HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-09, Page 6�' , + ^P*�'fle."'W j/ r,
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STRUGGLE FOR LIFE _ ._... _�_ 1
1 i about Ms soul who has lately traveler] signal was lifted that he wished to filar �' _ _ . '-- "` ' "--
through New England au(1 MOTHER GOOSE REVIVED. ��� �������� Powers...
� �
passed the [ega rd, and he put t,[s seagluss to itis
'light at Andover. He says to ate : "1 bl![td eye and said, "I reuily dv not act' '�r�1
cannot believe that !n this life the ties- the signal." Oh, m hearer, put this NUVBO#y Vies mud Dlttlea Ytesnodeled and d. s. • •
REV. DR. TALMAGE ON NECESSITY tiny Is irrevocably fixed. I think there fieldglass of the gosyel no longer to your Brought Down to Date. r
FOR FAITH IN THE GOSPEL PLAN• will be uuother opportunity of repent- blind eye, and say 1 cannot see, but put Of Lurope rnny blockade alto Grecian Ports but Cann°t tate N
ance titter deuth. 1 say to hill, : "My I it to your other eye of faltlr and you Modestly, vel- modestly, he catered the Spec—in] C"aid we rare (ttYrring in nEUURATLI t r'F.:&.W;iU;I__ �•
brother, what has that to d() with youY Will see Christ, and Ile Is all you need the office and fnqulred fur the bicy0c SIt:TS, GOLD STIPPLED JX ILS -P -WAR i,� AUTIF� atTa ,f1�D .
An Lrloquent Sermon be Those Ilurdened Don't you realise that the mull who to see, editor, PAiNT1;D CHINAWAItH. fir() }l ,and ' q EAUTIFUL HAND
waits for another chance after death I IP von believe nothing else, you cer- ' I uta only u hu,uble pil �••rim,•' suld he, chasm tt ];('t quotations before pur-
rvitlt Doubt call whose xratrh uua when he has a good chance before death fainly belleve in vicarious suffering, for as he r•euloved Lia tt'ell•Pulished silk Inst, 6 elsvvt'herc'• =,----•--Fresh Seeds just received.
Dealt St)lpwrecklid-The Skeptic's Ob la a stark foul 7 Had not you better +you see it almost every da• ilk some a plata' i"HlgltiUc-lut traveler un the p ��Q���
take the plank that Is thrown to you (shape. 'lkte steamship Iinickerboclter htSlrtvay of life, crud lily cuustant •sera
Jectious Conclusively Dealt AvItlt. now and head for shore rather than I of the Cromwell line, running between has been to Heize the golden opportun-
wait for u plank that wiry by invisible New Orleans rind New York, was in � ity of ills boar, In which, perhaps, you � �• ����� �-��R'3L1'6n ���p�{ (1{ j,•
Ur, '1'telrtruge pteacLcti un Sunday t'ruut hands be thrown to yuu after you are I great storms, sail the cu faits curl crew will observe shut, flits many of !•c,v coca- 9 1..�*L✓JJL 11 � Albert iib,? CHuton•
the text Acts xxvii, 41 •'-lud surae till dead 7 Do as ,oil please, but as fur saw the sehovan 1the in and c of „
brukvn pieces of the shijp." melf, with [ , Nauiwts, I have met with indifferent sit,.-- . pi on for all my stns offer'- l hiladelPhlu in distress. The weather cx'ss. - _ .. _
,Never o9' (aoodwiu Sands o• till, hke'r- a Tile not,, aur all the joys of time.und � cold, the waves motrr►taina high, the first 1.'atl'.,tnY to note the efi•ect of his re New Waggon
itiea lir Cal liattetas was a ship ill I eternity otTerod tae now, I instantly take , officer of the ship and four Hien ptlt out marks, says The New York Journal, he ? Carria e _w
worse predicament than, !n the Mmli- I thl,tu rather than run the rials of such Ina 1fPe bout to cave the crew vE the dl 4w Porth his handkerchief' % ; cutlo � and Repair S�j ��
terru[teuu hurricane, was the grata ship, i other eltunc•e as 'viae men think they schooner and reached the vessel and dignity, and, somewhat daintily, wiped I have Opened out on Rattenlltiry street, Ilext door o '
on which 276 plus,Kpgers were driven ills can Peel of or twist out of a Scripture towed it out of dauger, the wind shifting an imaginary drop of perspiration from sirrith shop, and am prepared to fill lir t Tedford's blsek-
tLe coast of Diultu, five miles Pruni the passage that has for till the ('hristiurr au that the srhouuer stns dared. i3ut his brow. I eekiug up his h;tt to w,lc' vEthicles. lie pail' orders fur Waggons, Carriages and all tithe
metropolis of that island, culled ('.iiia centuries been Interpreted another way." the five ,nen of the Hteawship coming room for a small Package that hod beo,) Repairing and repttintin},> presulptty attended to. t
Vecchia. After a two weeks' tempest, You say, "I do not like tucked away !n an inner anteed find slices the lowest consistent with Satisfaction guile._
whe" the shipwas eatirel disable(!, and Princeton then- back, their built capsized, yet righted, Puelcet ittvol• i fioucl wont, Call and see rn
cuptniu slid ew had bel, me Erotn dctely logy, lir New Haven theology, or An- and it line was thrown the pour fellows, antarily he began to polish the silk fore,you order. be-
i diver theology.' I do not aa-' you tin ' but their hands were frozen su tbE:y hat with 11 coat sleeve hearing i,di(•t- CHARLES, WALKS
demoralized, an old missionary took cum- board either of these great men-of-war, could not rasp it, and u tions Of similar usage. �r
grasp grnnt war° Something in the cuuutenancp r,f the 1i
utuu of the resect. He tt•aa small. their portholes filled with the great siege culled over than, and they went down
crooked -backed and sure -eyed, ucrurdi[ts guns uP eccleslxatfcltl bottle, but I du never to rise again till the Hca gives up btc'yrie editor must have given }u,u ..nut" I �_�
to tradition. It was Paul, the oily tai- tisk you to take till, one planit oP the its dead. Appreciate that heroism turd age to continue, for he said, it he uu- L B�1R��d��.___allla►-
sictued man aboard. Ile was .hu more you do believe in and strike self-sacrifice of the brave fellows all who tied the knot wjth trembling fingers; "As TEAS, TEgc I TEgaJ. CeyloD, Assam a
afraid of it L+'uroclydou tossing the Dledi= outpf r the pearl strung beach of heaven. eau, load cannot we alit appreclate the I remarked, I have tried to seize tha nil Japans, b lbs, goon
terrulleau Sea, now up to the gates of Says sone other man : •'I would tit- Christ Who put out into it rnore biting golden opportunity of the hour tha( 1 J°ung I]yson fur Cpl lir lac per ib.
bettycn unci oow sinking it to the gates tend to religion if I was quite sure cold Hud into a more overwhelmingalight nit be like 'dumb driven earth','
of hell„than he was afraid of a kittim about the doctrine of election and free to brIng its out of infinite peril ino veE- I have, therefore, milds a Yew adept:r- Sugars, Su ars Su
playing with a e String. Ile ordered them agency. but tlutt mixes ate all uP.” lasting safety ? The waves of Itnnurn tions from classic rhymes, sicca, ing Just to hand one aur Of Montrealg gars.
all tlutt*u to take their rntu,ua, first ask- These things used to bother me, bat 1 hate rolled aver Hina froyn Due side and shear to suit the great and prosslna r•es- Sugars, No, l Granulated, Coffee and IZaw'
!ug for l their
a blessing, Then lie ill- leave no more perplexity about them. Por the wuve'of hellish fur rolled over Him f,r need, namely, literature hutrni re• in bbla., one hundred pound sail dollar lots, s
aured all their lives, telling theta they' I Hay to ticysclf, • If I Iive Christ and 'one the other side, �h, the thichness fereuee to the bicycle. Permit nue,'' WE SPECIAL PRICES,
would be rescued, and, so far front llyt, rt good, hotieat, useful life, I nm oP thu night and the thunder of til, 1'herupoU tile gentle -voiced man lifted KEEP THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING losing their bends, they would out fuse elected to be saved, stili if I do not love tempest into which Christ Plunged for ° few sheets from the kite oP nrnua- COUNTY. Dinner, Iva, and 13edroom Seta F G PRESENTS IN TILE
so utuch of their hair as you cuuld cut Christ and live it burl life I wi!I he our rescue. script and begun to read tit sort!y :nor!- , Fancy China end Lampe,
Off with one click of the aIt Noe a rrty, damned, and all the tilec��uological semen- Come in on one narrow beam of the Mated tunes : $per cent. less than regular prices, Call and sue our Goode and get
out u thread of It, whether it were gray aries of the universe canubt make it any cross, Let all else gu'and cling to that. "Eiury, hiur ! prices.
with ago or gulden with yuutlt. "'['here different." 1 ftoundered'it long wbile in Put that under you rend with the earn- flux does Y, quite contrary, �•a
r your cycle go ? SEEDS. --'Timothy, Iced and Alsike, Clover, Turnip and Mangold. Ail
N111111 cul n hair PuU from flu' Lead of the s(et of sin and doubt and it was as estuesa of a swimmer struggling for his D<xa It run away like a fairy coach,
any OP you." rough it the Mediterranean on the lift' put out for shore. Tbere is o great Or snake you puff and blow ? fresh and new saed.
Knoiviug that they call never get to fourteenth night, when they threw the warm lire of welcome alread built, and
the desired port, they make the sea art grain overboard, but I saw there wits alread • Y far out ,isµ " e` a see," he said, ill explanatlun, Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs,--
the fourth night black with overthrown werey for It sinner, and that plank I you are standing lin itaegEnial and hear- tttchtdn'taiuxleratanddabouttlthe cyclo sac
cargo, so that when the Bh►P strikes it took, and 1 have been warming myself euly g[uty. The angels of (,'oil's rescue it is extremely doubtful whether H htr4i a+ • �►r • IR VY I Clinton.
will not strike so heavily. At daybreak b,v the bright fire on the shore ever are wading out into the surf to clutch number of our tittle ones, eflp,•c•}q!}, ,n f •
they saw it creek, and iu their exigeuc,v ernes. your hand, and they know how exhaust- cities, have store than the faintest !den
resolved to wake for it. - --
• Aud su thoy ed oil are and all the rcdeen,c•d ,rode- '--------------- ------
1Fhilt I aur talking to another man Y 1 I of what u ---- - -- -
cut tit(, cables, iasis to the two paddlra r, s,arden. to which the old ref- - _---'----'
they had on those old boats and hoisfted about ills son] he tells me, "I do not Snls oP heaven are oil the heaclr with Bion referred, really is. But I will pro- READY
the mainsail ao that they might cunt,' I become a Christian beeanae I do not new white robes to clothe all those woo cee.d ; OR BUSINESS _
with such force Its to 1e dt•iveu lugle beliefo there is any bell at all." Ah, e01110 in o, broken pieces of the sill). � � a
tap) on the beach by some fortunate bit- don't you ? Do rill the poople uP alt the DIy sywpathica ar(: for such all the 1,LIttle JIe(•k I;orner eat In the corner, y��rl i yyt
beliefs and nO belief tit all, OP good mor- more because I was naturally skeptical, (1pant of his btcyele chain, �1" �C'i�+CO Che Clinton Family Grocer
law. 'There she goes, tumbling towards , ,til and bad morals, g0 strai might to n hs disposed to i, about II" nut to its thuutb, and cut It off, plumb, Are now ready for hnsiness with y'
the rocks, uuw prow forenu,st nos I F p- [ (}ticstion ver = ea) lag, YOU bet I dont lu that n • u new and select stock Of Fa Groceries
stern fo"cucost, Dow rolling over to iho ,v heat•en ? Do t}ie holy turd the de_ this life and the next and wits in danger lata, I Flour, Feed, I rovisions, &c. WO guartIntee our value' y
starboard, auto uvet til the larbuarrl ; Hunched have the sumc destination: At of being farther out to sen that, ally of "That teaches a lcason, as well as in- the market. '!'Ctrs a specialt• 'Ler s to be the very best iti
Midnight, in a 1u111wlty, the owner of n the 2?16 la the Mediterranean breakers, culcuting ill the child the Dec^ssiry far Y ass Cash or Produce.
now u wave dashes clew over the dt'ek• hoose and a burglar meet. They both and I coifs suwetlines the annoyance of cleaning ale bicycle. I have here ,Ili- SEIEPF�r4R®& �3EACi®1lA, <i1i01TARlO ST., CLINTON.
turd it seems it,,, if the old craft bus gone file, rind both are wounded, hit the my theological professor because_ I ask- other:
foicver, $tit tr[p she comes again, ]'aul'H burglar dies in five minutes, unci rho ed So) nsuty questions. But I came in Hoy, diddle, diddle, the int alio till, fiddle+ �'�®®�°
ar,ns around a must he crieR ; "All !s _.___
nhnet of .the house ]Ives a iveek artev. on n plank. I ltuew Ghnist wua the 7Y(e cow jumped over till- 'alts, CLINTON- -.-_._ .. ------ -- ®`_._
well. (rod haR given me all those that � ail with Itte." Crash went the na «ill tilt, inlgl:tr be at the gate nP bell Saviour of sinners and that I was a sin- The tittle lmv laughed, to Hee such $port, � VL/ (�/Qsy D
with such force that it broke off the I ven, Waiting, when the house owner• ner and I gut ashore, and I flu not pro- And the the went off on it strike. r DDR, and BLIND FACTORY
mast. Crash went the umbers till the comes in ; Will the dpbnuchrr, nail the poa(- t0 go out un that sou again. I "All strictly modern, as you wall note,
sea rushed through from side to side of libertine g' right in among the families have not for 30 miuutta discussed till, t1 ongh f011ntt iuJ, ci, sely the style tiles
the vessel, Rhe Of htnveu I wonder !f 1lerOd is Plny_ controverted points of theulogy in 30 has wade their author t'atuous Prom ,I ---o
Parts unsi the incl Ing on the banks of the river OP life years, raid during the rest of my life i tinip antedating the wonderful ship
n thousand f avec tits the vessel with the children ie massacred. I won- do not Itropose to discuss them for 30 > tile and into the waves 27tf mortals are der if Charles (Iuitetni and John \Gilkes seconds. building Pcrforucance of our dooeascd I S. S. �,���� ' �T.��r'� rTE��O
proccipitIlted. Some of them had been Fin()til are UP there shooting at n mark. I would rather in n mud scow ter to frielid, the lamented Mr. Noah. Btit to I d� r
brought up uu the BeasAore and had I do not now cotrtrovert it. although I weather the worst cyclone flat' ever proceed
learned a Yesvim with their chins just must say that for such a miseraido swept up frOw the Caribbean than risk . "There was a onion In our town, General Euilder.and Contractor.
above the tosses, and by the strokes uY heaven I have no admiration, Ftut the my immortal soul III useless and perilous I And he was wondrous wise,
both :firma unci Propulsion oP both feet j3}hle does not say, "I3elievp in Perditlor, discussions in which Boyne Of my breth. � He bought blmself a Buneoinbe wheel This factory has been under the personal supervision
they put out for the Leach scud reach it. nail b( sa,ed." Beeause all lire saved, ren In the nriuistr are indul utg. The lit'carsat• 1t pleased his eyes. eight years. We carry an extensive p tocnand ownership for
But alas for those others ! Thpy have according t0 yol,r theory, that ()tight not y a y 1;lie Pound apaint h It omit to ride, give estimates for an build and reliable stock and
never learned to swim, or they were remfuel me of a Company of sailors stand- I d b ltld all classes of buildinne on short Prepare plane and
tt'ouud('d by the falling of the roast, or to koro you from loving and serving Ing on the Ramsgate pier head, from Flis whoel as salashed to smithereens closest prices. All wails is s notice anti on the
the nervous shock was tot) great for I Christ. I)o not refuse to come ashore which the lifeboats are usually launched, I ley one of half the price. supervised in a mechanical way and satisfy
them. And Others had bee be(unse till the others, according to your and coolly disrnssing the different kind tl! that glitters is not gold. you Itnotr, guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in and exterior material.coon
n weakened theory, tyre going to get nahore. -You of oarlocks and how deep a boat ought
by long seasickness. may have a different theory about ehem- to set in thee water, while a hurriciine and enamel doesn't mace a 'bicycle, til• Lumber, Lath, Shingles Lime. Sash, D
Oh, what will become of them ? `•Take fairy, about astronomy, about the atmoR• is in Eull blast and there are three though it stay disguise otic, })<, ,fly con GOTS, Minds, Etc.
that pil,ee of a rudder," says Paul to one. steamers crowded with though
i But t0 go ui with our lurittirg,
'"Fake that fragment of It spar," save- Phet0, from that which others adopt, passengers going The next refers to the bit g Agent for tl.e CELEBRATED RAYBiLL SCHOOL DE
bttt you are not, therefore, hindered from to Pit'''e's in the offing, An rid fur, the Yc]e r:ic'ne r Ci SIS, manufactured
I a t to it(] Poll. "'Luke theft fntrtge of action. muscles Of Ills flee working with ner- "111th, ball, black wheel, have at Waterloo. Call and gat prices and estimates before placing your orders,
Castor and Pollux." Tt]1cC that plank Because your theory of light is differ- vOtrs excitement, cries °tit : 'This is no speed ? You any
Prum the lifeboat." "Take anything nold ent front others do not refuse to open time to discuss such things. Dian the Yes at Yes sir, barrels for to sell,
head for the heach•" Wbat a. struggle r � ------_----- -__.___
t your eyes. 13ecanse your theory of nit lifeboat . Who will volunteer ? nut Some far the quarter, H°ma for the half, I k
for life a the breakers . ee ill(• racier is different you do not refuse to brrvatl,b. with her into tit(- surf : Pull, lily Inds; And snn,e for the homestretch when 1 hear 1
less wuterH, how they ,'anti aver Lie Because your theory about the stellar pull for the wreck ! Ila, ba ! Now we the bell. Cheap
r T r
heads of men, women anti children ! , then,. Lift them in and lay them "Other revised versions of the t)tirsery I Cheap• Cheap i
lIobl on there ! Almost ashore, hire syatpm is different you dr not refuse to down ori till, bottom oP the host. Jack, rhymes are ,is follows : {AI •
up your courage, AlI{nntuber ,that Patel i nehnotvledge the North Star, Wits I •
i should the fust that your theolo ireil Y°u try to bring them to. Nut these I BUT jjl/C(i p e p�1rp/t1.
told you. !'here the receding wave an theories are different hin+lcr you fn>nt I filuinels trnnnd their hands and feet:, 7.ltth• lits lJlehuel Rat mi her cycle' $TEFL 66■GSH �'dlE (�1i1d9911tA
the teach lertt•es !n the scud a whole the acting Upon what p 1 and I will pull for the shore. (:oil tel And foolishly ]coked around.
Inntily. There rratt*ls n) Out or the I A P you know It vast , t , t rr the wnyu't sn pretty, ailuH, what a pity, WIRE WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. These
surf the centurion, There ivaother planit I Lave not a whole shi}) 'fastener] in the +nuc , '['here . Landed , Hnzza lYhen they rifted her are the ground.',
comes ill with a lil'e c•llugi 11 fast t° it, ' theological drydocla to bring you to i When there are No ninny struggling !n P„ o Q4Q�Q�e4
tvlunrfage, you have at least n plank, the tt*avl,s Of sin and sorrotr' and wretch- "Slug a snag Of sbeckels, uhundred-dollar i ru. oop� O�
Yesaunthit piece of the shuttc'r('d "Sante On brOl:en pieces Of the shi )." ednoss let all else.
Yes with its f'eightage of uu fmnu(r- I go but salvation for blit I a
1 1'hut's how It hits pupa -Itis boy with joy
till soul. 'They must by this time ;ill bi' • g "But I don't believe in revivals.,, Tbon tints and eaivation forever• to Jill. O to Your room, 11th 1111 alone, with I bethink myself that thei�e tir•e sonic 'rile, thore eontte the extras, which coat n I �
I Cr
saved. les, there corner in lust of all, tour door luciceri, give your heart to (loci' here whose op[)ur(urtity or whose fife is tenser' more; FENCINGfor lie had be -it overseeing the refit, the nttd join some Church wile ' amere wreck, sail then have onl a It u'10 et ter I
old mlssiuuarY, wile wrings the water whore the thermo- y t y ) gan to rale that anon it I �
mater never gets higher that, 50 it, the srnitll 01'14' left. You started Ili youth 111+In't pour. I
front his ,ray beard and cries out. s})tide. with all sails set, and everything pro- i
"79rtu)le lard, a!! are Lore I" j ,, mined a gran)} voyage, but you hate ail- "till, 1 last stanxn will apPoal straight ' Mrwntaotnredrtnd6oldby
(;ntltcr around :t fire nail call tlu' mil, ' lint I dr not believe in haptfsm." I to the heart, I know, I have utters :
Paul builds it fire, rind tt'llert the buncUe ' Come in without `it and settle thut.mat <a] in the wrong direction Or have found- THF ONTARIO WIRE FENCINQ CO., Lro, C� �f
of s -irks login i'u crackle anti standing ter afjerwuril. But there are so many erred on a ruck. You have only :t frog- , "Jur. ]tunkers started for Yonkers, kieton.Ontario. • • �Aes well as,
and sitti,)g around the blaze t11r. ,.,fl_ 3uconsu lont Christjans•" Then rains in anent of tall, }eft. Then cutnte fn on After tt shower of rapt,
1' and show thoni by a gond example hots that one Ipl:wk. "Some on broken fie was rldlug quite tiff), (� +��j+}jj7�111rQ 1 C'il'�®Iq�E STEEL WIRE scugerH begiu to recover front their 1.11111, professors should net. `lint 1 don't be I Pieces of the ship.' I 'fill Ise took a slde•silp clPlttlj�jn �e ���-i Ii�I�'�'
and the �ti•t clothes Leila to) l dry, and .Bove ill till. �)[d Testnnteut,'t Then i You admit you are all broken up, one tiuw his budY's racked with pain, 11 it ��� TRELLIS,
tvarutth begins to cants into all the shit*- •come fn un the New. "13th I don't }!k.e. d''('ade of your life gone by, two decades. "And tIm sE juvt what all:c me," sail LAWN FENCINGS Err 1 POULTRY YARDS,
passeugurs, let the purser of thE' the hook of Romans.' '1 hen come fn three decades, four decades, it half cen- tl.e bicycle f i,utor, S �.
vessel gu around and see if any of the nu :1il,tillety m Luke. Rer,b(.I tory, verhalis ,three-quarters oC' a cen- "} he , ARE SOLD ver �[II
pour rreut t a are missing. \'tit uuE: or to ('})rit, whom you ndmit t, the the fury gone. The hourlban(] ant] the min- "iiaur� mWin�s e(nrn:el fa the human y CH LOWER this year, than ever before,
the Crowd that were plunged Tutu the Saviour of the lust, because .you cannot Ute hund of your clock of life are ill- bi-tis`." sni.l the It. I'. THEY ARE THE BE
read :Hutt !t relieves our anxiety tux w'' oldinit uthor things, you are like it ninn most parallel, turd soon it will be 7L and I.,+n hr )nosed art into the strug'-ding,
Sotue oil broken Pieces of the your tiny ended. Clear discouraged. ! g • ST, ask your Hardware Merchant for thele,
shi And so it came to puss that they °tut there fn that Mediterranean tempest., ged. are nn:sy world t. silenJw t,s 1r: —
-- -
escape ;til safe to ]and."
.Ind tossed fu the Dielits breakers. re- yon ? I admit that it is a still thing t0 sail :Ie world k,ew Lfm teat. awn ra _ -- -- _ -_-._. _ _-- _
Having lir) fitRiug t+) come ashore until he can mend give all of our lives that are worth any- j � �y�_ }CJ�j qp lit] j }� yip j1 - "" .1
Having Previous occasions }coked the pieces cif the brokeil slip, I hear thing to sin and the devil, and then lit ! 11U Old Rellabl8 Fl�rllitul Ip S�J�j �j m'�_ �f}t r7
to the other passengers, I coffins a wh) him say : "I won't go in on any of these last make God a preseut of a first rate I neertain �UU
-°-day to an brokexanen
of those who) � broken planks until I know in what part corpse. But the past you Cannot tC ' � r IJQ
cute in on broken pieces uP the ship. I of the ship they belong, When I can get cover. Get on board that iki ship you I 1 'dh•,%• %-`%•1 ,,%.1%.•q.•%.p
1'liere is souethiug about thorn that ex' never will, Have you onl
cites in uic 11a interest, i tint not so the windlnas in the right P11ic'e and the Y one more I Call in and see nay st(tck Of HOU eho](i Filrniture. tirnite late desi�n5 in
Preach interested in those that could I s:ttls-.set' trod that keel piece where it Year left one more month, one more I [+:tTG:DiSION, TABLE'S, 13F.I)HUU1I iI f ['I?ti fn Oak, F:Irn e "
belongs, and thin firor timber right, and day, one more hour-'comr in on that. f - FANCY ROCKF:RS, ,11ATb:1)"�;;[;S, SPI? l'1'S i Ash J[alple, &(..
swim. They got ashore as I "l)"te+i, I these ropes untangled, I will go uRhore, Perhaps if you get to neaven Card may , 131 D4, YI( t I: R F,ti, (I Ii -
A wile of outer is not u very groat un' ! I ant .ir, old sailor and 1 know all nbout let yon go out un some great mission to T.\!l� I OLF,S, filDb:[30A[tI)ti, F:\tiLI;S, ('is\ R1 T:lI3LL8, &c,
durtttking for u strong stvlrun,•r, or I ships for 40 years, and its soolt its I can Rome other world, where you can some, I ! Pictures Framed glass used ill picture fr•tur,es, s ;'
even two miles are not, But I r:nnnot what atone for I peciaM iutportvd. Jlouldiligs,
stop thinking of those on brrkpu pieces get the vessel afloat in good shape I will your lack of service to ,,\�t .\uu'ricrut rand Citnrulirtu, i'irle assortment, Frances fur Photos.
the ship. The great I J come fn." A roan dri'd says
by on o pwill 1 this. From many a deathbed i have seen � PHCOR I•ight, i;ood vrtlue for your money• (.0(1,1 Feathers taken i
gas el a1:1P is of wood Leafs hits and as s : Yon will n exch;tlt i ,
tie finest a the universe cued can carry get that ship recut- r P n deplorati(m some- 'V � `olne good Feathers t'or Sale, fi'•
more ,drown before you the hands thrown ti i
passengers you
any croft ever strueted. Better do as I run doing. I thing like this ; "D[y life has been wast- 1 �
wrockucte(i, and you could no more f know nothing about ships and never saw ed. I )Ind good mental faculties and I i I 40401► v► ®01►1
wreck it old you could wrecit the I
thruuc of Vold Almighty, I wish all I otic before ! camp on board this, and fine socthroe position and great Opportunity, J�� I �_` I �j �� � �0 Albert street
I cannot swim u stroke, but I am oing but through worldliness all has gone to + `/ V
the people would conte aboard her. I waste save these few remaining hours. • •� O1'1)cpsut•c Town iIaI1
could not promise a smooth vuyake Por ashore oil ihiR shivered terns>pr." g',' ne 7-•
matt err the oiling,while trying a mend L new accept Christ. and shall enter "ir \Ip\ Leading Undertaker and E
Ofttiwi+s it will be tempcstuunH lir a Y g ..
chopped sea, but I could proniNe Eafo I his ship, goes down. The man air heaven through Iifs mercy, lett, alas, `� g Znbalmf�r.
arrival for all who took I traated to the plunk is saved, Oh, my j nlns, that when i might havo eatere,l Resilience otOr Store, _ _ }
l)tr.y we on thus I bro[hCr, let your sntrtshed up system of tit(' }leaven of eternal rest with a full ` ,_ J, C' R� pt.r�.tir)�,
(creat Eastern, so called by rap becuusl' thl,olugy go to the bottom while cargo and been greeted by the waving ` __ -
its coin mauder came out of the lgnst tbt, you hands of a multitude in whose salvation r ^ -
star of the east a budge of ills sutuor•- I come fn on the splfntered spar. "Some I hall }corns a hiesst,rl � C�oderiah Poultry Yards. _ _
Ivy• on broken perces of the Rhip,' part I must con- [breed mingle comb Itroan LOghorna cxclu- I Haus(} for Sale. You may get all your difficulties set- I fess I note enter the harbor of heaven
But a vast multitude do not take re- tled as (.?aribaldi, the magnetic Italian, on broken pipers of the ship I' C_'1tRtnwar-•1Vilf tl e cashier br stoat' tipinlqy hMdrrtobk n saperior broil, the yard Two story framo house in Cli
gular passage. Their theology is broken ]nap r y large, vigorous cor•krCl stonocelter, hard and ROP, tvnterL( oridte rn0a( ,
to pieces, their life is broken its peaces, got Las gardens made. When the war I whh•Ii scorud 94 by JarvJH: also hens senrinil',I Framo ller, h. For Pa II grr»s, I.
1 between Austria and Sardinia broke out, For Success in War. tip ffii a B0Y-It will depend entirely un lir 91 points. They aro fila bust egg producing filo owner, JOShP jjiarticuln" 1111113. to
and [heir worldly sand spiritual prospects IiA2.LAV50ti, (111rion,
are broken in pieces and he was living at Laprera, n very rough + For a success 'n war, the indispensable jury. roc of ppoultry. 5ketisfru:tion guarantood or 0:10•tP
pieces, yet I hieing and uncultured island home. Bat he ; complement of intellectual rasp and in orcll r01111ed. Ri{gs per setting of 13 $i; 26 I y
they are going to xeach the alining ve•ent forth with ilia Bword to achieve the Ri !at !s n moral grasp
eggs for $1.76. A(1(lruss ,
shore, and I am encouraged by tic' px- libt,ratioti of Naples and Sicily nail g power, which enables A Lonfenr sentence, W. A. ItUSv, I nm
perieneq of those people who are spoken 9000WO Y gave a conn to trust the inner light, a power Judge -You etre charged with carrying !)Rl-CP O., ;,ich. U,t.. •GENTS. fust stees, ma !hp hc.t.
people free government Under which dominates hesitation and sustains __ thin for money making yon
Of [n the t(txt, Some on broken pieces , conMit ted weapons. �i h • _ _ _ huvc soon for assay a clay. Four name and oil
of til ship," 1 Victor I:mmnnuel. Garibaldi, after be action, in the most tremendous enter "lt !I all a Ons'te, your lionnr. You !r Clays Poultry, d"ass will brit the golden inPn 11 name
OUT object in this sermon is to en- Ing absent two years from Caprera, re- gencies, and which, from the formldsb4, ser, ! had a Pt r al) old _ _ Igt. I . (ILAiC;U�V, fiflontn, ant, s
courage nli those foto Cannot take the turned, and when he approached it, he character of the difficulties It is called to shoved into my pocket to illaYtrhtft a A.(3(39 FOR HATCHINCI. a
found that his Lome had, by Victor confront, is ill no men so coUvpicuruslY vory elrver pull I reeei,tly ,v,jj-kr•d tip,
whole system ll religion as we believe Ennmannel, na of surprise, neen l+ldenized. Prominent as in those who are entitled I LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND
it, but ashore
featly believe something, to Trinimed shrubbery bad taken tine p}ace to rank anion get the boys to talk n6ut bnllonns, I:nglfRh Had Caps. Noted for their grunt
comC ashore on that one lank, of thorny thickets, g great captains, The two
gardens the place of elements -mental and moral ower --are and then I taay my life was once scared Fgg producing qualities and having n0 super -
I do not Underrate the value OP a great I by Parachutes. When they give me the for, MHO a good table fowl. Santo of �--- -WAGON FAGTOiIY
theological systetn, ,put where ill all the he, once
and the old rookery in which often found separately, rarefy in Sue i the above wero winners tit I�eW \'ark, t
I he once lived Lad given wit ton laugh, I draft• the old pistols-Pltfr-o'- Corner Huron anti Oran
Bible is there anything that soya ; Be -Y plc combination. In Nelson they met, and shoots, yore un,'t-s•tnnd ? IIs, ha. 11u !1, London, Toronto. F.'gggRforeott.Iug 13 for $1.60, go Streets, Clinlnu,
leers In John Galvin and tion shalt be tared mansion. And I tell' you if vast ,their coincidence with the expeptfnnal "flee! run invent that ?" (-Ornish Indian gamo, king of tabic fowl, also A'irst-C1nRH 2inggios on hand
will comp and enliflt. Under our S'ictor opportunities afforded him l,onstituted t 1t'ood layers. Roosters wefghisg 10 Lo ![ 1bH.; order. 1'rieeR to suit the t1meR, j;� made to
Raved ? o a believe in believe
Hind tion J+;mmanuel and follow Him through his "i'f's, your f[onor ," net1H 7 to x pon� 1 1CggR per soul to $Lon, order.nairH kind
shalt be saved i or, believe in Synod of thick and thin and tight Hifi battles and Mshan's I ifs of Nelson ra greatness- "ry'hirty' dayR."-'r "i -nits tt AhT�i)K COATti, Kos 102, Clinton, ant. ' able. repainting Promptly attend to. Prices reasoi,.
Dort and thou shalt be saved. A man 'Will guarantee a fair hatch. __ ___ __
msY be Orthodox and endure iIfs sacrifices you trill Sad after-------
terodox and go to hell or Ise- awhile that ITe has r -}ranged your heart ,Jock's Loyal Hlster -- - ` -- QS1110p Directory tap Z$97,y
go to heaven, The man Ittgnt lfleoa at Ilr,lr;ht Ttme,
who in the dee affection Ot his heart Errm a jungle of thorny skepticism into Tirem-I've had a terrible do at the '( raw scotch }nil joiner] the v,,leclt. To Lnprovers of Stook•
accepts Christ is awed, and the man a garden nil abloom with luxuriant joy , y ttCrs and on the. first parade day his
that you have ever drenmecl of •from a office and I rn mad clear through. NOw aster came with hiH mother to sec the c The nndersignod haR on hiR premises, IRLh John Morrison, ReOvo. Winthrop P, U,
who does not accept Him ILA font, tangled Caprera of sadness Into n to make it worst, I get this rlresamaker's oncesRlon, tsar tied ow Oil hi Wrn• Archibald, neputyy Reovo, Leadbnr P,
I believe !n both the Eieklefber and para• hill of yours. I tell recimonr• P• Daniel Manloy, ConncillOr, JJoechwood il. (),
g disc of Clod. I You I'm mad. C)u the march pits, ,L,r tt ,vas .)art o[ A Thoroughbred JorRey dull, T°rens:--$I JOR. C. Morrison Councillor. Beechwood P. t
Westminster catechisms, and I wish ,von I do not know how Wife -Now would be s good time for still$2.
all did but y g your theological fi sti•p, bVm. McClav}n, Gfounc111or, Leadbnr o d
you may believe in nothing system went to pieces. It may be that yon to heat those carpets, dear. -New 'Look, mither," said his sister, "they'r A Thoroughbred Chester White Pear. 'JOO• C, Morrison, Clerk, Winthro [� U,
they contain oxct,pt the one idea that your parents started you with only one oris World. a' oat n' ate but oar ,Jock 1'-(Llasgow Terms: --$1, with the privilege of returning. William Evans, A;ZsR r, Beechwood P. O,
Christ Came to save sinners, and tint }auk, and you believe little or nothing. P A thorougghbred Tamworth Boar. Terms; - David M Rona, TrOrtsnrer, Vi IntJnrp Y, tt,
oil n.re not One of tnem, and you are pp The Stron¢eat stones. Elpt a Ill. $1. With prit•tlogo of returning. C'hartos I)oddo, Collector, 9oaPort.h I', O,
y se they snag have been too rigid and The trap rocks of New Jersey anti the This to a rare chance Improve P
instantly rrflcued. It yoU Can conte in S Richard oolits, Sanitary Ino actor, 1. O. ury.
On the severe o religious discipline a and crack. P your stock.
grand old ship, I world rather ed yon Over the head with a salmhnoh, doleritE's of Staten Island are the strong- riocoivtna, ,_____,-
'live you get aboard, but if you can It may be that some partner In business eat stones in the United States, their She. --What a little mouth your ynnn 91154. T. C. Fnyttixna,
Only find n piece of wood as long ns who was a member Oi an evangelical crushing resistance being 2.1,000 pounds Lady friend has I It doesn't look large _ Ownor• Dress Matting Sohool. 16
the human body, or s piece as wide as church played on you s trick that des- to the cubic inch. enough to hold her tongs('. `"-� The Retool Oi dross entttn fR ?pen at t,hc
the outspread human arms, and either tit grated you with religion, It may be 1 He -It doesn't. -Yonkers Statesman. Ner Majesty's Dlamosd Jsbllee - Waverly NOtel, Clinton. t. now tailor Hysteni,
th(m is a piece of the croHfl, come h on that yon have nssociateH who have, tslh 1 "Thimbles Malo by Maohlnos. IVAItRIiCH 'Rnoen Victoria, Her Life and tho loacying system of rho world. Cove,w rho
that place. TCttA of thousands of P('e)Plp ed against Christianity in your presence Thimbles are made b V Raid into ovary tomo. Persons who entire ran go oP work. (!tits every style of gar
are to -(lay kept Out of the kingdom Ot 1 Y a singularly in xt't'at ./nitn,le feasor never R°ld books take orders fast. Protacu the meat on t O goods, no Cuts
ev no
(foil because they cannot believe every- until you are "alt at sea," and ,yrs dwell geniotus piece of meehsnism which re- Niaek-Cao Von get me a lock of your most eloquent of Lord Duirerfn'sachieof ce R. C°Rto no more than,'chart. LORROr)R given�nt.
thing. more on things you do not believe than Ceives Plat" of Polished brass or steel sister's hair, .fAnnit, ? No book so highly praised, Wo ,Iced more
oU thin s canvaaROrR, FaR to mak° Your own home without extra charge, special
I am tnikin with a man thoughtful g you do believe. You are in at one stroke, stamps them into shape Johnnie-- So ; het I can tell you where $I6 to VW week. rates; to nresa makers and irfrIA Pron the cOtI f
g g One respect like Lord Nelson, when a sand makes the indentations, %he g, to tit,- Tut -Bits Bookfl on time. �ospoletas free to °anvassors. Y• Tho Clinton IndfOR R Could not miss ON •
. A trial will cost nothingg+ and it may ftll�your °hanc0 t° perfect themselves In this Important
. Oatp t�qq ppocket book, TIIR BRADLPY•(iAR. branch 0t work. Open daily for one month. 1
RETSON CO., L'Tn., Toronto, Ont. April I3. 060 44 ,
. .i ..,
. a y. ,r'
, '
E ., lIl
� M
•1. mak. _: _ .