HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-18, Page 5DEclt593171t lgill, 1907 --THE i3LYT`I•I g,TANDARD—PAGE Plot tA. a .► .cl►rom► .►imom► .►unariar THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT MUDEhtATE MOSS FOR CASH AND F'ARS' PRODUCE. Special Offerings Christmas . . Goods HlHhest prices pald for Farm Produce. BENDER, BLYTH See our prices on Dressed Poultry tl II II At: •.•:.•e�i i e %i. !n'ti•a ��i . NEWS AROUND TOWN� i��•1t1.1��• t1• ; ••;••••• •yf� •f•1• • . MUG uagl,Ailyyrlyra7� Goon' sleighing now. ONLY 5 more days and then Xmas eve, LAsx ' Saturday' was a wild old day. Tinn'ealender fiend is on the go now. Nutt, monthly horse fair will he held in'Blyth on Friday, Jan. 3rd. Taa Public School will close on Friday of thisweek for the Xmas vacatlbn. SUE from igw'n attended the Scottish Concert 'in Winghauu on %''riday, evening last. SuescHIPTIoN price to all United States ,subscribersfs $L50 a year payable strictly in advance. Owner to Christmas coining on Wednesday, next week we will not issue THE STANDARD tilt Thursday. THE Werehants are again showing their good tow in the decoration of their sht,w windows and the interior of the different stores. Sobianbnt threw a snowball on Sunday afternoon and broke a win. dow in the•''door of Poplestone & Gardiner', store. There is too much snowballing on the main street. MAffKET REPORT.-- Wheat '90-92 ; Barleji 55-55 ; Oats 40-40 ; Peas 80-80; Bran '2 *-23 ; Shorts 24-24 ; Buttet;20-2t ; Eggs 20-21 ; Flour $3.00-48:2,5 WHEN travailing by the C. P. R. purchase your ticket at town ticket oftice. Alt information as to rates, timetable and connections cheer. fully furnished by J. McMurchie, C. P. R. Rail and steamship agent. DO.Yot OWE THE EDITOR?—We would ask our readers to look at the label on their paper, and if it has a date like this t A 5 Ashdown jan 07 or oven worse you are owing for a year or over, We return oar thanks to those who have helped us out so far this tall, but there aro still many who have not paid one cent since taking THE STANDARD. One doliur is very small but when they are scattered over a hundred or two it soon counts up, Kindly call and settle before January 1st is our request to our subscribers. THE annual tweeting of the L. O. L. was held in the hall on Monday evening. The auditors brought in a very favorable report of the year's business and atter it was disposed of the following officers were elected : W. M., F. Ilaggitt ; D. M., A. Mc- Nally ; Chap., Rev. W. H Bartley ; Rec. Sec„ It. H. Robinson ; Fin, See„ J. E. Taman ;'Treas., W. 11, McElroy ; D. C., Robt, Vint ; Lect,, It, McCommine and U. Tainan ; Com., Jas. Gibson, A. Taylor, E. Haggiat, D. Carter and W. Gibson, After the election a tasty 1u11C(I Was served. A donation of $4 each was given to the Siek Chlldren's Hospital and True Blue Orphanage at Pictnn. Tho district meeting of Morris will be held in the hall on January 14th, It's Surprising crow Christmas steals upon a NTH n, .'There'll he Roast Tut, uey, Plural Pudding and Cake and Santa Claus almost before we know it. And there'll be Mince Pies and Christmas Cake plenty too. Now we can supply youwith your needs for your Xmas Baking Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs, Peels and Nuts, all new trait. Also Freth Mince Meat—package or bulk, and we have a full line of Candles, Nuts and Fruits, We keep a full line of Fancy China suitable for Christmas Presents.' CASH FOR ALL HINDS OF PnODUCE JAMES CUTT BLYTH FOR BALE, --A. large breed Berkshire Hog, two years old, guaranteed perfect• ly sure or purchase prloe refunded, pt di r eta rnished. Apply to E. Bag. FOWL WANTED We are paying the highest prides for Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chicks, Butter and Eggs. Grain checks pald after bank hours. MoMiLL,AN & CO. Olasley Street • Blyth Suggestions It can't be out of the way for us to suggest that when you are thinking of a holiday purchase you should not overlook Met - calf's Jewelry De- partment. We have thelargest assortment of Gold Watches, Rings, Bracelets, Lockets, Fobs and Chains evershown in Blyth, and we are prepared to meet any catalogue prices. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. Elton now on you will hear fairy tales from the candidates for office. Tux 1. O. 0. F. will meet on Mon- day evening next instead of 'Tues- day, owing to the latter night being Christmas eve. DON'T forget the Trinity Chorea S. 8, anterta(nntent and Xmas tree Friday evening of this week in In - descry hall. WE have 15 bundles of old news., papers. A good many of old STAN- DARDS that nl'e not cut or turn at 5 cents a bundle, THE Court Calendar of 1908 for the Division o Court L g1YCS the follow- ing dates for No. 12 division, Blyth —h'ebruary 7, May 14, September 25, December 11 and February 6, 1909. Court opens at 9 an. m. TELEPHONE CONNECTION, — The private telephone system extending front Luckuow to St. Helens has been connected to the system of the Bell Telephone Co., so that points on the lines of the smaller company can now be reached over Bell lines. Tun wedding was solemnized at the home of Edmund Lear, jest south of the village, yesterday at noon between his second daughter, Miss Gertrude, and Absolum Taylor, of Morris. Rev. S. Anderson per- formed the ceremony. Joux BARR returned on Sit tnrdny from the Fat Stock Show at Guelph. 11e was successful in securing one first, one second 811(1 three third prizes—one of the third prizes being it special for the hest steer on exhi- bition. Mr. Barr also sold four cattle for finny prices. LAsv Friday evening the Sunday School of St. Andrew's church held their annual entertainment in 111• dustry hall, The hall was crowded and the people were well pleased with the progrnm. 9'he program we; supposed to have been Mantled to us, but did not reach us before` going to press. GENEROUS MEASURE.—'('013 had your opinion of a printer's honesty shaken when you got 9550 for 1000, f f we had done the job you would have had twenty-five to the gond. We find' it to be a good business principle to give generous measure —so you see it is selfishness after all, THIS week 0, M. Chambers & Cr. opened up their boots and shoes and clothing in their new store. They also have put in a Reek of trunks and grips. Miss Bentley has taken a position with them. The other store is still well stocked with Orates goods and groceries, A SYSTEM SCHOOL.—The Wing - ham Ilusiness College enjoys a Pro- vincial reputation for adopting the most modern office bark, Their latest acquisition is the Loose Leaf Ledger, now used by up-to-date wholesale houses. A very interest- ing advertisement of this high grade school appears on page eight, THE tea given at the Rectory by some of the ladies of Trinity Church on Wednesday evening of last week was a most ewcournging success. A tasty lunch was served by the ladies in a neat and artistic way, while several young ladies in turn ten- dered selections on the piano, A few hours of pleasant 8001111 pastime was spent by all. LAST Thursday evening Egerton Ryerson Young, the wiled mission- ary and author, gave one of his ad• dresses in the !Methodist Church, un- der the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. He told of his work among the In- dians on the Nelson River and his travels with them and by dog trains, His stock of Indian stories seethed to be inexhaustible. SIFT TItEai OUT.—How many 01 the booklets, folders, mailing cords and catalogues do you save out et the (mass that comes to your desk ? You sift out the best printed, the most striking, the cleverest, don't you ? Where do you suppose your printing advertising goes—is it pretty enough, striking enough to stay out of the waste basket ? We matte that sort. THE STANDARD office, Long distance 'phone No. 4. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. MEETINns,— Tne regular meeting of East 110ro1 Verniers' Institute will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels on 'Piles - day, January 15111, Outside speak. ers will be ,T, Gardhouse, Hightleld, and W. E. Kidd, of Simcoe. A sheeting will bo held at Gerrie on the 16tH with the same speakers. Supplementary meetings are dated as follows :— Ford wieh, Feb. 3 ; Bluevale, Feb. 4 ; Jamestown, Feb. 5 ; Molesworth, Feb, 6 ; Ethel, Feb. 7 ; Walton, Feb. 8 ; 1Ia•lock, Feb, 10 ; Winthrop, Feb. 11 -, St. Colttnt- ban, Feb. 12. Delegation—Gavin Barbour, Cross Hill ; A. 0, Mchen- zfe, Fairview ; Miss I, Rife, Ilesplor. TAs Collector Westlake received all the taxes on Saturday but 5441, the 5 per cent will be added, AFTER the Council meeting on Ilfunday night peeve Milne and Court, dill stood good 0(1' two treats at Stothers' restaurant, NEXT T131(rsdny evening, Dec, 26th, C. II, Merrifield, P. 11, C. R. of the I, 0. l'„ is expected to be pres- ent in the lodge room and address the members, A full attendance is requested. Walton. The Anniversary services and tea meeting at Walton 00 Sunday and Monday were a great success. Rev. E, 31, Savers, O1' 13rucefield, preach- ed splendid sermons at both 80 4v iees on Sunday. The fowl supper WAS well patronized on Monday evening. The program was excellent. The speakers were Revs. Wishart, of Brussels ; Carswell, of llr,K(Ilop; and W. II. Kerr, of Brussels. The reeitors were lilts, Greig, of Sen forth and Rev. Small, of Myth. Vocal numbers were given by Miss 111d- I{inhly, of Brussels, Miss Diekson, of Atwood, and the Male quartette 01 Walton. This quartette illustrates the approach of Church Union, for among its number sine ]rev. AicNab as first tenor and Rev. Currie as second bass, The Altar. CtAn(c-IknduNlE.—At the home of the bride's 0the', Wm. Kechttie East Wnwnnosh, on Dec. 4th, by Rev, S. Anderson, Miss Ehnr M. ICcchnie to D, Albert Clark, of Goderich. LEE—limn—At the residence of the bride's parents, Clinton, on Dec. 11, by Rev. H. E. Curry, Thos. W, Lee, of Hallett, to Miss Lilian M., only chlughterol• 485. Reid, of CI Luton. Govfmr Cuoacun.L.--At the resi- dence of the brides Other, on Dee. 11, by Rev, C. 0, Gnome, herb. W. Govler, to Dorcas, (laughter of 13, Churchill, all of Mullett. For quality and quantity ask your dealer for the new Lig plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" chewing. tobaccoes, It takes more than modern machinery to pro- duce good flour. It is the care used in selecting the wheat before it is ground and the• searching tests of expert chemists afterwards that give Royal Household Flour its nutritious qualities, its purity and its uniform good- ness, 131 its preparation no process tending to im- prove its quality is omitted or slighted. Tell your grocer that you want Royal Household because the makers guarantee it. Ogilvie Flour Mins Co., Ltd. 137 MosrreuL FOR --‘,0k DIAMONDS Call and !See Us We carry a complete line of— Me f 'Fine Gold Jeweler] t" nil the Watches best iw Onr prices art- lower than others and assortment equal to city stores. Special inducement is given oat. siders. We want your trade and can assure you best 01' satisfaction, H. L. JACKSON JEWELER BRUSSELS ************************* i3ig Shoe Department Winter Shoes 1 * Women's and Children's Pelt Slippers, 20c to $l. Ladies' and Children's Pelt Shoes end Pelt Lined Shoes, $1 to 82, Ig Children's o � ) uola Shoes, hoes, ri)e, 75c, $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Women's l lougola Shoes, 81.25 to 88.00, it'omon's 1feay.y Shoes, $1.10 to 81.75. Men's Fine Shoes, 51.50 (0114. Men's heavy Shoes, 81,35 to 52,85. Boys' Pine Shoes, 51.25 to 52. Boys' Heavy Shoes, 70e to 11.25. IG STOCK OF ,Ken's For Coats, $20 to 875. Mer,'s }'ur-lined Coats, 580 to 875, Ladies' For Coats, $20 to $50, Tstdies' Palr-lined Coats, 850 to 580. lour Rusts, Stoles, Caperines, Bons, Muff's, from $1,75 to $17, Fur Caps, 82,0) to $10. XMAS STOCK Full of everything good. The largest collection of goods for pres- ents yet shown by us. CASH 000 BIl'I"PPR AND 000S. POPLESTONE & GARDINER' Successors to McKINNON & CO. .' *i"i*****i3%*'3i 1 'i**i*i*****i*i*4 A. TAYLOR'S FOR Groceries and Fancy Goods FOR XMAS TRADE All kinds of Prepared Foods for brain machinery and stomach ease. G11'P: MDS A CALL. 11'E KEEP THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST., IA. TAYLOR - BLYTH Shop in the morning Prompt delivery Holiday Furniture It' you want to give a present that is useful as well as ornamental GIVE FURNITURE Nothing more suitable to give than Furniture. Nowhere will you find so large a choice. Nowhere will you find such good values, • 19e would like to print a picture of each of the thousand and one pieces of handsome Furniture contained in. this store, Every piece marked ata price to sell quickly. Come and sec. Dining Chairs $2 to 517 50, Card Tables, 52.30 to S51.50. lartlineer Stands, $1 to $,3.511, Parlor Chairs, fie to 515. 5lus10 ('ahutetc, $2.811 to'0.15. centre Tables, 81,50 rn 8S. Section Book tease+ $15 to 518, St.erotarhes, $5 to 510.50, Revolving Ubairs, $.Lu0 to 58.50, I nigh Chairs, 75e to $'_'.Gil. l'hiid'a Halter, ow to 81. These goods 81(0 much prices are cut in half, 1 rairie glass Chairs, $100 to 58. China Caljlnets, $12,50 to 520. Boautitul-i'teturee, 25o to 52.50. 11'hite Easels, $l to $2. Desks, 54.75 to $8. Kitchen Cabinets, 55,50 30511, ('ouches, 55 to 825. Ila13 Mirrors, 5:3 to 58. Music Chairs, 55 to $0, umbrella Stands, 52 to $,1.80. oriental huge, 51.703 to $af. cheaper than formerly, ie ninny fires Pian®s and Orgai1as We sell the old reliable Bell and Dominion inst1'nlltents. 'These in- struments have stood the test for forty yeats'and 'trc 3eknnwiedged to be at the"top of the list" for style, tone and durability. Prices moderate. 'Perms easy, ' . H. CHEILA LEW