HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-02, Page 8will Till about June and its weddings and roses, it is also the niont•h when summer vacations begin when out door spports and tecreatioua are at their height and the athletic field most active- this year June is to be the great Jubilee month. If you want any of the appropriate sun- dries for any of these events we invite you to see us in the matter. Nothing brings greater joy or more laisting and sacred inewories to the happy bride on the day of her nup- tial ceremony than the gifts of Ler friends; such gitts are easy to select from our stock because of its var- iety ranging from the modest and inexpensive to the handsomest and best. Our requisites for the Tennis, Croquet, Cricket or Ball lawn are, tnudern and complete, tele kind you eau de- pend on, Our Jubilee Novelties consisting of China 'Pin Tva}•s in various shapes ' and colors, Pins, Badges and Emblems are unique, dainty and most flttinglq serve to display the laudable sentiment of htyalty which is so in vogue, besides this they are useful and orna- mental. Prices to suit all purses. oe00000®soon M W. D. Falf Ca,, CLINTON. Agents Parker's Dye Works. Tar, Hurnn A1.on).Q—RP. ?nrty 1 25 a Year -81.00 to Advance WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1897. LOCAL NEWS, Cn ane, Around the Illub, 30" Zulu. -"'Eva Liberty the celebrated trombone soloist in Clinton, June 22nd. Highest price for butter and (3ggs—CANTELON EROS. See our Bedroom Suites at $0.50. Great snap.—B I , OADVOOT, BOX B.' CO. Miss ANNIE FREEBORN, pupil of Prof. Tor. rington, Toronto College of Music, is pre ared to accept pupils in Vocal, Guitar and I�iano. 4yiII accept Concert I;ugagements. AGENTS WANTED.—If you want it good Railing specialty write AT ONCE to J. W. WEATnERALD Gloderich. —........_.......................................................... .................. ."".......... Don't forget to see the most wonderful inven. tion of the age in the town hall this week. T. COTTLE lifts a fine collection of bedding and house plants. Prices reasonable. Give him a call. Thrillin are its views; perfect is the life -like action. The Cinematograpbe is marvellous.— . ew Fork Herald. Town hall, Clinton, June 3rd and 4th. WANTED—Salesmen, inexperienced pre- ferred. Position permanent. Salary paid Very Saturday. NELgON Boous, 13aatavia urecries,.Bat.avia, N. Y. 18ri—DIAMOND JURILEE-1897.—We have had manufactured expressly for our own trade a Iimited quantity of Jubrlec Stove Enamel, It is something first-class, giving a high polish Without labour, dust, dirt or smoke and is only Hr cents per box. Each box is nicely lithograph- ed with a portrait of the Queen in the centre, We also give with each box sold a Jubilee Pin Tray for the ladies well worth the pprice charged. Secure one before all are sold. Do not fail to come to Clinton on Jubilee I) June 2•lnd.— HARLAND BROS., Stoves and Hardware. 9ftAl EN WANTED to go to camp with 33rd Battalion. ,best measurement must be 33 inches and hoittht 5 feet ri inches. Applycarlyto H. B. COMBS, Capt. 33rd Battalion. RIFLE STiOOT—Last Thursday Messrs. John Johnston and J. F. Spooner took part in the 33rd Battalion Rifle Mat- ches at Seaforth. There would have been a much larger attendance from bene, but the ranges were not satisfac- tory to our riflemen, Contestants were present from London, Guelph and other points. Mr. Johnston captured a number of prizes and Mr. Spooner scored well in the extra series. ESCAPED DEATII,—The other day whilo assisting in taking down the rrarne work owned by Mr. Will. Core ,in Huron street, George Stewart had ti very narrow escape front instant death. He was in in upright position when one of the beanis came down and )n its downward course wedged hits hetween it and the buildinv. The sev- ere squeeze has compelled Mr. Stewart Go ]ay off work but we are glad to know ghat he pruvic{entially escaped instant death. RURAL DEANERY AND S. S. CONVEN- r rioN.—A.IneetingoftheRuralDeanery i -)f Huron and a S. S. Convention of ,,be Deanery was held in Exeter on Wednesday, 26th ult. There was :a i ;odd representative attendance from til' parts of the Deanery. The pro. tit coluntencPd by I)lvine service t n the church at O.3O it, m. At 10 a.m. ;he S. S, convention met in the school louse where an address of welcome � was given by the Rector of Exeter, 1 Rev. Horace Bray. The reports from t the various Sunday schools in the r leanery were then read, showing sub- itantial improvements and cause for i wtigratulations on this important a branch of the church's work, A 2.30 i there was a litA,ny service in the church and 3 o'clock the convention again met it the school house. At this session ,hree papers were read and discussed. i The first one on "Than Spirit of S. S. 1 Work," by Miss Stnallacombe, of Hen t ixll; a paper on "A Parent's Privilege," 3y Mr. John R,tansford of Clinton was 1 'hen read, followed by a paper on i "flow to Retain Young Alen in the S. 3." ny Miss Cornyn of Wingham. i rhese papers were all of a high order t Ind were followed in each case by full t liscussion. The place of triecting for i Textyear is Windham. The officers elected for the ensuing year are, Presi- t lent, Rev. Mr. Lowe of Wingharn ; c Vice -Pres., John Ransford, Clinton ; t lecret>Fary, Mrs. Foster, Winghaim. Re- t •ording-Secretary, D. Dyer, Exeter. t is it pity that these meetings ore not f nore largely attended, as they callgpt t 'ail to be productive of goods. Ail) . atending were well repaid for so4J'0` 0, , p.+�,-,�.. •�. .... , .,; n5 �F� , . , ,�,-'.w.•�r'^.. ..�.. ^'F+ro.,ww'+'�P�•.�RF•:.`k S7�i-y,�, ,,,,,((„T ���„� .,u., •�+.�•�ll, "� �� .... V A TRHAT. Mr. Sliver, the sub -war- den of the Church Bays' $rigade, in- , tends giving the boys as treat ou FricicLy afternoon, The boys will march in full dress to the Town hall, and after the entertainment by the CinematoMIER - graphe will march back again to the school -roofs. 1 Tuic OLD STORY.—We beard of a person who sent to a Toronto depart - men tat store for wall paper and border. The latter was listed particularly low. but when it wag received it was found thaat a pard of border was but a yard of harder, instead, of being two or three bands to the yard. It costs money to buy experience. THE WOOL MARKET.—Ail indications point to the fact that farmers should not delay in clippie,g their sheep and marketing the product with as little delay aspassible. The tariff changes may make a difference of 52, a lb. less to fanners in this section, so that the profit will be in our favor in marketing now. Wool is as usual being received oat the Standard Elevator here, for which the highest cash price will be paid. MILLINERY.IJACKSON BROS., RIFLE RANOEs.—For some years the - Chips, pedal Straws , WE RAVE THE LOWEST PRICES. Rifle Association has been ]a- TuSCari ai1Ct Le 1]Orn boring under a great disadvantage in , securing suitable rifle ranges s.atisfac- besides all the novelties tory to all parties concerned. Mr. .. , . Mens Serge Suits 8.50 John Gibbings owns excellent ranges, of the season in Sailors, but the only objection is that the pro-' Walking and Cycling gMen's Tweed Suits - - 5.00 arty is in the corporation. Mr. Gib- r binge is willing to grant the use of tile tttY Hats. We give a spec - grounds to the Association, but the I ial discount Of D per � }�OU�%7S' sanction of the Council must be ob- p Serge Suits 3.25 twined. The Town Council should as , f. cent on all purchases oflj o ly far as•possi le encourage rifle shooting r �� it y Milliner YOUti?S' Tweed Suits - 4,50 and we t t arraanveinents may be o completed or new rifle ranges. Ladies' Cotton Vests. We have a fine assortment of 0 � � Men's Wool Tweed Pants 1,00 WHITNEY G'OMING —J. P. Whitney, these from 5c to 35e. M. P.P,, Leader of the Opposition in the Ontario Legislature, will address-��►H0S1ER, .L .y�� Men's Cottonade 'Pants - 90 the electors of South Huron, North Ladies' fast black Cotton Ilose, two pairs � Ladies' Llslo Hose, taut black, high spliced oMiddlesexSaturday and South Perth at Exeter tor,,,, , ,,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 25c heel and toe, nothing like them at tilt - t I' I 0 UtrIS'Wool Tweed Pants 1.00 onSitturdav, June 12th, 1807, aft 1.30 Our Tit) Top Line Black Cotton Hose, price ....................................... 5c m. Addresses will also be given pair••-•.... .. ° + i by Lieut. -Col. A, J. Matheson, M. Our 20c line is the best value in the trade, Boy's Heavp Ribbed Rose, fast black at ZOc2oc P.P., W. A. Willoughby, M, P,P., J. real 40 i sago spliced heclu and tons, , Boy's Knee Pants - 40 SSV. St. John, M. P.P., A. Miscatn bell, double so a and stainless dye, .... , • , , ..... Boy's Fine Ribbed Hose In black and tan, M. P.P., O. A. Howland, M. P.P„ rhos. For 25e, our do silk finish, real le la 40 with double knee ..................... Ioc to 25c gunge spliced heel and sole, the latcat. r k1agwood, M, Y.P., and Henry Eriber sanitary stainless dye ...... ... . . .. . . • , , , , • Children's plain fast black Hose fat.. , . too to 2o,; Men's Straw Hats... , ..............10c Men's Flannelette Shirts 5 for. , . $1.00 Esq., Conservative candidate for south Men's Fancy Straw Hats. , ........ I � Huron. Arrangements are being ' q Men's heavy Strong Cotton Shirts 50c made for siIlgle railway fare nn the i ( Boys' Straws..............10 and 25c 'Men's White Unlaundried Shirts 39e London, Huron and Bruce railway andPariasols, Men's Tweed Ca s.......... 26cI p ••••• Men's Colored Cambric Shirts.... 75c connections. Everyboc}ywel��ome. • Boys' Tweed Caps........ , .10 and 25o Boys, << " ` .... 50c FOR VETERAN$.—All the '64, '00, '70 and'85 vetarns in this section should bleu's Light Weight Underwear...2lic Men's Bicycle Sweaters .......... $1.00 Ile interested in the coming Queen's ,A Parasol is a good g g Jubilee Celebration oil June 22nd. Men's Black Cotton Hose .... 12c Boys' Bicycle Sweaters. -.........55e Capt. Combe is arranging for a parade Men's Bicycle Stockings ......... , .75e of the Society of Veterans to be defin- protection in rainy Men's Braces, good and strong.....150 Men's Bicycle Suits..............$3.95 ed its follows :—All' those who drilled I A line of Bicycle Itnicker worth or trained for the Trent affair of 1804, weather and in sun- 1 1 Boys' Braces, good and strong.., ....9e $3.50 to clear ....... ....... $1.96 for the Fenian invasion of '00 and '09. shine to keep Off' Old or those who took part in the rebellioi2 p SATURDAY last we offered a big range of 35 and 40 cent Ties, to clear; of 1870 or 1885. The names of such 9 f many were sold --we' repeat the offer next Saturday, don't miss buying a Tie at should be seutto Capt. Combe, Clinton, Sols rays. We have / th}s price. who is completing the organization of the SocitAy. The organization of such them to suit both In f', 0 it worthy Society should prove of great interest and reconnition at quality and price. tile a de iis of the Government S which is now being pressed. The first appearance of the inem- _ bers is a body will he in Clinton BROS11 On June 22nd. All are invited to take part in this parade. WThe Famous Clothiers, ORANGE DOING$.—The m . eeting of • Y & U0• the Grand Black ClIa•pter and Orange 1'-- Coat's Block, Clinton. Grand Lodge of British America at THE LADIES' FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT. P. S.—Don't miss the big day's sport in Clinton June 22nd. Windsor last week was not as largely attended as on previous occasions, the — — only representatives from Huron we Remember the machine used for the Cinomn- noticed being John Moroney of Brussels togeaphe is a new one and the vows arc all and John Scarlett of L prosperous The new and better than was shown hero in March. Goods Order continues in a prosperous COs- INDIA FAMINE FUND. —Additional � / dition and much interest was many- subscriptions received by the Molsons Tested in the future welfare of the Bank and forwarded to Ottawa :—A Institution. The Grand Black Chapter Sympiithizing Family $5, Henry Lear elected the following officers:—A. J. $1. Total received to date $139.11. Armstrong, St, John, N. B., Grand Master; J. H. Scott, ILincardine, Dep- I. O. G. T. NOTES,—The lodge is Pro- uty Grand Master; J. C. Gass, Shuhen_ gressing. The temperance speeches, wcaAssociatedie, N.S.AssociateDeputy: J. S, last Friday evening were instructive. oods at Williams, Toronto, Grand Treasurer. They were given by T. Brownlee rindNew Officers for Grand Orff ange Lodge were \V. Moore. Thera will be its ice cream t elected:—N. C. Wallace., of Toronto, social next Fvidity evening, All the Grand Master, elected bvacclamation; members are requested to be present. Major J. A. Arinstson St. John, N. �0�11► ®o�►�bly ®Ob�� �► •� vo p • 13., Deputy Grand Alf"ster, acclama_ THE VICTORIA ORDER of NURSES Lion; Rev, W. F. Wilson, Toronto, IN CANADA.—Subscription list now � + Grand Chaplain; tam. Lockhart, Alli- Coll at The oolsons Bank. Honorary�� liti Pr* �� ��� Ston, Grand Secretary; IV. J. Parkhill Collectors ]Seeks (authorized) will be ' "�'�•"�''®'e'"0-� Midland, Grand Treasurer; R. A. C. issued by the Bank to those washing Brown. St. John, N, B., Grand Lee -to collect subscriptions towards this Curer; E. Floody, Toronto, Grand Di- object. rector of Ceremonies; John C. Gass f�9 3hubenaeadie, N. S.,on Bicycle Deputy Grand BICYCLE 1'.1-N,.—The Clint �ecrc•twry; Lieut. -Col. Scott, Kineiir- , ( lab will (I). i .) ,sake their first run \'t a comine.nced Inst [seek a e p ecial sale of Dress Goods, a sale that it will pay every lady in want of a dress to take line, Deputy Grand Treasurer, The to Goderich next Friday afternoon, advantage of. We have been buying some remarkably cheap Dress Goods, have paid lees for them than they coat to text annnat meeting will he held in leaving here 2. 0, there between re will Ile I import. We want to turn them over quickly, so have marked thein at prides that are very little over half what they Jt,tawaa' 'V'arsity and the c•onnty town. A are worth regular. You can form an idea of the values by these, but you can't tell how good they are unless you see 1301,1) Gair>; Fvlt Mo -,,FY. — Last, gooci number of members should take the goods. , in the run and witness the gaine, week the daily papers hada decp:itch F;ne French Serge, 42 inches wide, Fancy French figured Dress Goods, I Fine. dress patterns, no two alike, 'rant Niagara Falls describing a hand_ GOOD HORSES PAY.—The other day smooth linish. ,last the thing for , gi g 4 t inches wide, will make is roost all Wool and Silk and Wool ruins pair of swindlers, .a Hurn and hl r. E. (Ilt•nn of Stamey had a splendid skirts to wear with shirt waists, votnalt. Their names were given five. -year-old gelding irl Clinton which black and navy, tegulatr• price 39c stylish costume, navy, fawn and mixed, regular value $0 and $7 Alen nrrested as Francis Watson, weighed about 1,700 pound;. He sold for DresS Goods Sal(. ............. 20c black, regtilar value $1. For for length of 7 yards, for Dress tlias Francis Robinson, and Violet, the animal to a Seaforth buyer for Dress Sale ........................ :58c Goods Sale...... ...............$5,Y5 'leveland, alias Winnie Hunter of $13:5. The animal was roc the Fine French t7nating Serge, 46 in, � 7lintin, Ont. Diligent enquirey bas Ohl conn market. It certIt nI pays wide, every thread wool, in fawn, All wool figured fancy Black Dress ailed to find a person of the name to raise goad horses. grey and cardinal, extra good Goods, 41 inches wide, regular tailing from this town. The despatch duality, regular value 30c, for Fine Colored Glorias, a mixture of "THOU SIIALr NOT SEAL." --There Dress Goods Sale ............... 00c. For Dress Goods Sale..... 37§c nye rl the crirumals:—"Tire young 32c Silk and �Voal, has the itppear- is aclass of theft :it this season of the Extra fine quality, figured Black anee of Pure Silk will make Yuman inserted in vat•ious New York ., )apers n description of herself, which year which is to say the leirst very Fina Cashmere Serge, all wool, 44 reprehensible. Flower gardens are en- Dress Goods, small, neat patterns, beautiful blouses asci waists, in vas accurate enough, and invited tor- inches wide, fine Huish, navy es onclance with the ob•e,ct of matri- tered and beautiful tulips44 inches widereull85 many eauupur- only in this line, re olar 45r, for , gar value c, ale blue, ' p .l �8 P pink, Wile green and pony. Letters began pouring in by lamed and sold. Care shotjld be exer- .Dress Goods Sale. • .. . . . ......... 32c for Sale......................... .Me cream, regular $1, for Dress sale. 75c he bushel. Rubinson would answer cised by parents and guardians alld If he letters and often the victim world possible put a stop to these petty Remember this i5 not an accumulation of old, shelf WI.1] goods or out-of-date styles re invited r�) coinoma air to the Ieme to we otter ,you, but brand new goods bought at prices thatlenable us to give Dress Goods fleet the woman. Arrangements OUR DEFENDERS.—The 3llrcl $att,a- vouid be made for meetings in out -of- lion will go into camp on June 28th, values that discount by far anything we have done in the past. They're worth vour he way places, and while the dupe Capt. Combe is making an effort to buying even if you do not make them up until newt fall, and t"he woman were conversing, turn out No. 4 Co, in first-class order. lobinson would suddenly put in an Quite it number have been enrolled, appearance in the role of the injured Special messing will be arranged for Usband. The rascal would threaten this Company which will add greatly o shoot the victim if he did not at once to the comfort of the [nen. This Com- eceive money for the alienation of bis panyshonld certainly be the best in the.5 'wife's" affections. In several instan- Battalion, as all the non -commission , es the game worked to the complete officers have certificates and have put atisfaiction of the bilkets. Infornra- in terms at the Military Schools. The ion of the swindling reached Chief drill will be very interesting as the new SummmAbA&er )inan's ears and he seta trap by which Lee-Enfleld rifles will be used for the lobinson was lured to the post office first time. Lrid tged blantt From was learned his itcom CLINTON STREWS.—Thisyear•, under am [lice was in Clinton, Ont.. By another the management of Inspector Wheat - he was coaxed back to the Falls ley, the road machine has been doing M( she, too, is now in jail. At first excellent work. Mitny electors [nth strnng•1yy denied theiridentity, but thought at the time the pUYCtla$e was 'Milli n %101 119P I �. Ifter constderitble questioning they made that the expenditure was useless tdmitted their guilt. They also ad- —that the money was being thrown nitted that they were not married, away. A number of streets have al- We are showing some very pretty Summer Millinery in New Shapes, Flowers aiid hat mm� they had been working the game and we might add that tlf+�• health of heroes were fn Canada and ready this vd'ar been greatly improved hat they FancyTrimmings that are the newest and most stylish to be had. This week we- n verious parts of the country for two many citizens has also bAn better opened Some very nobby bailor Hats in White, black and ,fancy straws that for style •ears. Robinson was recentlyimpris protected by the carryinr, off of Stag- and value are not equalled iii tl]A trade. sed and lined at St. Cat'uarines far an sant Nater. The expenditure, as Tug i'fence of the same nature." Our es- NEws-ftcoRD said at the time, was a eemed town contemporary, the Olin- wise one, and ti -e road machine should e� r �, �. �„(wswae�©our1P6A►�ua �1r �^� w to on New Fra, should, as it did in the he kept at work as long as the town ase of the "Canada Banner Company" funds will permit. rands and swindlers, allow free splice The Dry Goods Palacep. rROSCrlti('iaP. g ir>; protected t i) becauseis It is rs ofimpothe to appropriately dosrribo the re have again protected the public rvnnders of Cho Cinemntographe. Evc+•y ono �� CLINTON. ly giving the above iters of news, j shouto Clinton, It.—London t. 3rd d 1 4tAdvertiser, Town Iran, JL 11 HODGENS °b r , • n _. - w . awm- ,.�Le.r •�-�:. �..i u1t.,�..-:, ,�.1-.. �.ilf.',aivWlfEW. Clothiers ani. Furnishers. We are now prepared to supply all your needs in White Straw Hats, Fancy Braids, If You want to buy right Chiffons, and Lace Hats. Never efore we believe have i,, f you want to be treated"r ght e batt such a range of -1i you want to save money styles to show you. Shipments of Hats and Trimmings received this week makes our assort - ment complete in every our to us for your Clothing and Furnishings, we are leader, in particular. In Trim- Trim- our line, med goods we show a WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK , large variety of fine . WE HAVE THE BEST STOCK, RIFLE RANOEs.—For some years the - Chips, pedal Straws , WE RAVE THE LOWEST PRICES. Rifle Association has been ]a- TuSCari ai1Ct Le 1]Orn boring under a great disadvantage in , securing suitable rifle ranges s.atisfac- besides all the novelties tory to all parties concerned. Mr. .. , . Mens Serge Suits 8.50 John Gibbings owns excellent ranges, of the season in Sailors, but the only objection is that the pro-' Walking and Cycling gMen's Tweed Suits - - 5.00 arty is in the corporation. Mr. Gib- r binge is willing to grant the use of tile tttY Hats. We give a spec - grounds to the Association, but the I ial discount Of D per � }�OU�%7S' sanction of the Council must be ob- p Serge Suits 3.25 twined. The Town Council should as , f. cent on all purchases oflj o ly far as•possi le encourage rifle shooting r �� it y Milliner YOUti?S' Tweed Suits - 4,50 and we t t arraanveinents may be o completed or new rifle ranges. Ladies' Cotton Vests. We have a fine assortment of 0 � � Men's Wool Tweed Pants 1,00 WHITNEY G'OMING —J. P. Whitney, these from 5c to 35e. M. P.P,, Leader of the Opposition in the Ontario Legislature, will address-��►H0S1ER, .L .y�� Men's Cottonade 'Pants - 90 the electors of South Huron, North Ladies' fast black Cotton Ilose, two pairs � Ladies' Llslo Hose, taut black, high spliced oMiddlesexSaturday and South Perth at Exeter tor,,,, , ,,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 25c heel and toe, nothing like them at tilt - t I' I 0 UtrIS'Wool Tweed Pants 1.00 onSitturdav, June 12th, 1807, aft 1.30 Our Tit) Top Line Black Cotton Hose, price ....................................... 5c m. Addresses will also be given pair••-•.... .. ° + i by Lieut. -Col. A, J. Matheson, M. Our 20c line is the best value in the trade, Boy's Heavp Ribbed Rose, fast black at ZOc2oc P.P., W. A. Willoughby, M, P,P., J. real 40 i sago spliced heclu and tons, , Boy's Knee Pants - 40 SSV. St. John, M. P.P., A. Miscatn bell, double so a and stainless dye, .... , • , , ..... Boy's Fine Ribbed Hose In black and tan, M. P.P., O. A. Howland, M. P.P„ rhos. For 25e, our do silk finish, real le la 40 with double knee ..................... Ioc to 25c gunge spliced heel and sole, the latcat. r k1agwood, M, Y.P., and Henry Eriber sanitary stainless dye ...... ... . . .. . . • , , , , • Children's plain fast black Hose fat.. , . too to 2o,; Men's Straw Hats... , ..............10c Men's Flannelette Shirts 5 for. , . $1.00 Esq., Conservative candidate for south Men's Fancy Straw Hats. , ........ I � Huron. Arrangements are being ' q Men's heavy Strong Cotton Shirts 50c made for siIlgle railway fare nn the i ( Boys' Straws..............10 and 25c 'Men's White Unlaundried Shirts 39e London, Huron and Bruce railway andPariasols, Men's Tweed Ca s.......... 26cI p ••••• Men's Colored Cambric Shirts.... 75c connections. Everyboc}ywel��ome. • Boys' Tweed Caps........ , .10 and 25o Boys, << " ` .... 50c FOR VETERAN$.—All the '64, '00, '70 and'85 vetarns in this section should bleu's Light Weight Underwear...2lic Men's Bicycle Sweaters .......... $1.00 Ile interested in the coming Queen's ,A Parasol is a good g g Jubilee Celebration oil June 22nd. Men's Black Cotton Hose .... 12c Boys' Bicycle Sweaters. -.........55e Capt. Combe is arranging for a parade Men's Bicycle Stockings ......... , .75e of the Society of Veterans to be defin- protection in rainy Men's Braces, good and strong.....150 Men's Bicycle Suits..............$3.95 ed its follows :—All' those who drilled I A line of Bicycle Itnicker worth or trained for the Trent affair of 1804, weather and in sun- 1 1 Boys' Braces, good and strong.., ....9e $3.50 to clear ....... ....... $1.96 for the Fenian invasion of '00 and '09. shine to keep Off' Old or those who took part in the rebellioi2 p SATURDAY last we offered a big range of 35 and 40 cent Ties, to clear; of 1870 or 1885. The names of such 9 f many were sold --we' repeat the offer next Saturday, don't miss buying a Tie at should be seutto Capt. Combe, Clinton, Sols rays. We have / th}s price. who is completing the organization of the SocitAy. The organization of such them to suit both In f', 0 it worthy Society should prove of great interest and reconnition at quality and price. tile a de iis of the Government S which is now being pressed. The first appearance of the inem- _ bers is a body will he in Clinton BROS11 On June 22nd. All are invited to take part in this parade. WThe Famous Clothiers, ORANGE DOING$.—The m . eeting of • Y & U0• the Grand Black ClIa•pter and Orange 1'-- Coat's Block, Clinton. Grand Lodge of British America at THE LADIES' FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT. P. S.—Don't miss the big day's sport in Clinton June 22nd. Windsor last week was not as largely attended as on previous occasions, the — — only representatives from Huron we Remember the machine used for the Cinomn- noticed being John Moroney of Brussels togeaphe is a new one and the vows arc all and John Scarlett of L prosperous The new and better than was shown hero in March. Goods Order continues in a prosperous COs- INDIA FAMINE FUND. —Additional � / dition and much interest was many- subscriptions received by the Molsons Tested in the future welfare of the Bank and forwarded to Ottawa :—A Institution. The Grand Black Chapter Sympiithizing Family $5, Henry Lear elected the following officers:—A. J. $1. Total received to date $139.11. Armstrong, St, John, N. B., Grand Master; J. H. Scott, ILincardine, Dep- I. O. G. T. NOTES,—The lodge is Pro- uty Grand Master; J. C. Gass, Shuhen_ gressing. The temperance speeches, wcaAssociatedie, N.S.AssociateDeputy: J. S, last Friday evening were instructive. oods at Williams, Toronto, Grand Treasurer. They were given by T. Brownlee rindNew Officers for Grand Orff ange Lodge were \V. Moore. Thera will be its ice cream t elected:—N. C. Wallace., of Toronto, social next Fvidity evening, All the Grand Master, elected bvacclamation; members are requested to be present. Major J. A. Arinstson St. John, N. �0�11► ®o�►�bly ®Ob�� �► •� vo p • 13., Deputy Grand Alf"ster, acclama_ THE VICTORIA ORDER of NURSES Lion; Rev, W. F. Wilson, Toronto, IN CANADA.—Subscription list now � + Grand Chaplain; tam. Lockhart, Alli- Coll at The oolsons Bank. Honorary�� liti Pr* �� ��� Ston, Grand Secretary; IV. J. Parkhill Collectors ]Seeks (authorized) will be ' "�'�•"�''®'e'"0-� Midland, Grand Treasurer; R. A. C. issued by the Bank to those washing Brown. St. John, N, B., Grand Lee -to collect subscriptions towards this Curer; E. Floody, Toronto, Grand Di- object. rector of Ceremonies; John C. Gass f�9 3hubenaeadie, N. S.,on Bicycle Deputy Grand BICYCLE 1'.1-N,.—The Clint �ecrc•twry; Lieut. -Col. Scott, Kineiir- , ( lab will (I). i .) ,sake their first run \'t a comine.nced Inst [seek a e p ecial sale of Dress Goods, a sale that it will pay every lady in want of a dress to take line, Deputy Grand Treasurer, The to Goderich next Friday afternoon, advantage of. We have been buying some remarkably cheap Dress Goods, have paid lees for them than they coat to text annnat meeting will he held in leaving here 2. 0, there between re will Ile I import. We want to turn them over quickly, so have marked thein at prides that are very little over half what they Jt,tawaa' 'V'arsity and the c•onnty town. A are worth regular. You can form an idea of the values by these, but you can't tell how good they are unless you see 1301,1) Gair>; Fvlt Mo -,,FY. — Last, gooci number of members should take the goods. , in the run and witness the gaine, week the daily papers hada decp:itch F;ne French Serge, 42 inches wide, Fancy French figured Dress Goods, I Fine. dress patterns, no two alike, 'rant Niagara Falls describing a hand_ GOOD HORSES PAY.—The other day smooth linish. ,last the thing for , gi g 4 t inches wide, will make is roost all Wool and Silk and Wool ruins pair of swindlers, .a Hurn and hl r. E. (Ilt•nn of Stamey had a splendid skirts to wear with shirt waists, votnalt. Their names were given five. -year-old gelding irl Clinton which black and navy, tegulatr• price 39c stylish costume, navy, fawn and mixed, regular value $0 and $7 Alen nrrested as Francis Watson, weighed about 1,700 pound;. He sold for DresS Goods Sal(. ............. 20c black, regtilar value $1. For for length of 7 yards, for Dress tlias Francis Robinson, and Violet, the animal to a Seaforth buyer for Dress Sale ........................ :58c Goods Sale...... ...............$5,Y5 'leveland, alias Winnie Hunter of $13:5. The animal was roc the Fine French t7nating Serge, 46 in, � 7lintin, Ont. Diligent enquirey bas Ohl conn market. It certIt nI pays wide, every thread wool, in fawn, All wool figured fancy Black Dress ailed to find a person of the name to raise goad horses. grey and cardinal, extra good Goods, 41 inches wide, regular tailing from this town. The despatch duality, regular value 30c, for Fine Colored Glorias, a mixture of "THOU SIIALr NOT SEAL." --There Dress Goods Sale ............... 00c. For Dress Goods Sale..... 37§c nye rl the crirumals:—"Tire young 32c Silk and �Voal, has the itppear- is aclass of theft :it this season of the Extra fine quality, figured Black anee of Pure Silk will make Yuman inserted in vat•ious New York ., )apers n description of herself, which year which is to say the leirst very Fina Cashmere Serge, all wool, 44 reprehensible. Flower gardens are en- Dress Goods, small, neat patterns, beautiful blouses asci waists, in vas accurate enough, and invited tor- inches wide, fine Huish, navy es onclance with the ob•e,ct of matri- tered and beautiful tulips44 inches widereull85 many eauupur- only in this line, re olar 45r, for , gar value c, ale blue, ' p .l �8 P pink, Wile green and pony. Letters began pouring in by lamed and sold. Care shotjld be exer- .Dress Goods Sale. • .. . . . ......... 32c for Sale......................... .Me cream, regular $1, for Dress sale. 75c he bushel. Rubinson would answer cised by parents and guardians alld If he letters and often the victim world possible put a stop to these petty Remember this i5 not an accumulation of old, shelf WI.1] goods or out-of-date styles re invited r�) coinoma air to the Ieme to we otter ,you, but brand new goods bought at prices thatlenable us to give Dress Goods fleet the woman. Arrangements OUR DEFENDERS.—The 3llrcl $att,a- vouid be made for meetings in out -of- lion will go into camp on June 28th, values that discount by far anything we have done in the past. They're worth vour he way places, and while the dupe Capt. Combe is making an effort to buying even if you do not make them up until newt fall, and t"he woman were conversing, turn out No. 4 Co, in first-class order. lobinson would suddenly put in an Quite it number have been enrolled, appearance in the role of the injured Special messing will be arranged for Usband. The rascal would threaten this Company which will add greatly o shoot the victim if he did not at once to the comfort of the [nen. This Com- eceive money for the alienation of bis panyshonld certainly be the best in the.5 'wife's" affections. In several instan- Battalion, as all the non -commission , es the game worked to the complete officers have certificates and have put atisfaiction of the bilkets. Infornra- in terms at the Military Schools. The ion of the swindling reached Chief drill will be very interesting as the new SummmAbA&er )inan's ears and he seta trap by which Lee-Enfleld rifles will be used for the lobinson was lured to the post office first time. Lrid tged blantt From was learned his itcom CLINTON STREWS.—Thisyear•, under am [lice was in Clinton, Ont.. By another the management of Inspector Wheat - he was coaxed back to the Falls ley, the road machine has been doing M( she, too, is now in jail. At first excellent work. Mitny electors [nth strnng•1yy denied theiridentity, but thought at the time the pUYCtla$e was 'Milli n %101 119P I �. Ifter constderitble questioning they made that the expenditure was useless tdmitted their guilt. They also ad- —that the money was being thrown nitted that they were not married, away. A number of streets have al- We are showing some very pretty Summer Millinery in New Shapes, Flowers aiid hat mm� they had been working the game and we might add that tlf+�• health of heroes were fn Canada and ready this vd'ar been greatly improved hat they FancyTrimmings that are the newest and most stylish to be had. This week we- n verious parts of the country for two many citizens has also bAn better opened Some very nobby bailor Hats in White, black and ,fancy straws that for style •ears. Robinson was recentlyimpris protected by the carryinr, off of Stag- and value are not equalled iii tl]A trade. sed and lined at St. Cat'uarines far an sant Nater. The expenditure, as Tug i'fence of the same nature." Our es- NEws-ftcoRD said at the time, was a eemed town contemporary, the Olin- wise one, and ti -e road machine should e� r �, �. �„(wswae�©our1P6A►�ua �1r �^� w to on New Fra, should, as it did in the he kept at work as long as the town ase of the "Canada Banner Company" funds will permit. rands and swindlers, allow free splice The Dry Goods Palacep. rROSCrlti('iaP. g ir>; protected t i) becauseis It is rs ofimpothe to appropriately dosrribo the re have again protected the public rvnnders of Cho Cinemntographe. Evc+•y ono �� CLINTON. ly giving the above iters of news, j shouto Clinton, It.—London t. 3rd d 1 4tAdvertiser, Town Iran, JL 11 HODGENS °b r , • n _. - w . awm- ,.�Le.r •�-�:. �..i u1t.,�..-:, ,�.1-.. �.ilf.',aivWlfEW.