HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-30, Page 1THE
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T11111013—U.25 per Anuaa�r►, 1.00In Ant anis 1 Na/8rL6; r7Eld1 AFI -a " �''T :;< .v ^^r'?+L /'7 " S A1. M TODD,>Eapkow sn6iCovr,ae:
OL. XIX ,�1 TON. f�U'�..:�►`i'Y, a) v ' ��D ,3^;: T) Y �7N: 30, 18�+`� WHOLE
a V'e final tug wets betweea Gnder•iCh J.� .
v''�T� TWO A
1 JUUBIJ�i.l
rand�,`+�.nl+'y :u•:pat;ips, .)tanley beingpC ow I Itie VIinner.�_:Kaiser eer,( ; i ,It Ulinton Schou! defeabed Varna.1T e T®4�I I `� e FANCY HOOP D1iILL. �� �� 1)
.a w��A���tiaD�o�Ri�f•aTialli110 dL
_"Hiss Mary Lough has every reason
A Malt beverage, to fie a proud cif her class of sixteen 9
_ T-- --- sweet little girls dressed in white and I ca t Notch
Perfectly prepared, pit, It, ivhu eta pearPJ socharming in the
' Free from drugs, �; a ion liroresc:un iind on the elevated pat-O�y� !}, ^��Much recommended for its 1 I forin in the evening, The hoop droll ejj�j, ej Of style ww;-,�
stimulating and highly nutri- I G G �as performed by t,htm was one of the�Jtious ro erties. In ints. loll eJ 1 R7 He best f.m.sures of the evening pro- �ec.ct� Isn't always the most tasty after
properties. P �J grr,inme, The little dots were: -Rena Best all. A man's build and shs r must be
and Uly Jackson, May Rance, Ilene P
Patterson, Leula, Gunn, Alma Arun- I We want none, that's our, principle Considered,
Brined strongl, �+]Isie Bruce, Emma Plumsteel, in buying. We deal only with A tailor isn't a good tailor unless
back Kennedy ��U�� �, Lela ]:jcnver, Sherley Parke, Emina firms who produce the best. we he knows what sort of crit will look
C�Y Kaiser, Jerrie Bzggart, Lula Walkin- order only the choicest of the best.
The Ulinton Liquor Store. shave, Lily Coats, Maggie Wiseman, There isn't an article in our store the more stylish on the tall man end
Maud Wilson. that won't• please you. And we've the short men, the fat and the San,
THE FOOT BALL MATCH. everything you could wish in And the pattern of the goods them.
Alma vs. Clinton was the game and Shirts, Collars, selves is another important thing to
The it was warmly contested. Alma has
p p p y Brace Sox decide.
r GRAND PARADE.strong su rtor team q to u aver We are perfectly familiar with all
Sealed ednmatch. e f quarter was allow- the technical points in tailoring.
ed o❑ either side from start tofinish. .T�a1011ee Ties, P g•
The members of each Learn, while op ��� �a �S &G, Our experience and knowledge
posed for victory to death, displayed clothes is at the public's service.
• that gmar all P demeanor whicn v Our germsTtts are made and sold
�i��✓i Monster
Strout Orador burlesque, the machine being should mark all a Orta. The Contest We make a Specialty0f Hats.
I managed by Ogle Cooper and the team driven was very swift and determined un COm are our y , On llOnOr.
by N McL Fair. prices with an You'll
` both sides. After a long siege the
Which is attzched to the Clinton Laundry. score stood 1-1, a tie. Hn they're lowest hero for the Vest.
l 1?iCyC1P. to our window will The Wild Man in captivity. A. aJ . HOLLOWAY.,
be opened Wednesday Ey,RYBDY DLIGI�T�� The Bell Ringers, burlesque. THE FIREWORKS. •OOVOp00 1
i evenin June 30:x1 rut lt) The Shoo Fly Trotters, burlesque. The fireworks were good and the A CLINTON.
/ g' p' Bowling on the Gre,m Club, burlesque. immense crowd enjoyed the display, A.O�+a S�•
and the person who ver much. Better could not have
has ucssvd the nears' Cow Boys in Texas costume. Y
g -, been expected or desired. And all Goderich Township.
,i how the figures Few Acc ldeDIs
Prize Roostor, as large forty prize ravel. were satisfied, and satisfied well., The decorations were beautiful. Dick p.
spry , Street Roller, burlesque. always does decorating of all kinds
r 1-2-3.4-5-8-0-12-1.4-20 -- y g COUNCIL. -Council met June 21st.
are arranged �a'lil reCP1Vl'P n BICYCLE YARADF, -Ring a very correct idea NOTES. well. Moved by Jas. Johnston, seconded by
g THOUSANDS Oji PLEASURE— et the Ilrittah cninniea cis touows ;- It was a big day. Treleaven and Jackson had their Ultras. Williams that petition of John
the wh,-el free of charge. Mise Battle Dodd, the Queen, in a huge +
` We strtte, positively that floral shoe. Goderich, July 1st. coats otf all afternoon. They clidn t McCartney, Peter Alc Dougall alld Alex.
the wheel Will heygive,a SEZIERS MADE HAPPY. A, T. Cooper and MissC.udmore, representing A red letter day it was. catch cold. Osttoin for a grant of :g2;0 to repair
Away Wednesday eveuinpt. _ En land. Victoria -God bless her. It's Malcolm'$ tarn now. He enjoys Cut Line be not grant•rU. Moved by
If You have not alrea. ,ti Thos. Brownlee and Miss MItchell-Ire!apd. trikin in the cash, but roans whea lie Thos. Churchill, seconded by John
7, y „ Who wouldn't be a soldier? f3 g Middleton that the following accounts
guessed do so sow, it coats T ,i� h®11 c WE D0 It We A1- Chas• Crich and Mies Boattie-Scotland.
pays .t out.
a yeiit nothing to win the Frank Boies and Miss Ida Holmes --Canada. For once Jay was no Jonah. be pail, viz Georgi, l r+vis, for
Harry Knott thoroughly enjo ed the scrapers, wheel. If you have any �a g DO It W@Il, Elder Archiba`d and Miss F. Duncan -Aur- ,When we do it, we do it well." p $4i; Will. Rutlerl};c+, repairs
doubts about it being Luca y tra in. Shakespearian Recital, rho het nnght bu,,rggy thruu h clefecr. in road, $1.50;
' g g Walter Shannon and Miss B. McRae -East McLean's the man for fireworks. the price a little high. John'�l'atkins, re strip ound, $5,25,;
away eoale around that Indies. P g p
eveningand see that Goderich knows how to play ball. About 50 of the Organ Factory boys road commissa per's salary, $131). Ad-
"The Queen's Jubilee in Clinton ass Bert Tedford and Miss L. Hunt -west 'Twos the "Gallant Captain's" day. took part in the recession and all
��i �/ ��rp �?j p� Ttg p !1 a huge e success 1" was. the remark of Indies. jouraed t0) feet on third Monday in
Cf 11 �j pY� )li tp 1Ci I �i►ll�1J� g Africa their work was roo Jul NIaG(N STURDY, Clerk.
7 ( many success
Of people. "Never Walter Jackson and Mi M. Clark -South Accidents were few and far between. b y- ,yi(
f^ I before," the great throng in one voice Dr. Woods enjoyed the day immense- Clinton should jubilate once a year, MARRIA E. -Ott Vt4'edneaday last a
The line of the immense es ion and the same committees might well vet•, ha event transpired
_o•_ uttered, ''h<wa we witnessed such a wits from the ark. up Albert street to and
. ++ residence of Mr: Wm. Swan, 15th cone
parade, up-t(Y date in every particular." p The German Band lust happened be trusted at the helm to steer the
-rhe remark was universal, and if any the station, sterner to High street, down its• ship, when Itis youngest daughter, Annie,
distinction could be tde the noble, Victoria to Albert, down Rattenbury The "two A. J's." area great team, was united in marringa to Charles
Jackson, Sr. �+ ++ to Shi ley across to the Baron Road, J. P. Doherty as Secretary is a bust g �
patriotic Boys Brigade had it. The P ler, and J. P. is a team in himself. find Abbott of Chatham. The ceremony
Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter. occasion was one which should call up Ontario to Raglan, and down Katt this is no reflection on the many other was performed on the lawn by Rev.
tenbur to the Square, where all were We satisfy ever bod or our none hard workers.
forth a large attendance. The Dia- Y q Y y yi y Y W. Ford the happy couple being
VICTORIA BLOCK, CLINTON. mond Jubilee of Her. Most Gracious dismissed. back, united in wedlock's bonds under a
After 21 years residence here Mr.
"' Majesty Queen Victoria, Empress, THE AFTERNOON. And now for Dominion Day at Gode Robert Marshall says the celebration handsome horseshoe made of orange
o- brought together one of the largest Lich. was the greatest and blossoms. The bride was assisted by
Lon before the appointed hour a. g her niece, Mica Annie Flintoff and the
1897 `�ejaA/F� 1897 crowds this progressive town hats ever had congregated No olicemen and no arrests -a good his ex erience. +
very large gatheringp P morn b
0a Ind J&g 7&r kv. V*t rAz witnessed, and there, is great aatisfaC• or: the ark rounds to -witness the record Theie wereno "whales" in connec- g y Mr. Joseph Swan, brother
tion to the. several hitrd-working and afternoon's sports. Talk about disbanding the volun- tion with the whole proceedings, but of the bride. Dinner was served to
1► ¢ 5 energetic CammittPPa at the result. P g some forty invited guests. A very
• large number of useful and valuable
Z 8 9 10 II + + en Sovereign in the hi r the In the meantime the noble Boys' teers I there were some citizens who perform-
+' world has reigned snore w-':II•thy or Brigade was inspected by the indefati- The merry-go-round went Lound all ed big work. presents testified the high esteem in
AMI 15 16 lax 18 19 successful in longer short periods and gable commander, Capt. Combe, on right. Will. Smithson arrived from Eng- which the bride is°held. Mr, and Mrs.
20 ` •+` �6 it is quit appropriate that Cl3ntott the Market Square. Headed by the • Gilroy had a good thing in the grand land to jubilate. His wife has some Abbott left on the 4.30 train for their
x ' '�8 29 �(% should distinguish the good old Town several Bands. the Brigade marched in stand. ribbon which was used at the corona- new home in Chatham amidst showers
oil such an occasion by giving the loyal true soldier style to the grounds and Lots of fun lots of music, lots Of tion of Vietorta� of congratulations and good wishes for
thousands of subjects such a grand re- were again inspPeted and pronounced eo le. The Exeter, Blyth and Clinton bands their future prosperity. Mr. Abbott
,r, ception and so worthy a programme. clean, tidy, sound in wi-in and limb, P Op
and morally and physically well oath- It was a big occasion for Beck and Rave excellent value for the moncay is a former resident of this section and,
/4897 eiU�Y 1897- From early morning trains and y y y q Tht:y pleased everyhody thoroughly. llwell-to-do and highly respegted
A" TErw D`Jft" 7JEi Sys vehicles conveyed loyal hearts to the fied to serve God and Queen and Coun- Garrow. Success to the Gidley's• citizen of Chatham.
r«s„ "" i t"' arrr. y y try. Lieut. Jackson, also a School A new "arf-in-arf"-Porter and Mr. Karn and Ogle Cooper deserve -
af feta NA r �. hub of Huron and ALL were sincere in officer, assisted Capt. Combe, and as Printing.g
5 B Z 8 9 IQ their words of praise to the manage the Brigade of lost young Defenders Bi fat, ms oily, John Bull was the biggest share Of credit for the pro- gelrave.
went for the superior and delightful was dismissed a heart Cheer went u g' ' • y' l cession. They worked hard night and
11 12 l8 r5 rns� Ix programme presented and the faithful from 6,000 throats. y p much in evidence. day to make it what it was --a big sec sRIEFS.-Our Baseball team defeat-
18 19 20 211 ,� ?,>ci execution of it. Xhat sort of an Irish+nan is John cess. ed the Blyth team at their grounds
v THE SPORTS. "- y, Mr. A. Porter and J. S. Jackson did
pa a5 a6 '' 28 29 80 t►9',t The early trains brought many visi- Ransford? Tis last Friday by 18 to 10 runs. The Bel
tors from all directions, while the The bicycle and relay races, base Major Beck 1 was here and made good work on the advertising com-
special from Goderich conveyed the ball and lacrosse matches, tugs of war, many new friends. mittee. They brought the crowds here grave battery was Geddes and Haslam;
7' Holmesville. Council and other officials from the fancy hoop drill, foot ball, etc., were Genuine QuoenIs weather favored with printers' ink and a good pro- Umpire, J. R. Bone of Toronto. -A
County Town. The distinguished visi- all well contested and greatly delight- the auspicious occasion. gramme. good many intend going to Guelph
Ex&m. The Public School Leaving tors were received by the affable Com- ed the happy throng of visitors. The .+Jimmie" McMurchie was in his old The Boys Brigade were "in it" alt next Monday on the Farmers excur-
exam. started on Moeda Six going whites and conveyed to waiting carNi- severatl contests resulted as under:- day Mn rind were the admiration of
Monday. stand in the afternoon. g Sion, -Miss Bella and Master D. C.
from this school, they being: -J. Ba- ages and proceeded to the packgrounds, THE BICYCLE RACES old and young. our country cousins
;dour, W. Tebbutt, H. Evans, F, Mul- where f were of considerable interest. In the Who drilled the 40th? Malcolm Mc- were remarkably clever considering Scott left on Saturday for it fortnight
o f holland, Minnie Esans and Frances THE PROCESSION Taggart or Jack Spooner? their limited trainin among friends in Haldiniand. -C.
4, Sturdy. We wish them success. boys class Higley of Blyth won first g g
u, was formed under the direction of place, Belcher of Goderich taking sec- I Jackson Bros. entertained 100 bays Barnum, with all his ingenuity, McClelland shipped it car load of cattle
NoTE.s--Misses Whittingham and Grand Marshalls W hgatley and Welsh. and place. In the mile heat Hillyard of at lunch on Jubilee Day. wasn't in it with the hugearade in
P to Toronto last week realizing a good
Bean, of Clinton, were the guests of Thousands of visitors were there to Goderich secured first money, and I Clinton should tarn out en masse to Clinton on Jubilee Day -arid the
Itiiss Jervis. -Mr. W. Ramsey and witness the ormigqg," and all were Galloway of the county town second. Goderich on Dominion Day. thousands o� visitors here are the profit. -R. J. Tufts 1s agatiin in town. -
if family, of Goderich, spent Sunday delighted with the ocenes and realities THF: RELAY RACE The Parkors olemed the people, but I judges. Rev. Mr. Oaten has arrived and
with friends here. -Mr. TrewarthaIs presented. The ,*der of processio t was Open to four contestants from not tiny more twin the people like. 1 The ladies In charge of the Queen's is settled in the Methodist parsonage.
sister and her busband, of Arthur, are was as follows: rural. schools, 1A miles, for prizes of $8, The Maids in Waiting looked just as ` float deserve a great deal of credit for vice e Presbyterians evening
their ser -
k, •
him,-Mr. and Mrs. Speppard, MAvo>i shad Couxet>•,incarriages. $5 and $2. Those who entered were sweetly charming as the Equerries. the splendid selection the- made for vice on Sabbath evening in order that,
y: y- Gont xrolr CovxeiL [n narriagos. Holmesville, Courtice's, Varna, Blyth, Karn and Cooper and Cooper and the Queen in the person of Mre. R. i<I. they might attend Rev. Mr. Shaw's
Nile, visited Mr. Staple Thurada
i; sat. AIr. C. Johnston, of St. Thomas, spent ExETSR BAND. No. 2 Hallett and Batrd's. The win- Brown did their work in great Ahape. Read, who resembled the original very farewell service. The beat of feeling
Y a few days with his brother. -Miss L. Boys' BRIOADF-Lown and country school ners were Blyth, Holmesville and much, exists between the two denominations
r Acheson, of Godericb, spent a few days children. Varna respectively. J. T. Gamow, M. P. P., went here. -Mrs. (Rev.) W. T. Hail present-
her cousin Miss Acheson. -Miss through many pump -handle motions. Victoria said to THE NEws �tEcove ed her husband with another daughter
BLYTH BAND, "From my heart I thank my beloved
L+', Switzer, of C. C. L spent Sunday SONS OF ENGLAND Benevolent Society. BASE BAIL. Have the I. O. U.'a of the Reception deo le. Ma God Bless them." And last Friday. -Rev. A. L. Budge of
vr,4 with E. Tebbutt.-Mrs. Mitchell sand JOHN BULL. -A. J. Holloway in handsome The match was between two crack Committee been honored on presents- Ma,undaumin visited friends here last
the pGovern r -General Aberdeen re week. -A couple of our re heeded
eon, of Souris, 'are visiting hot- parents, dog-esrtand beautiful white pony. teams, Goderich and London, and tion. ? n GOD P g y
? ;,'•,';i, roved one of the must exciting game plied for THE PEOPLE sayin ,, citizens undertood to settle a dispute a
t Mr.andMrs. J.McCartney.-MieaBneid. QuueN's FLOAr.-Mrs. Read, ilio much p g gr Mr. John Smith was present at the SAVE AND BLEOS THE QVEEN• la Corbett vs. Fitzimmons style last
of Brantford, called on her aunt, Mrs. adored and be=aming Queen. The Misses Toild witnessed in Clinton for some years.
a=. and FreeaorD, ilio lovely maids of honor In coronation of Victoria in England in The Bora Brigade from the country Saturday.Now children youshould
.�r;�y Holmes. -Mr, and Mrs.OBean, Clinton, 'I'dwaiFre Maids of honor, Louisa Jack.+on, Both teams played ball, as rho saying
spentSundap withherbrother, J.Trew- Leila .Louver. Pages, Bassin Doherty, May gates, and played ball well. The 1837. in splendid bright uniforms caused never let your angry passion rise,
tt • a,rtha.-Mies L. Swallow, of Clinton, is Rance. l�querres, or. rurnbuit, N. •f euowlees. county town team deserved victory, The outside and neighborhood press quite it sensation. They were splendid your little hands were never made to
7> visiting friends here. -Mrs. Scott to THE EnIPIIea P'LOAT represented Britain's but by it mistake on the part of one of speak in very high terms of our ly trained by Curly Jackson, who re- tear each others eyes. Those who saw
spending a few days with Mrs. Elford. coloniesas failO'rs:- their wren on third base the final score success. Ceived great praise for their marching. the fracus say that "tufts" were seen
Canada -Ming L. Irwin. was 1213 in favor of London. Dr, + The boys themselves greatly enjoyed flying from the "stonebouse" man.
-On Monday the excursion to Guelph -One of the most orderly crowds
was well patronized by the people England -Miss A. Giobings. Shaw wag umpire and performed his ever seen in Clinton," was it common the trot ping. y g
r around here, there being 80 tickets Ireland -Miss L. Gibbingc. onerous duties uiost faith ull
$ Y• remark. County Councillor McLean w s de- •�,�
y East Indigo -.Niles M. Irwin. The take -off on the Bowlin Club lighted and awarded the paten to Clin- thousand
i sold here. LACROSSE MATCH.
�— Scotland—Miss McMurray. . was greatly enjoyed b the club ton. "When the Hub does anything,"
The Sepoys of Lucknow :incl Clintony he emphatically declared, "you many
p Australia- Mine Minnie Cooper. crossed eti -ks In one of the fastest themselves. , p y
East Wawinosh• West Indies -Mies Nettie Clarke. r ' be d depend On it that the whole thing wia Times a 3TeaY"
games of lacrosse ever played in Clin Those lovely girls on the Dmpirr. be done richt, and lour r� oration ha^
SNASE IN THE BED. -On Tuesday Africh-Miss Lucy Brewer. ton. The, match lasted one hour and float I" was the remark of man old
North American Indian -Mies Eleanor Bro y been well areszrved, but don't forget
•'evening of last week the home Of der, 50 minutes. Berry scored the: 1st and residenters• Dominion Jetty at Goderich. And we We sit down to the table, spend
and Mrs. Henry Toll, In East 1999 Float United Britain. Only goal aftPrSfl minutes of hard pta.y. C. Jackson, Jr "sTaes all praisr for won't. about fifteen nights and fifteen
Boor DRILL FLOAT -•Comprised of a brigade The play wits fast and close checking pushing the Bo itde to such a I days in the operation of eating.
}hw>ti10811, was one Of unusual of handsome little girls under the direction of rrNvatltd, nut, no roughness occurred. success.: ul issue. r
##.fV4.Oy. Mrs. Toll went to the bed- Miss Mary Lough. No pI ver wast even cautioned. Clin- The Council acted wisely in en- co a'' "y Q�� u e�]C y It is important that what we eat
g Ip to prepare the bed for retiring, Ferris wheel in operation. to had the best of the givole through- couraging the celebration by making The corner stone for the new Eng- be pure and good. People who
it l while to the act of raising one of BRtDr. and • Gnoom-Herb Muir and Bob out especially the last half, but they a grant of $100. lish church at Mi' !h, -M was laid last deal with us have no trouble in
rite •Ifillo�vs, her hand touched some- Reid, failed to snore, although they shs The vatrions committees erformed Thursdny. this respect as we guarantee every-
,`tt`i1;rK Cold and slimy. She gave a Shakesperian Recital in burlesque. time after time. McUorvtr, the l,ghtea
t , cream and rushed from the rooter, Dark Town Fire Brigade plPyer, repeatedly save,1 Lucicuow s their arduous work most no ily, parts- I Mr. T.thn iYIc1 - 7 )," D.,troit, Mich., thing we sell. Of .course you will
'i ll procured a lamp and went• to in- OABaox CITY PRIZ& FIGHT -Corbett and flags. Those showing to pesritclalli cularly the chairmen. rand to merly of Lac,,nli :tt ,ad high- not be bothered cooking dinner on
a (;ttgatc> the trouble. To his surprise pitkHtmons. wivAntaire w•ern McCort, iikiller, 'Gilroy was somewhitt higher th•tn I est in th'• depaAlm t of Phil000phy, Jubilee Day, you can have a nice
;the head of the bed was a snake. )4x11IBITION Of PRIZICPOULTRY—a"take-Ofr' Berry ani# Thompson for Lucknow; Gilra s kite in the maims einent and c aid rcholar-
ily coiled and apparently en'O In a on Clinton pou,try fancle;s. y R ivinni:t, ttlrz aR. t !•,n th--
pp y 1 y and Blackford, • .,harp, Whitelyy ?ted result. He worked hard. ship, e•z'.u;td ^t 6J, in th cisco td year. lunch by buying a Can of
w berth. He instantly secure it IRIeIr IIIOnLANURRA.-1110 99th Reg;menL- Ift,etd, 'Coats a,t centre arld Hsinton on Cat t. Comho was justly proud of Potted Ham Tongue
, , . , • . , • • . • • • • • • • • • • 10c
1a lcnoeked it off the bed and killed in continue, headed by piper James Ruai. Defa^n :e doing good g.orlc for the; home the Capt..
Bri ade .an=t, tate buys were A21e^ r,ewiwi Plonk;on, Mitoh:ill, and
tet, > y3 g Mr. T'tylor, ^ Tongue ..................... 15C
x' t�. It was a eornmcln garter snake wheal of fortune with all Itlz wise lessons to t,..:, an •lite Lucknow boy,; >re a fine rood of their commander. :r ullartctn i,ornerA,
b106 feet long. How the reptile the unwary. p were unit -Q in rt+.retial a on A'Ionday Chicken .............. . . • .. , l6c
ed to gOf into the house and, Merry-go-round, i lot of fe]lo Apt and will a. 6vays havo ti The splendour and mingnitude of the ,afternoon, ir. ^. t liclma oJ' tlr•^ bride's Partridge ............ . .... . I5C
i�_ Ulinton Sausage works in oporation, whom zva.rm welcotra here. Referee, F. R. decorations b business men could not p N + Boneless Chicken ................. . 25c
Yl)efi, ro the bcalrotlm and afterwards ,Ings were entered in the macilino lively and J Beattie; Umpires, 'Best McCorvie, y parentis, St. ndr�;.! :; c`t^�^t, PiitCh211.
came out of the "factory" In the manufactured l T.,ticknow; Jpw,:a; Fisher, Clinton; time well have been moors extensive. + ].;,e rMlt ,;e ,�i,at^r , in the Duck....... • • 25c
t.A'�iie bed without beingnoticed is Rev. T. 3'• ,
5 ;vstery, Itcotild irotget to the bc3d- stato. Thin of course was a burlesque on old- i keeper, N. Fair. Fred, Jacitsvn was greatly missed on I proA•,ncc. 't, thr• ,_c f1 r t • ✓ of the Turkey.... , ....... ° • • .
rq ivitlloitit BCat crossing the rCOrY1 tana sayintrn. Jubilee Ofty. His illness we are sorry contr:tl:tio ^ [ t.Lrtl. Y1 . ty ,Tif to Ivere Lunch Tongue, KippBred 1'Ierring• FlIb herr,
TIIQs OF WAR•. Haddle, Lobsters, Sardines, ilalmon, uta, at r '
ttplett lis Mc. and Mrs. Toll all Peen- Burlesque (German)'Aand, with Bob Downs a ; to say, prevented bis presence. ra,c.;vc,c,. f: i Ch,' la,i,pr :oitpl , alto
,,Atiother theory is that it may Prominent figure. The tugti Of war wgre exciting, as Rev. Dr, Potts of Toronto says that left, arm t rho,✓rmt oti ri^s, On the �e //��
Goat and cart (the latter ridden by a, boy) the the generally are. Goderich town. THE CASH GROOSAY-P
biCtttvled Up the side Of the house prnporty of Mr. Footer of Holmatsvalta y � ' y ip 1847 the Queen Ctty was the fl-•st to � t).� t,nin qc,;. ElO3c rt^li. .Al ret;uption ^^ f. °
thtongh the bedroom window, Clown in cart with Shetland pony, the outttt ' ship acYlool boys downed Tuclterernith;, ®Girlie the 9ilthrof 11!l.Ly ,t holiday. rrnn 1>oi.i an t.Ptc it return ednesday GLE �O�P�� 7®
lt',llasr peed open during the day being owner] by Mr. A. B. Plummer of Blyth. 2 t0 8' £lheriff Reynolds and COLlnt.4 Conn• narnirt, , 'wt t,hn xeaiolcncm of the bride's O e
aSIC >cs, Toll several days to recov- Erection of buildin bq c�fntrnrter e. S. coo• Stanlek succeeded in defeating Hdtt, cillo, Holt declared the otreet parade I P+..rents, t Inrcci number of friends be- r
v ' trrl the (fight received. per, better known asr"our Sam." � ( lett. the grandest they bald ever witnessed. ,tug Ir. at t mdinee. Phone 23,