HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-30, Page 6a . ASuffererCured "Every season, from the time I Vx9two years old, I suffered dread. fEttHy from erysipelas, which kept ArLvw irg worse until my hands were a hno5t useless. The bones softened Botha' they would bend, and several of my lingers are now crooked from this cause. On my liand I carry large vw Sears, which, but for AYER'S Sarsaparilla, would u be sores, provided I was alive .aid able <,, to carry anything. _REight Eight bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me, so that I have had no return of the dise.1se for more than kwenty years. The first bottle seemed to reach the spot and a persistent use of it has perfected the cure,"—O. C. DAvis, wautonla, Ivis. ER'S u TEE ONLY WORLD'S FAIR _ Sarsaparilla fi 'Ta'S PILLS Promote Good Digestion Ae Huron News -Record t.25 a Year—$1.00 In Advance WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th, 1897. Stanley. Stanley council met on Saturday, June I9th, all the members present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. Geo. Elgie was given 82 to expand in his road division, it being commu• tation of statute labor paid by Canada Company in 1896. •John Lough was paid $2 for his ser. vices in equalizing Union School Sec- tions in 1896. Council meets again on Saturday, .Tilly 17th, atone o'clock p. in. J. T. CAIRNS, clerk. LETTER OF CONDOLENCE.—Recently the members of L. O. L. No. ° 3 met in their Lodge room • and presented to Bro. Wm. McClinchey a kindly word- ed address of condolence. the cause be- ing the death of his most estimable wife. Bro. Geo. Pollock read the ad- dress as follows:— go Bro. Wm. 1flcClinchey: DEAR SIR AND .BRO,—Whereas it was the will of Almighty God to call to her eternal reward the beloved wife of our esteemed Bro. William McClin- chey, be it therefore, Resolved that the members of Gos- hen: L. O. L. No. 833 whilst bowing in humble submission to the will of Di- vine Providence, Who decrees all things for the hest, tender to Bro. McClinchey and family our sincere sympathy and condole with them in the foss they have sustained, -and pray that God may give hirci and them fortitude to bear the heavy cross He has placed upon.them in thus depriving them of a. loving wife and devoted mother. Signed on behalf of the Lodge. R. NICHOLSGN, W. M. G. A. POLLOCK, R. S. The SuRping and Crushed in Spirit Need Words of Cheer. Their Only Avenue of Escape is Through Paine's Celery Compound, True words of encouragement, hope and cheer are 'generally welcomed by suf%er�irng humariity—at least by that part `ij �ylth crushed spirits'ilnd des- pouitsarts. T6Miiose who are mart) s from" rheu- matism and neuralgia we have it few words of honest advice, which, -if fol- lowed, will certainly lead to that covet- ed goal—perfect health—that many are so earnestly praying to reach. Up to the presbnt you have failed to banish your rheumatism. The medi- cines you are usir..r have not removed the floating acid poison from your joints and muscles. You are as bad to-day—perhaps worse—than when you commenced to doctor, and some of yote tare pronounced incurable. Cheer up, sad souls 1 There is hope, yes, more than hope; there is a new life for you and freedom from all pain and agony if you give that heaven- sent remedy, Pa;ne's Celery Com- pound, a fait and honest trial. It has completely cured the worst forms of rheumatism in the past, and its great andPrecious virtues will do the same good work for you to -day. To those who suffer from that merci- less. tormentor, neuralgia, we say, with all- candor, use Paine's Celery Obinpound, and your future will soon be happy and bright. This disease al- ways indicaf--s a low or depressed vita- lity, and is the most a onizing and ex -1 hausting that can arnict the nervous system, The ablest physicians now freely prescribe Paine's Celery Com- pound for neuralgia, and affirm that no other medicine can so'completely eradicate the cause of this terrible dis- ease. One bottle of the great bealth-giving medicine will produce cheering results and will prove that our advice is gold- en. May heaven give you sufficient faith to make a trial. Mr. Tarte announced in the House of Oommons Wednesday that after the session he intends to.visrt France and 1' Belgium to study how public buildings :raid harbors are built in those coun- tries. She went out on her wheal to rid%, Her heart was lull of biles, She struck a little rut In the road, YUP sqe tunPOP fnV411110 'VIls. It isn t always well to look A bull dog in the eyes. It thero is any way in whivh One Can do otherwise ; Nur is it always best to tall A liar that he lies, l• uless you're big and strong and he's Not more than half your size. Walked front Ilderton. A WOMAN TAKES THE DUSTY ROADS TO THE CITY FOR GROCERIES. A case of seeminggreat hardshil came to the notice of Inspector San ders of London, Wednesday, A woman of 35 years, who said tier nacre was Harris, dropped wearily into a chair in the In. spector's office. and told it story of having walked from Ilderton since daybreak. She had left her two chit• dren at borne, she said, and had walk ed to the City to try to get relief. Her husband was able-bodied, but could got no work. She asked for- groceries, and the Inspector asked the woman to cal again shot tly, Mrs. Harris was a picture of misery. She'was brought from England by the Macpherson Home 25 years ago, and had married here. PUT TO THE TEST. THE MOST CbNVINCING AND ABSOLUTE PROOFS GIVEN. THAT Dlt. WILLIAMS' PINI: PILLS PURI: WHEN OCHER MEDICINvs FAIL— WHAT THEY HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS THEY WILL DO FOR, YOC. No remedy of modern times has offered more or stronger proof of its sterling tnerit than has Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The cures are not those of people in foreign lands, but from all parts of our own country, and the statements made are easily verified by everyone in the vicinity in which the cures reported occur. When such proof a"e this is offered doubt must cause, and the medicine roust be awarded the palm of superiority over all others. Every mail brings lettere frum grateful people in all parts of Canada, who have been cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink PillA, some. times after years of illness and after other medicines had failed, and it is the words of, gratitude spoken by sufferers thus restored tp health that has greated the enormous demand this medicine has. The following letter is but a fair sample of hundreds con- stantly being received :— The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. DEAR SIRS,—I have great "pleasure in bearing testimony to the medicinal value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as a blood purifier and health restorer. For ten years I was a victim to a complica- tion of troubles, beginning with quiu. say and followed by rheumatism and bronchitis. ally physicians told me the trouble had become chronic, and that every winter I would either have to house myself up or go to a warmer climate. Two' years ago I was con— fined to my bed and room from Febru. ary until May, under the doctor's care. One day while reading of the cures wrought by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I determined to try them, and I found a cure at last in this aplen• did medicine. I used a dozen boxes of the pills and I have never been bet- ter in my life than I am now, and I of have been v n n trouble d in any way with my,old aomptaints•siuce I discou tinued the use of'the Pink Pills. As I have already ,stated I was a sufferer for years, and during that period spent a small fortune in doctor's medi- cine and drugs, only to find in the end that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills accomp- lished what 411 other medicines failed to do. N�hen my friends who know how often I viae laid asides with ill• nese asked me what cuted me I am al- ways happy to say Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Yours griitel'ully 11jris. J. A. MaKiu, • Cataratlui. Mr.. -and Mrs. McKim are among the beet known and most esteemed resi- dents of Cataraqui, Ont., Mr. McKim has been a travelling salesman for pianos and organa in the district in which lie resides for upwards of twenty-five years. What stronger proof than the above can be had for the claim that Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills cure when all other medicines fail I If you are ailing give this great medicine a fair trial and the result will not disappoint you. The public are cautioned against numerous pink colored imitations. Insist upon taking nothing but the packages which bear the full trade mark "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple.,, Varna. Too late for last week Varna was emptied of its inhabi- tants on Jubilee day, nearly every one taking in the celebrations at ClintoD and Seaforth. Mr. John Reid, Parr ling, has been seriously ill for some time ; and Mrs, McClymont, Sr., has had a serious at: of illness. The garden party given by the Methodists of Varna in Mrs. Secord's lawn on Tuesday, June 15th, was a grand success. The total proceeds amounted to over $60. The Seaforth band gave a choice lot of music and Varna piccolo band surprised every one by the excellence of its music in its first public appearance. 611MOR sewing 918MIRB warefoomal I have made arrangements with the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE UOMPANY to handle their machines and am prepared to offer the public an article unsurpassed for durability and the quality of work. They will be placed On trial free; we compete with rill machines on the market. I also have other grades at less Itioney. Needles and parts supplied for all makes of machines. WASHING MACHINES.—I am agent for the celebrated Anthony Wayne Washer, the largest manufacturers of Washers in the world. The machine cannot be beat in any respect. I still handle the Improved Ideal and Manitoba Washers. Also Clothes Wringevs, the best in the market. WM. MOORE, The Old Stand, Huron Street, Clinton. J. i • EG �1 , f Ste et,e Queen JIst Torronto The Only Hernia Specialist in the DOlminlon A CURE WiTHOUT All OPERATION Children 4 to 8 weeks. Adults 7 to 14. No Fxplrimenting, Everything a Certainty OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO SEVERE, LONG-STANDING OASES. REMEMBER—Age of person or length of time ruptured makes no difference. Every case a success, After, 30 years' continuous practical experience I have produced the Grandest Instruments the World Ever Saw I I Knowing the true cause of Rupture, and having discovered the secret tat present known only to myself), Instantaneous Relief is Afforded, Safety is As- sured and a Cure Effected—with little expense, no pain, loss of time or labor ; without the doubtful, rrAZARVOUs and ever costly expedient of an operation. DON'T abandon HOPE --as I Offer you Great Encouragement I Without egotism, I would say I am prepared to do what no other man in America can do, viz . Hold any reducible -Hernia during the hardest work or severest strain—even horseback riding. Where failure has been the re- sult in the United States and the large hospitals in the great cities of Europe, oases given up as Aopelessi I alone suoceedod. Don't "put off-' your case or that of your child ; regret and sorrow may come when least expected, and too late to remedy. Your rupture gives little trouble now, and appears trifling. You neglect it. This is where your, danger lies. ■ Co ing 1111 BE WARNED IN TIME I, Should your rupture be hidden from view by some large clumsy truss you are lulled into a sense of false security. Your Hernia is not held,and you are in a more dangerous condition than you imagine. Now heed this Cau- tion, •ere it be too late ; Unless the Hernia is completely reduced within the internal ring (where nature placed it) and constantly held there, adhesion might ensue, resulting in strangulation of the parts, rendering you liable at any moment to a frightful death.. An ill fitting truss, from intense, unequal pressure on one side, causes a Double Rupture, induces Paralysis, weakens the Generative organization, causes general nervous prostration, Kidney -Urinary troubles, constipation and kindred ailments. MOTHERS 1 Look to your children as you value their future happiness I I can Cure Them in six weeks I Neglect *ill produce frightful deformity and may prove fatal. The very best evidence to support my claims—Our Own Physicians, Our Own People, Your Own Neighbors. EIAMINATION AND ADVICE FREE. One set of teeth will not fit every mouth, nor one make of truss suit every form of Hernia. I have known cases ruined [or life by placing themselves in the hands of ignor- ant pretenders having not the slightest conception cf the first principles of human an- atomy. He who makes a specialty of one department must certainly' be regarded as possessing more experience and better facilities for the treatment of any particular trouble—AND CERTAINLY MORE CAPABLE—than anyone having "many irons in the fire." SPECIALIST WILL VISIT LONDON, Grigg House, Friday and Saturday, June a5, 26. SEAFORTH, Queen's Hotel, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 29, :30. GODERICH, British Exchange Hotel, Friday and Saturday, July 2, 3. Too latGoorric. week. i Irliller's Omnibus Line, The park is 'at present heing leveled ( Goderieh, Ont. etc. Mr. Sam MCCutcheon intends going When in Goderieh d" not nwiect to Kecure into the fish business. Success Saul. Miller's Omnibus to all parts of the town. Our I livery iN well equipped Nvith reliable horses and Mr. Jas. Perkins shipped 8 ear's of good rigs, and prices will always be found rea- eas fur ex Ort laS week. Nonable. Stables on F,aAt• Street., near the P P Square—telephone No. 51. Mr. Jos. Taman of Palrirerston paid JONATHAN MILLER, Gorrie, his former home, a visit last Goderieh. week. -- Mr. Dulinage of Newbridge shipped I FOR SALE, a ear of cantle and Mr. Win. Stinson BLACK'S HOPI?L. DUNGANNON. Proper - a cat, of hogs from here last week,tv. Furniture and License. In good repair. Wroxeter is going to celebrate Do- Being -good burilness. )3ONaeRH10❑ at Cove. Apply to•BIRS. 8ABAH BLACK, Dungannon. minion Day in grand style by sports, sirs at etc. - Juhilee Day was celebrated around this part by uuuterons picnics. They Dress Cutting School, were It success, The .rbool of dress cnt.ting is open at Rev. C. It. Gunne of the Episcopa- Craif:!,Hbtel,Goderich. A new tvilorsystem, lean Church preached on Sabbath last the le adtnft system of Una ~world. Covers the to the C. O. F. social bt el ha en. entire rhifge of work. Cuts every style of gar- ) ntent On the goods, no refitting, no patterns, Mr. Rich. Sparling of Wookstock is costs 04 more than a. chart. Lessons given at at present vIR1ting, tinder- the parental dour 0%V1 • hone without extra charge. Special ratteA to.Ibr"s makers amyl girlrt from the coun- roof on the 4th line and around town. tra. 1'tfo;Goder)ch ladies should not miss this chance t&perfect themselves in this important Mr. John Dane, son of ' m, Dane, branch oei,%,6rk. Open daily for one month. Esq., left on Tuesday last for the .nmio la.; ,'' seli-It. Prairie province. His brother Wil- — .T__ linin has taken his place in the flour mill. STAR,'.. RESTAURANT, It is reported f.hba at• r. Win. Oli- phant of Qii'Appe lle, N. W. T., form-nt erly of Got rie, is dangerously ill. We ��ran Clinton, hope to hear of his recovery. Street, Mr. N. 111cl.aughlin is eut.ewtaining a very young gentle ni an, who took up it ` k are wide Open for the hot weath- perurnnent residence with him on Sat- er se4gs 4 And;ireafteryourpatronage. urea) last. :..:W4 CREAM, COOL DRINKS, That dread disease, ermstimption, :b'13VITS, C0NFA.('TiONEItY, visited the home of Air. Juo. Keen of "•61+fa;A11,13 and TOBACCO. Howiwk on Thursday bast, and claitnecl � EyE�yiNG IN SEASON. a victi►n in the person of his beloved r .. P,• wife. The funernl took place on Sat- Our;p,irlor•is cheery and comfortable. urday last to the Gowrie cera,etery, and `'j ' ," Lunches at ,ill hours. was followed by a large concourse of CHAS.. YIIITTS, Huron SL, Clinton. people. Rev. C. R. Gunne wns the if ,.., officiator. She leaves to mourn her one onl loving husband and two - f _ - - _-- -- y y i1 i� T) Agents for Quacn the sympathy of all in their sial be- 1 t� I tints. Hcr iteign and Diamond '�Iibllee •' Overflowing with latest reavement. nnd:iricbest, richireA. Contains the endorsed On Simday evening, ,Tune 13th, Mr.. biography of hfor Ma'cyty, with authentic His - Adam Morrow ofTurnhnr de att.ed tory of laerre)narkabe reign. and full account Y P of tato Dljtniond .1ubilee. Only $1.54. Big book. this life, aged 70 years. Deceased had TroUlendous domand. Bonanza for agents. been ailing for some time and his Cognixifon50per vent. Credit({iven. Frei ht death was t,helefore not unexpected paid. 'OUTFIT vnpR. Duty paid. Write u ek . for-outtlt dud te•ritorv. 'PHE DOMINION His remains were laid to rest in the COMPANY. Dept. 7, 356bearborn St., Chicago. Gorrie cemetery on the following Tues- day, a large number of riga being in the procession. Rev. C. R. Gunne Dr. Joyner, a graduate of Queen's officiated. He leaves to mourn his loss University. Kingston, was dr(•wned at a loving wife and grown-up son, Clayton, N. Y. AIELPLESS FOiL SIX MONTHS. RHEUMATISM HELD Him IN CHAINS—SUF- FERED UNTOLD TORTURE—THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE WAGED WAR AND WON A COMPLETE VICTORY—RELIEF IN A FEW HOURS. "I have been a great Aufl'erer from rheumatism. I was completely help• less for over six months. I tried all kinds of remedies but got no relief, Having noticed strong testimonials TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned, having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung afrertion, and that dread disease Conawnpeion, is anxious to make known to his follow sufferers the means of cure. To thoso who dosire it, he will cheerfully send froe of charge) a copy of the prescrip- Ion used, which they will Rnd a sure cure for owlsurnption, Asthma, Catarrh Br&?chili* and all throat and Lung Maladies. He mopes all sufferers will try IiIs remedy, an it is invalu- able. ThoRo desiring the precription, which will coot them nothing, and may prove a Bless - Eng, will please address, Rev, EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New Y ork. published of the cures effected by South — Amerioan Rheumatic Cure I obtained a bottle of it, and received relief from pain from the first done, and in an in. credibly short time I was entirely freed from my sufferings," James K, Cole, Almonte, Ont.—Sold by Watts Weary wives, mothers, and daugh- ters—tired nurses, watchers, and help —tired., women of all classes should tat{, :!flyer's Sarsaparilla. It is the ki - ti<f;hey need to give pure blood, fl ire yea, buoyant spirits, and re- f jillitl sleep. There is no tonic A IA. s fit. t Alm, * ani I Stationary, Office Sup1eS9 Job Printing, , The News -Record Calls special attention to our Stationery and Office Supplies and Job Printing Depart- ment. We are unsurpassed.... By any town or city in the Goods we handle or the pricos we quote for Stationery and Printing and the quality of both is always guaranteed. A perusal of this announcement may suggest something you may be in need of, And in such cas© we solicit your patronage, feeling confident that our efforts to please 'Nvill meet Nvith the approval of our patrons, Letter Heads In this line we have a very fine stock of writing papers suitable for every class of business represented in this locality, also for private use. Note Heads This useful size is kept in stock, the qualities being in several grades. Memo. Heads These fill an important place in com- rueh•cial correspondence. See what we have got. Bill Heads If the "pay-as-you-go" pian was the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be so great; but there are some men _.-Who get so many dunners that �they wonclet' if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and at present Cru' stock is com- plete in this line. Good paper and neat ruling. Statements Our stock is large. They come cheaper than hill heads, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch hiru 'round -- sometime. Envelopes We makes speeialty of Envelopes. Yoti know it- would be hard to get along without envelopes, and to keel; up with the demand for, them we keep a large stock on hand. Plain or Printed we are otrering some great snaps. One line in particular is going off fast - 50 for 5c. Commerical Printing A vast amount of work under this head to enuuterate would more than take up the entire space oc- cupied by this adv t, but we do it all at THE NEWS-RI2CORD. Invitations to an "At Home" or a wedding require considernhle tante in selea•- tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and see. If you want Circulars We excel in 01 the different kinds of work we turn out, and particu- larly in this, and keep in stock plain rand fancy papers suitable for all requirements. Programs of entertainments and meetings Promptly turned out, from the plain and neat to the most elegant. Cards and Tickets These cover a large range of, work, from a bread and milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. Memoriam Folders In this line THE NEws-RECORD a can supply every design, quality and price on the market. Posters Our facilities for turning out this r class of work are evidenced by the fact that we always do good work and give superior satisfaction in all respects. Dodgers are greatly in demand. Our facili- ties are superior for this class of ,f work and the very reasonable , prices keep our presses busy. Sale Bills We make a specialty of them promptness being our aim in this respect. A notice of sale will ap- pear in THE NEws-RECORD free of charge when bills fpr same are secured here. A.11 Kinds ' o f Wo rk in the ograPhical printing K line can be done' in this establishment in an expeditious and' artistic manner• and Dur prices will be found very reason- able. Mourning Papers and Envelopes For correspondence we can give you up-to-date goods. We also carry full lines of Pens, Pencils, Scribblers, Tablets, Erasers,, - Inks, Writing Paper, &C., &C. In thanking our many patrons for the very liberal support accorded us in the past, a continuation of the same liberal support ,is solicited. Toe X8W8=H8G0f67- CLINTON. i