HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-30, Page 7"Saved My Life" A VETERAN'S STORY. 'Several years ago, while in Fort Snelling, Minn., I caught a severe cold, attended with a terrible cough, that allowed me no rest clay or night. The doctors after exhaust - Ing their remedies, pronounced my case hopeless, say- iug they could do no t more for me. At this time it bottle of AYER'S' Cherry Pectoral wits sent to me by a �`: G - friend who urged „1,,,' "' ' me to tape it, which r. I did, and soon after I was greatly _' relieved, and in a short time was i;"; completely cured. I have never had much of a cough since that time, iand I firmly believe Ayer's Cherry ;:S. Pectoral saved my life." -71'. H. 'I _ WARD, 8 Quimby Av., Lowell, Mass. ' A AY BID 9 o • Cherry Pectoral 6 r` Highest Awards at World's Fair. AYER'S PILLS core Indigestion and Headache � , i; T.hp H�lren Necus-Resor ''i` ` $1.25 a Yeet-81.00ln Advance I, .}. WEDNESDAY, .TUNE 30th, 1897. l hcppardton. Too late for last week. The weather is very fine at presen and crops are growing rapidly, !.' Mrs. Thos. McBride of Merrill, Mich., is visiting relatives here a a' present. Z. The public school pica io held a Point Farm under the able manage ' mens of Mies Boyd, teacher at Carlow and Mr. Brownell, teacher at Shop - I., pardton, was a grand success. Ther k.. were the scholars of nine schools with l'-, tbgir fathers and mothers and uncle' ki'` and cousins and aunts, and 901110 out - . aiders which made up a party of about K. one thousand people. � - The Methodist congregation of this f place have boon moving their church ,; to a more idegira-file location and refitt. '�* inn it all ` up, also 'building sheds and putting eve .iVthipg .in first-class order, ti And how'; int=end t'� have a re- opening on Sunday, June 27tH, when 1 there will be service three times: at 1 10.30 a. m,, at 3 p. rn,, and 7 p. m., then on Monday evening, 28th, there will be a grand banquet held in their r` new hall. Tea served from 6 to S I. o'clock. After that there will. be ad- dresses given by several well-known clergymen. An excellent programme of music will..be furnished by the Nile fhoir. The people of this vicinity deeply T, mpathise with Mr. and Afro. John hStevenson of Port Albert at the loss of i. two of their children, one d}'ing on Saturday and the othor on Sunday with measles. Another little ;ill is " very sick also, but it is hoped will re- , I_ cover. '. A goiot and unpretentious little 1�1wedding took place o❑ leaf \Vednes• 1; day at the residence of Mr. David .;,'' Sterling, the contracting parties being t, Miss Agnes Sterling and Mr. Hugh '°' Thurlow, We did not hear whether ;r,•. ;. the cake was "Seven story one" or just rr'� art ordinary "mammoth white" one, h;?` butjust tile same we send in our con' I. gratulations, and hope the voyage i11 � through life will be a pleasant one. r0i One honest Man. 1. Dear Editor. -Please inforul your readers that if written to confidential- _ Ip, I will mail, in a sealed letter, pat- ;' titulars of a genuine, honest, home f`� cure, by which I was permanently re- ,;, stored to health and manly vigor, after ; .. • - ears of suffering from nervous debil- ity, sexual weakness, night losses and i" weak shrunken parts. I was robbed •" and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank Heaven, I am now well, vigorous and '`` strong and wish to make this certain '' means of cure• known to all sufferers. !':;., I have notbing Do sell and want no I", money, but being a firm heliever in the `'iy, universal brotherhood of man, 1 tun <" desirous of helping the unfortunate to :- .1I regain their health and happiness, I 'S.;,. promise you perfect secrecy. '. �. Address with stamp : `'` Wei, T. MULFORD, Agent Supplies, P. 0. Box 50, St. Henri, (clue, - - __--W - Iloratio Draycup, aefarmei', agged about 85 years, who lived in Thor ow township, Ontario, with his widowed x mother, was struck by an engine in the Grand Trunk yards early Wednes. day morning and instantly killed. Fruit culture is'more profitable to the farmers now than his other crops. Brown Bros. Co., the most extensive i`;': ; nursery house in Canada, have a vacan- �yy this section. Write them at Btown's Nurseries, Ont., fot their �ierins. A Canker's Experience. •'}` "I tried a bottle of Dr. Chase's Sy. `,'!a; rap of Linseed and Turpentine for a troublesome affection of the throat," Writes Manager Thomas Dewson of ` 1 the Standard Bank, now ,of 14• 'Melt bourne Avenue, Toronto, "It proved effective. d regard the romedy as aim• V, #eap ttlid+`ez#eed'in4iy good.` ,Xt TV, bdeq my habit to consult ji,,,physioi'an in troubles of this naturo, $ereafter, however, I intend to be my `dwn family doctor." �= _w__7_ _.__.___... __.-_.-.__ _.-.__._m-�--_._�__._..�-.�-,�._-..--�...-�-.___-_..._ - I -__.-n_ __ _ ,_�� - _ - , A TRUE WHEEL STORY. MRS. HEN TALltS. ani few moments before, and flow UemI1 1 A New SSpille Wanted• I had anticipated its pleasures I Awl - �� til " - GtATn11 A Rare Tldl IUit of choice beacons Icor w Coote blotter, die. 841rt1Las hitut, and list to u�,►+luPteitA All] Over. thjaunt illk.ntn MICHAEL O'TOOLE, OF CLINTON, MASS„ I Gl �1�lVJllil Woman'(- ]Decision, me 1 beg! UOES TO MONTREAL—BY MEANS OF (' (tiff - a Out! Out! Diet•! Dart Cut! Tranalatc that, above and sharing In the joy$ lhat X RAYS THF PHYSICIANS WILL - :54 f ' Want to look at wheels, eh? Delight- "It menus I've laid an egg!•' awaited the there. I was doomed $A SEEK TO REPLACE THE BONES. p,� ed, I'm sure,' and the aubpro-haired I And furtherulo•e, that seuteuce given—as die--tv die a lonely, solitary, hurtible _ c ung man wilth the rhinestone pin Loi you will quickly ace, death, and to tic in A router grave. As �tta llecictie led the way to the aalesrovnl. I lis cliu!c(-st Leghuru rbeturlu, toy egg's true 1 held on to my feeble su t,ort and Clinton, iVlttsa., June 23. -Michael with �I It !. I'ointing to the first machine he cants• to, , pedlgrev. thought of all this In brain reeled with - Toole, who tilts lived five ye+us with , — and speaking ht a sort of you -couldn't- I That inealla (% clean house and nest- in me and I feared that my reason lutist a dislocated spino, has been taken to -- ` """'.r -"• gaze-into-itiy-uzure-azure-e)-uut - believe- 1 with wWtewuah dazzling bright, give way. Canada, whele an operation is to he STEAM DETHRONED. uta tons of union, he said: Another Out: That stands fur corn fed spar- I) ath Instead of marriage ! What a p Lone Lot night, contrast 1 lint when I ought to be lead - performed wb�ch it is believed, will 71his whe0l 3s constructed on strictly Her, '!h„•re's a li for kerosene for lite and rrbture. tba roan to st:und physical sun- Success of Electricity an a motive Power ` scientific principles. It hos a double Lofted that alt It1g my bride to the altar, and atei,,pWz ditiou. O'Toole goes to Canada upon For ltuftruudx, buck action tie plus ultra automatically Beneath the roosts and !u the night turn ucross the portal of inarried life, to ick the solicitation of the facultyof the adjusted gowing. It is ,low at 70, Load coLhfurt tutu "alt." Igo toy hold here and fall into the Tull, Colonel IL II. Heft, the chief electr•i- would doubtless be used so in ordinal And I,ur! Thii sotuds for doubt(- dose of reloutless urms of death ! And what vt Royal Academy at Montreal, where ht- cal engineer of the Now York, New toad ridlu lint suppose You seine to m�at'le utakers strong, y she would sorrow, will eutttf Victoria huspit,(t1, ]fauna B IlurtPord Railroad, deme!?= t" ) Bo balance u , nay ration It u01c, then 't Sorel O'Toole fell frons a building, anal the struted lit the recent inauguration of u stiff hill? Wliy, simply press dovu laying sun•. you'd hear my grieve, and become discousolute- l" electricity for ration upon this rod without (lismotintlu frorn But Horace Riahtoul What of him? dislocation of his spinal column r(•. Y purposes that a your saddle, and best°! the sprocket has And tut• ug illlvi for capable, not ahlLtlesa, Alight they not become man and r iL direct current of electricity can be seat diminished fru size and the chitin tighten firing u, Loa v,unu of an a t and t will ;,y But' Lou, the thought was torturing, and suited it, ere( pin), paralysis. By means without serious luso from leakage Por a ed, and it is now at 60, and hill chlllb- 111a rent, Y g'' P drove me in a fit of frenzy to shout of the "x" ra-v, the injured spinul c•oI- distance of nearly thirteen miles ; this I Ing is only child's play, It is called the And buy an Organ fur his wife and for h1s again with all my might. But it was tin unin has beers photogntphed, and the means a radius of twenty-five miles from Lulu' whtxl. bey u wheel, in vain, Pur no one heated. dislocated vertebrae found. The phy- the central power station. Taking in The next one is u `�i'h r And keep the shl low the night sic•ians will now seek to learner the this case Berlin, Uunn„ u8 the center. oof,e uA' quar- P of home afloat upon an ght passed I cannot tell. anteed for ninety -trine years. Th,a is even keel, neither do I know how the morning misplaced bones. it will be possible to replace steum loco- alae .a very line muchine, and cvustruet- Cut. ('Lot' her• Dar! cut! :11r. Matra -get hours dragged un, for I was numb with motives and ears for Hartford, New Bri- ed a on the admirable direct pto,pulsion these worlds down by heart, cold, and faint with hanger and fatigue. -` tadu, Meriden, Waterbury, Midddetuwu, pedal plan, Iiy having the noddle so Just put them luta practice, sir, and 1 ivlll I only knew that after what seemed to 11', litgford ata(] other cities of the Nat- do Sty part• me to be ages, footsteps drew near, and bR. CHASE'S meg Slate, comprising u population of I fern d tvithuutjo�is tofbe limbs is trans -Rural New Yorker. a voice called out from above: over 200,000 inhabitants, leverage. power by angular `' �� ire you there Hied?" The directors of the New York & New "Now, Nye come to the 'Trulylulu' A RIVAL'S LO 1'rE. Hy heart leaped into my mouth, and Haven Ruud have one into this work wheel. The chief mechanical ix!culiarity for a moment I was unable to utter a CATARRH CURE in earnest, says Thefntj,.trialIew York ccess ul I or � tt,is wheel is," etc., etc., etc. People suid I was the luckiest fellow sound. At last I murmured, in a faint and if the present atrial 1s successful I shall purchase u 'Lulu,' declared living, and I voice: there is little doubt that the braneliva (:wenduliu. tr, quite endorsed their opin- fit heaven's name, get me out! I'm of the New'Ilaven Lad, and ultimate! �• , I ion, for 1 had not only entered into Pon- dying!" Y ' And I a Whvoperup, announced session of a decent little legacy left me � the main line between Now York and 1117auditha• by my uncle 'Can You hold on anotuer minute?" New Haven will be equipped with else- f , but I had also won the the voice asked. "I've got a rope here!. I because," continued the first speak- hand and heart of Ada Miller, the pret- I{ePp up till I fasten it to this sttt7ttG 1,110's-e- ps tricity of the third -rail system instead Because", ` bhat lovely dark green colored frame tiest and must charmin of steam. just snits ate. to a T." i b )'Lung lady in Ca2,011"I you slip a loop around The present power -house in Berlin col.- the whole country. Your buds omits two engines anti d nabs direct) "13eauuse'" went on the second fair People said her father was immensely or shall I come down to yyou?" M Y Y maiden, "I have alreadyordered to fx.nd the rope down. I'll manage to ovDy connected, capable of being worked hp It's just the sweetest tutde of peacock hntt(lsoine fortune atuldllia3oda>athl;fora pass it round," I shoute(j. to 2000 horse -power each. This power- blue you ever saw, and of course my ' what cared I about that ? 1+ur had I fore tanot eyes, and llute t was passeddangling luau house is only half its full size: When tvbeel must harmonize with It." not sufficient for Loa bout even if she f the building is complete it will have ais f my arms, after which I gave the worry times as much ,power. were pennilees ? And did I not. love to draw up. Slowly I ascended, and at The third -rail system, in which the A Willirng Mald, her with the whole strength of a die- last emerged into the light and freedom "live" rail is in the centre of the track, interested love ? I cannot begin to rte- of the upper air, was adopted by C. 1'. Clark, president ♦ scribe her to you, for the task is quite As I lay on the a ) Of the \rw Haven Road, after his ev- beyond ate. Suffice it to say that she ground -for my legs perience with the third rail at East Wey_ a tons udmiretd by all who knew her, and were useless to tete-I looked y ray my h 1 loved by not a few. li lereq and wept for very joy at tag mouth, A4nss: Dlr. Clark made one trent �•, The latter circumstances ceased to dia- •release. CURES cold in the head in ten saving in laying the track between Ber- . i tnrb Lon when once I became her tie- It was Horace Rishton who had staved lin and Hartford by deciding that creo- me, and if ever my heart went out #o minutes. noted wooden pegs were sufficiently non- ;� cepted lover, though before that tante it my rival, it was then. - CURES incipient' catarrh in conductive to replace the expensive insu- occasioned me a great deal of anxiety, p and caused me to t! I cannot sufficiently thank you," I from one to three days. gators of procelain and glass which had i - I less night. Pend many a rest - from began, Y hitherto been employed. The central rail - = -"'f OP one lover in particular had I been I Give me no thanks," he interrupted CIJRES chronic catarrh, hay weighs !i3 pounds to the yard. 1'he coir- f jealous, for to excited and fear -laden harshly. Thank beavers instead. Heu- fever and rose fever. duetivity of iron an compared with cop- ��. � Y veu a d hell have been tip, a t per ie fn proportion of one to six, so that - r imagination he seemed to possess every- g over : the iron rail weighing 93 You, and heaven has won. But you lit- Complete with blower free. g h !. , thing that a yonui; lady could desire. lilt ole know how near pounds to tht. t � was tall, broad --shouldered, handsonw ,+ You have been to Yard would be equal to 15 1-2 Pounds G death. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS of co - with a pleasing manner and faultless raper to the ,yard, an amount wbieh dress, and in addition to all this, he was I looked up in wonderment at him. is never used in actual practice, endowed with more than an average for his words were unintelligible to me - Price Price 25 Conts The cars are fifteen -bench open caro, share Of thin world's gouda. g Ile took no notice Lf my look, but con- e with two 12i horse ower ��� tinned: t • - �•�- - 'motors. A controller is on each, plat- - Ile wits madly in love with Ada, but "I guessed where ySo�u were, call it in- form, and on one Platform is an electrf- �+'w conducted his wooing in a way twith sting{ or whatever , MUD DIET OF LONDON. which tot even his closest rival could eek like. ler vac cal air pump for the electric brakes and �' find fault. Bind, considerate and gentle- here. did. 7'he-v will sack everywhere but whistle. This pump is stopped and here. But I seemed -to know, and -wet A Scientific Person I>nbuehra Some started by an ingenious automatic ar- Ile (PaelvtdLu kiss. I'll bet you don't manly, never obtruding his presence un- the devil tem ted 1' know how to kiss.. I necessarily, he yet managed to pay her with 1? me by he fought Astounding Statistics rangemrnt which cornea into play as � th me. Don't know'why ? you lore There It i the pressure in the tanks rises above or I She -I erhapa not. But I hove made considerable attention, and many ail anx- Ada Miller, do you not ? Then, o do 3. There in nothing like dealing with large it u point never to miss an opportunity iois time did I spend, feariug that his yes, with a lave that is all-oonewiting-s figures and no doubt the statement b I falls below 'JO pounds. The current was M learn. au )crier attractions NO11Id u , y °t produced at the dynamo at n pressure scientific person that Londoners drill IC iu r Y P e9sure put me in lout which toes me no rest night or s of 6,0 volts, and six incandescent lam ul the shade, the course of a year 100U tuns of nntd I Fate, however, decided otherrvdse for day, a love whi, lh makes it impossible will appear to many to disclose it ter- fed in series ;at an average of 110 volts A Now wav to Get a Beat, for me tq live without her, You have ethic and must dun �erotls state vt things I hlirn brightly when I summoned rap courage to put g fly art the further end of the There was a scene on one of the long- won her hand, but dont you think i says The Londoub Standard. Nothing line, thirteen miles from the pawn- i distance electric cites the other day ; «y fortunes to tlDe test, Ada shyly ac- envy you ? Don't you think I even babe could be further from the truth. ,� house, showing that the electrical pees- which, while it turned Out to be a coin- gabznd mltnner°that she rind never loved at times ? And when I gnensed you thousand tons of mud would mean, per- sur necessary more s ry to m ienthandain was edy, had all the elements of a tragedy I aurone else. You tthe a sure that I were here, don't you see that the devil haps, about half a pound of mud to each more than was ex greatly in it whale it lasted, says The Chicago was in e(trtasies, and ecarcel knew Por tempted me to leave you here, and to person. It will be certainly not too expected. I Times -Herald. It was occasioned by a 'the next Yew es,andths whether I walked any nothing whatever about it ? Bat much to assurue that each half pound of rail 911 omitted, rs and (-witches this third bright bu•t purely selfish action on the upon air or upon solid ground. Ada has chosen yon, she loves you. Your mud does not contain more than two , the circuit continuing part of a man who had been defrauded Onr engagement was to lust a year, at wedding day draws near. Gtr -take heir ounces of solid matter probably much over two copper cables, each one inch o1 his seat in the car in this wise: I the end„ of which time our marriage and }fie hnPPY• But for me happiness in less. Now it is certain that in the course I m diameter, buried in the ground, The I The conductor had taken his Pare •tad .waa to take place, this life: is over, of the three or Your windy days in contact shoes, which are flat pieces of given him his change, but something The time had almost elapsed, and noth- He turned swats to loosen the rope March each pinion ounce aif dust, ll day ( iron hung wider each track, always upand to with it, forhe aCgot i ing had occurred to mar the harmony' of which of the he had fast to one of tate yovtapart. At short crossin the scene, when, quite unex Petedly, much as he will swallow }u water dar- i in contact ; at crossings wider than 0;t leaving an opening for a tat woman who I soinrthing h.tppeued which filled with I watebod hien wonderingly with a Ing six months. A railway Uav01,,r I fent a shoo hung in the rear of the ,.was standing up and who immediately„I dazed mind, when all in a moment, br- trailer car continues in contact anti] the ' plumped down into the vacated seat. t•hc deepest horror, and which causes me' fere I scall] think or speak, ' i reeled, Who takes a Pew hours' journey in dry' first shoe reaches the third rail again. When the tuna returned he was mad to ai,udder even now as I rncall it. fell over, and toppled headlong into the weather has but to look at the state of It hua partly to do with my rival. his coat and of the carriage seat to Yur►n The distan(`e to which the power was clear tllrutigh. Ile looked at the woman, I Horace Rishton, whose existence for the pit Prom whence he had drown me, crr- an idea of the amount of dust that wast transmitted and the fact that nn inter- cleared his throat and staitl r)'ing the rope with him. have entered his mouth, the majority of mediate feedors were used were the chief ! "Madam, if time I had almost fu ;,•otter. $'GYodd heaven, he's gone !” I shriek- you will let Lot. get my I He had received the news of our en- (41 and atirutging to my Peet for the which on touching the palate Arid tun- features of interest to th0 railroad and i things you can keep the ncaale gue is t•onvertd into mud and swallow- ele(.trteal experts. Fsnnlly in the over- "Nein," said the woman '•dem is noz- gag(,moat iu an apparently suint and numbness lel't me for a nionten't-I rwsb- head trolley systvrn feeders of co, quiet manner, and his subsequent he- ed to the mouth of for shaft sesta ed. Thus, then, it will be seen at once. 1 ptt•r zips here," haviur had not lett Its to renur(I him as t; how iufiuit(simally small and ]tow ttir0 kot•p rriminl; dirtwt frorn the dyna- You aro covering thein tip, madam-- being mare than Lrdinutily affected b)' frantically : "llorace ! Huntce !" absolutely 1nnOCilLUa is the daily portion inns. 1'h0 t•ua4 tons opened tyithort it you will kiutlly move." But no answ0r carne to my cries, aa' of this 1000 tons of mad swallowed• by it, hitt in the event I am about to de- loud s mnrh nrrl•mony. President Clark' c,+Lori grin! I move nuzzina," and she ?set- scribe I ivas able to see how der, rind Plash succeeded his Call, then all Londoners and how little cause there is down ill his privnty car, and hrougdti tied herself for a ride to the end Or the ' traAc the wife, u 1 was still and silent as the grave. I for alarm i,► the array Of figures Inivil 0 nlunher of oflt ors and directors with line- 'Pic r0velatio, ctpionn 1iu11tlwaswise: looked around fat• help, but to help was up by the scientific Investigator, who ' hint. These weer all iransrerred to the I But the man got his pot. As It tw:uvel but two days to our. wed- near, sari, ofd for a with weakness, as rawly frighten tweak -minded people. out. "pen n„tor'enr rat Berlin and the journey the cur uopruached u railroad erussiug, ding, and I had occasion to Lor on a tagu,r anal horror, I fell senseless to the does not in the slightest degree nfTeet oyer' the road he:aan at once. The thin and the conductor waved to the motor- ground, the ondUnary main or excite tt him tiny teen miles twrro ruutplrtrd in eighteen man to "rune on," the man N% 11(i had )Lost little bnsiuess connected with it to a When I came to I POnnd myself in the feeling whatever save iudifleruce. minutes• ilia seat neighboring town, a place 801110 four same gave a wild yell of "train roan- tulles distant front my home. Having lXmition, and knowing that it tots ing," and in s flash everybod,v in the ne(.untplished my errand, and find!l':; extremely improhnNe. that anyone wonld A r�9estt 1P al •r,.nre •r ubinr. car hull jumped for the door, into twhicli that I hod cousuerubte time 'o wait for pass that way, T put forth all 'ray KIDNEY DdEY 1D.ECEIT. 'I'll(' Cuntntittre Lot Svicnee and Arts the fat woman was securely wedged. � it train, 1 resLlved Lu wullcth W)I ; for strength, and dragged myself with great rtumeeted with the hranklin In,t!tnt0, I 'I'heu they saw that they were safely striking out, I soon left the town he.difficntty in the direction of home. IIow MANY ARE lrNi,gTENTtON.et,t.l- It1P'_ saws The I hiladrlphia Ftcc,,rd. have eyin- •1cr(ws, turd heard the conductor calling � hind Inc. a Wben I had gone a mile or so I enter- CFIVE[) IN TRFATV40 KiDNA:Y DiGoit- � Dieted their inves,;rntion or the merits or for the passenger to show himself who It wits a fine moonlight night, and ed upon a more fro4liented road, and a recently -patented uu•tnllic tubing and had giten the false alarm, nud they all I as it prumiSFti to COhLIltlle so, I deter- soon fell in Witt, those who rendered me nFRs-cAN YOU ArFottn TO TRI FLN. I report favornhly, awarding the John filed bark sheepishly to their seats. ( all the assistance 1 teryntr0d. WITH YOUR, owx Fx1:3TISN,cr?---n•' g count to tach a short rut told S e :1 Iffy stay ettnse(i a great sensation, as Scott legacy modal and premium. All but the fat woman. ,She had ]Oat country, which I reckoned tvuuld save :a YOU SUSPFCT TI110RE IS ANY KiD-TFY 'Phis tubo runsists of the bviieal emis, hers, for it W'" Occupied by a me,,k- quarter of an hour at the least. 'Che you may be sure, and for a time I was TROURLr, DISCARD PILLS, POwr)FRS I one inside the other, so dispose,! in re- looking man who had a basket OP live I road would be very lonely, but it Ivas ;t the one object of interest in the place. AN.1) CURE-ALLS --SO UTH AM1•:ftic.%,x lation to (,,tell other, that the outside (.oil ehurkeus in his lap, which he had rowit- path that was seldom used, hnt that Ada looker] at me. as one given hack l:n)Nk:Y c URIs IS A T1 )trs•mittlsl) AND closes the space hrttc0en the cunvolit- t'tl from under the seat anti half a hill'- troubled nae little, for my thoughts were front the dead, and rejoiced over me ac - TESTIFIED KIDNEY Sl'LClpl(•• tions of the inside Coil. 'I'll(, insid0 coil dre6 other packages piled 111) ahOut flim, I (•umpauy Onvugh that eight. cordrngTy. Her joy would have beery is originally wound perfe(•tly close, and white he rooked as if butter wouldn't AAs I knew the way, however, i complete had it not been for'the unior- A remedy which dissolves all ob- as the outside cull is wound over it, its melt in his mouth, and the fat woman thought nothing of it, but trudged cheer. innate death of Horace Rishton, for eonwolutions are forced apart, the result_ stood the rest of the trip, fully along, thiakiug only of Ada and that naturally cast a gloom over us all,- etructiona, which heals null strengthens Ing tenison effeeting a eluse joint he- own• approaching union. Cndcie!lly, and Household Words. the afflicted parts, and which from its tween the two coils, In the sampli<s su lt- ManaCerlal. without a moment's warning the ground Trinldad'o Poet, Lake, mitted for exnminntion th0 inside roil is gave way under my feet, and I felt my - very nature eradicates all impurities of circular section, and the outer one of Sam Epstein, the well-known theatri- A remarkable pbeiomenon in the Is. - cal man, tells a good story at the ex. self falldug headlong down, down into , from the sye'tem, is `the only safe and triangnLrr sectirm, the hose of the tri- land of Trinidad is the Pitch Lake,' Pc•use of a local theatre, whose "stand. the d(,pins of the earth. How far 1 sure remedy in oases of kidney dicer- rinel0 bring on the 0utstd0 nml the apex Ing room only" sign is no lou fell, i knew not at the time -I learned situated at La Brea about sixteen riffles m the itsirle of the coil, ger needed, afterward that it ass about :30 feet -]rut from the Port of Spain, the capital aR der, Such a remedy is South Aineri- Piths which are not required to he One night after the curtain was rung . the island. It is about ore and n half can Kidney Cure. This is not bear- air -tight (those, far inst:lni•0. intendrrl up a small hoy was discovered sobbing I expected instant death when I reach- miles a circumference and eta hall! in front of the box office. The manager c"i the bottom and without tlonbt tlittt eighty feet stove the leve] 01 the sea. ass, The formula hes been put under ter support in(.undesrt'nt rlr(.tric Inmpa) would have been my fate had not the g Y p have rho outside coil merle "f wire, Ihe of the theatre went to the pad and bottom of the hole been filled with wat- The water is covered almcst entirely the severest of taste, and it has been section of vdiich is an a minters] tri• kindly asked him robot the trouble was. I with a stratum of twilhaltam, traverseH proclaimed b the reatnat authorities 1111,, -le . white a lucre ohmsrn (,rkie;tl nn,, I want my money back," sobbed the er to a considerable depth. This broke p y g; e boy my full, and also by its coolness restored by fissures and crevices filled with water. is used 1'r,r• 11110% intended ti) eon'biet In surprise, the manager asked his me to perfectly hard in the world of medical science that y senses. " The Hitch at the sides is fluid, or guars, so a3 rn obtain a greater I struck out on coming to the stirface and cold, but as one walks toward the liquids—and. liquids only—will ob- nnrntul pressure on the joint. '('hest reason for such a regwest, fain the results (-ought for. A liquid tunes ❑rc rlt"'s;'1r'r1 for list` as adjustahpc, bemuse -because, I'm afraid to sit ' and stI c around to find something to middle the heart gradually increases and supports for inva ascent elemrit• lights, up in the gallery all ajape," he wailed. which I could hold on: After u conoid- the pitch becomes softer and softer. At remedy taken into the system goes for ronducthtg cif or other hlbr rntint Ilia money was returnede Chicago able time spent in' -.searching, during last it is seen boiling rap in a liquid state Journal. which the Pull horror of the situation be- and the air is strongly impregnated with directly into the circulation and at- flnidv M drills, h0ring toot,, et(.. ; for grin to dawn upon me; I at last discov. bitumen and sulpbnr. Dnring the nabW tacks immediately the effected parts, 4,finflucting nir t" blow-p'1Ht ;, t•te, Thi ered it piece of woodwork fixed in the season it is possible to walk over nearly while solids such as ills or owders fills•, rlcs'tiletl rm. eordn•ting ilui(ls iwer.• I)inlne with the Prince. side of the pit. the whole lake, but in this hot weather P P fount] to be pr• trolly richt ng ]fast len l: Two Irichmrn were. working together ; ']'his I eagerly gragpped, and, resting a great part cannot be approached. Tbo cannot possibly attain those results, nge and well adapted fur their intruded one day, when one remarked to the i partially on it 4vith half my body in pitch is much used in the island Nr Kidne • disorders cannot afford to be nnr•ptrse, other, who appeared vs• Inm : g y pLsi- roads, pavementA gird roofs, and is r>- 3 fY g the water, I began to." m ported to the United Stairs and Catr- trified with. The quickest way i9 the "Arran, morning?" what i9 the matter with tion. ,; rhP Rtrnnr;rrt Cr,a,in, you this morning?" I I knew at once the ,place into which ada.-Atlanta Constitution. safest way to combat these insidious 'I'!te neatest and strongest elinin ever "Well, Pat," replied the other, "I ryas I had fallen, and as the knowledge flnsh- Ureaaming that I dined pith H.R.H. the cd across my mind 1 cursed myself for A Donble Swindle. at menta, This great remedy never auto]• has bait r0eeutly left the '1'ript"it Prince of Wales last night, and aftar , having been so careless as to stumble First Street Loafer -It's a shame, Bill. fails, It's a liquid kidney specific. t'' -''''n fr•rm Works. "I' I':irkv;; tG Co., in 9 k Y p dinner was Over Ir asked me if I would into it. It was an old disused shaft to think that any One would swindle a P;n:I:;)v 'dine r iu+uttic chain is intrad"'1 g poor, hard-working man in that way. Ire a solvent.—Sold by 1Vntts & Co. f,"• Ino P,riti,lh (i"wornn:enl tunnel •if have a tante of Irish, which had been their for generations. " :::Yes, your royal highness, said I. Not many people were aware of its ex- Second Street Loafer -Why, whittle ('hizw-i , :tad c•of the uC l ,I fin]"' "`Hot or cold Mike?' said he. istence, for it was a wild and solitary your trouhle? RESIGNATION. forged s. i::i- ll)• k three �1) i "nr-11.1!1 ••'got, your royal highnesv,' said T. spot scarcely ever visited by anyone. 1, First Street Loafer -Here I worked inch rods. t r.ch link nein;- : 1 nx•hrs !"rat „ From the Sared'ish of Vltaclls. • '111'1 la wtr!e. let order• 1" str't'!1'Ihen th, While he was away far the hot water however, had seen it many times in my hard for half a day painting up a spar- ehain each lin!; rero).to I eruus-piece, I woke up, and Ilam sorry now I did moorinnd wanderings, and had always row into a red-headed Belgian canary Wily should p not meet Grief In joysma h;ntd-fnrprd 1111,1 hraieil to nein sit10+ not drink it cold, Spare Moments, regarded it as a dangerous place, It and I nm Mowed if the fellow I sold it fashion? Nit, ,•linin will ise nse,i with the Int;:,. , I was partially fenced round, but I must to didn't give me a bad half-crown for It Is God's nage] and should weleome be, have wandered in throw • Why, should I doubt my Fatber's kind coin• e1''nu• at the tahnrf, tthirh will bo dnr- T1s Afters Thus. bh one of the it, -London Spare Moments. passion, ploycd in loading and inllomlins the Billings -I heard Jameson make a gaps, T Itecause He sends stern messengers to fieltwiest ordnnn�•e or steel forging•+ into btatement Yesterday.. that surprised me i it so orI re must,as iiin thepd�jl anywhere eq N (av0 Inst Tom -What did taheosae Man. lnc'1 or from the Itritish non-of-tr a,r. Mince ver much. I -Iv 9i d-. he, didn t haven y when you there itis no ntachfnery •ltailnhle for dollar's worth of;••'' o , lin the world. mY way. However herft. .was, and the tried to kiss her? Like tturld bird beneath !to mother'e r ., : Y question confronts , L a ire testing n ehnin or such ,,!rru•nsi,ms the Tom kina-W u!" q Loos w ons I to Ned -She said, Stop, air. as forcibly pinions,, p e q•xyQ,•.,81Lne with hi'•u I get out t na she knew how. t'los(- to F11s breast I creep In hiding test rias nuitlr h) Hebra] 4nvprn>bm of n at the time? y . I tried to discover f"`tt •wan possible sweet, Wright or lull tons, or Iti,IN10 pounds Billings -No, w&!'.> ,:•aa a crowded Tom -And (lid you stop? And though Death seek me with a thou. front each link. street car.1­o'.-,ir••'.*: to climb out, but the : iprs of the pit Ned -Yes. I stn ,,„i,1 piled for an hour, and sluts minions• p Tom kina-1 Chas offered no hold of any 9jL4, so I had to g g, -Somerville MY filth Itself Is victor complete. P }il�pt; EIe was pleb- abandon that idea. t' kept Join the same thin y P New Cushion Tlrrs, ably sitting neii.-$!i•. i tftx assessor.-- Journal Ulevelund ir, I next showted, in the hR{o that some I Like sum(, plgeon winging from IM Cashion runner tiers, which rh ,ter no,n't) der ,. � solitary wanderer migh'fx��}I my eri0a, His Paper Did It. sell ns resilient ns pnenmatie tires, ore forr:n- -- `- , ':; - but no answering voice vWlrialrcard, until. Glanders -It is said that paper can be Aly prayer nae ]creed the starry reahna ed or a number of so(.tions or rubber or Ad4h_-�ui '.dui. after dI had shouted mysdj hoarse, l used effectively in keeping a person shave, differ0nt aura to fit together, one over "I i 1 was obliged to sink b lc i silence d And nittlng whitey through hi's perfect another, with arch sections oil the inner ,wood gad$;et{vorld at oar 1i e an warm. splendor, sides, the walls of one section lying at feet the youtl'Icldimed. "Dear despair. :Fri''” Gazly-That is very true. I rernem- It takr8 this message to Ills heart o! me sigbe(! A7,i{ 'tillLat wish Aly heart sickened aktx•.ttgbt of the pose the centro OP the arch of the next. see- had'n't said th , 7 "Father is {( bel it thirty -day note of mine once kelt loneliness of the place;,.'4• .flow dayr:, tion, the arches giving When pressure of," .„ �� and even weeks, mi �itr ;bl ae before me inn sweat for a month.--$arh':rt ! geld MY will to Thee. Do not disdain p to -placed upon them, always salyin r,1I ": if you own g Life. Z, '.Chou whose eyes into my heart can the emrth' - t�'yar. insane paaaed that rosy f:;,•. see, •:i:•, ,y:,, ;,:1`a,; ;i;;i, - I struck out franticalfy 1f6rind the pit Ask your groser for P air Offence Magnified Lo, lovingly I seize the cu and drain i J',:'• • �J to seek agitin for some meti►ta of escape, " charge g you, prisoner, The chs e a must e. P G Hlalteeti>trgj•iiaaoW'A.Wmar Life, but my search was as fruitless as be „ Just as In love thou reachest It to mel A. school teiirhet lair oily "�' t the quell- said the ma is Is that you were trate u tones Ir caught in the act of purL)ining haber- '� .0 ffal lite? s b 114'! form of ani- pa took hold of me, I thought dasherv." •-GIIDORCI>pl HOItfioM. Non. "What i `t F. ' "' t1.1. of Adu; of our a "Only nervous" i9 a scree indication t y "'Me g iaAr - ) ;F ' d t1 bright mem- or the preparations which roach io b en rmade "It ain't so, �7'r honor," rnivrlled ,tile that the blood is not pure. Hood's `�'`�/ bel of the � 6fi-Tit-Bits. and the plana which had lideii formed. abject *retch, an de (top knows it. All Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and . • t !-r flow bright the world had seemed bat I waa doin' wast stealin ticcittles:' ' cures nervousness. t Por Table dnd Dairy, Purest and Beat ► ;'a. &P 4y J' • a