HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-09, Page 2{
On The Victorian Order A TRAIN WITHOUT RNP, , ulron Uq.itl[It ' Parliament,Ve,II Satisfied with
of Nurses. ___
WhtElta sae sleep or makes iAere da an ort- The JA1130 session opptined on Monde
Ded[aated tt+ Lady Atwrdoea. broken{ train of perca1v6jQrrea pasainn through last in the I.aw .Library Associatio
( Far, far as my un prone lands, the mind. room the court room being, occupied b
ers Hair Vigor* Soule toilers rnlLke their home, So at least the Professor of Mortal the High Court of Justice. All thi
Their hands are brown with honest and Mental Philosophy used to teach members were present.
"Nearly forty years ago, after work, our class in college. In our modern The following Coln III ua}cations wee
some weekq of sickness, my hair Few travellers near them roam. lingo we should say he meant that the read and referred as stated
turned gray. t began using Ayer's Nu wottratr near to cheer their lot, mind never shuts up and takes a day Front the Mayor of Clinton Invitin
Hair Vigor, and was so Well satin_ No hurse with them to stay, off. It is always open and duing busy- lire cougcIl to attend
the Jubilee cell
When the fevered brow and lonely ness—often business better left undone, bration in that town on J tine 22, Filed
Sed with the results that I have couch, absurd business, wild and crazy busi-
never tried any other kind of dress- Fill the settler with dismay, nese, in which It sometimes breaks it- From X. T. Dickson, re per centag
self up so as not to be able to distin- of registry fees due tine county, claim
Ing. !t requiresonly And on the lone and rocky coast, guish between the goldcoin of cumrrron Eng that there wits nothing due. Sen
an occasional appli- Where wild birds screaming fly, sense and the worthless paper of to Executive cou>tuittee,
cation of But never pause upon the wing, speeulation•j From Sheriff Reynolds, inforrnin
When mortals weep, or die. But the mind will act, ntut act; and tire council of the Appointment of Juhl
Alf ER S In hamlet and in village green, rather than lie quiet it will mislead and Griffin as jailer, and Miss Griffin iv
There's many a weary cot, torment its pwner, Glorious facility I matron. Filed.
Hair Vigor to keep Ah I who will bathe the aching brow. Dangerous power 1 Fiona Jaynes Mitchell on behalf o
my hair of good And who will soothe their lot. Still—mark this now 1—the mind is G. N. W Exhibition, asking a gran
color, to remove not self -suggestive. The things that fol'sono. Executive committee.
4 In cities, too, where rank and wealth,
dandruff, to heal Oft hear not Misery's cry, keep it going are outside of it, for ggod Front Sheriff Reynolds, asking fo
itching humors; and prevent the When stricken low with sickness, or for bad, repairs to his office. County Propert
hair from fallinout. I never heal- What helping band is nigh. That being so, whence arose those committee,
tato to recommend Ayer's medicines Who is it comes along the path, frightful dreams with which Mrs. Rebecca The following memorials front othe
z With noiseless tread and slow? Wilkins says she was troubled? Per- counties, in which this count wa
5+ - tomyfriends,"—Mrs.With
she will soothe the weary heart, haps we can guess after reading bet- asked to co-operate, were sent to Spec
Avoca, Nebr. Aurid these scenes of woe. letter. W committee ; from Wentworth, fol
Site wears the red r --toss on her breast, "fn October, 1891," she says, "mY abetter system of Audition municipa
health began to give way, 1 felt ex- accounts; from Welland, to reduce the
No Jewel in her belie• hausted and tired with tittle exertion. rn>st of selecting jurors ; from Sitacue
The Victorian Nurse, whose mission is My apPelite arts poor, and after everyto relieve counties from the support of
The sick atone to care. meal I had weight and iiia at thboys sent to V ictoria Iudustvial school
The sick and poor and desolate, chest 'and was a much swu leu around '
Front ru rh"m Public School boars
Nal"y u To nurse at their command. the waist. asking council t„ gupplentent le rata
! Vigor May riches How for this noble work
"I head a severe run at the heart, as true grant to schools where continua
AFrom every part of the }and. i tion class work is taken a Education
#'repnrodbyBr.J.C.syersCo.,Lowell, biaoo, if a knife was cutting me. I had it P
It matters not what creed they have, sickening pain at the pit of the stone carurnittef
Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla tCr the COmglautOn. No matter what their birth, ach, and would often be doubled up The following petitions were sent tc
The stricken we should al ways cheer, with spasms. same committee: Froin ratepayers of
As the Saviour did oil earth, I lost a good cleat of sleep at night, and Grey, asking it nNw school section to
Be this our diamond of love, roar troubled with frightful dreams, be formed nut of Nos. 3, 4 and 0, also it
We offer to our Queen, As time went oil I of so weak that c'otinter petition ; from U. S, S. No. 12,
The Huron News -Re., The Victorian Order of Nurses, I could barely et about. In this die• Hensall, and 10, Hay, against the
Presented b Lad Aberdeen. g award of Peter Douglas, It. McLean,
1 26 a Year—$1,00 in Advance y y tressing state I continued for over two G. ;7, pgcl, ryrtn, and Inspectors Rubb
years, 1 saw a doctor frau time to
She foremast in the cause, and .tom.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 189".
So nobiv led the wsuffering ay, time who said I was suering frorn The following reports were read and
t To relieve the poor and suffering, windy spasms and indigescion, but his sent to committees named: 1 County
-- — _- --- --
Both near and far away. medicines did me no good. O '
auditors, that of clerk re assessment of
The Ontario Elections. Oil, the sick will "'ways bless tier, In November, 1893, it shopnlate told treasurer's securities, and treasurer's
While we will fondly pray, my husband about Mother .Se!gel's statements, to Finance committee ; (2)
Speculation as to when the provin. That heaven's choicest blessings, Out,
Syrup and recommended me ailer'a report, and that of Inspector of
tial election will be brought on is in Will descend oil her each day. to try it. I got a bottle from Mr. C. oscula, to CoLrnty Prc, pert eotnulit-
i;:, order and signs of its approach are be- --K, C. Dours:vv San cretin, eheinist, South Estun, and !tee. I y
Eng eagerly looked for fly the Conser• _ after taking this uredicine for it week, The council decided to visit the ail
votive t eGs las well as b man electors — I began to improve. The p"iu at the .1
` P CURED WENK BACK FOR 25CTS. heart was e.ts►er, rind I had no pain Motactvv evening curd then adjounad
Alogave their have, h w ver Oliver after meals. 1 till 100cluck Tuesday.
Mowat, but who have, however, found
For two Years I was dosed, pilled, SECOND DAY-TIVESD.ALv.
good and sufficient reasons for turning and plastered for weak back, scalJin "I continued taking the medicine,
out the Hardy Administration. lie g and gained strength daily. When I A letter f'vour county of Siutcoe, stat -
urine and const' ation,, without bene
,:. Paris Review, with praiseworthy viki- fit. One box of Chase's Kidney -Liver had taken five bottles I was covrpletely ing that, a deputation front their Coun-
lance, points out a ngmber of Big' ill- Pills relieved, three boxes cured. R. cared, and have been in good health cil intendecl to visit, Moron House of
cant cive nistances, among them being J. Smith, Toronto. One pill a dose, ever since. I wish I bac! known of the Refuge. was sent to that cuutiuittee. ; a
{' the activityof Mr. Burt, the member price 25 cents. medicine sooner,it would have saved me request ft -urn Colborne township ('Our] -
for North Brant. The Review's coin- I touch suffering. You can publish this ell fur It grant towards maintaining
~; meats on the subject are worth repro- — +-- statement as you like. Yours truly gravca road frorn sheppardton Lo Gode-
r ducin "Unless we mistake rettl " John Gennhart, aged 45, s.nd Ethel (`Signed) (BIr•s.) Rebecca Wilkin, :34 rich, to (toad curd 13ridge committee;
i• g g y' California, South Lston and the returns fronp the three eol-
tsitys, "it will require entire than a Rockey, aged 15, of VV"lsinghtani were ,near BIi<lcdles-
• perpetual smile and handshake to ob- arrested at London, on their way to Brough, November 15th, 1895." legiate Institutes of the couoly, to
literate from the minds of the said Po4•t Huron. The man is charged with 'These articles roust in no case exceed Executive conrulittee. A by -Law of
wild -mannered Tories the fact that Lheandticting the girl. their usual length. There are plenty Hallett, closing up a road teas sent to
• affairs of the province etre growing — _ of reasons for that, besides the ninneY Road and Bridge committee.
constantly worse, that additional Boils, pimples and eruptions, sero_ reason. People often write us and say, A Lame number of accounts was sent
sources of taxation are beitrg sou lit, fula, salt rheum and all other manifes_ "Your essays on disease and its allied to Finance conunittee, and council ad.
that the expenditures are doubling tations of impure blood are cured by Phenomena are the best things in the i0ti ' ec till 3 o'clock p. rn.
white the opportunities of the people Hood's SarsaparMa. papers. Give its more of them and On resuming the flea report of the
`• to spay their way are decreasing, and _ — — make them longer•" House of Refuge con) till ttee was read
that the man of the 'glad hand never George 8;. Whitney's furniture store But we say no. And that is whyI and considered in cornmittee of the
failed to he in his place to vote against Darrah's barber shop, the Alect,tani e, don't quote you, here and now, ilei e whole, and then adopted. It was a
any and every effort made to improve Institute and the residence of Mr. Ir- other letters—two fr•oin woruen, one r•ecomtuendation that the inspector, be
matters. The power obtained in pro vine, in the Town of Alvinston were from it nian—rill telling of experiences !ustructed to receive the Situcoe clepu-
vinci:al polities has been used by the ver much like iAlrs. W!Ikin's, and all tration and show theta through the
Grits in every possible way for the ad- destroyed by fire, y House of Refn
vantage of the - — speaking of had dreams that made f;e•
g party. The enormous TIRED NERVOUS SLEEPLESS !right ,a time of terror to then[. I say A motion of Blesses. Cool: and pat -
patronage at present in the hands of "made" (using the past tense) for they terson to repeal by-law No. :3 of 1892,
-paling power, and the use made of that Men arad women—buoy gratefully are all over it, now, having been cared addin r 1 )9 to the salary of the count
is r" tdl becoming ra ttren- 6 $
-patronage, rapidly g they write about Hood's Sar•saparillit, by Mother Seigel's Syrup just as she treiastiver, while handling the sinking
see to the well-being of the State. It Once helpless and discouraged, having was, fund, was sent to the Finance commit -
lost only be checked by a firm and con• lost all faith in medicines, now in Ona moment now. Bad dreams, tee,
vtant effort on the part of all who do good health and "able to do my own frightful dreams, tare more than an an- Messrs. Mooney and Snell moved to
not wish to become heavers of wood work," because, Hood'sSarsaparilla has noytance , they aree both it mental anda, place Inspector of House of Refuge on
and drawers of water for the Grit ower to enrich and y bodily evil. Thev exhaust vitelli al- )a roll while attending meetings of
parte," P purify the blood y } Y
and make the weak strong—this is ex- tuost like blood- letting; rind, when council, same as with members of cont-
`" perience of a host of people. habitual, they tend to induce mania. mittee. Sent to Executive.
,r Commonly the are caused b the ,
' Take Na Risks HOOD :S PILLS are the best family y y Ai"jvrs V arctic incl Jordan and Capt.
Y poisons of indtgestians (food ferntentra• Young, its it deputation of the Wr•cl
crtth:u tic and liver medicine. Gentle, ) f, t, Batt., asked it grant of 25 cents per day
r reliable sure. tion <if the stoutach acting through
--- the blood on the nerves, and then on to the non-c•oit) III issioned officers and
the mind. From this tank furl of cot•- Pr;vates awhile in camp. A motion to
ti The vitriol thrower whom Sir Oliver ruption, horrible suggestions etre con lu,ike Ute
Do Not Foolishly Experiment With pardoned has nor; taken long to justify veyed to the faney•in sleep, as foul bats Executive ccgirant was referred to tele
Medicines That Have No the objection that was offered to his sweep through the darkness of country Council then went into committee
passage from the penitentiary to free. graveyards,
Standing or Reputation. g y. The cure may be inferred from the on equalization of assessuleut,
p dem. 1Ie wain out eight ht d" s when he
--- was captured for the crime of forger)•. disease. Cure the indigestion, as these There was the usual debate on this
r, It is a sarcastic comment upon Sir Oli• subject, and when the committee rose
people did, with Mother will
Syrupp, it was a
Pa'ne's Celery Compound The vet's action that the forgery should and the mind in sleep will. brave only greed ileal the assessments of
Only Medicine That Cures
have been an attempt to rob one of the those harrrtess perceptions which nee- Ashfield, Colborne, Goderich town and
gallant knigltt'sCabinetcolleagues,Atr• they break ones rest nor tearing any township, Clinton and Hn!lett'be the
and Blesses The Sick. Dobell. Leniency is all very well in upeniory to the waking hour. same as last year; that the village: of
its way, but it augbt to he exer•clsed Hensall be equalizer) tit $125,0(); and
with discrimination. There is no Use — — the township of Hay be reduced $1 per
In matters of health and life no man in being lenient in the case of a man At midnight on Monday week the 'acre and $10,000 in personal property
or woman can afford to take risks or 'whose character is unerringly critu- Dominion Goveri nre:ntoflicirals mopped from last ,year's assessitaent.
S' experiment foolishly. A wrong move, incl• the running of trains on the Bait. des The Council then adjourned till 10
or following the advice of the careless ------ -- - -. Chaleurs railway. which hits been aper- o'clock Wednesday.
or ignorant, nilly result in serious corn- KIDNEY GRIND. ated as it branch of the Interculonial r d ' DAY.
plications. This is especially true in railwrty since January last, and the On resuming, the equalized assess -
to the use of medicines when road was handed over to the represen-
eople are in it low condition of health. South American Kidney Cure the ment question again carte up, and it
p Only Specific for Kidney Dis tativcs of the Atlantic and I,rtkc Sup- was
finally agreed that in case of lip -
the physicial powers are !m- evior Railway Company,
' aired, when ease—A Liquid and Solvent- pealthefinal equalization be left to the
p you are weak, nervous, Never Fails. Conntq.7udge, but most of the day was
rentable, despondent, sleepless or COMFORT SOMETIMES, taken up with a discussion of each
weighed down with tllrtt dull, and Medical 5cienc has, proverd beyond rate nicipality's assessment.
} tired feeling that usually cuntuiences "doubt. that the solid particles which When health is far gone in Con-
at this reason of the year, It is wts- and Pass tbvough the kidneys in the crdi sumption, then sometime only ease News Notes.
prudent to use the medicinethat, has and comfort can be secured front the
given health, vimancdactivity to thous- nary.course of circulation—and which rise of Scott's Emulsion. Wheat is The team of the. 48th Highlanders, of
ands of weak people in the in time so grind and wear these orgiu)s >
p p past. that they become diseased and will much bel ter is to take this medicine in Toronto, will intake its firs tppearance
This safe, certain and health -giving not perform the fuuctions for which time to save your health. at, the Islington military tournament
remedy is Paine's Celery Compound they were created—require a solvent next Friday,
' which is now so extensively prescribed to dissolve and eradicate from the sys- , During a special service. in the Pisa
%by the ablest doctors in Canada. The tam these foreign substances, and the Provincial Detective Murray, of the cathedral on SaLrnday ri
Attorney -General's Department, re- caused b the fall of a li hted candle,
anic was
Endorsers of Pa'ne's Celery Compound, Great South American Kidney Cure ceieeaatelerramTuesda evenin fr•oru y g
? besides those in the ordinary walks of hits proven to he the best and most b y g itnd seven persons killed and seventeen
life, are clergymen, lawyers, ,jucdges, scientific specific; remedy for such, and the Buffalo agent of the department injured.
{ members of parliament and bankers, the testimonyof thousrands who have stating that the appeal of Mrs. Sterna- ,
hundreds of whom it has rescued from been cured bit' when i(i doses have man against extradition had been dis- The Paris Figaro ru,akes a complete
y P denial of the statement that the Due
suffering and death. failed is the best 3emonstration of the missed in New York. It is probable d Alencon, whose wife perished in the
fact that a solvent roust be adminis• that Mrs. Sternatnau will be extradited
t' Avoid the nurnberles liquid medi- Charity Bazaar fire, is !about to eater
cines that are worthless from a medi• tered. If in despair use this remedy.— in about ten days, and the preliminary
cal standpoint, and that have never Sold by Watts & Co. investigation will be held in Cayuga in a monastery.
_ about two weeks time. W. Robinson of Eimville underwent
grained the shadow of it reputation. Put _-_— an operation in the London hospital
your faith in Paine's Celery Compound, At four o'clock Tuesday morning at " — ' - - -- on Thursday last, fe r appendicitis. He
and when you purchase be sure you Lucknow it was found that Walter A healthy appetite, with perfect di- is doing well and expects to return
are supplied with the right article. Stewart's large planing and saw mill gestion and assimilation, may be recur- home soon.
"tl See that the bottle and box bear the and sash and door factory were on fire, ed by the use of Ayer's Pins, They A deputation of members of Parlia-
name "Paine's Celery Compound" and The brigade was soon on hand, but the cleanse and strengthen the whole ment waited ort the Prerxtier to ask
the stalk of celery; this is the only fire had gained such headway that they alimentary canal and remove all ob- that $20,000 be placed in the suplemen-
}genuine make—the kind that makes could do little but save the neighbor- structions to the natural functions of tary estimates for the Victorian Order
people well. ing buildings. The loss to Mr. Stewart either sex, without any unpleasant of Nurses fund.
will be between twelve and fifteen effects. In the Senate Sir Oliver Mowat
tbousand dollars. All the season's
The Liberals of Central Simcoe met wort:, the men's tools, and everything —` moved, and Sir Mackenzie Bowell sec -
at Elmvale, and on the fourth ballot, is a total loss. The electric light plant, A peculiar fatality occurred near onded, an addresv of congratulation to
nominated Mr, David Davidson, of which was located in the same build- Biockville at Westminster park, All-. the Queen on the occasion of her dia-
Penetang, as their candidate for the ing, is !also a total loss. No insurance. R, B. Heather, a Brockville florist, who mond jubilee. It was carried with
coming general elections for the Onta- Flow the fire started is unknown, has a, branch in Alexandria Bay, went great enthusiasm.
rio Legislature, over to the park in a rowboat to put 1, delegation of the veterans of the
out some plants, accompanied by a lad Fenian raid waited upon Sir Richard
The annual meeting of the East Hu- CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS, named Lefevre. He left Lefevre in Cartwright, the actin Minister of
eon Farmers Institute was held at the boat while be went about his work, Militia, Wednesday, an asked that a
' Brussels on Tuesday, and was largely Chase's Pills have gained popularity and upon returning found the lad at medal be granted to the survivors of
attended. The following officers were because they are a, specific for the uric the bottom of the river, under the 166. Sir Richard expressed himself
elected :—Thos. Strachan, President; acid condition, prevent Bright's Dis- dock. The body was quickly recovered favorable to granting the request,
• Alex. Gardiner, let vice-president; W. ease, cure Rheumatism and all Catar- but Lefavre was quite dead. Itis sup'
H. Kerr. 2nd -vice-president, Geo. hill conditions of the Kidneys and posed he accidentally tumbled out of Quite a scene oc rred while the
Hood, secretary -treasurer; directors, Bladder. They do thin because they the boat. House of CommonsXvvas in committee
Thos. Gibson, Robt. Ell ar, Thos. Gib- possess remarkablealterative, tonicand on the tariff resolutions. Mr. Foster
,eon, M. P.P., T. B. ,antlers Thos, diuretic properties, exerting a wonder- '— made a hot attack on Mr. Paterson,
Alosgmve, Jae Elliott, Robt., Dilworth, fully soothing influence on irritated or Oscar Wilde, in a long letter la the and Mr. Lister characterized his words
k Jos. Smellie, W. H, Fraser, G. F, inflramed mucous membranes of the London Daily Chronicle, says the, its impertinent and insolent. Mr. Fos -
Blair, Geo. Murdie, Jas. Flincltlev, Kidney's or bladder•. One pill a dose, cruelty practised dray and night upon ter asked . for the protection 6f the
Thos. McMillan; auditors, M. Black J. 25 it box. The cheapest medicine in children in English prisons is incred- chair, and quiet was finally restored
B, McLauchlin. the world. ible except to; those who have witness. when Mr. Lister withdrew the re-
ed it. !narks.
3 Stationery,
a 0ffz c
PP t l
.fob Printin Y.
The Nears -Record
Calls special
to our Stationery and
Office Supplies and
Job Printing Depart-
We are unsurpassed....
By any. town or city in the Goods we handle or the
prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the
quality of both is always guaranteed. A perusal of
this announcement may suggest something you may be
in need of, and in such case we solicit your patronage,
feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet
With the approval of our patrons,
Letter Heads
In this line we have h very fine
stock of writing papers suitable for
every class of business represented
in this locality, also for private use.
Note Heads
This useful size is kept in stock,
the qualiLies being to several
Memo. Heads
These till ran ianpor tantplacein Min -
nlercial correspondence. See what
we have got.
-Bill Beads
If the "pay-as-you•go" phut was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would taut be
so great ; but there are some men
who get 80 many donne^s that
they wonder if the stock will ever
ran out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stuck is com-
plete in this line. Good paper and
neat ruling,
Our stock is large. They come
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after it
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch hitu 'rouud—
We, make a specialty of Envelopes,
You know it would be hard to
get along without envelopes, and
to keep tip with the demand for
theta we keep a large stock on
hand. Plain or Printed we are
offering some great snaps. One
line in particular is going off fast -
50 for 5c,
Commerical Printing
A vast amount tit work under this
head to enumerate would snore
than take up the entire space oc-
cupied by this adv t, but w•; do it
all at Tnu NEWS -RECORD.
to an "At Home' or it wedding
require consicierahle taste in selec-
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy ittatter by keeping in stock
the very latest an(] best samples to
he had. Call and see.
If you vvant -
We. excel in all the different kinds
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larly in this, and keep in stock
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of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned out, from the
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Cards and Tickets
These cover a large range of work,
from a bread and milk ticket to
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dinary admission tieket to a tasty
business card or a handsomely
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Memoriam Folders
In this line THE NEws.REc•UrtD
can supply every design, quality
and price on the market,
Our facilities for turning out this
class of work are evidenced by the
fact that we always do good work
and give superior satisfaction it)
all respects.
are greatly in demand. Our facili-
ties are superior for this class ofAL
work and the very reasonabljWr
prices keep our presses busy.
Sale Bills
We make a specialty of them
promptness being our Am in this
respect. A notice of sale will ap-
pear 1►t TxE N> NWS -RECORD free of
charge when bills for same err
secured here.
A11 Kinds of Work
in the typographical printing line
can be clone in this estahlishlnei,t
in at) expeditious and artistic
rnanuer anti
Dur prices will be
found very reason-
Mourning Pa-pers and
For corrospondellce we can give; you up-to-date goods. We
also carry full lines of
Pens, I Pencils,
Scribblers Tablets,
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&C., &c.
In thanking our many patrons for the
very liberal support accorded us in
the past, a continuation of the same
liberal support is solicited,