HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-09, Page 4L.
A Big Sale
In, music....
We are putting our Music down
at § for a week or t wt), yoia should
take the opportuility to secure
some good music.
our New Blcyles
Will be in in li few days and we
will be able to supply our cits• I
towers with the best whoels that
can be bought.
'S BicycleHou e, Music
By no -means
Dead ------,
Is the game of
Croquet. Tier&
is still a demand
for it, and as yet
is one of the most
popular games
of the ordinary
4 Ball Setts ......................go
6 11 .. ...... ............... $1.10
8 ...................... $1.25
Tennis .
Is the best of all
lawn games and
is increasing in
We have the
Balls, etc.,
which are needed.
Hammocks, Fans, etc,
W C f&C
�gelv �dverttsemgilts.
Hilts -A. Jr Morrish.
N•nggets-Allen It Wilson.
Crocluetr-W. Cooper R Co.
For sale. -Mrs. Sarah Black.
s llo IcH rd •.
>ti u9ic-Mrs Ne A a �
Spectacles -W. Cooper & Co.
Facts-Broad£oot, Box sic Co.
Stier llestatn•ant-Chas. Witts. .
Jubilee eelebra(tion--N. Robson,
n ic•hins Ww. Moore.
Sevin r i
The right goods--Hodgens Bros.
/'special price sale-Jn,ekson. Bros,
Property for r{ ale -Wm. Murphy.
-I B i e•tt
Furniture lin vers . L. a 1
a n
Whitewetar-W. H. Beesley R Co,
Chir progratnrne-Jaekson (kJackson.
Tell cent window -The W.D. Fair Co.
Jubilee celebration, June •rpnd-•-
Cn1 u m ittee.
Tbp Hkiren News-Recora
$025 al Veer--$I.00in Advance
WEDNEnDAX, Jr.Nt•.11th, 1301.
Farmers' Institute.
The annual meeting of the west Huron
"armers' Institute was held in the Hall,
rile, on Tuesday, June lat, commencing
-it 1 p,m., A1r Wm. Bailie, Pres., in the
chair. Mr T. Durnin, of Dungannon, was
appointed Secratary, pro tern. The first
order of;business being president's report,
Mr Bailie gave a very full and elaborate re-
port of the worst of the Institute for the
year, medibership, attendance at meetings,
tate, showing that the past year had been
one of progression; he threw out many val-
uable suggestionsA for the benefit of the s•
secsatin After some discussion the re-
port was received and adopted. Owing to
the absence of the Secretary, orders No. 3
and 4 were dispensed with, and order No.5,
auditor's report, was taken up, The re-
port of the Auditors, Messrs Jos. Mallough
and Hetherington, which was In writing,
witie ed and adopted.
s recvOn motion the
accounts were itimlzed. The members
suggested that the regular two days' meet.
ing be held at Dungannon. The pointe
fcr su meetings suggested lomentar • pp y ee age were
Ilolmesville, Auburn and "in;{ham,
Afesara lVlallougb and Hetherington tv'e:e
re-elected auditors. It was considered ad-
visable that the Directors be elected from
each municipality, wbieb resulted as fol.
lows: Ashfield -Messrs Hayden, Girvin,
Hutchinson, West Wawanosh-Alesers
Bailie, Ionr1 and)
owatt. EastWawa-
Lock unt McGowan and
Currie, wingbam - Messrs
Clegg and Wheeler. Blyth -Messrs 'Net.
oaalt Hamilton, and McQuarr;e. iiullett
-Messrs A, T. McDonald, Snell and :Jack-
son. Clinton-MessrsTiplady, Forrester
and Plummer, Godertoh Tp., Messrs E1 -
ford, Walker and Tibbett. Goderich-
Messrs Mel). Allen; Warnock and Saun.
,dere. Colborne -Messrs Young, Dustow,
and Kernighan. Turriberry wasover-looked.
'The Directors met at the close of the ses'-
•cion, and elected Mr Wm. Bailie Pres., Mr
Jas. Snell let Vice, Mr .7. Hutchinson 2nd
Vice, and Mr M. Lockhart Sec. Tress. At
the evening session Mr Bailie again presid-
ed, Mr Lockhart Secretary. An excellent
gprosracn, consisting of music by the )Vile
choir, recitations and addresses, was oar.
Pled dill. UP Heaton's subject was "Mak-
ing home attractive, and educating the boys
along agricultural lines;" Mr MeD. Allan
gave "Fruit -growing, manuring, pruning,
epraving, etc;" both of these gave good
speeches, and judging from the questions
put to Mr Allen, much good ma q resul#.
On being introduced by the President, the
newly elected Secretary offered a few re-
marks, and a most successful meeting was
brought to a close by singing the National
,,,,,v -4' 1'
Bnirvbls.-Hev. Dir. Westalan is
away tit conference Mr. Win. Pollard
I,, the lay delegate who accompanied
hull. -Sheep shearing is now the order,
it, is (anything except it pleasant job.--
The spring cru.ps do not look very well,
sunshine duel heat is what is now re-
quired. t) bring theui along. -Miss
An(,gie Murray, who hits been visiting
relittives at I eadbury for some time,
lett for her home in Algoma, last week.
Miss Murray is one who might vet'y
properly he termed it nice girl.-
Amoing those who have been Mention-
ed as probable Conservative (Iand•1-
clatos fol- East Htn•on are Mr. Henry
Mooney of Morris Mr. Cook of
Ilowick, Mr. Charles Quereugessar,
millowner• of Grey, Mr. Ben Gerry of
.Brussels and Mr. Thomas E. Hays of
of Seaaror•t•h, formerly of McKillop.
They tiro all good and true men.
t'i' In�haul.
NOTi•:s.-J. E. Swarts' Springbok
wore' third iuunev in the Dori niun
handicap race at Toronto on Saturday,
-Miss Lily Wissler of Bellefontaine,
Ohio, is oil a visit to her aunt, Mrs. T.
A. Mill, and uncle, W. H. Bele.-it
wuulcj be difficult to find a man better
press ved and more active on his feet
than 'is John 11. Dutinage of the Brun -
wick house, Winghatu, who claims to
Ile 85 ,Years of age. The old gentleman
is just its fond of it good horse and en-
joy a race as keenly to -clay as ever he
did. -A. fl. Musgrove, Thos. Bell and
C. N. Griffin were a deputation to the
county council at Goderich Wednesday
to in ake an effort to have an appropri-
ation .111 ade fol public sehhol leavtn
classesat Wingham.-The semi-tannuaL
meeting of the North Hin•on County
LO. L. will he held in the Orange
W41, Winghtun, on Tuesday, June 15,
189. o
Tho Merry-Makers—Parkor Partello Cu,—in
Clinton, June 22nd,
BRners.--M r. Holloway of Clinton
wits in town last week visiting his
daup•hter, Mrs. R. N. Bowe. -One of
the+largestconsigninents of iinplernents
ever brought to Exeter at any one time
was that of Frost anti Wood one day
last week. There were two cin -loads. -
A couple of yonng'men from the north
end were brought, before inagistrate
Snell on WednesdaLv on a charge of
insulting a voting girl on Sundity af-
ternoon. They pleaded guilty and
were fined $1't,. This will be a warning
to those who are addicted to such con-
duct.- Miss McGowan of Belleville is
the guest of Airs. E. J.Spackman.-Dr.
Rollins and D. McInnes were in Gode-
rich last week intending the June
meeting of the Comity Council. -On
Tuesda evening several n milers of
the Independent Order of Foresters,
visited the hove of Siu11uel Priszeat•or
lend planted his gat den. Mr. Pr'i9ZCa-
tor has been ill for sortie tfine, and the
work was done as an act of brotherly
love. -T. H. Dickson attended the
High Court at Goderich lust. week. -
Mr. Sattu'l Suutheott, London and
NIP. Fred Southcott, Toronto, wheeled
front London here on Sunday last but
owing to the heavy rain after their
arrival they had to take the train to
London 'otr Monday. -The Messrs.
Griffin from London were the guests
of Mr. John Snell, James St., on Sun-
day last. -Messrs. chanter cos Snell
shipped sever:vl'cars of cattle front this
station on Monday last. -On Sunday
afternoon last this place was visited
h • a heavy hail a rain � and i n st lien: Na
serious datwnge done. -Misses Lizzie
and Maggie, Bill of Wellesley spent
the beginning of the week here with
friends. -Mrs. Geo. Ensterbrook visit-
ed her cousin DIr,.ev- w 1
e ton Baker at
Centralia last week. -Rev. Bray and
family spent Tuesday last in London.
-Th con it
( town owl nc purchased w new
fire engine week. -Mr. Jo ine last
ti lin Gould
of London attended the marriage of
his cousin, N11ss Eda (tumid to Air.
R,)bt. Ferguson on Friday lnst•.-
Thiirsdav hist Mr. John Granger had
the misfortune to lose one of his fin•
gar's whilt• w•orkir)g in the saw n)ill.—
Miss lex 1-lnell is g!,whially iinproving
from her recent illness.-Mv. Thos.
Daymao of Kipperr spent Saturday
last in town.
ehirs is it celebration in which the wholn
town no-si,ts it will butt curker. Clinton,June
BmErs.--Mrs. John Ardell left on
Thursday last for Sault. St. Mame,
Michigan, where she intends spending
the snhnler with her daughter, Mrs.
Salo Peel. -The English church bell
which hits hien used is a town hell
for the past few years has ceased ring-
ing for good, that is, for town purposes.
It is reported that the village trusteec
intend to purchase one for town and
fire purposes, and that it will likely
be placed on. the town hall. -Mrs.
tiVm. Doig, and son, Guy, left Wed-
nesdity afternoon for Ottawa, where
they will be,•oi cd h
Nlr. Doi;, and
from there they will visit friends
Lncharte Quebec. -Mr. .Jno. .Jacques
has entered suit, ngrainst the township
council for damages to his property.
The council has had abort two years
to settle with Mr. Jacques but could
never agree nn the amonnt, of danntges.
We understand the cotittcil ,offered
hirn $7 anti that Ali,. Jacquas is suing
for $60. -Messrs. Loree and McCi lum
of Listowel have purchased the Ford-
with flrntr mill from Gibson s n and San •
tiers. -Jlr•. and Mrs. 'John Harding
visttrcl Fordwich friends ]list week. -
In a ieogne ganle of football played in
Wroxeter on Sintirday last, Atwood
tits defecated by the honie teazel, 1 to
0. Listowel was defeated by Wroxet-
er the Sattu claryrrI eeeeding also by I
to 0. Thew will be a• league game oil
Sltm•dn.y in W
r1xY'trr with Wing.
ha111I,--Air. Ives. Heath, barber, moved
into [hr• shop forureriv (lecopled by
Bradley, the bilker. -Miss Wilson has
moved into the shop lately occupied
by Mr. lleath.-Dir. Rich. Ross has
moved into the house lately occupied
by Mr. Roht. Mntrh, who hats inoved
into Mr. Jat9. Walker's house and
lately oeoupied by Mr'. F. J. Nicholls.
-Mr. W. G, Kno)vls;ro has rntw.ikd into
Mr. Rich. Ross' hnuse.-Mr. 4). F.
Jardine, Manager of F. Sell & Co's
Gorrie branch store has moved his
family into the place recently occupied
by Mr. Knowlion.-Mrs. Jos. Sander-
son, who has been on the sick list is
able to be around again. -Miss Annie
Manderson of Grand Valle is at pres-
ent stopping in town. -Mr. Robt. J.
Perkins, who has been attending
'Varsity, Toronto, has returned home.
Mr. Jrio. Clegg of Toronto, formerly
of Gorrie• is in town at present.-Tor-
rer-t9 of rain fell here on Sunday last,
thoroughly sitturating the ground.-
Rev. J. S. Fisher is attending confer
ence at London this week. Mr.
Deachman of Orange Hill occupied the
pulpit in the morning and Rev, A. B.
Dobson in the evening.
The overt of a Alto time. Queon's Jubilee.
cliutoa, June 32nd.
BRIEFS. -Mr. and Mrs. Win;. Knox
were last week visiting Mr. Knox's
sister itt Listowel, the lady being ill
but is 'recovering. --Mr. R. and Miss
Cluff of Goderich township wore the
guests of Mr. D. Beacoui last Saturday
and Sunday. ---]statute labor is the •-- rage
here. -A big wedding this more
pat tieularsnext.--Mr. Shields has open-
ed out it, general store and blacksmith
shop here and expects to du quite a
trade. We wish Illut every success in
his undertaking. -Rev. Mr. Stewart of
Clinton conducted the set -vices in
Burn's Presbyterian church last Sab-
bath and delivered an oxcellen.t sermon.
LEAVING.—The numerous friends of
Mr. A. R. Sampson, the popular teller
of Lite Dominion Bank will regret
ver y much to hear of his re-
moval from here. lie has been
connected with the bank since
its inception here four years ago, anti
by his very obliging manner, and strict
aLteution to business has made for
himself many friends. In Masonic
eu•eles Mr. Sampson will be especially
ruissed, being it, most enthusiastic wor-
ker in Lite craft. In connection with
his departure on Tuesday evening the
breturen of the mystic tie held an iut-
pronptu At Home. in their lodge rooms
and presented him with sur address
and a magnificently chased Keystone
as a slight token of their regard. Ali,.
Sampson left on Tuesday morning for
Lindsay, and the gond wishes of a% host
of friends accompanies him to his new
Enst \Yawnuosh.
Blyth, Exeter and Clinton Brass Bands will
su)inkp ly music forJubileu Day, Clintou, June
BRiFps.-The proceeds of the garden
party at Mr. W. Deacon's in connec-
tion with the brick church amounted
to $24. -Miss Milson of Blyth is the
guest of Miss Sara Purdue. -Mrs,
Archibald of Seatorth attended the
the funeral of the late Mrs. Fells tan
Saturday. -Mrs. Bruce, mother of Mrs.
Jas. Cuuninghamis(in avisit her•e.-Site•
rauteut wits administered Last Sunday
by the Rev. Mr. Hall fn Belgrave
Presbyterian church and also in Cal•
vin church. -Dentist and Mrs. Agnew
and Marjorie of Clinton were visitinp
here Monday of last week. -Miss S;l,ri,
Irwin of the Clinton Collegiate In.
stitute spent 'Sunday at her home
-DIr. and Mrs. Henry roll intend,
leaving sortie titne this nionth fat
a' trip to the Soo and other poitiL,
in Michigan, They intend to be gent
solve tittle.
DEATH. -There passed peacefully
away at her late residence, 7th ecru.,
on Thursdav of last week, one of tht
township's oldest and mast bigh!•y to
spected pioneers in the person of Mrs
S. Fells. Deceased was a native of tht
county of Kerry, Ireland, being burr
there in the year 1820. In 1851 9h(
emigrated to this country taking uF
her residence with friends in Hain iltot
arid afterwards removing to the tour.
ty of Oxford, wherein 1861 she wa:
married to her now breaved partner
and sh;)rtly afterwards moved to th(
farm on which she died. For year:
deceased had been, of it delicate con
9tittition and at times a great sufferei
but through all her suffering she hot-(
up bravely and uncoruplainingly. Hei
lust illness was coinp v arati elY short
Lasting only one week. In losing :Airs
Fells this neighborhood loses one o,.
itt, best residents its she was the frioni.
of all and beloved by many for hei
hospitality an genial ro innere 1
funeral which tools place on Saturday
to NleCrae's cemetery wins conduct
) 4t n r
ed t Rev Mr. Higley and was c 1. )
., Y
the largest,u„
seen in this nhborhooa
for seine tirnc. The heart .felt syurpatLy
of the community is extended to th(
sorrowing friends.
Now the laborer's ha,k is dune,
Now the hattlr day is pats(,
Nov upon the fa rl.her shore
bands th(• voyakoo act last.
Father in thy gracious keepin
L itvu we now I by servant sleeping.
' d'kliSrllturSt.-.
Sm) DEATtr. --Itis with feelings of
much regret that we have this week to
chronicle Lha death of it most worths
tue111her of this contrntinity in the per-
son of Mr. John LattiL, of the 12th con•
cession of ruckersiuith, near this vil•
lage. i)ecensed was a vice tilrt of a
complication of diseases, and, in Spite
of all that the Crest medical skill ;and
loving hands c•ciuld do in his hchalf, lie
passed away on Monday morning, 31st
ult., at the age. of 56 years, 3 Months
and 5 days. Mr. Latta wits born meat
Belleville, Ontario, and when about 10
years of age he came to Clinton, where
for two years he was employed by the
Putts Stage Company. He then serveu
the blacksinithiug apprenticeship in
London, where lie vas united i 1
to Bliz)a, eldest danghter of the
lane John Barrell of that, city. Ile
carie to Chisellrurst abotit 32 years
a� o, where be carried on a successful
bl)tcksmithing business for it number
of years, after which he purchased
the farm in Tuckersmith, on which
he resided until his death. Al r.
Latta was •a Member of the Ancient
Order of Oddfellows, and also the
Canadian Order of Foresters, each of
which so •'sties • end d Lh(- fan ral •t
t ct sett c le ill
it body to do honor and show respect
for their beloved brother. Tieing nitt-
uratlly susceptible to religious impres-
sions, Mr. LLLta. became it meniber• of
the Methodist church:tt a very early
age, and Going strict in his deport-
ment, eonscientinns and exemplary,
lived a life in keeping with hiss idbon.l
1g p
profession, Thou h confined to Ills
ions for about seven mantis prior to
Ili, death, during which tithe he wits a
grant sufferer, hying eoriscious of it,
i)ivine presence, his nvPr buoyant spir-
it's turned the shadow of death into
the horning. Besides it widow, de-
ceased leaves behind it family of live
sons and one daughter, viz.. Mr. y, J.
Latta, principal of King street public
school, London; Mr. U. t3. LiatUt, prin-
cipal of Alvinston public school ; Mr.
Edwin Latta of Tnckersinith, and
Elizabeth, Harry and Ralph, who re-
side on the homestead. Mr. Latta was
one of the most, widely and favorably
known residents of Tuckersmith, rt.
fact evidenced by the large funeral
cortege that followed the remains to
their last resting place by way of the
Chiselhurst church, where it very Ap-
propriate and touching sermon was
preacher( by Rev. Mr. Easton of Stnffa.
The heartfelt, sympathy of the entire
community goes out to the family In
this their sad hour of trial, and especi-
ally to the bereaved widow, who Atthe
time of writing, is completely prostrat-
ed with grief and fatigue, occasioned
by the protracted illness and death of
her beloved husband,
Is et
B 1 0'o*4 h d
and corner of the
system is reached by the blood, and on
Its quality the condition of every organ do•
pends. Good blood means strong nerves,
good digestion, robust health. Impure
blood means scrofula, dyspepsia,rheuma-
tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest
WAY to have good blood is to take Hood's
Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi-
talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends
the elements of health and strength to
every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates
a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep
and cures that tired feeling. Remember,
Is the best — in fact the Oho True Blood Purifier.
aura Liver Ills; easy to
HOod's pills mke,.eaytooperate. 26s.
NoTus.-Mrs. Jas. Archil;iild of Sea -
forth was visit in;; at Mr Sproat's a few
days this week. -D. Sin -oat was visit-
ing acquaintances Ili' Atwood on Mon-
d•tty.-Arrangements have been imide
for a base ball match between our
teaun and that of Brussels on the 8th
inst. here, at 4 p. in.
FUNERAL.—The faneral of the hit(
Mrs. Fells took placo Inst Saturday and
wits very largely attended. She hire
been ill forone week. Sheleavesheraged
husba md, one son and It host, of sorrow,
ing friends to bourn the loss of OW
who was ever ready to lend it, helping
hand to any ono in distress and many
who halve fn the past. benefitted by hei
kind advice nr charity will silently
nT'ourn hei,deruise. She was a.l nrembet
of Trinity'0. iva'rh, Rev. Dir- °Hinhn
ennductinnthefuneral services. "Pelle(
to her ashes."
BRIEFS. -Rev. T. E. Sawyer Wits it
London last week at conference. All,
J. Young of Clinton took his appoint.
went on Stinday lust. -Mr. R. H
Walker of Ulinton and G. W. Lay tol
(if this place spent Sunday with Mr
Will. (ilr•idugel', Hawthorn farm, Hili
lett,--Services on Sund)ty Inst in Turn
er's church were postponed, owiug to
the weather. Sunday Next, health .alt
weather permitting, will lie flower Sun
day for the Sunday school. -Mr. Swin
bank is improving the appearance o
his residence with afresh wilt of paint
-bliss Dlatry Alar c nis of Colborne is it
present at her Moine sick. -Dir. an(
Mrs. Win. Townsend are visiting
friends in Colborne. -bliss Mary Ben
nett of the Hnron road spent Sunda;
with her cousin, Miss Sarah Bennett o
the London road.
The Boy's Brigade, 200 strong, fully equipped
will pnrndo and drill in Clinton, June Lrtnd.
BASE BALL. -A base ball club i
being organized and we may expect t(
see sante interesting ganres this scasoll
Ef,ECTRIC LIowr ---At the beginnin;
of the year Mr. Jarues,Dori aldson put
chased an electric light plant. Severia
of tile tllslnPSti r1iCeS
And TIl
houses are using the light, and th
street's iir•e lit.
BR.", -3 BA\i).—'several of the origin
al members o c s'
of Ba. i (
f(I1Brass I3an
are now engaged elsewheve for thi
sensor, but new n)eluber:: are in ac•tiva
practice, and sweet, strains :)f 111119ii
will greA the (•itrs of visitors oil fiat
sttinrticu• (Wel)ins;s. Avo Maty well fee
proud of our .b:trldr for wit11 thei
uuagre opportuuiLies they du reuaark
ably well.
Vi,wrorls. Visituls to Bayfield thi
sun)mer will not;ve inany chianges )Sri(
improvonu•uts in this pupnlu• resort
What: first attva cts the attention of
your arrival in the village is the hand
soMP new residence of Reeve Jauly
Burns, situated on the corner of Louise
street and CInn Gregor Square. Ali,
Jaynes Donaaldson's residence adjoininc
has been enlarged and n+ueh iniprov.t
ACroar>?rn>Arlu`.--inrrensecl acc•(piil
rnodation is being provided forsunimei
guests, Dlv. James Pollock, of "Thf
Queen's," will enlarge his already enol•
rnodious hotel, The Rivet- !-lute] 1:
now owned and managers by Mr. Me
Intosh, fortilerly of lVingh)urt. He u
improving this house and maki)p
ready for surniner guests. Mrs. 1,ion
of the Albion i9 prepatted to t'K. v at
number, Several private houses ey ar
making readboarders to tike nn(
lodger's. For those, who w1411 it thur'e
are rete -ill cottages on the river bank,
NoTFs.—Reeve Burns i, bound to.
lrltve the by-law reiperting running at
large or horses, cattle, sheep, geese,
etc., rigidly c nforced, and will set- that
ont• streets are kept ill li niost, cleanly
state. The Board of Ileali ll otfiicerr
hive made it most thorungh canvas,
had everything platted in first-class or-
der. 1s 's
t. a heal t •)ice 1311 •field r.
t) la
unexcelled. The roa(19 nro iine, for
bicycling and driving. 'There is splen-
(lirl fishing Ili the river and lake, and
there is no beLLer or safer beach for
bathing. Mr. Jowett's grove,inime-
diately across the river, is a roost boa(r-
tifill spot, for piellicing, and is largely
n .(.d. Numbers of row 1 scats 1 (
available, and .J..Jowett's shl tin yatci)L
ti(kos pleausnre excursions nil the lake.
Tilt— sututner cottages are well sittiated,
overlooking the river and lake. Tnk-
pig everything into cons ider'atioil, there
is it no 111011. desirable place for )tnyone
to go for a pleasant, inexpensive sum -
Trier outing.
The Great Englinh Itemetlq,
Bim Packages Guaranteed to
promptly, and permanently
calm all forms of Nervous
Weakitessr Emissions,Sperm-
atorrhea, Impotenov and air
# ef'eots of Abuse or Excesses,
;.� Mental Worry, emcessive use
Before and After. of Tobacco, opium or Stimu.
tants, which, soon lead to In-
jlrmiey, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave.
Has been prescribed over as years fn thousands of
essesl Is the onry Reliable and Honest Medtofno
known. Ask druggist for Wood's PhosphodinalIf
be offers some worthless medicine fa place of this,
Inclose price In tetter, and we will send by return
matt. Price, one package, sit six, to. one wtu
preaae, elm will oure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company,
Windsor, Ont„ Canada.
00Sold in Clinton anll everywhere ba Canada
by all vosponsiblo druggists.
In taking stock
1,644 packages o
every dolor, We o
3 packages for 25c.
3 packages for 25c.
Magnetic Dye
6 packages for 25c. ,Vire are out
of some of the 091ors in this Dye
but in order to "Clear out our stock
we effe:• thi4,100 package for 5c
Each paok'bgb will dyp 2 pounds
of Wool or Cottc,u.
Gt'vtip Ci p G� p9
Jas. H. Combe,
from lac UPI
Shirt Waist Sets in Sterling Silver,
Rolled Plate, Enameled White
Metal, Also Belts, Belt Pins
and the latest in all kinds of
Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc.
The best of work done here
in all kinds of repairs,
at lowest prices, and
guaranteed to give sat-
isf etion.
herot'tand Druggist.
Removal of Night Soil,
The undersigned will undertake the removal •
of Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closets.
short notice, and sat reasonable rates. All
re(ie CLINTON.
i refuremovoid out t)4 town.
M t -f ROBT. MT> NNLL.
Ladies Whiteweap
Lwdiee' White Aprons, full size, quick sellers, 25, 30, 45, 50e.
Ladies' White Skirts, wide width, 7 in, trill Embroidery, four
tucksabove, price .........................................................750
Ladies' White Skirts....... ...................85c., 95c., $1 $1.25' x$1.50
Ladies' right Dresses, full size, 1 frill embroidery down front,
12 tucks each side, price_ ............... ................................ 500
Ladies' Night Dresses, embroidery collar, one frill embroidery
down front, 1 row insertion, 6 tucks each side .....................75c.
V �
si E• "�' g
Ladies' Corsets, long waist, in drab ......... 30c
Ladies' 6 hoolt Corsets, extra lodg waist,
in drab,and cream,sizes 18 to 26 price 50c
Ladies' White Summer Corsets, made out
of the best French Canvas, price ....... 50c
Ladiee' long waist Corsets, genuine steel
filling, equal to most dollar corsets,
Ladies' and Children's Waists, best
makes...........................25c to $1.25.
l�iliinery �
This week we have placed
in stock some choice
Neter Sailor
Hats and.
Dress Hats
for Ladies' and Misses. Flow.
ars and I'ritnmings; the pick
and choice and the newest
styles; the best values are to
be found here, This depart-
ment grows more' popular all
the limo. .
® 9
Fine Boots and Shoes'.
Our PfoglaMmefaldune
Will be one of great interest to all Shoe buyers. We
are going to I1olt1 a JUNE REDUCTION ►,$'ALE
- that will mean the closest prices on Boots and Shoes
that has ever been offered in this section before. Come
to us for everything you want in our,line, this month.
, June Reduction Sale
` Will mean the balance of our spring stock without
regards to pro t. We cannot enumerate Prices here
as we would tike but come and see what a few dollars
will buy now a,t our store.
..Five Shoe Dealers,
-- - +salon . ��.:.a�..�. �. � � l-,..,a'�..:. _:re,.:,.... ..,�-.. .._... S�.�.la..� .__ _ ....era _.., _ �-�•�i�.i%..�..,sttiee-.��. ... •�_ L.rar