The Huron News-Record, 1897-07-07, Page 21. J , . . 1. •' t 19 i _--.�-.v.w-- -. �..- __........___...�..._. i AU REVOIR, her playing would revolutionize the x." THEN AND NOW friends," she said, in an explanatory musk world, He Asked to be excused inns. Iie has riot been lonpe• horse from D1a1110 ]d Jubilee and started for the door, but Bile mud- Then the merle unit thrush were sin in nbruud, uud ho knows searto un Atte." Queen's • . , 1 tntomot leave a place so dear, singing y y Without the tribute of a tear, I deuly darted to front or him anti hl- rt uud the huwemteado In the hedges "Not a blemstd soul,•' echoed Mr. Apps. And so behold It falling here, minted that he stay. Eie demurred, but Where the frulraut hawthorae bluasoma "You must let me show yon tuna a I How to Celebrate. A-tru:kllug Into rhywe, ( she would not listen to his protestations 14y wup,e wintry suowa loud been, bit, Ca ,titin 'Norman " said the ondu- i and even before he knew it bhe had half. Then the guray fires were blazlug, and tilt lit,,. with deleniiiii c'l Nutili[ g••(',,,, Call and examine our Stook sad Prices And satisfy yourself that we offer Lite ` Clow Shull 1 live beywul the breeze. I pUshwi and half-curried him to a chalr uuu'au Limps lit the sedges, you come ruuud to A gelub one night beat inducements to Cash purchasers of any house in the trade in p All ,erfumeU from the a „le tree N Then for weaduw luuds were smiling in ,11EN�RAL 1 , l s, ow her e'y>,9 were aglow tulle ttu Angry' g Alis week." GROCERIES HIGH GRADE TEAS FINEST COFFEES AND SPICES RANGES lain ,,s1). o'er a sense Of ease their cubed of gold and regia p t;uxwuwu to urban ellmef light, and her actions berme de t thiel "Wh11ti'or ?" derit:tndrd Mr. Apps Bits- f $ O pal; once more she became quiet ,ind ThNL your eyes were bluer, brighter than l,icioumly, LEMONS, FIGS, BANANAS, llA1'i:S, NUTS, CANDIES, &e. ;:p Ur, shall 1 wins the arida and hills, he imagined she was debuting jn her rh • vh,iets III the valleys, Why, to dine ! Sa y, Thursday." The ever-piping merry villa, uubulaured ruled C11e method -lit, Aad your sweet voice 9ned with envy k.'alveus knows where 1 shall be 1)u N. ,o�`LV^•Y1 , Whereon at eye the• wuun distills should use to hill him, The Bilenee •,vas skylarka suaring out of sight, le'urst!aY," said Mr. Apps, "I don't." Robson, Grocer Albert St t1 A shiwmcrlug pearly light. unbroken, except for his hard bre�thiug; And the pale, pink apple blossoms In the "You Must couajder loo at your itis i ' •f ClllltoIl• 1. E then she picked tip a chair and walked ",eha„d a grusay alleys posal if you require uuy infuruurtion. I - tig your blushing cheeks grew truly la u lcuuw at ___•_ t Th'ullurlag wuuds, the leafy ,Anes, toward him. He thought ilia day had moment wau and white. good lot of people, and tiny' New Waggon, �Y p -Y'-`- The glen where mous u bird cmuplulud. curve for he telt that she "sus about to frii•ud 1)Y Lnd,v 5tuplchurst s-„jgont CarY'�ag(� and Repair Shop The purple dwa t where twilight reigns brain hint with the »ec•e of furniture jn Now the birds are silent, feastLag where Oh, come off the roof,” maid '.tit. }� , Ifruw dawn to lulling night. her hand, Should Ve pall for hc'I, or the s,,ul t berries cluster; Apps, with much discontent ; "trot's the 1 k + { use of torlkim= ?" 1 have opened out on Rattteubury street,, next door to Tedtiord's black- a 'Tis passing from a spot like this would he light: lie deteruli„eei Alton where the• bench and oak un• fiawlag, " sluith Shop, and au1 r F To regions of far lesser bliss the latter and braced himself for t1j,,c, on. love-lorn cusituts sadly call; "Isn't it cupital ?" asked Lady Staple• l p e pati•ed to till orders fat• Waggons, Uttrriages and all OtheC That wakes the world just what It Is, sluught. Ile felt her ice-cold brit h nit Drr•aauag of tap tropic spleudors, owul,ow•s hntst of the gondolier, deligh i lily, vehicles. Repairing tine! re parotin 1. , .T A place of suille and tear his face ,wit was wuitiu = Yur her to u Ou tilt' houaetolm muster. How inuch more interesting it tvnul,l I 1; 1++'utuptly attended to. Satisfaction ual•- And w-ithln the Ancient orchard, red- be it everyone would only folk tO mp a steed and prices the lowest consistent with (food work, (;all and see the be- l lift the chair, when she remarked in :I cheeked u„ But ralabows come, the poets say, quiet tone of voice: "Won't o1) la ! t le•s eurthwnrd fall, ja their character." fore you order, CHARLES WAL6CE? !•'rout swiles uud tears alw,g Our tcuy, Y play Y , u duet with me?" Oh! But the relief to Now• your eyes have lust their radiance,. T.aelY Staplehurst rose with something Su awlle bu this pour taut ear. ' Wilbur Jones. Fie did not know nut: and your voice bas lust its sweetness, Of hurry in her manner and spoke to Maybuy tilt Ix,w'll appear. keyfrom Another, but he . ui(-kly enG'r Henry \'III. -�---- --- -_-_- --' Nue• tr lows anti lassles round us, I a {1► Then let us take the symbol sweet, r•r; into ill(- Spirit of the ocensiun. Tho blithe crud bunny, good and dear; ` N1 hat regiment do you belong to, SPECIAL. BA0nNoAlli\t� Spring ;,u 1 Buaaw 'r have departed with ptajn NOrinan :" asked the E 9� •��► prumlalug again to meet, chair Miss Hoyt turd carried in her land amazing apetd and fieetnesa, ••Wind out," said Mr. Aplm. TEAS, TEA`) TEAS. Ceylon, Assam and Ju ens 3 lbs. With life just sO Much sura coarpletO was played beside the piano bench and Nuw, deur wife, it Is the autumn of our "Am I fou curious ? 1 know very lit r r Y ' p , good Frew this deur [Lae tugelher• he mat there and played-truly played ars liveo, and of the year. tle of the army, I'm afraid," The gon- 3'ourtg 1-3'801) fon' 81 ur 100 per lb. he never had played before in his lite. 1. And memory will kept) It true, ck,lipr was resolved to by agreeable to Sugars, Sugars, Fivid,, hill uud vale-aud ralubow too- It seemed to be contest t0 determine In the mprlaq I wooed and won you, 11) the Lady Staplehurst's friend, gl ahvnYs S S 'Twill be a pletu,e good to view Which of the two would snake the most spring our troths were plighted. f g S, IJugars. . • When our hearts were brave and buo dodge the army nights in the House. 1 Juet to baud one car of Montreal Sugars. No. 1 Granulated, Cofree and Raw's lu data of aturwy titling ,•, spasm drill when right in the midst of n nut. and our love untried and new; y suppose you know severitl of the service o -31) rah Stirling �lytuntry. s{ivamodipRl rhapsody he heard a wo- members?" in bbld., Ane hundred pound and dollar lots. SPECIAL PRICES. man's voice call: `Ruse!" lit an instant Now In Autumn through all Burrows, joys . and Lepra rn►e st and wethtrd, "i M know as many 1)a I want to know.' WE KEEP TN BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS i r r t [,r-' rr ``t the girl turj. him was a cringing, ft-:u- Hand 11) bund we stand together bound said 9I r. Apps evasively. "A sun in my A �IL'�I�AL (>r11.\ Y �' A7. int preatt►re. The woman ted her from by love bill[ fresh and true, position or. life 'aB to be a bit careful COUNTY, Dinner, Tea, and 1'dedl'UUm Seta Fancy China and Lamps. the room and immediately retrtrned --Chambers' Journal, who lie mixes at) with." Y Ir3e was sitting in bra ottice chair alone. Wilbur Jolles gave an ex lana- 5 per cent, Idea than regular prices. Call and see our Goods and et e p The hostess returned from ! [em••r b P ' culml •, lazily, inde udeutly Atizin= iota thin of his ex-mrionc:e, and then the prices. 6r y b ' A SINGULAR GUEST. VIII. g l the t•1vudB of smoke Hutt t-Muu:teU I•:. a other side of the affair war; made clear. 1 L c11u make ..thing of this tTl;t tt," the fra•raat liavasu hr dexterous, The latest arrival was Miss Hoyt and whispered the SEEDS.-1'ilaothy, Rod and Alsike ` h � , � P gondolier tO her, as he , Clover, Turnip and Mangold, All !,Aimed' bl'tw'rY'n the first suit Be,:10.1d she was the teacher of mttair. •rh^ fresh and nets seed. nu •ers of his right girt hand; his feet wore yonnx girl who had so entertained hien ruse, "I think hteB silly," b b Mr. Henry Apps of Hoxton completed It you knew his quullties YOtt Gash Paid for Good Butter end Eggs, o1) the desk before him. He alid- was a neighbor's daughter and inns the fixing of the wires on the lawn of wouldn't speak of him like that." She ,g -� denly made a movement, not or his mpntally atfli(-ted and her weaknefsr had Hasleigh court. He looked up at the resumed her seat by the side of Mr, ['�y' �TT�. rt {. _ , whole body by any means, but his left heat so mainly and terrihly demonstrat- diln light in the dressing-room and Henry Apps. J• YV . W T (,1�1111/0� Arm. IIe reached out to push an Alec- (,(I to Wilbur She avid the girl ha] chuckled softly as he bent the lust yard "!Fell, blow me !" said Lady Staple- I , V • tris button and in an instant a l,uv an_ frequently masqueraded am herself, but of wire. horst, screwing her pretty mouth in her `-_ she eonld not understand her writing effort to imitate the Cockney's accent ; `- swered the summons. "Jan,, skate u,rf "� trip in time," said Mr. Apps, "saucy T - ---- -- ---- to the post Office 1111:1 ;;et the 11,11:,, get til,, postal and the canning manner in nine.,, "blow me if this isn't a fair takp-•L READY FOR E3�SIIVESS. the mail, 1 say!" The buy auswrer,:1: tvdiirh the plans were promulgated •ind He threw the rope ladder gently i1) Alcan tike dnhn," ah� laughed. `11's -- "Yes, sir," and then was gone, parried Ant, On every pnsaail,ke occaai"n the air, and at the first effort caught the of 10 list', Captain NoRtZ. 1 can't tulle :Sheppard �T p No, the maul with his feet un the dealt she wnnld repair to the Hoyt rpsidanee projecting nail. as you call." CXKr �E:aCo The Clinton FamilyGrocery' was riot it railroad maguato nor ,lay and entertain herself at the piano. NINA "Once: on board the lugger," qugted "It's a gift," said Mr. Apps, "that's y y what it is." Are now ready for lousiness with a new and select stock of Family Groceries, other clipper of coupons-•-he was a caul Hoyt rutlrl Sir" an rpertpd nnthin nn Mr, Apps, facetiously, us he monntrd `Yon don't want to be intrudnced to flout', Feed, Provisions, &c, We guarantee our values to bet • p• ' mon, .everyday editor of a choly news- u•cual until she. heard the •'duet;" sho the rola ladder, "and the girl is mine." the market. Teas a s et-}alt ht very best m calm tole, AT r. Jones that the girl wits IIe u anybody here, L suppose ?" p V• Terris Cash oi- Produce. paper i1) a small city, that la, editor 1)t r " opened in the window very gently "Not me." t(x+ SHEPPARD & BEACOM, ONTARIO ST.. CLINTON. the local department. It tuns not h•'• entirely hnrmlpxa, and atorxi inside the dressing-room. Near ••You have heard of-" cuuse his salary' was $10..-w per wool: R illiur (lid not mtop to make furth••r the table jn the earner of the room war! "Y ,,hayed i1) the direction Of the that he was given authority tO order tilt- I"'niries and at once left Pnr his place so iron safrt:, printer's "devil" .around, but 'mind he- Of bnminexR• It is needless to that "Weil, I'm jiggered + gondolier. - ___n!F!TTT!T!_WI!" � 1 y' ggered •' exclaimed M r. - -- _ . --- - - ._- -.--- -- _ _ _ [[1l/� [/ cause that Individual was at his •:oin- tl,e Paper diff not contain a line abort APPS. IIe loosened the Baps of his fur House, 1 want to." CLINTON tJ/7t�/7r tD - - his exnertence, ca) and mo lies really makinga ti name in the OOR ane, BL IND FACTORY thud mail-and every day-when vi wuuhis I aped his brow with the bark c use you know. watteh his career f the maul-Bud then he ex:•triaced ilia HOwpver, after that he, was n frrilni+nt of his hairs!, 'Well, I'm jiggered . If with great interest." rights, visitor at the residence of Miss TTnyt thek uven't been and left the key in for- 'Thiuka h jolty tut OC himself." It was not long until Jim returned and now he stops there mgu'nrly. 'i'his Die. 1 m` ht have sived myself a lot of - w•ith all armful of mail-all exchanges is "nonrated for by an item j1) the paper trouble if ,'d` a kriowed." "Oh, I think •1 lot of hint, too," re- ' e-—o'--'- wlrbeh "A ns fnl(nwa: Mr. Alips swung Oben the ilea , marked Lady itaplebur,it, pleasantly." S. S CV�� p except a postal curd and thou were but" r "And is that a jemmy sticking nut of� Proprietor. {Jhr a few words on that. It inns Addressed "At 417 Madison avenue last nigh! o[ the sate and listened to the music our p 1J . to the local editor and said : 'Big thing there was a most fnshinnabl" gathorjnx downstairs. Young Lady Stapleburst y jacket locket '? This is: indeed, ! • to witn•,ss file mnrriagp of air. Wilbnr was giving (am Mr. Apps very well ktrewl realism. You don't know how it works, i1) this, Crone immediately," It inns Tones, lila versatile, nenapatis•r man, and I suppose ? Signed, "A friend, 417 Madison avenue,, u dance, u fancy iiress dance, on het •uppo I've got a kind nP hSdrR," said General Builder and Contraetor.�,� g A big news Item was just what hr wu.a Blas TTnyl', the onyprilar mnsiejap. -O, return from the continent, after her , , X. Schimansky. in Sa.ndnsky Rud et. tern of womanhood. Mr'• APPS• book ern. You put this This factory has been under the personal supervision slid ownership for loolcing for. The entire local , wa.4 g rr171 end i1) and-" whiett ennmisted of himself, had not he,,, just see, 6txt of all," he said, Pl getting quite eight yearn. We cmrry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and that tale coast is clear, and theft-then Mr, A ,s found himself - - very busy ttu•uughout the day and a big (`est of Big Toone,•' for a bagful." excited in the explanations that he gave. , give estimates for and build all classes of buildings oh short notice and on the 'tem world be acceptable. In two hours A recently published Ren, relative to It was a new sensation to meet one who closest prices, All work is supervised in a mechanical rt D4 r. Henry Apps stepped out into the ri. the Iu1Pet' w•uuld g1) to press :Ind he could the comparative cost of the world's four broad passage. He Blotched, with his Showed an intelligent i1) crest to his pro- y and eatiefSCtiOn cover n monster story in thus time, teat tunnels places . the cast o[ the fe•ssion, and he could tot help reeling guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. rhe city editor's name team Jones, gg jemmy sticking out of his capacious Bide Ilooste tunnel in the United States, rhe pocket. at Yew steps towards the stairs, flattered, Looking up, he saw the bon- Lumber Lath Shingles,. Lime ,5 .vi Jones, and he at On(P set out oldest one of the lot, at about $.tit► N dolier looking at him. + ) O , iLSh Doors Blinds Etc. Suddenly a girlish figure turned the cor- He don't look 'appy, that chap," said ' ' ' for 417 <iadiaon Avenue. AR h^ trudged foot. The blunt Cenjs tunnel, the next Apr. along he again trod the card and thio in date, cont, according to the same itartat, "Bless mar 'art !" cried Mr. Apps. Mr. Apps. Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK manufactured time be observed that the writing W.I.,, about $35.1 a foot; file St. (Gothard cost , "Why, how do you do?" said the yonng Will You excuse me for one mo- n Wated0o. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. 1.from the hand of a woman; and he also ' r i,,i g g Ment: i $ 3t- n foot, and the Arlberg, the lttest lady, Ste to forward, She ave a soft What arc you going up to, miss '?" saw' n. stain on one corner of the earl-- to date, cost only $155 a font. The rapid laugh that w•as very pleasant. 1,This %1.,, tmdoubtodly a tear drop, said Wilbt:r deerease in cost within comparatively is really deli:kfnl. Do he said, appreht;nRively. -----'-.-'---' •-••- ---- Jones, And am Wilbur lessened the ,lis- few years is cited as a marked hidir,-t- eogni2ed You know, I e- "L tvan't to s{,pnk to him." y T tante between himself and his destine- tion of the great r You 1)t once, i1) spite of the "Oh !" twith relief) ' I don't mind Cheap.Ip ogress 11) n rock-ex- costume." t hat•" CheapCheap tion his imagination brouglt hefure hitt methods rind improvements in rOCk•rs• She hold the hand of Mr. Apps fora `eyes the sad cry oP a weeping wom:irr-- eavating tools. A still morn striking rt-- few moments, eau»in• that While Lady Staplehurst was making • "- 6 one o 1111 the gondolier resume 'his ordinary ez asaibly' her husband loud abandoned salt exists in the parva Of a tlintiel to Leap for breath, and 'called nue of the gEgi /OVEu >�Ipp FEN(! , er; mayhnp it was only a family row. throngh the Cascade Mmtntainm, on the maids, pression, Mr. Apps thought and lhonght' � N RE FENCING or. who could tell, the story cit u kid- line 1)t the Northern Fncific Iihil Aad, lust lain* mea The couples promeuading after the: waltz STEEL h pencil suit a rnrd," looked etiririusl I WIRE WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. �ese na;x'd yonng; WOman-a beantiful,. nt- in the T.'nitel States, This. unlike'thom,. she said. y at him. ta•at•t}t o young wun:l,i• The more Wil• named, which worn excavated in Old ser- "I meat urritnge for a carriage to take "It's the rummicst show you ever tvas I w ©doU p cy p ®p v O O4 OO b lone thou.c:ht the faster he wnikpd ;Ind tled of fries, with the t('rmiflud posy of (jarPt. Nornnu burl[ to lis betel in the ;n, 'Leery," said Mr. Apps ; "you're re a the falstet' he walkeil the mor(' ho access, was'in a morning, I wa»u't sure that he would uv em on toast, you are; but you'll `a ' ppcaliatrlY diftictnit bras- g• be glad to get upstairs igen, You ivant > thought. until at Inst his mind tins a tjOn, so much aO that it tank eOme." thein diantonda, that's mot you leant. a seething mass of possibilities and eon- months i1) convey flop mto "I can walk," remarked Mr, Apps, hme mean. dlutley to you, 'Entry." nt 1"ENCING jeeturom, `chinery to the spot, , I'>ii'pr. had to with ie'stored self-possessiuu, l.ad,y Ntaplelnurst o youcl t ne . flop .� Hera was a house "I'lliber,ed 482, s,) be turned aside d)Iidges built, and ma- ' "I won't hear of it. When shall we 9 the plot(-(' lie wnm i(iOkiug fOt' stlY, now ?" doorway. A murmur of aaatlsement. I could nn.t feria trauaphrted Durr in,l,rr•yimed road, went lbruugh the room its the gu,",ts :;atm t,, to far off, As he moved flow!, ,he atrrer; through Aparly 100 miles Of forewt, marl "Say, in an hour's time,' said Mr, a now arrival in the costume Of a wliceI Closely arnuning path numbor, ;a sign and lYriw• fichis, yet the tunnel. whieh im ` cps• "I eat) go upstair Moue, change ! Manufactured and Sold by }. in a residpnCe a few door's lar ad or hint s4te n aunt One-half feet wkle, m? togs atnd dO all I want to.'+ Vonstnhle, accompanied bay a rnatlt in •rel¢ ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO., LTD. s� twenty• ,Iain clothes. Air, Api,s, thinking over • • G,l,,s well as J attracted him attention. It r�•s.d "Music• fwo feet high, and 89N) feet long, was And can't you stay lunger ?" i Eaton.Ontarto. I lessons by aLism Ilnyt." aS`lpn hp :11•. bored through flop mount tin in ttv•nr,:• Shp gave the card t" til„ mnid, and his exploits. Baring ahatrnetefily At ilia k, �!t('d in franc Of the pinre ho sate' it',va., two mnnths, at the rate of 413 feet n ordr•r•d it to be despatched at veer, (nuts, regretting their want of palish did Qng' 011010E STEEL WIRE NETTINGS 417," the very house to w•tlaeh' he hard month, and at a efist Pur the eom 1pt((i "I've got a busy night before. me," +But we them until the plain Clothes mon del i�llens F®� 'i-�E�le been atiintnmred, After j,e hod rung til(' tunnel Of cols about $1` R a foot. p?(,ew tapped limon the shoulder. TRELLIS, POULTRY YARD,, urged a1 r. Apps excnaingly. IIe thought 1i'hat, Apps a.^'a' �'--qqo ]~ell anti was eivaitiug an answer York Tjn)es. of Ilia dog waiting un the lawn :+nit tl• e•iu?'' exclaimed rho LAWN F.Ei�IDINGS ETC, r''' ho"mspe(14- itis` sttrronnrtings, The feared it might give nn inoplwrtune man' , '`' hollow was a pleasant One and to hien P, bark. Besides, the ,,,are was still open, Yns," said the bnrglnr, di�cuutentedly, Thu Story That Amuopd Xivierson, "Yue, it is •Apps agitte, Mr. Walker. Anti ARE SOLD ver MUCH LOWER this year, than ever before, two the dianioncls were wattin • jY ^,`1 :appeared aR though it might be rho ;irnur. h for him, vurry lad you :, p to set- him I've no '_ Of a family in good eirenmmtanCes; then Ralph Waldo it Fthermoll was once dote: St had noticed with ng li Satisfaction Lady daht," g THEY ARE THE BEST, ask your Hardware Merchant for them, . his gyps livhted on the sign anti the icle;•t A amused with the follOwirg i-ssed anecdote: :itxplehutst mus wearing rune. >,Iwuym tt pleasure to meet a gentle- 'S• WNa dispelled for a moment; then hp A }Ad,v, deeq,ly veiled and dei ss('d :n "]"o1) were always au active sari, �� p(msidered it possible and Probable that mourning. was riding in. it stagy Broach Uatptain." man like yon,' said Mr. Walker, cheer - --- - - _ - .----------- - l1isR Iiny t teas n levels daughter silo In t•ernlont, Opposite to whom sat a "Always a-doing something," agreed fully, as he conducted bim to tine door- -- - -- - - - ; »mall, ahaip-rentured, bhtck-eyed tvo- Mr. API+a• "lf it isn't Oar thing it's wily. 'I've tvauted to run up against ��'j��'j __ no spend wpm alp] hes»ono to show her 1855® The Old Reliaible Furniture Stere 1897 man, who began catechising her thus another." lie shook his read reflective- YOn before. r..... o indeppndera<e •til naw woman' rynai- "Have ynu lot [ric>nd»? "Yea, I have." ly, I of'en wonder I don't write a AInr6 cumnuptiou in the baIirOOrn at fic•asing t While these thoughts wet•e "Wag they near friends?" "Yes, they book about it all." the diverting little scene. (leneral •v.1.0•.p,.� `,•%,,`.,%,` chasing themselves through his min-1, was." "How near?" "A husband and "I don't, believe you will know any- agreement that Lady Staplehurst was u% One after anotha•r, the door wam olx'ni•il, , " perfect geninm at entertaining, (':Ill in and see my stock of Household Furniture. scone lute des}gas in Brad sure enough, there stood a really n brother." Where did they li:? body here, Ctlptain Norman, she said, "But, loveliest girl," said the gondn- EXTENSION TABLES, 13EDROU:II SUi1'Fs in Oak. Eln'1 handsome young Indy, Fi(' dol not gain Dowu in Ainbilp.' `What did the_, dl . as the walked downstairs ; 'but I , Ash, Mat ,le, &r. r�11 with?" "Yellow fever." "Was they couldn't help sending you a card seeing tier, confidently, t" Lady St;apMhurst. FANCY ROCKERS, KERS, MATTRESSES, SPRING Bi,D8 PI(-1'I-ImsI cul?- ;;i,: ' a good look tit her on account of the long sick?" "Not very," "Was thpv how friendly we were on tie I'eahswur. "isn't this earryiug :a yoke rather too T:1iN POLES, SIDEBOARDS, EASLES, CENTRH TABLES, &p, ' from being rafter dtu]t, but o> rc " ., ' Do you remember those evenings far ? That's a real detective.' - ' from the view he did obtain he ,corm you get men.' Yea, they was. i.i. Y 9 ga o° "I know," said the loveliest girl, trenl- Pictures Frailled, glass ttseed in picture franies, Spec•u4 imported, Mouldings, L , slip was far beyond average r+eanty. He you gat their phists:+' S(•s, 1 dj,{," deck in the Held Sea .,' lljtlg nOw a little. "'That's u real bur- American and Canadian, Fine assurhnent, Frames for Photos. '� stammered: "Mims-Miss," when he was "tiVnR they hopefully pinny?" "I hope` She was really a very Sue young mo- lar, too," Prices ri�ht, good valile for your money, Good Feathers taken in exchatn =e, €: and tntst they was. Well, if you got man, and in her costume she looked ex- K scrvices, s by Won't Hoyl; sst your their chists and they was hopeful,, A reel-" b Ff I'V1CPm, sir. Won't you come 1)i 7„ r tremeiy well. Sortie good I ettt.hers for bale. The speaker's voice w:i» low, Bait rather [1)L" sett have great reason to be thtanit- "l)1) I nut?" said Mr. Apps, with much "Y'e's, yes• I)on't make a fnss. 1 fervor. "Shall I everforget'em?" don't want. the daluce Spoilt, Take mt- ��41►� �1�y011, monotonous. The soon news Baer man down to supper like a good felluw.'- s shown to floc Sjttin or,pniure aro- The stress laid on the "chists," and the "'.And thea the journey from ,!clothsn , J. C• Stevenson `j.6L Albert street g, I you know ;and that fano little German rid-Bits. O , x,sate Town Mall pt-rly speaking, music-room, and in his Placing of their rnaCne before the piety -you remember him ?" y ! 1 little tour through the house he uoticcd of tier lost husband and brother as ren- "He was it knock-out, that German Caught in lite Ice, that it was finely ttppojyted t:nd furnish- sone for tbankngly c a act mtt,- o a certain Leading Undertaker and Embalmer. T -' • ed-surely a magnificent home for u exceedingly charapterimfi. Ot u certain tvas A prospector in Alaska, with c party class M Yankees and infinitely mirth- Aral the girl who played the banjo, of eight others, was walking ucroab a Residence ON Store. f#vllo e of music, unless the work tvaa pmvoking.-(]Olden Rule. and'" great ice field, At one place a thin - - G. sTF.tL\yOV, followed to gratify a mere white, as he "it wits great," agreed Mr. Apps ; sheet of ice hid from view a crack about �_-•... __ _ _ J before thought. "great," three feet wide. The party approached Goderieh Poultry Yards, �- _ y k" 16 I When Wilbur had been seated the ta,P van winkle in iao7. The huge ballroom was very full. A diagonally, tale prospetAor in advance, y Houso for Sale• Young woman drew a chair up close to Police Justice-Well, what's the small covey of brightly-dreamed young when he and the next mail in line Bud- I breed single comb ,crown Leghorns exclu• +Tw•o story frame house in Clinton,him unit they talked on flop most or- charge against this fellow, ofncer? Ppbph flew toward tilt sttel AI stock is s1), I tan room., P young hostess dpltly slipped through the thin coatju:; Y• Y 1 erior bred, the yard stoneceller, hard and soft water. (;ood ground. �:: dinary to its. He felt that it was time OHl(er-I found him over o1) the welt to complain of her temporary absence bele header, by a large, vigorous cO(•krel Frame stable. For Pull partleulars appi • to ' for him to go and he ventured to ask side, ser annex, wunderin' along the frmn the room, and s broad-»houldere rl g of ice, thud disappeared in the chasm w,bic h seored !4 by Jarvis, also liens Rcoring 02 tiro Owner, J09FI114 ALLANHON, Clinton below. I'hair wild cries uarruMy art!- lo!11.4 poin6.,. 7 hey aro the beRt egg producing 030-tf \ y:,. her the object of having him esti. Then edge av the rend, When I rtm't him what gondolier shook hands with her and took vented some of the others from meeting breed of poultry. Hatisfnrtiou guarnote I or +1.' he was a»tonisbed at the sudden chane was the matter, he said he was look'n• up her card with somethingof an air -- — in her demeanor. g• ter the sidewalk. pf ss carrying fate, The »epuue mon wit, onletw re ll5. R gs persrtting of $1; 26 propriebir»hip, Carrying a gun, noel, as he bald on t+, it, oggm Por $t.i3. Ado rasa LOST, 11, Heretofore she had acted extremely Police JlistW-Great Scott! Doesn't "I thought I had left the key in the- W. A. ROSS, r dignified and quiet, but she now began excuse Inc." The g the c weapon ndgecl him to b in the On or about old ads luno 81 1), mr the rand he know there ha» hero no nae for mule- sono hostess talk lNil•lP Oorlerich, Ont. hot.tvecn Ilayflnld enc ,, ' crevice, and crutblpd him to be reapn('d, f Varna, n bag et youth :' an excited and disconnected haraugne walks this et-nhtry? Where has he bc•eu hack ler card from the gondolier. "I but flop roal,ector fell down at Ien;t 7.5 - Forceps. Finder will be rewn•rrtcri o1) returning ^, on music and musicians, Front what for the Inst ' ten years? Where's his am engaged t.o Cap4tin Norman. You �' lii�h Glass Poultry. them to Dr, Sheppard, Ba hO could make out of her talk, ins) bicycle? don't know him 2 Allow me." feet, an was tightly jammed between yHcld. };•-• which she hadlnjected much gesturing, O@!rnr-I dinno. ser anner. He hadn't "Pleased to meet you," mnid Air. buil hiSlvoices of ccotildcbeOcdimtinctluld not yelparl N:(if.1H P'OR HAT('i4ING, LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND ' 'g� she attempted to explain to him `hat anny when I first met 'jm. Henry Apps. "Ow's the world using. directing the movements of his res- g WAGON FACTORY � 'Aa she was a goddess of music• that thtt Police Jnetice-Vl'ell, who to he; ghat you ?" 1511 LRh Red Caps. tnytholO rn1 suers. Blankets were torn into ArlpK g P • Noted for their runt Xt personage ,tad been re- is he, anyway? That's an original costume a2 yours, Egg producing dualities and hating no super• t generated in herself and that she was OtHcer-I dinno, ser Boner, Fie »nyS Captain Norman," remarked the gondo- and tired into n rope. This q as lowered Corner Huron and Oran ('n lora also n good !able lett]. Some of go St•reeLm, Clinton. a to the imprisoned man, who famlene4 f.ho above were winners at New York, Buggies on hand and made to y'; now the personification and true repro. he's a Fx'deafrinn'r-something like that. Iter. I don't know that I've ever aeon one end around his body, When the London, Toronto. Fg sforsettingl3for$1.50. Firstdlnaa Ru sentative Of musical genii. She told Police Justice-O, a pedestrinn, i» he? anything; So daringly real before.' t order. Prices to suit the t.hncm. Repairs Boit him that he would not have to take her " rope was anile,, however, it qn» Pnaur ('Ornish Indian game, Ing of table fowl, Also repainting promptly attend to. Prices reason Clerk, make out an order to have thio bVell, mot of it 7" demanded Mr. that he lose, been jammed »O tightly !toed layers, t ooaterR 1"oighing to to IT lis.; able.1. 'A, , word ns a verification of her statements, rnan rommitterl to the insane asylum. APPm, with sudden aggressiveness; "mot's loons 7 to 8 poands. F:ggm Per setting Ss2.O0. ______ _ but she would show hien by actual erne. the odds to you what I like to weary that he could oat he mortal ,without 1vA1,T1`at LOATH, Rox 10L, Clinton, Ont. - - _ - - -T- .7 tice that. shr-•-Miss Hoyt-was not hl tearing him asunder. The rnaeupta will Mogillop Directory for 1897. Yon needn't think you're-" quandary, but the imprisoned guarantee n fair hatch. ;, reality a common inhabitant of tills 9omo Stores „ were in a _ _ _ -_ __ Captain Normans interposed the John Morrison• Reeve. Winthro d . O. munelane sphere but wax a mu»dc-sngpl Tommy-What kind of a Storp is that YOung hostess, langh[agly, `you mustn't I man suggested that they Liner him !t pp ,11 ; ' in human guise. She Said she had in. Y hatchet, and when this was done he To Im rovers of Stock• R•m. Archibald, Deput • Reove, Loadbury 1'. r ), Otte, papa, where the have three-color- Alec- overdo flop part. Look hely I've ut p (-hopped himself ]pomp in short nrvler. Al- Daniel Manley, Councillor, Beechwood T', O. ', �,r. �itpd him there so that ills n r Ivonjd id glass jars in the window? yon down for this waltz, but if yAv Itke 'neo undorsi erd has On ilia promises, 10th Jos, C, AlQrriaon, Councillor, Reeclnvnod 1'. n, /" paper together hp was d0 minuMv in this icy be the first to give to the world tate an- Papa-That's an apothecary shop, we'll sit it oat-that is, it you promise tomb, and it was a week before he ,•n- cence9aion, Clo crinh Totrnship• Writ. McCinvin, Councillor LeadburyP. n. nouneement of the appEaranoe of an TOz°my' to keep tip that diverting Fast Nand talk. A Thoroughbred Joracy Bull. Toirins:-$l Jne. C. Morrison, Clork, Winthrop 1 . O. envered from the Shoek,-holden Dayv. Tommy-And that place next door to I like it. I)o you think you can manage and $2. William Evans. Aasoaaor, Iloechwoorl F'. O. old-time master in new form; and then , David M. i;Ona, Treasurer, Winthrop f). ' • • ec",`5 it that has three balls in front of it? to do so ?' A Thoroughbred Chester White Ronr, rogis- p ° to Wilbur Jones astonishment, eonster- p i sigh)-Oh I that's a h "Ra-ther I" said Mr. Apps. A Trun Easter offering, Cored. Terms:-$1, with floc privilege of return• Charlos Dodds, Collector, Sonforth I'. O. nation and displacement Of hill faeul- Papa wjt1t a Si y. Richard Pollard, Sanitary Inspector,1,eadiniry, tip» she began an exhibition of her pothecary shop, Tommyl-Judge. Anel it is a capital make-up, Captain To earn motley for her Easter offer- Ing• nhility and powers on n near-by piano. Norman," she went on. "Do you know ' Ing one girl filler, the shells of Finglimh A thoroughbred Tamworth Roar, registered. - ', How Miss Hoyt did bang that instrit- Armm•,n,w wa w Fertilizer. that at first, ilial for one moment, )? walnuts with wax slid sold them for Terms:-$1, with privilege of returning. Valuable Property for Sale• moot! For ten long ..minutes Bhp did A few drops household ammonia mix- tbougllt you were R real burglar." work haxkpts. A three-inch length of Th1R Is a rare chance to improve your Rtock p r The nndermignod offers for mato his fifteen 1:1everything but donee nn the keys and ed with the water used for waterin Fancy that, »ow . Said Mr. Apps, baby ribbon fastened the two haloes t1)• T. C, EnMuxD», acres of land, In the township of Aullott,lid- when she had finished the rendition of young tomato allots iS very bpneficialg, IIp was relieved at seem an easy way gather at out) end, and each half was 005-tP. Owno*. .1Ointng the corporation of Clinton. The land se nothing but discordant, inharmonious bat care should be taken not to use too out of him dlincnity• • There's nothing filled with melted wax. 'Che shells were - - - -- --- - - ------ - - R of eta loam and in excellent condition; all xewnda, Bhp II»ked him it he did not much at S totrte, The cheaper way to like doing he thing in a proper str#e- I pressed closely together at tilt, end where We WNI Pay Stralght Weekly Salarles seeded down, except small portion for potatoes think it "divine." obtain the same effect is to use nitrate forward w y. I the ribbons were pasted, and n hence There is atone foundation and collar for roat- Witbur . ..And," Wild Lady Staplehurst, a with was Mtt af. the other end through which Of from $1000 to $80.00, according to ability, for donee; frame barn, stable, cow Rtatble, good got a full view of ilia hostess of soda. her fan on her «arm, ,ra they wetked the thrend could be drawn when the Roiqn FaPtor' n tQiirnimontli on oitrHliig �ofmm ai- there &O. number Onl Only few minutest•walk from �vps Rud in an undertone he said: across the room, you have got the Ht est wax was npedpcl. The ribbon loo mere- Ston. The Diamond Jubilee is booming thin y "Clrazy, by jingo." 8ts>te Astronomy. End acCevt tally:' p Ti goat office, Thoro is »o morn desirable pro- J lick--Did � cad for fastening the shell to the aide Of wonderful volume keeping all hands working 01 He nervously glonMd at hill watch "e porta and Clinton. The suit Is reason. . . l He remembering the old-time til, ry , you ever study the stars? Tait- t So drato Is It n I tr basket. One d these One's vanpr'a early and sato• ltbo only Canadian work so- able and forma will be made to suit pnrohnxor, that it was beat to humor an Insane M I ve therm.--Toa• p beckoned to 'the a»tidier, mn ken n pretty addition to one's u�ePnl 0eptod by Her Majesty and endorsed by the For particulars write or apply at Trim NFwsi. - 1►ei'- kers Statesmats, a;ptaia I+iortauaa mud I tyre green 1 articles. Royal Family, A beautlful big book ata small RUCORD oi3lco, or to the owner, son; he told het that without a doutA pp��jico• Harry yyour application. THE RR.AD• WM, MURPHY t LEY•GARR TSON CO., VIA., Toronto, Ont, C lintcn P V I . .. h N ^ a . - . . '_ , •' } e _e.:t>,ra.l.. n� xrc.; urt.ev-u�,.s.- x.�.�,-...-....... .....,err.. .+....., ...... ..-, ... __,. .. v. a. - .v..... • 111111111W