HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-02, Page 6r, 777 An Absurd llta►ckdown. The Combined ,i. owers... ASuffererCured Mr. Fielding introduced another tar- iffou Tuesday. This is the second with- Of Europe may blockade the Grecian Porta but cannot interfere with "Every season, from the time I in a month. The first attempt, made the Special Cuts we are offering in DECORATED DINNER and TEA was two years old, i suffered dread- , • SETS, GOLD STIPPLED TOILET WARE, BEAUTIFUL HAND !filly from erysipelas, which kegs after ten months tnGubation and apro- PAINTED CHINAWARE. tarCall'and get quotations before pur- longed, pretentious, and expensive tour chasing elsewhere. - Fresh Seeds just received. growing worse until my Hands were through the country for the purpose almofit useless. The bones softened q q G► q v q ®q �q ci q c, qq. xot that they would bend, and several of receiving the advice of business et my fingers are now crooked from men, was�so�il•cvnsifeatured and so ab- N Robson, Grocer, Albert St., Clinton. ' this cause. On m stud in s�ttn of its features that the N. Y Finance )Punster was compelled to luutd 1 carry large abandon it. In the second effort some scars, which,but for lirapro vementstire made. Forexample, A LETTER TO THE GRAND � House for Sale - ��ER S under the first scheme Mr. Fielding --- taxed the raw material for mining ma- ARMY. Two story frame house in Clinton ten rooms chinery, and provided that the machin- stoneeetler, hard and soft water• Good ground. cry itself should come in free. This he "The efficiency of an army," says ha me stable. Fox- full ALLANSONparticulars apply ly to n. Sarsaparilla, would designated free trade or revenue tariff. Napoleon, "de egds more on good be sores, provided I It was neither the one nor the other, p + P $ s3a tt f was alive and able but a straight discrimination against food and digestion than on any other gg �+ HerMajesty'sne ictorialu Hot. lee to carr anything. our own labour and in favor of the one thing. Precisely. Men can f„ Y 3 g• ARRIE6 "Queen Vittorio, Her Lito and Eight bottles o! United States makers. In the same neither fight on empty stomachs nor uo Reign" into every home. Permoris who ," way Mr. Fielding's utter ignorance,of on sick stomache. never sold books take orders fast. Preface the Ayers Sarsaparilla cured me, so ordinarybusiness affairs led him in most eloquent of Lord Dutrerin'sachievements. that I have had no return of the his initiatory tariff ro ramme to tax No book so highly praised. We need more y p g And what is life anyhow but one canvassers. Easy to make $15 to $30a week. disease for more than twenty years. the steel of which tools are made high- long campaign I We have got to fight, Books on time. Pros nodus free to canvassers. The first bottle seemed to reach the er' by a considerable percentage A trial will cost nothim,. and it may flu >om• than he taxed the tools themselves. most of us, whether we feel like it or em ty ocher book, PHI; BRADLEY -Gait. spot and a persistent use of it has not. Yee and we moat fight Eo -do REQ OI co., L'TD., Toronto, Ont. perfected the cure tit use C.t hDAVIS,e hits effected a correction. here. In i $ y 1?, tobaccos he has rnade a change, the for the bread and meat, which is to Wantona, Wis. wisdom of which experts will have to strengthen us to fight again tomorrow. Farm For Sale. consider. The corrections have been Men, women, and (Heaven forgive us) 'South half Lot No. 25, 17th concession, Gode accompanied by further cuts in the lots of children too—we are all in the rich Township, one mile north of Clinton coal• FENiron duties, all of which distinctly fa- prised of 40 acres, more or less. The ]anti is all vour Che United States. The lower the army ; fighting for money, place and cleared and in fair stave of cultivation. Well &R'Sgeneral rate of duty the lass marked power ; but the majority for the mere fenced and plcncy of cedar on the property. is the distinction between this rate and Y Frame barn 40x0(), stone stable 30x50. Will be Chance to live our days t. sold reasonablo and on torms to stilt purchaser. THE ONLY WORLD'S FAIR the preferential rate and the more out. For pafticulars apply at Tim Nyms-RECOui) easily can the preferential rate be nul- . Seeing that this is'so,doesn't it seem office, or to JAMES H. CGLCLOUGH, Iienfryn ASa_ rsa pari Ila lified. But, altogether regardless of as though every one ought to have a P.O. AYEF.'s FILLSPromote Good Digeetioa, that, the lots iron rates are fur the fair start I I mean a good di estion Americans. With reference to two $ g AGENTS. Now Edition of "Queen provisions of the tariff—one relating to and rations to match. But do they 4 orients larged--thirty-two (Victoria" till page now add dy• H yc — - -- combines and the other to preferred or Let this woman help you to answer hlstory of the Queen and the Victorian halt he Huron News -Re �Orlx favoured countries—important amend- that quetsion.I published. The only Canadian book accepted ents are made. The Government by Hot, Majesty. Sales enormous: canvaSscrs to take itself authority to "From childhood," ahe says, "I sof . knocking the bottom out of all records. Easy 1 25 a Year—$1.00 in Advance proposed to make thirty dollars weekly from now until determine when a combine exists, and fered from indigestion, but got along Diamond Jubilee. Particulars free, to place all goods affected by such fairly well up to my fifteenth year. Tim BRA ULEv-GARRETsoNCo•, Urn.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1897. combine upon the free list. t was At this time I began to feel low and Toronto, unt. pointed out in these columns that the _— Ministers really contemplated the as- weak, and was exhausted with the least Notice. A Patron Provided for. sumption of judicial powers. They exertion. I bad no relish for food, — -- were to be judges sitting in it species and after eating I had so .mneh pain JAll who have any claims against thd1r8tate of. Biddlecombe are requested to call at the T. O. CURRIE GETS HIS REWARD rRAM Of Star Chamber and exercising the and tightness around the cheat and More and make settlement• by the 15•rn 01, THE OTTAWA GOVERNMENT. authority to close industries at will. , Aritu„ and all who are indebted will please It was an impudent proposition, un- sides that I had to unloose my cloth- settle by the 15TH or Ar'Riu T. 0. Currie, grand vice-president of heard of before to the free Parliament Ing. 1188. BIDDf.ECo t1BE the patrons, who THE NEws-RECORD of a free country, and suggestive "A hacking cough fixed upon me r — has time and again said was in league rather of the possibilities for hlack- and I was much troubled with night T' ` I am just starting the best with the Grits, will in future be out of mail than of a desire to protect the sweats, m linen being dam with er. AGEl�f 1 anthing t flavor money ] on omaking ak ni dya i the political field. The present rather public from execussive charges. The , Y $ P phave neon disorganized state of the Patron party discussion of this proposal leas been spiration. I pasacd terrible nights, dress will brio the golden information. will he in nowise improved by the re- so warm that the Ministers have been frequently awakening as if suffocating. t. P. l Ln�Gu , Toronto, Ont. moval of Mr. Currie, who has received forced to withdraw it, and to sub- , from the Ottawa Grit Government the Qtit,ute in its place a scheme under I had e0 much pain that I was afraid LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND ....appointment of immigration agent at which the charge that a combine ex- to eat, the food making me sick. WAGON FACTORY 5t. Paul, Min. Mr. Currie has been one ists shall be tried by a judge. But the [Now, if women fought in the ranks i of the strongest advocates of the pi -in- most important change is that with as the Amazons did what sort of re, Corner Huron and Orange Strects, Clinton. cipl'es of Patrgnisrn, and much of its respect to the preferential tariff, or First -Class Bnggies on hand and made to scruit Would this one have made 1 Yet success was due to his indefatigable the so-called reduced rate on British orctcr. Ili -ices to .nit the roues. Repairs and work, organizing and stumping the goods. The Finance Minister intro- whose fault was it I Not here, sure- repainting; promptly attend to. Prices reason - country. The Government in availing duced his alleged British preference ly,] able' itself of Mr. Currie's knowledge of in. with a great flourish of trumpets on „ Wanted. dustrial matters and Canada's needs, St. George's day. It was pointed out I soon got extremely weak, she Y. (11 and onion who can work hard talking have at the same time succeeded in by Sir Charles Tupper, by Mr. Foster, goes on to tell us, ',as if wasting away and writing six hours daily, fornix daysaweek• practical] removing him front the and by this journal that the affair and was thin as a rake. I became so and will be content with ten dollars weekly, political field of the future. was a farce, for the reason that we nervous that I was afraid to walkout �ldaress_Q r . �� ; l., i a.t n .1, Ont. cannot give a preference to Great Bri- alone, and I had no strength to walk McKillop Directory for 1897. ta.in just now unless we extend it also to some twent countries with which more than a short distance, Ir IS IMPORTAN C THAT Y • :Toho Morrison, Reeve. Winthrop I': O. THE Great Britain has fiivoured nation Year after year I suffered like this, Win. Archibald, Deputy Reeve, lLeadburyP.0, T YOU HAVE HE BEST.Councillor, Beechwood P. U. the resent state of affairs we break and gave up all hopes of ever getting Jos. C. Morrison, Councillor. Beechwood P. o. P Wm. McGavin, Councillor Leadbury Y. O. --- the treatiell, for which courtes the better. Indi�ed I was in such misery y Jno. C. Morrison, Clerk, Winthrop Y. U. When it is necessary to have an im- Mother C try will not thank us; if I had no wish to live. William Evans, Assessor, Beeebwood P. o. portant and delicate surgical o eration David M. Ross, Treasurer, Winthrop P. O. P g P we follows treaties we give no pre- "I consulted three doctors, and also Charles Dodds, Collector, Seaforth I' U. performed we call in the very best aur- ference. Now Mr. Fielding has come Richard Pollard, Sanitary Insitector,Leadbury. geou. When we have money to put down is an apologetic way, with a saw a physician at Clifton ; but I got away we deposit it in the safest and clause providing that if required the no benefit from their medicines. , strongest bank. When we have home alleged preference to Great Britain "Every one thought I was in a con- McLeod's dyeing work to do it is wisdoin to use Shall begiven also to the treaty conn - the safest, strongest and fastest dyes. tries. The clause is of itself stupid, eumption, and I had got as low as any- System Renovator Years of test work and experience or, at least, it is a redundancy, for the one could be, when in November, prove that Diamond Dyes are the best extension of the low tariff to all these 1889, a friend urged me t0 try Mother —AVD OTIiER— in the world—the dyes that give the countries goes without saying. From Seigel's Curative Syrup. I got a bot. Tested Remedies. grandest and most satisfactory results. another point of view it is equally un- tle of thio medicine, and alter taking If you are unfortunate enough to be necessary. The very terms o the y minimum or reciprocal tariff—the de. it a few days I felt that it was doing SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE talked into n tionsbuyingat are edges a claration that the tariff shall he ap- me good. I continued taking it and the imitations that are sold for the For Impure, Weals: and Impoverished Blood, sake of large pr•oflts—your goods will Plicable to countries having a low by degrees I gained strength. My food Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpatation of the certain] be ruined and our mons tariff—gives it to many of these coun- Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Lose of y y y agreed with me, and the cough and Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, thrown away. tries, treaty or no treaty. Blit this night sweats gradually wore away, tanndlce, Kidney and Urinary Diseases. St. See that your dealer gives you the new clause is significant in that it o $ Y Y' Vitus' Dance, Female Irregnilar! ties and Gen - is an acknowledgment of the truth of When I had taken three bottles I was eral Debility. Diamond Dyes when you ask for them the criticism that was offered when cured and have since had good health.. Every package is warrant@d, so that the bogus preferential idea wits launch- you can make an use you like of this LABORATORY, GODERICH ONT. you are fully protected against loss. It asserts, plainly and clearly, Y J. M. McLEQD, t there is no reference to Great statement, and refer anyone to me. p Prop. and Manufacturer. . Samuel Walker, 6th line, Morris, has Br tin, and that the law tariff is all (Signed) (Mrs.) E. E. Ottery, 5, Maid- let the contract to Huh R. Elliott for bu universal. We should like to know atone Street Bedminster Bristol Nov. Sold [n Clinton by g. , r : J, li. c UMBE, asci ALLAN & WILSON. the building of a silo in his barn. It under what circumstances the Minis- 20th, 1895." _ will be 14 feet square and 22 feet high. ters reached the conclusion to prepare "All's well that ends well," a the In this connection we might add Mr. a tariff scheme which looked at first says Property For Sale. Walker and Mr. Elliott visited the like at preference to Great Britain. adage. Not so .; not by a wide margin. McMillan farms in Hullett last week Did they do it in all serictisness? In An innocent man returns to society A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. to see their silos. They are putting up other words, were they ignorant of the after ten years' wrongful imprison. In consequence of my age and lack of help, Ibavi two cement structures ?y0 feet square treaty conditions applicable to us? Did deqided to offer for sale my spieodid gardening pro - on inside. The walls are 18 inches they do it understanding right well meat. We know n7w that he was perty consisting of five and a half wresin Clinton, tapering to 14 inches and will be 30 that the affair could not be exclusive never guilty, and he is released on the some of the beet land in the county of Hnron, includ. ing hot beds and other necessary requirements, feet high. R.ueenston cement, which to Great Britain ? In other words, did strength of the new evidence. But There is on the premises a frame honse with cellars costs $1.10 per barrel, is being used; . they knowingly seek to convey a false does that make all right with him I soft and hard Water, barn and other outbuildings it will require 90 barrels for each. impression ? But let that pass. We The hayfield river adjoins the property. Will een at Fivemen built about 2 feet per da have under the new scheme an aband- This lady is well now, thanks to the a reasonable price for half cash and balance seenred p y by mortgage. As I desire to sell, this isit chance on the silo. Thep will each hold 300 onnient of British preferential trade. medioine that cured her, but think of seldom met with, Apply personally or by letter to j tons. To supply the necessary filling And we have, or will haven, year hence, the man wear ears she was beaten the proprietor, Y Y Y JOSEPH ALLANSOli material the McMillan's are putting a very low tariff as against important rninton in 1,t acres of Western Yellow Dent and dangerous competitors, who give and knocked about by disease—chron- S94 -t f. Corn. its absolutely no tariff consideration is indigestion or dyspepsia, with its in return. It is a terrible loess. The horrors and pains. Think of the years Dress Cutting School. LA GRIPPE SCOURGE.position of the Conservative party, in which she had to struggle and fight however, is clear—adequate protection The school of Arcus cutting is open at the to ever industry, and referential while hindered and handicapped ' with `yaverl Hotel, Clinton. A new tailor system, Who has not Been a Victim ?— Y P weakness Bufferin and fear. Whet is the leading system of the world. Covers the Who has not had just the Ex- trade to Great BrWi..in, and Great Bri- $ entire range of work. guts every style -6f gar- perience of Mr. Curtis?—Who tain alone. going to compensate her for that4 No menti on the goods, no refitting, no patterns, a,,.__— thin man, nothing. It is e0 much One costa no more than a chart. Lessons given at may not Have the Relief South $ $ g your own home without extra charge. Special American Nervine Afforded —gone beyond recall or redemption . rates to Dress makers and ggirls from the coun- Weary wives, mothers, and dattgh- $ Y p tr 1'hn Clinton ladies should not miss this Him _ _ ters—tired nurses, watchers, and het Wlist a it y' p— P Y• chance t�o perfect themselves in this Important tired women of all classes should take Had she known or had her friends branch of work. Open daily for one month. "As a result of a ser re attack of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the kind April I3. 9G0 4-t la grippe I suffered greatly from weak- known, of Mother's Seigel's Syrup' _ ness and loss of appetite. I saw testi- they need to give pure blood, firm when she was a girl I—ah matters --� — -- moni'alsofthecurative owersofSouth nerves,h breis Spirits,andrrtoAying $ , pp sleep. Thereia no tonic equal toAyer's would have been very different then. At Napa.nee John F. Troy, the King - American ica trialefornmy case.Purchasedned has to Sarsaparilla. We can't act on knowledge we don't Ston convict who confessed to the mur- der o1 Angus McLeod' tour yearn ago, It, and almost immediately began to possess. But in order that you (the was convicted of murder, after making improve. My Strength returned to me The body of John Hodgins; an old reader) may posseas it, that everyone in the witness box asensational confer - very rapidly. When I had taken itinerant laborer, was found suspended may possess it, Mrs. Ottery writer bar slon. Everett Williams, a farmer, three bottles I had developed a vero- from a beam in the Bon Ton livery letter, and I mend it out to the world. charged with manslaughter, causing cions appetite. I am as well to -day stable Leamington about five o clock the death of a lid named Frank Tyner as ever I was, and am safe in'sayin May It reach and cheer the Great Y ¢ Wednesday morning. It was evident- by causing him to be given condition that 1 can attribute it to South Ameri- 1 a case of determined suicide. Hod. Army, can Nervine, And no words of mine in y g inter to liquor, was found not „ gins was given to occasional sprees, cpulty. The Judge ;addressed the ac- recommendin�g�ft could be too strong. and was on a protracted one when usied in most severe terms. C. J. Curtis, Windsor, Ont. Witness- he did the rash act. Jia had been late- Florence Eyfleld and her husband, ed by F. H. Laing, druggist. ly in the employ of Jas. McCracken, Harry Eyfield, of New York, were A Croupy CoaRb was soon Driven of Staples, and came here two or three slashed across the face with a razor Mr. Donald McKinnon, of the 10th weeks ago. He is said to have a early one morning on the platform ,Away by Dr. 131aatae, ti Linseed concession of Tuckeramith had the brother in Bay City and another in of a station of the elevated railroad sand Turpentine. misfortune to loose a valuable brooding London, by•a young man, who, when captured My little ]toy had a bad croupy mare one day last week. This is the g g y later, ave his name of Elkine D. con b " says Mrs. Smith of 259 Bath - third values le animal Mr. McKinnon Lloyd, of Cantina. The Eyfields were urst street. Toronto. "My neighbor, The real popularity of Ayers cut some half dozen times, and, after Mrs. Hopkins, recommended me to try has lost wit in the past two ears, the � + y Cherry Pectoral as it cough -cure is having their wounds dressed left for two former ones being ready for the g Chases Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- market were valued at $200 each. easily explained. It is soothing, heal. their home. Lloyd was locked up. tine. I did so, and the first dose did !ng, agreeable to the taste, does not Lloyd was arraigned later in the Essex his, good. One bottle completely cur - interfere with digestion, and is the Market Police Court. He said bb was ed the cold. It is surprising the popu- 25-cents cures Catarrhal Headache. most economical of all simara- ilar re P P 24 years old, and had no home. When taints of Chase's Syrup in this neigh - Incipient Catarrh. tions. It is prompt to act and sure to the,char a was read to him he acted + cure. as if he was demented, and did not boyhood. It appears tome it can now Hay Fever. be found in Query house." Catarrhal Deafness, - — —•r` -- appear to realize the enormity of his _ crime. He refused to say anytbin Cold in the Head in 10 g It is understood that the Imperial and was held In $2,000 bail to await A communication has been received minutes• authorities have cabled approval of the the result of his victims' injuries. by the Ottawa authorities from the Foul Breath caused by proposed contract with Peterson, Tait Imperial Government asking that the Catarrh. & Co., for a fast Atlantic service. The American fishing cruiser J. Geering, announcement of the completion of the Experience proves the merit of Hood's Jr., which was convicted of fishing 2Fi cents eecures Chase's Catarrh Cure P Sarsaparilla, It cures all forms of with er•fect blower enclosed in each contract will °fie announced in the within the three-mile limit, and cou- p House at an earl date and Parliament blood diseases, tones the stomach, fiscated, be let down as easy as pos- box. Sold by all dealers, will be asked to ratify pit, builds up the nerves. sible. I J `4 �.�-�=-=-.�._ ... ��J Stationery, Office supplioesig •r�•rs►.'�.o.tio.�►-����•���-tip Job Printiong, if The News -Record Calls special attention to our Stationery and Office Supplies and Job Printing Depart- ment. We are unsurpassed.... By any town or city in the Goods we handle or the prices we quote for Statiohery and Printing and the quality of both is always guaranteed. A perusal of this announcement may suggest something you may be in need of, And in such case we solicit your patronage, feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet m-ith the Approval of our patrons, Letter Heads Circulars In this line we have a very flee We. excel in all the different kinds stock of writing papers suitable for of work we turn out, and particu- every class of business represented larly in this, and keep in stock in this locality, also for private use. plain and fancy papers suitable for Note Heads all requirements. This useful size is kept in stock, Programs the qualities being in several grades. of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the Memo. Heads' plain and neat to the most elegant. These fill an impor tantplacein com- ntercittl correspondence. See what Cards and Tickets we have got. These cover a large range of work, Bill Heads from a bread and milk ticket to If the "pay-as-you-go" plan was a neat calling card, from an or - the order of the day the demand dint -try admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely for account paper would not be printed membership ticket. so great; but, there are some men who get so many dunners that Memoriam Folders they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, In this line THE NEws-RECORu and at present our stock is corn- can supply every design, quality plete in this line. Good paper and and price on the market. neat ruling. Posters Statements Our facilities for turning out this Our stock is large. They come class of work are evidenced by the cheaper than bill heads, and are fact that we always do good work the proper thing to send after a and give superior satisfaction in delinquent once a Tnonth. They are sure to fetch him 'round— all respects sometime. Dodgers Envelopes are greatly in demand. Our faq i - We make specialty of Envelopes. ties are superior for this class bf You know it would he hard to work and the very reasonable get along without envelopes, and prices keep* our presses busy. to keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stock on Sale Bills hand. Plain or Printed we areoffWe make a specialty of them— linering some great snaps. One promptness being our aim in this line in particular is going ori fast— 50 for tic. respect. A notice of sale will ap- Cocharge THE NEws-RECORD free of mmerieal Printing charge when bills for same are A vast amount of work under this secured here. head to enumerate would more All Kinds of Work than take up the entire space oc- cnpted by this adv t, but we do it in the typographical printing line all at THE NEws-RECORD. can be done in this establishment Invitations in an expeditious and artistic manner and to an "At Home" or a, wedding Our 11CP.S will be require considerable taste in selec- •p ' tion sometimes, but we make it found ver reason- -in easy matter by keeping in stack y the very latest and best samples to able. be had. Call and see. If you want Mourning Papers and Envelopes For correspondence we can give you up-to-date goods. We also carry full lines of Fens, Pencils, Scribblers, Tablets, Erasers, Inks, Writing Paper, &c., &c. • In thanking our many patrons for the very liberal support accorded us ii the past, a continuation of the same• liberal support is solicited. TAB X8W8=fl'800f97 CLINTON.