The Huron News-Record, 1897-07-07, Page 6■ _.
Stanley. •�. clinto sewing�nac�irie �tareroor�s.Stationary,ri�rck H�adach� SCHOOL RhPORT.3 TS�aD►1lofang �e
the report of No. Y _-1.o
Permanently Cured
mouth of Juno, The names are in
order of merit:—bah class, Jonathon I have made arrangements with the NI.W HO1v1L SEWING D7pA(:HLNE
"I was troubled, a long time, with
Peck; Sr. 4th Claes, Eva Reid Oliver eJr e4th arctic e unsurpassed foPANY to handler durability heir snes and am and the quality prepared work. They w'ill k,ellic an
sick headache. It was usually ac- Albina Richardson, on trial free; we compete with all machines on the market. I also'have other Office SU I1 5
tried with severe pains in the class, Laura Riehardeoi Lantey Reid, grades at les money. Needles and parts supplied for all makes of machtylle
. P '
temples and sickness at the stool- Ida Reid; 3rd class, Edith Rathwell, WASHING MACHINES.—I lam agent for the celebrated Authony o �'��'�✓���� �1 �� vr��rw�
soh. I, tried a good many remedies Willie Clark, We.ley Peck; Sr. 2nd Washer, the largest utanufacturers of Washers in the world. The machine
recommended for class, George Reid, Lily Peck, Percy cannot be beat in arty respact. I still handle the Improved Ideal and Manitoba
this complaint, but Tippet; Jr. 2ud class, Maggie Clark, Washers. Also Clothes Wringers, the best in the market,
it was not until I be. Sam Bates; pt, 2nd, Clara Richard -
M. MOORS Job Printin
gan taking son, Rathwell, Lundy Mc- W �1 ,*
llveen; Jr. pt. 2nd, Lott►e Peck: pt,
AYERY S 1, Allie Peck, Ethel Parke, The Old Stand, Huron Street, Clinton.
Pills that I received �_—
anything like perma-
nent benefit. A sill- PRACTICE ECONOMY Dr. At_new's ointulent Cares 011e1rs Omnibus Line, The News -Record
gle box of these pills did tll@ Work In buying medicine as in other mat- Salt Rheum, Eczema, Tetter, Barber's Gdlh Ont.
for me, and I am now a well man." cera. It is economy to get Hood's Itch like diseases and crop.
C. H. HUTCHINGS, East Auburn, Me. Sarsaparilla because there is more Oerc
and all , ives relict in a day, Its
medicinal value in Hood's Sarsaparilla tions. It gwhen in Goderieh do not neglect to securo
For the rapid cure of Constipa- m
bottle of
cures are legion ; its failures are few. Miller's Omnibus to all part, of the town, our Calls special attention
tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nan- than in any other. Every Years of tee ing, and grows daily in livery isweil equipped with reliabehorses and
Hood's Sarsaparilla contains 100 favor of suffering huwanit flood good riga, and ,Aces will always be found rea- to our Stationery and
sea, and all disorders of Stomach,
sonablo. Stabl'os on bast• Street, near the
Liver, and Bowels, take domes and will average, taken accord- for Baby's Skin, good for young, mid Square --telephone No. 51. Office Supplies and
ing to directions, to last a month, dle-aged or old folks, 35 cents,—Sold JONATHAN MILLER,
while others last but a fortnight. Goderieh. Job Printing Depart -
ill by Watts Ser Co.
HOOD'S PILLS are the only p --._ �._ _ _ f (-till pay ten dollars weekly to ment. rj
t0 take with IIOOd'e Sarsaparilla. I WANTED, yLta(tyOfnlatUl'CLLgC,rettuc,ueut
e EffS Easy and yet efficient, PoUltr
i and tact to spend her time in a good ea. ,Cathartic Pills A boc��. Toronto, ah,t• We are unsurpassed....
Medal and Diploma at world's Fair. The Ministers Retreat•FOR SALE.
Frm othe Poultry heoper• By any tOWIl Or city In the Goods we handle or the
Asir your druggist for Aler's Samaiwleillo, v BLACK'S Ho,r1SL, DUNGANNON. Proper -
Sir Oliver Mowat appealoc, to the CUT Tats OUT aNu PASTE u_.
-- i'-- -� Senate on Tuesday not to proceed with tv, b'ugood c and Liueneo. In good repair. prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the
If oil wish to remember some things, 1)o;ng goat busine,s. i'o„e,sion at Coco.
The Duron News -Record ' the Drummond County railway invea• y -kpply to MRH• SARAH BLACK, Dungaumou.
hers are a taw rules fol• you, tinder tt,a tto8_It duality of both is always guaranteed. A perusal of
ligation this session, and promised that decimal system. Though not exactly
1,26 ayoar—$1.00 in Advance if the inquity were postponed no ac this announcement may sig 'est something you may be
-._��. ---- tion looking to the acquisition of the correct, they aro about what should be
• – _—____.-- the acme ; Dress Cutting School. in need of, and in such case we solicit your patronage,
WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 184Y7. ~ line would be cancan. feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet
Cr1i •s' Hotel, Goderieh. A new tailor system,
The statement of Sir Oliver is alto I len hens in a house lOxlO feet aro rblc (-hoot of ares (-clung 1, open act o
the lending system of the world. Covers the `�'itll the approval Of OUl patrons.
The Blyth Conspiracy Case. gather at variance with the bombastic enough, entire rank of work. Cuts every style of gar -
declarations Gf l�tr. lat•ael Tarte that I The yard should be at least tell meat on t o goods, no refitting, no patterns,
At Goderieh orPFridav and Saturday the railway sht111 be bought from his costs no uanao than a chart. Lessons given at
g titres as large as the floor of the house. your own hmuc wit lnont.extra charge. epeeist
last P. M. Sell held stn exatnination friends some what may. Teo weelle from shell to market ie castes to Drc , nnnkcrs and girls Tran the (-Curr
at0 the Charge Of conspiracy t0 de_ try. The (.:ala•iuh ladies should not miss this
fraud creditors, against furs. Melissa Accepting Sir Oliver's plodgeas cin the time alloted a Chick. j,�y�;�I,;,fp'ork. Opeudalb-foroeet themselves in lncmtis mthtttnt Letter Heads Circulars
Jessop, Henry Jessop, her husband, care, the Government has effected a Ten cents per pound is about the .►true t4. �ti0'It In this line we have a very fire We excel in atll the different kinds
and Mrs. Mcllroy, mother of Mrs, retreat. __ _ stock of writing :a els suitable for
Jessop. Mr. Shaw of Sinclair & Shaw, average puce of bene in market for the — ever class of business represented of work we tarn out, and partici
Toronto, acted for the private prosecu- We believe the Government was whole year. STAR �19fJTAU��11T1 Y p lady in this, and keep in .stock
in this locality, also for private use, plain and fancy papers suitable for
tor, and Mr. E. N. Lewis watched the. glad of any pretext to escape an invea Ten cents shouts feed a chick ten all requit;ements.
case on behalf of the crown, while Mr. tigntion• weeks, ands should than weigh two } nt Note Heads
W. Proudfoot conducted the defense. It dare not permit the affair to be HUJOn Street, Clinton. l Programs
A large number of witnesses were ex- pounds, if highly fed, tits ten cents This useful size is kept in stock,
ermined, Detective Heffernan, who had probed, covering the greatest abundance of the qualities being in several
worked a the case, being the chief lades• of entertainments and meetings
p food. •O�aO�Y�oosto �"• promptly turned out, from the
witness. From the evidence it appear- Whatever may be done in the fu IeD months i❑ clic year is usually We are wide open for the hot wenth_ Memo. Heads plain and resat to the most elegant.
ed that Mrs. Jessop composed the firm tura it is clear that the Senate has
of Jessop & Co., general stare, Blyth, checked for the moment rho biggest the highest limit of time dutino which ev season, and are afteryouvpatronage. These.fillanimpoitantplacein co
November last made an assign y a hen will lay,inercial correspondence. pondence. See what Cards and Tickets
raid upon the treasury ever, concern FR ISCREAM, COOL DRINKS, I
merit to Chas. Hamilton, who in his FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, we have got. These cover a large range of work,
evidence said he foird about $1,100 plated, Ten hens with one ruale in about the CIGARS and TOBACCO. Bill Heads front a bread and milk ticket to
worth of stock, $20 book debts and - proper proportion. EVERYTHING IN SEASON. anent calling card, frotu an or
$11.65 in caFh, At the first meeting of •— � If the "pay-as-you•go" plait was Binary admission ticket to to tasty
creditors, Richard Tew of Toronto, Dying Han Grasps at a Straw. Ten quarts of corn, or its cquiyal Our parlor is cheery and Lunches
at,1comfortable. the order of the day the demand business card or a bandsomely
Lunches at, all hours.
was substituted as assignee, and he ent, should feed a hen tell 'weeks, if for account paper would not be printed membership ticket.
filed a Statement shoving liabilities "Dr, Arynew's Cure for the Heart aha ie �f a large breed, but ten quarts CHAS. WITTS. Huron St,, Clinton. wl great; slutnthe e vcre some
$4331, assets $1175. At a meeting of c in three months is about a fairer pro- tf g y Memoriam Folders
the creditors Mrs. Jessop said her has done so much for me that I feel I — _ f _ they wonder if the stock will ever
capitala creditors
was $800, and two statements owe it to suffering humanity to give portion. run out. We don't intend it to, In this line THE NEws-RECORD
from the firm to wholesale houses, one testimony. For years I had smothering Teo pounds is a cod weight for ��T �Tr�n Agentsfor "Queen Vic. and at present our- stock is corn- can supply every design, quality
of which was produced by a represen- , cranes of the lar er breeds cue ear WANTED -1 ED toric, Her Itc,gn and plete in this line. Good paper and and price on the market.
spell, pains in m left aide and swell- neat ruling.
tative of John Macdonald & Co., were P Y 8 ' Y Diamond Jubileer Overflowing with latest
ed ankles. When I took the first dose old. and richest -pictures. Conf2•Lins the endorsed Posters
to the effect that there was no biography of Her Maicsty, with authentic His Statements '
borrowed money in the business, of Dr. Agnew's heart Cure, my friends Ten eggs is the average number to tory of her remarkable reign, and full account Our facilities for turning o this
rwr any owing. One of these ought i was dying, it gave me al each pound. oftheDiannondJubilec, onlyst•511, Bigbook. Our stock is large. They come class of work are evidenced h� the,
Tremendous demand. Bonanza for agents' cheaper than bill heads, and are
statements claimed a, surplus of most instant relief, and six bottles Con,iuissio n50pereeu. Creditgiven. Freight fact that we always do go ork
$1,000. Delivery of quantities of goods „ Ten flocks, each consisting of ten paint OUTFIT t nFrr . Duty paid. Write unck the proper thing to send after a and give superior, satisfact- n in
tnthe firm was proven, and from wit_ entirely cured me,—1VIrs, F. I' hens, are enough for an acre. Por uutNt and tar;nn>. T}IE Dot4igloN delinquent. once a rnonth. They all rspec` .p r
messes ft was sought n be shown that Lumsden, Scranton, Pa,—Sold by COMPANY, Dept. t, X-56 Dearborn St., Chieag°• are sure to fetch him 'round—
g 1� alae e Co. Ten chicks when just hatched, sometime. Dodgers
in anticipation of an assignment car- r
twin persons in the village had got t - - _ weigh about one pound.
goods from the store to save their _•• Ton hens should ley about ],060 of layers in the world cannot compeu Envelopes are greatly in demand. Our Pacili-
claims. This, however, was not estab- Port Albert Court lyase• eggs during the year. This allows for sate for such a loss during any portion We inakea specialty of Envelopes. ties are superior for this class le
lished. But Thos. Ballantyne, a wea- some laying more than 100 eggs each, c,f the year. Vou know it would be hard to work and the very reasonable
ver, swore that, having a job of weav- Some time cryo It. J. H. Delong, the get along without envelopes, and prices keep our presses luny.
ing carpet for Mrs. Mcllroy, she had while others may not lay so many. to keep up with the demand for
told him before the work was done, to well known hotel man of Port Albert, KHAT THE rOULTRY NIANURE IS WORTH, there we keep a large. stock on Sale Bills
get goods from the store for his pay, as got the loan of a horse and rig from R'IiAT BREED IS DEBT { r .e flock there is hand. Plain or Printed we are `VTe malfe a specialty of them•
the Jessope were likely to fail. his friend and chum Harry Oiway, `� leu there is a tang oliering some great snaps. One promptness being our aim in this
Detective Heffernan testified to and started in to Clinton to pay his 1n selecting a. breed the majoity are a great amount of manure made by the line in particular is going off fast— respect. A notice of sale will ap-
t; license fee for 1597 98 "Dick" didn't •• S0 for 5c. pear in THE NEws-RECORD free of
finding ]urge quantities of Dods in the , wore disposed to ask, ,Which breed of hens, and the saving of the manure
rrriginalpackages and wrappings atthe return, and failing to turn up for a bene produces the beet layeie4" Such means something, more than simply Commerical Printing charge when. bills for same are
house of Mrs. Mcllroy and that of the Y g poultry The A vast amount of work under this secured here.
Jessops, and that they told conflicting while it was thought he had gone to an inquiry is a ver natural one and I uleauiL out the poultr house.
stories as n how these goods got there. visit come friends. Ile was finally should never be omitted, but more droppings should be preserved, or one- head to enumerate would more All Kinds of Work
e Oc-
These goods were produced at the. located at Cedarville, Mich., having important is the inquiry, "Which f hall of their value well be loot before than�d by thithe
h ]v t, but re wecdo it in the tvpograFh cal printing line
court and occupied a considerable part had the outfit shipped to the Sault, and brood is the hardiest and least liable to I the fact becomes known. Manure all at THP: NEws-RFCORD, can be none in this establislunent
of the town council chamber,where the through the sunny ways of Thomas disease 4" Tie most disagreeable work from some hens is worth more than in an expeditious.• and artistic
enquiry was held. Gundry, Dick came back to Goderieh, in poultry management is that of doe that front others. The droppings from Invitations manner and
On Saturday the prosecution asked toting sick hens. If any particular the old fowls is more valuable than to an "At Horne" or a wedding Our prices Will be
for a remand to allow of bringing re- and on Monday appeared before P. M.
presentatives of the wholesale houses Seagar on a charge of hose stealing. breed largely excelled all others in those from immature ones, because the tion sometimes, abuttweemilk(- it found ver reason -
to prove and identify the goods, and The crown not being ready to proceed laying the removal of a few of them to latter are growing, and do not void an easy matter by keeping in stock y
then an argument took place ars to an adjournment was granted till next the hospital yard will reduce the aver manure containing ns much nitrogen the Very latest and feat samples to able.
whether acase of conspiracy to defraud Monde The prisoner denies any in- age*number of eggs. It is not intended and mineral matter as the old fowls. be had. Call :and see.
could be made out, anon the court seem- y' y to here imply that the best breeds of The hen that is producing eggs does
ed to incline to the opinion that so far t tier of stealing, and says he will egg producers are not hardy, or that not give manure as valuable as the
as Mrs. Mellro was concerned con- fight the charge, and is confident that e
spiracy was not proven. The prosecu- when the facts are known he will be good laying hens must necessarily be non -producing hen, as the laying hen
tion intimated that they might possibly ac uitted sed "Richard will be him sick a portion .,of rho time, but it is an is compelled to appropriate a larger
substitute a charge of obtaining gods q ,
by false pretences, and the case was self again ?' impottaut matter that haidinoss be the proportion of the fertilizing elements If you want
then adjourned until to -day (Friday), first consideration. to the purpose of producing eggs.
---Star, ----------- { The term ',hardiness" is one that Then, again, the quality of manure de-
�ende upon the kind of food given. �IQ�,7�^nln Payers and
TO OONSUMPTIViES. must be considered from certain stand. The hong that are given bone, meat, j
points. No breed is hardy in all sec milk and clever will give manure that �J
An Ontario Lady Had Her The undorsigncd, having been restated to tialna Of the country. There are breeds Envelopes 1
health by simple means, after suffering for that will not thrive ere well in warts is more valuable than that produced
. several years with a severe lung affection, frons corn or wheat, To arrive at awe
Hands Poisoned, and that dread disease Con,ra,aptio?" is For correspondence we can give you up-to-date goods.
anxions to make known to his fellow climates as others, end also prove better correct knowledge of the value of a lot 1�
sufferers the means of cure. To those adapted to a cold region. hardiness of manure is difficult owing to the con f
who desire it, he will cheerfully send g also carry full limas of 1
(free of charge) a copy of the prescrip- is simply adaptability to climate, ditians above named, while manure
tion used, which they will fled a sure lure Por whether cold or warm, and a bird that it decrease in Value from 2b and 50 �eys Lr' Pencils,
Ladies abould remember that Dia— Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh Bronchitic ns
and all throat and Lung Maladies. He hopes is hardy should be thrifty and produc per cent. in twenty-four hours, accord
mond Dyes are the only pure, true -and
all sufferers will try his remedy, ua it n invnc in to the weather, its temperature
able. Those desiring the precription, which five, free from disease and capable of P Tablets,
unadulterated dyes in the world. The will cost them nothing, and may prove a Bless- enduring any of the diseases peculiar g scribblers,A7
will please address. and the manner h its preservation.
imitation dyes sold under various lug, to the climate in which it exisfe, In
names have bulk enough, but three- Rev.EDWARD A. WiLSON, Brooklyn, Now New York and New England, where In the winter, when the ground isai
tourthe of the contents is composed of Y ork. the winters are not as mild as in the frozen a Bail r csora in of aha yards Inks,
will add a large amount of manure to Erasers,
cheap and worthless ingredients most -- South a•bird to be tardy should be
dangerous to use and handle. A clue to the petty roberies that well feathered, poeaeeaiag a eufficieney the heap, as the residuum of the food • .
according have been taking place to the village to also valuable. If it is labori�os to �� eye
Diamond Dyes, prepared of Lucknow lately, was found on Mort- of downy underfeathering or fluff, as it do so the labor will be amply compen- writing p j, �
to scientific principles, are always the day last when constable Shoehottom is called, have a small comb, and be sated for in the gain of menace saved.
same in color and strength ; these great discovered two twenty-five pound kegs willing to endure confinement a per- Noone who here not tried to learn how Q,,, Q�
advantages the women of Canada fully of powder, several parrs of shoes, tion of the time during severe stormy moth more can be saved from a flock &ce, &cr.
a reticle, knives, and other articles, hidden away
PP under the old planing mill on Clyde weather. Such a breed will be in of hens can form an estimate of the
better condition for lazing than some
An Ontario lady writing about Dip• street. amount until be here gone to the trou-
mond Dyes says :— -- breed with a higher record for egg pro -
mond to accumulate every ounce to be
"Your Diamond Dyes are the best 1 duction but whish in unable to aom-
Y Fruit culture is more profitable to et6 with the other in hardiness ao had from all thraroes. The mein In thanking Our many patrons far the "
have over used ; they are quite barm- the farmers now than his other crops. P Dints is to save the ammonia. When g
lees to work with and never irritate the Brown Bros. Co., the most extensive cording to the requirements of a cold he droppings are fresh and damp is
nurser house in Canada, have a vacan- section. The Brahmse, Cochine, Y- the time to colloot them, hellos it very liberal support accorded us nil
satin. I had occasion to use a package ty thiFi section. Write them at mouth Rocks and Wyandottes will lay
of common, cheap dye that was sold Brown's Nurseries, Ont., for their should be done early in the morning the past, a continuation of the same4
me as being equal to the `biamond' more eggs in winter i t the North but the yards should be scraped at
corms. than will such breeds ere the hard liberal support is solicited.
but it proved a source of great trouble, — - - __ feathered Games or active Hamburge, night. Mix one pock of plaster with pp
After using it a severe rash appeared Gu Wednesda afternoon of last a bushel of the droppings, and if you
on m hands, showingit contained y though the latter will largely excel have dr dirt add a bushel of it.
week an aged couple by the name of them in a warmer climate. Y
poieo one matter." Lane, who were on their way to visit
friends in Lucknow, met with a serious The absence of disease in a flock is
The Loral amount of railway eubbi accident. They barely escaped being a lessening of labor, and more ellen•
tiles voted this session by the Domin• caught on the track by the train. Just tion should be given this matter. To a R000fa
won Parliament is $4,336,687, of which after crossing the track the horse took avoid disease much depends on the t Y,
fr.tgqht and ran away, upsetting the rigNows TAB
$2,172,560 consists of revotes. and throwing the old couple into couetitutional vigor of each fowl. o
• serious illness Hoods Sarse ditch. Mr. Lane had his face badly cut there are ten hens in the flock and two ~•,�
After aeric P ,led had a couple of ribs broken ; Mrs. of them are sick, there will be but CLINTON
aa•ilia has wonderful building up lane had no bones broken but she was eight of the ten on duty, or a lona of pares* and Best for
Dairy v•+-+
Mower. It purifies the blood and to- r badly shaken up and it is feared she it; ei oto per sten and the boat breed pig a4 tteratton. Never cakes.
morel perfect holtlth. seriously hurt internally.