HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-09, Page 1TEit11I8—$1.25 per Annum, 1.00 in A
:Kaiser Beer
A Malt beverage,
k-Perfectly prepared,
Free from drugs,
Much recommended for f is
stin3ulotiDg and. highly nutri•
tious properties. In pints.
Lack Kennedy
The Clinton Liquor Store.
We haven't everything which every
Ilan wants in the wary of furnishings
for the wheel, but everything we have,
every trraan needs—HOSE, SWEAT-
SUITS, &c. There is an occasional
wheelinan who boasts that he always
rides in his -business clothes. That
man gets about its much pleasure out
of cycling as he would out of swim-
ming with his coat, vest, trousers and
boots on. Nothing so comfortable its
Short trousers and the right sort of
Hose. We show the latest Novelties.
Mens WOOL Sweaters, White,
Navy, Cardinal, Tan.
Tall Leather Belts, covered buck.
les, 25c and 50c.
The newest designs in Fancy
Money is worth what it will buy but
the wise save it in buying here.
Don't fail to havea guess atthebicycle shown
in the window—it's free to some one.
—o --
T. ,Jackson, Sr.
Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter.
,lune 22nd in Clinton will be the greatest day's
un ever given In this section. Wo want you to
toe it.
Town Topics.
ron County L. O. L. will meet in semi-
annual session at Hensall on Saturday,
June 19th, at 10,30 a. in,, sharp.
R'. C: T. U. MEFTING.—The regular
'Teeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held
at the home of Mrs. Johnt
S e henson
on Wednesday, June 9th, at 3 o'clock
p. In.
The Hensall Observer says :—Brother
I`odd of THE NEws-RECORD has got
out a very handsome colored hill ad-
vertising the big demonstration to be
held in Clinton on the 22nd of June.
Friend Todd is an honorable gentle-
man, not like some printers we know
of "who go to and fro in the earth and
walk up and down in it."
POULTRY.—Never in the history of
Clinton has there been such interest
in poultry. Of all the fanciers Mr,
John T. Harland seems to have been
rewarded with the greatest luck. He
has several hatches (a chick from every
eg) from some of the most famous
and reliable breeders in America, and
will doubtless have some superior
specibiens next fall The nuinvrous
other fanciers are in the swim and can
show,this year's breeding by the hun-
died at the residence of Mavor Holmes
on Thursday evening Mrs, Grattan
(sister of Mrs. Holmes) aged 35 years.
The deceased had been sailing for some
months and succumbed to consump-
tion. Her former home was
St, Catharines, Mr• Grattan hav-
ing predeceased her some twelve
years ago. There was no fam-
iiy. The lady was a thorough Chris-
tian and highly esteemed. The funeral
took place on Friday afternoon to the
G. T. R. depot and thence to St. Cath -
CRICKET MATCH.—A very interest-
ing game was played here last week,
the Juniors beatingthe Seniors. The
score is as follows :—
Howson b Terry ...... 2 Doherty b Steep.... I
,vfillereGilroy bTerry.0 Miller Steep,...,. 1
McTaggart b Couch..1 Hodgens bTerry.... 0
Kennedy b Steep ...... 9 McTagggart b Terry. 2
MCGarva b Steep. , ... ,7 Barge b Couch...... 8
s3palding c Couch b McGarva c and b
Tcrry................4 Couch ............. 11
Hoover b Steep ....... 0 Agnew b Terrq .... 0
Agnew run out ...... 4 Spalding c and b
Haxby c Gilroy b Steep..............15
Couch ......... . .. . 0 McMurchie b Couch 0
Byes .. . ..........3 Hoover b Couch.... 3
Kennedy not out... 7
Byes .............. 3
Leg byes, ......... 2
H Steop b Kennody..0 Steep b McMurehie. 3
Couch c Agne%v....... 0 Couch run out.. 1
Terry b McTaggart...5 Terry b McTagggart..GO
Gilroy c McGuarva.3 M. Gilroy b McMur-
rmstrong It Ken -
chic .............. 2
i nedy...............0 Armstrong c UnGarva 6
.1mes run out ...... I Holmes c Hodgens.... 1
Rose a MoTaggart... 4 Ross c McTagegart. , .. 4
rtor c Hoover .....3 Porter c McQarva.... 0
W. Irwin c Hoover..3 W. Irwin o Agnew.... 2
Walter Itwin b Me- Walter Irwin c Ag-
TaKBart ............0 now, ... 1
y Matheson c McTag- Whitoly b McTaggart 1
gart . , .... . , ....0
Whitely jot out , ..7 Dayment b Doherty.. 0
F. Gilroy b MQTag- H. Irwin not out...... 0
gait ..............0
H. Irwin c Spaldidg..0 McKenzie c Kennhly 0
afeltenzie b McTag O Agefi ...... 2
Bart.. .... .
.lyes .... ,......3 Leg byes ......,,. 1
" 28 73
'a}•�. ., i M! � � t 1. T 41��_.-.� r;
Town Topics. —
I TOOLS STOLEN.—Last Thursday eve-
ning Mr, Peter McNeil's shed wits en-
tered and a quantity of tools stolen,
such as files, bits, chisels, etc. There
may be serious trouble for the guilty
party if they are not returned.
working on Morrell's new house on At-
bert street last Saturday Chas. Cook
10.11 a distance of eight or nine feet and
injured his hack. In consequence he
has since been somewhat crippled,
TtiE JUBILFE.—Arrangements have
been completed for the nig jubilee
celebration in Clinton on June
22nd and the programme has been
issued. It is extensive and there will
be a good many hundreds of dollars
devoted to sports and attractions. All
we require IS fine weather, for the
crowd has already decided to come to
Clinton. Get a programme.
BASE BALL.—A good number from
here witnessed the base ball match at
Goderich last Friday between that
town and 'Varsity of Toronto. The
game was without doubt one of the
best contested games ever witnessed in
the county, and resulted in 3 to 4 In
favor of Goderich, nine innings. The
score waas:—
....11111..—u, V, V, 1, V, V, V, V, 1-4.
ILLEGAL BURIAL.—The other day a
sparsely furnished house wits blessed
with twin males and litter on another
son wits added to the household by
two mothers. One of the twins died
front natural causes and wits interred
in the garden on Mav 25th. The
authorities learned of the illegal burial
and under medical certificate the little
one was by the town interred in the
cemetery. The parties connected with
the affair are said to come from the
neighborhood of Auburn,
attention of clerks of municipalities is
directed to the following amendment
made to the Voters' Lists Act, during
the recent session of the Ontario Leg-
islature. It is to be found in the c an-
nibus law bill amending the statutes,
and is chapter 14, section 36 ; section 3
of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, 1889,
is amended by adding thereto the fol-
lowing sub -section : 9 a. In townships,
towns and villages the Clerk shall also,
opposite the name of each person,
state such person's occupation by in-
serting the same in a column for that
purpose." —
Brief Town Topics.
We've stirred tip our "think tanks" and many
Rood things have come to the surface—on view
in Clinton, June 22nd.
The Sepoys of Luckn,)w play our• W
crosse team here on June 22nd.
Mr. H. Cale has returned from Mon
treal and will retrain here.
The Western Ontario Veterinary
Medical Association met in Stratford
Fred. Welsh and Jaynes Marshall
wheeled to town from Seaforth Wed-
ne$gay evening.
Pfof. S. L. Taabe of Tor.rnto, was in
t,owil last week and gave THE NEWS -
RECORD a Call.
Mr. Richard Irwin has retained
home from Beliville where he had been
visiting his son.
Mr. L. Brown of the Onward Bicy-
cle CO. lost $4 on Monday, but has not
yet recovered the money.
D. Cantelon shipped a car of live
hogs to Collingwood yesterday for
which he paid $5)a hundred.
Mr. Henry Tull of East Wawanosh
%vas it, town last Saturday and gave
THE NEWS -RECORD a friendly call.
Miss Mary Brownlee was in Mitchell
last Friday and Saturday at the funeral
of her, uncle, Mr. Stewart of thatplatce,
Mr, Fred. Jacl son has been serious-
ly ill with inflammation of the bowels,
but wits somewhat improved yester-
Mr. Brydone is on a visit to his home
in Milverton, also Guelph, Toronto and
other points and will return, home
Mr. Edwin Alillyard .ery acceptably
filled the Rattenbury St. Methodist,
pulpit on Sabbath, Preaching two in-
structive sermons.
Miss Lena Doherty, daughter of Mr.
W. Doherty, was very successful at
her examinations at the Conservatory
of Music in Toronto last week. The
lady secured first place in Theory.
The Synod of Huron meets in Lon-
don this week. Mr. John Ransford
and Rev. Parke are the representa-
tives from St. Paul's church.
Miss Lena Sparling, who has been
the guest of hher cousin. Mr. Win.
Sparling and other friends in town
returned to her home at Seafoi th last
The Ladies' Christian Association of
the Ontario Street Methodist church
will hold a Jubilee Dinner in the Coun-
cil Chamber on the 22nd. Dinner
served from 11 till 2 o'clock.
The alarm of fire on Wednesday
evening reminds on'e that the town
more water tanks in the neigh -
hood of the Organ Factory. Many
p►rvate dwellings would thus be better
Mr. F. Brown, formerly an employee
at Button & Fessant's factory, rnoved
his family this week to Clinton, where
he has secured a good situation in the
Doberty organ factory.—Wingham
J uurna.l.
At the semi-annual meeting of the
Rural Deanery of Perth on Friday, the
action of Rev. Mr. Fairlie was highly
commended and the members of par-
liament who attacked his character
(among thein the member, tot- West;
uron) censured.
Yesterday Mr. Wm. Hearn, who is
an expert in the removing of buijdings,
received "more rope," but not in the
sense that that to "give more rope he
wonld hang himself." He loaded 475
pounds from the Store of Harland Bros.
which spanned 450 feet, and there was
strength enough in it to countel bal-
ance a good many Samsons.
A-111 TODDY Editor and Owr►er
]rlrlef Town Topics. Goderich. + ,�e�— rit��•7�•
Mrs. Whitt intends leaving town STEALING FLOWIiRS. --Caretaker
_ v THE TWO O A.
about 23rd of June. Bates of the central school, states that I y - •—
Mr, H. Cantel"n of Mount Forest sone persou or persons have entered The txelusive Hat I
was On a brief visit to town, the school grounds after the place is I Bargains
Councillor and Mrs. Ford spent Suu_ iii locked up and taken flowers from the I Store•
day and Monday tt in Goderich, beds. The practice is a mean one and The
Most I ��
Mies O'Neil, teacher in the public should the pilferer be caught he ought � IJJ
school, is oil? dirty on account of illness, to be punished to the laws extent as an
example a other flower thieves. keep-
� p Readyr-_Hades.
Messrs. Kennedy and Greig bagged Bates takes considerable pains in keep- Prominent
some nice speckled trout last Wednes- Ing the school grounds neat and plaa-
day santisInlooking and i l a. gross shame A rt $5 Men's Suits for. ... .. ,
Ur. Freeborn will be one of the that his industry should Ire lost through � . • $ $ 90
speakers at Brussels on the 12th of the acts of it, few vandals. $7 .. 4.. 4 65
July. AT DRILL.—Over thirty young ►nen Of a roan's dress is the Hat, , ' ' ' ' " ', ' ' ' . ' '. 5 50
$S . 650
Mrs. (Rev.) Oaten of Betppfield was' presented themselves at the town hall and it is therefore of the $IO " ,. • . . . • • . . . . "• g �
for several days it guest at the Ontario
g on Wednesdav evening at the call of greatest importance to his $2 00 Boy's Suits for, , , , , , .. , , , • • 1 50
stree Methodist parsonage. Captain Dudlev Holmes, the com- $`2 75 �� •
The Organ Factory base ball club mander of No, I Company. They good appearance that it be $3 50 �< " ... " 200
.will wrestle with Seaforth opponents were formed into a squad and put Elegant, Stylish and Be- $4 50 �� „ „ "' 275
in the latter town on Friday, through a course of drill withoto arras corning.
3 50
Mr, Walter -ritylor of Tara, who was by Lieut. Chisholm, The roeruits, our t �o
visiting in Baytfeld, spent a short time though apparently rather young, are as One is sure of these essent
the guest of Dr. sant Mrs. Freeborn. fine lot and shurrld they join the Gode- ials who purchases it Hat
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Paisley attended rich company and proceed with the front our large and fine as Black
the funeral of Mr. Stewart, uncle of Betttalion for the annual drill, they sortment. 1 1Z A7 l!
Mrs. Paisley, as Mitchell on Saturday. will bring no discredit on the corps. Prices are all that you can
The deceased was it former resident of BASE BALL.—On Friday afternoon ask, and the very least that TO Order is a leader.
Clinton, 'Varsity and Goderich base hall teams
Mr. John Daivtnenr. hara thA enn i.raart, met on the Avrinnit.nrnl —1,rrr ,Io we can ask, _ _ _ _
Lore; the buildings are now ready for
the brick.
Mrs. Whitt will be itt home Wed-
nesdaay an3Thursdaay of this week also
Wednesday and Thursday of next
Readers of THE NEws-RECORD will
find interesting and profitable reading
in Jackson Bros, special announcement
this week.
Rev. Mr. Millyard and Principal
Lough have been initiated in howling
uIT the green and very mach enjoy the
mainly pastime.
Mr, and Mrs. Wiseman and Mr. mind
Mrs. Armstrong, who were visiting
Mrs. Constable and Mrs. IJeriot, have
returned.—St. Marys Journal.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, Mr. and
I Mrs. S. J. Reid and children and Mrs.
Vanatter of Goderich were calling on
Clinton friends last Wednesday.
Cantelon Bros. are now using the
frame building owned by J. Miller on
Princess street as a storehouse. The
structure hats been moved to the street.
Mr. Fred. Noble. who bas been in
Farran & Tisdall's bank for some time,
left yesterday for Chatham, where he
will be on duty for the Merchant's
Capt. Combe, we regret to learn, has
been confined to the house. since Fri-
day. He was somewhat improved yes.
terday. Miss Hallie is also on the
sick list.
East Huron Patrons and Other inde-
pendent electors will meet at Brussels
on June I8 to nominate at candidate.
John R v
R. Go enlock of AlcKillop
will likely be the nominee.
At a meeting in Clinton of Monday
of the Huron, License Holders Protec-
tive Association Mr. A. Roe of Wing -
ham was delegated to attend the Ou-
tario meeting at Hamilton on June
16th and 17th.
The County Council have given ano-
ther exhibition of their small souled-
ness in not making it grant to the
V"olnnteers. The project was killed in
committee, and not •t county inember
bold enough to introduce the rnatter at
the full board.
"Celestial Pastimes in a Wash house", an
original specialty, Clinton, June 22nd.
THF BRITTSH.—New window lights
have been placed in the dining and
showrooms of the British, 11))P roving
their appearance very unaterially.
GARDEN PARTY. ---The members of
the Churchwouien's Guild will bold a
garden party on July 8th. By the
kind permission of Air. and Mrs. R, W.
Logan it will be held on their pretty
ENCOURAGE THE Boys.—Have yon
purchased it base hall season ticket?
Remember if you cannot attend the
games yourself tiny other tnember of
N family may gain :admission to the
grounds therewith. Season tickets for
boys of fifteen, SUc. A first rate series
of games are on this season.
THE SEWERS,—On the south end of
the works the pipes have been laid up
Montreal St. to the Square, and on the
notth end they are nearly ap Nelson
street to North et. Where the earth
has had time to settle the road is in
fairly good condition, but iu some
places it is miserable.
learn from Mr. Frederick C. Colter
that the Goderich souvenir will be be-
fore the people in a very short time,
The books will be on sale at Porter's
book store and through them exclu-
sively will be supplied to the citizens.
From the views we have seen we sire
satisfied the work will he a credit to
the town, and without a doubt every
resident will want one.
ESCAPED DEATH.—Wednesday after-
noon as men were working in the
sewer trench at the head of West st.
the cross pieces that keep the planking
in position were forced out and the
upper part Of the timbers closed.
Only one man at the time was work-
ing at the spot and between the planks
and the sand he was pressed hard.
He was, however, soon released from
his awkward position and in a few
minutes started to work again.
RUNAWAY. --On Tuesday evening as
a borse attached to a buggy wits being
driven towards the Square on East St.
one of the wheels gave out and the
animal.being frightened started to run.
Every feiv yards as piece of the vehicle
was left on the road. As the horse
reached the residence of the American
Consul it turned quickly to the left
causing.the buggy to strike It tree and
completely wracking it, 'The horse
was somewhat stopped by the sudden
shock and was cleverly caught by
"Daddy" Dahn.
its it was pretty even all thro6and
at the end of the 8th the -score stood
3 to 3. Amid Considerable excitement
the 'Varsity commenced their last
but they failed to score. Goderich
then started to bat and it bit being
made the striker made for first with
the chances rather against him. First
lyase however did not hold tild'hall nor
did the second when it was picked up
and sent to him, the result being that
Goderich held third base, and made
the plate on a hit that followed.
Doyle, who was found guilty of arson,
was brought before Judge Mas-
son for sentence on Friday. At
the time the charge Was Inade
there was rime talk of the pri-
soner being insane. The Judge dealt
with this before sentencing. He said
that prisoner's counsel hadnotintroduc-
ed it, and that had he done so it would
have had no weight, its there was no
doubt of the prisoner's sanity. After
saying that the evidence, though en-
tirely circumstantial, could lead to no
conclusion but that of guilty, he sen-
tenced the prisoner to three years at
hard labor in the Kingston peniten-
Notes by a Poultry Fancier.
Mr. D. Ferguson, inarket clerk, has
purchased a fine pen of Cornish Indian
Mr. A. McD. Allan has invested in a
setting Of White Java eggs. He has
purchased them from Mr. Jarvis of the
experimental farm, Guelph.
Mr. Wm. Ross of the Goderich organ
factory is manufaacttiring an incubator
of his own invention. It will be 100
egg capacity.
"Yo' kaint matke it hen sot when she
doan want to; yn' kaint rnake her eat
when she loan want to, nur yo' kaaint•
make her lily aigs when she duan want
to, dot's my'sperience, in de chicken biz-
ness," said uncle Rastas, the other day
"Dar's why I buy dat inkybater, de
inkybater's boon' to got when I gets
ready, but the fool hen she haint
gwine sot twill she get ready, Bat's
why I'm fur de inkybater, first last an'
all de time, mostly.
Now doth the busy little chick
Improve each shining minute,
And scratchesrnany ascratchy scratch
Because there'e millions in it.
Early and late he humps himself,
For bugs and worms he goes,
And litter in the season, lie
Takes prizes at the shows.
schooner Youill brought in 300,000 feet
of lumber front Thessalon on Friday
for N. Dvinent.—The schooner Tod -
man left for Wiarton yesterday with a
cargo of. salt.—Mr. J, W. Smith's
horse won a first at the races in
Guelph fatst week.--Goderich will fire it
royal salute ori Jubilee Dray.—A Court
of Revision was held in the town
hall on Thursday evening.—Last week
four young men were brought before
the P. M. for scorching and mulcted
in costs, -The trig Lizzie May left for
North Bay last Tbursday.- Dr. Ure is
staying at the Sanitarium Danesville,
New York state,—Already several
summer visitors have arrived in town.
—Three weeks from to -day the public
school closes.—The weather the past
few weeks has been too cold for bloom-
ing plants.—Bicycles are still beingg sold
in town, rand as the liveries rent 30 or
40 daily the addition to cycle travel
this season is very noticable.—Rain
and thunder on whit Sunday thus
keeping in lane with the past sax Sun-
days.—There was 8 o'clock communion
at St. Genrge's on Sunday.—There was
a fairly attended meeting in the
Orange Hall on Friday evening to
make arrangements for the several
societies to attend, Divine Service on
Jubilee Day.—Tho harbor works con-
tract has been suspended some days
and when work is again commenced it
it, said only 12 or 14 men will be em-
ployed until the job is completed.—
Next Sunday bein Trinity Sunday
there will be 8 o'clock a. m. commun-
ion at St. George's.—The C. O. C. F.
will meet in session to -morrow even-
ing.—At the meeting of the town
council on Friday, 500 copies of the
Goderich Souvenir, were ordeivd.—
Masons are working on the brewery
foundation at the harbor.—Rev. Joseph
Edoe and W. Godwin are attending
the London conference,—Miss Torns
left Monday on it loo visit to New
York.—Mr. James Welts of the Salt -
ford brewery is going to reside in
Goderich. He has rented the house
next to Mr. James Reids on Wolfe
street.—The peach trees in this vicinity
are to all appearances dying. It is
thought the long continued cold and
wet wegther which has been exper.
fenced here is the cause.
Celebrate Jubilee Day in Clinton—
June 22nd,
J.'P.'Doherty, asking for $100 for the
Qlloet''sJubilee, which was reconrnrend-
looks exceedingly pretty just now, the
ed by the Finance Committee.
grass being green and the tulips' and
Cooper—Gilroy—That the report be
other Spring flowers in blossom. As
adopted. „
usual there are a few lots whose own-
Plummer—Swallow—That the report
ers are mostly away from town, that
have had
be not adopted.
not attendanceand these
mar the -beauty of our City of the
A long discussion followed, the mo -
tion being finally adopted, so that, the
Dead. If some arrangement could be
Town will assist in the worthy Jubilee
rnade by which the lots of noir-resi-
dents could be cared for it would
celebration by it grant of $11A),
greatly improve Old Maitland.
uua u0d, The Council then ad
Clinton City COUIICii.
Lucknow's befit lacrosse club play in Clinton,
The regular meeting was held on
June 22nd.
Monday evening, there being present
CHURCH.—Ott Sundae rnorninn
Y g, in
all the members except Councillors
the absence of the pastor, Mr. A. J.
Ford and Taylor.
COUrtice preached and in the evening
Mr. T. C. ,Pickard,
CHEEsr.—On Saturday Mr. J. Con -
were received from the Sons of Eng-
nolly made the first sale of the cheese
land asking Council to co-operate with
be sold for 84 cents. We consider this
them for the sermon on Sunday, June
is a good price for this time of the
20th Referred to Com. already appoint-
NOTES.—S. T. Walter and F. C. El -
From Dr. Shaw, Medical Health
ford attended the Farmers Institute
Officer-, regarding unsanitary condi-.
meeting at the Nilej on Tuesday.—
tion of broken down building on Al-
Miss Hale and Mrs. Caarslake, of Seaa-
bert St. Inspector was ordered tonotify
forth, spent a few days with friends in
owner to have nuisance removed
the vicinity, Mrs. A. K. Birks and
family, of Teeswater, are visiting her
Front Canadian stadia
n Fire Underwriters
parents, Al , and AIr. Elford.—On
1 E f rd,
Ass'n. Stating that they would not
Ftidny,� Miss F. Cartes, of Buffalo,
waive the requirement of a surprise
called on friends here.—Mr. and Mrs.
test; that the improvements promised
W. Elford, of Goderich, spent Strndav
for fire appliances are satisfactory for
in our village.—The Bethel League
present •D" classification; and that
were unable to visit us on Tuesday
classification would be reduced if the
evening as expected.—Mrs, E. Acheson
Inspector is not accorded the privilege
spent a week visiting friends in Gode-
of it surprise test.
Cooper and Walker moved that they
be not allowed test between 6 a. in.
and 6 p. in., but there were only 3
votes for the motion.
AcoRNas.—On Sunday morning Mr.
Itennedy and Hoover moved that
Jiles Jenkins occupied the pulpit of
the Methodist church in the absence of
a test be given at any time called on
the pastor, who is attending the con -
and the motion was carried.
ference in London. There was no set --
Front the Ontario Government re
vice in the evening.—On Sunday even-
Starvely estate with draft 'by-law foring
about forty members of the C. 0.
Council to pass, which was read a first,
F. No, 89, accupied the front seats of
second and third time and passed as
Trinity church, for the purpose of tak•
No 7, the grant of $10,000 being eC-
Ing part in the worship and listening
cepted, $5,000 for a public library and
to it special sermon preached to ther.i
$:1,000 to be invested for maintenance
by the Rector, Bro, Rev. T. E. Higley,
of same, and for no other purpose.
which was very appropriateand listen -
ed to by the brethren and large congre-
recommended that a culvert of 10 inch'
tile across William street at Princess
it.ion with marked attention,—Rov.
T. E. Higley left here on Monday for
street; that, the gravel pit be opened
and that the Cemetery Committee
London to attend the annual meeting
of the Huron Synod.—We are sorry
to hear than Mr. Will Eggart, who Naas
one third of the cost of removing what
dirt is required in the cernetery and
been seriouly ill for sometime past, is
that 60 cords of gravel be Pitt on the
making no iniprovenient.—Our towns -
man, Mr. Maattliew Floody, Was the
streets; than Mary street from North to
Erie streets be graded; that Isaac, street
purchaser of the property of Mrs. E.
from Mary to Joseph street be graded ;
Denton on Dinsley street, Our po u -
lar auctioneer, C. Ilamilton, weildiing
that Raglan street from Princess street
the mallet. Price $26L—Regular.
to David Cantelon's be graded and
meeting of the C. O. F. NO. 89, was
held in Watson's hall on Tuesday
evening.—Several carloads of Ibgshave
Ali,. John Stephenson asked the Coun-
arrived at the station during the past
cil for a sidewalk in front of his pro.
week from the south for E. Living-
perty on the west. side of Orange street,
ston's factory.—We. are sorry to hear
He said he had helped largely to make
that the wife of Councillor McNally is
the swamp habitable ; he had put in
not improving in health is fast as*her
over 300 yards of earth and bad paid
many friends would wish for.
over $000 in taxes. This was the first
tim(t he had asked the town for any-
thing.—Referred to Street Committee,
eery One
Chairman Swallow said he had not
acted in regard to F. U. A. demands
To Her Taste...
because there were no orders. The
Committee were not instructed to as-
certain cost and report.
As- the old wornan said when she
Searle—Cooper—That Committee as-
kissed the cow. If you'd rather
certain cost of brick tank near Organ
do your Washing and Cleaning
in a 'slow, laborious way, spend -
ing your time and strength in
lieeve Kennedy reported cemetery
useless, tiresome, ruinous ruh-
ning•-(Its nobodys business but,
in good shape, tidy, and well preserved,
your own.) Bnt if you want the -
easiest, quickest, inti t economi-
Accounts were passed for rstreet,
cal way of Washing and Cleaning -
$173.34; repairs, teaming, tile, water-
yore will have to use GOLD
ing, etc., $74.31; cemetery, $1.25; char-
ity, $3; electric light, $21.75; H. Stev-
there is nothing that is absolute --
ens, assessor, $6. Receipts—sale of
ly safe to wash with that can he
lots in cemetery and work, $20.65;
compared to it. It is put np in
cedar, $1.40; stock scales, $24.05; town
3lb. packages. WE SELL IT,
scales and rent of hall, $17,75.
Searle—Plummer—That the Assessor
R1��IJs O��
be furnished a list of dogon roll and
U Uo
that he be allowed 25c, extra for each
dog tax collected above those on same
Only a few of them left 916s. for
25c to clear them out.
showed balance and receipts of $3,182.-
96, and payments of $1,094.76, leaving
®O ly0be �c9
balance on hand of $2,088.19.
��� COOPER � C•
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