HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-09, Page 8_ _ ., .,^".,""'�'_�"^T",.^'R,r'�w'T^.'�.•' ..",:.,"'pp;"''r,1�'"`"• - �R'�`F „sF"� ,1.,,'�- , �,�11wi1�; ea JacksonBr0S,_,C1i*nton e0900000000000000e0000e00000 SPECIAL PRICE SALE. �ta��c►1� SP ectal Announcement.' 0 We beg to announce to the Public generally that; o we commence at once and will continue during the MONTH OF JUNE ;i A Specla Pr* ice -DaRlffliss� a Chance Like This. 40 . - 0 — -r dTo make a quick clearance of our entire Spring Stock of ir,4 ' d M 1 Y' All Our Men's Blue Serge Suits, 36 to 44, Sack Coats, d eI1 S, OLithS , regular price $5 - - Special Sale Price $3.'75 14 � Boys and " Men's Tweed all wool Suits, 36 to 42, regular Children's .�• price $5 - - S ectal S 1 P 3 Men's Tweed all wool Suits, regular price a e rice .95 aT $7 - - - - - - Special Sale Price 5.95IN�I' cc -`"� Men's Tweed all wool Suits, regular price I $10 - - - - Special Sale Price 77.95 The cold and unseasonable weather Men's Tweed and Serge'Suits, regular price this spring has kept people from $12 - - - - Special Sale Price 9,95 buying,consequently we have too " Youths' Tweed Suits, regular price much Stock. A SPECIAL $5 " - - - - Special Sale Price 3.95 PRICE SALE will mean no profits for us; we can't help Youths' Serge Suits, regular price $5 that Ilow; we want tile, " Special Sale Price 3.'75 Goods turned into money. Youths' Tweed and Serges, regular price $77 .4� We are the pro- claimed clo,thing Leaders ' of the County CV We have the Come with your money largest and °°�°�°�°� `j Special ►S. ale Price 5.95 and buy v�hot you , �IL4 most exclusive Boys Tweed and Serge 3 pc. Suits, regular need; you dont get Clothing story in price $3 - - Special. Sale Price 2.59 a chance often like �ti b " Boy's Tweed Suits, regular price $4 this. � this section. Special Sale Price 3.19 our Special Prices " 0 We have the oldest 44 for June are the Boy's Tweed Suits, regular price $5 lowesteverquet- Clothing Business in Special Sale Price 3.95 of ou eestab.y Ontario. of our estab- 44 Boy's 2 pc. Suits, regular price $2, Special Sale Price 1.59 lishment. LG 44 as GG Ga 44. 3, GG « 44 1 95I Our Goods are. 64 GG 41 44 44 « 4 44 44 44 2.95 I @ Good. « 5' 3.95 t' �� 44 44 b` 6, 46 44 44 4,95 Our Prices are low. OUR SPECIAL jOUR Stock is always marked in plaits figures and there is no deception whatever. . PRICES this month These Special Prices will mean a big lot of it sold. No such continuous sale as will ilia still lower. L ' h b ff d b f S t is as ever een oere a ore. ee next Issue for a full list of prices to Pants and Overalls. �.,. "A rolling stone has no turn. CUT HER ARM.—The other day Mrs. I OUR ADVERTIS his.—The firrrl of W. l 00000•e00000*000000•0000•0000000000: ppear on p0000000000e00000000e000000000000000Y Birds of a feather are worth two in the bush. John Cotton fell on a piece of broken H. Beesley & Co. do not a • • • • Every dog has its silver lining." dell and severely cut her arm. A phy- this page this week. The reason is • sician was called in and the wound that we are somewhat pressed for i �00000000e • The words in the above proverbs are was sewed up. l space, but their inrerestinq announce- Right e i•not exactly according to Hoyle, merit, will he found on another The e . The Rightp,CHURCI3 NOT> s. -Un Sunday next, page. •13th inst., divine service will (AV.) he Our lhous4tnds of readers will find it AT �' • but they'll serve to attract your held at Holmesville, 11 a. in., Middle- I oil page five. Read it. • • • o • • ton, 3 p. m., Summerhill, 7 b' c Sun- RAIN AND SUNSHINE.—Frost. snow, • Goods •e•eooeooi �r1ee�attention to our day School at St. James' church, rain, Fleet and sunshine has lung been t • Middleton, at 2 p m. , th-9 bill -of -fare provided by Providence • Y BURNEn.- Early Wearies -and we are thankful for 4111 the bless- ® p • erg CentWindOWL dayIVER• morning the livery stable of Mr. 'rigs received• The continuous cold eoeoobo o•e000•ooeeoe00000•000000000•orb00000000oe0000000000.Oe0000e0000000• Harry Cook, Kincardine, formerly of and daily rain, however, will in a Which is yearly so popular Goderich township, was discovered of short. tirue create havoc in this section. Are what you find here ; just what you want at prices that are easy to pay. fire. Mr. Cook's loss will no doubt tie Many, farmers are wishing for dry among careful buyers. It always heavy as he had six horses and it num- weather in order to plant their Prices are crowded clown, but never at the expense of quality, we never shave will be popular so long as we , her of rigs burned, with only an insur- Potatoes and get -the roots in. the quality in order to shave the price,~'' ince of $1,100 on the contents. The OUR CRICKETERS.—Clinton cricket- continue to supply it with such building was owned by F. Sellers and err, were in *rave doubt as to wheth- (DT -T- Is an example of how we are getting prices for good goods insured for $200. k - values as it now contains, Glass. er they could nontest at Li9towel yea-do%vn below the real value. We never sold Dress Good,4 so cheap, A' Voicu or EXCEPTIONAL PURITY. terday froin the fact that there was so ware, Balts, Purses, Baekets, Belt -Miss Freeborn, of Clinton, sang the much rain here. They were relieved �reSnever sold such good goods for so little money, and it will pay ony- Buckloe Jubilee Novelties &c. Centr,i,lClVlcah.th(liat church last event nat 11e from doubt on Monday afternoon �OOd� body to buy' now, even if they don't want to make them up till fall, g• when, they received a rneaa„ o fieri' There's npthin�, the matter with the goods. It is not a case of n Miss Freeborn is 21 pupil of Prof. Tor- Listuwe[ stating that Old Sol was > , � °� &e. All good value for the price rington, of Toronto, and possesses A shining and the crease dry and in good Sale... lot of old stuff we want to get rid of 'hut new goods that have not voice of exceptional purity and cleat•- condition. (;Ouse( uentl tics Clinton asked, some cases vary exceptional ,less, and sings with great expression. wielders of the willow left for Lis- been in the strife over two weeks, selling for just about half regu- ,value. It will be to your interest She was laboring under some diffic+dty, towel Monday Afternoon, and on going not having entirely recovered as yet to press yesterday Afternoon we learn- lar prices. Here are three sample prices. to see it. A large size Writing froin an attack Of malaria, at Chathan), I e(1 their fate. In the first innings, which obliged her to leave her large Listowel made onl • 30 runs and Clin- Fancy French figured Dress Gonds, All Wool Figured Fancy Black Fire French Coating Serge, 46 in. Tablet at 10c is one o£ its special- I class there. Bliss Freeborn i., (lest C[IIi 1 toil woil by 3:# runs acrd one knnin s. 44 inches wide, will make a rllost Dress Goods, 41 inches wile, t'E'.- tVlCle, every thread WUOI, in fawn of forming a class in Stratford.-Strat- g stylish costume, navy, fawn and ular (30 cent goods. For Dress brown, grey, cardinal, extra good ly attractive features. In all ford Heraid. JUBILEE POSTAOR STAMPS. - An- black,regularvalue $1. DCCsssale 58c Goods Sale ................. . .....37ic (luality, regular value 50k for.... 32c nouncenient has been made in the ---- -- - - - -- ---- - branches of our store you will find Bi(, BARNS, -Mr. D. A. Forrester press that tile Postillaster•-Gener•alofoul. ( ' - us Often the Cheapest, Always sense ti,nesince decide(' to engage more Dominion has caused to lie prepared 4L I Cotton Nxtensively in the raising and fatten- specially engraved pOstage starnp in the Best. ing of cattle for the British markets, commemoration of the sixtieth year of and has consequently determined on Her Gracious Majesty's reign. A lim- ••so•000eo•o I �re cting larger and up-to-date build- itednumber ofstamps will he issued ton *s, Mr. D. Connell has been award- postmasters on the 19th of this month (i the contract of the work and the and may he used in prepayment of ' 8( Hosiepv ��10 �Y. De Fair co,,;tincture is now under way. which will postage in the same way as ordinary{` l he completed about the middle of Jul ��,_: P y stamps, although no doubt 'naris will / 1 / The main building will be 107x82, which keep them as it curious memorial of sin CLINTON. , will contain three silos 24 feet high, event in British -History, the like of and five apartments, one 14, two 18 which may not occur again fora thouspof 1 11 Dyed by Hermsdorf id alLsolu- Agents Parker's Dye Words. and one 19 and one 20 feet for storing and years. A full set of Jubilee pos- telt' fast color, it will not grain, hay, etc., and the necessary tage stamps consists of the following We offer this week two extra machinery, for grinding, crushing, denominations:-Je. stamp, lc., 2c., 3c., bargains in this deppartment crock, nor turn green, but threshing, etc, ; to this will be 6c., Bc.,8C.,10c., 15e„ 20c., 50c„ $1. $2, $3, that are worth your buying if holds its color to the last. LOCALNEWS. convenient horse stables, and also $4, $5, and le. postcard. All denornina ou would save money on your � We import our Cotton Ros- a building 40x96 for cattle which tions above 50 cents must he specially Furnishings iery direct from the German will house fifty or more. The tiordered, and onlyy very fete can be ob- manufacturers, and can offer • ighostpriceforbutterendeggs-CANTELox timbers will be of heavy material and trained. To ppurchase one of each kind Fine unlaundered Shirts, matte ,flRog• the work first-class. The walls will be will cost $16.20) and including post from good, strong cotton, pure values you'll not get else- _ _ of cement. • card $10.21X. linen fronts, put together to last, where. It is all fast dye. 200 gailg decorated bicycles and tandems in FIRR ALARM. — Last Wendesday MARRIED.—At high noon last, Wed- sizes 13 to 16J.....35c each or 3 for $1 Monster Yarade in Clinton. June 22nd. evening about nine o'clock the fire nesda a ver hag Here is a special bargain fo Y Y happy event was sol- Fine Colored Cambric Shirts all See our Bedroom suites at 40.50. Great alarm startled our citizens. The word menized in St. Pauls Church, the con- sizes, fast colors, with or without this week. Snap.-BROADFOOT, Box & Co. was rapidly passed that the organ tracting parties being Mr. R. B. Car- collars attached, capital goods to Ladies' Fine • Cotton Hose, factory was on fire and a large crowd ter, of Stapleton, and Mise Rose A., wear. regular value 90c and $1, Hermsdorf dye, double heel Miss ANNIE FREEBORN, pu��pit of Prof. Tor- soon appeared at the works. The second daughter of Mr. H. Joyner, special bargain at .............. . . 600 and toe, good value at 2.5c.... 19c rington, Toronto College ofd, Musle, is pre aced firemen were very prompt and James town. Mr. Teri resided at the - - - -- - - - --- - -- - --- - _ to accept pupils in Vocal itar and 1plano• Walker had the Clarendon bus team organ The bride was handsomely FOR,-. witow � � i Will accept Concert Engagements. hitched to the engine in remarkabl g � . From Half a Dime up,. For g y dressed in cream cashmere and was T. COTTLE has a fine collection of bedding lick time And taken to the tank on assisted by Miss Mary Bell of Gode- $le3%ele Riders. and house plants. Prices reasonable. Give R.attenbury street. Messrs. Davis & rich, while the charnting maids of • Jubilee � �� Irma call, Rowland had workmen engaged Laying honor were little May Webb and Edna A full assortment of Bicycle requisi- Ladies' Slimmer Underwear from b ee We'll appreciate your c:onlpany here and our a tin roof of llir'ge dirnensious and the Joyner. The happy grooth was sup- tea at closest prices. five cents to half a dollar with every Programme w#Il make you merry. Clinton, pot was nearly completed. The gHre ported h his brother, Mr. W. Carter. strong Leather Belts, well finished Mc price between. We believe our values _ of was left as the workmen thou ht Rev. J. F. Parke performed the cera- An extra flue quality MEN WANTED to oto m a safe condition, but the increae- mons, after tvhich Mr. and Mrs. (lar- q, y . 60c in these goods are the best in the trade. Damp with &3rd Battalion. ing even ,yg breeze fanned the dying ter and about forty invited guests ad. Tweed Bicycle (,spa with ornatnera- We know our Vest at two for •l6c is ay • • o • Chest measurement inust be embers i�¢'ntil the sparks ascend• , tal crowns ....................... 26c not equalled at anywhere near the 33 inches and height fi foet0 p journed to the residence of the bride a ed and descended ,from the Bre arents and Bicycle Hose, neat patterns, quasi. Grine. Itis gra++t volae. For children Winches. Apply early to ( p partook of a well-prepared ties that wear .. . ........... ... • . 750 we ere showing some very fine quali• We are prepared to quObe close H. B. COMBS, Capt. 33rd Battalion. pot. fib's was taken as an in- wedding feast and received showers of All wool sweaters, white, cardinal, ties in American goods that tire inuch prices on White an(] Colored dication that the immense buildings congr,ttulation4. The presents consist - were on fire, hence the alarm. While navy . ........ .......... . ........ $1 finer and better finished than the Bunting, Flags, �ecc., for deu4on• - MISS NELLO MOHARDY, Orge•nist 3t ed of Hue linens, silverware furniture ilaul's Church. Gold medalist Whitby College. their docs not appear to have been rants other useful articles. Mr. and Boys' Cardinal Sweaters......... . 76c ordinary makes, stration purposes. I1up1l of Mr. Fisher and Mr. Harrison, Toronto serious danger, it is just As well that Mrs. Uarter left on it tri y The Dry Goods Palace,. Conservatory a music Piano, Harmony, Con• the discovery Was made and to know and will return Wedn trip d4i twE nak�s HODGENS .art ssuccessfull as Pianist orConse anter• that mU firemen 4Lre so tom t when when thea will settle down to theO �CLINTON.Pupils successfully proparod for Conscrvat°rt' p p ff ' arsams. BEarNNElta ACCEPTED• nc8•+t a call to duty is suddenly given. realities o lite in Stapleton. ,