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The Huron News-Record, 1897-06-30, Page 2
MI . . .,. . , r ` ... 1 ,. ., -.qrw - - 4� i. '»twki,::,:r•7•�s._'.l�"-„ttii:TYrYt _ . ...-_--___,--- ..,....._.._—„--„_.�,..,,--_.._-,_-.-.-_, — _._.-. _ --__ __-_- --- _ _ Queen's D�a�rno.nd Jubilee, t, T7 _ I -- -.- R SFL+'CIAL I'FL+ ('II FRILLS OF FASB 110N. WHEEU HUMORS. 0U I !'opus of the Touches Which the i�ueen'• _ttj(1>fj� Lib. tSooroliere TI►ey lirogtk Out in Unox• --•— Jubilee (lives Dresses. ��UUIri� I l Ow' t+0 elf rate• { peeled Places USED BY MAN IN ADDRESSING DO- Summer w•raps have a variety In fill', � 1 G�5 I ' "I+'inancial scorcher' is the lutest 11anx 'Call and examine our Stock and Prices and satisfy yourself the we offer the this season which aught to furnish u g best i ' A MESTIC ANIMAL -5• � �' � ;or "busted” bank presiaeuts. gduoumu'Iry to (pet► purchasers of any house in the •tra(iio in �j�N����e, ' suitable model for every style of figure, GROCERIES, HIGH GRADE TEAS, FINEST COFFEES AND SPICES, ORANGES, 1< -- but tanking u sutisfuctury selection seeul'i CAA "llid you see me uu my bicycle this T > '9'IOat Interesting Antllt'opologleal to be quite Lis difficult as ever. 'I'liere nlornitig in the park ?” lel: asked, proud LEMONS, I+Itsa, BA�'AYAS, J).�.rL+S, NUPsS, CANDIES, &o, are round capes rutfltd with silk lace and of his first routl side sfue,e graduating {, n Study�Thls Special Language is With' chiffon ; mantles, pelerines uud wantil DAINTINESS COUNTS. Prmu the cycle school. WT R CJ bson' Grocer, Albert St., Clinton• out'syntax ails 1• Larxely tunrlieu• I las, costa and jackets of every fmngin- "Yes," she answered. "Tle is, you able shape ; but the dormau style In How to make a Plain meal Delightful seemed to be till the bicycle some tit lata --A Tribute to the Dox. I London is u close short jacket with cape time, when it wusu't un tap of you." __--._-,-_--._ sleeves. The French gartneut of this and Accept»bio. �p That man uses a special hill g,i ill ''kind is loose, yet cut to reveal the lined A simple and dainty breakfast is ane '1110 coal bin and the ash sifter shad- New Waggon, Carriage and Repair Shop comwunjeating bis uruers to the (luwea I of the figure and handsomely embroider- of the most delightful things in the d,rPd, t'ut the bicycle had same to sl,su'e tic animals is au undoubted truth, ill- ' ed with gukl. It is often fastened at world, uud the wounuu who can serve it tilt, cellar with them. 1 have ripened out on Rattenhury street, next door to Tedford's black - though few, probably, have reflected uu one side like the fashionable hodice and lit all acveptatbi,o mauuer ought to be '•1t is said that the whet'] is itutnor• the fact the cape sleeves are of lace with loops of considered a better housewife than she al," they whispered upprPhcnsively, sillith shop, and suit prepared to fill orders fur Waggons, Carriages rind all other bit. Ii. Uarringtou Bolton, u "fit the i satin ribbon. Round ghost copes of who serves rich feasts unattractively.. i\lurcuver, it mus very duck ill the vehicles Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Satisfactioll guar - North American Authrupolugncal elk I black taffeta covered with heutined or chop set Furth un glittertug china on u cellar. unteed and :ices tire lowest consistent with good work. Call and see me be. has been eugaged ill gathersug sulurusn i pinked ruffles of the same silk are very (.loll, of shining rlunlask is better brought p tion concerning this luuguug" fl"I ua ,much wore, uud du nut requuc au ex- uu in sluveuly StYle. TUItat and tent inaY She aru!Ied tit me as she swiftly passed, fure' you order. CHARLES WALKER■ parts of the wurld. It nit la the aI,i, i pert hand to stake them. Pretty capes, umke a feast with white linen and glia- Over the hitudle bar ; tux, and is largely inarticulate tit t ar I tau, are made with a deep, square yoke ielLing silver wb,eu all the delleuci,a of •Phut sunny slttlle wits the muideu's last, --- '---- --- — X all that it plays a very iva nut yp•tt't � of jetted satin and wide kilted rut}ley the seas'oil would be a pour n,x+al if curt. l 1),et Llai• hlarldle bar; .®---SPECIAL BARCAINc _J,�. ill the service of humanity. It _uusa I of bhtek chiffon or lace oil ,hl, e(lge, l.it- lcssly served. Always have the table.. tihc cannoned Lord oil u naughty stone, • additional inters t from the fact ,(snit it tie ostrich tis are used fn the ruff at cloth slsrtless uud fresh, even if you I She tusk it header she couldn't puatpoue. probably resembles the curt of silt+ti the neck, which is very full, Ind wid+r ; have to ccssivPrt every Lilly !uta was!, Aud her twinkling heels in the muoulli;ht TEAS, �E/q�i1 TEAS• Ceylon, Assam and Japans, 3 lbs. good' communication men used among 011e '111 ;tit the back than in :runt.. Rutfles of day to compass it. Always have ,t sil- shone, other before they evolved this present i black chiffon, covering u taffeta founds- Puce cloth, though there is no dessert Uver the huudle bar. I young IlNaou for $1 lir 15o per lb, systew of articulate speech• tion, make u ret, wrap, with knots for a week In rower that it ,,Illy be: paid Sugars, Sugars, Sugars. The drive in this country stops its I of black satin Por a finish, fur. Always have a bit of green in "Ie It' a wise child thin knows its Own I ' horse by crying, "\\'Loa!" the teuuiat,r I center of the table, l.et the silver, even directs his oxen to the right or loft by , father -after he has tukeu his firs( les- I Just to baud one oar of 11lontraal Sugars, No. 1 Granulated, Coffee and haw's " the Parts- i The turban trimmed with tufts of if it is plated, be shining, and the glass, sun oil at bicycle. , p SPECIAL PRICES■ the terms "Gee" and "Haw, , flowers and u scarf is the latest funey though it be pressed uud not cut, be i'n bbl:. 011e hundred Quad and dollar tole. er's lad culls the scattered cattle "Buss.. in milliner and it is very pretty till(] glistening. Its a wise child that knowa enough bliss; come boss," or the timid shcev becoming when the hair is arranged per- (lave the accessories of a banil'tet,WE KEEP TN BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS IN THE , t)•ith the musical "Ko-n:tt}u)", ku-uuuuy' fectly. though the main part of it be Iack!ug, to cicsu• out when its turner tunica 4wne COUNTY. and the grunting hugs with the n•u. with a punctured tire, llinnar, "lea, and Jtedroom Sets, Fancy China ails Lampe. longed. "Uhee-oil-oo;" the playful Ilil.l Gold canvas is one of the features of Serve alive:, radishes, salted almonds i `25 per cent. less than regular prices, Call and see our Goods and get mills her este, "Puss, puss,' all drives dress at Queen Victoria's drawing rooms and the like with the plainest of fuwilY Its u wise child that keeps 1t straight this season,"and entire bodices and the dinners. You may make the last uaw- face when it sees its father take u bi prices. it uwuy, with "Scut!" the farmer's wife fronts of dresses are made of the inn- ed yourself at trilling extx'nae. (teat one cycle header. (:ailing the chicks to Peed say., "C,w frontterial, which is often made more beau- teaspoonful of best butter, or one scout 1 SEEDS.—CitnOthy, Iced and �lleilce, Clover, Turnip and Mangold. All thee, cuo'chcie." I fresh and ueiv seed. The words of this language are chi:tly ,frill by little sprays of diamonds and teaspoonful of and ail smoking hot. "rh ie'a no loud so bud," the oPt1 111bu•, uud lir• pearls. Add oils -halt pound of !'wdau almonds, monosyllabic and dissy blancher]. When the almonds begill to I mist cries. Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs. - geucrolly I-cpcated in groups of tbrPr, The quaint figured muslius and cotton brown, sprinkle over them nue scant "But it might be waist," while ,hl, although entirely devoid of JJ,,rurnnn.lr• dress material with tiny rosebuds and tablespoonful of salt, and stir, uud pessit'ist sighs. JW. IRWIN consisting exclusively ill exclumutions colored flowers OP various sorts gngge"tt shake until all are a golden brown. Oil And nioaus and groans, ill prose anti . . Clinton. and words ill the imperative lacus, and, the old-time patterns worn by our moth' gives u richer glaze than butter, 1 o ill verso. ___ although, with few exceptions, the pl - altho are omitted w the most Compri,. Pi's ;but in the midst of ill these'dainty b!unell the almonds pour ..over them "'(.'here's no road so bad but it will he, ..a�...�a. — atterns we find near( every brilliant boiling router, in which let them :trod worse," READY FOR BUSINESS. hensive dictionaries. the language serves I cpolor in the list reI)resented in cotton 1.) minutes. stub the skin off with a as a ready and sufficient mina of (.um- dress goods. Bright red and yellow and course cloth. I "I hear that aero member of our cv- municatlon between mus and the m:us) , g When the family wearies of the rt: i r•liny c Inh is an up and -away, bright -and- �heard ■ 'eaeon�, The Clinton Family Grocery) races of animals under his subjection. game toorgandies intn d s the color atire nialle nd nm trihi gulat•ion desserts, give it cube with slit- early sort of chap•" This language has but little in c)ril toed with hlacic bah ribbon Ind lnc'r, ed oranges. A delicious dessert cuk:! is •,7•r•s, indeed, lie was tip and away , Are now ready for business with a new and select stock of Family Groeerie�, man with that used by the uiaiinals I Y white layer. To make it bead ,Bret(I bright Ina early with illy wheel three Flotir, Feed, Provisions, &c. We guarantee our values to be the very best in themselves. The lien clucks, the duck Among the latest novelties are the dim}• Prelim 1 1 2 cupfuls of sugar u days ago„ ails I haven't seen either of Produce. quacks, the dug.says, "bow -wow;' the ties (Lith lues striped at close intervals quarters of :t cupful of milk, two CUP, these siuec." the market. `OCiIS a specialty. Terms Cash or I induce cat soya, "nneuw,' thhe burse neighs, ill,' , and white figured muslins with inter- pals of flour, one teaspoonful of bilking $HEP1��'aRl® Be SE�iO©t�> t®`'alYAR10 ST., CLINTON. ass brays and the sh�K:p Pries "hila." I woven colored linings. puwd,r, one teasporxiful of vanilla and "Oh, no, ma'am,,' saic! the Cockney gall does not use these expressiuus to The accordion Polish caps, such as whites of four eggs, Bake Ili layers, salesuu,u, "kt's nut the 'air of yer 'ed as _ ___..- ®_ _ m___. .. . _____.__-_. any extent ill his coulmnu eu[ipua with I wort wotu ill the early days of Queer, \luple sugar frosting gives n delicious I goes into the tire, it's the air of the 'ev 7 (7/� p Q �/ ilio animals, but forces them to uhticr Victoria's reign, are w'oru by the small flllvni' t0 Plait, cake. To make it boil lags:, CLINTON/ C7AC777r DOOR, and BLIND FACTORY stand sounds more suited to his ow11 boys lit Englund, rind are em1)roideroii ural, -half cupful at white augur, ane west( organs. c•U sful of ins ie sugua and a little ,2011 If it cuddle could speak it would „tell Different terms are used fn diff':reut with "V. H. 1'337-tJ7." The calls Vie- watts. Boil fit till it foruts fine hairs places and countries in sddressnig ani- torian bonnet 'is the correct shape fur wl„u dropped from the slxiuu. Add one- "the sorrows of Sat -on.” ___o mals. Cattle ill the field will 't:pswl,r the little maids, halt cu fill each of butter and sweet to the cull "Sake, sake," in Connecticut Rumor says that the ladies who are t0 cream; boil ten minutes and stir till enol. The latest ill biey,le costuntes is said as readily as their cousins will respouL( attend Queen hit the l jubilee garden -CbicsIgo Chronicle. to be to bury the deeeased in u bicycle S. S. COOPER, Proprietor. tp "(filch, koeb," in ]1iai11,, "cusha,' ill ,— (.rut, tsnd hltve his wheel led In the pro �/ Scotland and "tion, tion," ill Russia. party at Buokinghatru Pul;.oe are to wotir cession with his shoes strum; over, the The Scotch dairymaid sings +.o the Victorian hats ails bonnets, the real, A Delicious Str:s.vberry Pis. saddle, after the: fashion of the cavalry. General Builder and Contractor.` 1' kine "poo-ledcdio," the French peasant old time-honored poke ; but the deft fins;- One of tete most delic:dous tit all pastry urges on las team with a gutteral '•liar," ers stud exquisite taste or the French is a We of frc'ah strawberries. Line a the Gernruu Bauer stops his horse with effect ba can work wonders in LieA mini g deep till plate with the nfL•est pastry Ip.dopend°nee paid Not Par' This factory has been under the personal supervision and onnerahip for the sound "brrr," the Russian serf sum- effect before the time arrives. A �in1�a you can prepatre. Fill the pastry with "The 1)meanness of some people Gnaws I Bight scala, We carry an extenai.•ve and reliable stock and prepare plane and mons his chickelis with "tsupp, tsuPp," ture poke bonnet has great podstb t uncooked rice and bake it in the oven. Illy compreht:usiun, declared the strung- I give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the the Lg)ptian cittukey boy urges furwusd with n pre -try young Pace inaulP, The When the paste is cone remove the rice; minded girl its she dashed into the club $ g the donkey by the ceaseless cry, "itu•l, gowns are to be a compromise between it can be soaked and used for boiling, meeting. "If I was ss mesa ails stupid closest prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction sail," the Bedouin camel driver makes the old and the modern styles• which or it may be kept on hand to bake in as some people 1'd choose a nlet- shady guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. his animal kntl by n guttural ,Luca, shall harmonize with the quaint head- pastl•y. It simply serves to prevent the currier of the couutly uud sic there:' noise incapable of representation ort leo- gear. form 'of pastry from rising and getting I "N\'hat's the mutter ? Won't your cath- LUIri�Jel', Lath, Shingles Lime, Sash, Doot°�.Blinds, Etc. man letters, and yet each animal shows out of shape us It would if it were not I er give you money to psis your elrcti0n evidence oP iufaligeuce by obliging :he Victorian coiffures, which consist of tilled. Apple jelly is sometimes used bets with, or has Charlie struck fn tilt- evidence he Agent For the CI:LFP,ILAT)JD GRAS BILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured wishes. of his master., one or two Upstanding loops of lratir on to fill the pie, and when the crust fs matter uP ]lowers and theatre ti,k,ts?" g i its his dealings with domodt•ic aniniabs the top of the head, with a bow of rib- baked its contents are scraped out, to:lv• '•The)• haven't done just either of in Waterloo. Call find got prices and estimates before placing your orders, ; man makes comparatively little nsu of bon and a comb for a finish at the back, Ing perhaps a quarter of an inch of jelly those things, but they're us mean as dirt. I his own lunguage. Probably in em- are the English fashion. in the bottom. The apple jelly is some- nevertheless. This is the way they've _ _--__-. ..-____._,_ -- - playing a spec}ill dialect for atlintali It(' times given the exact flavor of straw- acted : intends to lower his speech to the level Aprons of ample Proportions are said berries by mixing strawberry juice in "YOU ]snow how I've always wanted T of animal intelligence, and is doing to be the fashion in Paris for home wear equal proportions it apple •)us_e a big camera. Well, papa never would Cheap• CJtl�J�• Che p •much the some thing as the mother w'hra eith,r morning Or afternoon, and they 'when the jelly is When the crust I qct me one, and Charlie fins absulatel:r uses baby tall(. to her child. t}•re_madc of alternate rows of ribbon and is Pilled ,with jelly it makes a rather refused to take•iny hints on tit• snl)Jvvt, ��/ gp�1 u/f i IiiPunts uu(I doru,atie animals are sup- lace insertion, prints silk, or flowered more elaborate pie, Litt, takes more time. I too. Su nuc nit lit lust week, T said 1 BEST WOVEN i(111RE fE0767111t1 ��� used to undvrshi nd fuurtienl;ttP snnnrl; muslin trimmed with lace. Ill either ruse, as soon as the crust is I road going to iiia, up fat' one, unsl I STEEL s tetter than ordinary speech. Perim ." baked dredge a little sugar over it and thuu;;ht that would d0 the buKiness. I WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. j moreover. as Bossuctt says, "Les ore!lles The craze for violet, mauve and all the fill it with IxWectly ripe, luscious straw- Papit nierilly laughed, and said• he'd biiy WIRE aunt ilatte0s par la elttll•liee et ]'arrange- shades of purple has extended to the berries weU swcPtetlad. Heap swr•'t Isle a back to put in prnuiee in. Incl 0 04©op�04p0©9®�04 0 11u rat des lnlrol'K'-"'flit' Burs arc;, flat- corsets, and yards of violet silk ant erred and whipped cream thickly over ! Charlie, the bit; idiot, begged tine to al- N 'rFd b) the :urangeuieut Luid the end- satin, either pinin or flow•ored, • rt' matte it. It may also be covered with a mer- low him to purchase it -the 14K v m not z , enc, of the word.•. up in this important article Of dress, fugue made of the wh}tea of three egza I the c•snu ra, And, of course, i couldn" > ENCINGS 111111 pays a treat tribute tis the in- beut,n to a stiff froth• four tttblespiao' i Lira a thins: bill siuile and sny pretty a tellifi,nce Of his friend. the 4og. ha4 Petticriats cif ecru linen batiste with full of augur and the juice of half a things : profess I liked to be indepeudeot a -t dressing tum commonly Ili -'01`411111110' colored polka dote ag, sold ill tim shops „mall lemon. Cover the berriPa careful• ! and that soyt of chatter. I never Ju spe,rh• Anuung 1Vestcrn pcaplt 1ta is for sump' r wttar, ilnd they certainly !)' with the meringue, which is a un- know ythl,u to hold my tciugn,. "7 ©�a���©m©���0^dObO�, shout the only animal which hahitmdl)• have gtiolitied OP comfort nn n int condUetor of hent, stud isolate the ie- I tin, last night Charlie brought the Pnj,p)8 this d- ti, But ]put the Orin- clay which sill: do,s not possess. plate holding the pie froln the Oven bit• bank t" ale, and what Lira yon think. manuf:vLurednnd6old by c �� �� tats conf,r with their calu,ls and hots,s tom by setting it on u ttirlc pias boa 1, I girls ! Lit was one of thus, Loud-paintc,d Toa ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO., 1 -Ta. �,,,"•p,' we in strains of of action tjutt are astonish- Tile Guintise vt'nlst. ld }lake the meringue in Ibis wily ill c,. i china OTMrs w•bieh won't open, :end it's piatoa.Ontario. • • ing. The Arabic word game( -Cancel-•- An tip-to-datP ,hruniel,r Of. modes, oderat,ly hot oven for YU min utoa., f i,gttfte too pretty to break• so yon Sul, signifies bettuty. The 'tartars talc to states ,hut :t pretty style which is tun he work oP is0latinn has bel-ri prop ly", uvhat 11 fix I'm in. :\lid papa and Char- (] (Yi �F9010E S'T'EEL WIRE NETTINGS their horses as freely its if every soil- spicimus among th, now thin .. .4 is dune the berries will not be beats, but ]ie both pot in a $5 gold piece, tau, .111(.! mclullens tense could be appreciated. Bulgarians. till, new gninip, w-uist, which t'nrnishes the meting i, will have riscm and will thou this morning nnum11ut told ale that FOR TRELLIS, IbOUL TRY YARDS, Bosnians and Servimis cherish .,}Irl' another npprartUnity for tucks. In dainty be well dont and only 't delicate hrntvn' if I hadn't said so Uriu•h about w•antim: LAWN FEi QMC-1S ETO. horses and beat their wives. Ill \'Orth• sheer lawn, with narrow'laec insertion I vIlloyP the lie to a (•old plate and let it to buy the (•sores myself Charli, w'a:: r , cru India the natives carry oil lollg Boll- between till, tacks. wisirdl, by thl, way, be(•oule ice old beton servitig it. -New' j going to htl} mP a lovely ane. Now. versationa with their bullocks, whieli nipper run ernsswisP fit the nt`w• gnrrnpe, York Trill i what (lo you aR'bink ob that Pai luck'?" ARE SOLD very MUCH LOWER this year, ever before."��' consist chiefly in abuse of their featale it is a ilesirnblc, addition to an ni'glindio S.,me Things to Avoid. THEY ARE THE BEST, ask your Hardware Merchant for them, relations. ar batiste gown cut out in pretty srpnarC To what extent animals comprehead ' or ramal shape at the bn,}c, Pat theSP Why is it that in most households the i \wanted Thein Strictly Fresh. individual wards and scutances is .1 guinip,s art• to be worn with Alk and dinner table beconuw 11 dumping ground ' She was a yanng and Pretty Voman, r— 'a ll- interesting question, 1C rs sap- c•rP)e de chine bodices as well, Ind, then for tit(' thc� wholesale plailits or its instil � and till oxperlenced observer' woubl have t l Y l lwrs'! Probably b,c•ause this is the y (� a 1] yi �Ip �t p swiss ,lust the entre phrase is regarded they are made nP white silk ormn s- sal her down as newly autrricci. } 1866—The 010 R��iabl hirnit1ire iJU Ut�� 1897 , by the a.nhnal as a synsbul, said ire eeline dP sole, and the neck of the , tn,:ai of the day when the entire family a Ia pL'aiuly shy. yttcntly the ucco-mpanyi11g tun,: of tfre dice is finished round, with t1u± Biel, put meet wgether, Path one feels it a duty i els she ,utl,iPrl the large poultry mar- '1 face and '•s nc • to stir a few' persona] grievances fu ket, the proprietor bowed someivhatt r]ah- 1W ® 4�is 9� voice, expression of tilt • on fill t_ A pretty matClial for the fa ) Tip. tures of the hands are noon siguific:unt waist, which still holds its awn in lash- order to seek consolation from the , uratel)' tit d asked her what she -•null than the words themselves,hers. I be )leased to have. (':til in and see env stock of Hondrholct Furniture. Some iate designs in ion's fancy, is Liberty gauze, in Orion(hien- 1 Homes dogs and cuts, and to some rs and all-over indescribable pat- Uut of deference to digestion, it for ; ;,lie gLsncl,d nround the plaeo in n heal i XTENSiON 'TABLES, I31+.DROUiVI SUITES in Oak. Elit, Ash, 3laple, .0 c. tal colo no other reason, dinner table convey z I extent, Arilry cattle, receive individual renis. 'Narrow, accordion -plaited frills tatting nnnlner, :std finally remarked : "i FANCY It(J('ICERS, bIA1TItESSES, SPRIN(r BEDS, PICTI?It}„ i, ('I'll �? named, and it is certain th,,t they re- to the same material, edged with lac,, tion should be ' f the spiciest, but this witnt to buy a hen." THIN POI.I+:S, SIDHBOARDS, EASLES, CENTRE TABLES, cite, cognize theA. own names when called. are, the trimming, with sometimes a vest fact is lost Ood , f o the general t oCertainly, at0S: ; talcs your ant chnit The language used to animals is oft,tu of fine cream net with rows of narrow dire for everybody, from papa down to I from these crnt,s : haw du sail want it Pictures Framed, glass used in pictur(a frames, specie imported, JIu11ldiur;s, F very ancient. The Now England lad edging gathered on crosswise. ChifFou, the youngesters, to serve up only these dressed ?" American and ('ttnadiltn, Fine assortment, Fraut(s for Photos. who calls the cattle morning and night, topics which bave marred rather than "Ob, dear no she replied smi'.in> y• pl,i(es right, good value for your money.. Good Feathers taken in exchange. � matching some light color fn the silk anti Vic can ke,p it at home w•tirm enough "Koh. koh," and the child who calls the trimmed across with rows of Black lase made the day's happiness. cat "Puss, puss," little thinks that tbev Hardly has the man of the house without patting ,illy clothes on it." Some good Feathers for- Sale. edzing makes another pretty vest, with I are using the Persian words for cow block edging on the silk frills which fstl- finished his carving duties before eu salla i •the market mail seemed pturled. dP �bO O1 ®� 1 �0 . and cat respectively. into as if. Household el diNexpenses +l Mr. Bolton finds that oil farms where ish tither edge of the opening. tiVaerPd with his wife. Household expenses are ' a suspicion that , Lyse being trifled w•ftlt Albert street Yorcignerd ore em to fn this cnnutl.y silks in tiny checks of two colors are rehashed, bills grumbled over and the ! crossed his mind, it sf face ofhd by a J. C• p cost of living recalculated with tedious glan,e at the ingenaous Pa Ce oP the cos- Stevenson,�') Opposite Town lint(( the cattle respond Yiiore readily to m(o11P1 inular violetand nhit�tihas anrwhitP regulnrfty. j tomer. , calls in Swedislt, Po for G,rman than Mother, in her tarn, eagerly. pours "I>nn't quit unrlPrstancl you, mra'am," Leading Undertaker and Embalmer. man would do to a langufte he (lfd ant m thsnline jaboteoP)cr m IaePrdowtn Pith,r foto any Listeniut; ear her domestic robes. he remarked I little shortly. - _ - - - underatand. J. C,HTPVENSO\. i The Ling alp ars to be remarkably -side. Violet velvet in a (leeper tsha(1C It's n live hen T want, You Loom•" lteaidence oyer Store.. - J� The days errors Belo wstairs are mill- • she said, blushing now. conversant with jr11?n9un speech. It fs laid in fine tacks forms the belt :tn(! I utely recorded. She sighs over Bridget's I r,A what hen, nut'nm?" aid the mar ------------- - -- �� the sporting dog who appears to have collar. batter waste, declares that the_ butcher's het man, opening his eyes. the most profound knowkvltte, He Floral iunsharlAe. indifference to her order is becoming in- Goderich Pot Yards, nnd,rstands many technical terms. Fut o P I tolerable, and so on. ` A live lu,n, sir. M)• 1 4 and do e y HOUse for Sale • ( ml, ntritht to have sOtn, Pg s, stud I do- l breed sing(° comb Brown Leghorna oxelu- :tncP, with pointers and setters to The new parasols follow the hat vogue Then the small boy (poor little target ermined to get then' anile rash, so I sit sly. vly Stock is euporior bred, the yard Two story tramo houso in (]llnton, ten rooms, post to lie down the command in being ver fully trimmed with ftoiverd. I for family flaw picking) corns: in for the he'll thin to Lin would he b+'ing hoadud by a (urge, u agorous cockle( atenoceller, hard and soft water. (loud ground• cttusp,fhP�dog ot�� „ { ;his shire oP criticism. IIis failures at thought g which scored al byJurvfs;also henadc0ringgll2 Frame stable. For full particulars nppl)• to is given Down. or Down charge;" (,no, for Pxn le, Is eaU •ht with great are f criticisl calces f and all . t0 get a lien and have her inv t hent to tali poba6s. 'Chey are the best egg producsing the owner, JOSEPH ALLANSON, ('Linton. to come to the master's heel the order benches of dais Pe. This parasol cannot , school Y 930-tf is "Heel, to galla forward, "Flold up-." be entirely clod 1. Another, not tt flow- sorts of punishments threatened unless right in our flat:' -den York .Tnnrnol. ors ri of poultry. Stttiporsett gllof 13 A$1 or p i there is speedy reform. ordors rulilleri, H:ggs pill setting of 13 $1; 'l6 "r to abstain from taking food near at hand Prod one, has tiffs of chiffon rennin a *tis For $1.75. Aduress AGENTS. I am Just. starting the bext "Tubo." around it, the I ufte being separate by ( If there are guests present this talk Better --nest h' W. A. ROSA. thing for stoney making Sort - To prevent the dog from I*caking; tiny bands of black velvet ribbon. A , of tine inner circle is, for courtesy's sake, . ;As I understand it," said 'Mrs. Wil- ;Nit-tr Goderieh, Ont.. Bayo seen for many a dny. Your name and ad ' fence the order is Ware fen,e, and t0 big Chiffon ruffle Palls over the P(ltte. ttiven n less personal flavor, hilt on1Y I to to her husband, "n pligiliStic - dress will bransg the Bgoldon information. come back from chasing hares, etc., A very new way of using flowers is to then. "Good cheer and plenty of it" is encounter takes place hchc,en two fliLh Class Poultry. 1t. P, T3LASGOW. Toronto. ont, Ware chase" to prevent him front make flornl handles. A bunch of violets not the motto of the average family din - made of some paste material• and care- ner,--Boston Herald. men.' replied '.lir. Willo'10 a chasing sorted animals the order Is fully covered, formed til, handle of a j —1, hat is right," P f:CiCiS FOIL BATCHING, LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND "Ware fur," and to atop the chase of Benzine in the wash. by. WACON FACTORY,' birds, "Ware feather." �� gold and white parasol, and there nee I "Then why dei they say that one 'beats' I,,llglisi, itad Caps• Noted for their great "Steady," "dead bird, bring 'em in." many carved wood sticks, pninted )!he ; Famlly washing can be made mue]x the other ? Tic) should saF he 1)Pt- hgg proriuchtg qustlities and having nn sopor "hie nn," are words of common speech flowers. Some of these are small and easier if benzine is used In the water in Corner Huron and Orange Streets, (:►intoe. B. So is "sick -em!' u on ape ell tors' him." -Louisville Courier-.Iouril, - Lor, also it good bible fowl. Some of First -('lads Buggies on hand and made to''. with on, fine ; others make a single bit; red rnse the following way: The wash is soaked the above were whpners at New York, w ":seek inn," In the Southern Lnit+)d or an Easter lily, (Vold tinsel over white the night before washday as usual, lit " London, Toronto. F,ggs for setting 13 for $1.00. order. Prices to suit the times. Repairs and States almost every bit leas a dp,Cial ]'roof of Love. Cornish Indian ame, kin of table fowl, also repainting promptly ltttonrl to. Prictw rcn�on• satin is very mneh nsed. Old white ho, water of benzine being added to g P y , language for his own dog, so 'that the satin parasols may be brought out and the water before the linen is placed in it. "lira. ITittttms >,d stiIl wildly in 1nVP. gend layers. 8 p oostorsper t4 weighing 1g $ 11 His.; able. treated to a dress of gold lit small ex- The next morning, just before the wash with her husband. hens 7 to 8 alms:, 1C gs per sort ng $n, O1-1--- it - -- Di tory -- - 11 - famili will net hnt for any one un pence. Dresden ribbons are much used. p gMcKillop Directory for 1897. familiar with the peculiar commands. boiler is placed upon the range another "I)nl,s she `put the buttons in his shirt �\'ALTICR l'OATB, Iiox t02, Clinton, Out. An immense bow to match the heart of hslf-cupful is added to that water.. Very for him _vvt' T" Will guarantoo a fair hatch. _ - Justice Meted out. �' the daisies was placed upon a parnsu! little rubbing will then be recjtred to "No ; bat he told her bP sat up all .Toho Morrison, Reeve, Winthro P. bi The new arrival joined the crowd. trimmed with bunches of these flowers, clean the linen thoroughly. 'J ime and night pinying; poker without ally stuk,d - To Improvers of Stock. wn,. Archibald, 7)oputy R©OYO, Loadbtuy 1'•0+ `: Tit "May I tisk wh!<t is going on ?" he in soap are save,( and the clothes will be �, and she belived him." -Detroit Free The ttnd°rsiuunod hny on his premises, let.h (pante( AlManley, Councillor, i3cechwoorl Y. 0 '.i'`.'" quires of n native. Redingote Models. brilliantly white and soft When ben I Press. ,oncogsimi, Galerich Township, ins. (!. Morrison Councillor, Boechwond Y Or 't' You may. We're hangin' a feller for Win. C. Morrison, (1or ,' Lcadop P. O. 4 The redingote model is a favorite for zine is used the breaking of the skin he A Thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Terms: -$1 inn. C.. Morrison, Clerk, , Bole h 1 , U. stealin' n wheel:' ink that's si pretty morning gowns, whether blousing over the hands is absolutely avoided. The seas Between 7hmn• and $2, William Evans, Assessor, Boechwood Y. O• Rut don't You think the belt, or whether more on the F'rin- smell of the benzine disappears tilt.-)- Walince--AVhat a difference there ie A Thoroughbred Ghoster White Boar, legis- navid M. ]toss, Treasurer, Winthro �1'• t►• rough punishment for a rath r simple cess style, They are characterized by gether in the wash boiler. Charlos Dodds, Collector, Seaforth , O.' crime ?" Between the present and the days of the Cored. Telma:-$1, with rho privilege of return Richard .Pollard. Sanitary Inapecfor, Lorulbu ' +' being fastened entirely down the front How It Rrraek Him. pioneers. iT1g' "Simple crimp 1 Why, dtrttntte , it rose or gide, and usually having a small i A thoroughbred Tamworth Roar, registorect. a '97 model."-( leveland Plain Paler• guimpe tpPnettth. i "Either a great injustice is done some l+'i cry -All the difference hr the world. ,corms: --$1, g Valuable Property for Sale• netiaed. A charming one at n morning wdedding solthose th peopll ,oho tidev re aidremnrked I tn tot,n ketal settlement, ])liters , that lis ythe This is arareechanceto imp ovenyo r stock The undersigned offers for sale his flfteou>A wag of roynl blue cloth, w h a q R chief thing their dose endatits are. trying T. C. EmMUNDS, acres of land, in the townehip of Hull,,1,f; d "Papa, what is meant by halving horse decolletage, and fastening down one side, the observer of min and things a, or also - - - = -. Ownor, {pining the corporation of Clinton. The ; and sense?' , the whole top pouching back and front Satan is a rPaaalar Barg in fiend, ready to avoid--(•ineinnnt.j Lugtiirer, t)a5•tf. Id of clap loam and in excellent condition; nj "It means knowing PnOn�rh to make a bit over a white kid belt. The open- to sk,nRp up whntver is cheap\ whether Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee seeded clown, except small portion for p°� bay while' the sun shines. Ron away tVant°d His nw t 1 There id stone foundation and ceilabill, now and talk to your grandmother:"- Ing and the decolletage were Pitted with It hnd any use for it or not, Detroit orieoee' donee; frame barn, stable, cow stablo, &, an embroidery of steel and jet, while Journal. i>>,pa__yPa, my snn, you will rPalfaP ARRIES into every Victoria, me Fior Lipo and Philadelphia Press. rnflled epaulettes over the blue sleeved I Harris Un Xour (io.vn, I. some time, who" Yolt are odd, that soar Rolgn" into evory homo, Poisons who wolftherare anumber Only bearing utas alk were of white sloth, covered with et . school days have been your happiest never sold books 1A c orders fast, Yrefaeo rho moll wator, Bio. Only it Pow minutes walk a; A Mas of Repose. and gree(. The clomps was of withbroc?ed A good habit to get into is that of scho most eloquent of Lord Dufferin'sachievements. post office. There is no more deArablo ,11. '�'!' - Western Train Robber-Tiold up Your velvet, in red and bine and white, and hanging tip one's gown when they etre, 7.0ntinv-Oh, pap, why can't I wait, No book so highly praised, \Ve Hood more potty adjoining Clinton,beThe price " r ds? a Russian turban of blue velvet was token ori. They will look new mach Chen, until i grow till, before I qo to canvassers.oOmo as los octve foo to canvassers. a re. dor and rtieula wwwr{to nr npplY at Tm- ill I I�Ii gf I, id -Aro -go to my man, trimr a with a cockade of white tu.l. longer it they are not left to repose in- ecltool, gn that I can appreciate t ?� p It always awauged about defmdtel on the most convenient chair. Atrial will cost nothing and it may flit your RF:CORn otflce, or to rho ownor i t%ah fellow; 0 and white feather aigrette. y E'earsou's Weekly. omppt�yy ppoekot book• TI3rE BRADL ,Y -GAR- WM'. MUItPH1f *.., : trey traveling bills. RETSON CO., T.'rn„ Toronto, Ont, CHntotl' . , . . 11, It ' I „� _ 4.. _.. I,a. , . �,"