HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-07-07, Page 4--, . .
()HURWERY. The semi -anodal ejection of officers `
Chairman 'Taylor verbally reported was held In North St. Il L. of U.%. and I Are you thiniri.�
the ceulotet'y much improved. resulted Its follows : President, Wall.
PROPERTY REPORT. ter Pridbum ; vice-president, ]Miss 1. Of getting a
b ])spots -Reeve Couper reported that
H. s}larulan ; convener of prayer.
I side closet had been converted into meeting committee, bliss Thompson; �����
iee -
coal bio. of rxlissioneryr, MISS Lizzie Acheson; of .
literary, H. ',Turner; of social, Miss Induced bythe use ofcoca, oplaCaornow-
I 'That inside closet had been changed 5. Harris; rec-sec., M. Howell; cur. -sec., coifs compounds is bad, decidedly bad. 1�re have always s large aasot4-
d to the dry etU-th systeul• Miss B. Farrow; tress., H. Sltlkeld;
. And recommended that Chief chorister. Miss L. Whitney ; pianist, They undermine health and shatter the nsent to choose from in Gold,
,• Wheatley he granted $25 for a suitable Miss. L. Farrow. constitution and the patient Is steadily Gold filled, Giver and Silveroid
new uniform. INVITED TO LONDON. --The growing into a worse condition -often Case", al"O o largo stock of
Qutat tPi ly resulting in the terrible slavery and
t Mr. P[ulurner Objected to the grant Official Bowel of the Welleugtou st litovenleuts is Ladies' and
of $25, as tills contingency was pre- Methodist ozhtareh, London, has extend- misery of the cocaine and opium habit. Gents' sizes, Call and examine
e viously included fn srilary, a unaruittud) invitation to the Rev, sleep induced by the use of Hood's sarea-
I 'Tire report, however, was adopted JOsep11 Nage, pastor of North et, parilla does not perhaps come as quickly, our Gouda. No trouble to show
Alethodistchurc•h, Goderich, to becoule but it comes more surely and more per- t•)eu). YOU will have a good
as read. their pastor tit the end of this confer- manentl through nature's great restor- variety to choose from as we
FIterGilS, y g g are constantly buying new
cues year. Rev. Mr. Edge has accept- ing and rejuvenating channel -purified, Fiery Minister Gilroy, who uautit y ed -the call, subject to the action of the vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds goods,
n is very particubu to ancertitiri that stationing cot1111ettec.
- every cent is vouched for, reported in the nerve" with life-giving energy and SPECIAL ATTENTION 19 oven t0
favor of streets, work, salaries and pIr'i; TIME it wnri STOPPEu.'-Fur the builds a the e s g
lumber, 130.51 ; tat few years our yuun4; people halve p y tem and constitution \VA1't:H RL+ PA `
[ $ park, work and lura• Fast
in the habit of Saluting wedding from the very foundation of alt health )11IN(x either
her, $33,80; property, cleaning closets, parties with tin burns tint[ other inhar- and life -the blood -pure, rich, red blood. in English, American or Swiss.
$3; street watering, $50; incidental, monimas instruments, utuch to their C►ur watehniaker is thoroughly
e teams and y, $2tbles, 22nd Jure, own tun usement, 1113pdreutly,, though acquainted with all rr
e $10.:>f); charity, $L; ceuretut•y salal-y• to the newly wed(led it must be s "the
$30; lire and water, $4; printing, $1.50, great nuisance, newedded being a gross d s ,makes he has all the latest
Receipts --station stock scales, $L�0.30;improved tools to work with
nnn•ket settles and Infill rent, $'30.25; insult. It is tittle such conduct wits
stoppped, for besides being ungentle and is Wore to give satisfaction.
cemetery lot and work, $15.15. The "titrlly, ft keeps many wedding parties Sarsaparilla A call "elicited.
report was atdopted. flow visiting Goderich, and thus in-
TH:'TREASURFR'S REPORT jur•es the town in a pecuniary sense, is the One True Blood Puritler.All druggists.11. ` ��'�'�•��
Ywhich was adopted, showed receipts A (k:LRI)ISN PARTY, --St. Uecrge's ourellverilla,eas ---.. to tie, '
and balance of $12,7.20.21 (inc•bnding tilt: Guild will give a garden parby the Hood's pi emytooperate. 2ricents, i Estate
$10,000 Stavel•y nloneY,) and pay- kind pernlissiou of Mr. fund M.S.M R. W. ,
t nlents of $1,539.08, leaving a balance un Logan, on the lawn Of Mrs. R. H. - YY1 1f yam]
hand of $11,181.1:i. .liiburii. Biddlecom IV V
Sitlith'c hate residence, Colborne St.
NEW ButjtNECiii. The lawn will be liglttecl by Chinese CONCERT. -Our Orange brass band •
By request the name of Mr. Geo. 1). lanterns, the new town han3 will play Intends giving a concert on the
McTaggart was removed front the choice selections, till(] refreshments Of twelfth Of July evening in the Orange CLINTON.
Stavely Coralrrlitteo ;and that of W. J. all kinds will be obtainable. Tea will hall, for the purpose of buying smile
Paisley substituted, he served on tit(' lawn and in the Shade new instruments. We would like -- .-_--- o
d Air. Swallow wanted to know what front 5 to 7 p. Ill., and will likely he every hody to come as the band attend;
t had been dune in the Stavel matter. largely patronized. Tickets admitting picnics and weddings kind is ve►y 1 ���
Y to the grounds 10 cents, tickets for test obliging, so it will he It benefit to our
M"vOr Holmes explained the ground 15 cents. village. Give the Orange brass hand
had been located on the Msrket,Square, CiRMLAR OrrY BwElos,-The stand- a lift by coming to the concert. c� 1�•
hilt that there wits a division of o in- Packages.
opill- will soon he finiblied.-The dwell- THF GLORIOUS TtwELI•,-rii.—Great .
fon as to,locls,606, which Itlearrt d`11ty frig owned by waterworks engineer preparations fire being made for the
r in consequence. However, the Coln- Smith caught fire early on Saturday glorious twelfth of July which is fast I❑ taking stuck the found we had
rnettee were only waiting for figtn'c•s ou morning, and was not put out until the itpproaching. We. fare going to have'a e
Y what were considered other' desirable roof was burned off. -A, B, Davison & number one good tittle. C,ou)e right 1,644 packages of Turkish Dye,
Co. h;tve just received an itinuense sup- kdong; don't be afraid its the Cott) supply ever color. Ws offer these at Reeve Kennedy wanted to know the ply of hinder twine.--Reid's window Your wants. Mr. Joseph Lawson is Y
cost for it tote of the )eu,,)le on the was prettily dressFd oil Dominion Day. n'eparing dinner for five huscIlaed find 3 packacea for 25c.
1 questiep'of q site, find tie Mayov re- -The steamer Uarmona was in port un lis table will be supplied with the best
4 plied from $(i) to $"r5, the .ante as it Friday. --Ogilvie's elevator is getting a of viands. He will also find stabling �y •
tlnu iclpal election, land further declax- new le},r- --A new stand pipe is hPu • I roon) for forty term of horses tend vol) I Diamond Di)G
J f
ed thin nothing c•unid he gi+toed by dos- erecte(1 sit filo cenurtPry -� The town will find hill, the right loran in 'the � 3 Packages for 35c.
3 cussing ,lie matter ,just now. council (lid not meet on Friday even- right place. The welilbers of the I 6
v GRANOLITHIc WALKS ing.---four correspondent sends his Methodistchurchatre ettingditinerup, .
were introduced h ,Mr. Gilroy best wishes to [Jude Josh. --There was too, so don't be afrair� but coots' along ! Magnetic Dye
y y rand Holy Coulltlunion at St. Oleol.g(.,s ort and help to celebrate the glut ious
discussed by seteral kern when
hilt Sunday. -Frank Denderson left las; Battle of the Boyne, which every one ' 6 packages for 25c. We are out '
there was no actirn taken when till) ought to be laud of. g
Council adjourned. Week for Clinton to become an cut- g P of some of the colors in thia Dye
-� - �-_ - } 1OYee at the Organ Factory. -Sturdy NOTES. -The carpenters have start- y
r•os. have cakes of soap that weigh ed the fra ine work of Mrs. Hunking's 1 but in order to clear out our stock
Otir Defenders In Canll). barely two ounces, find others that new house. -Going for a morning ! we vtl'e till" l0c package for 5c
3 �— turn the beam at 10'7 pounds. -Guests stroll one day last week I saw, at very '
SUbih INTHRFSTINO NOTES FROM LON- are arriving at the Point Far•Ill.—The laughable Sight, is young Cnan trying I Each package will dye 2 pounds
DON, SPB'C[ALLY RFP,ORTi:1) Folt tug Sea Gull brought clown her crew t0 hoe, and weed his garden holding I Of `ir001 Of (Orton.
THE NEWS -RECORD from the fishing islands to loin in Do- an umbrella over his head. -As two of
million Day sports,-Pinitfo.re was not our most respectable yaung ladies
The :;3rd is the .jargest battalion in played on the evening of Dominion were passing around the north east o�
4 eatnp and the physique of the fuel) is Day. -The schooner Todnrien sailed corner of our village they were pitched
aidwtred by all the: citizens• north on Friday. -On r
3 Yys h Sunday hundreds thou by tL - Now lady fend a battle was Jas.
H Combe)All the c•otupaulies but twoarealmost Of inert rind boys }rind in dip in either the result. Now Alrss, yet wast to belam(full strength. river or bike. -Anglers still snake good a little more quiet in future or you H.
The :33rd went to the butt's on Satur- strings. -Mr, Percy Sheppard returned will find yourself in a reformatory till- f
dry and made the hest shooting that to Toronto on Monday rafter a three. till you le•arn better behabiour.-Mr. J.
Y (:hemist and Druggist.
!)las hien tnttde this year, Many utak_ weeks' visit at the parental residence. Kuntz will bnpply all with lager beer
ing 17 Out of a possible 20 at enell -Mrs Egrener has returned from a next Monday and a rattling good Ger- I° �y�
round. visit to fiends tit I-launilton.-Miss rnan table likewise. --------
The aril Prs mess is managed b . Franks of the public school staff left - __ __._- Nile.
g y. this weal: for her home, Alnple, to Exeter.
Tom Gundry and is better than troy' spend the holidays, -Mrs. Parkhill of SEVERE ACCII)F.NT.-On Tuesd y
former year. r j evening ft
loronto is visiting at the residence: of BRIEFS. -James Lang of Manitoba, , g t the raising of at nen• bar '
s )'
Many c f flu• ('lint.On boys seernPd Alra'or Beck, Sfittfurd.--Miss A. Winni- who Hits Illicit visiting around l+.xcter for Mr. Geo. Glenn, Thos. Geo. Shep-
i surprised when ,I,he Rist wield cause frede Ball of the Crediton public school for sonic Uwe, sailed for the old conn: pard had a very natr•row escitpe• fron
round and fount] no dislIPs to eat out is fit the parental, residence for the try last week where he will remain I instant death. While he and other
of, no butter for the bread, etc., but holidays, --Sturdy Bros. have sold until next winter, wind look after tilt+ were raising it to -foot pm oin splic .
eve long they enjoyed the rations fill- f wagon loads of strawberries so far this -apple business there for his son, It. N., plate with ropes and blocks the rope
menseli season. -The school boar(] met•on Al on- of Exeter. --The wedding (if Miss Eliza- slipped front one end. The timber fell
Lt. MOTaggart, of No. 4 Co., •arrived silty evening.-Goderich last week had beth Carley of Exeter, filial Williasl at one end and struck him on the side 1.
fn camp Saturday evening for the pill-- air addition to its civic body, the May- Koeugh of Lon,lon was Solemnized at of the hend and pinned his body dovti.
pose o1• taking fi course art the School of Dress }raving given birth to a daughter. the residence of 'Thomas Cbtrke, An- 11 When the timber w;ts removed the un -
Infantry here. - -Thursday, Friday, 5at.au•claiy, Snudany drew-st., of NVednesday morning fit fortunate young nrlt,l wasunconscioni.
were admittedly warm da.ys.--Blessrs. 8 o'Oock. The newly -wedded couple I lie was rell-ved to his home. Two
the first time the vwennareceived thein. 1'sisley, Kennedy wind Cooper of (!tin- left on the early morning train for I doctors --ease .Incl McRao--tvP.e soon
Wills the exccpkeon of Lha ulagazinl• Ion enj)yed theulselves at the races on Kincardine, where they will *;pend I on hand fr•ntu Dnngatlnon. They foul,([ -
attatchmont tine mPchn.ni. m is'sin)pler Dominion Day,' --Although the heat part of their honeymoori. They will i it w0ultd about five inches long toward
than the ()Id Snider Enfield. rt) was Oppr•esslve• Friday and Saturday revide in LOniloI .-Burglars (Ira Tues- Lire top of the head find the Ione hstre,
shooting very* little recoil is N-11, oar howlers and tennis pl;Lvers never- day tnurning got into Bishop & Sun's I fis well ;ts other injurio-4. ft, was di•ess-
unless it hecotlte•s clit'1,y', then there is theless made things livoly SII the iVPst, hardware store ;at Exeter by prying i ed find sewed 11 1), f.nd Mr. Sheppard is
considerftble t•eb(inn(1. I was much dis- street iftwn,-The steamer St. Andrew Open the office window art: the real. Of I doing nivel} Another young man hnd
appointed in the shooting seores, fo brought ill anotbcr load of wheat oil the building. About three o'clock the silo taken ort his nose by the fall-
] had expected flout reports that all I'ruliy. r,ightwatch Parsons who wits standing ing timber, and there wero several
You had to aro was to hold the new I a- on the opposite side of the street,under Ocher narrow escapes. :\ll's well that
run Straight and stint and on would •a1 balcony of the Commercial hotel sites ends well.
y Y Wroxeter. the flare of st match, and kat ernes spenr-
goodst bnllse •e, but instead ei t.hatt it .1 Spm.,Nutt) Sr_ccEo.,.g. 'roxeter Pd the assistance of constable Gill. !
gaud deal of Pxprrience with Piech rifle I -
and cruPful ad,justusent of sights higher algatin celebrated llomission Day in They (feeldecl to post themselves at I 'WOOD'S hHOS1?U40DINE
than they are marked is necessary.. grand stvie. Large posters were out different places and wait the outcou• i The Great English Remedy.
Sighted to 400is necessary toshoot:300. `Weeks hefore announcing it big clay to ing of then• prey, but before properly Six Packages Guaranteed to
The companies will not he allotted to be held, stud the large number stationed t he burglars made good their promptly, and permanently
retain tirem; they supe kept in stores in of peOple present were not dfsap- esc•apo. Ain Parsons fired several nhot.s - � cure all forms of Nereoas
London. pointed. The very energetic cont- after them, but none prove.l' fatal. Weakncss.Emissions,sperm.
mittee deserve priafse for the While the burghers escaped, they had atorrhea, impotency and all
effects of Abuse or Excesses,
Cllre1hllrst. splendid Programme fund the way they a hot experience, and will not likely Mental Worry, excessive use
carried it out: The streets were tmaut.i- repeat the visit. --Capt'. George Kenip e: of Tobacco, opium or stimu.
1VJ,''nurNc.,-A very interesting vers- fully decorated with evergreens, flags cothislefthand quiteseVorelvTuesdiL Before and After.lanls,chicnsoon
mon wns performed at the rest • and hnntin s. Numue w
Y ked to grave. ll(nec g r. of peoplehPgtktt evening while engaged Upet•ateng it ,li+•Witty,Insa�tity,Con,.umpttonand anearly grave.
of Ohn Fitzgerald on lvednesday, ti)•gather early find at large crowd was lawn mower. Has been prescribed over 35yoars In thousands of
when his daughter, Miss Sophrann, was present when the first thing nn the _ cases; Is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine
wedded to Rev. Mr'. Miller, (lttely or- Pr'Og"11411Me liegin which wits it grand -' known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodine; If
red) who is stationed at ThanaPs. carnival })icyc•le parade at 0,30 al. rt), Death has claimed auu)thrr• victim, in heoirerseomoworthless medicine inplace of this,
ford. The nuptial knot was tied by At. 10.30 a league game of foot hall took the person of MI's. Will. Pelton, who Inclose, price In tetter, and ave war send by return
Rev. Alr. Waddell, in the presence of place between Brussels and Wroxeter. ied fit the residence of her father near "leazall. six wPrice,ill
one package, "t; fro
to any
ova vier
numerous friends of the contracting This wits a hot.l-v contested game, but ( len Farrow, Tuesday .Jim(', D. Site ykasc,sixwtlfcureP�e ,v(' �strGetoanyaddross,
parties. The Brussels succeedied in )fitting th0 hail as a daLlighter of Mr•. -Joseph KiCHien d Company,
P young rotple lett fur 1 ] Windsor, out., Canada
their home in Thanresford arnid the through beautiful corner kick by of Turnberry. The holy was interred ;tom-sol(i in('lintnn 1,11,1 o,cr H1
Thorn Sal y u.t�4a )n Callada
eongrat,lifitiols and good wishes of a P' rt• eral times it was dan- in the Gerrie cemetery. by all responsiblc(lruggists.
host' of friends and acquaintances, er•ously near the visitors goal, but the `- --
o le team could not succeed in scoring
Goderich. and the gtune ended by 1 to 0 in favors• »
TiME AND THE HOUR AT AviiarLN._— of Brussels. The hone-te;t►n was f: Nothing �• Like •• Leather.
The Goderich Amateur Dramatic Co, We somewhat by the absence of
Will play Time and the Hour in til(+ Wilson, Ardell find McArter. At 1 p.
village of Auburn on the eveningof fir. the bicycle races took place, in the
July 12tH, `Lr mile open Geo. Wilson of Turn- '
AIFNEar.T't NG 1'iER.-The contras- ferry cause out. ahead. The .{ mile1. r. .
tors, Messrs, McLaren & Goldthorpe, dash was also won by Wilson. The -
1 GO yard slaw ,•fic•C was won by fi Walk- '
have [,cell pushing the work on the erlon ]ad. At 2.:30 the base -hal game
new pier, arid have now about, one +
hundred feet of it built. between Cargill and the Uni Coln. . I t 11
11*11ced, several of the regular Unions Our stock of
A COLLISION. -Two buggies collided did not. play kind the horse-twun IVTV• :'
while the fireworks were being sent up ing no practice were beaten by an score Fine
t.�.�Y y�
On Thursdayevening. Both horsesrrtu of 7 to lG. Tho visitors are a decent FIIle Boots and Shoes
away and lift the huggies find ossa- lot of players and won the respect of ( , f.• y)n
pants massed on the ground, and all present, The Unions intend return
strange to relate n person wits seri- ing the match. N. McLaughlin of I l• is perhaps the largest in this
ously injured. ' Corrie teas ani )ire. At :i ). fit. Neal- t ' { , section std we are told every
ExpuCTAN•r TV,'ACURRS.-The rim- forth anti Walkerton played an exhi- ` �` .; 1. (lay that our prices art, he-
art' examinations Form 1 contlleruced g• ) f, , I ��- low what' other people are
P 1)ition unP ul' ltcross�, Seaiforth , +} tit ray b..
on Thursday at Goderich; the high ont- )laved soul out -►Watched the . (a• -fir' asking for inferior goods,
school Form 2 and (lontnercial diplo_ Walkerton lads and won lly a r' i(1 f .^., i
�.I . However our husiness increaser
mfi on Monday and Forms 3 and 4 will scot o of 2 goals to 0. The ctttclain� `14 L
of 1hP d, �?'r every month and there most,
commence this morning. grefased pig then followed whist' �., �,ak
brought, fort,il roars of laughter. The ,t F be a reason for it.
FIRST OF THE SEASON.- Stratfor() 11X) vitrd men's fat race tvatS won by .. a) , TO llli t)11VC1'A OC
Herald : Ata meeting of the G. T, it, Ashley of Walkerton, with ,Tar. Wil- - --• -
Rre brigade Thursday night it was 1 Son -Of Wroxeter 2nd. 8tanlvv Bic- I ,,Boots and Shoes,
decided to hold the annual picnic rand T.auchlin Of Corrie won the boy's 100 Keq w0 LLS�t f01' ill -
to Goderich this year of ! yd, race. The water sports then fol `w) .. ' -„ «
July 2.41 h. Special rates will he pr•O , lowed, in the atvfmrning race D. Knake `'� Irl `� SI)eCt1011 O OUT
cured for both the brigade and their carne in nbead. The torr Taco :and �`1 c^,; "' ' '
friends. Great Stock.
witlking the slippery pole were much
TI3LaGREATNOR'twFSTEUN.--Thecom- , elljt)yecl Iia• the speetaators. This ended
mittee in charge of improving the I the day's sports. The Listowel brass
track in the Agricultural Park have baLncl dispersed Choice music daring the
done good work the past two weeks, I day The receipts over the expense" •
over � loads of clithavin bee will he ,1.-,# d t •t
y g n pit t e o spot s next year. JAS KSS N JAOKSON
on, all leveled and rolled, and the track i No accident oceured to roar the pro -
widened five feet, all round. The prize ceedings of the day's spofts. '
ist for the fall show will be ready for j FOOT BALL. -In a league game of ,
distribution this week and anyone de- foot -bail] in Listowel on Saturday week ... Fine, Shoe Dealers L
iring copies can get tlhem by applying last. Wroxeter defeated the home CLINTON. •';.
o the sec., James Mitchell. ' team 1 goal to nq�hing. ,
. '" \-. _.__ '11 11
1 #
.-'� ,.. ,.1...,. •. ,w ..., -,.1 ....ro 1 , I,,. ..... .. ,. „• ,, - , ....., .. .. .... ..... ,..'1'1_--.1:...._.1-:.'
_., .. ., .. x:.-. . ,. *_. - -..-.. . ......._- ...-t
... . .I -.
, P , - ';
Will You be wid us in
... .. ............ ..
Standing long jmp-sum Draper
Wr. fk`clwards, 1 f1 igrey, Bert Martin
Goderich on,
sack race -Bert Martin, Ed. McCon-
key, John Knox, Sam Draper.
�� 1st
Old Man's Rave. -John Knox, til
auctiuueer, war► all event whist
We will be pleased to see wavy Of our
he was proud of (31 years ago in Toruu
to, when much younger, h
Clinton friends on the above date at
Fulls erlie Lit)
cup valued at $45, whist
the Cleveland Cycle Liver where al -
twcunnutodation will be provided
was donated by the late John Hillyfkr
r for sturing wheels F7,LE , OF CHARLIE.
C7ameron and presented 1) John Bev
Orly Robertson. Mr. Knox has neve
been beaten fn a foot race.) Wm
thing are delighted with our new
Burns won second plrave and Robe•
, i.,
Wheels.If you have not yet tried
Arulstrong thrid.
them du not forget Its when you want
Bicycle race, 4 tiu,es around the
a tide.
Square --15 years or under -- COlit
Campbell, W. Galloway, Johnston
BICYCIN and Music
EMERSON S house,
Cleveland Cyclo Livery, Clinton and Gociericla.
50 Yards, 6 years and under -Grady
tun, Glfid•y4 Coats.
A tp I ' h
"After Sedllous hourfht
100 yards, 8 years and under -Del
Nltir•n,Jennie Prondfuut, Ida Thomas
Lottie Robinson.
100 yyatrds,;lOyettrsanclundet•-Maggi
Prollllfoot, Annie Duwding, Susl
y', " 'i ; ' +: '*
Grierson, Eubel Pla-tt.
100 yards, 14 years and under-
Maggie Nivens, Ronnie McCreath,
t xr
Maggie Doak, Bessie Btimicombe.
1 .. 1,
Batskel race, 12 eggs two yards apart,
;". "A
14 years and Hader -Alice McMillan
' ' . 't'.,r.
and Bessie Brimicombe, Theresaf
Lewitt, Lilly Kirkbridge, Emil
Egg lace with. spoon, 11 years and
;. , +' a5 r
under-- Nellie McKay, Eva Manses,
:. a,c i411'.
Olive Bates, Idea Thomas.
;. r ,; f
1Vatikin[,r spring pole --A. McLean,
W. McLean, W. Kirkhvide, :F. Hale.
Li.Ltit: BALI,.
The match twits between Clinton an
Goderich, but (lie hub team were no
in it. In seven innings the score 20 to
9 in favor• of Goderic•b. Good feeling
Have you not decided to buy enough
The county of Huron hits neve
paper fur your roam that needs it so
given tt better exhibition of close
SpP,elllllg aalt(l rile C'I.Owd vet's sfllll)1
badly. Don't think that bmatuse Ality
and June tare gone we have no
deleghted with the neck rind neck con
VY all Paper
tests in each event.
Firbt race -l: -4t) trot or pace purse, $`JA)
Texfts Minnie....................1-1-
left. By re=ordering, our stock is still
Allan Line ................ . .... JL -3-
complete rand we Isar glue you ;t large
Lfll.a, .. - -
.. , ...... - .. • ............3 6 '
selection; buying its we do in large
...r ................... 4--.)-:
quantities we; have always an hil'gg��e
variety on hand and we are skire to 1'e
)bard ........ ...............5-2-(
Tutt i Frutti
able to pletlse you. Of course, rut this
.... . ..... . ....... . .0-4-•
Butcher Bay, distanced ................
tittle of (he,year there arealwayb some
Tittle, 2 Af, 2:3.4.4,'2:3 l•.
Papers, we would rather not have find
therefore those who are looking• around
\will get some genuine snaps. ()Odle fit
Second race -put -se $`Elko.
to see its if You think of papering any
Paddy R .... . .. ................ 1-1-1
more rou►us.
Robert Al ........................ 2-•-3-
in you
Then we tofioualrkShade
Rodney .........................:3-2-•
theexcellencyStock. Nicmind e
Time, 2:`L7J, 2•: 5;, 2:23j
dow Shades are a necessity in every hon)c and
the care catering( to Sour trado by buying the
best goody ()n.thu market and selling thein at
I mile -purse $200.
rv.e A011abl0 prioos, Special Sunfo)or Yricow on
Tan Hill . " 1—$-1
Billy Dinniont................. 2-3-
Splint .................... ... . 3-2-:
W1Slr Cooper Cor ClIIlton
Tine, 1:03, 1:01:4, 1:051
__ .. ._. _ .._.._._- - .. - J
The Judges were Joseph Copp of Clill
ton, E. Livingstone of Blyth; starter,
gC1U ,'Aftc1•tisl'11 ent,S.
G. L. Henderson, Seaforth; time keep
er, Ed, VnnLvery, Goderich; distance
Judge, J. A. Reid.
Isnot beer—N. Robson.
Specials-Jaeksoil Bros.
Fall term -W. J. ,Elliott.'
The fireworks on Montreal street and
I the Square
Keep cool -A. J. Morrish.
v , ),
Overcoat ,fit lost -Mat ]]Mains.
were really a grand susses
and were very ranch admired by f
Paris green -Allen & Wilson.
large gathering. Barring a couple of
Millinery ---1V. 11. Beesley & Co.
Steaamer Canshi•aa-A. T. Cooper.
runaways without serious results the
(lay. passed Off .to the Satisfaction stud
Watches- -Hstate J. Bidclleculube.
[)leisure of all.
What can be said -The W. D. Farr
"Nothing like leather'" --Jackson (l•
CliIA011t Uoiiflcil.
Regula' meeting was held on Alon-
----- ----.--- -__- ..-•-
day evenill . Present -The Mayor,
• g•
The Huren Nevus-Reeora
Reeve Kennedy, Deputy -Reeve Couper
ilnd Councillors Searle, Pluuuner,
$1.-6 a Veer-$1.00Ia Advance
Ford, Swallow, Hoover, Gih•o and
`ray'ior. y
WI{1)NP:SDAT, JULYItlr, 18t)l.
tVE•rP received fl'f)I Il (�nlinty' (�1en•k 'IJ;1nP
- = ,_-� _-___.__.__.-:_
st;sting that $812.75 lists been levied on
Clinton for county purposes.
Last 'Year the Soni was $6:>( but
owing to the house of [refuge, bridges,
_ -
&c., town clerk COnts explained, the
anantrlt had to he increased,
From C. A. :End If. F, Andrews,
claiming exemption from taxation, in
Lccordan<e with Laty, on part lot '24,
- --
Goderich township, 03 acres, assessed
°, Gravid Day -Good 4ports :toll
in the. town Of Clinton for the sunt of
a Bhr Crowd.
From the Canadian Fire Undet•writ
ers Association, st.atiing that to retrain
"D" classification the deficiencies must
Dominion Day at Goderich will pass
be supplied and pronise.s carried out.
down to posterity as a notable Pvent.
Trains.atnd vehicles brought together
some :3,0(X) or 4,(X10 people and ,ill en-
Chairmian Plummer recommended R -
a dyed themselves immensely. The
beautiful old Town (officially) in
foot, walk On fission street front Gilroy
& ti� r y
holiday attire, but the business men
r4eutfan'S to W. Core'. ; that Prtn-
cess street from Shipley to North be
did nut (:o their duty in the ivay of
graded ; thknt Shipley street front Rat'-
dec•oriting and welcoming strangers,
tenbury to Prince, hP graded; that
End rile )management did not advertise
Marian street, be graded from Jarnes to
t•he event more than c�ie quarter what
should. The visitshowever, W(
King; that ct new walk be built from
Davis & MCCuO1's livery LO SN) SouthI
well received and enteatined by those
a gravel yvalk be made on North
fn charge. The programme wits faith-
street from Airs. Gill's to William St.
fully and ilnpfirtially carried out :and
everybody sePtned well satisfied. The
On rnOtiort of•'Ta,ylOr and Cooper the
report wits a►nended
irisin service to the circular cit could
Y ,by
tvithot)ttt division
making it read that a gravel walk
not have been better, but morle
should have been informed of Alalthis
be made oil Dinsleystreetfrorn Ilatten-
11 {.
and many more people would have stp-
bury to Ontario street.
pear•ed :End immensely enjoyed them-
selves. Promptly at l l o clock it, rt),
Chairman Swallow reported: --That
a 12 foot, brick tank would cost about
$121), and that if Council decided to
f ou to et•e`ryPatk took place on the
Court HOusP Park in the preaenc•e of
build one that it be placed at the Cor -
ner of itaglan and Rattenhury or R,ag-
very large number Of people. The re.
,in and Ontarlo streets.
salt vats as follows :-
(Un motion of Coo) y
Cooper and Kenned
it wits dQefded to plates the tank On the
corner of UntaariO tL»d 1liLglan 9f.1'PPt9,
UO Yards, 6 Years find under—HatTV
and the Cormllit,tee was fir std't)cted to
Belcher, Stwafiield, McDonsild, ][errs
proeeed with the work.)
That in case the Council agree to
100 yards, 10 Yomrs and under- -Alax
meet the demands of the Canadian
McLean, Edwards, Bert Smith, IFowar•(1
Ffre lJnderwriters Association, it new
hook and ladder wagon be purchased
with ladders
100 yards, 1G years and under -John
Nicholson, Harry Robertson, Frank
1111 necessary and Bt )cock
extinguishers, the cost not to rx Pd
Draper, Bert Alantin.
GO yards, 3 -le
y 3 -legged race -Draper and
That a heater be Patrchased for heat -
Edwards, McLean find Nhoebottonl,
ing water in boiler of engine.
Robertson and Martin.
That a suitable room berfurnished for
50 vards-boot race--boyS under 15-- one
main to Sleep in.
•, ;
Norman Baker, John 1Yf11ier, ,John
That in reference tonight watchman
Nicholson, John McLean.
we are of opinion that one of the two
Foot race, onto around the Square,
men (Wheatley Or Walsh) now ern
he made to act as night
15 years and under -Geo. McCullagh,pl(yed
Jas, Masson, Bert Foster.
watch -
mail, duties to commence 6 p. m. and
Running high jump, boys tinder 15
-Bert Martin, Stuart Lane, R. McCOn
to end at 6 it. m: daily.
(After a long discussion the whole
matt@r of the F. U. A. was referred
back to committee to atscertain proba- 1
Running hop, step and lump- T.
Ili Geo. McCullagh, Bert Martin,
ble cost and report at a Special meeting
of the Council
on Tnesday evening, a
John KKnox, Jr. July
20th.) ..
--, . .
()HURWERY. The semi -anodal ejection of officers `
Chairman 'Taylor verbally reported was held In North St. Il L. of U.%. and I Are you thiniri.�
the ceulotet'y much improved. resulted Its follows : President, Wall.
PROPERTY REPORT. ter Pridbum ; vice-president, ]Miss 1. Of getting a
b ])spots -Reeve Couper reported that
H. s}larulan ; convener of prayer.
I side closet had been converted into meeting committee, bliss Thompson; �����
iee -
coal bio. of rxlissioneryr, MISS Lizzie Acheson; of .
literary, H. ',Turner; of social, Miss Induced bythe use ofcoca, oplaCaornow-
I 'That inside closet had been changed 5. Harris; rec-sec., M. Howell; cur. -sec., coifs compounds is bad, decidedly bad. 1�re have always s large aasot4-
d to the dry etU-th systeul• Miss B. Farrow; tress., H. Sltlkeld;
. And recommended that Chief chorister. Miss L. Whitney ; pianist, They undermine health and shatter the nsent to choose from in Gold,
,• Wheatley he granted $25 for a suitable Miss. L. Farrow. constitution and the patient Is steadily Gold filled, Giver and Silveroid
new uniform. INVITED TO LONDON. --The growing into a worse condition -often Case", al"O o largo stock of
Qutat tPi ly resulting in the terrible slavery and
t Mr. P[ulurner Objected to the grant Official Bowel of the Welleugtou st litovenleuts is Ladies' and
of $25, as tills contingency was pre- Methodist ozhtareh, London, has extend- misery of the cocaine and opium habit. Gents' sizes, Call and examine
e viously included fn srilary, a unaruittud) invitation to the Rev, sleep induced by the use of Hood's sarea-
I 'Tire report, however, was adopted JOsep11 Nage, pastor of North et, parilla does not perhaps come as quickly, our Gouda. No trouble to show
Alethodistchurc•h, Goderich, to becoule but it comes more surely and more per- t•)eu). YOU will have a good
as read. their pastor tit the end of this confer- manentl through nature's great restor- variety to choose from as we
FIterGilS, y g g are constantly buying new
cues year. Rev. Mr. Edge has accept- ing and rejuvenating channel -purified, Fiery Minister Gilroy, who uautit y ed -the call, subject to the action of the vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds goods,
n is very particubu to ancertitiri that stationing cot1111ettec.
- every cent is vouched for, reported in the nerve" with life-giving energy and SPECIAL ATTENTION 19 oven t0
favor of streets, work, salaries and pIr'i; TIME it wnri STOPPEu.'-Fur the builds a the e s g
lumber, 130.51 ; tat few years our yuun4; people halve p y tem and constitution \VA1't:H RL+ PA `
[ $ park, work and lura• Fast
in the habit of Saluting wedding from the very foundation of alt health )11IN(x either
her, $33,80; property, cleaning closets, parties with tin burns tint[ other inhar- and life -the blood -pure, rich, red blood. in English, American or Swiss.
$3; street watering, $50; incidental, monimas instruments, utuch to their C►ur watehniaker is thoroughly
e teams and y, $2tbles, 22nd Jure, own tun usement, 1113pdreutly,, though acquainted with all rr
e $10.:>f); charity, $L; ceuretut•y salal-y• to the newly wed(led it must be s "the
$30; lire and water, $4; printing, $1.50, great nuisance, newedded being a gross d s ,makes he has all the latest
Receipts --station stock scales, $L�0.30;improved tools to work with
nnn•ket settles and Infill rent, $'30.25; insult. It is tittle such conduct wits
stoppped, for besides being ungentle and is Wore to give satisfaction.
cemetery lot and work, $15.15. The "titrlly, ft keeps many wedding parties Sarsaparilla A call "elicited.
report was atdopted. flow visiting Goderich, and thus in-
TH:'TREASURFR'S REPORT jur•es the town in a pecuniary sense, is the One True Blood Puritler.All druggists.11. ` ��'�'�•��
Ywhich was adopted, showed receipts A (k:LRI)ISN PARTY, --St. Uecrge's ourellverilla,eas ---.. to tie, '
and balance of $12,7.20.21 (inc•bnding tilt: Guild will give a garden parby the Hood's pi emytooperate. 2ricents, i Estate
$10,000 Stavel•y nloneY,) and pay- kind pernlissiou of Mr. fund M.S.M R. W. ,
t nlents of $1,539.08, leaving a balance un Logan, on the lawn Of Mrs. R. H. - YY1 1f yam]
hand of $11,181.1:i. .liiburii. Biddlecom IV V
Sitlith'c hate residence, Colborne St.
NEW ButjtNECiii. The lawn will be liglttecl by Chinese CONCERT. -Our Orange brass band •
By request the name of Mr. Geo. 1). lanterns, the new town han3 will play Intends giving a concert on the
McTaggart was removed front the choice selections, till(] refreshments Of twelfth Of July evening in the Orange CLINTON.
Stavely Coralrrlitteo ;and that of W. J. all kinds will be obtainable. Tea will hall, for the purpose of buying smile
Paisley substituted, he served on tit(' lawn and in the Shade new instruments. We would like -- .-_--- o
d Air. Swallow wanted to know what front 5 to 7 p. Ill., and will likely he every hody to come as the band attend;
t had been dune in the Stavel matter. largely patronized. Tickets admitting picnics and weddings kind is ve►y 1 ���
Y to the grounds 10 cents, tickets for test obliging, so it will he It benefit to our
M"vOr Holmes explained the ground 15 cents. village. Give the Orange brass hand
had been located on the Msrket,Square, CiRMLAR OrrY BwElos,-The stand- a lift by coming to the concert. c� 1�•
hilt that there wits a division of o in- Packages.
opill- will soon he finiblied.-The dwell- THF GLORIOUS TtwELI•,-rii.—Great .
fon as to,locls,606, which Itlearrt d`11ty frig owned by waterworks engineer preparations fire being made for the
r in consequence. However, the Coln- Smith caught fire early on Saturday glorious twelfth of July which is fast I❑ taking stuck the found we had
rnettee were only waiting for figtn'c•s ou morning, and was not put out until the itpproaching. We. fare going to have'a e
Y what were considered other' desirable roof was burned off. -A, B, Davison & number one good tittle. C,ou)e right 1,644 packages of Turkish Dye,
Co. h;tve just received an itinuense sup- kdong; don't be afraid its the Cott) supply ever color. Ws offer these at Reeve Kennedy wanted to know the ply of hinder twine.--Reid's window Your wants. Mr. Joseph Lawson is Y
cost for it tote of the )eu,,)le on the was prettily dressFd oil Dominion Day. n'eparing dinner for five huscIlaed find 3 packacea for 25c.
1 questiep'of q site, find tie Mayov re- -The steamer Uarmona was in port un lis table will be supplied with the best
4 plied from $(i) to $"r5, the .ante as it Friday. --Ogilvie's elevator is getting a of viands. He will also find stabling �y •
tlnu iclpal election, land further declax- new le},r- --A new stand pipe is hPu • I roon) for forty term of horses tend vol) I Diamond Di)G
J f
ed thin nothing c•unid he gi+toed by dos- erecte(1 sit filo cenurtPry -� The town will find hill, the right loran in 'the � 3 Packages for 35c.
3 cussing ,lie matter ,just now. council (lid not meet on Friday even- right place. The welilbers of the I 6
v GRANOLITHIc WALKS ing.---four correspondent sends his Methodistchurchatre ettingditinerup, .
were introduced h ,Mr. Gilroy best wishes to [Jude Josh. --There was too, so don't be afrair� but coots' along ! Magnetic Dye
y y rand Holy Coulltlunion at St. Oleol.g(.,s ort and help to celebrate the glut ious
discussed by seteral kern when
hilt Sunday. -Frank Denderson left las; Battle of the Boyne, which every one ' 6 packages for 25c. We are out '
there was no actirn taken when till) ought to be laud of. g
Council adjourned. Week for Clinton to become an cut- g P of some of the colors in thia Dye
-� - �-_ - } 1OYee at the Organ Factory. -Sturdy NOTES. -The carpenters have start- y
r•os. have cakes of soap that weigh ed the fra ine work of Mrs. Hunking's 1 but in order to clear out our stock
Otir Defenders In Canll). barely two ounces, find others that new house. -Going for a morning ! we vtl'e till" l0c package for 5c
3 �— turn the beam at 10'7 pounds. -Guests stroll one day last week I saw, at very '
SUbih INTHRFSTINO NOTES FROM LON- are arriving at the Point Far•Ill.—The laughable Sight, is young Cnan trying I Each package will dye 2 pounds
DON, SPB'C[ALLY RFP,ORTi:1) Folt tug Sea Gull brought clown her crew t0 hoe, and weed his garden holding I Of `ir001 Of (Orton.
THE NEWS -RECORD from the fishing islands to loin in Do- an umbrella over his head. -As two of
million Day sports,-Pinitfo.re was not our most respectable yaung ladies
The :;3rd is the .jargest battalion in played on the evening of Dominion were passing around the north east o�
4 eatnp and the physique of the fuel) is Day. -The schooner Todnrien sailed corner of our village they were pitched
aidwtred by all the: citizens• north on Friday. -On r
3 Yys h Sunday hundreds thou by tL - Now lady fend a battle was Jas.
H Combe)All the c•otupaulies but twoarealmost Of inert rind boys }rind in dip in either the result. Now Alrss, yet wast to belam(full strength. river or bike. -Anglers still snake good a little more quiet in future or you H.
The :33rd went to the butt's on Satur- strings. -Mr, Percy Sheppard returned will find yourself in a reformatory till- f
dry and made the hest shooting that to Toronto on Monday rafter a three. till you le•arn better behabiour.-Mr. J.
Y (:hemist and Druggist.
!)las hien tnttde this year, Many utak_ weeks' visit at the parental residence. Kuntz will bnpply all with lager beer
ing 17 Out of a possible 20 at enell -Mrs Egrener has returned from a next Monday and a rattling good Ger- I° �y�
round. visit to fiends tit I-launilton.-Miss rnan table likewise. --------
The aril Prs mess is managed b . Franks of the public school staff left - __ __._- Nile.
g y. this weal: for her home, Alnple, to Exeter.
Tom Gundry and is better than troy' spend the holidays, -Mrs. Parkhill of SEVERE ACCII)F.NT.-On Tuesd y
former year. r j evening ft
loronto is visiting at the residence: of BRIEFS. -James Lang of Manitoba, , g t the raising of at nen• bar '
s )'
Many c f flu• ('lint.On boys seernPd Alra'or Beck, Sfittfurd.--Miss A. Winni- who Hits Illicit visiting around l+.xcter for Mr. Geo. Glenn, Thos. Geo. Shep-
i surprised when ,I,he Rist wield cause frede Ball of the Crediton public school for sonic Uwe, sailed for the old conn: pard had a very natr•row escitpe• fron
round and fount] no dislIPs to eat out is fit the parental, residence for the try last week where he will remain I instant death. While he and other
of, no butter for the bread, etc., but holidays, --Sturdy Bros. have sold until next winter, wind look after tilt+ were raising it to -foot pm oin splic .
eve long they enjoyed the rations fill- f wagon loads of strawberries so far this -apple business there for his son, It. N., plate with ropes and blocks the rope
menseli season. -The school boar(] met•on Al on- of Exeter. --The wedding (if Miss Eliza- slipped front one end. The timber fell
Lt. MOTaggart, of No. 4 Co., •arrived silty evening.-Goderich last week had beth Carley of Exeter, filial Williasl at one end and struck him on the side 1.
fn camp Saturday evening for the pill-- air addition to its civic body, the May- Koeugh of Lon,lon was Solemnized at of the hend and pinned his body dovti.
pose o1• taking fi course art the School of Dress }raving given birth to a daughter. the residence of 'Thomas Cbtrke, An- 11 When the timber w;ts removed the un -
Infantry here. - -Thursday, Friday, 5at.au•claiy, Snudany drew-st., of NVednesday morning fit fortunate young nrlt,l wasunconscioni.
were admittedly warm da.ys.--Blessrs. 8 o'Oock. The newly -wedded couple I lie was rell-ved to his home. Two
the first time the vwennareceived thein. 1'sisley, Kennedy wind Cooper of (!tin- left on the early morning train for I doctors --ease .Incl McRao--tvP.e soon
Wills the exccpkeon of Lha ulagazinl• Ion enj)yed theulselves at the races on Kincardine, where they will *;pend I on hand fr•ntu Dnngatlnon. They foul,([ -
attatchmont tine mPchn.ni. m is'sin)pler Dominion Day,' --Although the heat part of their honeymoori. They will i it w0ultd about five inches long toward
than the ()Id Snider Enfield. rt) was Oppr•esslve• Friday and Saturday revide in LOniloI .-Burglars (Ira Tues- Lire top of the head find the Ione hstre,
shooting very* little recoil is N-11, oar howlers and tennis pl;Lvers never- day tnurning got into Bishop & Sun's I fis well ;ts other injurio-4. ft, was di•ess-
unless it hecotlte•s clit'1,y', then there is theless made things livoly SII the iVPst, hardware store ;at Exeter by prying i ed find sewed 11 1), f.nd Mr. Sheppard is
considerftble t•eb(inn(1. I was much dis- street iftwn,-The steamer St. Andrew Open the office window art: the real. Of I doing nivel} Another young man hnd
appointed in the shooting seores, fo brought ill anotbcr load of wheat oil the building. About three o'clock the silo taken ort his nose by the fall-
] had expected flout reports that all I'ruliy. r,ightwatch Parsons who wits standing ing timber, and there wero several
You had to aro was to hold the new I a- on the opposite side of the street,under Ocher narrow escapes. :\ll's well that
run Straight and stint and on would •a1 balcony of the Commercial hotel sites ends well.
y Y Wroxeter. the flare of st match, and kat ernes spenr-
goodst bnllse •e, but instead ei t.hatt it .1 Spm.,Nutt) Sr_ccEo.,.g. 'roxeter Pd the assistance of constable Gill. !
gaud deal of Pxprrience with Piech rifle I -
and cruPful ad,justusent of sights higher algatin celebrated llomission Day in They (feeldecl to post themselves at I 'WOOD'S hHOS1?U40DINE
than they are marked is necessary.. grand stvie. Large posters were out different places and wait the outcou• i The Great English Remedy.
Sighted to 400is necessary toshoot:300. `Weeks hefore announcing it big clay to ing of then• prey, but before properly Six Packages Guaranteed to
The companies will not he allotted to be held, stud the large number stationed t he burglars made good their promptly, and permanently
retain tirem; they supe kept in stores in of peOple present were not dfsap- esc•apo. Ain Parsons fired several nhot.s - � cure all forms of Nereoas
London. pointed. The very energetic cont- after them, but none prove.l' fatal. Weakncss.Emissions,sperm.
mittee deserve priafse for the While the burghers escaped, they had atorrhea, impotency and all
effects of Abuse or Excesses,
Cllre1hllrst. splendid Programme fund the way they a hot experience, and will not likely Mental Worry, excessive use
carried it out: The streets were tmaut.i- repeat the visit. --Capt'. George Kenip e: of Tobacco, opium or stimu.
1VJ,''nurNc.,-A very interesting vers- fully decorated with evergreens, flags cothislefthand quiteseVorelvTuesdiL Before and After.lanls,chicnsoon
mon wns performed at the rest • and hnntin s. Numue w
Y ked to grave. ll(nec g r. of peoplehPgtktt evening while engaged Upet•ateng it ,li+•Witty,Insa�tity,Con,.umpttonand anearly grave.
of Ohn Fitzgerald on lvednesday, ti)•gather early find at large crowd was lawn mower. Has been prescribed over 35yoars In thousands of
when his daughter, Miss Sophrann, was present when the first thing nn the _ cases; Is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine
wedded to Rev. Mr'. Miller, (lttely or- Pr'Og"11411Me liegin which wits it grand -' known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodine; If
red) who is stationed at ThanaPs. carnival })icyc•le parade at 0,30 al. rt), Death has claimed auu)thrr• victim, in heoirerseomoworthless medicine inplace of this,
ford. The nuptial knot was tied by At. 10.30 a league game of foot hall took the person of MI's. Will. Pelton, who Inclose, price In tetter, and ave war send by return
Rev. Alr. Waddell, in the presence of place between Brussels and Wroxeter. ied fit the residence of her father near "leazall. six wPrice,ill
one package, "t; fro
to any
ova vier
numerous friends of the contracting This wits a hot.l-v contested game, but ( len Farrow, Tuesday .Jim(', D. Site ykasc,sixwtlfcureP�e ,v(' �strGetoanyaddross,
parties. The Brussels succeedied in )fitting th0 hail as a daLlighter of Mr•. -Joseph KiCHien d Company,
P young rotple lett fur 1 ] Windsor, out., Canada
their home in Thanresford arnid the through beautiful corner kick by of Turnberry. The holy was interred ;tom-sol(i in('lintnn 1,11,1 o,cr H1
Thorn Sal y u.t�4a )n Callada
eongrat,lifitiols and good wishes of a P' rt• eral times it was dan- in the Gerrie cemetery. by all responsiblc(lruggists.
host' of friends and acquaintances, er•ously near the visitors goal, but the `- --
o le team could not succeed in scoring
Goderich. and the gtune ended by 1 to 0 in favors• »
TiME AND THE HOUR AT AviiarLN._— of Brussels. The hone-te;t►n was f: Nothing �• Like •• Leather.
The Goderich Amateur Dramatic Co, We somewhat by the absence of
Will play Time and the Hour in til(+ Wilson, Ardell find McArter. At 1 p.
village of Auburn on the eveningof fir. the bicycle races took place, in the
July 12tH, `Lr mile open Geo. Wilson of Turn- '
AIFNEar.T't NG 1'iER.-The contras- ferry cause out. ahead. The .{ mile1. r. .
tors, Messrs, McLaren & Goldthorpe, dash was also won by Wilson. The -
1 GO yard slaw ,•fic•C was won by fi Walk- '
have [,cell pushing the work on the erlon ]ad. At 2.:30 the base -hal game
new pier, arid have now about, one +
hundred feet of it built. between Cargill and the Uni Coln. . I t 11
11*11ced, several of the regular Unions Our stock of
A COLLISION. -Two buggies collided did not. play kind the horse-twun IVTV• :'
while the fireworks were being sent up ing no practice were beaten by an score Fine
t.�.�Y y�
On Thursdayevening. Both horsesrrtu of 7 to lG. Tho visitors are a decent FIIle Boots and Shoes
away and lift the huggies find ossa- lot of players and won the respect of ( , f.• y)n
pants massed on the ground, and all present, The Unions intend return
strange to relate n person wits seri- ing the match. N. McLaughlin of I l• is perhaps the largest in this
ously injured. ' Corrie teas ani )ire. At :i ). fit. Neal- t ' { , section std we are told every
ExpuCTAN•r TV,'ACURRS.-The rim- forth anti Walkerton played an exhi- ` �` .; 1. (lay that our prices art, he-
art' examinations Form 1 contlleruced g• ) f, , I ��- low what' other people are
P 1)ition unP ul' ltcross�, Seaiforth , +} tit ray b..
on Thursday at Goderich; the high ont- )laved soul out -►Watched the . (a• -fir' asking for inferior goods,
school Form 2 and (lontnercial diplo_ Walkerton lads and won lly a r' i(1 f .^., i
�.I . However our husiness increaser
mfi on Monday and Forms 3 and 4 will scot o of 2 goals to 0. The ctttclain� `14 L
of 1hP d, �?'r every month and there most,
commence this morning. grefased pig then followed whist' �., �,ak
brought, fort,il roars of laughter. The ,t F be a reason for it.
FIRST OF THE SEASON.- Stratfor() 11X) vitrd men's fat race tvatS won by .. a) , TO llli t)11VC1'A OC
Herald : Ata meeting of the G. T, it, Ashley of Walkerton, with ,Tar. Wil- - --• -
Rre brigade Thursday night it was 1 Son -Of Wroxeter 2nd. 8tanlvv Bic- I ,,Boots and Shoes,
decided to hold the annual picnic rand T.auchlin Of Corrie won the boy's 100 Keq w0 LLS�t f01' ill -
to Goderich this year of ! yd, race. The water sports then fol `w) .. ' -„ «
July 2.41 h. Special rates will he pr•O , lowed, in the atvfmrning race D. Knake `'� Irl `� SI)eCt1011 O OUT
cured for both the brigade and their carne in nbead. The torr Taco :and �`1 c^,; "' ' '
friends. Great Stock.
witlking the slippery pole were much
TI3LaGREATNOR'twFSTEUN.--Thecom- , elljt)yecl Iia• the speetaators. This ended
mittee in charge of improving the I the day's sports. The Listowel brass
track in the Agricultural Park have baLncl dispersed Choice music daring the
done good work the past two weeks, I day The receipts over the expense" •
over � loads of clithavin bee will he ,1.-,# d t •t
y g n pit t e o spot s next year. JAS KSS N JAOKSON
on, all leveled and rolled, and the track i No accident oceured to roar the pro -
widened five feet, all round. The prize ceedings of the day's spofts. '
ist for the fall show will be ready for j FOOT BALL. -In a league game of ,
distribution this week and anyone de- foot -bail] in Listowel on Saturday week ... Fine, Shoe Dealers L
iring copies can get tlhem by applying last. Wroxeter defeated the home CLINTON. •';.
o the sec., James Mitchell. ' team 1 goal to nq�hing. ,
. '" \-. _.__ '11 11
1 #
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