HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-02, Page 5"Shoop Dipping
In a Nut Shell.'
A useful li*44el-booklet issued by
Wm. Cooper and nephews of Gal-
veston, Texas, can be had from us
for the asking. It gives you Point-
ers. We sell you the Dip you
want. Little's or Cooper's at 75c.
(v30eMillei's or Brigg's at 25c.
You Have Faith
In your family receipts, a faith
founded no doubt on experience.
You want them filled properly,
bring them to us, we'll fill them
1 right with Aute drugs -the kind
you want -and charge you no
more than we should. Safety and'
satisfaction we throw in.
Your Eyes ;
Are they suiting you ? Your
Spectacles, are THEY suiting you?
If not have us examine them. We
will do you good or it will cost you
nothing. Examination free.
AllWilson, nV
Druggists and Opticians.
On June 22nd you'll be sure to be in
to celebrate with us the Jubilee. If
you should want to kill two birds with
one stone we'll be open till noon to
accommodate you.
—the reliable—
Parlor Furniture rered and recovered.
Carpets sowed and laid also cleaned and ro;
novated at reasonable prices.
@@-Orders left at, 13ROADFOOT & BOX'S
store, Clinton or Scaforth, will be promptly at, `
tended to. 1
Blouse Se ts.
In Belts we have a very larg
line, all the very latest pat
terns. We have some nic
ones with bicycles on. Th
prices are 15c up. .
In Blouse Sets we lead, we have ju
received a ' half gross, th
were bought at a very to
price. We can give you
beautiful set for 10c, colla
b•utton,three etude and a nic
pair of links, all for only 10
`•' 1 Remember these goods at-
" silver plated. Come and se
P. S.-Don'tforget that we iso Engrav
ing in our store while you wait.
J. Rumball,
JEWELER, and Bell Telephone
Boarders Wanted.
The subscriber desires to secure severa
boarders; coin fortable home and rates reason
able. Actress or call on MRS. GEO. HANLEY
22 Frederick street, Clinton.
Grand Trunlr, Railway.
Buffalo and Goderich District: -
Going West, Mixed ..................
1015 a. m.
Express .................
1.03 p. m.
" Mixed ...... ...........
7.05 p. m.
„ Express ................
10.`27 p. m.
Going East, Express ... . . ..........
. . 7.40 a. m.
. .... ...........-
" '• Mixed ..................
•4.35 p. m.
London, Huron and Bruce: -
For V85 or a, discount for cash. ,
Going South, Express........ , . , • ...
7.47 a. in.
.............. -
4.30 p. in.
Going North, ; : .. . . . ...........
• 10.15 a. m.
....... I ....... ,
6.55 p . in.
M. C. DicxsoN,
Does your Bike need
Dis. Pass. Agent.
1V, F. DAVIS, G. 1'.
& T. A.
a horse !ast Tuesday.
A. U. PATTisox,
G. T. It.
BRIEkk7.-On Friday evening last the
AGENTS WANTED. -If you want It good
selling specialty write AT ONCE to .1, W.
WCi ATHERALD odorich.
machinists but we have the machinery t0 d0 Out'
�' y
Benmiller Woolen Mills.
As usual I am prepared to purchase Wool'at
the highest market price for cash or will ox-
chango for in manufactured goods. My stock
of Stocking Yarns, Horse Blankets, Bed Blan-
kets, Flannel and Tweeds, is now complete and
guarantood manufactured of hone fleeces and
free from Shoddy of any description. Don't
orgot I shall pay cash for wool at the highest
market prico.
To Improvers of Stook.
The undersigned has on his premises, 16th
cd cossion, Goderich Township,
Thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Terms: -$1
L $2.
Thoroughbred Chester White Boar.
forms: -$1, with the privilege of returning.
A thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, Terms: -
$1, with privilcgo of returning.
This is a rare chance to improve ,your stock.
9125-tf. Owner.
Removal of Night Soil.
The undersigned will undertake tho removal
of Night Sol] and thorough cleaning of closets.
on short notice, and at reasonable rates. All
refuse removed out of town.
Always Late
In the Morning
Is Y our Trouble.. .
Resolutions will never help you
unless you add to them an
Alarm Clock ...
There are several makes
ranging from 75c up.
Our $1.25 one, made eii-
pecially for Jewellers, is
one yon can depend on.
It will keep time and last
for years.
We will repair your watch if anything'
F�oes wrong with it, and it will
k'e right if we do it.
Jeweller and
Expert Watch
Be sure and come to Clinton Ju
22nd, you will wins a good thing if yo
don't. We gnatantee you it goo
day's sport.
In Choosing a Wife or
Buying Spectacles --•®
You should be very cautious
Young men don't usually mak
their choice from stranger
nor should the sensible peopl
of Huron buy Spectacles fron
any one but an Optician.
We have several hundred dollars in
vested in Test Cases an
Lenzes and we are confiden
that we can give you th
glasses you regaire. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
.Jooper's Book Store
Rooms to Let.
The rooms over Meraggart's Bank are tole
,t a reasonable rental. Possession given abou
my 1st. For further particulars apply to
907-1t LACK KENNEDY, Clinton
011er's 0MRIDUS Line
Goderich, Ont.
jus When in Goderich do not neglect to secure
Miller's Omnibus to all parte of the -town. Our
dt livery is well equipped with reliablo horses an
w good rigs, and prices will always be found res
sonable. Stables ou East Street, near tb
a Square -telephone No. 51.
e Goderich.
C, od
sell »g speciGENTS alty w tits AT'O�NC E' t want aJ oW
e WEATitlinALI) Goderich.
Goderich Poultry Yards.
I breed single comb Brown Leghorns exelu-
sively. Sly stock is superior bred, the yard
bein headed by a large, vigorous cockrel
vvhi(! scored 91 by Jarvis; also Piens scoring JS
to 94i points. They are the beat egg producing
breor of poultry. Satisfaction guaranteed or
orders refilled. Eggs per setting of 13 $1; 26
eggs for $1.75. Addruns
1V. A. ROSS,,
96t tf Goderich, Out.
Rieh Class Poultry, -
hinglish Red Caps. Noted for their great
i' 6 producing qualities and hoving noSuper-
ior, also a good table. fowl. Somo of
the abovo were winners at New York,
London, 'Toronto. Biggs for Setting 13for $1.50,
1 Cornish Indian gante, ling of table fowl, also
good layers. Roosters weighing 10 to 11 lbs.;
heal 7 to 8 pounds. Eggs per setting $2.00,
WALTER COATS, Box 102, Clinton, Out,
Will guarantee a fair hatch.
Every Stadent oar Friend :
a3�,0�7"" �4
Our work never fails to interest the students
because it'sy thorough, practical, up-to-date.
Our graduates always recommend our School
and educe others to come. We satisliod them
and we can satisfy you.
Foie ieant the beet -ice have it.
Write for new circulars.
— W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Furniture for Sale.
MRS WHITT, who has decided to remove
from Citnton, offers by private sale the follow-
ing Furniture, &c., in her roons over Me-
Taggart's Bank :-
2 Large Easy Chairs 1 Wood Rocker 1 Bam-
boo Music Stand. I Parlor Heater, %inc, Oil-
cloth and Stove Pities, 1 Table, 2 Blinds, 1 Car-
rot, 2 NVind w Screens (larges, 2 Hanging
amps, I largo 'fable lamp 2 smaller Lamps,
1 Mantle Bud, (Antique Oak') suitable for gen-
tleman's mom, 1 Washstand (closed) 1 Bureau,
1 Wardrobe, I Crouch, 1 1{1tchen Move (new,;
1 Clapboard, 1 Granite Pail, 4 wooden Pails,
Fruit .tars, Crocks, Carpet Sweoper, Coal 011
Stove, &c.
County Currency.
The courts have decided a question
of great importance to churches, name-
ly, that church trustees, in mortgag-
ing the church property, incur no per-
sonal liability, though joining in the
personal covenant to pay the debt and
interest. The effects of this judgment
which we presume will be accepted as
good common sense law, will be to em-
phasize the demands of mortgages for
a reduction of the debt on churches -
and there are few churches free from
debt -and more difficulty in borrowing
money on church property.
This week we record the sad death
of Agnes Russell, beloved wife of Mr.
Henry Dilling of Exeter, who died on
Thursday last after accouchement, be-
ing ill onlyy about a week. Deceased
was aged 2f1 years and two months, and
and leaves to mourn a sorrowing hus-
band and three small children who
have the sympathy of all in their ir-
retrievable loss. The blow to Mr.
Dilling is indeed a sad one.
Reserve your seat for the Cinomatgraphe
Thursday and Friday nights and avoid th•
McKillop. ri
A DASTARDLY ACT. --.Moine party,
criminally inclined, harked a row of
maple trees on Tuedday night of last
week, on the tenth concession, in
front of Robert A. Boyd's fares. Tht;
trees have been growing for some
years, were a nice size and greatly im-
proved the looks of the farm. _ Also,
on Sunday evening, while Rev. Mr.
Musgravt-%vas preaching in the Grange
Hall appulntuleut, surae rascals took
I the wheels off a young loan's buggy.
The haw makes no provision for sue•h
conduct, and there are Dominion and
Provincial boarding houses for char•
acters who perpetrate crimes of this
13 rucelield
THE Nrw HOTEL. -Messrs. Will.
Dixon and Thos, Snell have !heir splen-
did new brick hotel in running order,
The house is new throughout and very
cheery. The !rooms are numerous
enough for all requiletnents. The
woodwavk is of natural cherry, maple
and ash, and the work was performed
by competent workmen, Mr, War.
Welsh of Hensall had the whole con-
tract. He and the proprietors tyre to
be congratulated oil the splendid work
and home -like appearance of the build-
Porter's hill.
POULTRY NOTES. -Ml's. William
Elliott of the 4th concession has 110
ducks out this season, also 4q little
chicks. Mrs. John Young has 45 young
geese of this years hatching.
NEWS. -John McClure is drawing
the milk to the cheese factory at
Hohnesville. He Is a trustcdorthy
r man for the business. -Win. Perdue
will soon start his saw mill running,
Jun Any parties vkanting lumber will do
11 well to patronize him. -Whitt alight
d have been a serious accident happened
last week. A young man of the 1st
concession was giving his girl of the
0th a drive and being so engaged in
Cori versation he did not notice some
horses pasturing oil the side of the
road, which frightened the horse and it
dumped them down the hill. The
buggy was pretty badly smashed.
There is some talk of au action for
e damages.' -The Grits are very mute
s, now -a -days about free corn and free
e trade as they have it in England.
I They don't know whist to make of it. -
The spring has been very cold and
backword but we hope to have warmer
ci weather soon as the faviners are busy
t preparing for roots. There is a good
e show of fruit blossoms.
DEATH. -On Friday last, Margaret,
wife of Mr. John Cloakey passed away
at the age of 62 years. Deceased was
a member of Belgrave Presbyterian
church, a faithful wife and mother,
and leaves four daughters and two sons
to lnoutn her loss. She was a sister -in
tlaw to Mrs. Thos. Cook of Goderich
MATRIMONIAL. -On the evening of
the Queens birthday a quiet wedding
took place at the residence of Mrs.
Donald Currie, 4th line, when her
second daughter, Miss Jennie and N.
Arnold, of Hamilton, were united in
marriage. The ceremony took place
at 8 o'clock and was performed by Rev.
ct John Ross, B. A. The Company was
very small only the immediate rela-
e Lives and friends of the bride being
present. - ---
1 See "If. M's" British Empire in tho parade
Juno 22nd, Clinton,
SCHOOL. -The following is the report,
of No, 3, Stanley, for Alay. The names
are in order of luerit:-5tli class-Jon-
atban Peck. Sr. 4th class -Oliver Alc-
Ilveen, Eva Reid, Alhina Riebardson.
Jr. 4th .class -Laura Richardson, Ida
Reid, Lanty Ii,eid. 3rd class -Edith
Rathwell, Mabel Nicholson, Willie
Clark. Sr. 2nd class -George Reid,
Lily Peck, Percy Tippet. Jr. 2nd class
-Sant Bates, Maggie Clark, Sr. PC
2nd --Lundy D'Icllve�n, Charlie Rath -
well, Mamie Iteid. It,. Pt. 2nd -Lottie
Peck. Sr. Pt. Ist-AlliePeek. Jr. Pt,
1 -Ethel Parke and Tommy Reid.
COUNCIL. -Stanley Council Met as
Court of Revision on Wednesday, May
26th, at 10 o'clock a. In. There was no
con) plaintsa.gainst the Assessment roll,
the only changes being property hav-
ing chanced owners. On- proceeding
to genera5msiness the by-law appoint-
ing pat•hmasters, poundkeepers and
fenceviewers was read and passed. On
complaint of Thomas Stinson the clerk
was instructed to notify the parties
having closed up the north end of the
Babylon Line to remove their fences at
once. The following hills were passed
and ordered paid: -Half carsewer
pipe, $121.51; John Wanless, unloading
and delivering satire, $9; John Gorrp�h,
salary as assessor and postage, $70.00.
The total appropriations for roads this
year amount to $7.15 exclusive of tim-
ber and other material. Council meets
aFafn on Saturday, June 10th, at One
o clock p. n1. J. T. CAIRNS, clerk.
Goderielit Township.
COUNCIL, -Court of Revision met
May 2tl.th. The following persons were
reduced in the assessment: -John
Clulf, $000; Jas, Beacom, $350; Henry
Beacom, $401); Alex. Welsh, $400; Mrs.
J. H. Elliott, $1.50; Will. Lamprey,
$200. The following name swere placed
on the roll:-Ehod. Perdue, Walter
Wallace, Wm. Cook, T. M. Woods,
Thos. Flliott, Wesley Erwin, J. W.
Hearn, Henry Hastings, Melvill
Jewell, Win. Jewell, R. Jewell, Wm. .
Blair, Thos. Taman, John Kerr,
George Johnston, Arthur Wilson,
Frank Hewett. Aloved by Jas. Johns- •
ton, seconded by Chas. Williams that
the assessment roll now read and revis-
ed be passed. Minutes of last meeting
of council were rend and passed, The
following changes were made in pound-
keepars and fence viewers: - Arthur
Wilson and
of T. C. Pickard for
No. 1 pound; Walter F. Hick in place
of John McGibbon No 2 fence viewer.
The following accounts were pial :- t
Reeve, expenses of Jas. .Longatt to
House of Refuge, clothes, $3.10; asses-
Sot-, postage and „stationery, 75c.
Moved by John Middleton, seconded
R Thos. Churchill that the petition of
Thos. Harrison and 75 others for a a
grant on telelthone road be complied
with and that they receive $200 to re-
pair said road. Moved by Chas Wil-
liams, seconded by Jas. Johnson, that
the communication from Louis Alls-
worth to have hedge fence removed
from side of road apposite Mr. Jewett's
farm be filed. Adjourned to meet on h
third Monday in June. -Nixon Sturdy, it
clerk. P
Have you tried the
Boys' Bt•igado in lull uttiforni, 200 strong,
w1U;>uradn and dill] In Clinton, Juuc 22nd.
BAisE13ALL.--The Queen's Birthday
y� ,(< ����� � �� • � •
M - a �,��' Bicycle,
was celebrated here by a grand game
•j �✓�
of baseball between the married men
and single vert f the village and toe"
salted in favor of the single Oren by 15
It is just what you have been looking for, high grade
rens. The mat 1.104 men made the beat
playing but gut uutwinded, not havin}�
easy running rich in appearance stron a d durable.'
You Gant break thein, ' g
JIM any practise ; the return match
For V85 or a, discount for cash. ,
will be more closely contested.
TEA-AlO. file tea -meeting aing d
road church was a grand
the ass both
success both fivaucially arra otherwise.
Branf ord ubY Rims
The building was packed and standing
room tett not be had for the people.
The entertainment was tar above the
For b'"'�'�•
Foy,• 54o
average in every way.
NOTEt3.-Mia. R. Haxby of Clinton
spent the 24th with friends hero. -Mr.
Does your Bike need
and John Torrance of Zurich were
the guests of Mr. Jas. Armstrong last
week. -Mr. Joseph Foster of the Part-
line, Stanley, wits seriously injured by
,j J. in
a horse !ast Tuesday.
- --- —
We know how to give you a satisfactory job. Re -
BRIEkk7.-On Friday evening last the
member a airy goods clerk may sell dr goods but it
y y
takes a machinist t0
entertainment in aid of the Indian Re-
repair a .Bike. We are not only
lief Fund a Industry hall was all that
coma he desired, the hall being filled
machinists but we have the machinery t0 d0 Out'
�' y
to its utmost capacity. -Our bland for
work as it should be done. A_Give us a trial.
the first time this season made its ap-
itua played a few selections
)efore the concert took place. The
are ext a splendid. -Ons ill be
evuuulg next a special sermon will he
The Onward Bicycle Co. Clinton.
preached in Trinity church to the
members of the Canadian Order of
Foresters; let there be a good turnout.
-Mr: John E. and Miss Selina Bell
were visiting their sister in Goderich
oil Sunday. -Our woolen mills have
started up for file season's work. -
�a C.
Peter Purvis of Teeswater, formerly of
this town, was here last week making
arrangements for purchasing some of
thsseason's he having
Furniture and
sertson's wool opened out
in the store formerly occupied by F.
J. McUang ite to do business in. - icb
S. E, Forster, dentist, of Fordwich
• • • • •
Un.ld:ertaker Huron St Clinton
was here on Monday for the purpose
of locating bene.-Whetlaufer & Fill-
r i
(Successor to J. W. Chidley.)
brickyard has commenced the
season's operation's.
We will always be pleased to have a call from the people of Clinton and
surrounding country to inspect our large new stock of up to -date Furniture,
which will be sold on the very smallest living profits. We buy'" and sell for
Cash and we defy all competition.
(Uorrseted every Tuesday afternoon.)
We have new styles in
Fall Wheat., ................. 0 69 to U 70
Barley .......................... 0 25 to 0 35
Oats ............................. 0 16 to 0 18
Peas 0 36 tc 0 38
•00000000000000.0000000• PARLOR SUITE S
Potatoes, per bush.......... 0 20 too 25.
o Butter Eggs Goose ; DINING CHAIRS
Butter .......................... 0 9 to 0 9
• feathers taken as • PARLOR CHAIRS,
Eggs per doz.................. o 7 to 0 7
ally, ............................... s 00 to s oo
for Furniture. • SIDEE3OARDS,
Cordwood ....................... 3 UU to 3 50
• M
kpples per bush............ 0 35 to 0 35
••0.0••000000000!00000000 EASY CHAIRS,
Dried Apples per lb........ 0 2- to 0 2q
Ducks per lb . ................ U 05 to 0 06
'Turkeys per lb .............. 0 06 to 0 07
Departmentiscom le
t�r�the finest outfit inthpart of the county. We
Geese per lb .................. 0 05 to 0 06
Chickens per air............ 0 25 to 0 35
•ire becoming well known by the very low
prices we charge for the splendid service Ave give, don't forget this when it is necessary to consult '
all Undertaker. All Sunday and night calla answered from residence, Huron street.
Wheat, white.... .....$ 76 to $ 00
do ted............ 74 to 0'
do goose ..........:... 63 to 00Buckwheat ............. 32k to UORye
He.C. Barlett, Furniture and
.................... 31§ to 00
Oats ....................'. 24 to 211
Peits......... ......... I. 4.5 to 00
Bayes ................. 25 o 50
Ha .1100 to 135
Straw 6 50 to 750
185U -..The '
Old. - enable Furniture Store,--- 189'
... ............ _..
Dressed hogs.......... 6 50 to 6 70
Eggs, new laid.......... 9 to 00
Butter, lb. rolls......... 10 to 11
do tubs, dairy........ 9 to 00
n,.., Call in and see my stock of Honcehold Furniture. Some late designs in
Turkeys ................. 10 to 12
Ducks ...... . ......... . . . . 60 to 80
Geese ................. 9 to W
Spring lambs ...... .... 50 to 4 50
Pictures Framed, lass used in acture frames, s ecits imported, Mouldin s
glass 1 P P . -Mouldings,
Americiul and Canadian, Fine assortment, Frames for Photos.
Mutton ...... ......... 6 to g
Beef, fore ...... . ...... 2; to 5
Prices right, good value for your motley. Good Feathers taken in exchange.
do hind ...... .... ... 6 to 8
Some good Feathers for Stale,
Veal................... 4h to 6
Albert street
J. C. Stevenson9
Milch cows, each ...... $1900 to $38
Opposite Town Hall
Export cattle, per tile, ' •' 30 to 4 50
Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 3 50 to 3 65
Leading Undertaker and Embalmer.
Butchers' good cattle, cwt 3 25 to 3 75
Residence over Store. - - - - - - J. C. STEVENSON.
Butchers' cool. cattle ewt.. 2 90 to 3 00
Bulls, per cwt .. . ........ . . 3 'G5 to 4 2;5
Feeders, percwt ......... 3 50 to 4 00
-- `-
Stockers, perewt...... ... 2 75 to 350
Sheep, per cwt............ 3 25 to 3 50
You will be doing this by calling on us and exatnining our Goods, be.
Yearling lambs, per cwt.. 5 `0 to 5 75
fore buying anything in the Furniture line.
Spring lambs, each .... .. 3 U(J to 4 CJ
Anything you buy from us you can rel on being
Y g Y Y Y Y g well made, tuell finisleed and
Calves, per head.......... 3 00 to 500
the design the very latest. We have no old designs and shop worn
Choice bacon hogs, per cwt 5 15 to 5 2.5
Thick fat hogs, cwt 4 70 to 4 75
goods. It is admitted by all our customers that our Prices are away
Light fat hogs, cwt ......... 4 90 to 5 00
below anything ever offered in Town,
Sows, per cwt .. . ........... 300 to 3 50
We invite every one to come and take a look at our Furniture. Come whether
tags, porcwt ............ 2 00 to 2 50
you want to buy or nut. We will be glad to chow you through our
Wareroom just the same.
In a few days we will bave some great snaps to offer you in Parlor Suits.
Ci,the ifeo ('Baton, la se'al,Minne May
26th, the wife of Mr. W. Clausen, 1Vlimieapolis,
UNDERTAKING. e tt'tOutfitin'the County tO�r Prices are are aH"awas thhee
(nec Miss Reynolds) of a daughter.
EAST. -In Clinton, oil the 28th May, the wife
Broadfoot, Box & Co., Clinton.
ofMr. Henry East ofitdaughter (still bor•n.)
EDMUNDS. -!n Goderich township on
May 26, the wife of Mr. T. C. Edmunds
Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our Funeral Diroctor.-J. W. Chwicy, King
St. opposite Foundry.
of a daughter.
HAGOITT.-At Londesbtiro, on May
20, the wife of A. Haggitt of a daugh-
A. v ti�•��
SALTON.-At St. Thomas, on May
]4th, the wife Rev. G. F. Salton (form-
erly of Brussels) of a sort
1 y
1 �-~-1 •
- ` O ER.• -At the r'-
r Y
vitt Menux•ial church, Exeter, on the
lilt., by Rev. H. Bray, Rev. Geo.
McRuillin, incumbent of Kirkton, to
;-,r ,� t�, F- ti -
-� �)h�_, �[eetln g
Louisa Cooper, daughter of the late St.
Lawrence Burford.
_ „I� '
1i --
of the bride's mother, Hullett,
May 24, by Rev. A. Stewart, Harry
Woodyard of- Colliugwood, to Miss
Jennie Wallace, daughter of the
--Such will not be the case if you buy your—
SAINT-FAIRFIELD. --- At Wttllace-
Paints, oils, Glass, Nails, Locks,
on May 17th, Joseph T. Saint, of
Rat Portage, Ont., to Mrs. Mamie
Hinges and General Hardware
of Wingham.
ROME-MCGAVIN.-At the residence
From us. It is our aim to please the public, we have pleased thousands, we
can please you, try us. Low prices and reliable Goods
Jarnes McGavin, Wingham, by Rev.
D. Perrie, on Tuesday, May 25, Miss
are our
special Inducements.
Wilson McGavin, of Winghaul,
o Andrew Rome of Carrick.
Rarland r
JONRS.-In Brussels, on Saturday,
r �•i "
22nd, 1897, Rev. Samuel Jones,
ged 89 years, 4 months and 2 days.
f i
/1 A Brost,
SPAIN. -Irl Goderich, on May 22nd,
Wm. Spain, aged 46 years.
{ a
t Stoves and
SHUTE. Exeter, on the 21st ulk,,
Shute, aged 80 years.
- -�--
t ' Hardware
Tho City hall has boon densely every
1 11t this wook by all classes of citizens who
- r
ave been delighted with the wonderful oxhib-
ions of the Ginomatographo.-London Free
rocs. Town hall, Clinton, June 3rd and 4th.
C ■