HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-30, Page 3' 801NESS .DIRECTORY TIB t. 10111019 , Un. luopipirated by Act of Parliament 1856. CAPITAL, - $2,00.0,000., REST, - $1,400,000 Read Office, MONTREAL. WM. MOLSON, MACPHERSON. President. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS', General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Stelling and American ex- change bought and 'sold. INTERSaT ALLOWED ON DEPOaI'ra SAVINGS BANK. ,iferest allowed on stuns of $1 and up. � F.A.RMERf3_ ,honey advanced to farmers on their own notes lth one or more endorsers. No mortgage ro- `. qulred as security. H. 0. BREWER, Manager, December, Ism. ( Manager, G. D. NoTaggart BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BA VKI.VG B USI VE'SS r PRANSACTED. ' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. Ir' Interest Allowed on Deposits. ! Clinton, June 8th, 1891 658y �l'11.ixJ,lX. DR. W. GUNN, R. C. P. tnd L. R. C. S., dinburgh. Olfice- Ontario street Clinton. Night Bails at front door of residence on Rattenbury street, opposite Prosbyter- isn churgh. , DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; N1. D. ; ^ M., Victoria Univ.. M. C. P. d S. Ont, ; b Ilow of the obstetrical society of Edinbnr;h. Late if London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office:- Dr. 01ce:Dr. Dowsley's stand, Ratteuhury at. Night calls answered at Office. - _- t DR. SHAW. Office—Ontario street, ot�posito English church, formerly occupied by 7)r. Appleton. Jas. S. Freeborn, 11.1) , L. K. A Q. C. P., I., M.0 P. A S. g &c., &o. Gradn of RIng's & Queen's Colluge of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland, Licentiate of the General Medical Council, Great Britain. Idomber of College of rhysicfaw arts Surgeons, Ontario, Formerly reel• demo the Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gyute. ;ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and children. Office and residence, Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 829-1y N. W. WOODS, L. R. C. P. I.; L. M. R. C. R I.; L. M. Rotunda, Dublin; M. H. U. S., England; M. C. P. and S., Ontario: Consultations and residence at the Queen's Hotel, Bayfield. 969-y Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. FFICE-Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Cli ton, Ont. Special attention to pre - L. of natural teeth. B.-VGill visit. Blyth every Monday, and lilt field every Thursday afternoon during the summer. Dr. ' Agnew, DENTIST. Office hours - 9 to 5 At Zurich the second Thurs- day of each y� month, G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Conveyancer, &o. Office -coiner Hamilton and St. Andrewe-sts., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 883-tf J. SCOTT, Barrister, 4c., ELLiOTT's BLOCS, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. f` ~t E - CAMPION, Q - C, BARRISTER, - - • SOLICITOR., NOTARY, ¢c., Goderich, oalee-Over Davie' Drug Store. Money to loan. T M. 0. JOHNSTON, $ARRISi ER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., `'.office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's ate. W. BRYDONE., PARRISTER - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, circ., y'togrIOE BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON � :' 817-tf islt,t'0 to gta. �.a,JOHN RIDOUT. p VIIIYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC. ' Vjre iteurance. Real Estate. Monoy to lend. rf` ---HURON STREET, CLINTON. Cantelon Bros, �MRAL GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. ;Ockery, Glass & Clikaywre 1413ERT ST., tl'ILINTON,•ONT. beet Cash ' Price for Butter and Eggs L. 0. L. No. 710, CLINZ`ON9 Meets szooND Monday of every month. Hall gni flat, McRay block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. J. P. SDEPPARD, W. 11, P. CANTELON, JR. See. THus. BEACOM, D, M. CLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. meets lJevery Friday, on or after the moon. Vislt Ing brethren cordially Invitad A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, Sao. Clinton, Dec. 0, 1895. -� S. 0. T. M. Kearns Tont No. 66, Knights of the Maccabees of the World. $1,000,$$,000 and $3,000 Policies. Mem- bership over 100,000. Assessment prinoiple-has never exceeded 12 aesessm@nes in a year. Cheapest and safest in gxiste000. Melts io Orange Hall, Clin- ton, first andthird Friday of every month. COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clinton, BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities, OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Oats D. COON, CLINTON. 752-tf PRODUCE EXCHANGE HIL4 & JOYNER, Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Teas a specialty. Headquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. We carry the largest Stock and the largest variety of Seeds. All Goods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash. Wo pay Cash for EC ggs. Any kind of grain talten in exchange for Goods, sante as ash. HILL & JOYNER. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford,) Haviugbocght ou, the above business, we intend to conduct iG on the cash principle, end will supply unr customers witb the best meate at the lowest pay ng prices. _— F RD & MURPHY. ED LIVE � HOGS 'WANTED. Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. X93-tf. J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector. Office on Isaac street next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. B. THOIVILINSON, VETERINERY SURCEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. lege, Toronto. Trouts all dieer.4es of Doxleetic Animal on the mostmodern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calle PromptlyAnewered. Residenoe-Rattenbury Street, West, Clinton out. Geo. Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed : farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. TO THE FARMERS. Study your own Interest and go w•hHre you can get Reliable 04 Harness. I manufacture Lane but the BE.T OF STO06. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to live. Par Call and got prices. Orders by mail promply attended to HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTII, ONT GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For fil'st-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton r J.lEMERTON, Proprietor. WATTS & C0.1 CHEMISTS & DRUCCISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, -Albert Street, - Clinton; - PUMPS ! PUMPS! If you want a first -clasp, well -made pump, one tha will give You satisfaction, send your order to th undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do It a the closont prices. He also handles a first -alas FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposit Queen's Hotel High Street Clinton. ---.— --- _ _ --809-tt Grand Trunk Itailway.. OFFICIAL TIME TABi.E. Bpfralo rind Goderich District: -- Going West, Mixed .................. 1015 a. in. Express ................. 1.03 p. m. Mixed ............7.05 P. M. " Express ... ........... . 10.27 p. m. Going East, Expross... 7.40 a. ' m. . 2"515 P. m. Mixed.. .. . ............. 4.35 P. M. London, Huron and Bruce: - Going South, Express ............. . . 7.47 gam" ...... .. 4.30 Going North, „ ....... . ....... 1p a. In. m Fp , . M. C. DroxsoN,I D}s. Pass. Agent, a; Toronto. W. Ii:. DAVis, G. P. & T. A. mo.mr,btal. A. u. PATTHMN T. n. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. George Watt, Proslduit, Llarlook P. O.; James Broadfoot, Vice -Pros., Stsfarth P. U,; W. J. Shan, non, Seoy. Tioaa., Sqatortb Zp. 0.; Michael Murdle Inspector of losses, Soaforth Y. O. DIRECTOR., James Broadfoot, Seaforth; Michael idurdie,Soa. forth; Getago Dele, 8eafortb; Oeorge Watt, Harlook Thomas E, Haye,Seafortb; Alex Oardiner,Leadbury Thowas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Kippen. tOEN'ra. Thomas Neilars, Harlook; Robert McMillan, Soa-' forth and James Cummings, Egmondville. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans. act other business will be promptly attend• ed to on application to any of the above officers ad• dressed to their respective post ofioes, NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any persontakes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to nie I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning Ishall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNNS BAKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA, Who can Wanted—An Idea bnogttoepatenW Protect your 'lileae; they may bring you wealth Write JOAN wEDDERB RN G,. Patent Atter. neys Washington, D. C„ for their $1,81X) prize offer and list of two hundred Inventions Wan ad. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADiNC UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. OP)Osite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont Farm For Sale, South half Lot No. 25 17 h concession t cont c ton, Gode, rich Township• one mile north of Clinton, cont` prised of 40 acres, more or loss. The land is all cleared and in fair state of cultivation. Well fenced and plenty of cedar on tho pro erty. Frame burn 40xtio, stone stable 30x50. Will be sold reasonable and on terms to suit purchaser. For particulars apply at Tia,NEws-RECORD office, Or to JAAIhS H. CbLC%ovou, Henfryn 1'. O. Wanted, Men a. ndomen whocan work hard talking and writing six hours daily, for six days a wcok, and will be content with ton dollars weekly. Address, NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Out. WM. N. WALKER, —the reliable— UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MAKER, SEAFORTH, ONT. Parlor :Furniture repaired and recovered. Carpets •sewed and Luis i also cleaned and re novated at reasonable prices. WOrders left at BROADFOOT & BOX'S store, Clinton or Seaforth, will be promptly at, tended to. McLeod's System Renovator —AND OTHER— Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, k'alpatation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary biscases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and Gen. eral Debility. LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON. Property For Sale. A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. u consequence of my ace and lack of help, Ibave decided to nfer for sale my splendid gardening pro- perty consisting of five and a nalf acres In Clinton, some of the host Inns in the county of Huro , includ. ing hot beds and other vice ..... req ;.menta, There is on the premises a frame house w++• b cellars Roft and hard water, barn and other ogtbandtnga The BovOold river adjoins the property. Wil] sell at a reasonable price for half cash and balance secured by mortgage. As I desire to Pell, this is a chance seldom metwith, Apply personallyl or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, 894-t I. Illinton AGENTS. New Edition of "Queen Victoria" now ready. En- larged-•thirty-twofullpaRoplatesadded. Best history of the Queen and the Victorian Era published. The only Canadian book accepted by Her Majesty. Silos enormous: canvassers knocking tho bottom out of all records. Easy to make Ihirty dollars weekly from now until Diamond Jubilee. Particulars free. THE BRA DULY-GARRETSON CO., L'TD.. Toronto, Ont. Beumiller Woolen Mills. As usual i am to purchase Woo] at the highest ma'r e. for cash or will ex change for my m' good R. My stock of Stocking 1 arn, Blankets, Bed Blan- kets, Flannel and )Gyve is now complote and uaranteod manufacture of home fleeces and tee from Shoddy of any description. Don't forget I sha�vll ay cash for wool at the highest Mrge . pill- otJESS GLEDHILL. t96�e�rD ' f�t� Agents for "Queen Vic - WA d ' r toric, Her Reign and lliamond Ju Ile Overflowing with latest and richest . etirros. Contains the endorsed bigre. of, Nilesty with authenic His- to of her f6markable roi p, and full account of the Dbtmond .Inbiloo. anly $1,60. Big book. TrerneiIdous demands. Bonanza for agents. C"ommisaion 50 per cent. Cropolt given. Fru. Writegqeight dd.of outflt andOtytFITl'fterritorry.ty THE DOMINION COMPANY, Dept. 7, 360 Dearborn St., Chicago. {moval of Night. Soil, °The 1" hdemigned will undertake the removal of tgl Soil and thorough cleaning of closets. on short notice, and at reasonable rates. All refuse removed on of town. 9610 t -f ROBT. MENNEL. asy to Tape '4' asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's FlUs. Bmsll In size, tasteless, ellotent, thorough. As one man Hoods u never know you have taken a pill till it Is all over." 200. C. I. Hood & Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. Pills The only ptlLs to take with Hood's EwsaDwilla Edward Downes, who hits been United States Consul -General at Qin- sterdiun, Holland, for the last ftrtil' scurfs, has decided to study for the omau Catholic priesthood at the American College in Houle. He is it native of New Heaven, Conn. ZHEY DO NOT DESPAIR. An utter loss of hope is not charitc- teristic of Consumptives, though no other form of disease is so fatal, unless its progress is arrested by use of Scott's Enitllsion, which is Cod LiverO'il inade as palatable its cream. AN OLD FASHIONED YEEDER. "He made hia way steadily through boiled beef, mast mutton, and balled here ; after which he fed well on a capon. Nor did he forget to drink with it all, lie had his head in the glass five times as long as any of them, and drank no less at once than a quart of Rkliue wine." So says Roger Ascham of Charles V. of Germany, at one of the famous dinners given by the Knights of the Golden Fleece. I1istory mentions that Hie Majesty retired frow public life sodden with gout. We can tiasily believe it, Eaters and drinkers like hitu are rare nowadays. We can't gorge and swill as our ancestors did. Yet rheu- matism and gout are much more com- mon with us than they were with them. Why ? Perhaps Mr. George Hodson will help us to answer. He says: - "In October of 1889 I took a severe cold. After this I was attacked with rheumatic gout, which affected my feet and ankles. I was laid tip for a mouth, during which time I suffered severely. The parts were puffed up, red, and painful; the joints being stiff. "Every now and again I had these attacks, for years. During this time I lost a deal of work. Besides the acute pain my general health gave way and I suffered from shortness of breath. "After eating I had much.pain at the cheat and stomach, my food giving we no strength. From time to time I consulted a doctor and .applied fG- mentations to the painful parte, but -1 only got ease for the time. "I took medicines of all kinds that I hebrd of, but got no real benefit until my mother -in law, who lives at Ox• ford, told we of the benefit she had derived froat Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, and recommended !lie to try it. "After taking this medicine for a abort time I found immense relief ; the attacks became lege frequent, and I was comparatively free from thorn. I felt much better and stronger of my- self. I have since kept Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup in the bougie, and tak- ing an occassional dose I keep in fair good health. I have recommended the medicine to many persons in this town, and if you wish to publish this state. ment you bave my permission to do eo. Yours truly, (Signed) George Hodson, 111, St. Edmund's Road, Northampton, October 22nd, 1895." Rheumatism, gout, and what is call• ed rheumatic gout, are variations of what Is for all practical purposes the Same Ching -an inflammation of the joints, muscles, or both, arising from the dopoeit in them of uric acid, which is itself oue of the pr ucta of an over- worked, or a congenita Leask, diges- tive system. This acid, eing 'virtual- ly insoluble in water, d a sharp, poisonous crystal, is both a mechanical irritant and a blood poison. In time it attacks the heart and kidneys, &c., where it -combined with the alkalies of the body -produces lesions which cause chronicl organic disturbance or, worse still, fatal des truetion of tissue, All thin, I beg to remind you, comes of long -continued stomach indigestion, with its result and accompaniment, a sluggish and ineffi- cient liver. For the human body is not a congeries of distinct organs, but one intro -active organism. When, kherefore, the stomach goes wrong they all go wrong. So every winge, and. pang of the rheumatic•gont, family can to traced straight back to the broken or ruined digestion. Mother Seigel's Syrup cures indi-'I gestian, dyspepsia, and torpid liver ; and that is why it curer gout, rheu. matism, and rheumatic gout. It goes down to the root of the trouble. We have more of this direaee than our ancestors had, because they, being strong and vigorous, esoaged many of the effects of their owls excesses. But they made no the heirs of the feeble stomachs and the inactive livers; and the modern Englishman is punish- ed for the dietetic gine of his fathers. That wis probably the case with Mr. Hodson; and there ate thousands of other sufferers who will be glad to hear what he says in praise of Mother 89! gel'a Syrup tie a remedy for their cafiatnon ailment. l Blyth. To late for last week. A large number of our citizens took in the sports at Clinton on Jubilee Day, Mr, Robinson of Goderich takesu$_ session of the Queen's Hotel on July 1st. Mr. Charles Sher'riA of London is visitin}r under the parental roof at pre- sent. Ml'- Joseph Page having receive) the iob of watering the streets coufruenced 1ig duties on Monday, On Sunday afternoon a number of society risen drove over to Londesborc to take part in the Jubilee service with the society risen of that town, the ser- vice tieing held in the Methodist Church. Un Friday evening a large gathering witnessed it gaine of baseball in the agricultural grounds between Blyth and Belgr',tve teains. The visiting tearn being victorious; the standing when finished Belgrave 10, Blyth 10. On Sunday morning a. special forties of service wits held in Trinity church in commeiuura(ion of Her Majesty's 60th year of her aseention to the throne of Englund. The edifice being beauti- fuldecorated with flags, buntingand two large pictures of Her Majesty. The rector Rev. T. E. Higley preached an eloquent sernlou in reference to the rtiiogressiou that had been made during er• long reign. The conbrregatiou joined heartily in singing God sieve the Queen at the close of the meeting. During the past week much excite - We know that Cod-liver Oil is a fat-forrning food because takers cf it gain rap- idly ap-idly in weight under its we and the whole body receives vital force. When prepared as in Scott's Emulsion, it is quickly and easily changed Into the tissues of the body. As your doctor would say, "it is easily assimilated," Perhaps you are suffering from fat starvation. You take fat enough with your food, but it either isn't the right kind, or it isn't digested. You need fat prepared for you, as in Scott's Emulsion. TEA :,4j�" •s.�' t tiff'. jNU U .. ment has peen caused by the arrest of Mr. and Mrs. Jessop and Mrs. John McElroy at the instigation of detective r;;.c57 i EA Patrick'Hetfernan, who has been hereN TEA tME'.;onLD forsome t.inie past, working tip the case. it will be remembered the part:- FriOCA THF. TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP - WS concerned carried on boot, shoe and IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. grocery store and made an 'assignment at the end of La§t Year. The creditors 1lorsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea not being !sat isli.ed took other pro- growers as a eample of the best qualities of Indian i r.s. 'fhcrefore they use the greatest care in the ceedings 1n consequence of which the srlrr:ion of the Tea and its blend, that is why they detective seized soine goods at Mr, r',t it up themselves and sell it onlyin the original Jessop a I'esidence, Blyth, also at the packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence, Put up in % Ib., r lb, and 5 lb. packages, and never faun of Mrs. McElroy in klorris. They sold in bulk. were arrested on Friday and taken to Goderich having been ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. bailed, they returned home the same If.vnur gcccer does not keep it, tell him to write to night. Their trial is set clown for Fri- • STEEL, HAYTER & CO. ti . day next in Goderich. Constable A and 13 Front Street East Toronto Davies is busy serving samtuonses to 50* YEARS' witnesses in the case which are very numerous. _ _ EXPERIENCE. For Over Fifty Years Mfts. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their childre„ while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by it sick child sufrering and orying with pain of C'uttinqq Teeth send atonce and het a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow'n sooth- ing Syrup' for Children 'teething. It will re - Hove the poor little sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stonaacdr and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation,and gives tone and energy to the whole s stem. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- sant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggh"I through- out the world." Be sure and ask for "MRs, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. In the Senate. Wednesday the Drum- mond County Railway bill,yvas thrown out by a vote of 37 to 10. How to Avoid Wast- ing Time And Money. A word at this time to the ladies of Canada nilty be the means of puttin then! on 1beir guard, so that time ane money may not be wasted. Thele are certain defilers and store- keepers whose life -object is the urak- ing of large profits on every article they sell. 1heRe dealers are now endeavoring to sell adulterated and imitation pack- age dyes for the same price as the honest dealer asks for the reliable and never -failing Diamond Dyes. Few ladies have the inclination to spend time or money to experiment with worthless and poisonous ingredi- ents part up to outwardly imitate the marvellous Diamond Dyes. If you want good work you must use the best dyes. Years of thorough testing pro- claim the fact that Diamond Dyes are the strongest, brightest and most economical; they are the -only dyes in the world that Hre specially warranted Each packet, when directions are fol- lowed, will -give satisfactory and aston- ishing results. Sir Richard Cartwright stated Wed- nesday that Dr. Borden, Minister of Militia, is again undergoing treatment at it sanatorium. Holmesville. Too late for last week. FACTORY. -Our cheese factory is prospering. The directors have put in two new vats and another press. They are now making white cheese 'for which they have a large order. Any one passing this way would be profit- ed by calling at the factory, and Mr. J,Ihnson fol' his assistants would kind• ly show them through the factory. NOTES. -Mrs. Geo. Swallow of Clin- ton spent Sunday here. -Mrs. R. W. McKenzie of Goderich called in the grillage last week. -Mr. J. Martin, Page `'Vire Fence Agent, of Alymer, called on Mr. Stanley, on Wednesday. -A number from here spent the 22nd in Clinton. -Dr. T. G. Holmes and son of Detroit are visiting the former's mother. The great popularity of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as a cough -cure is easily explained. It is soothing, heal- ing, agreeable to the taste, does not in- terfere with digestion, and is the most economical of all similar prepara- tions. It is prompt to act and sure to cure. Peter Wilkinson, an eighty-year-old farrier, walked into the lake at Kings- villeiUnd drowned himself. Popular Hotel Milan. "I was troubled with pimples on my face and head which caused me much annoyance. After trying many reme- dies without benefit I was advised to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. The first bottle helped me and I took four bottles. I am now completely cured." JAMES REILLEY, Proprietor Chapmam House, Sarnia, Ont. HOOD'$LLS act easily and Cromptl�,ry on the liver and bowels. ure oftheadkelle. ✓ j) r w 1`. y i 4, i J. if, TRADE MARKT, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS &o. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications etriotly confidential, Oldest agency for securing patents in Pat ents tak n to "111F• Mta',1.bin tCo. on receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifullyy illustrated, largest circulation of any �scientlno tImal, weekly, terms $3.00 a year; N50 six mon he. Specimen copies and AND BOOK ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., -- 361 Broadway, New Y ork. East Wawanosh. To late for last week. R. J. Bone spent Jubilee Day in Lod- don. A picnic was held at Point Farm on the 22nd, which was attended by a large nuglber of Belgrave young peo- ple. A special Jubilee service was held in Trinity church, Belgraye, last Sun- day. Miss Lizzie McGee of the 10th is spending' a few days with her friend Miss M. McCallum. A baseball match was played in Blyth on Friday night between Bel - grave and Blyth teams, the score being 16-10 in favor of Belgrave., The annual Sunday school picnic in connection with Trinity church is to take place on the first of Jelly in Mr. Scandrett's Nucb. Arrangements are also being made for a series of lawn festivals. Quite a large number of the people of this neighborhood took in the excur- sion to the Model Farm on Monday; among others Mr. And Mrs. John Mc- Callum, Mr. Jas. McCallum, Mrs, Wm. Bone, Mr. John Agnew, Mr. F. Ander- son, Mr. D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs, J. AkBuniey, On Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Shaw preached his farewell sermon. No ser- vice was held in the Presbyterian church in order that all might have the oppfnt.. ity of liearing Rev. Mr. Shaw's farewell and he large congre- gation showed the esteem in which the reverend gentlemen is held by all. He will be succeeded by Rev. Mr. Oaten of Bayfield. Surprised ' alis Doctor. "A little over a year ago I was laid up with bronchitis," says Stanley C. Bright, clerk, of Kingston. 'Illy doc- tor's bill came to $42, and altogether my illness cost me $125. This fall I bad anotber attack. I came across an advertisement in a newspaper for Dr. Chase'& Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine for throat troubles. I thought I would risk a quarter and try it. It cured me. After this I intend to treat my own ills." There has been no eastern mail re- ceived at Vancouver or through trains since Friday. The difljcultyis between Banff and Antbracite. Bow River is very high, washing away bridges and portions of the track. HEAD -NERVES ARE DISTURBED WHEN THE STOMACH REFUSES TO DO ITS WORK --INDIGES- TION UPSETS THE WHOLE SYSTEM AND MAKES WRECKS OF MORE HOPE- FUL LIVES THAN ANY OTH%CUM-. PLAINT UNDER THE SUN. h "For several years I havetb subject of severe nervous he I .' Q6q'y and last June I become abeblutd11 prostrated from the trouble. 18106 became a martyr to indigestion. ;i was Persuaded to try South American Ner- vine. I procured a bottle. My bead. aobes were relieved almost immediate• ly, and, in a remarkably short time, left me entirely, The remedy has toned up and built up my system won. derfully." James A. Bell, Beaverton. --mold by Walls & Co . ;i �1.2