HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-09, Page 7WVNE88 DIRECTORY TH 101SONS IAK. 1UQorporote4 by Actof Parliament 1865. 71ilPITAL, $2,000,000 ;. REST. $1,400,000 dead Ofiloe, - MONTREAL. J� H, R, MON, President. II I': WOLFERSTAN THOMAS,General Manager. '1!Iotes discounted, Collections made; Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPO@ITS i` SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. j, FARM�RB_ Mon dvanced to farmers on their own notes with a or more ondoreere. No mortgage re- qufr.d ..security. H. O, BREWER, ManCLINTON. Aeeember, 1s96. G. D. KeTaggart BANKER ;• ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. (. It GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRA.VSACTED. grates Discounted, Drajte Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, Junelith, 1891 658y DR. W. GUNN,T j.. R. C. P. and L. It. C. S., Edinburgh. Office - Ontarlo street Clinton. Night calls at front door of rest once on Ratteubary street, opposite Presbyter- ian church. DR. TUIRNBULL. I' J. L. Turnbull, U. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; ^. M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. & S. Ont, ; b Ilow )' of"the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office: - Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattoul ury fit. Night calls f, answered at office. DR. SHAW. Office-OntaTlio street, opposite Eriglish church, formerly occupied by Dr. Appleton. Jas. S. Freeborn' 11-D L. K. & Q' 0. P., I., Al. 0 P, & S. 0., &c., &o. Graduate of R ing's & Queen's College of Physicians, Dnblin, Ireland, Licentiate of the General Medical Council, Great Britain. Member of College Lf rhystalwa acd Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly resi- dept o L'ne Rotunda Hospital (Lying -In and Gynie- .ological), Dublin. Special attention to, diseases of women and children. Office and resitlence,Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 829-1 y .�1'rRtlr�t�'�• Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday, and Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. Dr. Agnew, 4 DENTIST. Office hours - 9 to 5 0600••®e At Zurich the second Thurs- day of each month, MG. CAMERON, EARRISTER, SOLICITOR, . Conveyancer, &c, Office -coiner Ra,nilton aql St. Andrews-sts., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 88s•c! J. SCOTT, Barrister, 4rc.. EI.LIOTT's BLOUK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. E. CAMPION, Q. 0, BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR., NOTARY, Gotlericla, odic -Over Davie' Drag Store. Money to loan. M • 0 • JOHNSTON, BARRISPER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Godericli, - - - Ont. Oflioe-Cor. Iiamilton and St. Andrew's Ste. W. BRYDONE,, BARRISTER - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON. 817-tf vouty, to gest JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC. ; Fire Insurance. Real Estate. Money to lend. Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON. Cantelon Bros, 1 of ERAL GROCERS & PROVIS- r' 1 ION MERCHANTS. Gy, a rocker Glasse Ckinawre ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT. Iligbost Cash Price for Rutter and Eggs Three men, believed to be responsible for numerous burglaries in the west, were captured at Chatham, 1 dxasg1►. L. 0. L. No.. 710, CLINWONS Meet@ 8800101) Monday of every month. Hall gni flat, McKay block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. J. P. SHEPPARD. W. M. P. OANTELON. JR. Sec. THO@. BEACOM, D, M- �lzl�pa#ic. IQ Lodge, No. 84, A. F, dt A. M. meets IQ every Erldayy, on or after the moon. Visit htg brethren oordlally invitad A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. N. THOs. RUMBALL, 830. Clinton, Dec. 6, 1896. X. 0, T. M. Kearns Tent Fo. 06, Knights of the Maccabees of the World. ®1,000, $2,000 and $8,000 Policies. Mem- aership over 100,000. Aesessmont• prinelple-has never exceeded 12 assessments In a year. CheMpot Ind safest in existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Clin- ;on, first and third Friday of every month. COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STOR Clinton, BRAN and SHORTS in Large Small Quantities. )IL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Oats D. COOK. CLINTON. 762-tf PRODUCE EXCHANGE HILL & JIOYNER, Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Sealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Teas a specialty, loadquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. We carry the largest Stock and tho largest variety of Seeds. 111 Goods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash. We pay Cash for Eggs. Any kind o1 brain taken in exchango for Goods, RttDIS as (78,811. HILL & JOYNER. The Afo0lo,n Mutual Eire lnsuranoe Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. Oreloxne. George Watt, President, Harlook P. O.; James Broadfoot, Vice -Pres., Seaforth P. 0.; W. J. Shan, Dun, Seoy. Troaa., Soalorth P. O.; Michael Murdie iuepeotor of losses, Seaforth P. O, DIREOTORa, James Broadfoot, Seaforth; Michael Murdie, Son• forth; George Dole, Seaforth; George Watt, Harlook Thomas E. Huys,Seaforth; Alex Oardlaer,Leadbury- Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; Juba McLean, Klplen. AORNTS. Thomas Nellans, Harlock; Robert McMillan, Soa- forth and James Oummings,Egmoudville. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- act other business will be promp,ly attend. ed to on application to any of the P=ly ad- dressed to their respeutrve post offices, NOTICE. Ther. being some misunderstanding with ro- EBard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood ' that it any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and falls to report to me I "ball at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BASS. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich, �r Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNK' . BAKINC POW,DER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGES- SALE IN CANADA, Wanted -An Idea Who can think of some sample thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; the may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Patent Attor- neys Wseblugton, D. C., for their 811,800 prize offer and•llat of two hundred baYentions wanted. NoCri' When you take Hood's Pills. Thee old -rash. toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are riot to It with Hood's. Easy to take 5 Hoods and eBay to operate, is true of Hood's I'1ev which are P � "� np to date 1n every respect. Safe, certain and sure. All druggists. 25o, C. I. Hood & Co„ Lowell, Maes Tile only PIU" to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla Laurier's I1iSIO'al Statements Recalled. The Globe twits Major Beattie, M. P. for London, with having indulged in bitterness and with back of "good taste" in recalling the "musket" epi- sode, in reference to the representation of Canada at the Queen's Jubilee. Whitt Dlajor Beattie said was that Liberals lead been tauutin�Y Conserva- tives with the want, of loyalty in call- ing in question tho Government policy regarding preferential trade with Eng- land. But there were men in the Liberal ranks who a few years agosaid if they had been on the banks of the Saskatchewan they .would have taken up their musket and shot clown the volunteers who were fighting Louis Riel, The Major regretted that any gentleman who had uttered such sen- timents should be going to England to represent Canada at the Queen's Jubi- lee. Of course, the reference was to the Premier of Canada,. Mr. Laurier was the pet son who said lie would have "stood by Riel with a musket in his hand." It was said at a roass sleeting on the Champs de Mars in Montreal; and it wits not said in heat, but delib- erately. It was repeated at a meeting in Chatnbly a year afterwards, when Mr. Laurier, addressing his French compatriots, reminded them that they were then standing on classic ground, ground where their noble ancestors had not been afraid to face English bullets I He there stood forward its the personification of the idea of French nationalism which the Rouges of Quetec have never ceased to advance as opposed to British ideas and institu- tions. He has never recanted those sayings, or spoken a syllahle of love or loyalty to England until his overtures to Washington were spurned. It, was only then that he flew to the refuge of British commercial preference in order to disarm opposition and save his Government from absolute humili- ation. We have no doubt that Mr. Laurier will represent Canada in Rrlgland with the sante grace and dignity that he can so well assume ;it any tinge that the occasion calls for. We have confidence that he will be equal to his trust in that capacity, and will acquit hiniself creditably be- fore anyassembly thatheulay meet.'But it is by no means out of order that his past should be recalled ;it this time, Apart from the official credentials which opportunity has put into his hand. It may have been a disagree- able task to recall this part of Mr. Laurier's recordat thisparticular time, but we do not believe that any English- speaking Conservative will quarrel with the "good taste" of so doing. One Honest ligan. Desi Editor,-Ple:zse inform your readers that if written to confidential- ly, I will" mail, in a sealed letter, par- ticulars of a genuine., honest, home cure, by which 1 was permanently re- stored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering front nervous debil- ity, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank Heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong and wish to make this certain weans of cure known to all sufferers. I have nothing to sell and want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I am desirous of helping the unfortunate to regain their health and happiness, I promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp: Wm. T. MULFORD, Agents Supplies, P. 0. Box 59, St. Henri, Que. -� 'Count�nrreucy. Mr. O'Brien of Hay, who had his leg broken a few days ago, is progressing favorably. Dr. Elliott of Lucknow left last Saturday for Rainy Itivltr District on a three week's trip. John Amos, jr., of Morris left last week for Winnipeg where he. has secured a Situation. J. W. Broderick of Exeter hits put• - chased another stock of boots and shoes in Goderich, and will establish a per- manent business there. Mr. Hugh Morrison is spoken of as the Conservative candidate In South Bruce at the coming local election. says the Port Elgin Times, Geo. Brewer, an old resident of the 4th line, Morris, intends taking a holi- day trip to England and leaves Wed- nesday by the Majestic from New York. If you see a man digging vigorously he is getting worms for trait, but if you notice a man digging slowly and pausing often to rest, he is preparing a flower bed for his wife. The $15,000 of debentures, issued by the town of Mitchell and drawing 4 per cent., to run twenty years, were sold lust week to Hanson Bros., of Mon- treal, at a premium of $229.60. At the celebration of the 25th anni- versary of the induction of Rev. Dr. Fletcher as pastor of McNab street Presbyterian church, Hamilton, Rev. Mr. Fletcher was presented with an address and a purse, containing $6t•J, by life congregation. Rev. Samuel Jones died last Saturday week at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Walter Jackson, Brussels, with whom be teas resided for the last 26 years. He was in his 90th year and beloved by all who had the pleAsure of hisacquaintance. r The funeral took place from the home of Mrs. Jackson and was largely attended. Postmasters throughout the country have received notice from the depart- ment that the following holidays may be observed in the post office: New Year's Day, Chris tmasday, Good Fridety, Queen's Birthday, Dominion Day, La- bor Day, Thanksgving Day and any local civic holiday.' 1 • • .-,.,•s�.,.�,.. m7 111glo Quart olriu$tice. I v' C. STEVENSON, CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P Emulsion as only for those -- Furniture Dealer, &c. FORD & MURPHY, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Who have inherited a ten - Intend FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Havlugbought out the above business, we to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply nor enstomere with the best meats at the lowest pay. 0 gosite Town Hall - Ont P • , Clinton, ng prices. Whose Condition is $O im- FORD St MURPHY. aired as not to be able to p - Farm For Sale. LIVE HOGS "WANTED, of their ordinary food. In ings; and judgment for plaintiffs, with costs in the reference to the Master tit nearly every case with these, nth concesHion,Clinton Gode r South half Lot No. mile rich Township, one mj]o north of Clinton, tom• rised 40 Scott's Emulsion of Cod - Cod - for deft. Ryan, and J. T. Gat -row for infants. liver Oil brings back appetite, Eno vs, Eno. An action fowl limony, of acres, more or less. The land is all cleared and in fair state of cntltit•ation. )Voll Judgment in plff's favor for alimony, with costs, with reference to Master at fenced and plenty of cedar on the property. Goderich, E. Campion for plff.; J. T. Garrow for deft. Frame barn 40x8(1, stono stable 30x50. Will be Highest Market Price Paid. sold reasonable and on terms to suit purchaser. For particulars apply at THE NEws-RECORD D. CANTELON, Clinton. office, or to JAMES H. CoLCLOUGn, Henfryn 1'-0• power to anlond the pleadings its i9 Wonted. possessed by judge at trial. R. Van - Men ond omen who can work hard talking J. E. E3LACKALL, sand writing six hours daily' forsix daysnweck, and will be content with ten dollars weekly. Veterinary Surgeon Address, N!1 LJ ..19 v ).. 13r.tntfurd, Ont, and Veterinary Inspector. ��� N. WALKER, 1 Office on Isaac stroet next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. -the reliable - UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS B. THOMLINSON, MAKER VETERINERY SURGEON, SEAFORTH, ONT. Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered. ego, Toronto. Carpets sewed and laid : also cleaned and re Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the novated at reasonable prices. nost modern and Scienti Ile Principles. 9W -Orders left at BROADFOOT & BOX'S Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered. store, Clinton or Sonforth, will be promptly at.' Residence-Rattenbary Street, West, Clinton Ont. tended to. Geo. -Trowhill, McLeod's System Renovator Horseshoer and General Black- Smith, AND OTHER---- k1bert Street, North,, Clinton. Tested Remedies. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Woodwork ironed and first class material and Horst guaranteed ; farm implements and machines For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, rebuilt and repaired. Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpatation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, :Neuralgia. Lose of - Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption GallStonea, hiseaseR, TO THE FARIVIERS. Jaundice, Cidncy and Urinary St. Vitus' Lance, FemalelrreKularities and Gen- eral Debility. Study your own interest and go where you can got LABORATORY, CODERICH. ONT. p J. M. Mcl,EOD, Reliable Harness, Prop, and Manufacturer. I manufacture none but the BERT of STOCK. Bewart of shops that Bell cheap, as they have Sold in Clinton by J. H. CO\IBE, and ALLA14 & WILSON. pot to live �� Coll and get prices. Orders by mail prom ply attended to jr C-> �g 1N IR � g, if Property For Sale. HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYT11, ONT A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. _ In consegnence of my age and lack of help, I bave GO TO THE decided to offer for sale my splendid gardening pro- porty consisting of five and n ball acres in Clinton, ' Union Shaving ' PAD some of the beat land in the county of Huron, includ. ing bot beds and other requirements,icellar rarno o There is on the premises a Premo house with cellars soft and hard water, barn and other outbuildings For first Claes Hair -Cutting The BoN-fleld river adjoins the property. Will r+ilat 8,:.1 .S'hayfnQ. a reasonable price for half cash and balance sdaured n 3mith's bl,;ek,'opposite Post Office, Clinton by mortgogo• As I desire to sell, this is a chance seldom met with. Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, J. Ei1IERTON, Proprietor. JOSEPH ALLANSON, 894-t I. t;linton WATTS-CO., ACaENTS. New Edition of "Queen Victoria" En- CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS now ready. larged --thirty-two full page plates added, Best Great Northwestern Telegraph office hiat.ory of the Queen and the Victorian Era ``ubli cd. The only- Oinatlian book accepted , Albert Street, - Colinton. icy Her Majesty. Sales enormous: canvassers knocking the bottom out of all records. EttRY to make thirty dollars weekly from now until -- Diamond Jubilee, Particulars free. U � PUMPS! PUMPS! TIIIG BRAnGEy.GARRETBGN c` o L'TD., Toronto, Ottt. It fou want a first-class, well -made pump, one the will give you satisfaction, send your order to th andersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it \ The appointment of Mr. George Dry- a the closest prices. He also handles a first•olas den of Port Perry, brother of Hou. PORCH PUMP. Jahn Dryden, Minister of Agriculture, JAMES FE$GUSON to the office of registrar of Ontario county, hits been gazetted. There 9pposit Queen's Hotel - High Street Clinton. were 66 applicants for the position, 809-tf which has been vacant for a year, and it is claimed that the appointment, be- Grand Trnnk Railway. ing lgiven to an immediate member of the Minister's family, has cause a, great deal of dissatisfaction among the Lib - OFFICIAL TIME TABLE. erals of the riding. GBuiralo and Goderich District:- oing West, Mixed.. For Over Fifty Years • ............ • • . 1015 a. m. � Express ................. 1.03 p. M. Mixed MRS. WINBLOW's SOOTHING SYRUP has been „ „ ...... ........... 7,05 p. in. Express ................ 10,27 p. m. used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and Going East, ExJlresH... . • ............ 7,40 a, m. " . 2,59 p m. broken of your rest by a sick child Bufferin and crying with pain of Cuttingg Teeth send at " Mixed..... • ..... • • ... •'• CM, p, m, once and,rot a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- London, Huron and Bruce:-- ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De - Going South, Express ......... ..... 7.47 a. m. ppend upon it, mothers, there isno mistake about It . 4.311 p, m. Going Ngrth, ........... ...... 10.1.5 a. m. it. cures Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures V in Colic, softens the " 6•'10 p' in' Gums, reduces inflammation, and��iveetone and energIryy to the 'Mrs. M. C. Pass' Ag Pans. Agent, whole styAtem. Winslow's 5ootlnln Syrup" for cliildren teething is pica - Toronto. Toronto. Rant to the tast.o and is the prescription of one W. P. DAVIS, G, P. & T, A. of the oldest. and best folnale physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five Montreal. cents a bottle. Sold by all drliggiRtR through. A. O. PAT'TI8ON, G, T. R. out the world." Be sure and ask for "MRs. wtSOOTIIINU SYRUP, I Town. NoCri' When you take Hood's Pills. Thee old -rash. toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are riot to It with Hood's. Easy to take 5 Hoods and eBay to operate, is true of Hood's I'1ev which are P � "� np to date 1n every respect. Safe, certain and sure. All druggists. 25o, C. I. Hood & Co„ Lowell, Maes Tile only PIU" to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla Laurier's I1iSIO'al Statements Recalled. The Globe twits Major Beattie, M. P. for London, with having indulged in bitterness and with back of "good taste" in recalling the "musket" epi- sode, in reference to the representation of Canada at the Queen's Jubilee. Whitt Dlajor Beattie said was that Liberals lead been tauutin�Y Conserva- tives with the want, of loyalty in call- ing in question tho Government policy regarding preferential trade with Eng- land. But there were men in the Liberal ranks who a few years agosaid if they had been on the banks of the Saskatchewan they .would have taken up their musket and shot clown the volunteers who were fighting Louis Riel, The Major regretted that any gentleman who had uttered such sen- timents should be going to England to represent Canada at the Queen's Jubi- lee. Of course, the reference was to the Premier of Canada,. Mr. Laurier was the pet son who said lie would have "stood by Riel with a musket in his hand." It was said at a roass sleeting on the Champs de Mars in Montreal; and it wits not said in heat, but delib- erately. It was repeated at a meeting in Chatnbly a year afterwards, when Mr. Laurier, addressing his French compatriots, reminded them that they were then standing on classic ground, ground where their noble ancestors had not been afraid to face English bullets I He there stood forward its the personification of the idea of French nationalism which the Rouges of Quetec have never ceased to advance as opposed to British ideas and institu- tions. He has never recanted those sayings, or spoken a syllahle of love or loyalty to England until his overtures to Washington were spurned. It, was only then that he flew to the refuge of British commercial preference in order to disarm opposition and save his Government from absolute humili- ation. We have no doubt that Mr. Laurier will represent Canada in Rrlgland with the sante grace and dignity that he can so well assume ;it any tinge that the occasion calls for. We have confidence that he will be equal to his trust in that capacity, and will acquit hiniself creditably be- fore anyassembly thatheulay meet.'But it is by no means out of order that his past should be recalled ;it this time, Apart from the official credentials which opportunity has put into his hand. It may have been a disagree- able task to recall this part of Mr. Laurier's recordat thisparticular time, but we do not believe that any English- speaking Conservative will quarrel with the "good taste" of so doing. One Honest ligan. Desi Editor,-Ple:zse inform your readers that if written to confidential- ly, I will" mail, in a sealed letter, par- ticulars of a genuine., honest, home cure, by which 1 was permanently re- stored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering front nervous debil- ity, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank Heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong and wish to make this certain weans of cure known to all sufferers. I have nothing to sell and want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I am desirous of helping the unfortunate to regain their health and happiness, I promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp: Wm. T. MULFORD, Agents Supplies, P. 0. Box 59, St. Henri, Que. -� 'Count�nrreucy. Mr. O'Brien of Hay, who had his leg broken a few days ago, is progressing favorably. Dr. Elliott of Lucknow left last Saturday for Rainy Itivltr District on a three week's trip. John Amos, jr., of Morris left last week for Winnipeg where he. has secured a Situation. J. W. Broderick of Exeter hits put• - chased another stock of boots and shoes in Goderich, and will establish a per- manent business there. Mr. Hugh Morrison is spoken of as the Conservative candidate In South Bruce at the coming local election. says the Port Elgin Times, Geo. Brewer, an old resident of the 4th line, Morris, intends taking a holi- day trip to England and leaves Wed- nesday by the Majestic from New York. If you see a man digging vigorously he is getting worms for trait, but if you notice a man digging slowly and pausing often to rest, he is preparing a flower bed for his wife. The $15,000 of debentures, issued by the town of Mitchell and drawing 4 per cent., to run twenty years, were sold lust week to Hanson Bros., of Mon- treal, at a premium of $229.60. At the celebration of the 25th anni- versary of the induction of Rev. Dr. Fletcher as pastor of McNab street Presbyterian church, Hamilton, Rev. Mr. Fletcher was presented with an address and a purse, containing $6t•J, by life congregation. Rev. Samuel Jones died last Saturday week at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Walter Jackson, Brussels, with whom be teas resided for the last 26 years. He was in his 90th year and beloved by all who had the pleAsure of hisacquaintance. r The funeral took place from the home of Mrs. Jackson and was largely attended. Postmasters throughout the country have received notice from the depart- ment that the following holidays may be observed in the post office: New Year's Day, Chris tmasday, Good Fridety, Queen's Birthday, Dominion Day, La- bor Day, Thanksgving Day and any local civic holiday.' 1 • • .-,.,•s�.,.�,.. m7 111glo Quart olriu$tice. I ' I. , Y'ou think of Scott's SPRING BITTING FOR TRIAL OF NON- Emulsion as only for those JURY CASR'S. This court was opened at Goderich ( Who"' have consumption or on Monday, May 31st, by Ills Lordship 1 Who have inherited a ten - Chief Justice Armour, there being nine cases on the Calendar. which were dency to it. Almost its dispused of as follows: grcatest use is for those FIRST DAY. Sullivan et al vs. Ryau et al. An ac- Whose Condition is $O im- tiun to have declaration ►Made as to title of land in the township of Steph- aired as not to be able to p en. Judgment declaring that the late Thomas Ryan, get the good the should out the younger, seizedy the lands mentioned in the plead. of their ordinary food. In ings; and judgment for plaintiffs, with costs in the reference to the Master tit nearly every case with these, Goderich. R. H. Collins and P. Holt for OWL',; E. R. Cameron, of London, Scott's Emulsion of Cod - Cod - for deft. Ryan, and J. T. Gat -row for infants. liver Oil brings back appetite, Eno vs, Eno. An action fowl limony, stimulates digestion, restores Judgment in plff's favor for alimony, with costs, with reference to Master at COIOr and lust Hess and p p r Goderich, E. Campion for plff.; J. T. Garrow for deft. controls the diseases of thin- Boag vs. Boag. An action for money lent. By consent of councilI-IisLord- ness. Book about it, free, ship directed a reference to J. 11. 11'lor- ton its a special referee, with the Baine gocts.and $t.00,atall druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Ont power to anlond the pleadings its i9 -----.--_,_ _-, possessed by judge at trial. R. Van - stone for pltf.; E. L. Dickenson for deft. P t 9'" 1 ; = La,T TEA - SECOND DAY. Township of Logan, vs. township of McKillop, an action under the Water Courses and Ditches Act, in which it was sought to enforce an award for a drain, as matte by the engineer. Some of the parties taxed objected, and His Lordship ruled that the party institut- ing the proceeding in the first place must be the actual owner of the land on which the work is commenced. Judgment dismissing the plat it,iff's Ile - tion with CO3-ts; proceedings stayed for 30 d ays. Johnston vs. Cook, an action for dower. Judgment was reserved. P. Holt for PUT; E. L. Dickenson for deft. Scott vs. Stretton, et al, an action to set aside a conveyance as fraudulent. By consent His Lordship directed that pplff. is entitled to redeem the grantee, `'Vm. Stretton, as a mortgagee, with reference to the Mister to determine the accounts hetween the deft:+. J. T. Garrow and Sinclair for plif; E. L. Dickenson for defts. Prang et al vs. Worm, action for the construction of a will and to re- cover a legacy. Dismissed with costs. P. Holt and Dickson for plff; Garrow• & Proudfoot. for cleft. Hullett. COURT OF RLVISION.--The first sit- ting of the. Contt of Revision for the township of Hullett wits held at Lon- deshoro on May 20th pursuant to aciter- tisement. Alernbers present: -John Brigham, Alex Leitch, John Lashanl, John Wilson and Robs Ferris; all were duly sworn, and ,John Wilson elected chairman. Several appeals were received, but only one as to the assessment being too high, that, being the Londesboro B. and C, factory, which was reduced $100. The kin - burn cheese factory was also reduced $2(71. Parts of two lots on con. 13 was struck off the Non. Res. roll and as- sessed to Geo. Crawford as tenant. The Eli lot 21, con, S, the centre part lot 21, eqn 14 and the Nk lot 22 and 23, con. 14, were assessed to E. Holtz;urer, W. J. Newcomb and Jaynes Logtui, jr., respectively, as required by the Cana- da Co. The centre part lot 25, con. 14, assessed to Jacob ' Hisey, owner, and G. Garbert tnd J. B. Little struck off;..N. part NJ 26, con. 12, Thos. Little,• owner; John Willis struck off; part 25, con. 10. Mary R. Haskill, owner; J. Campbell struck off; part E. H. S., T. H. Cole, owner; A. Wilkin struck off - H. 2 H. S., Win. Brunsdon struck off and put on 9x10 Id. S. as owner; S� 2,• N3 1, H. S., A. Wilkin, owner; J. Bell and J. Lashmm struck off; W. pt. 26, con. 7, J.B. Little, tenant; G. Westa- Cott, owner; part EJ 6, eon. l2, Robt• Shiel, tenant; S. Reid, owner; 27, 28, 80 etc., Manchester, A. Askwith, owner; Jas. Quigley struck off, part lot 6, con, 7, Geo. Riley, tenant, assessed $100 and John Britton, owner, reduced $100. The foregoing are principally changes that have taken place since the assessor made his rounds, and the following names are nearly all put on for the first time and uncaer the Manhood Franchise Act; -G. E. Rowed, John Roberton, Harry Cullis, John Young- blut, Wm Wallace, Frederick John- stone, David Floody, Richard Shiel- dick, Robt. Kerr, Fred Corbett, Robt. Watkins, Chas. Johnstone, Wm. John. stone, Win. Hughes, Leonard Rowson, The court adjourned until June 19th, COUNCIL. -The council held a meet- ing the same clay after the Court of Revision, lnadesouiechanges in theap- Dointment of pathmasters and pound - keepers, viz,; Riebarcl Sprung instead of Wm. Macdonald, Alhert Wallace in- stead of Nelson Bingham and John Fowler poundkeeper instead of .Daniel McGregor. The tender of M. Mains, $027, for erecting cedar bridge at Me- Gregor's was accepted, it being $12'3 lower than any of the others; the clerk to draw out an agreement with bond annexed for contractor to sign. The by-law No. 3 for closing parr, of S. R. 15x16, con. 4, and for opening a devia- tion road allowance intead was final- ly passed, and the clerk asked to Sub- mit the same to the County Council for confirmation pursuant to statute. It was decided by the council to build a new bridge on S. R. 30x31, con. 7, "Wallace's" as the present one is con- sidered unsafe for public travel; the new bridge will be a cedar or a com- bination of wood and iron. Tenders will be asked for and received at the Clerk's office tip to 2 p. m., Saturday, June 19th, where plans and s ecfflca- tions may be seen any time after the 10th inst. Before the cauncil passed it motion to adjourn the Reeve, very feelingly, made some remarks touching the bereavement of one of the mem- bers, and a resolution was unanimous- ly passed, expressing the sympathy of the council with the co -member, Mr. J. Wilson on the great loss he has so re- cently sustained through the death of bir3 wife. Council ad'oul'bed until June 19th at 10 a. M. J. CAMPBFLL, Clerk. Jubilee Celebration at Clinton, .Tune. 22nd. Fruit culture is more profltable to the farmers now than his other crops. Brown Bros. Co., the most extensive nursery house in Canada, hal a vacan- cy this section. Write them at Brown's Nurseries, Ont., for their terms. Dr. Hanavan, Surgeon of Wolsely Barracks, Lond,-n, died somewhat suddenly as a result of blood poison- ing. SOONE F14LST "CA WORLD TEA Fri -XV! Tt•iG TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CVP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. Monsoon" Tea is put tip by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian 1,.,s. 'fhcreroie they use the greatest care in thu selection of the 'Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original p ickagas. thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up in % Ib., i Ib. and g lb. packages, and never slid ill bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP iT. If your eiccer does not keep it, tell him to write to • STEEL, HAYTER & CO. o .t and 13 Front Stre¢t East, Toronto GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. b1 TRADF MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS deo. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency forsecuring patents In America. We have a Washington ot9ee. Patents taken through Munn &,Co. receive special notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of any so,entlfio iournal, weekly, terms $3.00 a 1. six mon he. Specimen coples and LAND OUK ON PATENTS Bent free. Address MUNN & CO., 301 Broadway, New York. i When you plant seeds, plant FERnw,aWO O Always the best. \For sale everywhere, D. M. FERRY & CO.,, Windsor, Ont. Some Variations. The vitriol thrower pardoned by Sit, Oliver Mowat was out of prison eight days when he was ar•regted on a charge of forgery. That ought M be ;t lesson to the weak -backed little chap to leave criminals whe.te the court of justice put thein. The cry from all over the province is, "We want good roads." The peo- ple do not ask the government to send a man to tell them they need good roads; they know they need thein, and would have had thein be- fore now under any other government than the tail end of the fo4sial Mowat government. It takes 485,000 gallons of beer daily to quench the thirst of London. To hold this quantity of beer w•orlld rr- quire a harrel 76 feet long and 36 feet in mean diameter, a measurement of 78,000 cubic feet. Add to this gallons of wine, 10,0 +gallons of strong- er spirits, 8,800 pounds of Ien, and not less than 187,0' ) gallons of aerated wa- ters, it will be seen that the London throat is usually kept in a moist con- ditlnn, TO CONSUMPTIVES, The undevsjgned, having been restored W health by simple means, after Hull'ering for several years with a severe lung affcrtjon, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to suttee known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. 1'o those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a coppy of the proscrip- tion used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh Bronchitis and all throat and Lung Maladies. He hoppes all HufrererR will try his remedy, as it is invn.lu- able. Those desiring the procription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove Bless- ing, will please address, Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, Now, York. News Notes Thomas Totten died in the jail at Barrie, aged 103 years. The Grand Trunk Railway Company is getting out a new freight tariff. Mr. Hunter, a sawmiller living in the Gore of Puslinch, was killed by falling from his buggy, The Ballards and others recently convicted at Orangeville of arson have been lodged in the penitentiary. George Beg^ a Kingston man, e.m ployed in a drug storeat, Syraerlse, poi- soned himself because his sweetheart discarded him. Mr. Robert Woolly, Hnmilton, a let- ter carrier, and his wife and child were poisoned by eating canned fish. They recovered tinder doctors' care.