The Huron News-Record, 1897-07-07, Page 1HURON
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TERDIS-$1.115per Anuum, 1.00 Yn Advetnee. - - INDEPENDEVr IN ALL THINGS --NEUTRAL IN NOTHING A.111 TODD, E011or end Owner
!- - `� _ -
R e y Srlet Town Tonics. diapittch. 'I've bean dealing• with Jas Co's. Place, so we'll step in and see Mr. I `^THE TWO A. J.'S.
H L. Brown about the bike right
V; Fair fora long time, and I tall you he away• He sells the justly failloua
i„ • c The Kiu Gardener, Joseph Allan- is a goodamau to tie to. -- - -----___ _ _- -- -
SOD, yesterday presented THE NEWS- Massey- Harris make and wheelmen say ry���� �O� j The Top
After this visit, Uncle Josh su est- �";
ser Beer RECORD, with a nice bouquet made ,ip fresh- that for simplicity, durability and ease
k',°` by Mrs. Allanson from white piney, ed it tesoit to some place of ,afresh- speed it has no equal. At thislate sea .
>•ti+y�*s�oonoo�f666660 scented piney, red piney, cabbage rose, I rnent. At the table the old man sort of the year, I understand the
i;;'` g Kin William, g L I waxed philosophical. "Never neglect . p I Y j :weep Cool I Notch
,; # A Malt beverage, j g (due .n of the staltic, t P. , On ward collie are: sellin bikes at
orange rose, Queen of England, crown Your larder, stud he. That iin or- great bargains. Both loll and •
Perfectly prepared, lily sweet Williams of all colors, blue ( tant adjunct to housekeepfng controls Charley selected it Massey -Harris. Be- •
t'`"' Free from drugs, bell, yellow bell, lernontaina, vauiatgat_ masculine temper. To that end you fore leaving Uncle Josh explained that If not we can Assist you to do So.
i'`, I I must patronize a), grocer on whom you 01 �t le
1; r: other Much recommended for its ed unnt, old man rib ,ass and several Pi g' for scientific bicycle repairing, Mr- Our Ne[�figs Shirts in linen, Silkatline
., other selections. It is handsome to c:tn depend for honest goods. through Brown was unexcelled in Western Un- and S}lk mixtures are just the thing
stimulating and highly nutri• look upon and sweet to smell. Even a ( it Ion 6r term of years I have found tario, "Why1 tell you what," he said for warat weather. wear. Prices from ,
i;'. T tious properties, In pints, better one is promised for the 12th. Ogle Cooper & Co. perfectly reliable, Y Isn't man's
balways the most tasty after
"He can take any old wheal ,End fix it 500. up. ,
You will find them careful dealers all. A man a build and shape must be
`` `� p y always fully stocked with every pos- up its good as new. Special Hot Weather Balbriggan considered.
�,`'< JOLLY OLU IUNCLE JOSH sista Ening in the line of staple At this point, Somewhat to the con- Underwear at $1 a Suit, just what you
�'':, atnd fauc groceries, fresh and fusion of Charley, the old nian indulg- want if you desire to keep cool. A tailor isn't a good tailor unless
'':'• L hck Kennedy IlisGrea.tGenerosity.Towards first-class no shelf wenn goods there, ed in a half serious cr}You a his 1 he knows what sort t cut will look
R Fast Black Sox, two parr for 25c.
Ills Newly flurried Niece while the prices are down to brass personal appearance. -You are de -
The Clinton Liquor Store. tacks. To keep peace in this family cidedly oft Style for a townsman," said NOK+ cant you keep coo}? And we I$a more stylish on the tall roan end
•,_ n REALISTIC ROIISA\CE of cLlh'rON IN rte Coo er & he, ":End we'd better o see A. J. Hul have them, course in texture, 3 tales the short ensu, ,he fat And the eau.
get all your groceries of Og p g, for 25c., just the thing for outdoor Aad the pattern of the goods them -
WHICH A NUMSRR Olt PROMINENT ()O, loway the merchant tailor about some heave work.
+ ��� t BUSINESS MEN TAKE A VERY ('ON- new duds." He's a to-da.te on styli•, Sol so is another important thing to
SPL�COUb PART. While Uncle Josh was pondering I P
where to go next, Polly suddenly ask- and on fits. he can't be beat, and he Washing Ties decide.
s ed : "Uncle, where can I find the lead- I don't charge fancy figures either, VV We are perfectly familiar with all
"Miss Sumuters-Polly-I-I--er- ing millinery establishment?" "Just a I Charley left his measure and then turn 2 for •15c, great value for the
Q��ea date I-" But the speaker took a few doors further on remarked'Uncle ed his intention to A. J. Morrishs the technical pointe in tailoring.
money. Our experience and knowledge
ri , header over bashfulness, Only to hear Josh "and we will v'sit Beesley & Co, splendid atsorttnent of inen s furnish- P
a sweet who, a the way, have on hitnci c)nc+ of lug's. Before leaving, halving found Our Hat Trade clothes is at the public's service.
r;; "Iles, Charley." the cornpletest Storks of ruillinery and goods and prices irresistible Charles Our garments are made and sold
a; Envelope also invested in a complete outfit Of has been And is now brisk. We
�+++��++ • •� • "Can I aspit'e to--to-to-that-is ladies fancy goods to be found in the P on honor,
?" , Again a la sc into silence, followed city, You can get what you want ge,nt's furnishings, from the late style can fit and satisfy you in quality,
!". g` F• there, the latest styles and lowest flat to a dozen shirts. "When you get price and style. ooeo0o®ay
Which is attached to the by an encouraging Y
rices being their motto. Beesley & to ,ed out in that fine suit and these A. J. HOLLOWAY
Bicycle in our window will
-Yes Charley, C ,, g Y ot�er fixings," remarked Uncle Josh, •000000v I
o s. trimmer Miss McDonald has the
+, evening. June 30th at 10 P. Another failure of language, It was :when you have purchased these you married man." For high classtailori°a; A. J. MORRISH. CLINTON.'
�. m., and the person who seemingly .L hopeless case, and might have the thing according to fashion and fashionable men s furnishipgs, the _r . - ___..._ -_ - _____ ..
'z;• has guessed the nearest have been, only for a demure and a Satisfaction that your work hits I two "A. J's." are right to the front
� .. how the fignres been done b a competent artist. In fff everytime. are conceded b 'til to lie the finest on bat first and succeeded in making a
a`, L_ • Charlev, I have said yes' twice, and Y P Y ` score of 80, while Clinton rolled up 77,
t^;; 1- 3 -4 -5 -(i -0,12-14-2O if you wean it, I mean it too, and-' a few hours there never wits a happier Yum, yutn," laughingly escaped earth. Remember, Charley, there is
Y irl than Polly. ,Poll 's rosebud lips, as she glanced no use of your `ootsy tvotsy''bothering and should have nrula better play ilur-
4: are arranged will receive And to this da than Dun ntan will g Y P ' ing the last, h;ttf, At' the conclusion
`?i, Y Y g herself much about baking, so long as
st, the wheel free of charge. insist that he popped thec uestiOu, "Yes, and I must have all album zntu Uhas. Witt'sattractive confection- the score stood :-
We sate positively that P pt 1 Uncle Josh," quoth Polly, "and--" cry and restaurant. "Uncle Josh, you there is a good, baker in town like J. A.
1,`'- the wheel will be given All this happened away "down east," , and a Bible with a reasonabl `know I've got a sweet; tooth, and those Kin When you give our reception, PAMerrs n.aa e
,,t Yes Y o g r, +
Away Wednesdayevening. and it wasn't long before there was it big family register," interru ted the old home made catndies look so nice 1 just see him for the fancy ca es. C O C'�heni not c Terry b :VIoMm•chi .......... (i
Ii on have nt already wedding. Not much longer before << pp D Grct•,Dry not ant.... ... 0
�' Y y g. g man, so we'll go to The V.D. Fair Uo's � can't resist the temptation to go in.' ,.Yey and while we are on this int- A G Owen,
c Barge b NiclZurchic....... 0
guessed do so now• it costs there carve ti letter from Polly's Uncle book store. You'll tied anatty' articles Charley here objected, ,cause he kuety portant topic Of gtL5trotturriics, we C Leigh run out b &teMnrchie................ •a
gOu nothing to win the Josh, Out have in West Ontario who indispensable for the arloras well as itt' Polly got ill there,theleSwher0shev roustnot for e.tmeat. 1t oea hand Fw.'tcrltugcArniwb hic...Kennedy.......,.... 5
wheel. IF you have any wrote effusively of his delight ;it her the library there, any as for variety 15ke1 want to eta He relented, hot g g S F ChaLnibers bIc�turchic.... ......... ...15
d Y Y y an hand with bread. NOW to locate •t t T Clarke e Hoover b Barge..................1,5
.F. doubts about it beingg given exhibition of what he called "grit,",Lnd they have an unequalled stock." So ever, when he remembered that Uncle ......
+``' ' Lrc and that he pro osed that if the nun eO )la y meat market where you c tin et fresh J E Hall b e Agnew
arse ..... . o
,,; awvay come : > P Y fa 1 here Polly s purchases included mis- Josh was settling' all bills, so in the wholesome meats and at all times. F Monteith c• Agnew b !large .. u
+' eveningand see that would locate itt Clinton he would start •cellaneous books,'fancy stationery, all' went., and the girl loaded tip on choice Ford & Murphy is the firm to Su 1 A Hatch b Mc'1'.v.... r,... - . .. 0
P Y PP Y .I C Greig b'rurr}•.... .. 18
,�.; them up in life, as a wedding gift. Of thelatestagonies, bric-a-brac of all Ulan- candies, after which the trio indulged you, This is the boss ineat market in 13yc�.. . .... ..... .. .. c
�q,.,.:- (i 11 CUO['Se they ILCCepted and Were soon Der, hainmocks, and finding au im- 1 in an itzvigor0;ting lunch and delicious the city and is popular with everybody
�,y We do as we Adyertise. bidding their friends adieu. rnense aissortment Of magazines, ice cream which Pn11y declared sur- who is particular to h Lve the best. The Runs ,it the fall oflea,r•h wicket -1 f�.�r
periodicals and news a ors she sub- passed even the dreitms of an epicure- reason for this is all because they are r x
-- p P' P 4 3, for 3, 3 for 6, 4 for 11, for .l, (i for
�''° --o-- A few weeks subsequent to the above scribed for everytbhig an sight. Then an god. Mr. Witt,,., exquisite ice very careful in the selection of stock
�S;t ` conversation a travel -stained party seeing a big assortment of Wall Paper cream goes right to the spot. And et the. freshest of everything and 51, 7 for :il, 8 for 58, U for :)8, 10 for tit),
i) Sr.rrived in Clinton. Our friend, Uncle at bargain figures she got enough for g CLINTON.
• Jackson A7Josh, was in charge and he led the her whole house. Poll remarked tO the "Oh, my," ejaculated Polly, :Ls they keep nothing but the yes y hest. TO G Rarge c s F Chambers b Clarke. .. 0
Polly „ kec your hubby in a local humor, F vv'1'errybSFChambern.............. ...3I
r art straightway to it hotel, "The generous old uncle, `Why, i don't passed on down street. Whist a per
bier, Furnisher and Hatter. Clarendon " said he, is a t ical know when to nit buying,- Mr. Fair fectl ro ortioned and beautifully Pol y, tr Aula at Ford & II urphy s mar- L Kennedy b Clarke .......................... t
yp qy p p ket every time." d McMurctde e C F. Chambers b Leigh........ 12
Canadian hotel of the best class. sells such nice odds, anso chew , carved monument." `Yee," replied a M McTaggart b S N' Chan) ................ 2
VICTORIA BLOCK, CLINTON. g P the old man, "that's the work of Seale Say, Uncle Josh," broke in Charley, A McGarva c Leigh b s F Chambers.......... 0
;' s ria I have known J. C. Miller, the proprio- too." � •
¢, -• ---- tor, for years and lie is ,nine hast rtfter &Hoover, who are noted throughout • ra there a good horseshoer in town? .1 Agnew r s F Chambers.. . 0
< mine own heart, a thorough rough host
After , Lets see-[ promised you a 'old these parts for their splendid work•. You know how particular I stn about J B Hoover c A G Chambers b 5 N Chambers. 4
, •. 1897 '-Juy� 189? P 1 �„ F, R. Hod ane not out.. .. . L
la Yuan, endowed R ith that delightful watch, didn't i," queried Uncle Josh LI fact most of the handsome mono- my urate 'Kitty Just so, just sq, W. P. spading b Leigh ..... 5
.Sb>,! Moir Tie. It'�a Tv. �kr. eSer. intuition that .makes a guest feel At of Polly, "and J. B. Rumball's is the ments which grace the countries in and we shan't have any botcher about G Haxby a Chambers b Leigh ................ 0
,maw...+... w,ow. �..r.» jI '� home, comfortable contented and to Place to get one cheap." Entering the Western Ontario come from their her either," re Dined Uiicle Jbsh, lives
o'a byes ... s
,1,, rr ,+. r„� �.,, o uta, 'e g granite and ,marble yard. When I "Well, there's on� one rent scientific
...,", c ,nighty good luck. The house is one P jewelry store the old man al- g y y
fF+„ss Z 8 9 1O of convenience the apartments are popular
acquitted himself of the:promise Shuffle off this mortal coil I'm sure you Horseshoer to towD, to my notion, and Total ... ..................77
`''Y r> '2 lei r¢ r5 rs 1z Wel! furnished and the tiLble bountifully and then directed Yully'ia ittteution w v°Ling people will be grateful .enough that's Johh Tedford. He understands Runs at the tall of each wicket -1 for
'�'" y A supplied. I have engaged rooms herea the superior stock'of silverware carried to erect to my memory just such a the construction ofa, horse's foot, just 30 2 for 38, 3 for 48, 4 for 64, 5 for 66, 6
+ i�� X8 �r9 20 21 until your own house is in readiness." by the ligase. "There is no other such handsome atone and you could not fill what kind of a shoe is requu'ed and fur d8, 7 for 67 S for Tl 9 for 77 10 for
�.,„. ,` ,26 `, •+9 �0 �r With these remarks Uncle Josh grac- house in town." said the old man, "and lay wish more completely than to get how to make and put it oil. Then 77 '
iously presented the deed to a cosy, I will guarantee the quality to be it of Seale &Hoover whose prices are when it conies to first -clays all round
y1.. _ cottage. the very hest. Pick out pour family entirely consistent with high RTrade blacksmith repairing, L tell you nobody,
„ clack while here," he added. Rumball inateriai and workmanship. We'll can beat John Tedford." Holmesville.
Brief Town Topics. Atter breakfast, the old man said,, carries a, rriagnificent lige, .Don't for- wally in and get acquainted." The visit En route to their home the party LAWN SOCIAL. -On Friday evening
.. , 11 iss Kerr left fear Moosomin yes- "I am ready to go buy your outfit. get another fact," he continued, "if I proped a very pleasant one its the culled at THE NEws-RECORD office. it straWbOITy, festival, under the aus-
,..;;.w: To expedite matters I have ordered at a "
'i: + a:;;, to ''9' carriage from Davis & McCOoil our en- aver you unfortunately need optical young folks were shown samples of ' y,)LL Il want the news every week, picas of the Meiltodist Sabbath school,
;4"; Miss Mary Irwin is on a visit to r godds, this is the place to come. They marble and granite from every part of remarked Uncle Josh, "and as this Is will be held at IYii• R, Achesnl? s;�4 1�'� `_
' Owen Sound. terpriaing livery men.' When the leave everything required to improve the globe And were astonished at the the favorite paper here I'll subscribe." -
,,, handsome carriage, with elaborate con. The Clinton brass band will be in
"r�° afiacted eyes, and say, my boy, iemerr• wonderfully longdistauces much o£ the Upon summing tip the wonderful attendance. Everybody is welcome.
A John Moore seenred the bicycle from trappings and prancing horses drew up ber these folks are also expert doctors fine stone had to come. events of the da Polly began to vola- high school exams.
r T, Jackson's store in the guessing coin- in front of the hotel Polly declared it on sick watches." a Y g' EXAMS. -The big
�, sus,^- petition. the "finest turnout she bad ever salon. "1 declare, uncle,' exclaimed Char_ lily express thanks. "You have bought started on Friday. Edith Tebbutt,
x _ t "Yes Sir ee," replied Uncle Josh "the Woman figs, Polly was discussing tie, "There goes A handsome buggy ; I us everything," she exclaimed • Lucy Andrews, and Lernes Yeo tried
Mrs. McPherson, sister of Mrs. P
+«. • Parke and family of Markdale are three S's, ';Speed, Safety and Style' is the m:ttter of how she would oar arrange roust have one. like that for the gn1." "Only one thing," replied Uncle the form 1, while Bettie Stanley and
ll.&McCscoatofarms. So,I oungfolks, her new house and was interrupted Y Get it right here," said the old man. Josh, reflectively, "but I can remedy irai Pickard are trying the form 2,
'i+`"".'- guests at the rectory. when you want to take a drive, either Uncle Josh. "And these house fixms 1
drive, You see John Leslie down the way that. Barlett, the furniture man, tL Nelson Trewatha the form 3, and Carl
11ir. Jr McNaughton of StaLnley aO foe• business or pleasure go to them for remind me," said he "that you haven't conducts a carriage re ositor and fac- q Angler the farm 4. We wish them
$'' R repository ways has a nice line of them and you
- . companied by his sister, Miss Maud of a i•igevery time." Their wedding, party got your dishes yet. The most famous tory here that fur• variety and excel- can gek, one whenever you want it; I'll success in their examinations.
f Clinton, visited their sister at Chat- and funeral equipments are unsurpas- stock to extent, qquality and complete lence of stock cannot be beaten. He pay for the best." NOTES. -Mer A. Tebbutt left for To-
` ham for a few days and returned Mott- sed, It wits in this stylish turnout ness is at J. W. Irwin's. But the Aver- manufactures surrevs, carriages and "W -h- " exclaimed Polly with great ronto on Monday morning.- Misses
clay, Y that the rounds of the town were age reader need not be told what an buggies of tending styles skid is satin- Surprise, "Uncle, what can it be?" Pickard spent Friday in Benmiller.--
,� Miss Mae C. Gallagher of Grand Ra- made• array of table ware Polly had to select tied with it moderate profit, too.' Pollv " Nell, it's it cradle, and-" Mr. E. G. C.ourtice is spending a few
from. There isn't, positively, a thing wits soon the possessor of a handsome days under the parental roof. --Mr.
ads, ;ghp has been
ndin few weekapIn town forthebird,"dovidid Ued noou Josh, ita n w Y huggy, but before they left Charlie al- But Poll had fainted.
�. in the line of china, cr•ocker ,glass or Y Lennard of Bright, is visiting his son.
porcelain needed for use or ornament so of much interested in a roadhwag- -+�.► -Rev. A. K. Birks stud fanuly were
the guest of her cousin, z�iiss 1, ae Big- the first thing we'll look after will be p g p UrlCltet in Clinton, visiting at Mr. H. E lford's.-Mr a. All-
gartr the furnishings for it," Hereupon ,,in any part of the house that can not gOLE, Uncle Josh sato what wits. so ---
Mrs. F. W. I tench's little ditttghter Polly energetially declared that ishe be found at J. W. Irwin's in indefinite he quickly said, "I'll honor your draft cock, of Goderic`t, spent a few days at
diedat. Napalnee on Monday and the had heard so roach about H. variety and sit wonderfully low prices. for that too, my boy, 'cause I know FOREST AND PARKDALE CROSS WII; fir, Mulholland's,---Miss alul master
funeral will Cake place here. Mrs. h Barlett the furniture man And They also have a splendid stock of Anything you get of Jno. Leslie is O, Lows WITH THE HOME TEAM--- Johnson, of Bright, are visiting their
' French i a sister of J. and I. Taylor, funeral director, that she had lamps of every description Anddecorat K. t+ SOME GOOD PLAYING. uncle. -Miss Stella Andrews, of Lon-
tU{Yn decided to o there. The result was ed ware in abundance. Pol}y's large ,� „ desboro; spent a few days with her
g order suggested her thorough a) tecta By the way, exclaimed Uncle Josh,
''J; • that they were ushered into such ti be gg g i P with n sternal air, `the next thing to Forest played the return match with cousin, Brownie. --Mr. W. McRoberts
<<, Miss Walker of Toronto spent a few tion. P Clinton on Dominion Dity and the via- is visiting friends in the village. -C. L.
Wilde ring display that the girt was at look after is the lurxber for those im
",'', days in town the past week, the guest itors weredefeated witblitt.ledifliculty- Fisher is spending his holidays with
first at it loss how to select. But she "Halt 1 commanded Uncle Josh, as ioveinents which are absolutely ne his parents At Benwiller.-Mr, J. L.
of her sister, T. Roherrcon, also goon fielded to the seductiveness of a cessary. Corue with me and I'll intro- They worked hard, however. The p;
'w•••4 • her brother, councillor Walker. She Y the Party came in front of J. H.
uucgnificent parlor suite, a bed room Combe's handsome drug store, "Walk duce you to S. S. Cooper, better,known Scare stood (38 to 52 in the first innings house.- is putting an addition to his
::i returned to Toronto Monde Y its follows : house. -On Monday morning A certain
,.� . y' art in oak, antique finish, that would right int" "Why Uncle, we're not as " Our own Sam, who is the prin-
�''' Mrs. Ramsayand children of Plants- do credit to old Antiquity himself. To sick, and-" "Guess I know that, but y CLINTON, young man Ding to Toronto to meet
Ville are the nests of the lad s ar- this she added a dinin roots set with has dealer in than line here, and in gg
g Y , P g I suspect it won't be long before this has at well a nipped planing mill in J McMe e M b e b o Goldsmith
....... ...... 7 his fair one, hecarne so excited that he
,, ents, Mr. And Mrs Gilchrist, prior to till accessories, An. easy rocker for young man begins to take an interest qq C7 BargecMonroebGoldsmith.... • •• 5 left his valise in the buggy. But
' akin a their abode in London Uncle Josh, and didn't for rat eL most y g g connection. He carries the most corn- F W Terry c Goldsmith b Wet.... 0 throe h the kindness of the person
g P + b in matters of paragorie and- plate line of building material in the L Kennedy c Hallock b plaett.... • .. • t7
whore Mr. Ramsay has secured a good convenient and +Ornamental writing '•U -n -c -1-e 1" Well, go in anyway, county -everything, front the sills for M D McTaggart b Walters.......... •........ o who drove him to the station, the
positron. desk for Hubby Charles. Polly may find some toilet articles aha the foundation tU the shingles for the W Doherty c Chandlers Blnett.... •........... 0 valise was restored before the train
J'i''�-''t:"'`' Jbhn La ser, so well known to our "A pretty good start," sell the old Wants." And by the way, did either roof, including doors and windows, A McGacva b Walters. • • • . • • • • • • • . • •........ ; :: ; ; • • • 0 pulled out. Never mind. Alf, mistakes
',,, _ P of you over hear of The Ocean in a bath g' R Agnew b Wichmann.. ... .. . 7
� 1, .' citi2ens, died suddenly yesterday after man and now we will ggo to Harland mouldings, ete. it is Pleasant to deal F. R. Hodgous c Wichmann b Walters........ o will occur but dr not be so absent
' noon. As wits his custom he was in Bros. big hardware find stave store. tub." Didn't eh? Well, let me advise with Sam Cooper for his greatest airs ECaiitetoinnottout;:::.:. ,:.:.::.,,,,•„• ;; 4 minded coming home.
l; town during the day. For some years Here Pohy's housewifely instincts had You to get it package of Bromo-3a1+ne, is to give satisfaction to every custom Byes .......... a --
a he was a faithful member of the Sal- full play in marvels of kitchen sppar- then you can enjoy all the pleasures er." Leg byes......... $
' vation Arm atus. 'There is not an establish- and benefits derived to a real sea bath A th oU SaYld
Y• `•And as you are go}n to keep a Total • - .68
, a mens in the country that carries a withodt the expense of a trip to the horse," continued the old man, "of
Miss Nettie McCrea, operator in the seaside. Bromo-Saline is ex uisitet Runs at the fall of each wicket -1 for
' more comprehensive stock of house- q ' r Times a year
`6 C. P. R. telegraph office here, left last " erfunied, invigorating and healthful course, you'll need harness. The boss 16, 2 for 15, 3 for 35, 4 for or 5 for t 6
Tuesday for Calumet, Mich., where she hold furnishings," possible
repacked Uncle p R R ' for 39, 7 for 49, 8 for 59, 9 for 61, 10 for
batt. "Ever ossible lace of kitchen being highly recommended by physic- horse milliners of this section, to my
�'' hats accepted a position. Miss McCrea Y P P notion, are Johnson &Armour. They 08. We sit down to the table, spend
,; furniture from a tin dipper to a cook- Tana who are familiar with its wonderful
will he much missed as she was a very PP health -giving ro erties. This is the use only flrst-class material and ggiveFoRtrsT,
ing ranFe is here in all styles And R R P P personal supervision to the minulest 12 about fifteen nights and fifteen
popular young lady. variety.' If Poll fulls to accomplish just get
w a kages." era and I'll P P G Monroe oo std Terry i Kennedy • . , . • .
Y• Y ++ detail of manufacture. There i,4 noth- T Maylor b McMurohie. . ............. • ........:t days in the operative of eating.
John Pollock, a worthy ex -reeve and wonders in the culinary Art, it will not just Ret a few packages.
ex county councillor, of Bayfield, was be for want of superior cooking uten- "B the way,:' remarked Uncle Josh, tug in harness that cannot he had of p Bluets c McGs b b McMurch.............. 0 It is im of tetnt that what we eat
in Gown this week bu in all the P g them -beau and light, single and HGDr dsmith re b ureble ........... -....2o P
buying ails, for she purchased a Happy as they reached the street, "I must double, Y R g HGollock h b McMurehie.................... 0 he pure and good. People who
Union Jacks he bould Ret for the big Thought cook stove with all the a uiP o over to The Molsons Bank and et plain and fancy, work and B Hallock b Barge.. • • ......... • . • • 0
orange a demonstration at the fr11 p g buggy harness. They have all of them J Wichmann a Kennedy b Barge .............. 0 deal with us have no trouble in
'-a g h menta needed in a well regulated Kiteg. another check book. Come alHng with in stock or can mltke'em to order, be- W Trip b Burgo.,-... ...................... 0 this respect as we guarantee every-
I Witter sett town next Monday. There en all of which Uncle Josh paid for me and get acquainted with H. C. d Chandler not out : ............. • t p
will be a MR crowd, Mr. Pollock assures with delight cause he knew Harland Brewer the manager, for of coarse �Li besides every other kind of turf goads It 1;, Scott bMcMurcbie, r .............. 0 thing w e sell. Of course you will
us. and the Clinton Band will he re- g y imaginable and the finest lot of lap Dr E Blain a Agnew b McMurchle ... .. • . • • 0
P Bros, prices were right, as they always will. do business with them and it is robes, whips, trunks and valises you Byes... . 5 not be bothered cooking dinner ort+
.. sent. are. always more pleasant to be personally ever laid our eyes upon." After a T Jubilee Day, you can have a nice
Acquainted with the leopie you do Y si Total ................. 52
Last week Mr. T. C. Doliert sold to "And another lace I wish to take q 1 y visit to the harness store Charley said lunch by buying a Can of
p Pp y you, children, ie tri Jas. Fair b flour business with. This bank is as solid as be thought "if a man couldn't at sAI,is- Runs at the fall of each wicket -1 for
Mr, Joseph Co a beautiful Uxbridge the hale of the universe, and has a R g " 9 2 for 0, 3 for 37, 4 for 39, 5 for 40, 0 for
little RYand upnRht porno, which bus Lnill,"'remarked the old man. "Your fled it. would he his own fault, and Potted Ham ........................ loc
,rF":' been ronounce h experts to he of strong workingcapital. You will find heex reseed himself( leased with John 40, 7 for 40, 8 for 52, 9 for 52, 10 for 52. „ Tongue. r ............. • ..... lOc
,,• p Y P introduction to Clinton would not beY P dp
' ' very high grade. The instrument is well half mm tete without. TALIk afloat t!tem ever tea y to extend an accom- son & Armour's candor find fairness. PARKDALE VS. CLINTON. Chicken e .. r . • . r . r r • r • • • • • • 15c
",;' mettle throu hoot, Superior in trine, P modations compatible with buss- Partridge .. • ............. • . 15c
R P flour, why bless you there aint no flour ness rinci les. pWhen you wish to "Law sakes 1"' suddenly exclaimed This match was looked forward to a
and encased in high-class, well finished that can come up to HifLwath L. It e P .. Y with much expectancy And was plat ed Boneless Chicken .................. 25c.
',', negotiate ti loan TheMolsuris Bank will Uncia Josh, all this trading and shop- q " Duck....... . . ........... 25c
;;i ff,reign wood. made from choice selected wheal, and take care of yotr at the lowest possible ping round town hA@ caused me to for- on the splendid crease bore IAstFriday. 25C
Many fiom Clinton excurW td Gode- bread made front it does not become rate of interest. et one of the greatest essentials to Bath teams were in excellent ahabe. Turkey• , • .
' • rich on Dominion Day -by vehicle, dry and stale, but retains moisture and ,it
existence. I have heard it said Parkdale defeated Berlin he day tie Lunch Tonguo, stir off sahuon, etc., at
wheel curl rail some 700 souls. The the natural flavor of the wheat for "Oh, say Uncle," quoth Polly as the fore b 190 to 04, so that brooms on the Hactdio, Lobstors,'iar<
TI that newly married folks could live can Y
ofluncil.frpm here should have turned several days.. All good house -wives ]eft the brLnk, "I'm not what you'd call love and scenery but an old man of ex- tivAY t° (Jlinton were in great demand. THE CASH GROCERY`
out as a body. Reeve Kennedy, De- 11,40 it. Ask your grocer for a sack, anew woman, but really, I'm SO anx- perience knows better - your table THe game proved the Parkdale Contin- I
� uty.Reevc Cooper and Councillor Then as to feed, this mill is headquar- ions to ride a wheel. "Is that so, would look slim without bread ; it's gentperfect ��{{entlemen throughotitandr
And were all we noticed. The various tern for that. They handle everything ,young lady ? laughed Uncle Josh. the'statti' of life' you know. Polly you dt'monstrated that the teams were uL U L U
:Iubilee Committees and our citizens frost Roldan oats down to corn robs "Well ,I'm glad you mentioned it now, must meet J. A. icing, the baker, His about equal in all round play. There1111. 'Phone 23,
. wove well represented. serve customers with promptness ant 'cause right here is the Unward Bicycle bread, pies and cakes and nick-nacks Were two innings. Parkdale wont to
» �.