HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-18, Page 8!'An Emir THE BLYTH STAZ\DARD--DtctMBtR 19T13, 1907, HODGENS BROS., CLINTON BUM PRO 88 8' SAVE ON YOUR XMAS BUYINC We want to emphasize the fact that not only in general stocks all through the store, but on all Vmas goods as well, you can positively save money taking advantage of this Great Retiringfrom Business Sale. Holiday goods were not overlooked when we reduced prices, The saving on gift things of all kinds is well worth your while considering. for you can ;;et more here for the same money than in any other store. Everything just as good as if you paid full price for it, and no matter what you buy you pay less than regular price here. Stocks for Xmas are ready now. Here is a partial list. Here is a partial list. ' It is worth reading if you are interested in saving money. <t;r Great Handkerchief Saving . • 01'ent re the savings on Xmas 1landke'ehiefs, Hundreds and hundreds of them. Daintily embroidered td the more substantial plain linen, For ladies, gentlemen end children. foods that were bought below nine in the first place and now reduced in price for this great sale. The goods are nicely boxed ready for giving. Prices away below what you would pay were it not for this Retiring front Business Sale, You would pay more at wholesale than we are asking now for them, Buy early and have best choice, roc Fancy Handkerchiefs 5c Fancy Handkerchiefs tor ladies' or children's use, also Much used for fancy work, extra quality imiuuion silk, neat designs in bine, pink, helitrope, etc., regular 10e, for sale each .................5e Hemstitched Initial Handkerchiefs 4 for 25c Extra fine quality Ladies' Muslin Handkerchiefs, hem- stitched, nicely embroidered initial in one corner, all initials in stock, regular 10e, special for sale.. 4 for 25o Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 3 for 25c Ladies' Pure Irish Linen Homstited Handkerchiefs, fine quality, harrow hem, regular 12.„ic,spi-cial for this Fele 3 for 25c anc y Embroidered 1 -handkerchiefs 2 for 25c Pert of an immense purchase of Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, hemstitched or scalloped edges, apleldid designs and fine, quality of cloth, regular 20c and 25c qualities, for retiring sale very special 2 for 25o Hemstitched Initial Handkerchiefs 15c Ladies' Pure Linen Heetotitched Initial Handkerchiefs, very hate quality and nicely embroidered Mit regular 25c, all initials in stock, special for sale each 150 aoc Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c Ladies'. Pure Linen Hemstitched Iitutdkerehiefe, nar- row hems, extra tine quality, regular 20c, for sale? for 25c 25c Linen Handkerchiefs 3 for 5oc Ladies' extra flue gnelity real Irish Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, very fine quality, regular 2ue, for sale 3 for 50c 35c and 4ac Fancy Handkerchief,'; 25c nouns and dozens of Fancy Embroidered, beeutihd designs, flue quality. regular ;The sud 40e, specie! for this sale, each,,,... ....,,,g5c All Better Handkerchiefs Reduced All our Better Talley Handkerchiefs, fine (senates in embroidered and pinit linens, beautiful pa time, regular 60c, COs, 75e and $t, all clearing at greatly reduced priers because of our retiring front business sale, Gentlemen's Handkerchiefs 3 for 5oc Gentlemen's Meesllka Handkerchiefs, fine silky Huish, hemstitched, large initial embroidore1, a splendid gift handkerchief, regular 25c each, for aide special„3 for 25c Gentlemen s 25c Linen Handkerchiefs 19c Gentlemen's Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, matte from extra quality real Irish Linen, regular 25c, special for sale each 190 You Can Save on Linens Many people give Linens and most ladies aro always glad to get them. You will not have as good a chance to get nice lines for many a day. ,All Fancy Linens greatly reduced as well no Table Da- mnske and Napkins, Here are some of the many tilavlilgo, Doylies 3 for roc fi inch '1'eneriffe Doylies, 2 patterns. They were it special bargain at 00, for retiring sale eleering,.3 for 1Oc Large Teneriffe Doylies roc Good Size Tetoriffo Doylies, natio from good quality linen, special bargain, each 100 Tray Cloths, Towels, Etc., each 4oc Tray Cloths, Sideboard Drapes, Shams, fancy Linens of all kande, sono very handsome pieces in the lot, to col- lection of 50c and COe qualities, cloa'itg for retiring from businesssale at each. 400 Tray Cloth each igc Half a dozen different patterns, in fancy Linen Trey Cloths and odd pieces of Nancy Linen, regular Ole and 800 qualities, clearing to sale each 18c Fine Tray Cloths each $ t.00 Very flee'Pray,Cloths, Sideboard Senile, Lunch Cloths, te., beautiful linens, qualities that will stand no end hard wear. not a piece in the lot that sold for leas than .25, clearing diem all now each 51.00 Fancy Towels all reduced Fancy Towels of all kinds, Damasks, Huckebark, etc., suitablt, for dresser covets, et and covers, ole„ all of tarn clearing at special bargain prices for this big sale. Mantles are Seising at Savit o Prices We are bound to clear out the Mantles, No reserve on them whatever for we must sell tltntn all out if poss. ible. Prices cut almost in two, Splendid garments. All now this season. Save on Ribbons Too Lots of Ribbons used at Xmas time. Lots of theta here to Into from end every yard selling at ft saving. Beet Ribbon Stock in town and prices all reduced. u,d, No need to pay regular prises enyn•he'o when yon can huy at prices like these. Al 4e, Ribbons are now.......... 8c Al 7c Ribbons are now,,,a5c Ai 9c and 10c Ribbons are now Cts Al late Ribbons are now ,,,,,,,,en Al lee, Ribbons aro now 19c Al 22e Ribbons are now... .,.., life Al 25c Ribbons are now i0c Save on Kid Gloves You know the 111,1 (l.,vett we sell are good, No seed to be afraid to gine a pair or two, All have been reduced for this great sale. 'lade iN the Way we Hire. Nelti tt;t. OLir regular 8t,00 iiia tldovec are now 8a Our regular 81.25 !gid (.loves era now,,,, esc Our regular 81.,50 Kid Gloves 'tow.,.are ..... ..• PLO Cushion Cords at Saving Prices No need to pay full price for sour Cushion Cords either, Big stocks here in all the etatdard tc alors, Here is the way they aro selling. 20c Cushion ("evils ere now mai ked les 50e Cushion Goals are now 'narked Ole 71e Cushion Cards are now marked Ile Railway fare refunded on all purchases of $to or over. HODGENS BROS. • CLINTON East Wawanosh. (Intended far last week) On \►'eduesdny, Dec, 4th, there passed sway on the farm, on which he nettled 15 -years ago, one of the pion- eers of East Wewnhosit, Itobt, Scott, When ha came to din township there Wali no \\ringhntu. Zetland was the hub of businessnetivity. Settlers %veva few mud far between end hard toil tees the rule. Deceased was born ill the township of Naastigatvoya, and when quite' a young tone came into the bush, and made for himself and fumil)• a comfortable Mane. Mrs, Scott mi.,' the respect of the community where he had lived for so twiny years. Iu political matters he was a Liberal, and he was nn esteemed member of Cavin Presbyterian Church, The funnily consists of live sous and two daughters, The sous are John, Jarnoo, Robert, Allan and Walter, all in Past Wawatosh,; the daughters are Lizzie and Aggie at home. lir. Scott waft in Itis 68th year, The rnuoral took place on Friday •to Belgrave cemetery, his pastor, Nev, J. J. Hastie, conducting the service. The bearers were his three brothers and his three eldest cons. Another of the old, and one of the best known residents of Ohio vicinity, passed to the world unseen on Thera - day, Dee. 60h, in the person of Peter Portertield,•, the well-known former Clerk of hist tVewnnooh and Post- master et Marnoch, Mr, Porterfield was a native of Benffahire, Scotland, and mune to Canada in 1856. After working for some time in Searboro and Westminster townehipa, he cams to Peet \Vawattosh it 1801 and settled on the lot where Ile spent the rest of his lite, In the sane year a post ofltee was established at Meretoch and he was appointed Postmaster, a position he held until Jan. 1st last, He was one of the oldest Postmasters in the country, if not the oldest in point of service, and had also for over 90 years held tate contract of berrying the malls between Marnoch and Belgrave, lir,i Portetfleld 'wee in his 74th year, and tail not been enjoying good hasltft for some time. The death of Ida eldest son in the railway yards at Omaha, two years ago, 7ollowed in a few rttonthe by the tre5ie death of his eon -fn -law, James Ferguson, one of the trio of fisherman drowned at Bay- field, seemed' to dishearten him, and he realized that this world had little more for hint, and he looked confident- ly forward to that "inheritanen which is incorruptible and undefiled mud (admit not away,” Deceased had also for ;le years been township clerk of East P awanosb, and he performed his duties in a most efficient and cepnbte manner, Dnriug all these years he was kept in close touch with the people, and no one was betterknorvu or more highly esteemed in the, community Ulan the deceased. lir. Porterfield was a worthy Scot, a true Liberal and a stauuclu Presbyterian. Ile Inns the very soul' of honor and strict integ- rity', a tarn whose word wan as good es his bond, and who would scorn to do anything mean or deceitful witlt hdtt:fellowman. Halted for years been a great sufferer with asthma end rheumatism, and was an ensy prey for that dread dieeate to old people, pneumonic. On Saturday before his death he was taken with a chill, and iu spite of the :,boat medical attendance passed peacefully awn)' early on Thursday morning. A faithful and loving wife, °four sons aril three daughters are left to mourn the lease( a kind and affectionate husband and father, viz, ;'-Jamas, of Nebraska ; Wo .., of Calgary ; tOtto, .1. L. Geddes, fdBohm' ve ; Mrs, James Ferguson, of Bitytield;Sliest. and Mary, et home, Tho,tiu,gdrpl+;took place on Saturday last toEBrandonn's cemetery, Rev, J. J, Hastie, Pastor of Belgrave Prosbyte• rien Church, ofllcieting, There Was a very large attendance, showing the high esteem deceased was held itt the neighborhood, Mrs. Porterfield and faulty will have the sincere eympathy of the people in this their hour of be. reityetnent, Grow Ontario Wheat. Our farmers are more to blame than anyone else for the present low price of Ontario wheat, When Western wheat first became a competitor of our Ontario grain our Camera made no effort to keep the intruder out, In- stead of fighting against the introduc- tion of Manitoba patent Hours they bought Western flours. Naturally Ontario wheat was neglected, many mills closed down and the demand for Ontario wheat became alit, Yet our farmers complain that there is no money in wheat. There is good money in wheat, and our fanners min get it out by forcing ep the prices, Since our millers have perfected blended flours there is no reason why our farmera should buy Weetorn flours. Blended flours (con- tenting Ontario wheat and n small quantity of Manitoba wheat) are bet- ter, both for bread and poetry, titan tory flour milled of a single kind of wheat. One of the leading bakeries of Toronto has tried out the blended flours, and it has been the mane of doubling end trebling their business on "homemade bread.” In the Maritime Provinces blended'1h.urs are capturing tate market and have driven "Western hard patent flours" out of many stores entirely. What our farmers should do is to stop spending their money for Western Hour and huy blending flours, milled by our own millers of our own Ontario wheat. In this so'ay tate money which now goes to the wheat growers in Manitoba and Alberta would stay right here at home. And as the demand for blended flours inerea•es, the demand for Ontario wheat will increase and higher prices will bo obtained for their crops by the farmers. j It is thedarmartt fault too that dairy• men and stockmen are paying such high prices for bran and shorts, When Great Bargains Our Store Call and see what we are giving away N. B. GERRY All prices cancelled. our mills do not grind notch grain thud' is a corteeponelitlg obortege in the nntonnt. of bran, etc.. for Sale. Those site keep cattle and horses mast get their feed from Manitoba end Al. ber.a, where there is plenty of wheat raised, Mid where the mills are grind- ing oat great quantities of teed. With a good heatiby demand for blended flours our mills will be running to their, fullest, capacity, plenty of bran and shorts would be pt'otlilred end with no freight charges to pay the prices would necessary go down. THE executive of the West Huron Liberal Association will meet in 0i/cleric!) op Saturday, the 21st Inst. iT is expected that nearly 6,000 rural schools in this'provinco will be in possession of the Union Jacks furnished by the education depart. mens before Chrletmas. These aro being sunt out by mail at the present time. Each flag measures six feet by three fleet in size, D, FIORNCIf, formerly manager of the Douse of Refuge, is now filling the position of weighfuaster in the town of Wetaslutwin ; he is paid by commission, but his earnings run from $60 to $100 a month, Slava Tna STANDARD t0 your dis- tant friends. Ten cents will pay for It till the end of the yrar. LOOSE LEAF LEDGER SYSTEM The only Modern Matti Work of Actual Canadiacial School n B uelnof ew+Proto aettu d 6r Om Whole• nate houses palling daily for graduates of Canada's Greatest Chain of High grade Business Colleges, because our students "Learn to do by doing." Each student has loose leaf ledger, hit and charge system, card system, bank book ; Alis out scores of notes, drafts, depoi,lt slips, cheques, statements, lanes, mortgagee, recelpts, shipping bills, eta. Our etudunts do actual business from the first day. Gregg Shorthand Touch Typewriting Typewritin g taught by the moat widely experienced teaoher In Ontario ; she tsetse a graduate of John R. Gregg, the Author, and highly recommend by him. Logit year our etenogrtpbere were all placed within ten days of graduation. Many of those young ladles are now drawing $700 00 *800 per roar. It Is freely admitted that we train the most rapid and accurate. Our Telegraphy Department Is well equipped. hallways are short of operators, and salaries are advancing rapidly, Wide Attendance St;udents attending our ehain from m ny from Maitnba, Saekatahewao,Alberta and county BriIn On. tish Gob umbla ; acute from the tinned Suiten, England and Sootland. We train more youug people than any ether management In Western Ontario.Averabyken we invite comparison.e Individual al 1 etrur unilon, Day le not excelled attend night classes free, and may take all of the above couraeo. Winter Term Begins January 6th. slum sou C t A .0t ts, Wingham Business College George Spotton, Principal