HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-09, Page 5, CG
Nuggets Always Late
t�nation. The Gold is' In the lYlorning
Yours, ;T oNew i
Ones Euerd Week. Is lour Trouble• • •
00000.000000 Resolutions will never help you
's DAVID you seen the big bottle of Ma- unless you add to thein an
'i phiueoilwettrusellingatloc? Thousual
tj jjoc size is a 2 Oz. bottle. 'flue one we AArousing
ll you is a (i oz., 3 tintes ordinary irize.
e Oil we guarantee -that means Alarm Clock .. .
#rQui us your uluney back if you want ,
))lore are several makes
ONE tar two tablespoonfuls of Am- ranging from 75c up.
' =011111 ip a pail of water will clean
Windows better than soap. It is also 5 one, made efi-
V,.,�1nr x1.25
Aiseful for dozens of other purposes. peeially for Jewellers, is
Wese 1 you a Pint bottle of it, extra
sero for 20c-, or bring your bottle, one yon can depend On.
'! We'!1 11 it proportionately cheap. It will keep time and last
f;'"'. house t
onethe can afford tice We o ell halventaserubs nuwbern t for years. 4
he or be forone. around. G fur
We will repair our watch if un thin
PURE Castile Soap at our price, 8 five' ];oes Wr ng with it, and it will
cent will
for 25c, puts the best soap )e right if we do it.
made within the reach of all.
SPECTACLES fitted as We tit tine;,, on
11.000b O
X31 scientific principles, cannot be astray.
31::'•, We test free, guarantee a proper fit or
UQ charge.
IN dealing with ala you get What you
want at prices that are right. You
�''• take no risks, for any goods that areP. fl.. Crows
;qf not as we represent will be bought ,
back at the price you pay.
•••••••••••+ Jeweller and
Expert Watch
Wilson Repairer.
Be sere and come to Clinton June
Graduate___----,1r2nd, you will miss a good thing if you
' Druggists and Opticians. don't, We guarantee you it good
day's sport.
Beumiller Woolen Mills,
=i Ladies As usual I am prepared to purchase Wool at
` the highest market price for cash or will ex.
Belts change for my manufactured goods. Aly stock
i of Stocking Yarns Horse Blankets, Bed Bhtn.
leets, Flunucl and JVw•eeds, is now complete and
guaranteed ntamlfactdred of home fleeces and
and-,, - free from Shoddy of any description. Don't,
forget I shall nay cash for Wool at the highest
R �V market price.
WO -81; Sets.WO-81;R „ JI:SS GLFDFIILL.
Mow about a new pair of
In Belts the have a very largo SPECTACLES?
line, all the very latest pat-
terns. We have some nice
+ ones with bicycles on. The
. prices are 15c up.
In Blouse Sets we lead, we have it,st Every, pair of glasses fitted by A. T.
received a half gross, that Cooper are guaranteed to give entire
t were bought at a very low satisfaction. All glasses fitted On
price. We can give you a scientific principles that cannot be
beautiful set for lOc collar astray. It costs no more to get the
hest from us than to buy inferior goods
button, three studs and a nice frons peddlars.
pair of links, all for only 10c. The scientific fitting of eyes is our
Remember these goods are specialty and you always know where
silver plated. Come and see to find us,
them. WM. COOPER & CO.
P. a. -Don't forget that we do Engrak•-
Prices from f$1 upwards.
ing in our store while you wait. -
JJEWELER, and Bell Telephone,
s ° Valuable Property for Sale.
'Clic undersigned offers for sale his fifteen
stere, of land, in the township of HulleLt, ad-
joining the ee'porlition of Clinton. The land
i, of clay loam and in excellent condition; all
I` ,ceded clown, except small portion for potatoes,
' 'na ']'here is stone foundation and cellar for rest-
` do"nee; frame barn, stable, cow stable, &e.:
there are a number of hearing fruit, trues, guod
well Water, &o. Only few Minot". walk front
past, office. There: is no more deeirablo pro-
perty adjoining Clinton. The price in reason -
abs" and terms will be mad" to suit pnrohat.V
For particulars write or apply at Ttiiti Nisws-
RFiCUIaD OiHCC, Ur LO the e)y II L'1•,
�k'1'l. M1"111111\
Clinton 11. U.
n , Miller's OMRIDUS Line,
Goderich, Ont.
1a When in Goderich do not, neglect to secure
Miller's Omnibus to all parts of the town, Our
livery is well equipped with reliable hons and
good riga, and prices will always be fount reit-
''y, sonablc. Stab,", on Fast Street, noir the
Squaro-telephone No. 51,
i; Goderich.
Every Student onr )Friend
C VT�a�L
our work never fitils to interest the students
because it:si thorough, practical, up-to-date.
{ Our graduates Always recommend our school
and ludiwe others to come. We sati.slied then,
and we call yell.
You u•raot the Lent -ire Mare it.
Write for new circulars.
NV. J. H111110•CT. Principal.
Furniture for Sale.
l'j 11RS, W1fl,1 1', who has decided to renlovo
from Clinton oli'ors Iq private sale the follow.
ing Fnrnit n c., ul her rooms over Mc.
's Banat
" 2l,arge Easy Clutir-i t Wood Rocker, 1 Baan -
it• boo Mtlsl• Viand. I Parlor heater, zinc,(W-
cloth all(] Stave Pipe., I Table, 2 Blinds, I Car-
rret, 2 Window ~(Teens (large), •L flanging
+. Lamps, I large Table Lannp, 2 snulller Lamps,
I Mantlolied, (AnLique (sal(,) suitable fol' gen.
;i tlematn's room, 1 Wasll.tetlul (closed,) 1 Bureau,
I Wardrobe, 1 Couch, 1 Kitchen Stove Oww,)
1 Cupboard, I (;ranite Pidl, d wooden Pails,
Fruit Jars, Crocks, Carpet Sweeper, (foal Oil
a r' Stovo, &c.
"+ HUM Street, clintori.
e are wide open for the hot weath-
er.. .son and are after your patronage,
Our parlor is cheery and comfortable.
Lllnchem at all hours,
- Huron St.
WITTS 1 Clinton,
s : tf
" t,y, Furniture and License. In good repair.
t, Doing good business. Possession at once.
1' APpIyy to MRS, SARAH BLACK, Dungannon.
! 10% Vey .
% o
A Day of General Rejoicing.
7 it, In - parade of Clinton Rrnss Banti to depot
to welcome visitors and Athletic Chubs.
0 it. tit. -Open airconcert by Exeter, BI.N. h and
(Tinton bras., Band, on the Market Ngaare.
10 a. til. -Monster parade of three Bands, Boy,
Brigade, Old Veterans, Societies, CoullIhs,
Firemen, Whecl,nen, Athletic Clubs, Horse-
men, Grotesque and Superb Floats, (arcus,
&c, -the greatest parade ever given -truly
u magnitleent eight.
11 it. til,-Roview of Roy.; Brigade, 200 strong
in command of ('apt. Combe on the Market
1 p, in . -Tirade of Band., Athletic Clubs,
Wheolmcn, etc., to park.
1.15 P. n). --Bicycle Races 1 nlfle-open-lst, $5;
2nd, $3. 1 !title. boys under 1(3 ---1st, $4; 'Litrl,
$2; 3rd, $1. Starter, N. Fair: Judges, J..1.
Allen, W. Harland; Clork of Course, E. Mc -
Lea u.
1.3U pp, til, -Lacrosse-l.uckitow vs. Clinton; Re -
rev. F, It. Beattie.
Parkor-Partello Troupe,
�On Special Platform.
Afons Parkor, Marvellous Swinging Wire Ar-
tist; 1
tint r
l t ,ibe•t • Trombone Soloist;
I nrtollo's "C"Icstial Pastimes in a Rash House;"
)'Il(, Divolas, Burlesquo Fccent ricities,
7 rick 'Pnnlbling.
I hind ng Dromfos,
ilmar Bros.,Th"latestnoyelty.
:3 P. In. itchtl• Race, open to Public School
k ;tins of .1 eoutc+tants, 1 1-3 miles, three
prizes, $8, $5, $2.
3.30 to. rn,--Bare Ball, 1,01)(1011 vs. Goderich; Dr.
Shaw, Umpire.
ri p. ni --Tug of war, open to trails from public
schools, 5 to a tea in, $5.
ir.15 ). m. --Tu )%,a • 1
of . 1 )ol.tvoon Bn. -
1 h 3 flcld, Varna
and (Tinton schools, $i.
7.:30 p, m,- Parade of bands, etc.. to )ark.
`ipocial drill of Roy: Jlrignlc. Fruity �i00p
Drill by If, girls. un(lowdirection of Miss 19.
Lou h. I ,a n •- , ,
Lough. Ile 1 ] al (1110 ('o in special itch,,
etc, arc. I'AI..tr.F: Oil i11USIC, consisting of
every kind of Musical Instruments, under
charge. of Mr. Geo. Hoare.
At the close 0f the evenings euLe (rlinnumt n
magnitl(cnt dkphty of fireworks, etc., followed
by it ,Jubilee bonfire will take Irhuw hs the park.
Don't go home without, visiting Miss Nlot'x'r-
CASTrdt's1 •, S
A ti r( nig, which will be open all
day and evening.
Ample Grand Stand room.- Popular prices -
and itl)undance to sec and hear.
Music by Blyth, Clinton and Exeter Bands.
Whon we (lo it.--Wc do it, well.'
J. P. DOHERTY, Secretary.
The convict, Gahan, who forged Hon.
R. R. Dobell's name on a check for $150
recently, was sentenced by .fudge Cha-
veau in the Quebec Police Conrt to ton
years in penitentiary. 'Gahan was re-
cently, released frons penitentiary,
where he was serving a term for vitriol
In the presence of a large crowd of
spectators Friday the grave of Sir
John MacDonald, tit Cataraqui ceme-
tery, Kingston, Ont., was decorated.
The proceedings were under the direc-
tion of the Kingston Conservatives,
while wreaths were sent from Winni-
peg, Montreal, and Ottawa.
Queen's -- lDiat
How to (
Call and examine our Stock and Pric
best induoauients to Cash purchasers
N. Robson, Gr
London Methodist Conference.
Stratford (Oentral), James Hannon,
D. D.; Stratford ( Waterloo street), A.
K. Birks, B.A., LL.B., St. Mat•y's, John
Learovd, Richard Service, supernuirt-
erary; Mitchell, J. W. Holules, Geo.
Smith, superannuated; Listowel, W.
Williams, D.D.; Milverton, 1i•. A. Fear;
Trowbridge, John Kenner; Wallace,
it. H. Bavuby, B. D; Atwood, John
Brill; Monkton, S. C. Edmunds, B. D.;
Staffa, J. W, Robinson; Fullerton,
Josim Greene, W. J. Mortimer -, Har-
mony, Jabez J. Noble; Embro, E. Ker-
shaw ; Welburn, R, J. Husking; Kin-
tore, Stephen Kuott.
Wingham, W. S. Pascoe, D.D,; Kin-
cardine, Andrew Cunningham ; Luck -
now, I. B. Wallwin, B. A.; Brussels, S.
J. Allin, John L. Kerr, Richard Paul,
W. Not ton, superannuated; Teeswater,
J. Ward, M. A., B. D.; Ethel, James
Walker, A.(7.F., Benjamin Sherlock,
and J. H. Watts, s(iperahnuated; Ford-
wich, T. Wesley Cosens; Gorrie, John
S. Fisher; Wroxeter, A. McKibhon,
B.A.; Bluevale, D. Rogers; Ashfield,
Robert H. Hall; Bethel, W. M. Pom-
eroy; Salem, N. S. Burwash; Ripley,
Francis Swann; Bervie, W. H. Moss,
D. H. F., T, Hadwin, superannuated,
Tiverton, T. L. Mccutcheon; White-
church; W. W. Leech; Belgrave, F. J.
Goderich (North street) Joseph Edge,
Goderich (Victoria street) W. H. Butt.;
Clinton (Rattenbury street) R. Mill-
ytud ; Clinton (Ontario street) B. Cle-
ment, Henry A. Newcomhe, superan-
nuated; Seaforth, Stephen Bond;
Holtnesville, G. W. Andrews, B. A.;
Blyth, Walter Rigsby, 'Vin. Mills,
Toronto, superannuated; Dungannon,
Benjamin L. Hutton; Nile, J. W.
Pring; Benmiller, E. Olivant; Auburn,
C. C. Cousens ; Walton, Albert, Tiffin ;
Londesboro', J. W. Andrews; Tucker-
sinth, W. A. Finley, under snperiu-
tendent of Chilton (Ontario street),
Clinton P. O.; Bayfield, I+l, A. Shaw ;
Varna, R. C. Burton; recommended to
go to college, .i. P. Westrnan.
Exeter (Main street), Oharles Smith ;
Exeter (Jatines street) N. R. Willough-
by, D. D.; Parkhill, H. W. Locke;
(John )Mille); Elimville, George Jewett,
J. Coulter; Centralia, George Buggin ;
Hensall, W. E. Kerr, 1. McKelvie ;
"*p pen, W. J. Waddell (Hensall);Cre-
diton, J. G. Yelland; .Grand Bend, G.
Thompson (Corbett) ; Sylvan, John
Hart (Parkhill); Ailsa Craig, C. Bart -
trop; Birr. R. J. Garbutt, L.L. B.;
Lucan, J.E. Ford; Granton,T. E. Harri-
son ; Woodham, J. C. Nethercott, Wu,.
Birks, superannuated; Kirkton, Thos.
J. Snowdon, Ph, B.; recommended for
college, C. C. Kain.
GR:k•rKF('L PI;OrLE. ,
Tho following letter written by the
Rev. t1 n,. Lawson,\TcthOdit iuinIs( c>r
t.ond -- Jubilee.
es and satisfy yourself that we offer the
of any house in the trade in GENERAL
over, Albert St., Clinton.
County Currency.
South Huron Liberals will meet in
convention at Hensall on June 11th.
A valuable bullock belonging to Jas,
Youill Go'lerich township was killed
on the railway track one day last
W. J. Chapman of Wingham left oil
Thursday hast to look afterhis interests
in the estate of his uncle, Mr. Thorn-
Farewell's clothes were expressed to
his wife at St. Marys the day rafter his
capture. His character niight have
been included in the parcel without
extra Cost.
Miss Minnie O'Connor of Brussels
sister of Mrs. (Rev.) E. W. Hunt, is
shortly to be rnarried to Rev. Mr.
Steele, a widower, who was for some
tone stationed at Kirkton.
Dan Showers of Wingli ani was at
the but tour of to well 30 feet deep when
it portion of the windlass fell and struck
him on the forehead, inflicting such a
had wound that a surgeon had to be
surumoned to dress it.
John Logan, a farmer from Clande-
boye, while consulting Dr. Grains at
West Selkirk,Saturday morning about
his physical condition dropped dead in
the doctor's office. He had been com-
plaining for some days of being un-
The Government has issued a regula.
tion in connection with custorns'
packages, which is important to bLISi-
ness iuen. Hereafter packages valued
under fifty cents will not be dutiable
and s(ic•hpackages will be delivered by
the post ,)thee.
Mrs. Patrick Boyle of Stephen died
last week after a brief illness of blood
poisoning. She had been confined but
a, few days previously. She was the
widow of the late Ronald Currie,
Parkhill, and married Mr. Boyle a
couple of years ago. She leaves Ia hus-
hand and two young daughters.
Won. Ross of Bluevale, who was lib-
erated from the London asylum about
eight. years ago, became so unruly that
Chief VanNorman'of Wingharn had to
go to Bluevale on Tuesday and put
liim under restraint. Ross was taken
to Winghttin and was sent to London
again in charge of Frank Paterson.
One of the prorressive farmers in the
township of Ashfield has a field of full
wheat which promises to give it Large
yield. During last sumurer the same
field, which was sown with fall wheat
theprevious fall, rotas attacked by
grasshoppers in such a manner as to
cut off the heads of wheat, which seed-
ed it for the present crop without any
grain being sown.
In pursuance of adjourninent the
council of West Wawanosh met on
Thursday, the 27th tilt., as a Court of
Revision of the assessment roll. There
were two appeals, the assessment be-
ing sustained by tho court, after which
other municipal business was attended
to by the cuurivil. All the Members
were present. Next session to be held
in the saint• place un Satarday, June
As Dr. Iiennedy auml J. Inglis of
Wingllan were returning front Blue -
vale the Other day their horse took
fright and rail away. The Dr. pulled
on the reins when one of therm broke,
turning the horse h wid throwing the
occupants out. 'ltlo(-t'
• e orad craille
: 5 head
in contract with a stone cutting a deep
gash on the side of it And relidcring
,lin, unconscious for about twenty
hours. He has since recovered,
(Corrected every Tumidity afternoon.)
at Rlchil)IICIO� N, I3., .nttesis it the
s 1'011 est manner the inerits of the Dr.
Fall Wheat ................... 0 68 to 0 69
Williams' Pink Pills, and a, perusal of
Barley .......................... 0 25 to 0 35
it will suggest why this great involi-
Uats ............................. 0 16 to 0 18
cine is so popular in thousands of
Peas 0 36 to; 0 38
hoines thymighout the Durninion•---it
cures when other medicines fail.
potatoes, per bush.......... U 30 to 0 25
Butter ................ 0 9 to 0 10
Rlciimuc,ro, N. B. April 26th, lSt)7.,
Eggs per doz................ 0 7 to 0 7
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Bay ............................... 8 00 to 8 00
Dear Sirs, --I ani glad to furnish you
Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50
the following voluntarily given testi-
Apples per bush ............. 0 35 to 0 35
monial, with the fullest permission t0
Dried Apples per Ib........ 0,2,1 to 0 21,give
the names and Place. They do
Ducks per lb ................. 0'05 to 0 06
this its a thank -offering to God and
Turkeys per lb, 0 06 to 0 07
your ,nedicine. Mrs. Vin. Warman
Geese per lb .................. 0 05 to 0 06
of Molls River (near here) says her•
Chickens 0 25 to 0 35
sem Alden was sickly froln birth. He
per pair............
could hardly ever retain food, and his
_ -
parents had but little hopes that he
would live long and the doctors who
WI1 hi
TIIo1n'soN. -In Goderich to s p, on Mn y
attended hint Were of the same opin-
'--8th, the wife of lir. John I'hontpson,Of L
ion. Till seven years of age he con-
tinurd in that condition. Thou the
M.IRRIIAId..--In Winnipeg, on May 20th, the
use Of Dr. W- lams' Pink Pills was
w ifcof ,loss. Marshall, (formerly ;Hiss Eva
si,arlhng) of a daughter.
begun, and am thein recovcyr•ed
kk.om)T,x,-In Winthrop, on Time. 2nd, the
and 19 now a strong healthy boy.
wife of Henry Warden of a ,von.
Mr. Warman, the: boy's father, also
MCDONAI,13,-111 Usborne, (Thames Road) on
adds his testimonial to the great value
the 30th tilt., the wife of Robert. McDonald of
of Pink Pills, saying: -"f suffcrecd
twins, son and daughter.
for years with a bad back, until I used
Arricmx_In Goderich, on May 2701, to Mr.
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and they
R"(1 Mrs. J. L. Aitken, amen.
;'tired me." Miss Annie Warman adds
Vosrlm. -in Exeter, on the 20th ult., the wife
of :lir. Geo, Vesper of it son.-
this evidence with enthusiasm and
t'reedom. "I was weak and sickly,and
didnotknowthe blessing of good health
till I took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I
('00g -J OilNsTON.- in Goderich, May 26, by
Ieight boxes incl have since enjoy_
Rev. JoO Edge, Geo. Cook of Bnyflold line, to
Miss Llley ,lohnston of Goderich "I
cd the best Of }]( ill ill, Ill Eisen I stn
gmN•r-FAIR fiiLD,-At Wallaceburg,on Mi
nevvi, sick now."
17th, J. 1'. Saint, of (tat Portage, to Airs. A1.
Here, you have three nnembers of It
Fairfield of Wingham,
family restored to health by time use of
Cmvnm-Joyvra.-At St. Panl's church,
(hnt.on, on June 2nd, by Rev. J. F. Parke, 1t.R.
our medicine and you would ,most
Y y
C:art W of Stapleton, to hose Amelia, daughter
covet their good ]health and, genial
of TL Joyner, sr., Clinton,
ways largely resulting from such
l:x�)x-W1L9DN.-At the remillence 0t the
health. They wish you to freely use I
brides parents, Auburn, on June 2nd, byy Rov.
these facts to help other sufferers, and
Mr. (""""s, Mr. Albert Knox of Hilllott, to
Lily, daughter of Mr. W. D. Wilson.
i Rini 'able As their pastor to certify to
T.ISWI8-FIL13SR.-At Crediton on the 27th
the facts above stated. I
,alt., by Rev. Mr. Schmidt, W. J. I,owis, mer-
81nCefely yours,
ohant.tailor, to Miss Emma, daughter of Mr.
ChristopherEJlber, of,Stephen.
Methodist Minister,HIND-COMMS.-In
Usborne, on .Tune 2nd,
by the Rev. Mr. Jewitt, at the residence of the
brido'm .rants Mr. Johnfin Hind of Exeter, ' tor -
Mr. Fielding stated Friday that he
moray 011 rllmvlllo, t0 Miss Victoria daughter
Richard Coultis, Esq.
hoped to have the s ij)plenentary esti-
mates down earlythis week.
ANDREW-COULTIS.-In Usborne, on une
The President of the Spanish Senate
2nd by Rev. Mr, Jewitt at the romidence o the
bride'. parents. Mr. Albert Andrew of Elim -
strongly recommends the Queen
villc, to Miss Ida, daughter of Richard Coultis,
Regent to retain the services bf rear-
Esq' -
Castillo. ing Premier (nanous, del (>astillo.
Mr. W. Molson Macpherson was
elected president of the Molsons Bank,
LATTA.-AtClntsellnlrst on the 30th ult., Jno.
Montreal, at a Lneeting of the directors
Latta, aged 57 years.
BOYLIt.-rn Stephen, on the 24th ult., Mrs.
hold in that City Friday. I
Carrie, wife of Patrick Boyle, aged 32 years, m
A requiem mass was celebrated Fri-
9nAw, -in Colborne, on May 22nd. Mrs.
day in the Catholic church in Athens I
Hannah Shaw, aged 80 years and 0 months.
Clinton, June 3rd. Alice
for the repose of the souls of foreign I
volunteers killed duringthe war with
Grattan, relict of the late George Grattan, of
Mrs. Robt. Holmes,
9t. CRtharines, sister of
Clinton, aged 135 years.
Have you tried theme-�
.Massey -Harris Bicycle,
It is just what you have been looking for, high grade
easy running, rich in appearance, strong and durable
You can't break them. For $85 or a discount for cash"
Brantford Ruby Rims
For $54.
Does your Pike need
11Ve know how to give you a satisfactory job. Re-
member a dry goods cleric ,nay sell dry goods but It
takes a machinist to repair a Bike. We are not on1Y,,
machinists but wo have the machinery to do your
work as it should be done. _Give us a trial.
The onward Bicycle Co., Clinton.
The Programme
- m.,For Jubilee Day is a Good One
But our programme for ever day left in June will be of
great interest, to Furniture buyers: We have without doubt
one of the finest, up-to-date stocks in this part of the country.
Our Goods are good and our 'Prices are low, but JUNE
PItICES WILL BE STILL LOWER,. We will make it in-
teresting to you if you come to us for all you need in Fine
It's one thing to sell cheap stuff' at cheap
prices but it is another thing to sell Good
Goods at low Prices. We do the latter.
Our Undertaking.. . .
It is hardly necessary to say much about
this department; we are doing our very
best to give the greatest service we can
and that we are getting so much to do
means that our efforts are being appre-
H. C. Barlett Furniture and
� Undertaker
It prays to Iulvertise facts only. Anything that call be proven is a fact.
We substantiate and prove all we advertise.
Our Stock....
For i tis is the largest in the county. For QUALtTY, our Goods cannot be
surpassed. For PRrcu, our prices are away below any in the trade.
Parlor Suites...
We have it line of Parlor Suites that y011 shOul(l 110t, fail to see, and the
prices of then, are away clown. We, have thein in Sillc, Silk Brocatelle,
Alollair Plush, C'ordnroy and Welton Rug.
We consider it a pleasure 16 show you our 1' URNITUItE whether you want to buy or not.
UNDERTAKING. til this Department Ave carry a eomplrto Stock and give a
service that cannot bo surpassed by any. Our charges are
as low as the lowest.. Nk'o have undoubtedly the linost Hearse and out tit in the County.
Broadfoot, Dox & Co., Clinton. "...... "e"caUndertakem
Night and Sunday calls answered at Rosidonec of our Funoral Dir"ctor.--J. IV, C'ht(Ilcy, King
St., oppo,itc Foundry.
---Such t 1
( 1 will not )e the case if v t 1 m 'n •-
se o1 (y � uI
Paints, ®ifs, Glass, Nails, Locks,
Hinges and. General Hardware
From its. It is our ahn to please the public, weshave pleased thousands, we
can please you, try us. Low prices and reliable Goods are Our
special inducements,
. Bros.,
Stoves and
"PRESh1NT A111LF." ---^_-------
Clinton Sowing lRachliku Waferoonjs.
T hnve made arrangements with the NEW ROMP: SEWINO MACi-IINE
COMPANY to Handle their machines and am prepared to offer the ilblic an
article unslit-passed for durability and the quality of work. They will be placed
on trial free; we compete with all machines on the market. T also have other
grades tit less money, Needles and parts supplied for all ruakes of machines.
WASHING MACHINES --I am agent for the celebrated Anthony Wayne
Washer, the largest manufacturers of Washers in the world. The machine
cannot be beat in any respect. I still handle the improved Ideal and Manitoba,
Washers. Also Clothes Wringers, the best in the market.
WM. MooRE,
The Old Stand, Huron Street, Clinton.