHY F,NF,My, KIDNEY DISEASE -SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE IS THF.' ONLY REMEDY WHICH WILL RELIEVE AT ONCE AND CURE, OFFICIAL TIME TABLE. refuse removed out of town. Chaties Nolin in Open court, at Re- --- - - Michael McMullin of Chesley writes CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC. 935t -f ROBT. MENNEL. ilia, on July 20,'1885, when he was For Over Fifty Years Buffalo and Goderich District:- --- -- --^ -"— R Y "I had been troubled with Rravel aocl Wanted. being examined less a Justice Rich - Fire Insurance. Real Estate. Money to lend. Going est, Mixed.....,.•.......... 10t5a M. ardson its a witness at the trial of MRs. WrNeions of SOOTHING Stay ]lea been kidney disease for eight years. At ExpreRe................. 1.03 P. m. Men and Women who can work hard talking Louis Riel for treason. The evidence used by millions of InosturR for their nh and times the pain was so severe 1 Could Cellae -HURON STREET, CLINTON. Mixed ...... ........... 7.05 p, m. and writing six hours daily, for Rix days a week, while tof you . s disturbed a sick h night and not lie to Drys position for any ►en th Express ... ... • .. • • • • • • 10.27 p. m. and will be content with ton dollars weekly. Riven by Nolin on that occasion is on broken of your rust by a nick child aulPorinIg of time. I took South American Kid - Going Faat, Express... 7A0 a. m. Address, NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont. record. In that evidence Nolin admits and cryingwith pain of CuttinKg Tooth send iLt once and f a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Booth- nay Cure accordin}� to directions. 1 2.55 p, m. — that he was instrumental in bringing ilig Syrup' for Children 'teething. It will re- Rot in,tnediate relief. The soreness and Cantelon Bros Mixed .... ............. 4.35 p• m• Filet from Montan;k in 1884 to Agitate lieve the poor tittle sufferer immediately. De- weakness all left. I can testify to the 3 London, Huron and Brune:-- Town Property for ►•dale. the half-breed grievances ; and that soil upon It, mothers, there to no miatnko about n ENliRAI, GROCERS &FRONTS- Going South, Express .........::::.: 7.47 a. m. Riel lived with him for four months �t. It euros Dinrnc�ea rgulntoa the stomach remedy being A wonderful corp. This 4.30 p. m. For Salo, in the town of Clinton, lot No. 319, and bowels, eures Wine Colic, softens the stealthy enemy will not quit ymi by Going North, 10,18 n, m. alttlato on Jatnea street, There iR on the lot a lifter coming to thin country for that G»tnR,reduceaInflammation,andgRlvostAneand using pill doses. It must he it kidney ION MERCHANTS. urpuse. HB swore that be was Riel's enc v to the whole a stem. iVIrR. Wlnaiow'at 0.85 p . m. one storey frame house contslninga largo front P speelf{C- a liquid that, Will dissolve all M. C. DroxaoN,l room, two bedrooms and kitchen, also cellar, confidant in his efforts to extort $100,- SaL°nt to lila tyitato�and i i the n teething Iotpono the hard snbstanc2s and rarry thenr Grock&ry, Glass ik Chinaware nIR. Paas. Agent, The house N in a good state of repair and iR poo from the Government. He swore' of the oldest and best female physicians end off through Ilatnre's chnalnel. South Toronto. newly aided and palntod. Tlloro a excellent also, that he assisted Riel in his agita- nurseR In the United States. Price twetlty-five CLINTON,ONT.ard water. Tho land iR won adapted [or American does this. Ft. is ti liquid and i►h1�ER'1` ST., W. E, DAVIS,DAvrsG.P. & T. A. gardening purposes. Price reasonable. Apply tion, that he, together with Maxima eentx a bott.lo. Sohl by all dn7ggiatA through Highest Cash Pries for Rutter ;and Eggs Montreal. �, the owner on the premisos. Lepine, attended conferences with out the world." Be sore and ask for "MRs. never fails to corp . --bold by Watts A. O. PATTISON, G. T. R. 4t MRS, HUDIE. I Riel and Dutnont, and that he W&S) WINSIAW'S900TIllNGSYRUP I and Co. I&Iy Town. re a